Ray White Commercial Northern Corridor Group is pleased to present Lot 62 McNaught Road, Caboolture to the market for Sale & Lease situated in the heart of Corporate Park East, just minutes from the Bruce Highway M1 on ramp.
▪ 935m²* freestanding facility comprising of 704.6m²* open warehouse, 25m²* staff area & 200m²* of mezzanine
▪ 1,210m²* allotment
▪ 2 electric container height roller doors
▪ Ample 3 phase power
▪ Ducted air-conditioned offices
▪ Internal amenities
▪ 14 car parking bays
▪ Large awning
▪ 24hr General Industry Zoning
▪ Immediate access to Bruce Highway north and south bound
▪ Central to Sunshine Coast and Brisbane, providing a convenient location to service the northern corridor
▪ Situated within one of the fastest growing regions in the heart of the SEQ Golden Triangle
Construction is commencing in Quarter 1, call Chris Massie or Troy Sturgess to secure this opportunity now!
Chris Massie Director
0412 490 840
Troy Sturgess
Sales & Leasing Executive 0432 701 600
Sought after location
New Construction
24 hour General Industry zoning
Corporate Park East comprises of 45ha of fully serviced General Industrial land across multiple stages in one of the fastest growing regions in the country. Immediate highway access and more than 8km2 of buffering bush and farm land make this the ideal 24 hour transport, logistics and manufacturing precinct.
Each of the first three stages sold out off-plan prior to completion, with almost 50% of the 59 lots sold to owner-occupiers.
Every element of the estate has been designed with functionality in mind.
▪ Direct “left-in” access reduces transit time from Bruce Highway to under 5 minutes
▪ Wide roads with on-street parking gives you contingency and capacity for bulk or seasonal transport delivery growth
Brisbane Olympic Games
The Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games will place Brisbane on the international stage, boosting tourism and investment into the region, creating an Olympic legacy for the city. These games are set to deliver $8.1 billion in benefits to Queensland including a $4.6 billion economic boost to tourism and trade and $3.5 billion in social improvements such as health, volunteering and community benefits. City-shaping projects like the Brisbane Metro, Green Bridges and the transformation of Victoria Park are already underway transforming Brisbane into ‘Australia’s New World City’.
4 new sporting venues will be developed in the greater Brisbane area including Brisbane Arena, Chandler Indoor Sports Centre , Brisbane Indoor Sports Centre, Redland Whitewater Centre.
Greater Brisbane spans an extensive 1342.7km2 across South East Queensland
Brisbane’s prime location on Australia’s Eastern Seaboard conveniently positions the city close to Asia’s continually expanding market.
The Port of Brisbane is one of the fastest-growing container ports in Australia and is up to five sailing days closer to Asia than the ports of Sydney and Melbourne.
Brisbane Airport provides fast and direct access to Australia, Asia, the US and beyond. With 34 airlines now servicing Brisbane, it offers global connections and direct access to travel hubs including Singapore, Hong Kong, Los Angeles and Dubai.
The Region produces significant economic output with an estimated $181 billion in Gross Regional Product in 2020-2021
Brisbane boasts an extensive 130,0000 registered businesses and a labour force of more than 758,000 people
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1. North Coast Commercial Properties Pty Ltd trading as Ray White Northern Corridor Group and or any of its officers, employees or consultants (“we, us”) make no representation, warranty or guarantee, that the Information, whether or not in writing, is complete, accurate or balanced. Some information has been obtained from third parties and has not been independently verified. Accordingly, no warranty, representation or undertaking, whether express or implied, is made and no responsibility is accepted by us as to the accuracy of any part of this, or any further information supplied by or on our behalf, whether orally or in writing.
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The Information must not be reproduced, transmitted or otherwise made available to any other person without our prior written consent.
Chris Massie Director
0412 490 840
Aaron Canavan
Commercial Principal 0432 701 600
Michael Nides
Sales & Leasing Associate 0468 517 956
Bianca Jensen
Sales & Leasing Associate 0434 053 164
Troy Sturgess
Sales & Leasing Executive 0432 701 600
Ashley Rees Director 0411 707 410
James Garnett
Sales & Leasing Associate 0422 087 745