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February 2014

CAPALDI? Special Doctor Who word puzzle inside.

What is happening with Doctor Who at the KCP

Interview with Peter Capaldi.

Special information about the new Elder Scrolls game.

Weeping Angels?


ur reporter Yonatan David went to Cardiff were se-

ries 8 started filming to interview Peter Capaldi on Doctor Who. It went like this. Yonatan: Good afternoon Peter. Capaldi: Hello Yonatan, nice to meet you. Yonatan: So Peter I am here from the Daily Gallifrey Magazine. I would like to ask you some questions to publish for our first magazine. Capaldi: Go ahead. It is an honor to be here. Yonatan: Ok. First question. What do you think or want to be your “word”. Like, Allons-y and Geronimo? Capaldi: Well I have been thinking of that. Yesterday I found out what it was, even though I don’t want to say it. As River said, *Spoilers*. But I would like my word to be jikkō which means RUN! Yonatan: Well that’s creative. Second question. Why did the 12th Doctor did not know how to fly the Tardis in the Christmas special? Capaldi: Well he will eventually remember how to in the first few episodes.

Yonatan: Ok. Third question. What did you feel when they told you that you were going to be the 12th Doctor. Capaldi: I got really happy and felt an urge to tell everyone: “Hello, I am the Doctor,” but I couldn’t because… *spoilers*. Yonatan: Ha-ha. Fourth question. What do you think of Matt’s statement to Moffat of not giving you his wife? Capaldi: Well, it doesn’t really matter. I just want to have a fun time being the Doctor. Yonatan: Nice! Fifth question. What do you think of your costume? Capaldi: Oh I love it. It is so nice. I chose it myself taking inspiration from the 3rd Doctor Jon Pertwee Yonatan: Awesome. Sixth question. Who is your favorite Doctor? Capaldi: Well, apart myself I think 10th. I loved his style. Yonatan: Mine too. Seventh question. What is your favorite Doctor Who monster. Capaldi: Well I like the Daleks, but the Weeping Angels have a style that I admire. They are so creepy.

“”12th Doctor’s costume.”

Yonatan: Yeah they are. Eighth question. What do you think of being in Doctor Who again as a Doctor. Capaladi: Well I love Doctor Who since I was little and now it is a privilege being a Doctor. Yonatan: Yes. Ninth question: What is your favorite trait of any Doctor. Capaldi: The Fez. Definitely. Yonatan: Ok. Last question. Do you think you will get a new screwdriver? Capaldi: No, I like the current one. Yonatan: Ok Great! Thank you for

“Weeping Angel in ‘The Time of the Angels.’”


he Weeping Angels are an ancient alien race.

They feed themselves by sending another creature back in time feeding from time energy. When they are not seen by another living organism they can move quickly without anyone noticing. But when they are being observed they become quantum-locked, not allowing themselves to move. Their curse is to look at each other, and they would be trapped in stone until something moves them. To prevent this the creatures cover their eyes with their hands.

“Weeping Angel in ‘The Time of the Angels.’”

Their first appearance was in the episode “Blink” were Sally Sparrow tried to survive with the help of the Doctor that got trapped in 1969. It appeared later in other numerous episodes like “The Time of the Angels,” “Flesh and Stone,” “The God Complex (cameo),” “ The Angels take Manhattan,” and “The Time of the Doctor (cameo).” One special ability the Angels have is that a picture of an Angel becomes a real Angel. This lets them get out of a picture and move inside one. These makes the Weeping Angels on of the scariest creatures in Doctor Who. The silence is also scary, but most fans say the Weeping Angels are scarier. Oh, and DON’T BLINK.

What they think of Doctor Who


ebruary 30th of 2014 a group of Doctor Who fans

went to the great KCP school in Barranquilla, Colombia. There they asked numerous people about what they think of Peter Capaldi, the new doctor. He worked in the movie “In the Loop” were he is well known for saying exaggeratedly the abusive english word. In the KCP school there are a lot of Doctor Who fans. That day the interviewing group saw someone with a Doctor Who shirt “Bowties are cool” which resembles one of the 11th Doctor’s favorite phrase. After asking several people about the new Doctor, most said that Peter Capaldi seemed nice and that they hope he would do a good job.

But not only students from the school like Doctor Who. Several teachers were interviewed too. Mr. Karlin and Mrs. Van Loo were some of them. They also watch Doctor Who. They are really excited as students are for Peter Capaldi’s second appearance. The interviewers went to interview the KCP news show team, which is the makers of the daily KCP news show. There the News Show team showed the guests a News Show where the 50th anniversary was announced. That made all the KCP school know that the 50th anniversary was coming. This was some of the things the guests did in the Karl C. Parrish school in Barranquilla. This was not all, they had lots more of fun.


ethesda Game Studios and Zenimax Online Studi-

os are right now working on one of the greatest game ever made in the Video Game industry. It is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). It is part of the Elder Scroll franchise. It is the first open-ended multiplayer. It was first announced 2 years ago on May 3, 2012. It has been developed since and will be released for PC and Mac in April 4, 2014. It is also planned to be released on June 2014 for PS4 and Xbox One, the next generation consoles. It takes place in the continent Tamriel where three alliances try to take control on Cyrodriil. The three alliances are the Daggerfall Covenant, the Ebonheart Pact, and the

Aldmeri Dominion. This game was one of the most awaited game of 2013 and it is of 2014. This game is related to the other Elder Scroll Games. This took place hundreds of years before the first Elder Scrolls Game. It will cost $59.99, but it has a monthly fee of $14.99. People will love this game. It will be AWESOME.


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