Portfolio 2023 - UI UX Design

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Rayza Gaharza Partakusuma 2023 Portfolio UI/UX Design

Rayza Gaharza Partakusuma

As a UX researcher with a passion for design , I bring a unique perspective to the tech industry. With a background in architecture and years of experience in visual and interaction design , I ve honed my skills in creating intuitive and engaging user experiences. My expertise in research methods , data analysis, and user testing allows me to identify user needs and pain points , and design solutions that meet those needs. I thrive on collaborating with cross-functional teams and using design thinking to solve complex problems.


UX Researcher

AntiGrvty (PT Gravita Driatama Sentosa)

Jan 2023 - Present

Junior Architect

APTA Studio

Apr 2021 - Aug 2021


Bachelor of Architecture Parahyangan Catholic University 2018 - 2023



3rd Prize Winner Architecture Competition

Emergency Evacuation Shelter

CAREDs Indonesia

Jan 2019

Atelier Cosmas Gozali

Feb 2021 - Apr 2021

Junior Architect President

Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi Arsitektur (HMPSArs)

Jan 2020 - Jan 2021

User Experience Design User Interface User Experience Art Direction Visual Design Digital Illustration Storyboarding Team Management Project Plans


UX Design Certificate
 Google UX Design

Professional Certificate






UX Analysis UI Design App Redesign



UX Analysis Usability Testing App Revamp



User Centred Design Product Design



Conceptual Design Product Design

Improving Tickets feature experience

Project case study
UX Analysis UI Design App Redesign

What is feature? Tickets

A feature where you purchase MRT tickets to ride one station to another within the app. The ticket is a digital QR that will be scanned for the user access. The ticket is scanned before and after the trip on the MRT gate.

From the user or travellers POV, the features is quite clanky and unfinished. The tickets is useful when traveller forgot to bring Flash or E-money. There is room for improvement and high potential use case if the product is delivered with better experience.

In this study case will be evaluating the user experience and conduct a research based on the MRT Tickets feature.

Current User Experience for Ticket feature in MRT Jakarta

Research Goals

To understand user behaviors when purchasing MRT tickets for the their ride

To understand the reason user are using the tickets feature

To understand user needs & obstacles when they are using MRT tickets

Research Methods

Identify user flow and experience within the app

Observing their expectation

Observing their obstacle and frustration

Interviewing users pain points and obstacle

Interviewing users of their goals and interests

Respondents Tools

Analyzing user flow and interaction Identifying user problems and potential improvement

Sorting priority problems and improvement

Usability Testing User Interviews Card Sorting
GF, 20 yo College student SA, 27 yo Digital marketing GP, 46 yo Softball coach AK, 23 yo College student
Zoom Google Sheets Google Form


Planning / organize the schedule

Research information gathering

Travel on time

Budak Korporat

User type 1

Bambang Sugiyanto

32 Years Old, Accountant


Travel on time, based on schedule

Reminder on the ticket trip arrival

Easy access to scan and access the gate


Bambang is a hard worker in one of the big 4 company of accounting. He work 9am to 5pm on weekdays. Living with a small family he works in Sudirman area, which MRT provides access to. He rarely came late to work and spent most of his spare time with family.

Needs & Expectations

Easy to check schedule and directly purchase the ticket for the ride

Check transportation routes and arrival-departure schedule

Easy access to check/ edit the booked ticket

Pain Points

Doesnt know the exact time of train arrival and departure Failure on QR scan at the gate

User Flow ACTION TASK LIST Schedule the Trip Arrive in the Station Tap in Waiting on the Platform Travel within the MRT Tap out Checking the schedule Pre purchase the ticket Checking the ticket Checking the train arrival Tapping in the ticket Play favorite music / podcast Checking current work etc. Tapping out the ticket Rush to directly to work QR scan failure Confused interface of the schedule Doesnt know the exact time arrive in the destination The ticket doesnt refresh to tapout HMW help user to pre purchase the ticket from schedule HMW help user to prioritize train arrival and tickets HMW help user to understand total time travel HMW help user to identify checkout ticket HMW help user to show ticket easily FRUSTRATI ONS IMPROVEMENTS OPPORTUNITY

Mau CFDan

User type 2


Research information gathering

Travel easy and unbusy

Travel with friends and family (multiple purchase)


Reminder on the ticket trip arrival

Easy access to purchase multiple tickets and share to friends


Rosa is a mother of 2 children, her family always spent CFD together at Sunday morning. Doing a cardio while having a good social interaction. MRT is one of the convenient public transportation she uses. She wanted to easily travel with her relatives.

Needs & Expectations

Easy to purchase multiple tickets and share to friends Understand the time of busy MRT rides to get better experience

Pain Points

Confusing and boring UI Needing to scan friends ticket via my personal phone


Flow ACTION TASK LIST Arrive in the Station Tap in Waiting on the Platform Travel within the MRT Tap out Checking friends location Purchase multiple ticket Tapping in the ticket Tapping in friends ticket Play favorite music / podcast Talk and hangout with friends Waiting to arrive in the destinat ion Tapping out the ticket Tapping out friends ticket Needing to share my phone to scan Confused interface of the schedule Doesnt know the exact time arrive in the destination The ticket doesnt refresh to tapout Needing to share my phone to scan HMW help user to easily purchase multiple ticket and share the ticket HMW help user to understand total time travel HMW help user to understand etiquette in MRT HMW help user to identify checkout ticket FRUSTRATI ONS IMPROVEMENTS OPPORTUNITY

Anak Tongkrongan

User type 3

James Riyadi

19 Years Old, Business college student


Travel easy and unbusy Travel on time


Reminder on the ticket trip arrival

Easy access to scan and access the gate


James usually meet and spent his time in SCBD, he love to chill and casually meeting his friends in that area. The place itself is great for him, not to fancy nor shady. He rarely uses MRT, most of the time he rides his 90s BMW.

Needs & Expectations

Understand the time of busy MRT rides to get better experience

Check transportation routes and arrival-departure schedule

Pain Points

Confusing and boring

Flow ACTION TASK LIST Arrive in the Station Tap in Waiting on the Platform Travel within the MRT Tap out Purchase the ticket Checking the train arrival Tapping in the ticket Play favorite music / podcast Checking current work etc. Tapping out the ticket QR scan failure Doesnt know the exact time arrive in the destination The ticket doesnt refresh to tapout HMW help user to understand total time travel HMW help user to identify checkout ticket HMW help user to show ticket easily FRUSTRATI ONS IMPROVEMENTS OPPORTUNITY

Research Summary

User Journey

The user flow is quite straight to point. Some of the features are not needed and too many third party that is implied. The ticket feature is useable yet lacks failure on QR scan and confused user flow.

Lacks of Information

The information that are needed are inform in separate pages. Implementing on compact information will improve user understanding of the MRT and ticket feature.

Underwhelm Visual

The visual of MRT app does not represent visual identity of MRT Jakarta. Some of the visual are hard to identify and there is a lot of ads in the app, which confuse the user.

User Flow


user to identify checkout



ACTION BUDAK KORPORAT Schedule the Trip Arrive in the Station Tap in Waiting on the Platform Travel within the MRT Tap out
etiquette in MRT
HMW help user to
purchase the ticket from schedule HMW help user to prioritize train arrival and tickets HMW help user to show ticket easily HMW help user to understand total time travel HMW help user to identify checkout
HMW help user to understand total time travel HMW help user to understand
help user to understand total time travel
user to identify checkout ticket
HMW help user to easily purchase multiple ticket and share the ticket help user to show ticket easily
HMW help
to be Developed
Selected Opportunity
HMW help user to prioritize train arrival and tickets
HMW help user to identify checkout ticket HMW help user to understand total time travel

HMW help user to prioritize train arrival and tickets

What is the problem?


Ticket Highlight

Visual Hierarchy

The information of train arrival and ticket is shown in different page section.

User have difficulty in identifying train arrival and tickets in the MRT app. While user are tend to check the app for train arrival and their tickets.

Why is this a priority?

Based on user testing, user goal upon opening the app is to check the ticket to scan on to enter the station. While opening the ticket take a couple steps and can be simplified.

The failure of this problem will make:

(1) The queue in MRT longer while user open the app

Visual Hierarchy

Using the visual as call to action, user will prioritize their attention towards different visual identification. The ticket feature is one of the most used function in the app, so it is good to prioritize in the homepage.

Current visual hierarchy lacks of information that imply in the homepage. Prioritizing ads and additional features from third party app.

To improve the effectivity of the homepage is to prioritize the primary feature and design the secondary feature that support the main function.

(2) User frustrated while using the app SOLVING IMPROVEMENTS
SOLVING Ticket Highlight User Flow Prototype
Design Information Architect To test the design prototype - Copy the link to your browser shorturl.at/esBIU

HMW help user to understand total time travel

What is the problem?

they do not have the information of knowing when will they arrive at their destination.

As user travel within the MRT There is an error where the information that is applied only the arrival of the train in the station.

Why is this a priority?

From the user testing that has conducted, user will benefits from arriving on time while they plan or travel. While they travel with the MRT they will know when and what station are they currently at.

Only Departure Time

Travel Timeline

Informative Graphic

Travel timeline will give user the current state of location (station) and time of arrival. The travel timeline will give user a better experience knowing when they will arrive comparing with other public transportation.

Intuitive and Fun

The failure of this problem will make:

(1) The user arrive late or not knowing when they will arrive.

(2) The user uses third party to search for the information.

With the travel timeline, we can apply identity of the MRT train traveling or accelerating in the timeline bar.

This feature will make user to came back and uses the app while traveling with the MRT. Which in the last version has not been implemented.

SOLVING Ticket Highlight User Flow
Architect To test the design prototype - Copy the link to your browser shorturl.at/esBIU
Prototype UI

Visual Indicator

Color Differentiate

HMW help user to identify checkout ticket

What is the problem?

The current version of the app has , which is implemented with QR scan. The only difference they made is only in green small bar, which is hard to acknowledge.

Why is this a priority?

lack visual clarity of the checkout ticket

This lack of visual will make user confused and having difficulties while using the app or in travel. With this confusion will make the user to ignore the app and travel with flazz or e money instead.

The failure of this problem will make:

(1) User confused and difficult while using the app

(2) Unable to pass the MRT gate

(3) User to ignore the app and use different payment method

Better User Flow

The help of color differentiate or other visual indicator can help user acknowledge the difference of tap in and tap out. The initial color of the QR will still be black and white for the QR to scanned easily.

The user understanding where they got to one point on app is important. The current version of the app does not give a good user flow of the tapout QR scan. Making the user confused and frustrated.

The indicator of the ticket will be shown clearly if the user has already tap in and ride the train, and introduce new visual for tap out and arrive in the destination.

The only difference
SOLVING Ticket Highlight User Flow Prototype
Design Information Architect To test the design prototype - Copy the link to your browser shorturl.at/esBIU

UX Design Course

Maka Menu

Digital Menu and Ordering App

User Centered Design Product Design

Project case study


Project Overview

Maka Menu

Maka Menu is a digital menu and ordering app, that provides intuitive booking, ordering system for local restaurant. Maka Menu features an easy to use interface that is easy to understand and engaging for the user. Maka Menu focused on alternating the function of paper menu to digital menu.

Paper Menu Problems

Slow & hard to update

It is not possible to instantaneously update paper menus with your most recent offerings or unavailable products.

Worn or dirty paper

The restaurant is unable to entirely prevent water or oil stains from appearing on the paper menu.

Project Goal

Improving engagement rate of the product will gain higher chance of product purchases.

Cost and Time consuming

Average restaurant reprints the menu 3 times a year which leads to high printing costs.

Understanding the User User Research Personas User Journey Map Problem Statements 1 Starting the Design Paper Wireframe Digital Wireframe Low-Fidelity Prototype Usability Studies 2 Understanding the User High-Fidelity Prototype Mockups 3 User Testing Lofi Prototype Hifi Prototype
Design Phase

User Persona

Boedi Widodo

45 Years Old, City Council

Berkeley, US


Boedi is an immigrant from Indonesia to United States. He pursued his political journey with passion without any connection. He loves to go to high end restaurants to hangout, have a brunch or breakfast with his family or coworkers. The tendency of going to high end restaurants is the waiting lists and reservations. He is rarely able to find seats for groups of people.

Hangout with family or coworkers in high end restaurant


A long waiting list in the restaurant

Rarely able to find seats for group of people

Hard time to talk in English (language barrier)

User Journey Map

1 - Understanding the User

User Journey Map

Syarief Jamal

27 Years Old, Fintech start-up

Abu Dhabi, UAE


Syarief is a young entrepreneur from Abu Dhabi. He spent most of his time at his office and barely find spare time in his working hours. The way he sees high end restaurant is a space for him to relax, good meal, and services. Most of the time he get frustrated if the ordering system took a while.


To be able to eat a good meal with a quick and enjoyable experience

Takeaway for his favorite dinner in home

Pending and a long time waiting for the order to come

Unavailable delivery or takeout foods

+ 1 - Understanding the User

User Journey Map

Tamar Saddak

21 Years Old, Intern in FnB company

Seoul, South Korea


Tamar is a young girl who loves to spend time with friends and family. She is a wonder kid and an activist. She found that dining in restaurant shares a diligent atmosphere that she loves. She rarely went to high end restaurant, only occasional times - once a year. She struggle to find the fitted restaurant and food menu for her vegan food.


To eat a good healthy vegan meal in high end restaurant

Takeaway for his favorite dinner in home

Overbudget food prices

Struggle to found the vegan menu

User Persona 1 - Understanding the User


A smooth and easy to use app for broad range of user

Research Summary


To push an intuitive branding identity on every restaurant

Easy to Understand

Information system that easy to understand for the user

+ 1 - Understanding the User

Quick and easily order food

In this scenario user stumble upon problems such as queuing and waiting. With the help of the Maka app the user easily check in and order the food easily.

Writing storyboard help visualize user activity and empathize on user pain points.

Storyboard - Close up

Preview and order food directly to table

The draft design of the UI within the Maka app. User arrived, scanned the QR, and ordering food.

This storyboard are a draft wireframe on how the user interact and use each page to fit their needs and expectations.

+ 2 - Starting the Design
Storyboard - Bigger picture

User Flow

Simplifying front desk and waiters job

Th pp int nd d to compil th front d k nd w it r job, in which:

W lcoming u

A igning t bl

D liv ring m nu

Compiling ord r

D liv ring ord r

Coll cting p m nt

Information Architecture

Menu as highest priority

Und r t nding u r cc th M k pp wh n th h v lr d rriv d in th r t ur nt, M k pp m inl focu d on improving th xp ri nc on dining in th r t ur nt.

+ 2 - Starting the Design

First wireframe and testing

As the wireframe are designed, user have a general knowledge on the visual and function of the app.

Usability Testing (UT) are intended to learn from the user point of view on experiencing the application, whether if the user understand the goal and task of the App

Usability Testing

RG, 22 years old Graphic Designer

Research Findings

Round 1


Users need differentiate booking and ordering CTA

User want a quick booking system

User want more details on the restaurant search page

Round 2 Findings

LF, 23 years old Digital Marketing

RK, 44 years old College Lecturer

User want to identify the brand identity within the menu

User want to differentiate booking page layout with the homepage

+ 2 - Starting the Design Wireframe

Design Iterations


Home screen update develop for more interactive design interface. The design are modern and simplified, pushing user to explorer the feature straight to their needs.

Search Page

Search page design more subtle, developing user interaction towards the restaurant page rather than categorizes.

Menu Page

The menu is design to give more engagement of the product towards the user, developing the product stories aiming for additional purchases from the users.

+ 2 - Starting the Design Lofi Prototype
*After usability study *After usability study
Prototype 3 - Understanding the User
Hifi Prototype

Accessibility Consideration

Design Interface

Designing a simple and straightforward interface for the user, minimizing their choices and promote essential features for the users

Additional Payment System

An additional payment within the application to integrate user flow within the app

Additional Features

Provides two features for

1. Booking - manage a waiting list in the restaurant

2. Dine In - to deliver a smooth and intuitive ordering

+ 3 - Understanding the User

Insights and Strategies from Music player UX Research

UX Analysis Usability Testing App Revamp

Project case study


Langit Musik


Langit Musik is a music streaming application owned by the Telkom group that offers a new way to stream songs and podcasts legally and without limits via PCs, mobile phones or IndiHome TV. Langit Musik app features stream songs and podcasts for free from the service's library of more than 11,000,000 songs.


Understand LM and Non LM users end to end journey for music exploration

Discover a comfortable experience for in app ads that would not cause users to bounce from the app

Provide key solutions for users searching, listening, interacting, and sharing experiences for revamp sky music

Explore user journey when user is purchasing premium account


Service: UX Research and UX


Platform: iOS and Androi

App: Langit Musik App


Jan to Feb 2023

Research Phases

Create Research Plan

Create Interview Questions

Listening to songs, interactions and share Discuss with tech team

Synthesize Research Result

Find Respondents Music Player

Comment and Karaoke




Create UI Design

Analyze Submission
Planning Execute Research

Research Plan


Usecase 1 - Listening to Music

Describe your activities and conditions (scenario) when you wanted to listen to songs?

Is there a difference in the choice of music in other conditions or scenarios?

What information helps you to choose music?

After you listen to the first song you selected, does the next song play by itself or do you have to put your own song on?

On a scale of 1-5, how often does the next song match your song preference?

In your opinion, what could be improved?

Usecase 2 - Interaction during Listening to Music

Based on your experience - regarding music content, what usually motivates you to watch/listen to live stream content?

If you see a live session in a streaming music application like Spotify (which is the most used), in your opinion, what kind of content or interaction will be available in it?

Do you like karaoke? Have you ever used the karaoke feature in a music application?

When is this feature used? and the form of scenarios that occur in karaoke conditions?

If you look at the karaoke feature in a music application like Spotify, what do you imagine the form and activity in karaoke would be like?

Usecase 3 - Sharing Music

What do you do if you find a song you like?

If you like to share, what do you usually share? Explain your reasons!

Please direct how do you share the song !

After you arrived at the page, why did you wanted to share via social media?

If you saw a song posted on a social media story that your friend heard, what made you interested in listening to the music being shared?

In terms of information, what information do you think can be included when sharing information about music?

DENTS Ananda 23 Years Old Architect Naufal 22 Years Old College Student Raihan 23 Years Old Music Antusiast Ariqo 23 Years Old Model Raihana 21 Years Old College Student

Music Player


Users are categorized by two sections when listening to music: Focused state - Listening to music; and Non Focused State - Multitask with music for background

Users would rely on random songs when they click next or after the playlist is finished


Problem 1: Users felt frustrated when the auto play on music app misplayed the song and ruin their listening experience.

Focused Stat

User would search songs directly from the search page and would que the next upcoming songs

Non Focused Stat

User would identify a certain playlist based on artist then would fine which playlist that suits with them

Problem 2: Users listening behavior did not introduce new songs or genres. Continual of repeated songs bore users time by time


Problem 1: Users felt frustrated when the auto play on music app misplayed the song and ruin their listening experience.

Ease Exploration, provide user to select songs manually based on their mood while listening to music

Provide Control on Queue list, provide clarity for user to identify song based on the queue list and giving control (Arrange and remove

Problem 2: Users listening behavior did not introduce new song or genre. Continual of repeated songs bore users time by time

Related Page, provide ease accessibility for users to access recommended song, playlist, artist, and album.

Daily Mix Playlist, provide fresh new playlist for user to explore and discover new songs


Comment and Karaoke Feature


Not all types of users want to do karaoke. There are two types of systems: Karaoke - Karaoke solo and sing; and Singalong - Take part with singer

Users are not familiar with commenting on music platforms. Their motivation on interacting in comments is the content and influencer


Problem 1: Music content are not appealing for user to comment on.

Problem 2: Carpool karaoke are popular and enjoyable among Gen Z. User listen to songs while they are on the road and experience carpool karaoke.


15% of the user preferred Karaoke on mobile. The feature is amazing and fun yet there is not a lot of popularity of the feature.

Sin alon

85% of the user preferred Singalong on mobile. The user have not experienced and found comfort on singalong rather than karaoke experience with minus one (without singer)


Problem 1: Music content is not appealing for users to comment on.

Problem 2: Carpool karaoke is popular and enjoyable among Gen Z. Users listen to songs while they are on the road and experience carpool karaoke.

Interaction within Comment, users are able to reply and gift within the comment section

Gamify Karaoke, providing exciting and fun for the user experiencing the Karaoke feature

Usability Result

Share Music


Most users seek music sharing to be personalized, that is why their method of sharing will be towards Instagram stories.

Users would customize the design on their stories and insert captions that reflect their feelings towards the songs.


Problem 1: Sharing need a high customizability and flexibility. When it comes to sharing user will customize the form of information and visual, fitting their personality and purpose when they share.

Problem 2: Good design is relative. All of the user that are tested has different preference on the template design for the user to share.


Problem 1: Sharing need a high customizability and flexibility. When it comes to sharing, users will customize the form of information and visuals, fitting their personality and purpose when they share.

Problem 2: Good design is relative. All of the users that were tested have different preferences on the template design for the user to share.

Share videos, music, album covers, or links. Users have multiple options on how they share their selected music

Visual posters, Album covers, GIFs and stickers, Users have multiple options on how they share their selected music

Usability Result


Find Your Spark Personality Card

Conceptual Design Product Design

Project case study


Project Overview

Find Your Spark

The goal of this project is to create a unique and engaging user experience centered around a personality card game. With this interactive game, users will have the opportunity to discover their inner spark through a fun and interactive experience.

Through the Find Your Spark game, users will be able to reveal one of their unique sparks, providing them with a deeper understanding of themselves and their passions. Our hope is that this project will inspire users to pursue their dreams and unlock their full potential.

Design Phases


Generating and sharing ideas in a group setting. In the collaborative space between designers.

Story Concept

Creating an engaging and intuitive user journey through thoughtful design and testing.

Design Prototype

Visual representation of the final product that simulates user interaction.


Bringing the final design to life through coding and implementation.

*on other division side


Generating and sharing ideas in a group setting. In the collaborative space between designers.

Design Collaborative

Working together with other designers or stakeholders to create the best possible user experience and interaction for a product or service.

Bringing together diverse perspectives and skill sets, design collaboration can help ensure that the final product is functional, aesthetically pleasing, and userfriendly.

Base Story

Once upon a time, in a world not too different from our own, every person was born with a spark within them. This spark was a representation of their individuality, creativity, and spirit. It was said that the brighter the spark, the more vibrant and fulfilling a person's life would be.

However, as people went about their daily lives, they soon discovered that navigating the world around them could dull their spark. The stress and pressure of work, relationships, and societal expectations weighed heavy on their minds, causing their spark to flicker and fade.

For some, the loss of their spark was a slow and gradual process. They found themselves feeling less passionate about the things they once loved, struggling to find motivation and inspiration in their daily lives.

But, some people find out they could not to let their spark die out. They made an effort to slow down, connect with their passions and desires, and

Seek out the things that reignited their spark.

And in doing so, they discovered that their spark was not lost forever. Instead, it was simply waiting to be rekindled, waiting for them to give it the attention and care it needed to shine bright once more. o they continued on their journey, seeking to nurture their spark and live a life filled with purpose, passion, and joy. And in doing so, they proved that no matter how dull the world may become, the spark within us will always burn bright if we choose to keep it alive.

torylin Introductio Proble Clima olving
Comic Strip
of the Charachters
the Story Main Concept Reignite Your Spark tory of Daily Life Concept Interactive Visual Stor y Personality Card F L O W
Gathering References
Draft of

Character Design Stor y Concept

The Ignitor


reating an engaging and intuitive user journey through thoughtful design and testing.

Leaders and initiatives Eager to start and gathering people to share their goal

The Marie Kondo

Organized, utilitarian, committed, and practical

Happy to clean and make things tidy

The Saintlike Passionate, social and charismatic

Bubble, generous, and reliable

Friendly, kind to people - new and closest ones

The Sparkkeeper

Steadfast, dependable, and resilient

Happy to be within the group of friends

The Phoenix

Kind and quite

Happy with me time, the person tends to be calm

Creative, adventurous, and independent

Creative seek for adventures

Creative, adventurous, and independent

Mediator, always putting themselves in the middle of the conflict.

Always active on creating and doing something

Feedback WANTED

Main Concept

CTA to Start the Stor y

Joni wakes up, full of Sparks, excited to work T

parks slowly fade away

Interactions Meet homeless, Pick one - Jamming in the music or just give money?

Arrived home, Pick one - Play games or reading books? Choose one option Choose one option Choose one option

Result Scene Reveal Personality Type

The Trailblazer The Peacemaker The Maverick
y Scene
raffic j
ams & deadline
Car broke down Joni has to go home another way between Stories On the way home, Pick one - Take MRT or walk?


Visual representation of the final product that simulates user interaction.


Bringing the final design to life through coding and implementation.

*on other division side


rayzagp@gmail.com instagram.com/ordinary.png behance.net/rayzagp linkedin.com/rayzagaharza

2023 Portfolio UI/UX Design

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