Ran Ben Shaya
architecture Portfolio
Ran Ben Shaya \ resume RIBA I AA Diploma Candidate 2021 Architectural Association School of Architecture
Mobile +44 (0) 7521206208
A one of a kind cultural center that employs deaf-blind,deaf and blind individuals. Sign language interpreter and marketing Sign language Interpreter working with the Deaf-Blind ensemble‘Not By Bread Alone’ theater show. Manager of all Presenter content And social media of the Na Lallygag Foundation.
Internship in an Israeli startup company. Techso - a medical simulation company currently developing medical simulations and 3d printed medical model for the medical sector. I was involved in the design process of the medical simulations and 3D printed model production.
TECHSO TEL-AVIV ISRAEL February 2014 - April 2014
Completed a full Israeli ‘Bagrut’ Matriculation with a 4.0 GPA.
Scheduled to Complete first year of the five year AA Diploma program and continue on to the second year intermediate school.
JERUSALEM ISRAEL August 2007 - 2011
Active Matter is a five-day workshop exploring the opportunities arising through the convergence of material design in both macro and micro scale. Learning from innovators of materials as well as from nature’s aptitude for adaptation and integration.
building analysis
stage storage system
mappa mundi
formal composition
Monument Smog
Transcendent towers
piraneisian limbo
building analysis
the old sacristy of san lorenzo
“Tell me frankly, Donato, who is more worthy of praise: he who in the lists blows the trumpet, or he who clashes most in the fight? But you, who are so proud of your many triumphs, should also silence that chatterbox crowd and go to work in peace; then you will gather great store of the most worthy praises, because then you will be what in truth you are and do yourself most good” - Fillipo Brunelleschi
The project analyses the geometrical and proportional composition of the building as intended in it’s initial design by Filippo Brunelleschi and it’s process of change through time with Donatello’s ornamental additions to the building. Through a series of interpretative drawings, it is possible to speculate and begin to understand the consequences of intervention of an individual that from an artist’s perspective, disregards the overall architectural composition
Plan | Section | Elevation
As The Poet Intended
Through a linear perspectival drawing ,known as Brunelleschi revolutionary invention, the experience of the geometrical sequence the governs the space can be reconstructed, disregarding any additions made to the initial design. The Old Sacristy is quite the opposite of simple, however, in order to fully understand the geometrical purity and gradual transition from rectilinear geometry to spherical geometry, this building requires a particular viewpoint that doesn’t exist today considering it is being occupied by a marble table obstructing the perfect linear perspective from the center of the building.
From Geometrical Sequence to Framing Artworks
The Old Sacristy serves as a paradigm for the unfortunate occasion in which an external intervention of another architect or artist is imposed on an established design composition of a building. Considering the nature of Brunelleschi’s work as an architect and Donatello as a sculptor, naturally the architect will look at the space he is designing as the bigger whole - a composition, while the sculptor will focus his attention on the composition of his artwork within the building. This is fundamental difference in which remains as a scar on the building, fragmenting and altering the experience of the space; ” The balance between additions and the architecture of the space as a whole was still committed as always to the specialists’ subjective capacity to grasp the character of the setting..”
Looking into the length to which Brunelleschi went to create or more accurately invent his syntactical system of architectural elements, it becomes clear how meticulous every detail of every aspect of the building have been monitored and calculated into this equation in which any slight change or addition breaks the balance. Donatello’s additions to the old sacristy are clearly breaking that balance they undermine and distance the building from it’s creator and from the genuine spatial experience he attempted to construct. Perhaps where an architect sees a geometrical sequences as a system or methodology of design, an artist (Donatello) may see potential framing envelopes for his artworks.
stage storage system
Redefining the domestic role of the closet
Original Floor Plan - Keeling House / Denys Lasdun
After several iterations of possible designs for the Keeling House focusing on redesigning the closet/storage as a core element of a traditional house, the concept of looking at a domestic space as constant, open volume emerged. In this concept, the furniture - mobilis - define the space. in a similar way in which a theatre stage utilizes different functions and layout to a constant open space ( the stage it self). Shifting the scale of the closet as a furniture element in a house to a scale in which the closet becomes part of the fundamental structure of a house, a system that defines and organizes the space.
work desk with hidden drawer
(serves as dining table extension)
dining table
(serves as dining table extension)
work desk dining table understage chair (x2)
vinyl storage drawer
turntable with speakers
scale: 1/50
work desk understage chair (x2)
vinyl storage drawer
bedside book turntable with shelf (x2) speakers
bedside book shelf (x2)
towel hanger
tilted mirror towel hanger
tilted mirror
Cushion drawer (for hosting)
Cushion drawer alcohol mini bar (for hosting) pantry
alcohol mini bar pantry
indcation of pneumatic cylinder lift
indcation of pneumatic cylinder lift
scale: 1/50
double bed
guest bed double bed
night stand lamp drawer
storage: linens / towels cleaning materials dirty laundry
clothes drawer 1
night stand drawer
storage: laundry machine linens / towels cleaning materials dirty laundry
laundry machine
shoe drawer coffee cupboard
clothes drawer 2 clothes drawer 1
hook hanger (x2) scale: 1/50
guest bed
toilette bathtub
coffee cupboard
scale: 1/50
work desk with hidden drawer
shoe drawer
clothes drawer 2
hook hanger (x2)
scale: 1/25
Time based axonometric drawings, demonstrating multiple programmatic uses of the single volume space across different times of the day. In a similar way to theatrical stages, where the space is constant yet, changes purely by the function it has been assigned in a particular time. This project questions the role of rigid compartmentalization of the domestic environment and propose a new type of inhabitation that truly governed by time and functional necessity within a prescribed space.
le: 1/50
Unveiled Floor plan
Revealed Floorplan
h: 4.1 m
The floor plan is meant to emphasize the functional change of a single volume space, breaking away from the division of the flat into separate rooms with permanent functions or programs. This approach creates a space with over 4 meter ceiling height in what use to be a standard council flat (keeling house).
fyt1b2 mobilis | A house without a kitchen & a sofa | plans & sections | ran ben shaya
Model Scale: 1:20 | Plywood & MDF
Syringe - pneumatics system
Glaciers are one of the most dynamic and rapidly changing landforms to be found on earth. The glacier site I chose to interpret in this project is the Perito Moreno glacier in Patagonia; one of the only glacier in Patagonia which is in a state of rapid growth and recurring rupture (approximately 2 meters a day). Addressing the task of designing a moving city on a moving landscape questions not only how could a city / statement and it’s inhabitants move, but also how would it adapt and reconfigure according to the rapid change of a glacial landforms.
A0 Mixed Scale (Mappa Mundi) Line Drawing
ice printing mechanical arm
Ice carving mechanic arm
Hovering solar and wind energy supply station & local lighting supply.
Movement direction of glacier Movement direction of nomadic Settlement (people & buildings)
Glacier & Human Settlement Movement Diagram
Perito Moreno Glacier / Patagonia Argentina - Project Site
formal composition
Experimentation with repetitive forms
This Project explores the use of a repetitive form through various rotations and combinations designed to cluster and generate continuous spaces. The spatial strategy implied was based on the division of the building in to 2 different elements, clearly distinctive from each other: The black colored forms in the diagram represents the stacked core of the building and the white represents the clusters covering the skeletal core.
Speculative locations of collaged images within the proposed complex
White Foam Model - Scale: 1/500
Speculative Plan & Section
Beijing SmoG 北京烟雾
Beijing Smog 北京烟雾
Standart pollution forecast phone application commonly used on a regular basis by Chinese citizens
Global Air Quality Standart Good - 0 -50 AQI
1 of 1 0
10 miles
Pm 2.5 - Airborne particles 2.5 Micrometer in diameter, small enough to lodge in the human respiratory system.
Vehicle emissions and coal burning are the main source of Pm 2.5
Human Hair
Pm 2.5 particles in high concentration reflect a substantial part of visible light causing the smog To be higly visible within Beijing
near China
Beijing is situated on a plain by the meeting point of the Xishan and Yanshan mountains, preventing rapid air circulation and diffusion the pollutants in the air.
Beach Sand
Weather Inversion Within Beijing’s complicated typographical and industrial aspects emerges a climatic issue known as weather inversion - a condition in which a dense layer of cold air trapped under a layer of warm air, preventing pollutants from dispersing out of Beijing. This condition is more severe in winter in relation to summer.
Warm Air
MONUMENT SMOG Inversion Layer
Cold Air Trapped Airborne pollutants
SMOG AS CULTURAL ICON OF BEIJING pm 2.5 | pm10 | o3 | so2 | no2 | co
eijing is not the most polluted city in the world, yet over the last decade it has become an icon of ‘airpocalypse’ - The smog capital of planet earth. It is a paradigm of the visual consequence of man made pollution, unleashing an industrial condition on which China’s energy supply , and infrastructure depends on. The smog is becoming part of the cultural identity of the city, affecting Beijing at every possible scale - from outer space to the particle composition in the air.
Beijing Smog 北京烟雾
Standart pollution forecast phone This projects, is an ongoing project attempting to investigate the cultural context on which smog thrives and application commonly used on a dominates the lives of Bejing’s inhabitants. The Initial stage focused on developing an iconography language regular basis by Chinese citizens
Global Air Quality Standart Good - 0 -50 AQI
to represent the smog both in it’s actual manifestation within the city and on the particle level which relates to the scientific and climatic criteria that determine the variation in visibility within the city and the severity of Inadequate air quality. The credibility of this project representing Beijing as a monument, a paradigm of the smog phenomena, relies on the particular relations ship between the city’s topographical and geographical position.
10 miles
Pm 2.5 - Airborne particles 2.5 Micrometer in diameter, small enough to lodge in the human respiratory system.
Vehicle emissions and coal burning are the main source of Pm 2.5
Human Hair
Pm 2.5 particles in high concentration reflect a substantial part of visible light causing the smog To be higly visible within Beijing
Beijing is situated on a plain by the meeting point of the Xishan and Yanshan mountains, preventing rapid air circulation and diffusion the pollutants in the air.
Beach Sand
Weather Inversion Within Beijing’s complicated typographical and industrial aspects emerges a climatic issue known as weather inversion - a condition in which a dense layer of cold air trapped under a layer of warm air, preventing pollutants from dispersing out of Beijing. This condition is more severe in winter in relation to summer.
Warm Air
Inversion Layer
Cold Air Trapped Airborne pollutants pm 2.5 | pm10 | o3 | so2 | no2 | co
Renderings Produced with C4D
Animation link
Transcendent towers Experimentation with repetitive forms
Bagan, Burma / Project reference & Inspiration
Perspex Figurative Model This project features an experimentation process with repetition of a single element and gradual change of its scale. The speculative element i chose to work with was a curved infinity wall formed between the ceiling and walls of my bedroom. The process of speculation led me to form a surrealist cluster of tunnel / tower structures using digital 3d drawing and hand made water color palettes. Moreover, the duality of a structure geometrically functional in both vertical directions was intriguing to me in regards to how one could be able to explore and view such a structure.
Rhino 3D Models - Photoshopped Hand Made Watercolor Pallets
Piranesian Limbo
the dynamics of static objects
Production Method: CNC Milling Material - Blue Foam Dimensions - 40 x 50 cm
This project refers to and inspired by two key, contemporary artists who I find have an incredible ability of portraying a sense of spatial depth (Anish Kapoor) and dynamic motion in a static objects (Matt shlian). These key elements will be incorporated into a 3d model both featuring and disguising a section of G.B. Piranesi’s map / architectural plan of ‘Campo Marzio’ from which the surface of the model is produced. The goal is to achieve a sense of depth and motion while incorporating the use of an architectural plan (Campo Marzio) disguised as the textured surface of a topographic-like model. The challenge is in finding the right balance between dynamic geometries and surface curvatures and the existence of Piranesi’s plan within that balance. The notion of hidden spcaes correlates with the etchings Piranesi produced of Campo Marzio, as they were informed by the Roman empire ruins but primarily speculative and retrospectively experimental.
1st stage of base curvature modeling.
2nd stage of base curvature modeling.
The models are composed of two different sections of Piranesi’s ‘Campo Marzio plan’ in which I am testing the effectiveness and visibility / invisibility of the plans in different geometrical compositions and the interplay between different surface curvatures, geometric patterns and surface texture. Both of the final models start with the same curved based on which two different surfaces where applied for the CNC 3d models.
Model experimentation with back lighting - Translucency generated through CNC fabrication process.
Radial Surface Pattern
Linear Surface Pattern
Length of Eye Connection
5 4
Diagrammatic mapping of human eye connection
Estimated Age Group
Rendezvous, an agreement between two or more persons to meet at a certain time and place. How often do we look into the eyes of a perfect stranger? How often do we really look at people walking right beside us in the street? This score attempts to amplify these moments of rendezvous and the moments in which it could have been. These rare moments our eyes meet with the eyes of another, the connection between complete strangers at a particular point in time and space. This score maps my attempted eye connection with 235 people within a time frame of one hour, of which 45 attempts were successful.
Eye Colour
rendezvous ran ben shaya
Diagrams produced with After Effects
The animation is framed within an iris, therefore the first stage show a gradual change in color to show the 4 different eye colors I noted
Iris breaks down and expands
Dots with momentary connections Symbolizing eye connection rendezvous between multiple individuals
Approaching a rendezvous between two individuals
Inner halo marked by dots indicates the specific moment of eye contact
Animation story board
Representation in context of a city scale - London and originating in South Bank center
Eye connections an individual in along a period of time
The vast amounts of eye connection rendezvous happening around us at the same time
Dot less lines represented attempted but unsuccessful eye connections
Animation link
Returning back to the initial iris as a way of concluding the animation
dis / functional cermaics
After learning ceramic art for several years, I was only ever comfortable and experienced with functional decorative pottery that did not incorporate a specific artistic concept. I wanted to design a natural peice in which I could explore a different use of my ceramic skills. By stripping these pottery pieces of their practicality, I have used them as sculptural elements that preserve the illusion of functionality.