2 minute read

Get the Whole Family Involved

Get the Whole Family


by Loree Walden, Marketing Manager, Yavapai Humane Society

Our pets really have no concept of what ecofriendly means, but they can have a huge impact (through us) on keeping our planet (and us) healthy!

Please pick up your pet’s poop! When you don’t, it sits on the ground until the next storm washes it into the sewer where it can end up in rivers and lakes. I’ve heard people say it’s just like fertilizer and leave it there saying it won’t hurt anything.

But in 1991, the EPA placed dog poop in the same class of contaminants as oil, weedkillers, pesticides and other deadly poisons because the waste from just 100 dogs could produce enough bacteria in three days to contaminate lakes and rivers within 20 miles. Dog poop is a persistent source of bacterial pollution in streams, rivers and lakes across the U.S.

It’s not hard to reach in your pocket, pull out a biodegradable poop bag, bend over, pick it up, tie it up and put it in the trash.

Look into buying your pet eco-friendly products. There’s a wide variety of dog beds and nontoxic food and water dishes. Avoid plastic bowls and opt for ceramic, porcelain or stainless steel.

Use eco-friendly pet shampoos that don’t contain toxic chemicals and are made with organic/natural ingredients. There are recipes online for natural flea and tick preventatives that are easy to make at home.

Natural food products also help contribute to a healthy environment. Research done on cat and dog food cans showed high levels (95%) of PBC coating and other toxic chemicals. Not only is this getting into your pet’s digestive system, it’s also ending up in landfills.

I am a fan of making homemade food for my dog and cats; they are happier and healthier because of it. It really doesn’t cost much more money than buying canned and processed food and there are so many DIY recipes to be found online.

Lastly, remember while houseplants are great for improving indoor air quality, not all plants are safe for your pets. This goes for outdoor plants, too, so please do some research to make sure the plants you have are safe for your furry family members.

Before you know it, living an eco-friendly life will seem like second nature; we will all benefit from it! A little effort makes a huge difference.

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