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BRAD & RON FAIN of the Fain Signature Group Generational Experience and Community Building: The New Face of Stewardship

operations. Over a quarter century of land planning, real estate, ranching experience and philanthropy provides Ron a unique view of the community both from a historical and contemporary perspective.
That perspective has led Ron to establish efforts like 100 Men Who Care and The Signature Series.
“I’ve spent my entire life watching and learning how my father Bill Fain and the Fain Signature Group established and built Prescott Valley, always living by the motto: “Our handshake is our word.” ill Fain, founder of Prescott Valley in 1960, taught his sons many things. The most important lessons for Ron and Brad were taking care of the land and listening.
The generations of the Fains date back to 1876 with their original homestead in Cornville. Taking care of the land to survive was the lesson each day, and listening was paramount in that daily lesson. Listening to the weather, your neighbor, the world.
Today, Ron Fain, President of Fain Land and Cattle, leads both the cattle operations and Fain Signature Group’s real estate brokerage
He says the ethos of living with a higher purpose is guided by his family’s commitment to being good stewards of the land.

“Most valuable to me is the continuity of knowledge and how I am blessed with four generations of experience found within Fain Signature Group, and my family. Building community, being a good neighbor, and giving back to make a difference are all things we take with us into the future to make a great life for all,” Ron says.
Brad Fain is CEO of Fain Signature Group (FSG). The similarities both physically and intellectually to Bill Fain are uncanny as it is Brad’s vision to bring the Fain Signature Group and the Town of Prescott Valley into a new century replete with progress, opportunity, social consciousness and vision rooted in a history of being good stewards for the community.
Guiding FSG into multifamily, both locally and in new markets, has expanded how FSG can make a positive impact in the communities they touch. The focus to have a positive impact on the region’s communities led to creating Talking Glass Media, to address the negativity and divisiveness in media today.
“What we are doing online and in print with our media is no different than what we’ve been doing on the land for generations,” Brad says.
“We are designing the real world and the virtual landscape simultaneously to make a better life for all while making long-term investments that will benefit our community for years to follow. The driver: designing in a manner that creates opportunity for everyone.”
He says he learned from his father that you cannot force markets, but must look and listen to what the market needs, then what you can offer.
“That is driving our commitment to attainable housing, our land donation for a new Prescott Valley YMCA, and positive media promoting only the good in our communities. It is a generational commitment.”