June 2017
COMMUNITY NEWS Happy 100th birthday to John Harlow RenfrewCollingwoodCommunityNews.com
by Paul Reid
Herbert Harlow and Rose Campbell met while working at Vancouver General Hospital. They married and had their first born, John, in 1917. In 1925, John’s wife-to-be, Georgette, was attending Norquay School. John and Georgette met when they attended South Vancouver high school (now, John Oliver), married in 1939 and moved onto Chambers Street. Three of their four children would also attend Norquay School. John would later build a new house on Chambers Street in 1950. He bought the double lot for $600. This is the house he still lives in today with his son David and his wife Sylvia. So, we have had a Harlow living on Chambers Street for over 78 years. We have also had a Harlow driving city buses in Vancouver since 1945. This is the year that John started driving city buses for Neville Transit.
Above: Three generations of transit operators (from left to right), David, Michelle and John Harlow in front of the house on Chambers Street. Left: Here are members of Neville Transit with one of the Neville buses. When drivers formed a Union, Mr. Neville fired everyone. When the B.C. Labour Board ruled against him, Neville sold the company to B.C. Electric.
Local hero recovers after house fire Page 3
Windermere grads set to succeed Page 4
Even before that, John was a driver, driving trucks for the Boeing company on Sea Island during World War 2. He remembers driving up to the gate one day and the guard told him to park the truck and go home. The war was over, the plant was closed and everyone was laid off! That same day, on his way back home, John would not only find a new job, he was taught his route and started driving that day!
Create Your Canada winners Page 5
Continued on page 2
Gather at local gardens Page 7
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Happy 100th birthday to John Harlow
Continued from cover
This was the job with Neville Transit that would start the continuing legacy of the Harlow family. John worked with Neville until they became BC Electric and later BC Hydro. During this time, John became a motorman, driving street cars like this one. John became a motorman, driving street cars. In 1978, John’s son David would join the transit team. It was around this time that the company would became Metro and then Coast Mountain. In 2004, David’s daughter, Michelle started driving, becoming the third generation of Harlows to do A BC Electric bus so. (John retired in 1979; David in 2009.) For John’s 100th birthday, his family wanted to give him a ride down memory lane. So they rented a vintage 1964 G.M.C. bus, provided by TRAMS, and along with family and friends, the day was spent touring with John down memory A BC Hydro bus, circa 1968. lane. This included John’s old routes in East Vancouver; Sea Island where John worked with Boeing; past the school where he met his wife; the Church where they got married; and others. Needless to say, John had a fantastic 100th Birthday. Congratulations to Michelle and the Harlow family on this latest addition (right) this year. Could this be the fourth generation of the Harlow-transit legacy?
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June 2017
Community rallies around local carpenter Rob Allen after house fire
As CTV NewsGo reported, Robert Allen is a hero. Photo source: bc.ctvnews.ca/ Rob Allen – our neighbour, volunteer and contractor at Collingwood Neighbourhood House (CNH) – lost everything in a house fire early May. “I’m OK and so is the guy from downstairs!” he writes in an email. Actually, he heroically saved his downstairs neighbour’s life by crawling through a smoky, burning basement and dragging him out of the blaze. Rob lost everything in the fire. But as one friend said, quoting her parent’s wisdom, “Everything is replaceable except for you!” We’re grateful Rob is safe. A talented carpenter by trade, Rob has worked on many projects around the neighbourhood and privately for folks who need woodworking help. Rob is a dedicated community volunteer who has spent many hours working on cultural infrastructure planning, making bird and bee houses in community workshops, teaching woodworking to homeschooling families and working with the city on dialogue around community representation. He also initiated the local Conversation Cafés. His hearty chuckle and dedication to making the neighbourhood a better place – alongside his ability to see the positive in everything, including his own situation – is inspiring. People at CNH and around the community have expressed a desire to help Rob. His partner has set up a GoFundMe page where you can donate online (www.gofundme.com/robertshouse-fire-campaign) – thanks to all of you who have already donated. If anyone has woodworking tools they don’t need anymore, he is happy to accept them as donations, as he plans to do more woodworking workshops for beginner DIYers. You are welcome to drop off monetary donations to Collingwood Neighbourhood House, 5288 Joyce Street, by Friday, June 2, attention Sally. You can also drop off tool donations at the reception. Rob is overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of the people around him and the community support has been important in helping him though this disaster with grace.
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June 2017
Students find their passion at Windermere high school by Julie Cheng COMMUNITY NEWS The mission of this non-profit publication is to provide the residents, businesses and organizations of Renfrew/Collingwood with a medium for community communication. Paul Reid: staff writer and layout coordinator Lisa Symons: sales and distribution coordinator Julie Cheng: editorial coordinator
Contributors: Azin Kalantari, Bo Del Valle Garcia, Collingwood Library, Dustin Ahjz, Emma Warner Chee, Harlow Family, Julie Cheng, Norman Hill, Pardeep Singh, Paul Reid, Sami Omar
We want to hear from you! Yes, You! Send comments, community events, press releases by regular post, fax or e-mail. Suggestions for improving the paper are welcome. We welcome appropriate, unsolicited editorial submissions if accompanied by the author’s real name, address and telephone number. The author should retain the original as we cannot return submissions without prior agreement nor does submission guarantee publication. We reserve the right to make editorial changes.
It’s hard to believe that my husband and I will soon become empty nesters. It’s been a long haul. We’d settled in the neighbourhood over 20 years ago, raising two kids here.
We needn’t have worried. Windermere Secondary is a neighbourhood gem.
Sure, as Claire noted in her graduation speech, the bell doesn’t always Now my youngest, Kate, will gradu- ring on time and some windows are boarded up. But she received a ate this June from Windermere tremendous learning experience as Secondary and leave home in Seppart of Windermere and its Leadertember for university – and a life ship program, and by extension, she on her own. She follows her sister, became part of a group of students Claire, who graduated from the who were active in the community. same school three years ago and is Claire learned a different point of also studying away from home. view from the mainstream, learned We didn’t think twice about sending to think on her own and take action, learned to be a leader – all qualiour kids to Windermere; after all, ties that have been invaluable in her it was just a five-minute walk from adult life. our house. We also believe in public education. Still, we didn’t know Claire describes a friend who volwhat to expect from this small east unteered with the school’s lifeskills Vancouver school.
Next submission deadline: June 10 The Renfrew-Collingwood Community News is an initiative of the Collingwood Neighbourhood House (CNH).
Yo u C a n F i n d t h e RC Community News @ Libraries, Collingwood Neighbourhood House, Renfrew Park Community Centre, The Italian Cultural Centre, Collingwood Policing Office, other organizations, religious institutions, schools, laundromats, Starbucks, Rona, Superstore, Canadian Tire, Walmart, London Drugs and Safeway coffee shops, restaurants, markets, corner stores, other businesses, and coffee tables all over Renfrew-Collingwood.
Contact the RCCNews Phone: 604-435-0323 extension 261 Fax: 604-451-1191 Editorial: rccnews-editorial@cnh.bc.ca Advertising: Phone Lisa Symons at 604.435.0323 email: rccnews-sales@cnh.bc.ca Renfrew/Collingwood Community News Collingwood Neighbourhood House 5288 Joyce Street Vancouver, BC V5R 6C9
Spectrum Society for Community Living Seeks Community Support Workers (CSW’s), Live‐In Salaried Caregivers and Homeshare Providers At Spectrum, we believe that community is enriched by the presence and contributions of its citizens with disabilities. Together we can create a world where all people are valued, their voices heard and choices respected. Are you the kind of person who loves to get involved in your community? Do you feel like it’s always been your calling to provide support to your friends or family? Are you a person who loves to connect with people and network within your community? If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these questions, then you may be a great fit for this kind of work!
For CSW’s and Live‐In Salaried Caregivers: Please contact Human Resources at personnel@spectrumsociety.org For Homeshare Providers: Please contact Anne Marie Fulop at amf@spectrumsociety.org or 604‐323‐1433 if you are curious about the opportunity to share your home and provide care and support to an adult living with developmental disability.
Motto “Facta Non Verba” (Actions, Not Words) class and discovered the rewards of helping students with disabilities. Her friend has gone on to study and work in the field, following her passion that she first found at Windermere. More recently, another student was one of the lucky few to take part in the High School Science Week at St Paul’s Hospital’s Centre for Heart Lung Innovation as part of her career exploration experience. “I was happy to learn most of the students were from schools in the area and I was proud to represent Windermere,” she recalls in a report. She got to “play” with damaged organs, including hearts and lungs. “I felt like a kid in a candy store for the whole day!” Which takes us back to Kate. Windermere gave her the opportunity to excel in sports and to volunteer as a score keeper and as an arts and crafts instructor to elementary school students. Most surprising to us, though, she found her passion the day she walked into her Grade 8 science class. Today physics is Kate’s favourite subject, and she does well in chemistry, biology and math. She may study engineering. As someone who couldn’t understand physics and could only learn chemistry and calculus from good teachers, I can see that Windermere has excellent science and math programs. As parents we put a lot of trust in the teachers who lay the foundation for our kids to succeed in life. Windermere has taught so many of our kids to be good citizens, to aim high and to dream that they can improve lives and, perhaps, even save the world. Thank you. Julie Cheng has been the editor of the Renfrew-Collingwood Community News for almost 10 years.
June 2017
Create Your Canada winners off to Ottawa Congratulations to Windermere students Gaelan Emo and June Lam for winning the Create Your Canada contest sponsored by Don Davies, the member of Parliament for Vancouver-Kingsway. Gaelan and June will travel to Ottawa to hear Don Davies introduce their bill in the House of Commons.
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“This is a great way for youth to share their vision for our country,” says Don Davies. “I think it’s also a fun and engaging introduction to Parliament and the legislative process.” Windermere students Gaelan Emo and June Lam are off to Gaelan and June were chosen for Ottawa to see their bill introduced in the House of Comtheir idea to create a tax incentive mons by MP Don Davies. Photo courtesy of Don Davies, MP that will encourage food producers, suppliers and retailers to donate perishable food to charities. To learn more about this competition, visit Way to go, Gaelan and June! http://dondavies.ca/createyourcanada/
Windermere stories
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Over the years the Renfrew-Collingwood Community News has published many stories about Windermere high school. A quick search on RenfrewCollingwoodCommunityNews.com leads you to stories that reveal: Windermere staff are amazing: Indigenous art project at Windermere: Reconciliation from the ground up – May 2017 Judy Payne one of Windermere’s secrets to success – May 2015 Windermere students speak up about social justice: Multinational corporation pays $15 a day for Hope water – Jan. 2017 Homelessness Action Week, October 12-18, 2014 – Nov. 2014 The students take action for the environment: Windermere students celebrate Earth Day – Apr. 2017 Windermere students race to save the planet at the Great Climate Race – Dec. 2016 The students are everywhere in the community: Windermere Organic Garden Team grows fruit, veggies and community – Nov. 2016 Celebrate Canada’s 149th birthday at Youth Celebrate Canada Day – July 1! – Jun. 2016 They learn to be strong and have a creative voice Film by Windermere Girls Group: Girls Are Just As Strong – Dec. 2016 Renfrew-Collingwood high school students create original play about addiction – Apr. 2017
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June 2017
June is Italian Heritage Month – Celebrate at the Italian Cultural Centre! Il Centro, the Italian Cultural Centre and its partners present a month-long festival that celebrates and shares Italian culture, language and heritage. The festival includes performances, exhibitions, events and traditional cultural activities. Check out the events calendar at http:// italianculturalcentre.ca/eventregistration/il- centro-eventcalendar/. MANGIA VANCOUVER Explore the tastes, traditions and innovations of Italian cuisine in Vancouver. Here is a list of participating restaurants close to our neighbour-
hood or accessible by Skytrain. More info at https://italianculturalcentre.ca/events/ home/mangia/Campagnolo – 1020 Main St. Near the Main St./Science World Skytrain station
same family as our very own local pizzeria, Ragazzi. Go early to avoid line-ups.
Common Voices sheds light on art and music as a means to maintain cultural identity in times of transition and upheaval. Performances in both opera genres are featured.
NEW IL MUSEO EXHIBIT Common Voices: The Cultural Legacy of Cantonese and MERCATO ITALIAN Italian Opera in Vancouver Poor Italian Ristorante – MARKET 3296 East 1st Avenue. A local Friday, Jun. 16 May 25–July 15 favourite. See the Eating Out 5–9 pm Museum hours: Tuesday to review: 3075 Slocan St. @ Grandview Saturday, 10 am–5 pm https://renfrewcollingHwy. In honour of Canada’s 150 woodcommunitynews. www.italianculturalcentre. years, the Italian Cultural com/2013/02/22/poor-italca/events/mercato-italianCentre’s Giovanni Caboto ian- ristorante/ market/ station series focuses on immigrant communities and the diverse Via Tevere Pizzeria – 1190 Victoria Drive. Rumour has it cultural heritages they have this restaurant is owned by the introduced to Vancouver.
Thank you partners Collingwood Neighbourhood House Collingwood Business Improvement Association Collingwood Community Policing Centre Renfrew Community Centre sponsors Aardvark Armadillo Tents Inc. C.R.E.W Aboriginal Canoe Club City of Vancouver Heritage Canada Jr. BIA London Drugs Money Mart Mosaic BC Rowe Events Safeway Starbucks Still Moons Art TD Canada Trust The UPS Store Trendy Group Signs Vancouver Parks Board Westbank Development Windermere & Killarney Secondary Schools
Collingwood Days 2017 would like to give thanks to our partners, sponsors & the community!
The following is a paid advertisement by Adrian Dix, MLA for Vancouver/Kingsway Dear Neighbours: On May 9th, I was re-elected as your MLA for VancouverKingsway with 61% of the vote. I am honoured by this level of generosity and support and will do everything I can to justify your confidence in me. I wish to also acknowledge and thank the other candidates in the election: Trang Nguyen, Elissa Calder, Charles Bae, and Brette Mullins. Please note the Constituency Office will be operating once again at its usual hours: 5022 Joyce St. Mon-Thurs 9am-4pm Fri by appointment only Carnivals and Collingwood Days You know that summer is in full swing when there are public events and carnivals at every corner. This year’s Collingwood Days was a huge success (and not a drop of rain!). The sun was shining brightly at Gaston Park (relocated from the Carleton School grounds) and it was a fantastic turnout. Thanks to Angela Evans and the Collingwood BIA for bringing together the community every year in celebration. This May and June, we celebrated and fundraised for so many local establishments: Bruce, Beaconsfield, and MacCorkindale Elementary Schools, Gladstone Secondary School, and Kensington Cedar Cottage. I want to applaud everyone on their successful events! Congratulations to High School Graduates My congratulations go out to all graduating students from Gladstone, Windermere and Killarney Secondary Schools. This is an exciting time for all of you and your families and I wish you all the very best in your future endeavors. I am proud each year to sponsor scholarships for graduating students and look forward to attending this year’s graduation ceremonies! Join me on Canada Day Come out to Renfrew Park Community Centre on July 1st to celebrate Canada Day (12-4pm)! The cake cutting will be at 3:30pm. The Youth Celebrate Canada Day Festival is organized each year by a terrific group of volunteer Windermere high school students.
Emma Warner Chee
June 2017
Food Security Institute: Join summer gatherings at local gardens by Bo Del Valle Garcia and Emma Warner Chee
The Renfrew-Collingwood Food Security Institute (RCFSI) gathers neighbours around food. Together, we grow, we cook, we share and we build resilient communities. On the rooftop garden, at the Norquay Orchard and at our community gardens we aim to create a hub for our neighbours, both human and non, to share and increase knowledge around organic and regenerative food growing practices, soil systems, and wild and native plants. This is an exciting time for us! This summer we will be joined by two new members of our team, Bo and Emma, who will be dedicating their time and expertise towards growing thriving communities both in the garden and out. Bo is a creature of the cities and forests: a community organizer, activist and earth skills educator born to the traditional unceded lands of the Coast Salish – otherwise known as Vancouver, B.C. Bo identifies as genderqueer and uses They/ Them/Theirs pronouns.
Vanessa Richards (centre) of Woodword’s Community Choir leads a singing practice at the Norquay Orchard event last year. Photo by Dustin Ahjz
Bo is rooted deeply into their home and community, but never forgets that they are a visitor on this land. Their work operates in the intersections between earth, food, art, and justice. They have spent countless hours learning from the natural world in academic settings, from elders and mentors, and from the living ecosystems themselves. They have worked on a number of projects concerning ecosystem repair, bioremediation, food forests design, biological pest management, rainwater harvesting, and climate change resiliency and are so excited to be working with the RCFSI this summer! Emma is a sociology student at Simon Fraser University and returning to RCFSI for a second year as a summer student. She loves growing, cooking, eating and talking about food. She is excited to spend time at the orchard and in the garden this summer, and to plant seeds for community growth and tasty veggies. Summer events This summer RCFSI will be working to foster a deeper connection with the land and each other, and are excited to invite everyone to our upcoming events: Pruning Workshop at the Norquay Orchard (2732 Horley St.) – Saturday, June 17, 12 to 2 pm Rooftop Garden Drop-ins at the Collingwood Neighbourhood House – Every Wednesday, 5 to 7 pm Norquay Orchard Work Parties (2732 Horley St.) – Last Saturday of the month, 1 to 3 pm There will be many more exciting opportunities to get involved. Keep an eye on the RCFSI Facebook page – Renfrew Collingwood Food Security Institute, or the website rcfood.wordpress.com.
If you are interested in volunteering contact collingwoodurbanag@ gmail.com.
June 2017
Summer Camps at Collingwood Neighbourhood House
Phone 604.435.0323 for more information
Piano Camp
Age 5 to 7, July 17 - 21 & Jul 24 - 28. 9:30 – 10:30 am, Cost: $55/week Age 8 to 9, July 17 - 21 & Jul 24 - 28. 10:30 – 11:30 am, Cost: $55/week
The Cultural Legacy of Cantonese and Italian Opera in Vancouver
Arts and Crafts Summer Camp Ages 6 to 8
July 4 - 7 & July 10 - 14, 9:30 am – 3:00 pm, Cost: $115 full day
Rhythmic Gymnastics Summer Camp Ages 6 to 12 July 24 - 28, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm, Cost: $115
Summer Creative Dance Camp Ages 4 to 6 July 17 - 21, 9:00 – 11:30 am, Cost: $55
Thursday, May 25 7:00PM Hours
Gymnastics Camp Ages 6 to 12
May 25–June 30 Tuesday–Saturday 10:00AM–5:00PM
Week 1: July 4 - 7 Week 2: July 10 - 14 Week 3: July 17 - 21 Cost: Full day, $115/week, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm or half day $65/week, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
July 1–July 15 Monday–Friday 10:00AM–5:00PM
August Sports Camp Ages 6 - 12 Week 1: July 31 - August 4 (Soccer) Week 2: August 8 - 11 (Floor Hockey) Week 3: August 14 - 18 (Soccer) Week 4: August 21 - 25 (Floor Hockey) Cost: Week 2: $55/week, 9:30 - 11:30 am Week 1, 3, 4: $65/week, 9:30 - 11:30 am Gymnastics Camp in August Ages 6 - 12
Il Centro Italian Cultural Centre www.italianculturalcentre.ca Tel: (604) 430-3337
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June 2017
Thank you CNH volunteers! The Collingwood Neighbourhood House held its annual Volunteer Appreciation on April 19 to thank the many volunteers who dedicate countless hours every year in support of its programs and services. Each of the 89 volunteers in attendance received a certificate of appreciation and a gift flashlight. Fifteen of them won prizes during the evening’s game and 10 won the lucky draw. The delicious dinner was prepared by Najia Elacel, and Starbucks once again donated pastries and coffee. The evening featured Rosanna Costantini as emcee and performances by belly dancer Sahar Khosh, Italian singer Alice Crestejo and breakdance/hip hop dancers the Royal Beans Duo. Photos by Sami Omar
13th Annual Canada Day Celebration
Collingwood International Film Festival J U LY 7 P
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June 2017
The Seniors Connection CNH programs keep seniors connected to the community by Azin Kalantari The Collingwood Neighbourhood House (CNH) seniors program offers a range of care and services to elderly people to meet their diverse physical, emotional and cultural needs and to provide information about community resources. A team of staff and volunteers work hard to help aging people keep connected to their community. Carpool Carpooling is an option that enables seniors who no longer drive to keep coming to their own programs. Drivers can give rides to their neighbours who are coming to the same destination. This would mean that seniors can keep their social activities going with the help of their peers or other CNH participants. Drivers who carpool seniors will be reimbursed for their mileage. So next time you drive to CNH please bring along a neighbour! Community Lunch The Community Lunch provides healthy, affordable food twice per week every Tuesday and Thursday and gives seniors a chance to socialize. During The World Café is place for seniors to gather together, talk about the annual Collingwood Days Festival, which is a way to celebrate the diverdifferent topics and for immigrants to improve their English. Photo by Azin sity in Renfrew- Collingwood, our kitchen will host a community luncheon on Tuesday, May 23. World Café Depending on the different walks of life seniors come from, they may face different barriers. At CNH, we try to help senior immigrants to overcome language and cultural obstacles and learn skills that will increase their social life and make connections to the community. World Café is a new program at CNH that happens every second Monday of each month. Seniors gather together for a free afternoon coffee and snack at 1:15 pm and have a casual conversation to share their opinions about news and events around the world. It is not just for people who have English as their second language. English speakers also participate in the World Café to share thoughts, talk about different topics and make friends with people from different cultures. Collingwood Pedestrian Safety Collingwood Community Policing Centre (CCPC) organized a Pedestrian Safety event on April 19, in collaboration with Collingwood Neighbourhood house. Participants learned a lot about safety tips and enjoyed lunch together at the CCPC presentation. Trips As the weather gets warmer and the signs of our harsh winter disappear, now it is time to enjoy the beautiful spring and travel together. CNH one-day tours are being arranged for seniors to get together with their peers, explore different places and have fun. Join us to see the beauty of spring on Granville Island in May. Check out our monthly bulletin for upcoming tours. CNH Advisory Meeting Our senior connectors took part in the last CNH seniors advisory meeting. Their kind involvement with their great suggestions is making our programs much better. Thank you, connectors! The next CNH advisory meeting is Thursday, June 1. Your feedback through calls and emails helps us make sure we are representing your needs. 604- 435-0323 / akalantari@cnh.bc.ca
Cnh seniors
1.15– 3pm Every Monday
Third Thursday of the month. 1pm– 3pm
Different programming every week including bingo, health and wellness talks, dance, information workshops, bus trip and more!
Choose your songs, dance and sing in this welcoming friendly program.
COFFEE SOCIAL Every Thursday 10.15– 11.30 Coffee and chat with new people!
Walk with us!
1st Thursday of every 2nd month What would YOU like to see at CNH? Come along and give us feedback on our programs and talk about any issues or events related to seniors.
The Renfrew Collingwood Better at Home Walking Club leaves Collingwood Neighbourhood House every Monday and Wednesday at 10.30am Mondays: Local walk followed by coffee Wednesdays: Further walk exploring Vancouver’s many parks
RECREATION A full schedule of physical activity programs including Zumba, Tai Chi, Yoga, Badminton and more!
“WORLD CAFÉ” 2nd Monday of each month 1:15 to 3pm
HAIRSTYLING AND BASIC MASSAGE FREE activity, every last Thursday of each month, at 1pm-3:30pm. Come get a haircut or styling and a shoulder massage provided by professionals and volunteers. Please register to save your spot. **Pick up a copy of the Monthly Seniors bulletin at reception for more information** 604-435-0323
Join our casual conversation circle to talk about current topics and events from around the world! It is a great chance to make friends while developing your intercultural communication skills.
June 2017
Make it a night of fun for the family
Friday, June 16, 7 pm, Gaston Park
It’s a free family fun evening in the park! On Friday, June 16 local residents are invited to gather at Gaston Park (off Euclid Street just east of Joyce Street) around 7 pm with picnics, chairs and blankets for an evening of fun. There will be a bouncy castle for kids, face-painting, arts and crafts and games. When the sun goes down the Collingwood Community Policing Centre will show a movie on its big, portable movie screen. For this event they’ll be showing the popular show, Chicken Run. This is a free event and all are welcome. You are encouraged to pack a picnic for yourself and your family that does not create garbage – please arrange to take home any trash you happen to generate. If it happens to rain, the event will move inside and will take place at Collingwood Neighbourhood House, just around the corner from Gaston Park at 5288 Joyce Street. Hope to see you there!
Renfrew / Collingwood
Renfrew St.
Nanaimo St. E.33rd Ave.
E.41st Ave. The Tipper Restaurant Ph: 604.873.1010
2066 Kingsway
5750 Tyne Street
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Collingwood Neighbourhood House 5288 Joyce Street Ph:604.435.0323
June 2017
Get Involved Coastal City Ballet’s Giselle SURREY Friday, Jun. 9 at 8 pm Tickets: $35–$42 with group discounts Surrey Arts Centre, 13750 88 Ave, Surrey, B.C. Box Office: 604.501.5566 https://tickets.surrey.ca/TheatreManager/1/online?performance=3982 VIVO Camera, Lights Sound! workshop Session 1: Saturday, June 10, 12:30–5 pm Session 2: Saturday, June 17, 12:30–5 pm Learn the basics needed to shoot your first videos with the help of artist Alysha Seriani. VIVO is a non-profit artist-run media centre located on Kaslo Street behind the Rona in Renfrew-Collingwood. Their workshops include video editing, lighting for video shooting, and recording and editing sound. www.vivomediaarts.com/education/upcoming-workshops/ Level Up Kids - Kids coding and tech summer camps Week-long camps through July and August BC Institute of Technology, Burnaby Level Up Kids is an engaging week-long day camp for kids ages seven to 15 that focuses on teaching technological skills in a creative, kid-friendly learning environment. Their summer programs include Robotics Camp, where campers will make and keep their own robot, and Coding Girls, where campers program and keep their Raspberry Pi computer. Find more info at www. levelupkids.ca/programs/?province=bc&city=burnaby Youth Celebrate Canada Day Saturday, July 1 Renfrew Park 12–4 pm Come celebrate Canada’s 150th on July 1 at Youth Celebrate Canada Day, an annual celebration run by Windermere students. Food, games, live entertainment and more! Bring the whole family. Support a non-profit community program to offer beauty and care sessions for seniors Collingwood Neighbourhood House seeks volunteers to help with hairstyling, hand and foot care, and basic massage for seniors. If you want to be part of this rewarding experience contact Eda at eertan@cnh.bc.ca or 604-435- 0375. Seniors’ beauty and care sessions are free on the last Friday of the month from 1:30 to 3:30 pm.
What’s happening at your local library Summer fun! Children’s Programs at the Collingwood Branch Library 2985 Kingsway, 604-665-3953 SUMMER READING CLUB FOR CHILDREN Make the library part of your family fun this summer. Starting Friday, June 16 and running all summer long, school-age children can join the Walk on the Wild Side Summer Reading club. Members receive a free reading log to start their reading journey and there will be stickers and prizes awarded throughout the summer. The theme of Walk on the Wild Side will be sure to keep them reading as they enjoy FREE programs at the Collingwood Library every Friday afternoon. Summer Reading Club Launch event Saturday, June 24, 2 pm Seeds and Senses Friday, July 7, 2 pm Tracks and Trails Friday, July 14, 2 pm Biome Bonanza (Registration required) Friday, July 21, 2pm Storm Watchers Friday, July 28, 2 pm Summer Reading Club Celebration Saturday, Sept. 17, 2:30 pm ADULT PROGRAMS Canadian Citizenship Preparation Workshop Tuesday, June 6 (Part 1), Wednesday, June 7 (Part 2), 10 am–1 pm Join these two three-hour sessions to help prepare you for Canadian Citizenship. A PR number is required to register. Orientation on Citizenship Application in Vietnamese Tuesday, June 13, 2:30 –4:30 pm This workshop covers eligibility, procedures, processing time and documents required for citizenship application.
Collingwood Neighbourhood House 5288 Joyce Street at Euclid Phone: 604-435-0323
We are closed on July 1, Canada Day and July 3 Sundays Badminton (Ages 19+), 10:15 am - 12:15 pm Zumba, 12:45 - 1:45 pm Wushu (Children), 5:00 - 6:30 pm Mondays Seniors’ Kundalini Yoga Drop-in, 9:00 - 10:00 am Seniors’ Tai Chi (24 Form), 10:30 - 11:30 am Better at Home Walking Club, 10:30 am Seniors’ Tai Chi (42 Form), 11:45 am - 12:45 pm Zumba Steps, 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm Seniors’ Wellness Group, 1:15 - 3:00 pm (A variety of activities and trips. Times vary. Pick-up schedule at reception.) Rhythmic Gymnastics (Ages 4 - 5), 4:00 - 5:00 pm (Ages 5 1/2 and up), 5:00 - 6:00 pm Jazzercise, 6:00 - 7:00 pm Volleyball (drop-in) , 8:30 - 10:15 pm Tuesdays Parent & Tots, 10:00 - 11:45 am Jazzercise, 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm Zumba Gold, 2:15 - 3:15 pm Hatha Yoga, 6:45 - 8:15 pm Zumba Toning, 7:15 - 8:15 pm Men’s and Women’s Soccer (drop-in), 8:30 - 10:15 pm Wednesdays Chinese Classical Dance (Adults & Seniors) , 9:30 11:00 am Better at Home Walking Club, 10:30 am Little People’s Art (Ages 2 - 5), 10:30 - 11:30 am Seniors’ Strength & Stretch , 11:00 am - 12:00 noon 32 Form Tai Chi Sword , 11:15 am - 12:15 pm & 12:30 - 1:30 PM Zumba, 12:05 - 1:05 pm 7:15 - 8:15 pm Gentle Chair Yoga, 1:45 - 2:45 pm Jazzercise, 6:00 - 7:00 pm Men’s and Women’s Basketball, 8:30 - 10:15 pm Thursdays Seniors’ Kundalini Yoga Drop in, 9:00 - 10:00 am NOTE: Every 2nd Thursday of the month, 8:45 - 9:45 am Parents and Tots, 10:00 - 11:45 am Seniors’ Coffee Social, 10:15 - 11:30 am Jazzercise, 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm Zumba Gold, 1:15 - 2:15 pm Karaoke, every 3rd Thursday of the month, 1:30 - 3:00 pm Chinese Calligraphy, 2:00 - 3:30 pm What’s Cooking with Kids, 3:45 - 5:15 pm Zumba Adults, 5:15 - 6:15 pm Hatha Yoga, 6:45 - 8:15 pm Drop-in Badminton (Adult), 6:45 - 8:30 pm Drop-in Soccer (Adult), 8:30 - 10:00 pm Fridays Zumba Toning, 9:30 - 10:30 am Seniors’ Bo Jan Cho Exercise, 9:30 - 10:30 am Seniors’ Tai Chi (24 Form), 9:30 - 10:30 am Seniors’ Tai Chi (48 Form), 10:30 - 11:30 am Seniors’ Strength and Stretch, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Chinese Classical Dance (Adults & Seniors) 12:00 noon - 1:30 pm Zumba Gold, 12:40 - 1:40 pm Mini Yogi (Ages 3 - 5), 2:00 - 3:00 pm Zumba, 6:00 - 7:00 pm Saturdays Jazzercise, 10:00 - 11:00 am Zumba, 11:15 am - 12:15 pm Baton Class, 11:45 am - 12:30 pm Senior Drop-in Badminton, 2:30 - 4:15 pm
June 2017
Don Davies MP Vancouver Kingsway
Congratulations graduating class of 2017! Wishing you adventure, happiness and success in all your future endeavours. 2951 Kingsway, Vancouver, BC V5R 5J4 Tel: 604-775-6263 Email: Don.Davies@parl.gc.ca
RENFREW PARK COMMUNITY COMPLEX 2929 East 22nd Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5M 2Y3
604 257-8388 Centre: ext 1 Pool: ext 2 Fax: 604 257-8392 Website: www.vancouver.ca/renfrewrec or www.renfrewcc.com
Jointly operated by Renfrew Park Community Association and Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation.
2017 Summer Centre Programs For our full listing of programs check out our website or drop by and pick up a brochure. GST to be added. Registration has already started so register early so you don’t miss out. To create a new account, go to recreation.vancouver.ca
Special Events
Talent Mishmash (13-18yrs)
Youth Council is hosting a 'Talent Mishmash' which will showcase all forms of artistic expression (i.e. singing, dancing, drawing and more). Come eat cake and check out the awesomeness of your fellow peers. AND if you are interested in showcasing an art form, talk to Lynsey! 101923 Sa Jun 3 12:00-3:00pm Free
Pemberton Strawberry Tour (55+yrs)
96351 We Jun 7
Cheryl Palidda 8:30am-6:00pm $103.81/person
Chance to Dance and Entertain (55+yrs)
Local talents in our community will be featured at this event. If you are a senior, this is your chance to showcase your talents. Please contact Cheryl Palidda at 604-257-8390 if you would like to be part of the showcase. 96352 Sa Jun 10 12:30-3:00pm Free
June Bug Luncheon (55+yrs) 96097 We Jun 21
Swing Into Summer (55+yrs) 96592 Sa Jun 24
Summer Day Camp Volunteer Training (13-18yrs)
Lynsey MacDonald For youth wanting to volunteer in Renfrew Park Community Centre Summer Day Camps. This training provides hands on experience, enhances your skills in problem solving and conflict resolution and teaches how to lead activities and games. 115265 Tu Jun 27 4:00-6:00pm Free
Youth Celebrate Canada Day (All Ages)
Canada is celebrating 150 years! Show your Canadian pride! Join in on the celebration at Renfrew Park for this fun day of music, games, arts, crafts and carnival food. This fun event is organized by Windermere students for the whole community to enjoy. Food and refreshments available. See you here RAIN or SHINE. Everyone is welcome. 106983 Sa Jul 1 12:00-4:00pm Free
Special Hours of Operation for the Pool and Fitness Centre Friday, June 2, 2017 **Pool and Fitness Centre closed at 4pm for staff training Monday, June 5 through Monday, July 3, 2017 Pool Closed for Annual Pool Maintenance Fitness Centre Monday, June 5 through Friday, June 30, 2017 Mon-Fri 7:30am-7:00pm
Sat & Sun Closed
Program Highlights
Hang Out with Friends (10-13yrs) Lynsey MacDonald Looking for a place to hang out with friends afterschool? Come check this program out! Youth have access to the computer lab, video games, foosball, air hockey and pool table. Bring friends or come make new friends! Free with OneCard. No session May 3, Jun 7, 8. 101937 We, Th Apr 12-Jun 28 3:30-5:00pm Free
Red Cross Babysitting Training (11+yrs)
First Aid Hero So you want to be a babysitter or, your parents want you to take this course so they feel confident leaving you at home alone? Babysitting with First Aid Hero emphasizes learning through real life scenarios. Please bring a bag lunch (no nuts please), yoga mat, medium sized doll or stuffed animal, plenty of water and snacks. 103889 Su Jun 25 10:30am-5:30pm $60/person
NEPP—Earthquake Preparedness Workshop
We all witnessed the earthquakes in Nepal, New Zealand and Chile and saw the devastation caused. Living in Vancouver, we too could be faced with an earthquake - yet few of us take the steps to ensure we are prepared. This session covers what is required to develop your family emergency plan, how to conduct a "Home Hazard" Hunt and what to do when an earthquake strikes. 103377 Th Jun 15 7:00pm-8:30pm Free
June 2017
Collingwood Neighbourhood House (CNH)
Neighbourhood Houses enrich the lives of local residents, strengthen communities by Norman Hill Imagine someone being so lonely that they would eat dinner looking into a mirror because their reflection was the only company they had. Sadly, this is a true story.
Fortunately, there are places that enrich the lives of local residents–both newcomers and long-term residents–and make their communities stronger: neighbourhood houses. That’s the finding of The Neighbourhood House in Metro Vancouver Project (NhiMV), a research project which was designed to examine how neighbourhood houses help residents and strengthen their communities. Neighbourhood houses are welcoming places where people of any age, nationality and ability can participate, learn and lead through programs, services and community building. Throughout Metro Vancouver, neighbourhood houses offer more than 400 programs and services, including those related to early childhood education, recreation, food, arts, culture, and community, and those aimed at youth, newcomers to Canada, families, adults, and seniors. Many participants in the NhiMV research said their neighbourhood house was like a second home, where they made lifelong friends. The study found that most people will develop at least one meaningful friendship through their involvement at a neighbourhood house. The support provided at a neighbourhood house relieves social isolation and helps people stay well by nurturing healthy, engaged and connected communities. CNH Immigration Services Coordinator Marcela Mancilla-Fuller said, “When people are in a state of being very vulnerable, and you find something like this [the neighbourhood house], it’s very powerful. And it’s what really makes the connection so unique and integral, because there is not judgement.” Because neighbourhood houses offer a variety of programs and services and attract a diversity of participants who work,
Collingwood Neighbourhood House invites you to lunch every Tuesday and Thursday. Full meal prices are $7 for adults, $6 for seniors, $5 for students and $3.25 for children under 12. Items can be purchased a la carte or “to go.”
June lunch menu
According to a recent study, about one third of young adults (35%) and seniors (31%) said it is difficult to make new friends in Vancouver. And about the same percentage (32%) said they are lonely. Newcomers to Canada are often deeply affected by the loneliness that’s a part of life in a big city like Vancouver. CNH Community Lunch Chef Najia Elacel said, “When I came here [to Canada], I was shocked because people don’t talk to each other. Neighbours don’t know each other. To me, it was like so strange.” She went on to tell the story of the local resident who dined with a mirror.
Thursday, June 1 Salmon & leek pie Salad Coconut cake
Chef Najia Elacel, with Community Lunch volunteers. Photo by Pardeep Singh learn and play together, neighbourhood house participants improve their knowledge and skills and their ability to cooperate with others to strengthen their communities. According to the study, more than 80% of research participants saw an increase in their knowledge about issues in their neighbourhood, about 75% reported an increase in their ability to work with people from different backgrounds, and three quarters of research participants who were born outside of Canada said their ability to speak in front of others improved. Neighbourhood houses also encourage and empower people to share their ideas and start new projects in their communities. Programs like the Vancouver Foundation’s Neighbourhood Small Grants, which began through a partnership with neighbourhood houses, provide residents with the resources they need to start neighbourhood-based projects that develop their leadership skills and improve their community. Paul Taylor, Executive Director of Gordon Neighbourhood House, said, “I have seen the tremendous growth of individuals connected to neighbourhood houses in a way people don’t grow at other organizations. We don’t just see people as service recipients, they’re not our clients. These are our friends and our neighbours. This is a space for them to be, and to grow, and to thrive, and to share their skills.” Anyone who wants to know about the variety of programs and services offered at CNH can visit http://www.cnh.bc.ca/ Those interested in learning more about the NhiMV research project can go to the following link, where they will find an excellent video on neighbourhood houses, which features several CNH staff members: http://www.yournh.ca/our-findings
Join the CNH Board of Directors! Would you like to join a group of Renfrew-Collingwood residents who are working to improve Collingwood Neighbourhood House and our neighbourhood? CNH is accepting nominations for our Board of Directors. If you are interested or know someone who is, please contact the Board Development Committee c/o CNH Executive Director Jennifer Gray-Grant at 604-412-3835 or jgray-grant@cnh.bc.ca Nominations are to be gathered by June 9, 2017. For more details on the requirements for Board members, visit http://www.cnh.bc.ca/about/volunteering/
This page is sponsored by the Collingwood Neighbourhood House
Tuesday, June 6 French onion soup Chicken / veggie panini Salad Pineapple upside down cake Thursday, June 8 Chicken parmesan with pasta / veggie option Salad Almond cake Tuesday, June 13 Minestrone soup Crab cake with saffron sauce Salad Walnut cookies Thursday, June 15 Beef / veggie chow mein Salad Mango pudding Tuesday, June 20 Cream of broccoli soup Spinach / chicken pie Salad Vanilla cupcake Thursday, June 22 Baked fish with mashed potatoes Salad Banana loaf Tuesday, June 27 Split pea soup Roast beef / veggie sandwich Salad Carrot muffin Thursday, June 29 Meat / veggie loaf Salad Strawberry mousse
This year, since April, marks Spectrum’s 30th anniversary! That is quite a milestone indeed. A small group of friends and family members of people with disabilities started the Spectrum Society for Community Living here in Vancouver in 1987. Ernie Baatz is one of the three co-directors (along with Susan Stanfield and Aaron Johannes) who have led the organization from the beginning. From 1988 to 1996, Spectrum helped 23 people move out of Woodlands into homes in Vancouver. Woodlands closed its doors in 1996, making British Columbia the first province in Canada to close all of its institutions for people with developmental disabilities. “About a third of the people at Spectrum came to us directly from provincial institutions. In addition to Woodlands, we’ve also assisted people to move out of Pearson Hospital, Willow Clinic and Riverview Hospital.” Spectrum Society also works with many families and individuals who are already living in the community. They include people who may be at risk in their current living situation, people served by other agencies who want a different model of support, youth in transition from school to adult services, and people facing a variety of other life circumstances. Spectrum Society’s mission is to support people with disabilities to experience full citizenship and genuine belonging in community. Their vision is to create a world where all people are
June 2017
Collingwood Days 2017 - May 27, 2017 @ GASTON PARK
valued, their voices heard, their choices respected. As a service providing agency, their focus is on strengthening the capacity of individuals and their personal networks. Ernie Baatz grew up in Ashcroft, B.C. In 1979 – when the Commodore 64 was all the rage – he entered the University of B.C. to study computer science. In 1982 Ernie went on to study therapeutic recreation at Douglas College. This lead to a position in a community centre in Dunbar, where Ernie worked with young autistic boys to help them take part in community-based activities. This was just prior to meeting Susan Stanfield and the start of Spectrum. Spectrum participates at Collingwood Days. They also work closely with Collingwood Neighbourhood House. “They have been great for us and the people we support,” says Ernie, “and we love their community lunches. We also have a close relationship with the people at CNIB (Canadian National Institute for the Blind) as we assist those with vision, hearing and developmental disabilities. I also want to mention how much we appreciate the Bamboo Café.” Spectrum will be celebrating their 30th anniversary with a picnic in the park in July. They will also be performing 30 special activities in the coming year – one for each of Spectrum’s 30 years. Congratulations, Spectrum Society!
August 4 – Spain – Gaston Park August 18 – India – Collingwood Park movie Lion
Thank you to Everyone for coming out and joining us in our new location for the annual Collingwood Days Festival.
Movies begin at dusk. Bring your chair, blankets and snacks and enjoy a good movie in the park.
We couldn’t have achieved this day without our wonderful sponsors: Mosaic National Money Mart TD Canada Trust Safeway London Drugs Starbucks Renfrew Community Centre Vancouver School Board City of Vancouver Heritage Canada Vancouver Parks Board Still Moon Arts Westbank Development Vancity
l Collingwood BIA Renewal It’s that time again. Renewal of the BIA. Surveys will be going out to all the businesses in May and June to poll where the members priorities are in the Collingwood BIA. We focus on Street Enhancement and Beautification; Street Safety and Graffiti Removal and Patrol-ling; Maketing and Events.
The Collingwood Days planning committee consists of Collingwood Neighbourhood House, Collingwood BIA, Collingwood Community Policing Centre, Renfrew Community Centre, Collingwood Seniors, Renfrew Collingwood Interactive Committee and Still Moon Arts. l
Collingwood International Film Festival 2017
This year will be the 5th annual event. The dates and park locations are: July 7- Japan Gaston Park July 21 – China – Collingwood Park
l We want to hear from you. Let us know what’s important to you. info@shopcollingwood.ca l Collingwood BIA Board Members Needed We have a few positions available on our board of directors and various committees and invite all property owners and businesses owners to join the board. We meet monthly dur-ing the lunch hour every second Wednesday. Call or email angela@shopcollingwood.ca for more information.
Follow us on
June 2017
i will lengthen this.