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GRIDS: SCREENS, MIRRORS AND WINDOWS Reflections of Connectivity and Solitude - 2021 -Tin Plate , Steel Wire

and Wood H26cm D3.5cm W33cm

‘By virtue of the grid, the given work of art is presented as a mere fragment, a tiny piece arbitrarily cropped from an infinitely larger fabric. Thus the grid operates from the work of art outward, compelling our acknowledgement of a world beyond the frame.’ 2 - Krauss In the making of this work, Garden From The Past, I contemplate the archaeological practice of carefully revealing an artefact, dusting and scrapping away layers of mud. Some of my methods may be more readily associated with traditions of sculpture and painting but I am drawn back to ceramic through a process of excavation - materiality linking the object to the artefact that inspired its creation. In this case the cuneiform tablet has informed many of my decisions. This cuneiform clay fragment acts as a vehicle for communication its imprinted surface holding the messages of the earliest writing system. The grid appears throughout my practice, used initially when thinking about the built environment and architectural structure. However, the grid has also taken on new meaning when thinking about our confinement over the past year. The grid exists as a framing device in the context of painting or window within architecture providing a view beyond the immediate spaces we live in.


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