Asthma and allergies

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Asthma and Allergies Bronchial asthma is characterized by recurrent attack of difficulty in exhalation due to wide-spread reversible narrowing of airways in the lungs and airway inflammation and bronchial hyper responsiveness, it is not one disease it has different patterns and every asthma should be taken as an individual asthma and should be managed in a different way. Allergies can be a running nose and a blocked or stuffy nose; there can be itching of nose, ears, eyes, throat and mucus membrane. It can also involve inflammation that can lead to pain. It can be chronic infection that leads to Sinusitis problems. In this case what happens in the body is: Swelling of the inner lining of the nose Secretion of large quantities of watery mucus from the mucus membrane. Inflammation causes mucus to build up in the airways, cutting down the space available to move air. The inflammation also stimulates the muscles around these tubes to contract broncho construction, narrowing the tubes cutting the space of the airflow. The external trigger for this reaction of the body usually causes by pollen, dust, changes of season and environment, allergens, cigarette smoke, alcohol and… And this situation leads to discomfort, loose of interest at work and psychological depression. But what is the reason that one body reacts in this way for dust and another body doesn’t? To the medical science there is no answer why the body decides to attack the dust or pollen in such a strong reaction. It is known that in the developed countries it is a more common disease than in the under developed countries, and the question is why? The answer maybe is found in the internal reasons of why there is asthma and allergies. The reason for this is in the mind: nervousness, fear, anxiety, stress, emotional swings, depression, and elation…. And due to this reason there are many ways to treat asthma and allergies except using drug to relief to attack and to prevent the following attacks. You can find treatment in Psychotherapy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Magneto therapy and Yoga therapy. By working on the mind and controlling the mind in the asthma attack we can reduce the symptoms and control the asthma or allergy. What is happening to the body from yoga’s point of view during asthma attack or when we have an allergy? The Prana (the life energy that gives life to each and every cell of the body) doesn’t flow, and there are blockages in our Nadis (energy channels) and that is causing the disease in the body. The cause of the disturbed flow of energy is believed to be excessive speed. And with practice of yoga we can control the Prana and the mind, and let the Prana flow in all the blocked channels. Correcting the disturbances at the emotional, physical and vital energy levels brings about the correction of the bodily disturbances. At the physical level yoga Asanas gives us local relaxation and improves tolerance. At the vital energy level-Pranayama- gives us a way to control Prana, the expansion of Prana and lungs, and relaxation of the airways and body muscles, and off course relaxation of the mind. At the emotional level by controlling our mind throughout meditation, pranayama and Asana we can control our emotions and reducing the stress and calm our airways muscles. Relaxation that a person can get from practicing yoga can reduce the panic during an attack, and then we can control the mind and relax the bronchus. Can yoga correct this chemical imbalance? Yoga can decrease the activities of the nervous system, it has a big effect on the immune system, and it is increasing the resistance to infection in respiratory passage, and practice of yoga makes a person more calm and the anger or anxiety that was there before practice is reduced and can disappear. When this happens and the body becomes calm, the body returns to normal function. When we practice Asanas and Pranayama we go deep inside and we become aware of what is happening inside our body. So which practice can help us relax the respiratory muscles and help to breath with the diaphragm? Deep breathing, chair breathing, Kapalbhati, Ujjai, Nadi Shodhana and Bhastrika with Kumbak. Asanas like Sarvangasana, Vipareetakarani and Padahastasana are strengthening the lungs. Inverted Asanas and forward bends makes the abdominal contents on the diaphragm and compresses the chest. Backward bend Asanas help the inhalation because the chest is open and twisting Asanas help the chest opening in one side, help the movement of the diaphragm, increase the respiration and help to take out the mucus. Practice of Jalaneti and Sutraneti (thread or rubber) cleans the nostrils. Dhouti practice cleans the bronchial wall and calm the irritant of the bronchial. And off course every other practice of any Asana, Pranayama, Om chanting, Yoga Nidra and meditation that is calming the mind and the body will help. With time and practice of yoga, asthma attacks and allergies will become less frequent and becomes easier to overcome them. Only if you practice yoga it can help and prevent, and if the attack is not strong, it’s better to try not using any drugs, if it is not essential. But if you are not a regular yoga practitioner it can be dangerous to overcome an asthma attack or allergy with practice of yoga.

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