Coolum Eco Industrial Park
There is strong activity in the market leading into Christmas and this seems to be achieving fantastic results for owners.There have been a number of properties transact well over the $4,000/m2 mark and this seems to be the case for high quality existing stock on market.
Land in the estate is also extremely sought after with 2,007m2 selling for $1,760,000 at 19 Dacmar Road.The site came with development approval for a freehold warehouse.
Many are predicting a rate cut early in the new year and investment markets seem to be on a sugar high following the US election result. Headwinds to consider are the US/China trade tariffs (60%) having a ripple effect on our economy due to the affect this will have on China.
Overall the market is producing strong results and this is likely to continue, especially with the prospect of interest rate cuts in the short term.
Coolum Eco Industrial Park
Developer Commentary
EDQ is keeping things moving with stage 2 of the estate and the first release expected at the end of Research Street. According to EDQ these lots are expected to be available late 2025/early 2026.
With 2 large sites on Quanda Road commencing construction recently, this section of the pipeline is looking light in comparison to prior months.
There are many sites in the estate nearing completion. The current pipeline of stock is certainly leaving warehouses on market for much longer.
It is noted there is an increase in stock under construction that recently comes from 115 & 248 Quanda Road, which commenced construction recently.
The numbers to the right are painting the picture around how much choice there is out there for buyers. With roughly 74 warehouses under 250m2 currently on the market.
*These numbers may be slightly out with some development stock being consumed by the market, however not updated on the portals.
50m2 - 150m2
150m2 - 250m2
250m2 - 450m2
450m2 - 650m2
650m2 +
Coolum Eco Industrial Park
Market Data
54 Sales from 12 months to Sept 2023 - 43 Sales to Sept 2024
41 Leases from 12 months to Sept 2023 - 48 Leases to Sept 2024
Lease 8% Vacancy Sale 5% on Market SALES TRANSACTIONS
SALE TRANSACTIONS to September 2024.
* Due to the limited sales results over 450m2 we captured 24 months of data