1 minute read
by Blake Herzog
There are two aspects to being a person of vision: having an inspiration and then making it a reality.
The inspiration that leads to visionary thinking and planning comes more easily to some than others, but it can strike almost anyone who’s in the right frame of mind, whether it’s an idea for a new business or a new direction in scientific research.
What really distinguishes a visionary is the ability to transform it into something tangible.
Prescott LIVING’s Men of Vision for 2023 have all brought their positive ideas to life, making the world around them a little bit better by acting on visions as varied as protecting his neighbors’ homes from invasive pests and making local history more accessible to the masses. All of them took a dynamic approach to finding the people and resources needed to solidify their vision as a concrete reality.
It takes time and talent to be able to pull this off, but anyone can achieve this if they remember just a few things, articulated well by motivational speaker Tony Robbins:
TAKE ACTION EVERY DAY Having a vision is the first and most important step to accomplishing what you want or need to, but without consistently taking the right steps it’s meaningless. Setting up a timetable for your accomplishments is the best way to hold yourself accountable.
Push yourself past the times when nothing seems to be going right and the naysayers are telling you there’s no reason to move forward; once you push through the adversity there’s no going back.
Think Outside The Box
This is critical for achieving anything worthwhile. You need to take care of yourself physically and mentally to have the power and energy necessary to bring your dream to life.
DEVELOP A TOLERANCE FOR FAILURE Don’t let the way things have always been done or the expectations everyone else has prevent you from looking for innovative approaches or solutions that can set your venture apart from the pack.
Invest In Yourself Every Day
It will happen along the way in ways small or large because you’re trying something new, but each time you learn something important for getting you toward your goal.
Unless noted separately, photos of the men are provided by Blushing Cactus Photography.