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Prescott Mayor Phil Goode

Some Facts About The Granite Creek Corridor
The Granite Creek Corridor project is almost four years in the making. Back in 2019, staff identified an opportunity to enhance one of Prescott’s great natural assets, Granite Creek and the associated trail running alongside. Public open houses were held and surveys conducted to garner citizen feedback. From that feedback a master plan was created to guide the project.
The long-term goals of the project are as follows:
• Clean up and restore the beauty and native landscape of the corridor, allowing the riparian habitat to thrive and water quality improve.
• Improve the usability of the trail in the downtown corridor, allowing
EVENTS greater access and enhanced safety.
• Improve opportunities for interpretation of Prescott history and resources.
• Reduce the risk of flood conditions for the properties along the creek.
Along with stream bank restoration activities, amenities such as lights, benches and an ADA accessible entrance were planned to make this a safe and accessible trail.
The improvements begin at Aubrey to the south, going north to end in Granite Creek Park. The trail goes through the heart of Prescott’s historic downtown, and provides unique perspectives on businesses along the creek.
• Summer Concert Series 2023 on the Plaza
“This 1-mile stretch along the Granite Creek will provide a scenic, safe and accessible trail for citizens and visitors."
“Prescott is known for its trails, lakes and other natural assets. With a modest investment, the City has created a trail and public space for our citizens and visitors to enjoy for years to come.”
All of the information about the plan, including master plan and other documents are available here: www. prescott-az.gov/city-management/ programs/granite-creek-corridormaster-plan.
June 1-Aug. 25, Yavapai County Courthouse Plaza, most Tuesday, Thursday, Friday evenings, www.prescottconcertseries.com or 928.443.5220.
• Party in the Pines
June 3, 5 to 10 p.m., Mile High Middle School Field, 300 S. Granite St., www.partyinthepinesprescott.com.
• Territorial Days/Arts & Crafts Show
June 10 & June 11, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., shop handcrafted items from 100-plus vendors, www.prescott.org.
• 42nd Annual Bluegrass Festival (free)
June 24 & June 25, Yavapai County Courthouse, www.prescott.org/2023-bluegrass-festival.html and www.prescott.org.
• Prescott Frontier Days Inc.® and World's Oldest Rodeo ®
June 28 to July 4, Prescott Rodeo Grounds, 840 Rodeo Dr., www.worldsoldestrodeo.com or 928.445.4320 (tickets).
More information at PrescottChamber/Facebook.com, www.prescott.org and 928.445.2000.

For more information, please contact Community Services at 928.759.3090 or visit www.prescottvalley-az.gov.