Environmental Noise Assessment
Environmental noise is the noise that came with all the resources in the environment aside from the noise coming in the workplace. It can be the noise created by the cars or even from the neighborhood.
Environmental noise can affect concentration and health. It can cause health problems such as hearing loss, auditory fatigue and tinnitus. Also it can affect sleep disturbance, hypertension and heart attack. Environmental noise also have assessment. Environmental noise assessment aims to identify the source, measurements and analyze the noise in order to make recommendations. Identifying the source of noise help to understand the regulations and standard of the location of the noise. When getting the measurements of the noise. It needs some experts to go into the field with their acoustic equipment.
Article Source: https://medium.com/@rbaacousticsuk/environmental-noiseassessment-f29e276da0d8 Shared by: www.rba-acoustics.co.uk