2 minute read
1843 Society
The OMs and parents that have sent their children to Marlborough believe in the marvellous educational advantages the school offers. They are the lucky ones. Some have even benefitted from help through bursaries.
In previous editions, I have championed re-engaging with Marlborough. I was fortunate to have had John Dancy (Master 1961-72) as my Master, and, in the year of his memorial service, I can think of a no more fitting tribute than to assist the current Master, Louise Moelwyn-Hughes (Master 2018-), with her aim to increase the number of full bursaries offered from 30 to 100. The College needs the support of the Marlburian community to do this. It would be wonderful if those of you who have not yet thought of Marlborough in your will to contact Jan Perrins (jperrins@marlboroughcollege.org or 01672 892439) to have the facts and figures explained in more detail. You are also welcome to join me and other 1843 Society members for afternoon tea and carols in Chapel on Sunday 11th December.
The 1843 Society was created to thank those who are supporting Marlborough. There are usually at least two society events a year, including a lunch in early summer hosted by the Master.
Rupert Mullins (CO 1967-70) President, 1843 Society

It is worth noting that you can cut the Inheritance Tax (IHT) rate on your estate by making a bequest to a charity. Please speak to your financial or legal advisor.
Two OMs explain why they have chosen to support
Andrew Barnes (B1 1973-79) has a young family but still believes there is room for Marlborough in his will. ‘Anyone who has experienced Marlborough College either as a pupil, a parent, or both, will know what a great privilege it is to be part of this community. Members of the 1843 Society recognise the value in giving something back to the College by making bequests in their will to help allow others, who are perhaps less fortunate, to experience everything that it has to offer. Amounts are totally discretionary and should of course not materially impact our legacies for those closest to us, but this is an opportunity to show our appreciation for what Marlborough College did for us and meant to us and what it will hopefully be doing and giving to others for many years to come.’
Sir Christopher Clarke KC (B3 1960-65) is one of the UK’s most respected members of the judiciary and, whilst he has undoubtedly worked hard to achieve his success, he is grateful for the educational foundation Marlborough provided.
‘As a beneficiary of a Son of Clergy Award, and as someone who has been inspired by the Master and Council’s drive to widen access to Marlborough, I appreciate now how fortunate I was to receive a supported education at Marlborough. In order to help others receive the precious gift that I received, I have thought of the school in my will, and my hope is that after reading this you will consider doing the same.’