Fire Fighting Company in Sharjah, Dubai | Civil defense approved Fire Fighting Companies

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8 Steps to Protect Your Family Against Fire

Fire safety is critical in any home, but it is especially critical in the family home. According to figures released this year by the Department of Housing, Local Government, and Heritage, private dwellings account for the majority of fire fatalities. To lose consciousness, it only takes roughly 2-3 breaths of hazardous gases. The majority of house fire casualties are 65-year-olds (and older) who do not have a functioning fire alarm or smoke detector. Gas appliances and open fireplaces are the most common causes of fire. We’re one of the leading company in providing Fire Safety Equipment Dubai, if you have any requirement feel free to let us know for more details please visit our website. To keep your family and property safe from fire, follow these simple fire safety tips. 1. Install a fire alarm and a carbon monoxide detector It is the most basic strategy for preventing tragedy. As a result of carbon monoxide poisoning, many people die as a result of defective heating units. The majority of fires occur at night, when everyone is sleeping. You have a slim chance of escaping alive if you don't have a good smoke alarm because the poisonous fumes can kill you before the flames come close. Carbon monoxide

detectors, as well as fire and smoke alarms, should all meet safety requirements and laws. 2. Maintain your fire protection equipment Installing a fire alarm system may not be sufficient to ensure its effectiveness. Here's a checklist to ensure that your equipment can save your and your family's lives: • Check the batteries in your smoke alarms once a month. • Vacuum your equipment every six months to remove dust. • Replace the batteries once a year. 3. Check electrical appliances You should be aware of your socket limits and avoid overloading them, since this might result in overheating and fire hazards. Every year, faulty electric appliances, overloaded sockets, and wiring cause a significant number of house fires. For your safety, it's a good idea to have all boiler and cooker installations done by a competent expert. 4. Reduce common fire hazards It is unsurprising that the most insignificant events can lead to disastrous outcomes. So, here are some things you shouldn't do: • leave the kitchen when cooking • put something on or near a burner (it can catch fire) • toss hot trash into a garbage bag immediately • leave candles unattended • use equipment with defective wiring and broken plugs 5. Create a fire safety plan • Make a floor plan for your house. • If at all feasible, try to find two exits from each room. You can also use windows as a backup option. •Make sure all possible exits are visible at all times. • Designate a meeting location that is a safe distance from your home. • Don't forget about small children and anyone who have mobility challenges. 6. Invest in fire protection equipment

If a fire breaks out, fire blankets and extinguishers can rescue you from a lot of trouble. You must, however, know how to handle them properly, as any misuse can result in damage. If you have any doubts, seek expert counsel. 7. Book a fire safety check A fire risk assessment is available from a variety of services. During a visit, the pros will inspect your home and offer advise tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. 8. Practice You and your entire family should practise exiting your home through all possible exits. Hold fire drills for the entire family so that everyone knows what to do in the event of a fire. Remind your family members that if there is a fire, they cannot waste time retrieving their belongings or pets. When heading towards safety, tell them to stay low to avoid smoke. Fires can start accidently at home, and the consequences can be disastrous. There are, however, some things that any family can do to assist prevent such mishaps and keep you safe in the event of an emergency. For example, installing and maintaining fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, as well as acquiring more fire prevention equipment. Additionally, limit your daily fire risks by inspecting your existing electric equipment. All of the following, combined with competent counsel and regular fire drills, can provide the entire family peace of mind.

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