2 minute read
How Can Physical Activity be Supported by IV Therapy?
RENEWHow CAN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY BE SUPPORTED BY IV Therapy? by Jaime Luedeman, RN, Owner, A Better You IV Bar
When most people think about intravenous (IV) infusions they immediately think of the hospital setting and being sick. That is not the case anymore.
Today, many healthconscious people enjoy IV therapy as a way of getting the hydration, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and even medications they need to feel better and keep their body functioning properly.
Sometimes it is difficult to obtain the amount of vitamins and nutrients your body needs by food alone, especially if you are working out aggressively, fasting, dieting or restricting your food intake, which is why IV therapy can be a great way to get the nutrients your body needs.
IV therapy also can help your body perform at its best and recover before or after an athletic event or physical activity.
*Helps maintain healthy tissue and muscle.
*Enhances recovery.
*Decreases risk of injury. * Replaces fluids, electrolytes lost through sweat.
*Decreases muscle cramps, soreness.
*Decreases free radicals.
*Decreases inflammation.
*Supports bone health.
*Vitamin C is an antiinflammatory that helps decrease inflammation in the body and scavenge free radicals that are produced by strenuous exercise and oxidative stress. Vitamin C also builds collagen, which helps strengthen ligaments, tendons and other connective tissue.
*Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body that contributes to proper brain function, bone health, and heart and muscle activity.
Supplementing with magnesium before or after physical activity can help decrease headaches, muscle cramps and may improve athletic performance.
*B vitamins are involved in energy production during exercise and helps with tissue repair and maintenance.
*Calcium supports the growth, maintenance and repair of bones. Calcium also helps regulate the contraction of muscle and aids in nerve conduction.
*Amino acids (glutamine, ornithine, arginine, lysine, citrulline) convert fat into energy, helps grow and maintain connective tissue and muscle, and helps decrease recovery time.
*Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect your body from damage to cells caused by free radicals. Glutathione also helps with building and repairing tissue.
*Taurine is an amino acid that plays a vital role in energy metabolism that may help athletic performance. It’s also an antioxidant which helps decrease inflammation and muscle fatigue.