1 minute read
Vickie Johnston
Vickie is a compassionate advocate of clean water, health, nutrition and “green living."
She says she is stunned that while the medical field is advancing with breakthrough science every day, cancer is still developing at a rapid rate, and heart disease is still the leading killer in the U.S.
Vickie started her career at a young age working in a hospital lab. After graduating college in 1977, she felt a calling to help others by teaching about healthy and clean living.
As a lifelong student of health, the human body and the environment, Vickie has been called the “mad scientist” and says that she is. Vickie is furious people are dying far too young because of what they “don’t” know.

Vickie has created and published a green magazine, developed ergonomic products and built a successful international water filtration business. She has taught thousands of classes on health, nutrition, water, toxins and chemicals and what’s going on with our food and water.
She says she loves enlightening people and challenging them to take control of their health. Vickie takes every opportunity to share what’s really going on and why we are a very sick nation — every chance she gets.