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Prescott Voting on Council Races, City Charter

The City of Prescott’s election cycle for this year is in full swing, with the Aug. 1 City Council being held as this issue of Prescott LIVING is going to press and several charter amendments are bound for the Nov. 7 general election ballot.

Mayor Phil Goode is running unopposed for a second two-year term in the primary election, while incumbent Connie Cantelme and Tony Hamer are seeking to fill the two-year term created by the resignation of former councilmember Jessica Hall, which Cantelme was appointed to fill in 2022.

Four candidates are running the three four-year council terms available: Chadwick DeVries, Lois Fruhwirth, Ted Gambogi and incumbent Cathey Rusing. Any contest not decided by a majority of the votes will go on to the general election.

Prescott LIVING has posted an online update with the results of the primary election to www.prescottlivingmag.com.

In November voters will also decide the fate of 12 changes to the City Charter amendments being referred to citizens by the council. They include:

• Proposition 465 — Adds a new article to the charter concerning lease of City property with an option to purchase and setting appraisal requirements.

• Proposition 469 — Updates section regarding removal of the city manager to clarify procedures and state the manager serves at the pleasure of the council.

• Proposition 471 — Raising the mayor’s monthly stipend from $750 to $1,275 and council members’ from $500 to $850.

• Proposition 472 — Extends the mayor’s term from two to four years.

For more information on charter amendments and other details of the November election visit www.prescott-az.gov/citymanagement/elections/election-information.

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