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Course Cases
3. How can the course be optimised for follow-up?
Clearer assessment of learning outcomes for on board
Vague and unclear criteria can cause confusion for both teachers and students. There is a need to constantly improve the way students and teachers can quickly understand the content of the course. Creating clear, quantifiable, and meaningful assessment criteria is a goal that we will continue to optimize.
Our assessment scales have gone from teachers not being able to assess student learning outcomes to both students and teachers achieving the learning outcomes we expect.
Assessment criteria
Personality insights: Insights derived from personal experience, or unique and original features.
Unknown explorations: New developments in some ways relative to original domain ideas.
Expressive power: Immersive vicariousness and empathy of the display description. (Storytelling)
AI delegated level: Dominated by AI in workflow to produce value or control AI as a tool.
Industrial relevance: Clear link between intent and outcome. Judgement fit for design purpose.
Assessment criteria
Personality insight: Ideas, unique or personal traits that emerge from personal experience.
Ability to expand the unknown: Based on the initial idea, innovative solutions can different ways of exploration.
Ability to judge optimisation: Judgements between intentions and outcomes are clearly linked and supported by sound reasoning.
Degree of AI delegation: AI-led to generate value in the workflow, or control of AI as a tool.
Expressive ability on display: Output is a narrative of text and images that present ideas accurate and immersive.