10 Fire Safety Tips that might save your life

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10 Fire Safety Tips that might save your life

1. Install fire protection Smoke alarms are your finest early warning system in the event of a fire. Install smoke detectors outside each sleeping room as well as throughout the house, including the basement. Install one inside your bedroom as well if you sleep with the door closed.

Alarms should be tested once a month and batteries should be replaced once a year, or whenever an alarm "chirps" to indicate low battery power. Never use a smoke alarm's battery for something else; a smoke alarm that isn't working isn't going to save your life. All alarms above the age of ten years should be replaced. For complete house safety, consider installing an automatic fire sprinkler system. 2.Plan your escape from fire If a fire breaks out in your home, you must flee as soon as possible. Sit together with your family and devise an escape strategy ahead of time. Make sure everyone understands at least two unobstructed exits from each room, including windows. (If you reside in an apartment building, take the stairs rather than the elevator if you're trying to escape a fire.) Choose a

meeting location that is not inside. At least twice a year, have your complete family practise your escape plan.

3.Keep an eye on smokers In North America, careless smoking is the biggest cause of fire mortality. Smoking in bed or while tired has the potential to be lethal. Smokers should be given large, deep, non-tip ashtrays, and butts should be soaked in water before being discarded. Check beneath cushions and around upholstered furniture for smouldering cigarettes before going to sleep or leaving home after someone has smoked.

4.Remember: Matches and lighters are adult-only tools! Only use childresistant lighters, and keep all matches and lighters up high, out of reach of children, preferably in a locked cabinet. Teach your youngsters that matches and lighters are only for adults. Teach small children to notify an adult if they find matches or lighters; older children should immediately bring matches and lighters to an adult. 5.Kitchen safety Stay close to the stove to keep an eye on it. Cooking places should be free of combustibles, and you should wear clothing with short, rolled-up, or tightfitting sleeves. On the stove, turn pot handles inward so they can't be bumped and children can't grab them. Make a three-foot (one-meter) "kidfree" zone around your kitchen stove. If a pan of grease catches fire, cover it with a lid to smother the flames and switch off the heat source. Keep the lid on the pan until it is fully cool.

6.Give space heaters space Portable heaters and space heaters should be kept at least three feet (one metre) away from anything that can catch fire. Keep heaters out of reach of children and pets, and turn them off when you leave the house or go to bed.

7.Use electricity safely If an electric appliance starts to smoke or emits a strange odour, disconnect it right away and have it repaired before reusing it. Any broken or frayed electrical cord should be replaced. Each socket should only have one electrical cord plugged in. Any cords should not be tucked away beneath carpets. Don't tamper with your fuse box, and don't use fuses that aren't the correct size.

8.Cool a burn For 10 to 15 minutes, run cool water over the burn. Ice should never be used. Never put butter or any other greasy substance on a smouldering fire. If the burned skin blisters or becomes charred, get medical attention right once.

9.Crawl low under smoke If you come across smoke while trying to escape a fire, take another route. If you have to get out of the smoke, crawl on your hands and knees, keeping your head 12 to 24 inches (30 to 60 centimetres) above the floor, where the air is clearer. 10. Stop, drop, and roll Do not flee if your clothing catch fire. Stop, drop to the ground, cover your face with your hands, and roll over and over to put out the flames. Call for aid and use water to cool the burn. If you’re looking for fire safety equipment and you’re from Dubai feel free to contact us we’re the leading provider of fire safety equipment Dubai and also we’re the best fire fighting contractors for more details visit our website.

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