9 minute read
Business and Education Bond a Community
Business and Education A Tie that Bonds Community
by Marnie Uhl, President/CEO, Prescott Valley Chamber of Commerce
How do we, as businesses, ensure that a strong local economy will be perpetuated and sustainable in the future? Where is the future of our business leadership and entrepreneurs?
Years ago, the Prescott Valley Chamber identified that to have a community with a strong and vibrant business climate investments must be made. One such investment was made in our education system and schools.
The Chamber is proactive in its support and engagement with our school and college districts; not only in providing services but creating an atmosphere of business collaboration and encouragement.
Several programs have been designed to foster that relationship between business and education, which has resulted in positive interaction and success.
Each year our schools welcome new teachers to the classrooms. In most cases they are new to the area. We want them to start off on the right foot so we work with our businesses to make “welcome bags.”
These bags are filled with the basic necessities: paper, pens, clips, tissue, wipes, etc. The bags are then presented at the new-teacher orientations at the school. This project has been well received and supported.
Another program designed to foster understanding between schools and business was the Adopt-a-School program. Businesses “adopted” a school and were there to provide support, assistance, collaboration and a connection.
Each business and school would determine what that “support” would look like. Some business rallied behind teacher/staff support with snacks, goodies and parties; others worked on cleanup and landscaping projects, while others supported food drives or purchased much needed equipment.
Money was never the driving force, but rather the goal was making the connection that business and education work hand in hand for a stronger community.
Additionally, the Chamber provides scholarships for graduating seniors in the Prescott Valley area for continuing education. Over $10,000 has been awarded since its inception. The Chamber CEO was a founding member of the Humboldt Education Foundation and served as its first president.
And finally, the Chamber continues to be proactive in following legislation that would support and enable our schools to operate at optimum levels for our teachers and our children.
The Prescott Valley Chamber is proud of its work with our education system and continues to look at opportunities for increased engagement between the business community, our schools and our kids.

PBS’s Roadtrip Nation Visits Prescott, Arizona An Educational Journey Across Arizona
Roadtrip Nation, an educational production supported by Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) partnered with the Helios Education Foundation, headquartered in Phoenix, brings an educational journey to three accomplished college students seeking enrichment to enhance their careers.
The Roadtrippers were Jasmin Esmeralda Menjivar, from Phoenix, who earned a Bachelor of Science degree in biomedical science with a minor in chemistry from Northern Arizona University; and Ezequias Fuentes, from Tolleson, in his third year at Arizona State University in Tempe. And, Allisyn “Meeks” graduated with an A.A.S. degree in audio production with interests in Graphic Design.
It begins with a large green bus with three ambitious students strolling into Prescott, Arizona to meet Donna Werking, Owner and Marketing Strategist of Northern AZ Social, LLC. “As a marketing specialist and business owner, Donna’s interests aligned with two of our student Roadtrippers’ interests,” Cadotte, the PBS Emmy-winning Producer explained. “I also felt Donna’s connection to Arizona, and her dedication to serving Prescott’s businesses was an important story to showcase in the series. I spoke with many potential leaders to produce this show, and Donna stood out as an authentic and passionate leader. She was incredibly welcoming to our crew and went above and beyond to make our time in Prescott memorable.”
“This story is told through the lens of these three Arizona students who are each facing the challenges of figuring out their educational path in the years after high school,” Cadotte explained. “Most importantly, their stories and experiences will show that there are a range of accessible post-secondary pathways – through certifications, community college, and colleges and universities – that can help them get to where they want to go, no matter their starting point or background.”
Werking shared, “I was glad to be able to offer some insight on entrepreneurship, the journey to success and the inner workings of the marketing industry, while at the same time presenting a few personal life experiences.”

Werking brought together a panel of local Werking brought together a panel of local professionals with expansive expertise in other industries such as photography, graphic design, videography, and publishing. “That was an exceptional occasion for the Roadtrippers,” Cadotte said enthusiastically. “We were all so thrilled that [Donna] not only shared wisdom with the Roadtrippers, but also opened the door for them to meet other professionals with expansive expertise in other industries such as photography, graphic design, videography, and publishing. “That was an exceptional occasion for the Roadtrippers,” Cadotte said enthusiastically. “We were all so thrilled that [Donna] not only shared wisdom with the Roadtrippers, but also opened the door for them to meet other professionals.” professionals.” Fuentes praised Werking for her professionalism and Fuentes praised Werking for her professionalism and extraordinary support. “Not only did she expose us to her and what she does but connected us with a lot more leaders in the town. She wanted to give us the best experience and advice, and I thought that was extraordinary support. “Not only did she expose us to her and what she does but connected us with a lot more leaders in the town. She wanted to give us the best experience and advice, and I thought that was amazing and a true leader.” amazing and a true leader.” Fellow Roadtripper Jasmin Menjivar explained that Fellow Roadtripper Jasmin Menjivar explained that “right from the start with Northern AZ Social, I noticed that they are powerful and empowering women. Hearing each of their stories, I noticed that I had “right from the start with Northern AZ Social, I noticed that they are powerful and empowering women. Hearing each of their stories, I noticed that I had much to learn from life.” much to learn from life.” Article Interview Contributions by Sue Marceau Article Interview Contributions by Sue Marceau
Roadtrip Nation, All Paths Arizona, aired on PBS Roadtrip Nation, All Paths Arizona, aired on PBS on April 11, 2022, and segments can be seen at https://roadtripnation.com/roadtrip/arizonadocumentary and https://roadtripnation.com/ on April 11, 2022, and segments can be seen at https://roadtripnation.com/roadtrip/arizonadocumentary and https://roadtripnation.com/ video/61f03ff3a077e035bda1be35 video/61f03ff3a077e035bda1be35
Allisyn Allisyn was raised by a single mother and was inspired by her mom’s time in higher education to pursue it
Allisyn was raised by a single mother and was inspired herself. She recently graduated with an A.A.S. degree in by her mom’s time in higher education to pursue it audio production and would like to attend Arizona State herself. She recently graduated with an A.A.S. degree in University to gain a graphic design degree as well. The audio production and would like to attend Arizona State pandemic has made attending school difficult, but she’s University to gain a graphic design degree as well. The hoping to finish her studies soon. The idea of working with pandemic has made attending school difficult, but she’s brands in particular gets her excited. She’s also drawn hoping to finish her studies soon. The idea of working with to other creative outlets. She has interests in music, brands in particular gets her excited. She’s also drawn art, photography, and film and wouldn’t be opposed to to other creative outlets. She has interests in music, pursuing something in those fields as well. art, photography, and film and wouldn’t be opposed to pursuing something in those fields as well. Ezequias spent a lot of time moving around Arizona as a kid. He’s the first in his family of ten to attend a Ezequias spent a lot of time moving around Arizona university. He started with interests in the STEM fields as a kid. He’s the first in his family of ten to attend a but realized quickly they weren’t for him and switched university. He started with interests in the STEM fields to interdisciplinary studies. He’s still unsure of the exact but realized quickly they weren’t for him and switched course he wants to chart forward, but he loves everything to interdisciplinary studies. He’s still unsure of the exact about marketing and entrepreneurship. He’s eager to course he wants to chart forward, but he loves everything achieve as much as he can, and hopes to explore all about marketing and entrepreneurship. He’s eager to the possibilities open to him. He’s also interested in achieve as much as he can, and hopes to explore all photography, music, and the entertainment industry. the possibilities open to him. He’s also interested in photography, music, and the entertainment industry.
Ezequias Ezequias
Jasmin Jasmin was born and raised in Phoenix and has been a hard worker her entire life. She’s spun the plates of Jasmin was born and raised in Phoenix and has been school, jobs, sports, and extracurriculars for a while now. a hard worker her entire life. She’s spun the plates of Not to mention, life’s thrown her quite a few curveballs school, jobs, sports, and extracurriculars for a while now. recently. She had to limit her higher educational options Not to mention, life’s thrown her quite a few curveballs to those offering full scholarships so her parents could recently. She had to limit her higher educational options use their finances for legal counsel related to her mother’s to those offering full scholarships so her parents could immigration status and recently had to take care of both use their finances for legal counsel related to her mother’s parents when they were afflicted with COVID-19. She’s set immigration status and recently had to take care of both to attain her biomedical sciences degree with a minor in parents when they were afflicted with COVID-19. She’s set chemistry this spring and has a desire to gain a master’s to attain her biomedical sciences degree with a minor in and doctorate in immunology and pathology of the chemistry this spring and has a desire to gain a master’s human microbiome. Being in a research lab sounds the and doctorate in immunology and pathology of the most appealing to her, but she’s still weighing her options human microbiome. Being in a research lab sounds the and figuring out what direction is best. most appealing to her, but she’s still weighing her options and figuring out what direction is best.