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When Should You Work Out? Make Productivity a Habit
The question is as old as the chicken and the egg debate: When is it best to work out? The answer is simple — it depends. There are benefits to morning, afternoon and evening workouts. Let’s find out what’s best for you.
If you are a morning person, you’re not alone. One study found that 50% of U.S. adults who exercise at a preferred time choose mornings. And if your goal is to lose weight, this may be the best time since an International Journal of Obesity study linked morning workouts with greater weight loss.
Some experts suggest working out on an empty stomach, which is much easier to do first thing in the morning. Finally, studies also suggest that morning workouts can boost your mood.
Then again, we’re not all early risers and don’t want to be. Also, your muscles may be stiff so make sure you warm up to prevent injuries. AFTERNOON
If you can work out during lunch, you are more likely to stick to it; if you can grab a few coworkers, it makes working out a bit more fun. Midday workouts also are a great way to boost your energy, preventing that 3 o’clock slump.
This may also limit your lunch break so make sure you eat a healthy meal afterward.
Of course, not everyone wants to lose a lunch hour at the gym or can’t make a consistent commitment. Mid-day workouts can lessen the time spent at the gym because your time is limited.
In addition, afternoon resistance training produces more testosterone than the same morning workout. EVENING
Research suggests that evening workouts can increase physical capacity, aerobic capacity and strength output by 8% to 30%.
And don’t worry, the Journal of Sleep Research found vigorous exercise to have no influence on quality of sleep.
But evenings may see many people ready to call it a day. Family commitments may prevent consistency, and if you do hit the gym, after work hours may be the most crowded.
Bottom line, find a time best for you and stick with it. Consistency is the key to seeing results, regardless of when you decide to work out.
Make Productivity A HABIT
In the interest of efficiency combined with saving time, a list is easy to read (and clip to the fridge). So here’s what the experts say about what productive people do to, well, be productive.
*Seize the day early — and make their bed and drink water after a night of sleep.
*Exercise early — to get the blood flowing. (Don’t skip breakfast).
*Don’t multitask — to focus on one thing to avoid distractions.
*Create a plan — starting with planning the day. For any project, a proper plan helps one see the breadth of a project.
*Create to-do lists — oh the euphoria of checking something off.
*Tackle important work first — take advantage of that fresh morning mind.
*Take breaks — whether a quick snack or brisk walk, breaks throughout the day are energizing.
*Say “no” occasionally — enough said.
*Chose an effective worksite — this can be an office, home, park bench or coffee shop. * Use a second monitor — take advantage of more room to work with.
*Reward themselves — to prevent burnout and provide motivation partake of a favorite candy, movie, music or just schedule free time (and use it).
*Don’t seek perfection — give 90% to a project and fix things as needed once it’s launched.
*Avoid fantasizing about the future — stick to attainable goals (another chance to plan).
*Break a big goal into smaller ones — to avoid feeling overwhelmed. * Use a standing desk — works wonders for some people.
*Work in 30-minute intervals — to keep focus and concentration.
*Unfollow, unsubscribe — so catching up and addressing email, text messages, newsletters, tweets, etc. is more efficient.
*Set time limits on meetings — helps keep people on point.
*Pencil in time to check email — and keep to a time limit.
*Listen to instrumental music — lyrics are
TOO distracting.