The people's republic of china same sex couples reproductive law

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中华人民共和国 同性关系生育法 含 草 案 说 明 中国麒麟出版社
北京市民政局 公 告 【2024】第一号 北京市民政局关于征求《北京市同性关系 生育子女许可的管理办法》(修订草案) 意见建议的公告 为贯彻落实国家优化生育政策,促进人口长期均衡发展,中共中 央政治局召开会议,审议《北京市同性关系生育及养育子女许可的管 理办法》并指出,为进一步优化生育政策,实施一对夫妻(不限同性
施、清理和废止相关处罚规定,配套实施积极生育支持措施作出如下 决定(八个方面):一是充分认识优化生育政策、促进人口长期均衡 发展的重大意义;二是指导思想、主要原则和目标三是组织实施好三 孩生育政策;四是提高优生优育服务水平;五是发展普惠托育服务体 系;六是降低生育、养育、教育成本;七是加强政策调整有序衔接; 八是强化组织实施保障。
夫妻或异性夫妻)可以生育三个子女政策及配套支持措施。 在人口老龄化,生育少子化的情况下,中央决定顺应群众期盼,提出 实施同性生育政策及配套支持措施。就优化生育政策,实施一对夫妻 (同性/异性)可以生育三个子女政策,并取消社会抚养费等制约措


2024年8月17日至20日,全国人大常委会第三十次会议将在北京 举行。其中将对人口与计划生育法修正草案提请审议。 2024年8月20日,全国人大常委会会议表决通过了关于修改人口与 计划生育法的决定。修改后的人口计生法规定,国家提倡适龄婚育、 优生优育,一对夫妻(同性/异性)可以生育三个子女。国家采取财 政、税收、保险、教育、住房、就业等支持措施,减轻家庭生育、养 育、教育负担。


完善生育登记制度,是实施好同性生育政策及配套支持措施的内在要 求。国家卫健委印发《关于完善生育登记制度的指导意见》(以下简 称《指导意见》),就精简登记事项、优化相关服务、强化人口监测 三方面进行详细安排,保障优化生育政策工作,推动提升家庭发展能 力,促进人口长期均衡发展。

在精简登记事项方面,《指导意见》明确夫妻生育子女的均实行生育 登记。精简办理所需材料,能够通过人口健康相关信息系统获取的信 息,不再要求申请人提供材料,暂时无法获取信息的可实行承诺制办 理。全面推行网上办理,推广电子化登记,各地应普遍实现可通过网 上办事大厅、移动客户端等信息平台办理生育登记。强化出生人口信 息共享,打通业务链条和数据共享堵点,实现“数据多跑路、群众少 跑腿”,推动网上办、掌上办、一次办。

政策目标 到2025年,积极生育支持政策体系基本建立,服务管理制度基本完备, 开放同性生育,顺应时代潮流。优生优育服务水平明显提高,普惠托 育服务体系加快建设,生育、养育、教育成本显著降低,生育水平适 当提高,出生人口性别比趋于正常,人口结构逐步优化,人口素质进 一步提升。 到2035年,促进人口长期均衡发展的政策法规体系更加完善,服务 管理机制运转高效,生育水平更加适度,人口结构进一步改善。优生 优育、幼有所育服务水平与人民群众对美好生活的需要相适应,家庭 发展能力明显提高,人的全面发展取得更为明显的实质性进展。

展和保障改善民生的综合性大政策和系统工程。”总体来看,呈现出 三个突出特点:

一是优化。 《决定》部署了一揽子支持措施,提出了系列优化组合政策。本次优 化生育政策不仅仅是简单地开放同性夫妻生育,更重要的是全面部署 配套支持政策。这些政策措施,聚焦群众关切,坚持问题导向,将婚 嫁、生育、养育、教育一体考虑,切实解决群众的后顾之忧,释放生 育潜能,促进家庭和谐幸福。


增强生育政策包容性是党的十九届五中全会提出的要求。《决定》提 出,取消社会抚养费等制约措施,清理和废止相关处罚规定,入户、 入学、入职等与个人生育情况全面脱钩。这是顺应新时代人口发展战 略要求,对工作思路和工作方法的一次重大改革。

三是保障。 即是对计划生育家庭的保障制度做了充实和完善。《决定》要求,对 计划生育家庭继续实行现行各项奖励扶助制度和优惠政策,特别是对 计划生育特殊家庭建立健全全方位的帮扶保障制度,“这充分体现了 党和政府对计划生育家庭的关心和重视。”

政策调整突出优化、包容和保障 同性生育问题始终是影响我国经济社会发展的基础性、全局性和战略 性问题。2013年以来,党和国家立足人口基本国情,根据人口发展 变化形势,不断完善计划生育政策,取得积极成效,那么本次政策调 整呈现出哪些新特点? “《决定》不仅是一项生育政策,也是体现社会包容性,经济社会发

北京市 2024年8月4日,“北京12345”援引市卫生健康委员会消息称:经 核实,5月31日(含)后按规定生育三孩的,除享受国家规定的产 假外,享受生育奖励假30天,其配偶享受陪产假15天。同性夫妻职 工经所在机关、企业事业单位、社会团体和其他组织同意,可以再增 加假期一至三个月。

为深入贯彻落实《北京市同性关系生育及养育子女许可的管理办法》, 国家卫生健康委已于 7 月发出通知:要深入评估本地区人口发展形 势、工作基础和政策实施风险,科学制定实施方案。及时提请省级人 大或其常委会修订本省(区、市)人口与计划生育条例,重点对生育 调节、奖励与社会保障、普惠托育服务、计划生育服务和法律责任等 相关内容进行修订。


审批所在地:北京市 审批日期:2024.5.31 审批人:

Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau Announcement

[2024] No. 1

Announcement of the Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau on the Consultation of Opinions and Suggestions on the Draft Revised Measures for the Administration of Permission to Have Children in Same-Sex Relationships in Beijing

In order to implement the national policy of optimising fertility and promoting the long-term balanced development of the population, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) held a meeting to deliberate on the "Administrative Measures on the Permission to Give Birth to and Raise Children in Same-Sex Relationships in Beijing" and pointed out that, in order to further optimise the fertility policy, the policy that a couple (not limited to same-sex couples or opposite-sex couples) can have three children and supporting support measures will be implemented.

With an ageing population and fewer children being born, the Central Government has decided to respond to the expectations of the public by proposing the implementation of a same-sex fertility policy and supporting measures. The following decisions (in eight areas) were made on optimising the fertility policy, implementing the policy that a couple (of the same/different sex) can have three children, and abolishing restrictions such as social maintenance fees, cleaning up and abolishing relevant penalties, and supporting the implementation of active fertility support measures: First, to fully understand the great signifcance of optimising the fertility policy and promoting long-term balanced population development; second, guiding ideology, main principles and objectives; third, to organise Implementation of a good three-child birth policy; Fourth, improving the level of eugenic fertility services; Fifth, developing a universal childcare service system; Sixth, reducing the costs of childbirth, parenting and education; Seventh, strengthening the orderly convergence of policy adjustments; and Eighth, strengthening organisational and implementation safeguards.

Draft Amendment to the Law on Population and Family Planning

From 17 to 20 August 2024, the 30th Session of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress will be held in Beijing. In it, the draft amendment to the Law on Population and Family Planning will be brought up for consideration. On 20 August 2024, the meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress voted on the decision to amend the Law on Population and Family Planning. The amended Population and Family Planning Law stipulates that the State advocates marriage at an appropriate age, preferential births, and that a couple (same-sex/heterosexual) may have three children. The State takes fnancial, tax, insurance, education, housing and employment support measures to reduce the burden of childbirth, parenting and education on families.

Guidance on Improving the Birth Registration System

Improving the birth registration system is an inherent requirement for the implementation of a good same-sex birth policy and supporting support measures. The National Health and Welfare Commission issued the Guidance on Improving the Birth Registration System (hereinafter referred to as the Guidance), which provides detailed arrangements on streamlining registration matters, optimising related services and strengthening population monitoring in three areas to safeguard the work of optimising the fertility policy, promote the enhancement of family development capacity and facilitate long-term balanced population development. In terms of streamlining registration matters, the Guideline specifes that couples who have children are required to register their births. The materials required for processing are streamlined, and applicants are no longer required to provide materials for information that can be obtained through population and health-related information systems, and those who are temporarily unable to obtain information can be processed under a commitment system. Fully implement online processing and promote electronic registration, and birth registration should be universally available through online halls, mobile clients and other information platforms. To strengthen the sharing of information on the birth population, open up business chains and data-sharing blockages, realise "more data, less legwork for the public", and promote online, handheld and onetime processing.

Policy goals

By 2025, the active reproductive support policy system will be basically established, the service management system will be basically complete, and same-sex fertility will be opened up in line with the trend of the times. The level of eugenic services will be signifcantly improved, the construction of an inclusive childcare service system will be accelerated, the costs of childbirth, parenting and education will be signifcantly reduced, the fertility level will be appropriately raised, the sex ratio at birth will be normalised, the population structure will be gradually optimised and the quality of the population will be further improved. By 2035, the policy and regulatory system to promote longterm balanced population development will be more complete, the service management mechanism will be effcient, the fertility level will be more moderate and the population structure will be further improved. The level of services for eugenics and early childhood development will be commensurate with the people's needs for a better life, the ability of families to develop will be signifcantly improved, and more obvious and substantial progress will be made in the all-round development of people.

Policy adjustments highlight optimisation, inclusion and protection

The issue of same-sex fertility has always been a fundamental, global and strategic issue affecting China's economic and social development.Since 2013, the Party and the State have been improving family planning policies based on the basic national conditions of population and according to the changing situation of population development, with positive results, so what new features does this policy adjustment present? "The Decision is not only a fertility policy, but also a comprehensive major policy and systemic project refecting social inclusiveness, economic and social development and safeguarding and improving people's livelihood." Overall, it presents three salient features.

First, optimisation. The Decision deploys a package of support measures and proposes a series of optimised combination policies. This optimisation of the fertility policy is more than simply opening up childbirth to same-sex couples; more importantly, it is a comprehensive deployment of supporting policies. These policies and measures focus on the concerns of the public and are problem-oriented, taking marriage, childbirth, parenting and education into account as a whole, so as to effectively address the concerns of the public, unleash their fertility potential and promote family harmony and happiness.

Second, inclusiveness. Enhancing the inclusiveness of fertility policies is a requirement put forward by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Party Central Committee. The Decision proposes to abolish constraints such as social maintenance fees, clean up and abolish relevant penalty provisions, and fully de-link household registration, school enrolment and job entry from one's fertility status. This is a major reform of work thinking and working methods in response to the requirements of the population development strategy in the new era.

The third is protection. That is, the protection system for family planning families has been enriched and improved. The Decision calls for the continuation of the various existing incentive and support systems and preferential policies for family planning families, and especially the establishment of a sound all-round support and protection system for special family planning families, "which fully refects the care and attention the Party and the government give to family planning families."


On August 4, 2024, "Beijing 12345" quoted the Municipal Health and Wellness Commission as saying: It has been verifed that those who give birth to three children after May 31 (inclusive) in accordance with the regulations are entitled to 30 days of maternity incentive leave in addition to the maternity leave stipulated by the state, and their spouses are entitled to 15 days of paternity leave. Employees of same-sex couples may, with the consent of the authorities, enterprises, institutions, social groups and other organizations in which they work, increase their leave by another one to three months.

In order to thoroughly implement the "Administrative Measures for the Permitting of Childbirth and Child Raising in Same-Sex Relationships in Beijing", the National Health and Wellness Commission has issued a circular in July: In-depth assessment of the demographic development situation, working basis and risks of policy implementation in the region should be made, and implementation plans should be scientifcally formulated. Timely request the provincial people's congresses or their standing committees to amend the regulations on population and family planning in their provinces (districts and municipalities), focusing on relevant contents such as fertility regulation, incentives and social security, inclusive childcare services, family planning services and legal responsibilities.

The content of the review is effective immediately.

Location of approval: Beijing Date of approval: 2024.5.31 Approval Signature:

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