4 minute read
Rodeo’s Rules of Wide Fame
1928 PRESCOTT RULES Rodeo’s Rules of Wide Fame
Photo by Blushing Cactus Photography
By 1928 “Prescott Rules” had become “Rodeo’s Rules of Wide Fame.” They had been worked to a fine point by Lester Ruffner, former arena director; Doc Pardee, arena director in 1926, 1927 and 1928; and Grace Sparkes, secretary of Prescott Frontier Days® since 1915. By 1928, these rules had been found to be almost foolproof and had been copied and used at many of the big rodeos held throughout the country. Few complaints had been lodged against them or the judges during this era, and the Prescott rodeo was being held up as a shining example to be copied in other places where cowboy sports were featured.
In 1928, many noted Wild West shows are conducted on the rules adopted in Prescott many years ago and made famous through their general acclaim by the show-following punchers. The rules, worked out first by Ruffner, the former arena director, and now adopted and expanded by the new director, Pardee, are held to be fair to all concerned, the show directors, the participants, and the public that pays its money to take in the contests.
With the big show, the 40th annual Prescott Frontier Days celebration started in 1888, less than a month distant, it is held to be not too soon to print the general rules for the contests, which follow:
This contest will be held in the afternoon, commencing exactly 1:30 P.M. You can dance all night, sleep and recuperate in the forenoon, but be sure to be in the parade at 12:45 P.M. every day of the show.
Every contestant must have his own outfit and be ready when called and no cowboy will be entered who is not willing to wear his big hat and boots at all times. If you are ashamed of being a cowboy, stay away from here.
The management assumes no responsibility for accident or injury to contestants or stock, and each participant by the act of entry or participation waives all claims against the management for any injury they or their stock may sustain. Management has the right to withdraw any contestant’s name and entry and refuse to allow stock to be used for any of the following reasons, to-wit:
• “Rowdyism.” •
“Quarreling with judges or officials.” •
“Abusing stock.” •
“Failure to give assistance when requested to do so by the arena director.” • “Not being ready for events when called.” •
“Being under the influence of intoxicants, or attempting to take unfair advantage of rules.” •
“The management is going to run a snappy program and every contestant will be required to lend his assistance to keep it going.” •
“Any contestant refusing to ride, rope or participate in any event when called or withdrawing from any event in which he is entered, will be disqualified in all events in which he is entered.” •
“Identification numbers will be issued and must be worn in a visible manner at all times while in the arena.”
“Every contestant must ride in every parade and grand entry. Failing to do so means disqualification.” • “There will be no substitutes in these contests.
This is a contest of cowboy sports. open to the world of cowboys, who are sportsmen, so if you do not think you can win without help or if you are afraid of getting hurt, get a grandstand seat instead of a receipt for entrance fees.” • “The management positively will issue no passes. Only contestants wearing official numbers will be admitted to the grounds.” • “Mounted parade contestants will be admitted to arena grounds only.” • “The management reserves the right to refuse entry of, or withdraw from entry, any contestant who has been dishonest in the competitions, or who has proven to be an undesirable character at any recognized cowboy contest, or elsewhere, and entrance fee shall be forfeited.” •
“Any attempt to take unfair advantage of any rule in any event will result in disqualification of contestants from this and all other contests held under this management.” •
“Any contestant who protests the decision of the judges, automatically disqualifies himself. These judges are elected by contestants and are given their service gratis. Their decision must be respected.”
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