Chocolate Milk Green Juice Recipe

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Chocolate Milk Green Juice Recipe

Chocolate Milk Green Juice Recipe

Copyright Š 2011

Published by: Windsor, Ontario, Canada Copyright © 2010-2011 – All rights are reserved. No part of this report may be

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Chocolate Milk Green Juice Recipe

Copyright © 2011

Disclaimer This report has been written to provide information about the raw food diet. Every effort has been made to make this report as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this report discusses healthy living and dieting. However, this report should be used as a general guide for the raw food diet – not as a replacement for the advice of a doctor. Nothing in this document, to my knowledge, has been evaluated by the FDA or Health Canada. The purpose of this report is to point you in the right direction for the raw food diet. The author and publisher does not warrant that the information contained in this report is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this report. You are solely responsible for the voluntary use of the information shared in this report. If you do not wish to be bound by the above, please do not continue reading this report.

The following information is for education only and is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, or treat illness. It is valuable to seek the advice of an alternative health care professional before making any changes. The statements below have not been evaluated by the FDA (or your country's equivalent). Any products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Chocolate Milk Green Juice Recipe

Copyright Š 2011

Chocolate Milk Green Juice Despite its name, this chocolate milk is actually a dairy free food (well, drink) and is comprised of just 2 or 3 "green" ingredients depending what you have available.. it actually tastes an awful lot like chocolate milk! Sure.. it may be a bit thinner... but the colour is close when mixing orange and green ingredients together. The KEY ingredient in this health drink, I feel, is carrots. Mix juiced carrots with juiced spinach and/or juiced romaine lettuce to get the desired flavour. How much of each ingredient? You can play with the amounts. When I make it, I use a big tub (312g or 11oz) of baby spinach, 2-3 bunches of romaine and then I add carrots until it tastes just right. I generally end up adding 7-10 large carrots. This will make between 1-2 liters depending how efficient your juicer is. Be sure to use the slow setting for the leaves, and the faster setting for the carrots if you juicer has that option. How to maximize the health benefits of chocolate milk green juice... To get the most out of the juice, start with the best ingredients... opt for organic if possible, and use them straight from the garden if you can. Also, the higher end juicers will squeeze more from your greens (and carrots) leaving dryer pulp. Also, the better juicers will keep the ingredients cool (or cold) which will avoid oxidation and destroyed nutrition. Lastly, it is often suggested to consume these green juices on an empty stomach immediately after making them to get the most benefit. Don't be discouraged by these "best practices"... use whatever juicer you have and whatever ingredients you can get, it doesn't have to be perfect to provide nutritional value!... Enjoy! Like with any other dietary change, please check with your doctor before making any drastic changes to your diet.

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Chocolate Milk Green Juice Recipe

Copyright Š 2011

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Chocolate Milk Green Juice Recipe

Copyright Š 2011

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