1 minute read
“My priorities for 2023 are more road paving, continued IGAs (intergovernmental agreements) with the City of Prescott and setting the groundwork for a new town hall.”
Bringing you up to date: Purchase of the Historic Del Rio Springs
Using Trust for Public Land, which is a nationwide land preservation company that purchases land for preservation purposes, the Town’s goal is to protect the land from large development and preserve historic, riparian and the upper Verde River.

The Trust, Town of Chino Valley, Conservation Agency and Mark Holmes Consulting all went to the state capitol to lobby the Senate to get appropriations from Senate Bill SB 1392 — the ask $10 million.
• Passed the House 7-0.
• The bill made it through the House Appropriations Committee with an allocation of $7 million toward the purchase price of the land, which was included in the approved 2023-24 state budget.
• Olsen’s Saddle and Buckle Series (barrel racing — race 3), June 17, 9 a.m., Olsen’s Arena at 344 S. AZ-89. For more information email olsensbarrelracing@gmail.com.
• Chino Valley Community Services Presents Super Hero Mom and Son Dance
June 17, 5 to 8 p.m., Memory Park. Tickets $10 per pair, $5 per extra. For more information call 928.636.9780 or email recreation@chinoaz.net.
• Chino Valley Farmers Market July 16, 3 to 6 p.m., 344 AZ-89. For more information call 928.713.1227.

Springhill Suites Prescott

Located in historic downtown Prescott, an easy walk to Whiskey Row, local restaurants and nightlife.

Spacious mini-suites with kitchenettes, heated indoor pool and FREE breakfast. Newly Remodeled

Conveniently located between Prescott and Prescott Valley, across from the Trader Joe’s Marketplace.