1 minute read
FREE Well Water Testing

submitted by the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Yavapai County

Thanks to a CDC grant, sponsored by AZ Dept of Health Services and the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, free well water testing for metals such as arsenic is available for Yavapai County residents. The purpose of this test is to help inform you of your water quality to protect your health. Testing well water every 5 years for metals is recommended.
Applicants will be prioritized; those who have not participated in the grant test within the last 5 years will have priority.
Instructions and the application are available at www.surveymonkey. com/r/wellsafety If you have questions about participation, please contact Niki Lajevardi-Khosh at niki.lajevardi-khosh@azdhs.gov or 480-364-1889.