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Branding for Business Advantage

The essence of RBC Faithfulness to a brand arises out of the match between the value one perceives and the value one receives. And for as long as this match is maintained, every brand can transcend into one worthy of remark despite the competitive environment. RBC Worldwide (RBC) is here to help you build on the ‘faith’ factor, to help you connect emotionally with your customers, and to help you create a community of fans who energize your brand.This is how we go about building iconic brands.



What RBC does The strength of a brand relies on the position it occupies in the minds of the consumers. The clearer the position, the more value it attracts and the more likely that it will get chosen over other brands - again and again.

Branding Business Transformation Value Creation

RBC’s brand (re)engineering methodologies ensure you tap into the emotional quotient of your customers and create an aura around your brand so that you can charge a premium and still stay on in their blue books.



How RBC does it Every brand has the chance to learn, improve and establish / reestablish itself. Every brand has the opportunity to stand out and be counted. RBC enables this for your brand by: (i) harvesting the very potent advertising medium - WoM, word of mouth - by creating the platform for an interactive dialogue between you and your customers

Dialogue Experiences Collaboration

(ii) helping your brand walk the talk by developing a close relationship with the truth (iii) focusing on experiential marketing (iv) employing an integrated marketing approach by working from within and building valuable collaborative networks among best-of-breed communication specialists (v) talking to the right people at the right time through narrowcasting - channelized through the digital media viz blogs, visuals, social networking, web 2.0, motive and SMS to appeal to today’s wired generation



How RBC helps capture mindshare The aim of every branding exercise is to maximize the valuerelationship between corporate profitability and the perception of the brand. RBC’s proprietary 6-step brand-building process is designed to serve as the DNA for engineering and engaging your customer with your brand. It is a dynamic, result-oriented process - based on proven scientific testing, data analysis, creative execution and measurable outcomes - that helps brands evolve, stay connected and grow.

Engineering Engagement Governance

6B – The six dimensions of branding ŸBrandScan ŸBrandTale ŸBrandShow ŸBrandWidth ŸBrandWork ŸBrandEvolve When professionally executed, this matrix is capable of delivering an unequivocal competitive advantage to your company. With RBC working from within your organization as an internal brand governance team, you will see yourself establishing a positive connection and value-relationship with your customer. A bond that over time will result in robust brand equity and steadily ascending brand value. Value that can be measured, monitored and refined as and when required, to invigorate the effectiveness of the brand and improve your bottom line.





B r a n d Wo r k





B r a n d Ta l e

BrandScan Brands now have a tough task to accomplish, for ‘effective branding’ alone is not enough. ‘Effective outbranding’ has also become an essential part of brand play. RBC’s BrandScan is focused on formulating an intelligent, compelling and unique brand strategy that can be consistently reinforced through every level of your organization. Apart from leading you to the most productive space for brand play, it helps you (i) craft the targeted brand experience to ensure that your customers remain yours; (ii) unlock the potential of your brand; (iii) develop it into a more exciting one through innovative brand evolution planning.

Perception Strategy Brand Play

We derive our insights from extensive research on your brand’s industry, its history, the status of the market and possibilities for future expansion. Taking your belief about the brand as the yardstick and validating it with experiences and perceptions of the inside and outside world forms the crux of this initiative. The problem-identifiers in BrandScan mould and stretch in tune with the complexity of the business and are largely processed on secondary research excepting those that need intense dialogue with the consumers.



BrandTale Today’s consumers are investing in experiences and not merely in commodities whose components are image driven, intangible and symbolic.

Structure Attributes

BrandTale is through which RBC’s brand evangelists unravel the essence of your brand to conceive a compelling brand story that has relevance and rich emotional quotient. It focuses on helping you identify and then communicate your most potent brand identity i.e., messages, images, emotional hot buttons, framing, etc. Culled from within the company itself, it is visually and verbally communicated through structured, recallable episodes.


The power of stories is undeniable. It is human tendency to be riveted by effectively narrated stories. But the brain rejects graphs, statistics or tables in the long run. Building on this simple idea, RBC encapsulates the soul of your brand to lend the feel-good factor and accomplish a powerful connect with various consumer sets. It involves: (I) going beyond traditional positioning (ii) cutting out a holistic communication matrix (iii) crafting reinforceable episodes (iv) creating radical differentiation within the brand DNA By developing a comprehensive, memorable communication matrix, RBC streamlines all corporate communication content. This vital tool provides a keystone document of all corporate resources that support your brand’s core competencies and introduces the brand to every person in your company.



BrandShow This process identifies the corporate-client touchpoints in all areas where the brand will show up. It unveils the persona of the brand to the outside world, and is thus the most visible tool. It includes:


(i) combining strategic thinking of the communication matrix with the magic of creativity (ii) showing to the world what the brand is (iii) creating a trademark brand design (iv) external validation of the brand (v) legal protection of your trademarks



BrandShow articulates your brand and takes it to the doorstep of your customer. It structures and unifies communications that differentiate your brand in the marketplace. RBC’s team has proven competencies in the areas of print, web, film, photography, space branding, product packaging, promotional material, interactive advertising, CRM...to ensure your brand is perceived uniformly by all. International quality, contemporary design grammar fully aligned with the organic brand values culled and distilled from within your organization are things you can expect and get from Team RBC. RBC is where strategic thinking - that ensures your brand stays focused, creativity - that weaves an aura of appeal around your brand, and innovation - the quality that enables radical differentiation come together in an explosive combination.



BrandWidth This mission-critical tool develops initiatives for the creation of a better bandwidth and to enable greater equity for your brand. It involves:

Employee Buy-in Living the Values

(i) aligning brand behaviour to brand DNA - walking the talk (ii) internal validation of the brand (iii) brand reputation management


BrandWidth helps magnify internally, your core brand ethos, and diffuses enthusiasm and vitality throughout the organizational structure. It encourages employees at all levels to participate in the achievement of the brand vision and enkindles greater commitment to the delivery of the brand promise - through the conduct of brand awareness workshops. We prepare an ideal protocol for different customer interaction situations and impart structured training programs in getting your staff to live the brand image as they deal with customers.



BrandWork This metric module evaluates the ROI made by you in your branding initiative. It consistently tracks consumer insights and harvests customer expectations with the aim of maximizing your ROI. It comprises of: (i) design audits (ii) identity review (iii) internal brand alignment audits (iv) brand performance audits (v) customer satisfaction surveys (vi) media networking audits (vii) competitive intelligence tracking

Brand Audit Review Realignment

The effectiveness of your brand is measured in terms of the success it has achieved by way of distinctiveness in communication, differentiation in offerings, and digitability into tactile electronic forms. RBC’s brand governance team responds to change in real time through a process of neuromarketing-based tracked ‘research - innovate - create - validate’ mode to keep your brand surcharged.



BrandEvolve Corporates outgrowing their brands is a common phenomenon in today’s dynamic, consumer-driven marketplace - which makes the Darwinian theory as relevant to brands as to living species. With every market experience comes a new teaching, with every innovative step comes the ability to take the product / service offering to the next level of promise.

Innovation Metamorphosis Emergence

RBC’s BrandEvolve gives insights as to how your brand can ascend several notches on the public perception and acceptance ladder. We do this by suggesting both corrective and preemptive evolution measures such as: (I) (ii) (ii) (iv)

changes in substance and expression development of new products / services entering fresh markets acquisitions and mergers



Design infrastructure For us, at RBC Worldwide, it is a strategic imperative that our 60-member team combines the flair for creative advertising with good business sense. Our senior brand strategists and brand governance experts are backed by a strong design team, an in-house photography team, a films division with animation and VFX suites, a broadcast team, a studio - that not just delivers cutting-edge interactive design but knows how to maximize the potential of strategically seeded online buzz and harness viral networking sites, and a full-fledged production team.

Creative Cutting-edge Interactive

RBC Worldwide’s agile brand evangelists are fully cued into the necessity of saving money for clients and are adept at coming up with solutions that arrest massive wastage on media blitzkriegs by effective narrowcasting and personalization.

RBC Worldwide. We enable our clients to create a multiplier effect to their growth by improving internal and external brand perception. Our set of proprietary branding tools and customer engagement platforms help you to offer solutions that create radical differentiation, improve customer connect and increase market shares.



INDIA CORP. HQ: # 401 Shiva Sai Sannidhi Dwarakapuri Colony Punjagutta Hyderabad - 500 034 AP India T/F: +91 40 2335 0604 / 647 DUBAI PO Box # 241175 Al Quoz Dubai United Arab Emirates T: +971 4 3475411

info@rbcworldwide.com www.rbcworldwide.com

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