2019 Hope Covenant Church Annual Report

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2019 ANNUAL REPORT HOPE COVENANT CHURCH God moves. Lives change. Love acts.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents Message from the Elder Chair ________________________________________________________ 1 Message from ECC President_________________________________________________________ 2 Treasurer’s Report _________________________________________________________________ 3 Lead Pastor’s Report _______________________________________________________________ 5 Associate Pastor’s Report ____________________________________________________________ 9 Youth Ministry Report _____________________________________________________________ 12 Children’s Ministry Report _________________________________________________________ 18 Outreach & Mission Team __________________________________________________________ 21 Staff ___________________________________________________________________________ 23 Elders __________________________________________________________________________ 24 Company Information _____________________________________________________________ 25

MESSAGE FROM THE ELDER CHAIR Message from the Elder Chair My January 1st Devotion began: “Your rest is not to be found in figuring your life out, but in trusting the One who has it all figured out for your good and His glory.” So simple. So simply correct. So difficult to apply to my life and to the life of Hope Covenant as we look forward to planning for 2020. In 2019, I believe Hope Covenant was blessed in so many ways, I want to call 2 very specific ways out! 1) We have an incredible staff. Pastor Doug’s desire and vision to build a staff the not only loved the Lord, but could also work as a team, has been realized. Not only are they men and women of God in their own right, but they interact and build on each other’s talents. It has been a blessing and gift to watch them serve Hope. 2) We continue to have a kind, loving, accepting, generous and transparent congregation. As someone who has been attending Hope for more than 20 years, I worried about the culture changing as the Pastoral Staff changed. What I saw this year is that the culture of Hope truly resides and remains in the people of Hope. Thank you for your faithfulness. We witnessed lives changed by God and through Hope’s ministry. Many were baptized. Many came to Christ. Your generosity was noted time and time again. We cared for our own when they were grieving, sick, lonely and struggling. Thank you. In Him, who first loved us, Stacey Heimkes

Psalm 62:5-7 says “For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken. On God rests my salvation and my glory; my mighty rock, my refuge is God.

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MESSAGE FROM ECC PRESIDENT Message from ECC President December 2019 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, May God richly bless you as you gather for your congregational Annual Meetings and celebrations. I greet you on behalf of the entire Evangelical Covenant Church. I am deeply grateful for our partnership in the whole Gospel. We join as mission friends to proclaim and demonstrate the good news of Jesus. We are a union of 875 churches on mission together, which is to join God in his mission to see more disciples among more populations in a more caring and just world. The Holy Spirit is the Blazing Center of that mission, and we advance that mission through a multiethnic mosaic of churches. This aligns with one of our key Covenant Affirmations: a conscious dependence on the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit empowers us to carry out this mission, serving locally and partnering together to impact more than 2.5 million people in close to 60 countries and on five continents. Our kingdom impact is only possible through the Holy Spirit, ho i he pe onal agen of Ch i p e ence and po e . As you gather to celebrate this past year of ministry and plan for the year ahead, remember that you are partners in ministry with many other Covenanters. You are not alone. Most important, know the Holy Spirit will continue to comfort, strengthen, unify, and instruct you. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit continues to lead us deeper in Christ and further in mission. “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all� (2 Corinthians 13:14). In Ch i

Lo e

John S. Wenrich President

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2019 Actual

2019 Budget

2020 Budget

Ordinary Income/Expense Income 4100 · CONTRIBUTIONS 4110 · Operational contributions 4111 · Offering




4114 · Momentum for Ministry




4115 · Love Offering










4117 . Conference Support Total 4110 · Operational contributions 4120 · HopeKIDS gifts







4161 . 1 Mission




4162 · Navajo Mission




4163 · Other Designated Missions




4164 · Local outreach







Total 4160 · Outreach gifts




4190 · Other designated gifts










2.62 4,080.00 1,877.92

4,800.00 0.00

4,800.00 0.00







4130 · Youth Ministry gifts 4160 · Outreach gifts

4166 · Benevolence

Total 4100 · CONTRIBUTIONS 4200 · EVENT INCOME 4300 . INTEREST INCOME 4400 · RENTAL INCOME 4600 · REIMBURSEMENT INCOME Total Income Expense 5000 · SALARIES & BENEFITS Total 5000 · SALARIES & BENEFITS 6000 · MINISTRIES 6001 · Ministry Memberships/ Books













6030 . Pastoral Relocation Expense




6040 . Scholarships




6050 · Churchwide Special Events




6010 · Pastoral Ministry Expenses 6020 · Conferences 6025 . Seminary Tuition

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2019 Actual

2019 Budget

2020 Budget









6300 · Christian Formation




6400 · WORSHIP








7111 · Principal




7112 · Interest




125,927.00 6,220.00

121,632.00 6,311.00

83,515.00 6,500.00







7100 · BUILDING 7110 · Mortgage

Total 7110 · Mortgage 7120 · Property insurance 7130 · Storage Rental 7140 . Facilities Improvement Total 7100 · BUILDING






























8000 · NON-BUDGETED EXPENSES Total Expense Net Ordinary Income


Other Income/Expense Net Other Income Net Income

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LEAD PASTOR’S REPORT Lead Pastor’s Report 2019: A YEAR OF REBUILDING As I have reflected on the past year it’s been encouraging to notice the ways in which God’s hand has been guiding our journey as a church family. Over the past year we have continued to be a church who is full of people who step up and work together to love and serve the people God brings through our doors. As has been true of HOPE for many years, when new folks come to visit they commonly report feeling welcomed, embraced and accepted by our church family. People of HOPE, thank you for continuing to be a place where the saying ‘no perfect people,’ means that the hurting, the lost and the lonely can take the risk of showing up and experiencing the love of God in a tangible way. As the first full year of my role as Lead Pastor concluded, I can honestly say that it was a huge learning curve, and an exercise in learning patience. Psalm 127 reminds us, “unless the LORD builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted.” As someone who loves to envision and imagine what HOPE will look like as we move into the future, I recognize that it always takes longer than I first think for things to actually happen. While that can tempt me to push ahead, the upside of these delays is that they cultivate patience. In learning not to rush ahead or to panic and attempt to generate our own momentum, I (and we) are learning to patiently recognize this truth: God is at work, and we don’t ever want to rush ahead of Him. We continue to partner with where God is working and are excited about the “house” He is building here at HOPE. THE STAFF AND LEADERS OF HOPE Our elders and ministry leaders, as well as the volunteers who team up to ‘do’ the ministry of HOPE together, make this church an extraordinary church. Heidi and I love HOPE and are grateful for the way our church comes together to demonstrate God’s love to each other, our East Valley neighbors, and those living in other cultures. In 2019, perhaps the most noticeable change is how God assembled a new team to lead, love and serve HOPE. And when I say God assembled this team, I mean it. No amount of human influence, negotiating or searching could have resulted in such a gifted, committed, high-capacity team of servant leaders. We are truly blessed.

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LEAD PASTOR’S REPORT At this time last year, Will Hopkins took on the role of our permanent Youth Pastor. He, his wife Kristi, and their three boys are a genuinely loved part of the HOPE family. Under the leadership of Will, Kristi, and our Youth Ministry Intern Kimberly Slaughter, our EPIC Youth Ministry is making a difference in the lives of dozens of teenagers. Will and Kristi’s wisdom and faithfulness bring a depth of richness to our staff team as well. I like to tell my pastor friends that God gave HOPE the best youth pastor in the Valley. The pastors who end up meeting him immediately understand why I believe this to be true. In June, our search for a much-needed Associate Pastor brought us Jim Lane. Jim, Sara and two of their four kids moved here from Denver just in time to ‘enjoy’ an Arizona summer. (Thankfully, they stayed anyways.) The entire HOPE family knows that Jim is a blessing beyond what we could ever had hoped for. His excellent gifts of teaching and leading worship are often what get noticed most, but Jim is also a tremendous leader who is helping us organize and strategize for deep, meaningful discipleship and spiritual formation. There are many, many ways in which having Jim as a pastor on our team is taking pressure off of me and enabling me to better focus on the things I am (at some level) gifted to do. I am deeply grateful for Jim and his family – their willingness to take the risk of following Jesus into a pastoral call here in the desert is worthy of high honor. Troy McDonald also became a permanent part of HOPE’s pastoral staff this year after firming up another part-time job to enable him to work at HOPE. Troy is an excellent musician with a deep heart for God. He is a prime example of modeling servant leadership, willing to step into whatever area is needed in order to facilitate our worship and tech teams. It is refreshing to serve alongside a brother who loves Jesus and serves with such Christ-like humility. He and Karie and their kids are a gift straight from the heart of Jesus to the people of HOPE. We also had excellent, gifted people step in to shore up our administrative staff: Richelle Caubang returned to our office, bringing her superb talents, insight, and experience to take care of a never-ending list of important details. Sarah Kiesel and Tracy Sullivan teamup with Richelle to keep our office running smoothly. All three of them bring a sense of stability, teamwork and fun to the church office. Heidi Glynn continues to serve as our part-time Children’s Ministry Leader. Brittney White has joined the team on a part-time basis as well, and is moving this crucially important ministry to places of greater depth and effectiveness. A long-time veteran of

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LEAD PASTOR’S REPORT HOPE, we love her energy, creativity, thoughtfulness and heart for the families of HOPE! Along with Taryn Davidson and a strong core of volunteers, our kids are being discipled and invited to a faith and trust in Jesus. While our eventual plan is to land on a permanent staffer for Children’s Ministry, we recognize that having the right leader is vital, and until God makes that person clear, we will continue to be grateful for the willingness, flexibility and faithfulness of this team. Heidi continues to impress me with her capacity as a leader. She skillfully and thoughtfully leads with a sensitivity which serves an example to me of someone who reflects the heart of Jesus. I am profoundly grateful for her, and she is the best partner I could have ever asked for! With this dream-team that loves, serves and leads the ministries of HOPE, I believe that 2020 will be a year of great movement, depth and growth as we listen to Jesus and follow God’s direction for our church family. LOOKING FORWARD In the upcoming year, we sense that the big theme God is calling us to focus on is “following Jesus.” Three words that are guiding our ministry direction and focus are COMMUNITY, MISSION and FORMATION. These are our priorities as a church family. • We look forward to building community through small groups, outreach/mission initiatives, and times to celebrate and enjoy each our church family. •

We will focus on mission in equipping individuals to recognize where God is at work in their daily lives and spheres of influence, as well as projects that are local and international.

And our priority of formation will be expressed in the pathways we are creating for spiritual growth. From inviting people to explore faith in Christ, to offering opportunities for in-depth growth to mature believers, we are excited about the transformation that will occur through cooperating with the Spirit.

As our former pastor Duane Cross often reminds me, our best days at HOPE are truly ahead of us. Our pastors and staff are confident that this is true, and we keep our eyes on Jesus, asking for his Spirit to fill, empower and direct our steps in being a church who wants to love God and love people in a way that brings joy to the heart of our Father.

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LEAD PASTOR’S REPORT In 2020, I am asking God to mobilize our church family to reach more people with the love and grace of Jesus. I continue to ask God to teach us more about living lives of grace, rooted in the identity He gives to us. In our times of worship and communion, I want us to experience His manifest presence which connects us to His heart in ways that expand our hearts. And in 2020, I am asking God to bring healing, hope and restoration to us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Thank you to the staff, leaders and members of the HOPE family for welcoming Heidi and I to such a beautiful church family. We are truly thankful for you! Let Hope Arise!

Doug Glynn Lead Pastor

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ASSOCIATE PASTOR’S REPORT Associate Pastor’s Report Dear Hope Family, One of the reasons for our decision to join the family at Hope was the very tangible approachability, grace and genuine nature of the community. Seven months in, the folks that we met “at the door” are the same people we now walk with, in the day-to-day nittygritty of doing life in the Kingdom. This authenticity is evidence that God is up to something here! Here are some highlights of areas where I've seen God has been working, and by no means is this an exhaustive list! SMALL GROUPS We believe that people regularly connecting in authentic and safe small groups is a key to discipleship and continued spiritual growth of the Body at Hope. With this in mind, we have been and will continue in 2020 to be focusing on: • Nurturing existing groups of all forms and sizes. •

Equipping leaders to expand or start new groups.

Introductory experiences (such as Discover Groups and Alpha) for folks who are less familiar with them.

Conversations - we aim for something so central to Hope’s growth to be in our everyday language.

Personal invitations! The most effective way to expand our groups is to invite people personally!

OPERATIONS Hope has undergone change, heartache and challenge over the last few years and has been able to navigate operations with the help of many key people. Both facility and landscape individuals and teams have kept us moving in the right direction. Here are things in both the rearview mirror from 2019 and also ahead in 2020:

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Church Work Days - We had two successful and (we can say fun, right?) work days in spring and fall, in which we thinned out and managed our property. It’s always wonderful to work together being stewards of what we have!

Dedicated Team Members - Again, people have consistently stepped forward in seasons of need, and we now have team members dedicated to weekly cleaning and facility.

Hope Handy Ninjas - We’ve also taken initial steps to create a project and facilities wish list, for handy folks to be able to jump in and address (with coordination assistance) more readily with their schedules. In the coming weeks, we will be tweaking the process to maximize list accessibility.

Structural Changes - In 2019 we began considering new ways of structuring operations in a way that keeps an organized and connected eye on facilities, finances, property and even the way we address justice issues. This conversation will continue and more form will come together in 2020.

COMMUNITY LIFE Our focus here is twofold: helping folks explore their spiritual gifts and where God might be calling them to get involved, and also to nurture, connect and support our church family. In many ways these goals intersect and run parallel, and they are equally signs of life… both for 2019 and as we look forward to 2020: • Pastoral Care & Visitation - Our pastoral and leadership staff and Elders continue to meet and pray with folks for spiritual direction, coaching and counsel as well as times of medical and other times of crisis. •

Meal Trains - In both joyous and sorrowful situations, meal trains are a needed support and our congregation steps up readily in these times and has done so on multiple occasions in 2019 and as of this morning, our first of 2020 is being mobilized with the birth of Natalie Dascoli!

First Impressions Ministry (FIM) - while the FIM team can and does fall under multiple categories, their very critical ministry of being the eyes and welcome of Jesus when folks walk into Hope is not only for first time guests, but also ministers weekly to the rest of us in the Body of Christ as well!

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Family Life Opportunities - in 2020, our church family will have many more opportunities (like the chili cookoff or the bonfire!) to connect and get to know one another more. Chili and s’mores are only the beginning!

We are looking forward to an exciting and growth-filled 2020, and so privileged to be able to walk it with our church fam! Jim Lane Associate Pastor

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YOUTH MINISTRY REPORT Youth Ministry Report As another year has reached its finale let us rejoice in God and let us trust in Jesus Christ who is the same yesterday, and today, and forever! (Heb. 13:8). I am so thankful for Hope, it has become home for my three kids (Aiden 11, Greyson 9, Elijah 4) and wife Kristi. This year of 2019 was full of fun, adventure and joy. SUNDAY MORNINGS We use our “Epic Sunday” time to point students to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Through our weekly bible exploration our students discover how God’s plan of redemption unfolds throughout Scripture and still today, compelling them to join the mission of God.

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WEDNESDAY NIGHT “EPIC YOUTH� Epic Youth on Wednesday night is strategic from the very beginning. From the minute our students step out of the car we want Epic Youth to be a welcoming place for our core students and their pre-teen and teenage friends. Wednesday nights are filled with fun, adventure, games and surprises. Some of the events of 2019 include, pool parties, dodgeball tournaments, 20-foot ice cream sundaes, scavenger hunts, capture the what, food fights, volleyball, floor hockey, hay rides and much, much more. Our hope is that through these events, we break down walls and build friendships so when we get to the worship and a message part of the evening, our students are ready to hear about a God that cares and loves them.

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YOUTH MINISTRY REPORT SMALL GROUPS We have designated youth leaders who open up their homes for our Epic Youth small groups. These small group breakouts allow our students to connect with each other and their leader to nurture deeper growth. Each student in small group is encouraged to explore who Jesus is, which opens the door for an increase of faith, service and leadership.

CAMP Our team believes that camp offers one of the best proclamations of the Gospel available to teenagers today. Camp is also a time to encourage faith development and a way to build lasting, lifelong friendships. We discuss with our team how one week of camp is a year worth of facetime for our students and leaders. For these reasons, we work HARD to get students to camp. Our strategy is to have two trips per year with an emphasis on retreat, service, fun and adventure.

Winter Camp 2019, 16 total - 11 kids 9 boys (3 Guy Leaders), 7 Girls (2 Girl Leaders) Road Trip 2019, 19 total - 13 kids 7 boys (3 Guy Leaders) 12 Girls (3 Girl Leaders)

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YOUTH MINISTRY REPORT Lastly, Kimmy (our Youth Intern) has brought tremendous stability to our program. Her adventurous spirit, fun attitude and faith foundation are contagious. Her willingness to enter into the lives of these pre-teen and teenage girls to encourage, care and point them to a God that loves them is truly amazing. Kimmy is also involved in helping train and encourage our youth team of leaders and is a huge part of building this ministry.

Some of our goals this next year for our Epic Youth team and core students include continuing to move forward by discipling others, finding ways to serve and going out into the community. We are helping our peers, pre-teen and teenage friends find their way by inviting them into friendship, fun, adventure and pointing them to discover a relationship with Jesus Christ and grow in their faith. I’m excited to see the ways God is moving and using our Epic Youth team in 2020.

Will Hopkins Youth Pastor

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YOUTH MINISTRY REPORT MESSAGE FROM THE YOUTH INTERN I am so thankful to be a part of this amazing family here at Hope, and privileged to be leading our “Epic Youth” team. We have such an incredible group of leaders who dedicate their time and effort to this ministry. Our team consists of Teresa Kiesel, Kristi Hopkins, Erin Ammesmaki, Brad Karlberg, Mikey and Ashley Dascoli, and our student leader Justin Caubang. The relational process of building into the lives of students and seeing them grow in their faith is a blessing. Our students are swimming in the strong currents of life with school, family and friends, so just being able to show up to be there for them and help them navigate life is important. I’m honored to lead beside our team of caring adults as we enter into the difficult and tough circumstances our teens face, as well as the joyful ones, while inviting and encouraging these students to follow and trust God. I love to see our students get pumped up about our youth events, Wednesday nights, and summer camp. It makes me smile from ear to ear knowing that we’re doing all of this to give glory to God. One of my favorite memories of 2019 was during our San Diego road trip. It was the last full day of the trip, and after a long week of giving back to the community, we sat around a campfire on the beach during sunset, eating smores and singing worship to our God. The sense of peace and fulfillment was beautiful, and served as a reminder of the love of God for each of His children. It’s a moment that I, and I’m sure most of the students, will not soon forget. Kimmy Slaughter (Youth Ministry Intern)

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CHILDREN’S MINISTRY REPORT Children’s Ministry Report Hope Kids (Children’s Ministry) would not function without the faithful leadership of over forty individuals that voluntarily give their time and attention to serve Hope’s children. In 2019, we continued to witness God’s love for our kids through the people of Hope. People who get down on their knees, seeing and speaking to the heart of a child, treating her like a person created in God’s image; fully treasured and wholeheartedly-loved by her Creator. Hope Kids’ first desire is for each child to experience God’s love through us. We take seriously the care and growth of our children, and we praise God for the team of people who faithfully show up each week to love our kids! 2019 HIGHLIGHTS • Forty-two children and twenty-five adult volunteers participated in Hope Kids’ Summer Day Camp in June •

Sixty people attended Cool in the Pool in July

Thirty-seven children and adults attended Family Game Night in November

Forty-two children and adults came to Hope for a Family Movie Night in December to watch Polar Express

Brittany White was officially added as Associate Director to Hope Kids’ staff in October

Parents of Young Ones (POYO) group began with grandparents, dads and moms bringing little ones to church to play together on Tuesdays at 9am

Implementation of updated security and safety protocols in July with nearly forty leaders in attendance

Began a new children’s curriculum, “Dig In – The Heart of God” with positive results: o Higher level of engagement from the kids: “I love this!” Ryan Borowiecki, 3rd grade student o Volunteer satisfaction has improved: “The dynamics of the classroom has changed because the kids are more engaged,” Joanna Allhands

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CHILDREN’S MINISTRY REPORT Brittany and I look forward to hosting additional events in 2020 including; a Family Picnic in March, Summer Day Camp in June, and Cool in the Pool in July. We also actively pray for new playground equipment to be donated, including the replacement of sand with AstroTurf (to keep our children safe). In addition, we would love to have more volunteer leaders! Positions are open in the nursery, the two to three-year-old classroom and more. We praise God for the gifts He has already given us and look forward to growing Hope’s ministry to children in 2020!

Heidi Glynn Interim Children’s Ministry Director

Brittany White Children’s Ministry Associate Director

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OUTREACH & MISSION TEAM Outreach & Mission Team Dear Hope Family, Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." As directed in the Bible in Acts 1:8 we are to serve our Community and beyond. So as we planned our year out, we took that into consideration. In our community… •

• •

• •

Against Abuse - Domestic Violence Shelter in Casa Grande.This year they had a very specific need for 50 Back to School backpacks for kids that are cycling through their facility. What a blessing we could supply these kids with the tools to head off to school Serve Our City, Chandler - October 26th 29 of individuals participated in Chandler's "For our City Day" Reminsce, Memory Care Ministry at Avenir. We have visited this facility and led a church service twice I December with many additional services scheduled for the coming months. San Marcos School partnership - school supply drive to meet the needs of teachers and children of our neighborhood, Title 1 school. Also on a regular basis we are bringing the Teachers treats for their breakroom! Just showing them they are appreciated by the community they serve. Neighborhood Ministries: donations of toys and household goods supplied disadvantaged families in Phoenix with an Affordable Christmas. Matthew’s Crossing is a Chandler community Food Bank. For the past several years we have helped keep their shelves full. This year, in addition to the ongoing help, we supplied 100’s of pounds of breakfast foods (cereals, oatmeal, granola bars).

In our State and Area… • • •

Navajo Missions: three short term teams sent, serving orphans cared for by Naomi House and pastor training through Living Water Bible Church. 1Mission: one short term team sent in May, building homes for disadvantaged families in Mexico. Covenant Kids Congo: In November we made an appeal for the support of children living in poverty in the community of Kinshasa where our denomination, Evangelical Covenant Church, partners.

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Brandon and Rahel Hodge, Intervarsity Fellowship: We support their ministry financially and this year we were able to buy and pack Welcome Bag for WJEF Conference also

To the Ends of the Earth… •

Missionary support for families: o Joel and Kim Delp in Ecuador. This year we were blessed with a visit from the Delps’ to Hope Covenant to learn more about them and their ministry. Maybe our church can send a team to help them in the coming year. Let us know if you are interested. o Julio and Katie Isaza in Columbia

Thank you Project Leaders and members of Hope for all you have done this year to serve and help spread the Good News of Jesus’ Love. Blessings, Heidi Glynn, Sheli Sloterbeek, Stacey Heimkes

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COMPANY INFORMATION Company Information HOPE COVENANT CHURCH 1770 S Dobson Rd, Chandler, AZ 85286 Tel (480) 899-7255 www.hopecov.com

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