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Future Friendly: Sky Harbor Sustainability
It’s winter, but you can still find the resplendence of the desert right now at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX) thanks to a xeriscape landscaping project that is blooming along the roadways.
You’ll also find more LED lighting throughout America’s Friendliest Airport®, larger recycling bins and more educational sustainability signage throughout the terminals. Noticeable changes, yes, but they represent just a slice of Future Friendly: Sky
Harbor Sustainability.
Future Friendly: Sky Harbor Sustainability is more than just slogan – it’s a far-reaching and detailed series of efforts Phoenix Sky Harbor has implemented or planned to create a better environment for today’s generation and future generations. There are many ways a business or enterprise can become sustainable: reduce waste; conserve water; adopt clean energy practices; maintain healthy air quality; use sustainable materials; integrate sustainability into policies and contracts; and greening the Earth by planting more trees, to name just a few. Phoenix Sky Harbor does all these and MORE. A snapshot includes: ■ As of 2020, the Aviation Department decreased energy used in its buildings by about 23 percent and reduced greenhouse gas emissions associated with electricity purchases. ■ LED lighting conversions, including lighting control systems, are complete in Terminal 3, Terminal 4 Garage, in the East Economy
Garage and on the airfield. The
LED lighting conversions are saving PHX about $1 million annually. ■ Recycling efforts resulted in a financial net gain of $254,000 in fiscal year 2020/2021 – almost double since 2018. ■ The xeriscape landscape project beautified nearly 30 acres of airport property with more than 400 native trees, over 70 saguaros and approximately 3,000 desert plants, succulents and shrubs.
This effort alone is saving about 5 million gallons of water. ■ Phoenix Sky Harbor was one of the first airports in the U.S. to have an all-alternative fuel bus fleet. ■ The Airport has also attained
Level 3 Certification in the
Airport Carbon Accreditation
Program – a program that allows airports to analyze their carbon footprint of emissions so they can see where the greatest reductions can be made and monitor progress.
Independent and respected organizations have taken note. PHX recently received the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver Certification for the modernization of Terminal 3. The LEED program is a globally recognized third-party green building certification for buildings that provide a sustainable approach to their design and construction.
The certification was earned through several measures. The Terminal 3 Modernization effort incorporated the PHX Sky Train® to connect the terminal and Valley Metro transportation network thereby helping to reduce air pollution and traffic congestion.
Eighty-three percent of building materials used post-security and in the North Concourse were reused, and 35 percent of installed materials contained recycled content. Also, 80 percent of all wood-based projects were sourced from sustainably managed forests. And by using environmentally conscious materials, PHX prevented 268,230 tons of construction waste from entering the landfill.
PHX Sky Harbor takes sustainability seriously, and these efforts complement a comprehensive sustainability program at the airport. For more information, check out skyharbor.com/sustainability.