this is a picture book
and a catalogue
sometime mid April last year I did not have a mask. eventually we bought a nicely designed one, linnen and cotton from a taylor next door. support your local dealer. washing it, ironing it. now redundant. we bought medical masks, apparently produced in Switzerland. they have a turquois color, which I do not like. support your local dealer.
Zurich Friday 9 April 2021
words are bilingual sometimes there is translation German English sometimes there is not.
with interest and surprise I flipped through the pages I compiled a year ago during the first weeks of the so called lockdown. the ambition was to create something beautiful and meaningful in times of not knowing. binding endless ends of threats together to not loose them. connections and links to friends and thoughts. connections and links to life as we know it. what did we know what was to come. do we know now? we endured a year.
photographes are either found footage or taking by me.
hypertext links provided might be working or not
Seiten no proof reading
1 108 © Rayelle Niemann
Zurich 20210409 Zurich 122021
g etting of times lost in gestures in gestures lost of 17032020 17032020
getting lost in gestures of times
A healthy society cannot have one voice. Eine gesunde Gesellschaft kann nicht nur eine Stimme haben.
B. Kuang 2020. 2. 6. 9:30.
Unis in Bochum, Hamburg und Gießen bauen Corona- Archiv Freitag, 27. März 2020 - 15:24 Uhr von Deutsche Presse Agentur “As quickly as these testimonies come, they can also disappear again. disappear. Our hope is that hope that the project will enable us to voices during this time of crisis in the long term,” explained Benjamin Roers from the University of Gießen.
„So schnell diese Zeitzeugnisse kommen, so schnell können sie auch wieder verschwinden. Unsere Hoffnung ist, dass wir mit dem Projekt die diversen Stimmen in dieser Krisenzeit langfristig dokumentieren können“, erklärte Benjamin Roers von der Universität Gießen.
dpa/lnw Bochum. With a Corona Archive, the universities in Bochum, Hamburg and Gießen want to create a digital memory of the pandemic. The researchers are calling for personal memories and everyday finds about the crisis online. the crisis online. They are looking for pictures, sounds and videos. The aim is to experiences of contact bans, restrictions or contagion risks for the future. for the future future, as the universities announced on Friday. Translated with (free version)
dpa/lnw Bochum. Mit einem Corona-Archiv wollen die Universitäten in Bochum, Hamburg und Gießen ein digitales Gedächtnis der Pandemie erstellen. Die Forscher*innen rufen dazu auf, persönliche Erinnerungen und Fundstücke aus dem Alltag zu der Krise online hochzuladen. Gesucht werden Bilder, O-Töne und Videos. Damit sollen die Erfahrungen zu Kontaktverboten, Ausgangsbeschränkungen oder Ansteckungsrisiken für die Zukunft erhalten bleiben, wie die Unis am Freitag mitteilten.
British dictionary on-line
18032020 dear A. dear D. are you in the countryside or on the 5th floor in Paris? schools and universities will be closed from today till Middle / End of April. public places, museums, theaters, concerts etc with more than 50 people are closed. same for restaurants no visits in hospitals, homes for elderly …. I thought I could join a pool to do grocery for elderly .. in the middle of this idea I realised that I am part of this vulnarable “group” myself (.. now we know that also young people get Corona ….) The last 2 days, R. was in a garden of a friend during the day. I spent time in another garden with another friend. Beautiful sunshine, a lot of people out there going for walks, sitting down, talking. Here it all just started.
first corona Sunday in Zurich
jäten weeding
Impatiens glandulifera bärtiges Springkraut bearded balsam
Alle Arten der Springkrautpflanzen sind in frischem Zustand leicht giftig All species of the bearded balsam plants are slightly toxic when fresh
Cardamine hirsuta behaartes Schaumkraut hairy foam herb
Das behaarte Schaumkraut kann als Salat beziehungsweise als Salatgewürz mit leicht scharf-bitterem Geschmack genutzt werden The hairy foam herb can be used as a salad or as a salad spice with a slightly hot-bitter taste
silence no planes birds tweet quietly the sound of apparently private drones
Das Hammam in Hamamgespräche ist von mediterranen, levantinischen und persischen Kulturen inspiriert, in denen Hammams einen sicheren Raum für Frauen* (und auch Männer*, jedoch getrennt) zur eigenen Fürsorge darstellten. Sie waren außerdem ein sicherer Ort für den Austausch von Geschichten und Geheimnissen; eine Nische, die der gesellschaftlichen Kontrolle entzogen war.
“Hammam Radio” is a feminist participatory project, launched from Berlin. We firmly believe that now more than ever, women’s voices matter. That they are important, if not crucial in these times of crisis of capitalism and patriarchy. “Hammam Radio” is a hybrid project, an extension of “Hammam Talks”, an initiative founded by Rasha Hilwi, Abir Ghattas and the staff of the “be’kech” in Berlin, and an extension of the “Radio Al Hay” an initiative launched by Majd Al-Shihabi and friends in Beirut, coinciding with the quarantine caused by the COVID19 - the latest pandemic. “Hammam Radio” is meant to be a place where women in all their diversity meet, talk, participate, think, shout, cry, laugh, become angry, love, and raise their voices. We will be cursing, dancing, singing, playing music and songs that reflect our moods and current state. We will also be reading, telling stories and everything else in between. We all need stories. The “Hammam” in “Hammam Radio”, is inspired from mediterrean, levantine and persian cultures, where hammams represented a safe space for women (and also men*, separately) for self-care. They were also a safe space for sharing stories and secrets, an alcove removed from societal scrutiny. And this radio is our attempt to take this mystique everywhere, through the act of striptease, which each participant will choose to perform, however they like. Most of all, this project is an attempt to create and share love, hugs and kisses, in a time of quarantine, so that everyone who hears and hears us may feel it. (“Hammam Radio will not only provide content in the Arabic language, with all its dialects, but will also open a platform for the languages of the whole world. Another thing to have in common with our city, Berlin).
selten waren mir meine Hände so bewusst seldom had I been so aware of my hands
The Hamsa is also variously known as the Hand of Fatima after the daughter of the prophet Mohammad, the Hand of Mary, the Hand of Miriam, and the Hand of the Goddess.
this is how it looks like on top of our fridgerator
20032020 dear F.
Walking along streets. Looking up the walls of the houses , some windows are closed . How is life behind these walls. What kind of life? Coming closer to the little park at the end of our street. young men leave the corner shop ....
today I saw images from Iran images looking through and into my windows. make me wonder even more how and what you move in Teheran. Here too, the shelter houses for women are fully occupied. Missing links of societies fabriks become more apperent and urgent. I did hear the sirens from Jordan heralding the lockdown, echoing in my own echo chamber ; a note on last year, when, around this time I prepared my trip to Palestine to stay with a friend in Jifna outside of Ramallah for 2 weeks, then crossig the boarder via land to Jordan, staying in Amman for another 2 weeks. Eight years since I left Westasia ( not saying Middle East anymore). Sometimes it’s hard to tell whether it is nostalgia and / or memory. memories that shaped thinking, eyes, connectivness.
second corona Monday in Zurich
Now we all are bound to stay behind walls. privileged that we travel in our minds that there is something to travel with, to travel for, to travel to.
yesterday men of the Militia Corona were patrolling. today no youngsters nesting there anymore.
....... run by a guy from Sri Lanka or India or Pakistan or With cans of bear carrying carrying on their arms they rush to the benches along the Boccia field.
Two days ago it was all crowed along the river bank. Young people literately sitting on top of each other, like monkeys on a cliff, carried by a Reggae cloud. beautiful spring weather elicit desires, versus softening their anxiety.
from one end to the other end a table tennis tables offers a good, best distance. on the green meadow adults with small children. here and there somebody alone on a blanket. reading.
what happend till now?
How AI, Big Data and Machine Learning can be used
cooking eating
what happend till now was bisher geschah Liebe R.
Liebe R.
obwohl uns eine Stunde genommen wurde, gab es Zeit, mich in Falten und Furchen zu lesen, mich in Gedanken anderer, die meinem Denken verwandt sind, einzumummeln. Etwas Gescheites von Carolin Emcke, lesbische Denkerin. Sie : ich bin eine schwule Frau. mischt sich in Lesbisches. Ja, es sei hier erwähnt, unbedingt, eine Stimme gerade jetzt (wieder), wo es von männlichen Experten nur so wimmelt in Zeitungen und am Bildschirm
although an hour was taken from us, there was time to read myself in folds and furrows, to wrap myself in the thoughts of others akin to my own. Something clever by Carolin Emcke, lesbian thinker. She : I am a gay woman . mixing in lesbianism. Yes, it should be mentioned here, journal-in-zeiten-der-pandemie-e584987/ absolutely, a voice just now Stolz auch hier, Anne Will, Dunja Hayali, Miriam (again), Meckel, Marion Croymann “dazugehörend”, alle in when male experts are swarming meinungsbildenden “Abteilungen” der Gesellschaft in newspapers and on the screen. tätig, machen sie ihre Jobs souverän! alle drei ca. politik/corona-krise-journal-in-zeiten-der12 Jahre jünger. Bravo, gesellschaftsrelevant! pandemie-e584987/
Proudly here too, Anne Will, Dunja Hayali, Miriam Meckel, Marion Kroymann “belonging”, all working in opinion-forming “departments” of society, they 23 - 27 März march do their jobs sovereignly! all three approx. krise-journal-in-zeiten-der-pandemie-e584987/ 12 years younger. Bravo, socially relevant!
6 - 10 April march
Translated with (free version)
cooking eating
what happend till now was bisher geschah
I shop for you for free and bring it home to you
vegan products only please this offer is valid for the city of Zurich order now
what happend till now was bisher geschah
How to survive a pandemic: HIV experts and activists on lessons learned Amid the global coronavirus outbreak, HIV experts, activists and survivors share takeaways from the early days of the AIDS crisis.
People with signs representing the number of AIDS victims, in New York’s Central Park on Aug. 8, 1983.Allan Tannenbaum / Getty Images file
what happend till now was bisher geschah
things to come at https:// en.wikipedia. org/wiki/ Javits_Center 28 March 2020 New York 11th avenue
what happend till now was bisher geschah
Erez crossing into Gaza, 2005
what happend till now was bisher geschah
what happend till now was bisher geschah
How to survive a pandemic
what happend till now was bisher geschah
How to survive a pandemic adeela-suleman.html
Adeela Suleman 2010 2018
A Conversation with Adeela Suleman, Bawwaba artist, 2019 Art Dubai
after all it is somebody else who dies
28032020 dear A.
till now we are ok with food, people working in the biological store say the only deliveries dealay is for dairy products. it’s planting time. it’s harvesting time. the underpaid helping hands from Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania etc will not come this season.
a friend, Nubian in Canada sent
I have no idea if you like this kind of music we never really talked about music, did we? how are things evolving in Chicago? Are you newly installed? time is so relativ it always was and it is now, different, but also similar I have to think about the cave of Platon, sitting crosslegged closed to each other on the ground, chained to each other in communication with our shadows, the world. the on-line offers are overwhelming. films, theatre, exhibition tours, readings, music and popular football matches. a lot of the time I do prefer silence. though I do do zoom, some hidden pleasures now and then, meetings that would not happen otherwise. the streets are quiet. the birds seem to be irritated and the animals in the Zoos are bored but since 2 days there are quite a lot of cars on the roads again what a pity.
third corona Wednesday in Zurich
maybe in these days one of the questions is :: are you there where you are?
Carlo Ratti Associati 26, corso Quintino Sella 10131, Torino
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, an international task force of designers, engineers, medical professionals, and military experts have joined forces to work on CURA, an open-source project aimed at capacity building in Intensive-Care Units (ICU). CURA, whose name stands for Connected Units for Respiratory Ailments (and also “cure” in Latin), uses repurposed shipping containers to create plug-in biocontainment pods that can be quickly deployed in cities around the world, promptly responding to the shortage of ICU space in hospitals and the spread of the disease. ...
Six proposals for Participating in a conversation about bread Rasha Abbas
words without boarders maga-zine March 2020 issue
The conference decides that from 1 January 1927 the cities of Wuchang, Hankou, and Hanyang are to be combined into a new single city, today’s Wuhan.
In this East China city, a new fatal virus, 2019-nCoV, or “Wuhan virus”, is being reported for the first time in the last days of 2019, with the first occurrence being recorded on December 8, 2019, and the official update to the World Health Organization for the virus to happen on 31st December 2019. Astrology of Wuhan City in the days of the Virus Outbreak
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An interloper in both bathrooms
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Daten Ortung per APP
will the functioning of home offices will have an impact on the quantity of physical office floors?
werden die funkionierenden Homeofficearbeiten einen Einfluss nehmen auf die Quantität physischer Büroetagen ?
will industries become flexible for new production areas
ars electronica Linz seit since 1979 EFF Electronic Frontier Foundation COVID-19: Protecting Openness, Security, and Civil Liberties
werden Industrien flexibel für neue Produktionsbereiche ?
Alexander von Humboldt Viaggio alle regioni equinoziali del Nuovo Continente Curated by Franco Farinelli Illustrated by Stefano Arienti Italian Paperback, 272 pages, 16.5 x 22 cm co-publisher Quodlibet, 2014 ISBN 9788874626267
... The expedition that Alexander von Humboldt carries out together with his friend and botanist Aimé Bonpland comes to an end in 1804...
HUMBOLDT S.R.L. Via San Marco 33 20121 Milano P.IVA 007739490964 T. +39(0)26595898 Editorial director Giovanna Silva Staff Chiara Carpenter Stefania Scarpini Social media and communications Sofia Masini Logistics Angelo Vignali book/viaggio-alle-regioni-equinoziali-del-nuovo-continente
... Ever since my youth I have felt a burning desire to travel through distant and unexplored lands. This is a dream that characterises that age in which life appears before us like a boundless horizon, when nothing is more attractive to us than major upheavals of the soul and the image of tangible peril. La Coruña: 5 June 1799...
medico-Partnerorganisationen aktiv in der Corona-Krise Details Erstellt: 03. April 2020 Angesichts der weltweiten Corona-Krise versucht medico international schweiz einen differenzierteren Blick zum Problem der COVID-19-Pandemie in den Ländern des globalen Südens zu entwickeln. Gewisse Massnahmen können kritisiert werden, aber die Hauptsorge ist, wie können die ärmeren Länder diese Krise meistern....
Project Update 3 April 2020 As the COVID-19 coronavirus continues to spread across France, teams from Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) have begun providing medical care to vulnerable people confined in emergency shelters or still living on the streets or in makeshift camps in Paris and the suburbs...
Coronavirus and aid: What we’re watching 2-8 April The Humanitarian
07042020 Liebe W.
Mittlerweile haben wir uns gebildet, wir machen uns täglich schlau. Zahlen, Statistiken, Analysen Verschwörungstheorien zum Virus, Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2. Wir besuchen digital Spargelfelder, lesen Berichte und schalten abends das Radio ein, wie damals, du weisst schon.
Schreibst du auch ein geheimes Corona Tagebuch? Das du später einer Person, der du dich in dem Moment nahe fühlst, zeigen möchtest? Vielleicht ist es nur für dich. Du liest und fragst dich, warum was wichtig war, dass du geschrieben hast. Kannst du dich dann an deine damaligen Gedanken erinnern? Haben dich deine Gedanken beeinflusst? Haben sie? Do you also write a secret Corona diary? Which you later to a person you feel close to at that you’re feeling close to at that moment? Maybe it’s just for you. You read and wondering why what was important that you wrote. Can you then remember your thoughts at that time? Did your thoughs influence you? Did they?
Vielleicht erinnerst du dich, wie wichtig es war, sich hinzusetzen, ein Heft und ein Stift, vielleicht Tastatur und Computer. Wie fiel das Licht im Raum? Waren die Fenster offen? Warst du alleine? Wieviele Minuten hast du dir erlaubt? einfach sitzen, da sitzen, schreiben, deinen Gedanken zuhören. Vielleicht erinnerst du dich später an all das nicht. Obwohl doch Vollmond war und du dir genau von diesem Moment, der sich ausdehnt, alles merken wolltest, alles, was du gedacht hast und gesehen. Maybe you remember how important it was, to sit down, a notebook and pencil, maybe a keyboard and computer. How did the light fall in the room? Were the windows open? Were you alone? How many minutes did you allow yourself? Just sitting, sitting there, writing, listening to your thoughts. Maybe later you won’t remember all that later. Even though there was a full moon and you wanted to remember everything from that very moment hat was stretching out, everything you thought and seen.
forth corona Thursday in Zurich
In the meantime, we have educated ourselves, we make ourselves smart every day. Numbers, statistics, analyses, conspiracy theories about the virus, Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2. We digitally visit asparagus fields, read reports and turn on the radio at night, like back then, you know.
07042020 friends in Paris cannot leave the house at all. Dear A, very good reading from you -:) I was wondering ... this morning I listened to a German podcast with a correspondent from Stockholm, comparing the 2 countries, the measurements are so different … what do we know …. we are fine here, peaceful the night before yesterday I did not sleep at all - maybe full moon? yesterday I spent all day in bed, mainly sleeping, watching a doc on Dries van Noten, fashion designer from Belgium inspiring in the half awake half sleeping modus sleeping till 8am today in the morning maybe I had a sun stroke, maybe exhaustion (from having to live in corona times ….) I started walking a lot, almost every day, I go out walking, between 2-5 hours. the weather is brilliant, too brilliant it makes everything even more surreal stunning blue skies, very warm sun everything flowering, ready to burst. R. started to go to Basel by train, trailer for an Opera productions Paris. we did not discuss this, the train ride is 1 hours each way.
to be honest I like the quietness. I do not miss the crowds in the streets hopefully we will take something good and lasting with us from here. there are too many aspects, I could keep on writing … -:) let’s use this time to have a cup of tea or something else via skype
Heute vor einem Monat war am Tag vor dem internationalen Frauentag eine nicht bewilligte, tolerierte Demonstration in Zürich.
care economy
One month ago today, on the day on the day before International Women’s Day an unauthorised, tolerated demonstration in Zurich.
CARE Arbeiten tragen Gesellschaften. Neue Konzepte denken. Umsetzen. Praktische Konsequenzen verweben.
CARE work carry societies. Thinking new concepts. Implementing. Weaving practical consequences.
strictly women. a penultimate apprearance of a crowd in public space.
Schmetterlingseffekt, eine Annahme der Chaostheorie: Bereits sehr kleine Veränderungen von Ausgangsbedingungen können zu großen, nicht vorhersehbaren Auswirkungen führen. Butterfly effect, an assumption of chaos theory: Even very small changes in initial conditions can lead to large, unpredictable effects. can lead to large, unpredictable effects.
14042020 In the meantime, it was Easter with glorious weather. dry soil. Rain would be good. Liebe D. Ping-pong ping-pong. inzwischen war Ostern mit prächtigem Wetter. The distance between each other is just fine. Die Erde ist sehr ausgetrocknet, The surface of the PingRegen wäre gut. Ping-Pong Ping-Pong. Pong ball distributes the viDer Abstand zueinander ist gerade gut. rus and the viruses unfairly. Die Oberfläche des PingPong-Balles verteilt Maybe two more weeks. den Virus und die Viren ungerecht. In France until 11 May. Vielleicht noch 2 Wochen. In Frankreich Austria loosens up, many bis zum 11.Mai. Österreich lockert, are pushing. I don’t have a mouth guard (yet). It will viele drängen. probably be compulsory. Einen Mundschutz habe ich (noch) nicht.
Wahrscheinlich wird er Pflicht. 47 junge Menschen, 42 Kinder, 5 Jugendliche, 42 Jungs, 5 Mädchen aus griechischen Flüchtlingslagern sind in Hannover angekommen.
47 young people, 42 children, 5 teenagers, 42 boys, 5 girls from Greek refugee camps have arrived in Hanover.
New information, sounds, pictures. We have looked into rooms. Because the Neue Informationen, Töne, Bilder. Wir haben in Stuben geschaut. Weil das Private private is political (?) It chats ... politisch ist (?)
Es plaudert ...
Despite the different ringtones of various Trotz der verschiedenen Klingeltöne diverser I have become well Kommunkationsapplikationen habe ich mich accustomed to the silence. gut an die Stille gewöhnt. Jedes Autogeräusch, Every car noise, Flugzeuge am Himmel verursachen Missfallen. aeroplanes in the sky cause Es überrascht. displeasure. It surprises.
People spend all day out picnicking in any space of green, public gardens, on the Nile, or at the zoo. Traditional food eaten on this day consists mainly of fesikh (a fermented, salted and dried grey mullet), lettuce, scallions or green onions, tirmis and colored boiled eggs.
chocolate bunnies Easter eggs, chocolate eggs, nougat rabbits Easter bread with almond splinters and raisins
Ostern 20 April 2020
Sham Ennessim (Arabic: Sham Al Nassim or Sham an-Nassim, IPA: Coptic: Shom Ennisim) is an Egyptian national holiday marking the beginning of spring. (the smell of the fresh winds). It always falls on the day after the Eastern Christian Easter (following the custom of the largest Christian denomination in the country, the Coptic Orthodox Church). The holiday is celebrated by Egyptians of all religions, so it is considered a national festival, rather than a religious one.
Found during one of the many walks through the city, where I consider myself lucky to occupy to be able to occupy an apartment.
Gefunden während einer der vielen Spaziergänge durch die Stadt, in der ich mich glücklich zu schätzen weiss, eine Wohnung belegen zu dürfen.
Auf der Parkbank sitzt sie, am Taunusring und wird fotografiert. Nicht nur abgehört. Immer, wenn sie eine sms schreibt, geraten Buchstaben zwischen die Reihenfolgen, die ihre Wörter ergeben sollen. Alles Versuche, sie durcheinander zu bringen. Sie hat Tüten dabei. Gepackt mit ein paar Sachen, erzählt sie. Ihren Ausweis hat sie nicht dabei. Der ist in ihrer Wohnung, wohin sie nicht zurückkann. Warum sie nicht in ihre Wohnung kann, kann sie mir nicht erzählen, weil ihr Telefon abgehört wird. Die Psychiaterin hat gestern gesagt, sie müsse nicht in eine Psychiatrie. Heute schreibt sie, ob ich wisse, dass sie nicht in eine Psychiatrie kommen darf, auf keinen Fall. Wir kennen uns seit 50 Jahren. Sie redet sanft, fast unaufgeregt, wenn sie mir ihre Systeme erklärt, in denen sie mir nichts erzählen kann, weil alles so heikel ist und mitgehört wird.
She sits on the park bench on Taunusring and is been photographed. Not just bugged. Whenever she writes an sms, letters get caught between the sequences, that are supposed to make up her words. All attempts to confuse her. She has bags with her. Packed with a few things, she says. She doesn’t have her identity card with her. it’s in her flat, where she can’t go back to. She can’t tell me why, because her phone is tapped. The psychiatrist said yesterday that she doesn’t need to go to a psychiatric clinic. Today she writes, if I know she can’t go to a psychiatric ward, no way. We’ve known each other for 50 years. She talks softly, almost unagitatedly, when she explains her systems to me, in which she can’t tell me anything because everything is so sensitive and overheard.
Das ist das Leben bunt die alten Tage und blau der Himmel in dieser Zeit.
Endlich sind die zwei bestellten externen hard - drives angekommen. Ich habe es verpasst, sie drei Tage im Keller unter Quarantäne zu stellen. Auch habe ich die Verpackungsoberfläche nicht desinfiziert. ABER ich habe heute endlich stundenlang GB auf eine Externe geschaufelt und dementsprechend die files auf meiner HD gelöscht. Jetzt gibt es wieder mehr Arbeitsspeicher.
That is life colourful the old days and blue the sky at this time. Finally the two ordered external hard - drives arrived. I missed putting them in quarantine in the cellar for three days. quarantine for three days. I also did not check theI did not disinfect the disinfected. BUT I finally spent hours today shovelling GB onto an external and accordingly the files on my HD. Now there is again more working memory.
The laundry is Die Wäsche ist meanwhile inzwischen hung out. abgehängt. There is a cold breeze, Es weht eine kalte Bise, not only on the roof, nicht nur auf dem Dach, which is sometimes a das manchmal ship. ein Schiff ist. The white lilacs are in Der weisse Flieder blüht, bloom, and lavender vereinzelt zeigen sich blossoms become Lavendelblüten. lavender flowers. Und die Berge, seit And the mountains, Wochen sind diese for weeks these schneebedeckten snow-covered Schweizer Berge Swiss mountains zu sehen. can be seen. sie geben they set den the Horizont horizon. vor.
One, two, three, five new orders, others, expanded. Restructuring. sustainable, pleasurable. horizontal solidarity. Vertical. shake up, gently put down.
Eine, zwei, drei, fünf neue Ordnungen, andere, erweiterte. Umstrukturierungen. nachhaltig, lustvoll. horizontale Solidarität. Vertikale. Aufmischen, sanft ablegen.
Time has become a Die Zeit ist eine Blase bubble in which geworden, in der es there seems to be wenig Zeit zu geben little time. scheint. Rushed by the Gehetzt vom enduring this silence. Aushalten dieser Stille. there is no other time. da ist keine andere Zeit.
Food in abundance or Essen im Überfluss oder not, whether under nicht, ob unter health hazards the Gesundheitsgefährwhite young-green dungen das weisse vegetables are to be junggrüne Gemüse harvested, by those, geerntet werden soll, who cross the borders von denen, en masse, crowded die in Massen über die together. Grenzen kommen, dicht gedrängt. There are leftovers today. Es gibt Reste heute. Colourful. And Kunterbunt. Und I was outside ich war draussen with the excuse of a mit der Entschuldigung craving for fresh einer Lust auf frisches baguette. Baguette.
Tiraz: Widad Kawar Home for Arab Dress Widad Kamel Kawar, born in Tulkarem, in the Nablus area, created over the course of a lifetime a collection of Palestinian, Jordanian and Arab traditional dresses that includes more than 2,000 costumes from the 19th and 20th century, including weavings, home utensils and jewelry.
16042020 news/2019/02/working-food-sovereignty-palestine-190209110514832. html
Om Sleiman Farm, in Bil’in operates a weekly box delivery system, providing a variety of seasonal produce to Palestinian families.
16042020 the perma culture garden is overlooking a settlement growing on the other side of the valley .
recently a well was discovered on the road from Jifna to Ramallah, water for use, which is not controlled by the occupation forces.
green houses generate a micro-ecosystem climate
Die Ordnung der Dinge in der Schönheit des Raumes. The order of things in the beauty of space.
Das Wenige, das Auserlesene, das wirklich nur deswegen produzierte, lang Gehegte und nun frei Gegebene. The little, the exquisite, only produced for this reason, long cherished and now released and given.
Das Rot auf grauem, von der Tagessonne erhitztem Asphalt. The red on grey, asphalt heated by the daytime sun.
Die Sorgfalt für Farbe und Form en pasant. The care for colour and form en pasant.
Das Trügerische beim Schärfen des Blickes. The deceptive in sharpening the gaze.
The road from the Red Sea to Amman was lined with installations. Splashes of colour. Complex production processes were hiding in these changing images. We have known our driver, whom we call our friend, comrade, for a long time. But he never shares with us the pleasures of bathing in the Dead Sea. He, in the freshly ironed white shirt and brushed suit, he finds a hotel where he meets friends for lunch. I had to convince him to stop at the right distance so I could take pictures. Almost at every stand he bought something from the offers. We later gave him more money than we had agreed on.
Die Strasse vom Roten Meer nach Amman war gesäumt mit Installationen. Farbtupfern. Komplexe Produktionsabläufe verbargen sich in diesen sich verändernden Bildern. Unseren Fahrer, den wir unseren Freund nennen, comrade, kennen wir lange. Doch er teilt mit uns nie die Badefreuden im Toten Meer. Er, im frisch gebügelten weissen Hemd und gebürstetem Anzug sucht sich ein Hotel, wo er Freunde zum Mittagessen trifft. Ich musste ihn stets überzeugen, dass er im richtigen Abstand anhält, damit ich Fotos machen konnte. Fast an jedem Stand kaufte er etwas von den Angeboten. Wir gaben ihm später mehr Geld als vereinbart.
16042020 Even a year ago, small and larger NGOs were underfunded. In this entrance of a World Food programme in Mafraq #Jordan. apples and cucumbers are next to a packet of biscuits, a soft drink and cheese made in-house are the daily rations for many children. Local residents and refugees who have moved to the area and are taking part in the school and/or course programme benefit from the National School Meals. benefit from the National School Meals Project Healthy Kitchen, funded by the German cooperation.
Bereits vor einem Jahr waren kleine und grössere NGOs unterfinanziert. In diesem Eingang eines World Food Programms in Mafraq #Jordan sind Äpfel und Gurken neben einem Päckchen Kekse, einem Softdrink und Käse, der hausintern hergestellt wird, die Tagesrationen für viele Kinder. Einheimische und dazugezogene Geflüchtete, die das Schul- und /oder Kursprogramm in Anspruch nehmen, profitieren vom National School Meals Project Healthy Kitchen, funded by german cooperation.
@ZaatariCamp, das zur Stadt gewordene Lager für Geflüchtete in #Jordan wurde in den vergangenen Tagen desinfiziert. Die Tage fanden in den Nächten statt. Frauen stellen Seife her. @ZaatariCamp, the refugee camp turned city. #Jordan has been disinfected over the past few days. The days took place in the nights. Women making soap.
Teams in the high-tech Innovation Lab created a hand sanitizer dispensing robot to encourage hand washing and #StoptheSpread of #COVID19. @UNHCRJordan
Curfew mood, I know. I bring it from Cairo, I know it from Syria, Palestine, Jordan. A militarily imposed curfew. Be home by nightfall at the latest. That’s what I learned there. To endure the atmosphere. Triaging birds. The subliminal, often present feeling of having no place to go, to be outside of one’s own flat, the more than 4 walls with friends, crept in deeper. There was something desolate about it, like the poplar-lined meadow in the neighbourhood today. Curfew-Stimmung, die kenne ich. Ich bringe sie aus Kairo mit, ich kenne sie aus Syrien, Palästina, Jordanien. Eine militärisch verordnete Ausgangssperre. Spätestens mit dem Einbruch der Dunkelheit zu Hause sein. Das habe ich dort gelernt. Die Atmosphäre aushalten. Vögel trihilieren. Das unterschwellig oft vorhandene Gefühl, keinen Platz zu haben, zum Hingehen, zum Sein ausser der eigenen Wohnung, den mehr als 4 Wänden bei Freund*innen schlich sich tiefer ein . Es hatte etwas Trostloses, so wie heute die mit Pappeln umsäumte Wiese im Quartier.
land awaiting construction opposite the Swiss Embassy in Amman
In this interactive work Sulafa Hijazi employes 372 versions of Quick Response (QR) codes. The composition shows patterns reminiscent to traditional embroidery styles of West Asia. The narrations of these stiches follows, a story telling method, mouth-to-mouth, decoding imagery, is translated into visualized digital standards that cover the encoding of data as QR codes. dress.html
Digital print on fabric 220*130 CM 2019
what you see and what you get
16042020 Curfew hiess, Curfew was called sun setting time, being at home in containment. Just before it got completely dark, and it gets dark very mit der dark very quickly, pots roaring. Water taps rushing. Children’s voices in the courtyard, muffled dotting of a leather ball. As Eindämmerung zu always, a bird whistles too. Two. Five. A silence that grows darker with each passing night silence sinks thicker. The front light Hause sein. for my bike has been lying forgotten on the kitchen table for weeks. I don’t need a front light. Not now. I don’t ride a bike when Kurz bevor es ganz it’s dark. bike when it’s dark. I don’t go for walks at night. I don’t go for walks at night. around the houses. dunkel wurde, und dort wird es sehr schnell dunkel, tösende Töpfe. Wasserhähne rauschen. Kinderstimmen im Hof, dumpfes Dotzen eines Lederballes. Wie immer pfeift auch ein Vogel. Zwei. Fünf. Eine von Abend zu Nacht dunkler werdende Stille sinkt dichter. Die Vorderleuchte für mein Velo liegt seit Wochen vergessen auf dem Küchentisch. Ich brauche keine Vorderlampe. Nicht jetzt. Ich fahre, wenn es dunkel ist, kein Fahrrad. Ich mache nachts keine Spaziergänge und schleiche nicht um die Häuser.
Jeden Dienstag werden landwirtschaftliche Produkte von biologisch anbauenden Höfen auf einem kleinen Markt vor dem Sakakini Cultural Center in Ramallah zum Verkauf angeboten. Every Tuesday agricultural products from biological farms are offered for sale in front of the Sakakini Culrural Centre in Ramallah.
Hände machen Mahshy hands make mahshy
eating with friends would be nice all along a long table laughter , teasing, drinking
fifth corona Friday in Zurich
defreezing gooseberries from last summer’s harvest Stachelbeeren vom letzten Sommer tauen auf
dates with dates
Immer noch kein Regen still no rain
Monica Bonvicini
Coronavirus oder Coronaviren steht für: Coronaviridae, eine Virusfamilie SARS-CoV-2 (vormals 2019-nCoV), Verursacher der COVID-19-Pandenot alone Hiv mie anymore SARS-assoziiertes Coronavirus, Verursacher der SARS-Pandemie 2002/2003 MERS-CoV, seit 2012 Verursacher einer Epidemienicht aufmehr der nur arabischen not anymore esclusively of the Lockdown Halbinsel Selbstbestimmung im Leben und im Sterben Orthocoronavirinae, Virenunterfamilie (frühere Bezeichnung Coronaselfdetermination virinae, veraltete Kurzform) over life and death Betacoronavirus, (früher Gruppe-2-Coronaviren, ver150Virusgattung 000 masks for hairdresser salons. momentan beim Bund rund altete Kurzform) 20 Millionen Masken
tested positive Exit
there are available. bis Ende April 100 Millionen Stück by end of May available physiotherapists, nail studios Physiotherapie, Nagelstudios
images from neighboring countries Coronavirus (Comicfigur), fiktive Figur aus dem 37. Asterix-Band Bilder aus den Nachbarländern (2017) Obligatorium mandatory
20042020 thanks to everyone who has not seen this graffiti - # stay at home. El Mahalla, Egypt @MohamedAbido posted by @_amroali
Unterstützung and support
research trip to Palestine and Jordan, April 2019 :: Pro Helvetia Cairo
this is a picture book picture _ screenshots credits as mentioned more photographs and words © Rayelle Niemann