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Academic Results and Admissions
Academic Results and College Admissions 2021
Academic Results
The 2020-21 academic year started well. Common Room, pupils and parents were delighted that we were able to reopen, and, while there were limited outbreaks of contact-trace isolation, pupils in the exam years were remarkably focused and driven in their approach to work. They managed the move to electronic textbooks and note taking with aplomb and developed their skills significantly in the use of technology in the classroom and in their prep; a silver lining, perhaps, emerging from the disruption. The Government’s decision in January to cancel exams was not a huge surprise, but the delay in news of the IGCSE and Pre-U qualifications brought a significant bout of uncertainty, before they too were cancelled in February. Following Government guidance, the College established an open and ambitious system of assessment to produce Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs), which combined exam room summer assessments with a range of evidence of pupil achievement from throughout the year. The outcomes for Marlburians were very strong (32% A*, 75% A*A at A level/Pre-U and 57% 9-8, 78% 9-7 at GCSE) but as ever, each pupil should be recognised for their achievements in the face of a staggering degree of disruption and uncertainty throughout their studies. Credit must go to the Common Room too, who worked tirelessly to do work in a matter of weeks that would normally have taken four different exam boards months.
We were delighted that, as a result of their effort and industry, more than 90% of Marlburians secured a place at their firstchoice university. As ever, the range of destinations was impressive, 89% of those offers being from the 24 Russell Group universities, with Oxbridge and Medicine offers represented strongly, too. At the time of writing, the Michaelmas term has got off to a flying start, with many colleagues commenting on the renewed sense of purpose and determination among the exam years in particular. The Government has not announced its plans for examinations in the summer of 2022, but if next year’s exam groups can show anything like the tenacity of those who won through in 2021 so handsomely, they can look forward with a huge degree of confidence.
Dan Clark (CR 2016-) Deputy Head (Academic)
College Admissions
For Shell entry, the College uses an assessment system that seeks to select children with academic, sporting and artistic appetites and abilities that suggest they will make the most of their time at Marlborough. The process uses a combination of academic assessment, a head’s reference from the applicant’s current school, and an interview at the College. The main admissions process takes place when a child is in Year 6, so we would recommend visiting the College when they are in Year 5. If you are interested, please contact the Admissions Secretary, Louise Smith, on admissions@marlboroughcollege.org indicating that you are an OM so that this can be added to your child’s record.
Means-tested bursaries are available to all those who apply to the College. They are not linked to scholarships. If you would like to apply for bursarial assistance, please contact the Admissions Department on admissions@marlboroughcollege.org in advance of your application. Details are also available on the website www.marlboroughcollege.org/ bursarial-support
A wide variety of scholarships are available to all children (whether offspring of an OM or not) at 13+ and 16+ entry. Scholarships are not linked to a reduction in fees but instead allow pupils to access an enhanced programme of mentoring and enrichment once they join the College. Only children who have been awarded a place at the College can apply for a scholarship. Details of all such awards, dates, qualifications and examination procedures will be sent to all those holding a confirmed place at the College in the summer a year before a child starts at the College. The Scholarship Booklet may also be viewed online at www.marlboroughcollege.org
Charitable Funds
The Marlburian Club Charitable Funds provides support for various purposes but commonly assists OMs, with a child at the College, who experience unexpected hardship. It also gives grants to College leavers pursuing gap year projects involving an element of service to others. To apply, please contact marlburianclub@ marlboroughcollege.org
Clergy Fund
The Marlborough Children of Clergy Fund, in accordance with the intentions of the College’s founders, assists ordained members of the Church of England (whether OMs or not) to send their children to the College. All awards are means tested and if you would like to apply for assistance, please contact the Admissions Department on admissions@marlboroughcollege.org prior to enrolling your child.
Can you offer a work placement or internship?
We are keen to support Sixth Formers and young OMs taking their first steps towards a career. If you think you or your organisation may be able to offer work experience or internships, please contact Kate Goodwin, Alumni Engagement Manager, kgoodwin@marlboroughcollege.org