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Dewey-Humboldt Mayor
ewey-Humboldt Mayor John Hughes, an Arizona native and fourth generation cattle rancher, grew up in Page Springs, where his family ran Hereford cattle at the DA Ranch and the Diamond 2 ranch — today it is known as a popular winery.
John, being the youngest of six in his family, learned at an early age how to operate ranch equipment and machinery. He was active in his community, participated in 4H, was on the Prescott High School rodeo team, worked the livestock yards and was the FFA President during his years at PHS.
John built the family diesel business with his wife for 20 years, and shortly after his baby girl was born retired from the diesel business and continued on with his passion doing excavation in the construction field.
John has served four years as a Town Councilman and today presides as the re-elected Dewey-Humboldt Mayor. He also serves as Vice Chair of CYMPO, Vice Chair of TAC and Vice Chair of GAMA.
He is always volunteering, educating or giving his time to local clubs and organizations. John enjoys reading, boating and spending quality time with his friends, but most of all, loving on his adorable daughter and having quiet time with his highspirited wife.
He believes that being upfront and honest gains one relationships of trust and loyalty for a lifetime.