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Title of journal Journal of Biological Sciences Journal of Central European Agriculture Journal of Chemical Sciences (Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung . Section B) Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Journal of Civil Engineering Journal of Civil Engineering and Practice Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings Journal of College Teaching and Learning Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics & Combinatorial Computing Journal of Computer Chemistry Journal of Computer Science Journal of Computer Science Journal of Computer Systems Network , and Communications Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice Journal of Cyber Therapy & Rehabilitation Journal of Dentistry for Children Journal of Development Alternatives and Area Studies Journal of Digital Information Management Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education Journal of Economic Cooperation Among Islamic Countries

ISSN 1727-3048 1332-9049

Publisher Asian Network For Scientific Information (ANSINET) , Pakistan Sveuciliste u Zagrebu , Agronomski Fakultet, Croatia


Verlag der Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung, Germany

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15502570 08827524 14783363

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13634615 16484142

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Faculty of Pharmacy , Zagazig University , Egypt

A Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung C. A Journal of Bioscience Zeitschrift Fuer Naturforschung Section B: A Zeitschrift Fuer Orhtopadie und ihre Grenxgebiete Zentralblatt fuer Chirurgie

Verlag Z Natuforsch , Germany

Verlag Der Zeitschrift Fuer Naturforschung , Germany

Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart - Germany Johann Ambrosius Barth Heidelberg GmbH & Co.KG, Germany

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