Personal Fitness Professional Summer 2020

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 2-night hotel at SUCCEED by Sports & Fitness Insurance ($500 value)

The 2021 PFP Trainer of the Year (TOTY) will be selected from the 2020 Trainer of the Month (TOTM) winners. TOTAL PRIZE PACKAGE WORTH MORE THAN $7,500... AND MORE TO COME!  Functional Aging Institute (FAI) Education plus Business VIP Package includes: • Functional Aging Specialist Certification ($399.00 value) • Two (2) VIP tickets to the 2020 Functional Aging Summit ($600.00 value)

Functional Aging Business Mastermind meeting ($1,200 value) 1-Year Lease of the BodyMetrix Professional System Ultrasound Body Composition ($1,895 Value)  PowerBlock U50 Club Set ($795 value)  Lifetime membership to The Academy online resource and community for fitness business owners by Fitness Revolution ($599 value)  Choice of any NSCA Certification Exam and associated textbook by NSCA ($575 value) •

 Premium Certification Package by NFPT ($400 value)  1-year membership to FiTOUR Total Access: receive access to complete each of the FiTOUR in-home certifications with online study materials ($300 value)  A complimentary full conference registration to any 2020 Medical Fitness Tour event courtesy of the MedFit Education Foundation ($299 value)  Featured profile in the 2021 Winter issue of Personal Fitness Professional magazine!

EACH TRAINER OF THE MONTH WILL RECEIVE OVER $3,600 IN PRIZES (AND MORE TO COME!):  Functional Aging Institute (FAI) Education plus Business VIP Package includes: • Functional Aging Specialist Certification ($399.00 value) • Functional Aging Business Mastermind meeting ($1,200 value) • Two (2) VIP tickets to the 2021 Functional Aging Summit in Denver, CO ($600 value)  A 1-year AFS + SUCCEED! Membership that includes one (1) full convention ticket to SUCCEED! AFS' Annual Fitness Business Convention & Expo ($500 value)  National Corporate Fitness Institute (NCFI) Certified Corporate Fitness Specialist Certification by ($295 value)  Standard Certification Package by NFPT ($249 value)  MedFit Network one-year professional membership ($169 value, for new members) - or - $100 off select MedFit Classroom classes for existing MedFit Network members  AAAI/ISMA “One World” Conference Registration ($150 value)  One in-home certification from FiTOUR ($99 value)






PFP ONLINE Visit VOLUME 22 | ISSUE 3 president


chad griepentrog | publisher

josh vogt | audience development manager

rachel spahr | national sales director

josh vogt | editor

Erin Eagan | creative director

kelli cooke | contributing writers

Rhonda Gann, Lisa Mastracchio, Matt McGunagle, Angela Moore, Jason Stowell

Start Earning Online Income Now

Harnessing the Power of Millennials

4 ways to navigate strategically and generate cashflow Part 1: Develop a culture of education and growth By Paden Hughes By Joe Drake

featured columnists

Dean Carlson, Vito La Fata, Sean Greeley, Nathalie Lacombe, Chad Landers, Kelli Watson

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Lindsay Vastola

Greg Justice

INDUSTRY STATS Including fitness trackers, smart health watches, heart rate monitors and GPS tracking devices, wearable tech has been the top trend since 2016 – save for a drop to 3rd in 2018 – and is estimated to be a $95 billion industry.

Farel Hruska

Joey Percia

VIDEO Visit our website to view for instructional videos and other training tips, including Exercise of the Week, Fitness Business Insights and Functionally Fit by Brian Schiff.

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Joey Percia

Jolie Glassman

Allow technology to be a catalyst to growth


e, as an industry, have been experiencing rapid changes in the past few months. Fitness professionals found themselves shifting to new methods of delivering services — in uncharted waters — while searching for certainty in uncertain times. Some pivoted to a 100% virtual business model. Others gave the "hybrid approach" a shot. And others searched for a temporary solution to keep their head above water in hopes things would get back to "normal" fast. This rapid change to deliver business services in a new way comes with many challenges. Local businesses discovered they were no longer competing with other studios, bootcamps or weight loss centers. Online coaches lost clients to corporations with deep pockets pouring money into advertising campaigns. But with the world re-opening from the COVID-19 pandemic, fitness professionals are wondering... What's going to happen next? What will the next few months look like? Will things ever get back to the way they were before? It's no secret there are many unanswered questions, that only time itself will reveal. However... If there were something that could make this transition easier for all, it would be technology. Whether or not you're using it to grow your current business model—virtual, hybrid, in-person—technology is crucial. When it comes to pivoting an entire business model overnight… or having the agility to adapt to even the harshest conditions, technology is one of your greatest allies. It allows you to spread your message and help more people... to streamline business processes and deliver great results to more clients... and to do 5x the work in one quarter the amount of time. The problem is, most fitness professionals have a love-hate relationship with technology. And instead of using it to their advantage, it becomes another roadblock. This reminds me of a quote from the famous inventor Thomas Edison. Edison said, "Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless." Like anything in life, technology can either be helpful or crippling. An ally or an enemy. Throughout your personal and professional journey, you will be the one who gets to decide. As you make your way through this issue, ask yourself... How can I use technology to my advantage to better serve my clients? How can I use this to grow my business and deliver a unique service? What gap do I need to fill to build a sustainable business around my passion? Like nutrition and training, your technology needs are unique. Your skills, your team, your goals, and your clients are all essential factors. And when you ask yourself questions like these, you allow technology to be a catalyst to growth... instead of an annoying pebble in your shoe or a storm that wipes away your passion and takes your business with it. A highly sought-after customer acquisition and monetization specialist, Joey Percia works with coaches, consultants and trainers to enroll more clients into their premium-priced programs. With clients in multiple countries and 36 different industries, he’s helped generate multiple millions in sales. Joey’s book, "Why Do You Hate Money?" has been referred to as “the health, fitness, and wellness marketing bible” by industry-leading experts and is said to be a must-read for anyone in the industry.

Assess your technology needs Are there any trends in the industry that you find particularly exciting? I just love the fact that fitness is trending so high period. There are truly no excuses. People have apps, at-home everything — there's always a way to work out even for five minutes a day. The key is to just do it and do it consistently. I love that the trend is leaning toward more health and more fitness, and it's all exploding by the year. I also love that girls are super fit and strong, and being I'm a girl who has been teaching boxing for 25+ years who owns a world-famous boxing gym, I'm loving seeing so many strong and fit women! How has technology changed the way you train and/or do business in the last 20 years? It’s changed a lot. When I opened my gym in 1998, Windows just came out the year prior. So, I have learned to stick and move, and bob and weave, and stay ahead of the curve by updating and staying abreast in the times. We began where my CRM was typed waiver forms in which we had handwritten notes on the back of the pages with information about that specific prospect, and when to follow up, etc. Now, almost 23 years later, I'm doing live training, Zoom meetings and have everything automated online. What advice would you give fit pros about how to best integrate technology in their career? Well, I say if it's not broken, don't fix it. Don't just follow and do things because other people are doing it. See what's working for you and what's not working, and constantly make things better, for yourself, and then in turn, everyone you serve. Assess where technology can make a difference, yet NEVER let it be a replacement for your customer service and your special touches. Don't just add stuff, to add stuff. Add, to add value.


Volume 22 | Issue 3





Four tips for a successful virtual class experience Lisa Mastracchio

Tracy Markley Living by the principle to always learn more Erin Eagan





The hidden costs of building custom software

How to define and demand your value as a personal trainer Jason Stowell

Matt McGunagle



We can model for our clients not only ways to be physically healthy but mentally healthy as well Angela T. Moore



Continuing education allows fitness professionals to expand their knowledge… and their business Rhonda Gann




Allow technology to be a catalyst to growth

Joey Percia



3 steps to find and sign up new clients for online training

Sean Greeley



The bottom line on technology

Dean Carlson



Avoid the temptation to chase social media fame

Chad Landers



… because of technology!

Kelli Watson





The first step to starting an online business (that everybody skips)

Vito La Fata




MEET THE FINALISTS PFP 2021 Trainer of the Year



The latest trends in fitness equipment



Do I HAVE to offer online training?

Nathalie Lacombe


3 steps to find and sign up new clients for online training


any fitness professionals and business owners are attempting online training. Some are succeeding, but many are struggling. The problem is, online training is such a new category the market doesn’t know what it is nor why they should buy. Before you can even ask someone to sign up, there’s a lot of education required in explaining: 1) what it is and 2) how it works to 3) establish the value proposition. The market (your prospects) are PROBLEM aware. They know they are gaining weight and losing strength. And they are SOLUTION aware (they know they need to eat better and move more). But they are not PRODUCT or SERVICE aware. (What are they actually buying and why should they pay for it?) Here are three steps to getting the right people in front of you and getting them ready (and excited!) to buy: Step 1: Educate them You need to educate and explain what online training is, how it works, what makes it different (and draw strong lines of comparison between working with a coach vs. watching online videos) and explain how it will lead them to success. I recommend starting with long-form blog articles as the foundation for educating your prospect. And wherever you can, include photos and video clips of interviews with happy clients sharing their success stories for social proof. Step 2: Make them a right risk-free offer Once they understand what online training is (and believe it can help them), make it easy for them to take the next step and experience it. Invite them to take advantage of a risk-free offer for a free session or trial. Then deliver WOW during the free trial or session. To do this, you’ll need to set up a simple landing page with your offer. But please, don’t make the mistake of thinking that it’s any easier to market FREE than it is a paid offer. You STILL have to explain it, overcome objections and help them overcome resistance to taking action. A great strategy is to set up an FAQ on the same page as your offer. List the most common objections you’ve been getting and include answers and content to overcome these objections right on the page. Step 3: Use simple lead-gen strategies Next, go to market. Don’t overcomplicate things. It’s like fishing:  Know the fish you want to catch. That’s your client.  Know the bait you’re going to use. That’s your offer.

 Have the right fishing rod and tackle you need to reel them in. That’s your strategy.  And go fishing in the right pond where the fish are hanging out. That’s your lead source. Please don’t spend money on advertising until you’ve taken action on the easy wins you can focus on first for connecting with prospective clients. Run engagement campaigns to your most recently engaged clients. Use reactivation campaigns for inactive clients that may have moved out of town you couldn’t previously serve. Create a Referral/ Bring-a-Friend campaign to use with current clients who are LOVING your new online programs. And update your home page. Let people know you’re open for business and you’re now offering online training services. Just the fact that you’re open, and everyone else is closed… means you’ll get more new business organically by letting your website visitors know.

Sean Greeley, Founder and CEO of NPE, has an unrelenting passion for empowering fitness business owners to grow their business and create the life they want. Since 2006, NPE has helped over 45,000+ fitness professionals and business owners in 96+ countries grow to the next level. Get the business strategy and plan you need to grow your business, take home more money, and live your dream lifestyle when you register for a ‘Get Clarity’ Strategy Session now at



The bottom line on technology


he financial health of your business depends on three skills: how well you sell your services, how well you deliver your services and how well you manage the cash created from your services. Each one of those things is dependent on the other. If you don't sell enough, you won't have enough cash to pay the bills. You can be great at selling, but if you don't deliver on your brand promise, you won't get repeat sales and may damage your reputation. If you don't manage the cash you do create and understand how to leverage it efficiently, you will struggle to scale your business. Here’s how technology can help. Selling Your Services. There is more to selling than closing the sale and getting the credit card. Many business owners focus on the number of leads they are acquiring but fail to track those leads through the sales process. While there are many ways to create a sales "funnel," tracking conversion rates from lead to prospect to sale is critical for making the most of your marketing dollars. Start tracking on a spreadsheet, and as your business grows you can invest in more sophisticated software such as ActiveCampaign or Hubspot, which offer automation and reporting functions that streamline the sales process. Delivering Your Services. Where would we have been during the Coronavirus pandemic without Zoom or Facebook Live? Technology gave us the ability to pivot and deliver great service to our clients during a time none of us saw coming. Platforms such as Trainerize and TrueCoach allow brick-and-mortar gyms to innovate hybrid and online training options and develop new income streams. The simplest way to know if your clients are happy is to ask them via software such as Google Forms or Survey Monkey. This is also a great way to get insight from your clients on what their needs are so you can serve them better. Managing Your Cash. Every fitness business from small to large needs accounting software, such as Xero or Quickbooks. The fact they can sync transactions directly from your bank, offer robust reporting and even help automate the reconciliation process should convince you to retire your spreadsheets and invest in an easier-to-use solution. The bottom line on technology? It provides the data we need to make the good decisions that help us build what we all want — more profitable businesses.

Dean Carlson is a certified Profit First Professional and in 2016 founded Fit For Profit, providing fitness business owners with the coaching and tools they need to manage their cash easily and keep more of their hard-earned money. His experience as a gym owner came full circle in 2018 when he sold his award-winning gym Get Fit NH for seven-figures. He is passionate about helping fitness entrepreneurs stop worrying about finances and start building the business of their dreams.




Avoid the temptation to chase social media fame


n the early days of personal training (the late ‘80s & early ‘90s), there was very little technology involved in the profession. In fact, about the only tech every trainer had was a pager — clipped onto their clown pants (guilty!) or tucked inside their fanny pack with their schedule book, car keys and breath mints. Note, no cell phone… NOBODY had a cell phone! Needless to say, times have changed. (Though not the need for breath mints!) No longer do trainers receive a page from their client and have to rush to find a pay phone to discover if the client is running late or needs to cancel or wants to switch times with another client. Now, with a few quick texts via smartphone, a trainer can juggle and shift multiple clients around in minutes. No pay phone, no quarters… technology for the win! But technology also has a darker side. The advent of social media and the desire of trainers to get “likes,” “shares,” and “follows” from people they don’t even know can get in the way of what’s important... building a relationship with ACTUAL PAYING CLIENTS. That’s not to say the entire online world is bad, quite the contrary. Just that the focus should be on utilizing technology that allows the trainer to connect more with their in-person clients on the days they don’t come into the gym, and/or to create an entire relationship with “online only” clients. Smartphone apps and online platforms like Zoom, Facetime and Skype make it easy to connect with clients anywhere in the world. And because these technologies leverage video, they allow a real “face-to-face” connection to be established between trainer and client. Thirty years ago, this was simply science fiction. Also, various platforms specific to personal training now exist and have made it easy to provide client screening, programming, instruction videos, etc. to both online and hybrid online/in-person clients. This is quite possibly the biggest improvement to the personal training industry since we burned our fanny packs! (Wait, fanny packs are back?? Say it isn’t so!) If weeks of COVID-19 isolation have taught us anything, it’s that trainers need to be prepared to work with clients “virtually” just as much as in person. Avoid the temptation to use technology just to chase social media fame and instead utilize it to create and nurture real relationships with real clients.

Chad Landers is a graduate of the University of Illinois with a BS in Kinesiology. He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with the National Strength and Conditioning Association and has a Graduate Diploma in Sports Nutrition from the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Chad has been a personal trainer in Los Angeles for 27 years, and has owned his own gym, Push Private Fitness, for 17 years.




Kelli Watson

Vito La Fata

… because of technology!


n early March, there were indications that business as we knew it was about to change. As the World Health Organization officially declared the spread of the coronavirus to be a pandemic, fitness facilities considered alternative ways to deliver classes and train clients. Soon after that, states began to set out quarantine orders, and within the span of just a couple of weeks, brick-and-mortar facilities closed their doors. In that very short period of time, the entire fitness industry moved online. This unexpected shift was able to happen so quickly… because of technology! Even 10 years ago, we would not have had the technological capability to shift to online training in the blink of an eye. And yet, with the software platforms available today, gyms and studios were quickly able to transition to online training, to continue connecting with their clients and to generate revenue even though facilities were closed. In addition, social media platforms allowed fitness business owners to connect with each other and to share ideas and resources that would allow them to transition more easily. Global communication and networking happened in the blink of an eye… because of technology! Currently, gyms and studios are preparing to re-open their facilities. They are adjusting to accommodate fewer people, meet guidelines for cleanliness and do everything they can to keep their clients safe and healthy. Most will continue to offer some level of online training because it is an excellent option for many clients. The online shift has also inspired creative ideas for retreats, workshops and new programs. They are all possible now… because of technology! Never has technology played as big a role in our industry as it does right now, and because of that, there is a huge potential to grow a business in new and exciting ways. If you own a fitness business or would like to in the future, there is plenty of opportunity. Open your mind to new ideas, be creative and realize that anything is possible… because of technology!

Kelli Watson is a best-selling author, coach and presenter. She coaches fitness professionals and business executives through the Todd Durkin Mastermind Group and the Todd Durkin IMPACT Coaching Program. In 2017, she co-founded Scriptor Publishing Group, a publishing company dedicated to helping people share their stories and publish their books. With more than 15 years of industry experience, she specializes in business and personal development, helping fit pros and business owners discover their keys to success. Email

The first step to starting an online business


ello … is there anybody out there? Anybody!? *Crickets* That silence is a statement: If you’re shouting at everyone — hoping to catch someone — you’re heard by no one. And now that everybody recognizes the future of business is virtual (shoutout: coronavirus) the competition is ferocious. If you can’t attract an audience, you can’t earn a dime online. Ninety-nine percent of people in your shoes are whitewashed in the virtual world because they prioritize blogs, branding, and things they don’t need yet, before they identify their ideal audience. Massive mistake. The first step to financial success in business is cutting through the noise and getting extreme clarity on who you serve. Here are 3 foundational steps to instantly get clear on your audience: Step 1: Who do you love (to serve)? Offline, you’re stuck serving whoever comes through your doors. In the past, it’s been people who drive you nuts: high-maintenance customers, prospects who suck your time without spending a dime, and pushy people. Those individuals are no longer necessary evils when you get online. So let’s define the group you love serving — and attract more of them. Start identifying your tribe by getting clear on these 3 things:  Your niche.  Your topic/expertise.  The transformation/outcome/result you deliver. Step 2: What’s your specialized value? General coaching is dead. It’s either free (Google) or commoditized (the market has already set its value). You see, in the offline world of service-based professionals, coaches, trainers and consultants that are weak in their marketing skills, most people trade dollars for hours. If you simply try to replicate that online — where the market is global — you will go broke, as you take a beating from the large companies that can price low. However, when you stop trading dollars for hours and start trading dollars for outcomes, you step into a high-value, highprice market that lets you create a healthy income without needing tens of thousands of buyers to live the lifestyle you want. This is why you need to be a specialist. With that as your guiding light, don’t market the modalities. Instead, figure out what makes you special; the unique value you deliver to the right audience so you can be distinct. No distinction in the global online market; you stand no chance online (or offline anymore).

Vito La Fata, is co-founder of The Visionary Planner and Fitness Profit Systems. A marketing and brand building specialist, Vito coaches his students to build a brand as true visionaries looking to shape the world and their life in bigger and better ways. For free trainings on 5 Steps to Build Your Online Business, head to or





Thanks to Naboso®, a Revolution in Movement Has Begun How this innovative startup is using barefoot science to optimize movement from the ground up


ow do you optimize texture stimulation for your feet?” This was the question that made Naboso® founder and CEO, Dr. Emily Splichal, realize there were no products uniquely designed to stimulate the skin of the feet in ways that could truly strengthen them and improve the way people move. But that was 2016. In the four years since, Dr. Emily, who’s also a leading podiatrist and functional movement expert, has played an integral role in enhancing the way people all across the world move, feel, and live through barefoot science with the launch and rapid growth of Naboso® Insoles and Mats. With patent-pending, innovative designs based on texture research and surface science, Naboso’s proprioceptive insoles, mats, and flooring tiles stimulate the skin of the feet, allowing people to reconnect to the sensory side of movement and “wake” their dormant feet up. And all of this is important — as Dr. Emily will tell you — because feet are the foundation of movement. With over 2,000 nerve endings in the bottom of each foot, our feet act as the gateway between our bodies and the ground. In fact, their unique structure is what allows us to stand, walk, run, jump, and move the way we do. Problem is, most people’s feet are under-stimulated, resulting in weak and less mobile feet, poor posture, and compromised movement. The Naboso® Insoles and Mats, on the other hand, provide the stimulation your feet need to help you move like you’re meant to. And the sooner you begin enhancing foot stimulation with Naboso®, the sooner you can begin optimizing movement from the ground up and improving everything from your posture and power to your balance and agility. Naboso’s impact is being felt well beyond the fitness community, too. These revolutionary insoles and mats are proving to be substantial difference-makers in the everyday lives of people, particularly those with diabetes or autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, as well as those who suffer from neuropathy, general foot pain, and work on their feet all day long. One Facebook reviewer paints the picture of Naboso’s far-reaching benefits rather well: “My experience with Naboso® has been off the charts. I have MS so walking is HARD. With the stimulation the Naboso® insoles provide, I can do better pilates, try yoga moves like a proud warrior, and get through a shopping trip. I feel free!” – Jan Reviews like this one are common on the company’s Facebook and Amazon pages, and for good reasons, too:  All Naboso® products are designed based on texture research and surface science and are pending FDA-approval  All Naboso® products are made with a patent-pending texture designed to improve balance, gait, and posture

 All Naboso® products have a barefoot-specific density (hardness) that improves proprioceptive input  All Naboso® products are latex-free and made with TPE and rubber to provide high-quality and durability  Naboso® is the only company in the world addressing foot function and movement performance from a sensory perspective So whether you’re a trainer, an instructor, a podiatrist, or someone who’s simply looking to move, feel, and live better, find the right Naboso® Insoles or Mat for you or your clients today at *25% OFF All Training & Mind Body Mats Through July 31st, 2020 With Code: PFPNAB

Journey to Success

By Erin Eagan


Living by the principle to always learn more


racy Markley is a fitness specialist and educator whose career in the fitness industry has spanned over two decades. She holds numerous specialty certifications, including several for those with medical conditions and chronic disease. She has studied the brain and the neurological system, and she has had great success working with seniors and special populations in stroke recovery, neurological challenges and fall prevention. Tracy has been nationally recognized for her work helping stroke survivors worldwide. Tracy is the founder and owner of Tracy’s Personal Training, Pilates & Yoga; she has written six books and two more are in the making. She is the author and creator of the CEC


Course: “Stroke Recovery and Exercise” and is a guest speaker at several stroke recovery support groups. Tracy is also the host of her own Radio show “Health and Fitness with Tracy” with KXCR FM radio on the Oregon Coast. Tracy’s journey to success wasn’t without taking a few detours along the way or, as she likes to call it, re-routing. But that’s what makes her climb to greatness even more remarkable. The Journey Starts Here… Tracy Markley’s journey in the fitness industry began in the late 90s when she felt a strong sense that she wanted to teach fitness. “Exercise has always made me feel good,” says Tracy. “I never did it for appearance sake, but for feeling good mentally and emotionally.”


As what would become a theme throughout Tracy’s career, she made the decision to trust her instincts. She enrolled in a Fitness Specialist program at Orange Coast College in California while simultaneously working full-time as a secretary at a pediatric office in order to pay for her education. She was also able to pick up some extra hours at a gym her teacher owned in Costa Mesa. She spent her time there washing towels, cleaning equipment, tending to members and training a few clients under her teacher’s watch — getting the full gym experience. A few months before she graduated from Orange Coast, Tracy received an inquiry from a personal trainer who was looking to sell her studio. “I went to meet her, and she had the



weight rack with all the weights, treadmill, bike, balls, muscle posters, bench, etc.” says Tracy. “She also said that some of her clients will try me out as a trainer, too.” Once again, Tracy’s gut was telling her to go for it. “I still had a month or so to go before I graduated, but I did it.” A Thirst for Knowledge In the first couple months after opening her studio, Tracy met clients with lupus, fibromyalgia, arthritis, breast cancer and back injuries. “I thought, there is no way I can help these clients without more knowledge,” she explains. “There was no way I was going to pretend I knew how to help these clients and fake it.” She researched and found a company that had certifications and CEC courses on all these dynamics and more, and she started taking all of them. She knew the more she educated herself, the more she could provide them with the best care possible. “Always learn more” is the principle she has lived by throughout her fitness career. “I feel if we fake our knowledge and make our clients feel we know more than we do, we will limit their success and their recovery, which leads to limiting their life. I find that unfair and unkind.” Detour Ahead Things were going well until 2008 when Tracy became ill. “My world and business changed,” she says. She worked when she could but spent most of her time in bed, even shutting down her studio for seven weeks straight at one point to try and recover. She dealt with these health issues until 2010. “During the time I was ill, I did not notice the economic challenges that were going on,” Tracy explains, referring to the Great Recession and its aftermath. The fitness industry as she once knew it was now different. Her competitors were lowering their prices to try and keep clients, new fitness trends were beginning and more franchises were coming about. She knew she needed make some changes to stay afloat. “I decided in order keep my business going strong I would need to move to a store-


front in a larger space so I could have Zumba, Barre and my yoga studio as well as continue my private training,” says Tracy. Not long after moving, however, she went through a tough divorce and her stepdaughter was battling bone cancer. She found herself overcome with heartache and grief. “I was exhausted mentally, physically, spiritually, financially and emotionally,” she says. “The lease where I just moved was having issues. I had nothing left in me to fight for my business with everything else going on, so I shut my doors in 2012.”

others. This led to Tracy’s first book, The Stroke of An Artist: The Journey of a Fitness Trainer and a Stroke Survivor. Her book was read all over the world, and she was starting to receive recognition for her knowledge in working with stroke survivors. She got messages on Facebook, letters and emails asking for help. She also began a Facebook Stroke Recovery Support group that now has over 3,100 members. “Even though I train clients at all ages and circumstances, my extra passion has been shifted the last few years to help educate stroke survivors, caregivers and fitness professionals on stroke recovery,” Tracy explains. This realization led to another book, Stroke Recovery, What Now?: When Physical Therapy Ends, But Your Recovery Continues. In 2018, Tracy was asked to be on the Education Advisory Board for the MedFit Foundation and to write the CEC Course: “Stroke Recovery and Exercise,” which can be found at PTontheNET. She taught this course live at a MedFit event last February at UC-Irvine, and she was also set to speak on stroke recovery at IDEA 2020, which was cancelled due to COVID-19. When Tracy reflects back on her career, she realizes the best thing she’s ever done is trust her instinct, no matter what it was telling her. It was the driving force behind buying her first business, getting more education, moving to Oregon, writing her first book, etc. Although her career has been re-routed a few times, it has led her to where she is now, which is exactly where she feels she needs to be. As for her future, those plans are shifting with the world changes right now. Someday, she hopes to become a radio show host for a bigger radio station. And more books and speaking engagements are on the horizon. You’ll be seeing, and hearing, more of Tracy Markley in the coming years… as for where and when, she’ll follow her instincts.

“I feel if we fake our knowledge and make our clients feel we know more than we do, we will limit their success and their recovery, which leads to limiting their life.” A New Beginning Tracy was born and raised in California and never thought about living anywhere else. But in 2013, her inner voice spoke to her — this time, it was telling her she needed a change of scenery. She packed up and moved to the small town of Florence, Oregon where her mom and stepdad were living. While working at a local gym, she received a call from a woman asking if she could train her brother, Gary, a 68-year-old artist who had suffered a stroke. “The day they walked into the gym, they were walking towards me, (Gary) with a walker and three people with him,” she says. “They were laughing and he appeared to have such love and support with him.” It was at that exact moment when her intuition told her she had found her purpose. The time they spent training together was an incredibly special journey for both Gary and Tracy, and he wanted to share his story to help




The hidden costs of building custom software | By Matt McGunagle


oftware platform providers for fitness professionals often get asked the question, “Should I use a pre-existing software platform or should I invest into a custom-built software to meet my needs?” The answer, as any personal trainer worth their salt would tell one of their clients when they’ve been asked a question, is that it depends. The reason that building your own software is so enticing is that the options for what you can build are virtually limitless. With the continued


progress of software development tools, it’s now cheaper and faster than ever before to build out custom software to meet your exact needs. That being said, there are a few things that are important to know before you make the commitment to investing in building your own custom software solutions. There’s always hidden scope and depth When you are outlining a software project, the first action you’ll take is to define the scope of the work required. Will the custom software


require a web and/or a mobile application? What type of users will the database need to account for? What are the features that you’ll need to build out to support your needs? This may seem like a fairly simple task at the start, but once you begin the building process you’ll quickly run into one of the biggest challenges with software development. Just because a plan may be clear to you, that doesn’t mean it’s a one-to-one match with how the developer is interpreting the platform and features you’ve described. When you combine that


push your custom software tool live. You are done! Not so fast. Another overlooked aspect of software development is that after the big initial drive to build out the platform and then release it, the work is not finished. Your custom software will not just sit out there on the internet and deliver value without any upkeep. Let’s use the example of building a house. You build the foundation, you put all the right pieces in place, and then after you move in and turn on the lights stuff can go wrong. The lights will eventually burn out and need

the most important. As a fitness professional, what is the value your clients are looking for from you? Very rarely are your customers going to make a decision on whether to purchase your services based on whether you have a custom-built tool or not. They are investing in your services because they trust you to help them reach their health and fitness goals. That means that this should be your top focus above all else. If you’re looking to spend a significant amount of time and money to build out custom software you have to ask yourself, at the end of the day, is this helping my customers? Am I really getting the return on my investment of time and money? Or, if I leveraged another software solution would I be able to have the needs of my business and customers met so that I can focus on what I do best as a fitness professional? At the end of the day, I am about as big of an advocate for software in the fitness industry as you will find. We all know just how valuable software can be to scale our businesses and services. I have seen gyms and personal trainers build their own custom software successfully. On the other hand, I’ve also seen it go very poorly. If you’re thinking about making the investment yourself I’d strongly encourage you to do your research and think through each step of the process before making the commitment. If the return is there, go for it! If not, there are significant advantages to purchasing a software tool so you can move on to what you do best.

The needs that you have for your custom software and the needs of your customer are rarely static; they will always change over time.

with the fact that the different paths you can take with software development are endless, it’s very common to think you’ll receive A only to end up with B. Long story short, communicating your software needs is challenging and that’s why software development teams communicate daily during the building process to ensure that they are all on the same page. Along the way, even the best software developers in the world continually run into situations where what was once thought to be a simple feature requires more work than they originally accounted for. More work, more time, more money spent to build out your custom software that you’re on the hook for. It’s not as simple as build then release You’re at the finish line and are about to

to be replaced. The washing machine may break unexpectedly. You’ll want to update the design of the bathroom and will have to add a new wall to make that happen. The needs that you have for your custom software and the needs of your customer are rarely static; they will always change over time. You’ll have to continually update the systems that your software is built with, fix bugs that pop up along the way and adapt to the ever-changing landscape that supporting a successful software platform and tool requires. The main point here is that when you build custom software, you are the one responsible for it. Whether building it yourself, paying for someone to build and manage it on your staff or paying a software development team — they are all looking at you for decisions and direction. You are the one on call to ensure that it’s working as desired. Is this the best way for you to spend your time? Out of all the points so far, this is probably

Matt McGunagle is the CEO and Co-Founder of StrengthPortal, a software platform designed for gym chains, single location gyms and studio, and personal trainers to scale their training services. StrengthPortal’s mission is to help personal training become a highly-paid profession that you can have for your entire career.


FEATURE ARTICLE Lisa Mastracchio


Four tips for a successful virtual class experience By Lisa Mastracchio |


itness professionals have experienced a sharp pivot in recent months — from live group fitness experiences and one-on-one coaching to the world of virtual fitness. As gym closures began to hit the industry, many fitness professionals quickly hopped onto Zoom, Facebook and Instagram in an effort to stay connected with their participants and serve their clients’ needs. Yet prior to this pandemic, many coaches had minimal experience “coaching to the camera.” The result? A bumpy learning curve with less than smooth sailing. The skills and tools needed to teach to a camera or screen are not the same as those used for a live group fitness class. In fact, both can be quite different and require a different “toolbox” to successfully engage, coach and motivate in this digital space. Here are four tips to help you navigate this massive wave of virtual fitness: 1. Content Mastery Of course, whether a fitness experience is


live or not, content is key. Having a workout class plan with details mapped out in terms of exercises, movement patterns and blocks is and will always be a non-negotiable. However, when delivering that content to the camera, this map needs to be refined and as seamless as possible. The coach’s job is to ensure everyone can follow successfully and that means modifications, regressions and progressions are an absolute must. Plan out the content, know what options to provide, practice each move and sequence to ensure the flow. By mastering your material, a strong foundation is built. 2. The Art of Coaching to the Camera Coaching is no doubt the “secret sauce” that creates a unique fitness experience. Most fitness professionals would agree that though content is essential, the art of coaching is what ultimately sets the bar higher. Coaching is our way of expressing the what, how and why of each combination, exercise or sequence. It drives the par-


ticipant’s intensity, motivation and desire to push just a little more. But coaching to the camera involves a new skill set: the art of coaching to what we do not see. The face-to-face reality of a live class does not exist when teaching to a screen. Depending on the platform used, sometimes the coach will not even see the participant. Set in a space with no visual feedback to help correct form, range of motion or intensity, the instructor needs to rely on his/her live class experience to help shape coaching cues. Whether coaching knee tracking in a lunge, hand and shoulder placement in a push-up or how to safely land a tuck-jump, all these require unique cues. As a coach, one of the best ways to help hone this “camera coaching” skillset is to visualize what you would normally see in a live setting. Increase the use of descriptive cues which offer the kinesthetic “feel” of different exercises. Coaching to the camera is an art; it requires creativity and experience to master with confidence.



3. Body Language and Facial Expressions It is estimated that more than 60% of what we communicate comes from our body language. In other words, we learn, feel and understand based on messages we perceive are being communicated through gestures and facial expressions. On camera, this is of paramount importance. A fitness professional’s energy, smile and eye contact should be felt “on the other side.” The participant needs to feel that energy and craves this connection. Yet, the camera lens offers minimal to no energy exchange; there is no reciprocal smile, wink or “high-five.” These subtle yet significant nuances that make a live class experience unique are no more. Be mindful of this shift in energy output since it is demanding and potentially exhausting. This is another reason why content preparation is crucial. Energy must be spent on delivery with a smile, locked eyes to the camera and masterful coaching cues for the entire duration of that class.

4. Technology Tools Obviously, technology is the glue that holds virtual fitness together. Regardless of the platform used, basic standards and best practices apply. Proper lighting along with adequate sound quality are two non-negotiables. A filming studio with professional lighting and editing is wonderful but not necessary to yield a solid virtual fitness class. Some basics include ensuring a clear space with minimal distraction in the background. A cluttered scene will distract and potentially frustrate participants. Likewise, adequate lighting is critical since most people are visual learners. Finally, test the space used and sound prior to filming or live steaming to ensure your full body is in the frame and your voice is clear. These details make a significant difference and help create a professional virtual class experience that is not only effective but enjoyable, too. Most would agree that virtual fitness is here to stay. The skills needed to “coach to

the camera” however, may seem daunting. This toolbox requires content mastery, unique coaching cues and high energy coupled with some tech-savvy skills. Definitely, no easy feat! But with practice, self-feedback and an authentic desire to coach, lead and motivate others, these skills are well worth the effort!

Lisa is a fitness professional with over 25 years’ experience as a group fitness leader and personal trainer. She is a coach at Econofitness clubs in Quebec and teaches both live and virtual classes. She also works at Goodlife Fitness Clubs as the National Trainer and co-creator of Newbody, an exclusive group fitness program. Lisa also inspires and shares her passion with other fitpros as a presenter in conferences across the country. In addition, Lisa has recently been awarded canfitpro Fitness Professional of the Year in 2019. She recently launched her brand “Coach Lisa” which offers online digital fitness products and both group and personal online training programs.



GET PAID WHAT YOU’RE WORTH How to define and demand your value as a personal trainer | By Jason Stowell


et’s start with a little-known sales secret: all value is perceived value. While one prospective client may value a complimentary session, another may prefer to purchase your paid trial that includes body composition testing. Would you say there is a greater perceived value if you charged a $99 registration fee that includes a free Fit Bit and gym bag, or simply charging no registration fee at all? The answer will almost always be, it depends. You may already know that most personal trainers will set their session rates and packages based on their local competitors. Maybe they will create some version of a “market map” and determine that they want to come


in just above the average. Secret number two, can you guess how your competitors set their prices in the first place? They just made it up — just pulled something out of the air based some preconceived idea of what value is to them. Maybe it was inspired by a previous employer’s rate or perhaps some fictitious belief on a fair margin that simply feels right. So, your next question should be, “If I don’t base my rates off competitors, then what should I base it?” To best answer that, let’s look at four general levels of a personal trainer’s professional development and elevating expertise. The Generalist The vast majority of personal trainers will start


at this level and stay at this level. If I were to ask generalist trainer, “Who do you feel you can best support on their fitness journey?” and they reply with some version of, “everyone” then I know that they haven’t yet quantified their own value just yet. If you can’t tell me why you are special or different than trainer Jane Doe, then your competition is everyone. The vast majority of generalist personal trainers you meet in this bucket either compete with each other by offering the lowest possible pricing (usually a $1 a minute or even lower) and/or are struggling to stay in our field for longer than only a few years. Pro Tip: If you need help quantifying your area of expertise, go to your favorite search


The training authority can typically charge 3x to 5x what the generalist may charge. Additionally, they may also be supplementing their income with paid speaking roles and/or paid blogs. Pro Tip: Please note I highlighted that the “Authority” will be a trusted expert. Not some bro on YouTube who’s promising to 50x ROI your business with this one simple trick.

other fitness professionals from around the industry start recognizing your name without having yet met you, rest assured bigger paydays are on your horizon. So now that you have a general structure to build your session rates off of, you likely are asking, “Well, how do I ask prospective clients to pay what may be 5x more than other trainers in my area even if I am 10x better than they are?” As mentioned earlier… all value is perceived value. If you can market to me that you are the very best trainer in my area who has tons of social proof to share, written trade articles and can reference examples of when you have spoken professionally at industry conferences, then you won’t have any trouble getting me to buy into your value. However, marketing and selling your value is a lot more complicated than simply building a resume. There are many nuances when it comes to impression formation, establishing professional rapport (not just rapport… very different things, mind you) and needless to say, the art of the “ask.” There is absolutely a book’s worth of content that simply can’t be covered in a single article. Let me at least leave you with this: the first step of getting others to buy into your value, is for you to believe in your own value. Success isn’t a happy accident, my friends.

“You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you can’t have it.” — Dr. Robert Anthony

engine and search for “The Specific Edge Pyramid.” The Specialist At this level, the specialist trainer is much more focused on a narrower niche or very specific subset of training clients. Perhaps it is sport-specific training, mindfulness and meditation, post-partum jump starts, a fit-tofight boxing class for those clients who are currently receiving chemotherapy, etc. Specialist trainers will typically demand anywhere from 1.5x to 3x as much as their generalist peers. The Authority These are the personal trainers that are known across the industry as trusted experts within their specific scopes of specialization. Generally they are your bloggers, speakers, podcast hosts, etc. They typically have many years of experience, tons of social proof and a great many lessons to share with our others.

The Celebrity Almost none of us will get here. If a personal trainer does make it to this level, they are very well-known both inside and outside our industry. Think Bob Harper, Jillian Michaels, Richard Simmons, etc. Celebrity trainers have no cap on their income potential. These professionals can generate more income in a single keynote speech than the generalist could make in a year. Let me know if you figure out how to be a celebrity. Now with that all being said, the first thing you should consider before evaluating and/ or adjusting your rates is to figure out where you fall on this four-level scale of professional expertise. If you are a generalist, start defining your value. Who is your ideal client and what is your “signature session”? Your signature session should be something that very few, or even better, only you can offer clients in your area. If you are already a specialist, start getting your name out there by offering to write for online fitness platforms and submitting speaker applications for industry podcasts, local, national, conferences, etc. You will almost certainly have to provide all of these services pro-bono in the beginning, but once

Jason R. Stowell is recognized as one of the highest-grossing sales performers over the last 25 years in the health and wellness industry. As an award-winning leader, Jason provides expert-level sales training to fitness professionals around the world. Jason shares those lessons today as the host of the “Fitness Business Podcast: Thinking Ahead Show”, via international fitness presentations, in his upcoming book,” The Seven Pillars of Predictable Sales Success,” and through attendance at one of his multi-day fitness sales training workshops. Connect with him now on LinkedIn.



PRIORITIZE YOUR MENTAL HEALTH We can model for our clients not only ways to be physically healthy but mentally healthy as well | By Angela T. Moore


id you know that May is mental health awareness month? Since 1949, mental health professionals and mental health organizations have attempted to increase awareness about the importance of prioritizing mental health during the month of May. In the midst of the COVID-19


pandemic, prioritizing your mental health is even more important. There are many benefits of prioritizing mental health; the most commonly known are:  Improved self-esteem and self-efficacy  Increased energy  Reduced depression and/or anxiety


 Greater ability to manage emotions  Improved mental clarity  Healthier relationships And just like a healthy body is better able to prevent physical illness, a healthy mind is better able to stay “mentally healthy.” Mentally healthy people tend to be more gracious,

Challenges are like rocks that roll your way; the resilient person makes the decision as the rock rolls towards them — they are not going to just stand there and get rolled over. tively do well and what you have learned from past experiences. Now ask yourself, ‘how can I use who I am and what I have learned to help others?’ Within that answer lies your purpose. Avoid extremes. Too much of anything is simply TOO MUCH! Develop a daily routine that allows sufficient time for a balance between peace, work, fun, relationships and relaxation.

goal- and purpose-driven, balanced, social, mindful and, most importantly, resilient. So how do you become “mentally healthy?” 1. Wake up with a sense of gratitude. Start your day with a grateful attitude. Think about what you are thankful for in your life and say out loud or in your mind, “Thank you for…” 2. Set small goals that you can achieve every day and big goals that you can work towards. Keep small goals simple, realistic and achievable. Big goals should motivate you and ultimately lead you to your purpose. Side note: Not sure what your purpose is? Think about what you naturally and instinc-

Be social. We are not meant to live alone. Especially while social distancing, it is extremely important to stay connected to others — friends, family members, coworkers, neighbors, etc. Communicate virtually as much as possible and gather together safely. You can be mindful of distance without being distant and isolated. Be mindful. A mentally healthy person knows that there is a consequence to every decision and every action. Be mindful of your decisions and your actions. Every decision you make and every action you take will ultimately lead you to a desired or undesired end. Become resilient. When challenges come your way, move into action. Challenges are like rocks that roll your way; the resilient person makes the decision as the rock rolls towards them — they are not going to just stand there and get rolled over. They immediately implement a plan of action to deal

with the rock. They may start pushing the rock alone or even gather others to help. Either way, they decide to control the direction of the roll. The rock does not go away, but the resilient person uses their strength and even their resources to effectively deal with it. As we all try to navigate through this incredibly challenging time, it is important to remember that both your body and your mind need to be healthy to deal with challenges now and on the road ahead. As fitness professionals, we can model for our clients not only ways to be physically healthy but mentally healthy as well.

Angela T. Moore is a NASM Master Trainer, Performance Enhancement Specialist, Corrective Exercise Specialist and Fitness Nutrition Specialist through NASM. She is also a nationally certified counselor and a Limited Licensed Professional Counselor. Angela is the Founder and Owner of The Body Principle, an integrated health organization that provides fitness programming; mental health and nutrition counseling; and empowerment coaching to individuals, community and corporate groups. Angela also produces and hosts the “Empowered” radio show in which she interviews medical and mental health professionals, experts in wellness and prevention, activists and advocates, educators, motivators and organizations that help people live an empowered life. She combines her knowledge, experience and expertise to empower people to be their best selves through healthy thinking, healthy living and exercise. For more information, visit https://angelatmoore. com/ and


MEET THE FINALISTS PFP 2021 Trainer of the Year

April Scott Keppel

May Doris Ward

June Eric Chessen Scott’s Training Systems Chandler, AZ For the Love of Fitness PEI Cornwall, Prince Edward Island Autism Fitness Charlotte, NC

What makes you unique? I am able to adapt to virtually any client in order to coach them based on their current fitness, nutrition and mindset level. It is my ability to truly listen and my willingness to continually learn that makes me the coach that I am.

What would you consider your greatest career success to date? My growth within my business and impact with helping others with their body image. In the last three years, I have expanded my business from personal training to add fitness coaching, life coaching, yoga and Pilates classes, workshops, speaking engagements and learned to run programs.

What makes you unique? I have extensive backgrounds and practice in both exercise science/training and principles of Applied Behavior Analysis. This interdisciplinary background not only serves as the foundation for our successful Autism Fitness method, but allows me to speak to professionals of various backgrounds (fitness trainers, behavior therapists, speech pathologists, OT/PTs) using their own familiar terminology and concepts.

How has technology changed the way you train and/or do business in the last 20 years? I now use an app (COACHD) to coach clients virtually. It has allowed me to coach them in real time virtually as well as create workouts that have videos to demonstrate proper movement. What’s your next big goal/hurdle? My next big goal is to create a certification on how to coach people for aesthetics. I am also working on a certification on how to coach entrepreneurs to be their best for work and life.


How have you demonstrated leadership in the industry, in your community and/or as a business leader? I always have a practice of my own before I ask or suggest to a client to try it out for themselves. It’s important that I fully experience and understand what I am asking a client to do before I ask them to do it. What inspired you to start your business? I have worked in the fitness industry since 2003 and have always had a strong entrepreneurial spirit. When I moved provinces and started at a new location again, I knew it was the perfect time to open my business. For years I had wanted to and had let fear of the unknown and doubts get in the way, but I finally did it and haven’t looked back! I love being a business owner and building my career in this exciting industry.


What's your next big goal/hurdle? We now have over 300 Autism Fitness Certified Pros worldwide which looks like a lot but given the needs and scope of that population, is just a start. The goal is to have 700 Certified Level I Pros by the end of 2021. Are there any trends in the industry that you find particularly exciting? I love that strength-based programming is becoming more universally appreciated and embraced; that the idea of any population getting stronger is not met with as much fear or concern of "looking bulky" or "not being able to move well." I'm sure the misconceptions still exist, but they appear to be dissipating.

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Continuing education allows fitness professionals to expand their knowledge… and their business By Rhonda Gann |


n any profession, and in life overall, we value a high return on investment. As fitness professionals, we learn every day that those returns come in many forms. We quickly understand the need to learn and grow far beyond the base our initial certification laid in order to move toward a successful career in our chosen industry. Enter continuing education. While obtaining continuing education is required to keep our certifications current, it is not just something we “have to do” to get that updated certificate. Continuing education is vital to us meeting our commitment to our clients… and to ourselves. Our clients’ trust is of the utmost importance to all of us. These clients depend on


us to stay abreast of the latest information available within our scope of practice on exercise, nutrition, exercise equipment, weight management and so much more. They look to us to have the knowledge to keep them as safe as possible while helping them reach their goals. They want us to provide new and challenging workouts that make the most efficient use of their time. As fitness professionals, we all want to feel confident and to excel at our craft. We want to be well paid for our services. We want the opportunities to better serve our special populations and reach new and different target audiences. We need to learn about new exercise modalities and equipment to stoke creative juices. We want and need to


network with other fitness professionals. We need to be challenged and moved out of our comfort zone. We want to find ways to set ourselves apart. Continuing education is the means to all those ends. But, with so many choices to obtain fitness continuing education, we must take time to create a plan that will help us optimize the investment being made. A continuing education “roadmap” will help guide us through the vast number of choices available. While renewal of your certification through obtained CECs/CEUs is an obvious milestone, your plan should allow for continuous and sustained learning. Here are some considerations as you create your plan:



 Set a budget for continuing education.  Search for CEC/CEU options through a nationally recognized certification agency that are affordable and offer “memberships” or other course bundle options to make the most efficient use of your budget.  Identify continuing education options that are flexible and convenient and that fit well into your schedule.  Options that offer online study materials, online exams, study videos and that allow you to print your certificate of completion are good choices.  Plan for hands-on learning opportunities. Live workshops and conferences along with online study makes for a well-rounded fitness learning experience.

Consider continuing education that will help you bring more value to your existing clients — look for courses that build on knowledge of your base certification through advanced courses. Also identify options that “complement” your base certification, such as courses in nutrition or regarding a new type of equipment. Choose continuing education options that will increase your value and income as a fitness professional by positioning yourself to appeal to new client bases. There are many specialty certifications/courses that will allow you to increase your marketability by adding new formats to your offerings while obtaining the CEUs/CECs you need. Give considerable thought to what you are passionate about. Identify continuing educa-

tion topics that present an enjoyable learning experience for YOU. Continuing education should not be something we think about only when it is time to renew our certifications. Careful planning for this education will optimize our returns and our value. Bottom line, it allows us a lifetime of learning that is beneficial to all.

Rhonda Gann is the Director of Training for FiTOUR® and owns Evolve Fitness and Yoga By The Lake in Pell City, AL. She is certified by AFAA® and FiTOUR® in Group Exercise, is an ACE-certified personal trainer and is registered with Yoga Alliance as a RYT200. She holds a B.S. degree in Marketing from the University of Alabama.


NEW ON THE MARKET IN TECHNOLOGY The latest trends in fitness technology trends



Finally, a seamlessly integrated training app that provides sound nutritional guidelines, meal plans developed by registered dieticians, daily activity tracking with a library of 1,000-plus exercise videos in conjunction with a coaching platform designed to keep personal trainers and their clients connected regardless of their proximity. All of this is the result of a collaborative effort between two fitness industry leaders with 60 years of combined experience which offers excellent training support to insure a successful user experience.

Exer is an AI fitness startup building a platform that gives you real-time feedback on workout class participants' output score and ranks them against the rest of the class. It's a powerful way to make virtual workouts more fun and interactive. Exer's Leaderboard helps fitness pros increase engagement, get insight into how hard participants in a class are working, and add lots of competitive spirit to virtual workouts. The first 50 PFP fitness coaches that join our beta testing will receive free lifetime access!

MYCURVES ON DEMAND MyCurves On Demand brings Curves’ 30-minute total body fitness online so you can work out anywhere, anytime. Enjoy unlimited access on your smart device with new content added monthly. Fun, fast and safe fitness developed by Curves program experts and led by Curves coaches — real women getting stronger every day! Classes range from higher to lower-intensity and are perfect for all levels of fitness and abilities. First month includes a high-quality resistance band shipped directly to your home.


NON-CONTACT FOREHEAD THERMOMETER (THD2FE) The Non-Contact Forehead Thermometer (THD2FE) can be used to scan the temperatures of employees, quickly and safely. An urgent response to the COVID-19 crisis, this medical-grade model uses infrared technology to measure forehead or surface temperature, with a one-second response time. THD2FE features ± 0.4° F accuracy, plus memory recall for up to 25 readings. It is easy to use, with one-button operation and a blue backlight that extends visibility to low light conditions.


FITPROSCONNECT connects fitness pros with events, education and each other. Pros can publish articles, sell products, communicate with other pros in their area and find events happening nearby. Gyms and studios can now post jobs and browse local pros. And certifications or conferences can advertise to pros in their target area. Membership is free for fitness professionals. For gyms and studios posting a job costs less than using LinkedIn or Indeed.

SUBSCRIBE TO PFP HERE NEW ON THE MARKET The latest trends in fitness equipment



The Twist Ball™ by Merrithew™ will increase your exercise options wherever you are. With a weight of 6 lbs (2.7 kg) and a shifting center of sand, the Twist Ball challenges control while helping you tone your muscles. Adjust the straps around your ankle for leg lifts, practice double or single-handed swinging exercises or use it to create levels of instability that will activate your muscles and bring awareness to your form.

FitSwop is the first online marketplace where fit pros pay fit pros for content and resources. Where do you online shop? Marketplaces, where you can find a lot from a multitude of sellers. FitSwop is open and official launch is imminent. We are in Beta and recruiting sellers. In light of COVID-19, all membership tiers are free. FitSwop is a marketplace designated for fitness professionals, dedicated to help you with the “comeback.”




The Gut Wrench (landmine replacer) from Stronger than U is a barbell attachment that enables you to perform single arm presses, rows and rotational movements, goblet squats, deadlift variations and complexes just about anywhere. Portable and lightweight, the Gut Wrench fits in a gym bag or backpack. The Gut Wrench replaces traditional landmine units and attaches to your barbell in seconds. Each Gut Wrench is handcrafted in the US. Custom colors available.

ThermaWedge® incorporates the five modalities recommended by healthcare professionals for treating and preventing plantar fasciitis into one lightweight, portable, easy to use device. Clinically studied, patented and endorsed by sports medicine physicians, podiatrists, chiropractors and physiotherapists, ThermaWedge® is a convenient rehab tool that is used both at home and discreetly in the workplace, to build and maintain foot and ankle strength, flexibility and mobility between clinic or gym visits.

The new PRO-POINT™ self-massage tool is ideal for releasing tough trigger points before or after workouts. The pointed top is comfortable but designed to penetrate effectively into soft tissues to help target trigger points, relieve tension and treat plantar fasciitis. The removable, suction base attaches to some hard surfaces and keeps the tool in place.



Do I HAVE to offer online training?


itness professionals absolutely CAN offer online training for their clients, but you don’t HAVE to and you certainly shouldn’t until you’ve prepared yourself accordingly. With most gyms and studios around the globe still closed, the market has become somewhat saturated with everyone from local personal trainers to the biggest celebrity fitness brands in the world offering their services online. It can certainly be overwhelming and make even seasoned fitness professionals feel pressured to jump on the virtual bandwagon. Whether you are already offering virtual workouts or are trying to decide if it’s the right fit for you, here are some considerations that will come in handy even once our industry reopens for business:

You’re ready to go online once you’ve reflected on what truly makes you happy about being a fitness professional. Reacting vs Responding When the gyms first closed, we saw a slew of fitness pros jump onto virtual to offer workouts seemingly from a place of shock, fear and of missing out on an opportunity. Our industry went into reactive mode. We’re now moving towards responding, which means we’re giving ourselves time for much-needed reflection. You’re ready to go online once you’ve reflected on what truly makes you happy about being a fitness professional and how you can help and serve others achieve better health now more than ever. Consider the incredible relationships you’ve built with your clients; they care about you and will appreciate the opportunity to connect with you in a way that may not involve sets and reps. You can serve them by demonstrating the empathy you have for their needs which includes their physical, mental and emotional health.



Content vs Context One-way streaming workouts, for example, using social media platforms, is content. We are inundated with it more than ever and it’s available for free. This also includes tips, WOD, recipes, words of encouragement, etc. Two-way workouts where you can see your clients, you’re aware of their needs and goals as well as they’re injuries and challenges is context and should be priced accordingly. You can provide valuable feedback using virtual platforms. As we navigate through this crisis we are constantly challenged to adapt in situations that were normally routine; your clients are craving the familiarity of your services and will value the opportunity to work with you directly. Remember that the energy required to offer virtual workouts is vastly different to training or coaching in person and can be way draining. Don’t overcommit yourself to too many; you’ll succeed in this endeavor by being as mindful about your self-care as you are of your clients and showing up on video as your authentic self.

Nathalie Lacombe, M, Sc. blends her 25 years of international fitness experience with her degrees in psychology and exercise science to passionately connect with fitness professionals. Nathalie dedicates herself to coaching fitness professionals and leaders towards incredible success in their careers and businesses.


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