Renfrew-Collingwood Community News June 2023

Page 9

City seeks public input on Vanness and Clive Avenue rezoning

Neighbourhood House

The City of Vancouver has received an application to rezone the 3362–3384 Vanness and 3347 Clive Avenue from CD-1(201) and CD-1(218) to a new CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District.

This proposal does not comply with the JoyceCollingwood Station Precinct Plan. The City is seeking your feedback.

The proposal is to allow for the development of a 30- (west tower) and 33- (east tower) storey mixed use building connected with a 6-storey podium and includes:

• 679 secured rental units with 10% of the residential floor area secured for below market units (approximately 67 units)

• Commercial space on the ground floor

• Dedication of floor area for a 37-space childcare facility

• A floor space ratio (FSR) of 11.34

• A total building height of 91.4 m (300 ft.) (east tower)

• 214 vehicle parking spaces and 1295 bicycle

Proposed development of 3362–3384 Vanness and 3347

Clive Avenue. Photo source: City of Vancouver

june 2o23 Summer is rolling in. Stay high•drated WAKE + BAKE 9am-12pm 10% off entire catalogue WAX WEDNESDAYS 10% off concentrates VAPE THURSDAYS 10% Off before Noon FREE DELIVERY OVER $50* *Private delivery only 1747 Nanaimo St 604-564-WEED @4TWENTY.CANN 3441 Kingsway 604-564-9420 THE4TWENTY.CA Join the information session on June 6, 2023, 5 to 7 pm at Collingwood
Continued on page 2

is dedicated in serving the community through its programs of crime prevention and engagement. Our goal is to reach out to the communities and educate them about what we have to offer in keeping them safe.

Check out to know more about what we do!

Our website:

Our Twitter: @collingwoodcpc or @collingwoodcpccoordinator

Our Instagram: @collingwoodcpc5160

Email us:

Give us a call: (604) 717-2935

Or visit us

5160 Joyce Street Vancouver BC, V5R 4H1

HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday to Saturday | 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m


Vanness and Clive Avenue rezoning: Continued from page 1

parking spaces

The site is located in the Joyce-Collingwood Station Precinct Plan ( joyce-collingwoodstation-precinctplan.pdf). The application requests consideration of height and density in excess of the existing policy.

Application drawings and statistics on the webpage (shapeyourcity. ca/3362-3384vanness-ave-and3347-clive-ave) are posted as submitted to the City. Following staff review, the final project statistics are documented within the referral report.

The in-person information session is an opportunity for anyone interested in the proposal to learn more about the application and speak directly with City staff and the applicant team.

All materials provided at the information session are available on the application webpage (shapeyourcity. ca/3362-3384-vannessave-and-3347-clive-ave). Questions and comments about the application can be received by the City staff and the applicant team at

In-person information session

June 6, 2023

5 to 7 pm

Collingwood Neighbourhood House

5288 Joyce Street Vancouver, BC

any time throughout the application review process.

According to Nick Danford, a rezoning planner, once staff have completed the review of the application that includes community consultation in the form of a questionand-answer period online and the in-person information session, a recommendation will be provided to Council for their decision.

Source: City of Vancouver

June 2023 2
This site on Vanness across from the Joyce-Collingwood Skytrain Station and one adjacent house on Clive (above) are being developed. Photos by Julie Cheng

Colour Me Local Dye Garden: A gem at the heart of Vancouver

The Colour Me Local Dye Garden (CML), nestled on the edge of Still Creek and the Renfrew Ravine at 3958 Renfrew Street, offers an immersive experience that celebrates the beauty of natural dyes and fosters a sense of connection with the environment and human creativity. Stewarded by Still Moon Arts Society, the garden offers an array of engaging activities this summer season.

Gardeners’ gatherings

At the heart of the garden lies a strong sense of community. Regular gardeners’ gatherings bring together green thumbs of all skill levels, fostering knowledge sharing and flower joy.

Whether you’re an experienced gardener, simply curious about cultivating plants for natural dyeing or would like to play your musical instrument for those who are gardening, these work parties offer an opportunity to learn from seasoned experts, exchange gardening tips and contribute to the garden’s growth.

>> Coming up on June 8, 24, July 6, 22 and more

skill from Clare Kenny of the Mudgirls Collective, who will be guiding the project.

>> Starting June 20–23 (no experience needed)

Natural dye workshops

Embark on a fascinating journey into the realm of natural dyeing through workshops offered at the garden. Led by skilled artisans and experts, these immersive sessions provide a hands-on experience that reveals the alchemy behind transforming plant materials into vibrant dyes.

Learn about sustainable practices, traditional techniques and the rich history of natural dyeing while creating your own beautiful masterpiece.

A harvest from a gardeners’ gathering.

Building a sustainable legacy: The Cob Shed

For those with a passion for sustainable construction and public art, here is an exciting opportunity to volunteer for the Cob Shed project, thanks to funding from the City of Vancouver.

Cob, an eco-friendly building material made from clay, sand and straw, will be used to construct a unique and inspiring storage space for the garden’s tools. Join this project and become an integral part of the garden’s growth and also learn a life-

>> Discover the secrets of extracting colours from nature and unlock your artistic potential at the upcoming Naturally Dyeing Silk Workshop on June 28, or book a private workshop.

Simply enjoy

Amidst the busy city life, CML offers a serene escape where you can regulate your nervous system to the sound of water from the ravine while breathing in the fragrant blossoms and immersing yourself in the tranquil atmosphere of the garden at its peak.

Visit or email for more details and to register.

Renfrew-Collingwood Instagram Photo of the Month

Renfrew-Collingwood Community News is on Instagram.

Follow @RCCNewsPhotos and stay connected to the great things happening in the neighbourhood.

Tag your Instagram photos with one of these hashtags #RCCNewsPhoto #BestOfRC #EatingOutInRC #GetInvolvedInRC and you may see your photo here in next month’s issue.

A dying-with-silk workshop. Photos by Laura Herridge

Drinking less and staying social: Tips for summer


The mission of this non-profit publication is to provide the residents, businesses and organizations of Renfrew/Collingwood with a medium for community communication.

Paul Reid: staff writer and layout coordinator

Lisa Symons: sales and distribution coordinator

Julie Cheng: editorial coordinator

Contributors: Alison Merton, David Penny, Julie Cheng, Karen Vanon, Laura Herridge, Masa Kateb, Sophia Han

We want to hear from you!

Yes, You! Send comments, community events, press releases by regular post, fax or e-mail. Suggestions for improving the paper are welcome.

We welcome appropriate, unsolicited editorial submissions if accompanied by the author’s real name, address and telephone number. The author should retain the original as we cannot return submissions without prior agreement nor does submission guarantee publication. We reserve the right to make editorial changes.

The Renfrew/Collingwood Community News does not necessarily support the views of its contributors.

Next submission deadline: Jun. 10

The Renfrew-Collingwood Community News is an initiative of the Collingwood Neighbourhood House (CNH).

You Can Find the RC Community News @

Libraries, Collingwood Neighbourhood House, Renfrew Park Community Centre, The Italian Cultural Centre, Collingwood Policing Office, other organizations, religious institutions, schools, laundromats, Starbucks, Rona, Superstore, Canadian Tire, Walmart, London Drugs and Safeway coffee shops, restaurants, markets, corner stores, other businesses, and coffee tables all over Renfrew-Collingwood.

Contact the RCCNews

Phone: 604-435-0323 extension 261 Fax: 604-451-1191


Advertising: Phone Lisa Symons at 604.435.0323 email:

Renfrew/Collingwood Community News

Collingwood Neighbourhood House 5288 Joyce Street Vancouver, BC V5R 6C9

Being sober doesn’t have to mean giving up your social life, yet managing sobriety in a social setting (especially when alcohol is involved) can be a challenge. You may have concerns about going out after quitting drinking.

• Can I have fun without drinking?

• How will my friends react?

• Will I feel self-conscious without a little liquid courage?

• Can I say “no” and stick to it?

If you’re in early recovery, you’ll want to avoid any situation where alcohol or drugs are involved for some time. These environments can trigger cravings and put you at risk of relapse.

If you’ve decided to cut back on alcohol for your health or you’re more established in your sobriety, social environments that involve drinking may be easier to navigate. Still, being prepared and having a plan can help you enjoy going out after you’ve quit drinking.

Press play for sobriety advice

There are recovery-related podcasts that you can listen to. Some offer a different schedule each day, like the Ashes to Awesome podcast that streams on all major platforms. Here, Memorial Mondays feature a parent or loved one of an addict, Tuesdays feature someone sharing their own personal journey of recovery from addiction and Wednesdays feature some light-hearted humour and answers to listeners’ questions. Thursdays have some tips for people in or seeking recovery and then it’s on to Final Thought Friday.

Have an honest talk with friends

It’s up to you to decide how much information to share and who to share it with. You certainly don’t have to justify your decision. Some people drink and some people don’t. Everyone has their own choice to make and no explanation is needed.

If you have good friends who are likely to support your efforts, you might decide to have a direct and honest conversation with them. Tell them that you plan to avoid alcohol or that you’re cutting back.

Let them know what they can do to help. Perhaps you’d appreciate a sober buddy or someone else staying sober with you when you go out or helping you resist the temptation to drink. Or maybe you’d still like to hang out together, but not in bars. You might even still like to do the same things — such as playing cards or watching movies together — but without alcohol.

Hopefully, some of your friends will support your decision. In fact, some of them might also be thinking about cutting back on their own alcohol use and be inspired by you.

Be prepared for people’s reactions

While some of your friends may be totally supportive of your decision, others may seem indifferent or respond in a negative way. Your sobriety might serve as a reminder to your “drinking buddies” that they’re consuming unhealthy amounts of alcohol or stir up anxiety if they feel uncomfortable socializing sober. Or they may simply want you to partake alongside them because they think you’ll all have more fun together when drinking.

Just knowing a few possible reactions will ensure that you’re not taken by surprise and you’re able to cope:

• Nagging: Your friends may say things like, “Come on, can you please just have one drink to loosen up a little?”

• Teasing: You may get made fun of for being “boring” or “lame.” Some friends might say you can’t handle your alcohol or that you’re getting too old to drink.

• Cajoling: Your friends might try to act as though they’re doing you a favour by buying you a drink, so you can “have fun.” Or they may try to convince you that if you just have one drink, they won’t tell anyone.

• Peer pressure: Your pals might gang up on you a bit and try to talk you into having a drink. They may even pass out a round of shots and insist that you join in.

• Confrontation: An upset friend may even confront you and insist that

your unwillingness to drink is a sign of something bigger, like a “controlling partner” or “a midlife crisis.”

It’s important to be prepared for long-term changes from your decision to quit drinking. A change in your friendship dynamics doesn’t have to be a bad thing, however. You might find the shift welcoming. There’s always a chance that you’ll enjoy conversations with your friends more when you’re sober. And you may even find that they appreciate you more or respect your decisions.

And even if your friendships do change in a way that you don’t like, don’t despair. You might be able to create a new circle of friends or simply decide to hang out with your old pals in different locations and times when alcohol isn’t the main focus.

Go places that don’t serve alcohol

One of the easiest things you can do to avoid drinking — and to avoid having to explain yourself — is to go to places that don’t serve alcohol.

Look for places in your community that are alcohol free. From coffee shops, farmer’s markets and fastfood restaurants to movie theatres, museums and libraries, you’ll likely find plenty of spots that don’t serve alcohol.

You might go out alone as you start this new chapter of your life. Or you might invite your friends to join you in these places as a way to encourage sober activities.

Develop a few go-to responses

You aren’t likely to avoid alcohol all the time. Weddings, shows and even art galleries usually serve alcohol. And, of course, your friends may want to go to bars, clubs or other events where alcohol is one of the main attractions.

It’s important to prepare some goto responses for how you’ll politely turn down a drink or handle questions about why you’re not drinking.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Depending on your comfort level and the person asking, you might decide to offer a direct, truthful response. Here are some options:

• “I decided to stop drinking for a while.”

• “I’m not interested in drinking tonight.”

• “I gave up alcohol.”

• “I’m cutting back on my drinking.”

• “I’m driving tonight, so I’m not drinking.”

• “I took a break from drinking and I love the way I feel now. So I don’t plan to start again any time soon.”

Of course, you don’t need to explain yourself. A simple, “I’m drinking seltzer tonight,” is enough. But if you know your friends are likely to give you a hard time or you know that you’re going to run into people who are going to insist you drink, having a few canned responses can prevent you from being taken off guard.

Have a non-alcoholic drink on hand

It’s helpful to have something in your hand at all times. If you go to a place that serves alcohol, maybe you can immediately order a nonalcoholic drink.

If you go to someone’s home, bring your own drink. Whether you have bottled water or a protein shake with you, keeping a drink in your hand can prevent people from offering you alcohol. It will also help you decline more easily if you are offered a drink, because you can say, “No thanks, I already have one.”

Think fun

When you walk into a situation believing that you can’t have fun sober, this is likely to be a selffulfilling prophecy. You might even isolate yourself or hold back from having a good time — which will then reinforce your belief (and others) that being sober makes fun impossible.

Enter into the situation with a positive attitude and make the best of your time, even if you’re the only one not drinking. You might actually find that being sober is more enjoyable than you predicted.

Create an exit excuse

If you go out with people who are drinking and you’re not having fun, or you’re really tempted to drink yourself, then you’ll want to leave early. This is especially important if

you’re going somewhere where you used to always drink before. The bar or the same nightclub you used to frequent while drinking may be a trigger for you.

While you can just leave or say you have to go without offering a reason why, you might find it’s more helpful to have a scripted excuse to quickly get out of the situation. A few examples:

• You have to get up early for an event.

• You’re not feeling so great.

• You have plans to meet another friend.

If you’re in recovery and feel especially fragile or are craving alcohol even after you leave the environment, be sure to seek help. Call a trusted friend or family member or go to a meeting at a nearby support group.

Plan a productive morning after

You might find that one of the best parts about not drinking is that you don’t waste away the next morning sleeping and feeling hung over. Make the most of the time you gain by doing something enjoyable or productive.

Go for a jog, clean the house or run errands. Then take the rest of your day to enjoy your time. Having more time and energy might motivate you to continue abstaining from alcohol.

Try new things with your friends

If your friends are up for trying things that don’t involve alcohol, then you can make some suggestions.

• Invite them to go to a park, a museum or on a hike.

• Sign up for a class or new activity together.

You might find that you get to know each other much better when you’re creating new memories — rather than standing around in the same old bars. They might have fun exploring new places and trying new things with you.

Seek out people who don’t drink

You may need to shift your social circle to include people who don’t drink. This may seem tough at first. If you’re surrounded by people who make alcohol a big part of their

lives, it can feel like everyone drinks.

But in reality, there are plenty of people out there who don’t drink — and who are looking for friends who don’t drink. You just have to find them. You might need to try new activities so that you can meet sober people, including:

• Join a volunteer organization.

• Attend events that don’t serve alcohol.

• Join social media groups for people who participate in sober activities.

When you get together with such people, you’ll likely find that they do plenty of activities that don’t involve alcohol — like hiking, skiing, playing games or fishing. And you might even find that you enjoy doing these types of things much more than activities that involve alcohol.

Learn from your experiences

Consider every sober outing an experiment. You might make some mistakes — like drinking when you didn’t intend to or arguing with someone who offers you a drink. But you also might discover that you are happier when you aren’t drinking or that you really enjoy conversations with people more when you’re sober.

Learn from each experience. The information you take away can help you continue creating your best life. For more guides, articles, how-tos and personal stories of recovery from addiction, check out the blog at the Together We Can website www. If you or someone you know need help navigating addiction and recovery, check

David Penny is the digital communications coordinator at Together We Can: Drug & Alcohol Recovery & Education Society.

following is a paid advertisement by Adrian Dix, MLA for Vancouver/Kingsway

Dear Neighbours,

Open House: 3384 Vanness Ave Rezoning Application

The City of Vancouver is seeking feedback for a rezoning application that they have received for 3362-3384 Vanness Ave & 3347 Clive Ave. The proposal is to allow for the development of a 30 (west tower) and 33 (east tower) -storey mixed use building connected with a 6-storey podium. There will be an in-person Open House at Collingwood Neighbourhood House (5288 Joyce St.) on June 6, 2023, 5:00pm to 7:00pm. You can also provide feedback online until June 13 at https://www.

Congratulations to High School Graduates

Congratulations go out to all graduating students from Gladstone and Windermere Secondary Schools. A new chapter of adulthood begins as you head off to postsecondary, new job prospects, or perhaps a gap year to explore what opportunities lie ahead. This is an exciting time for all of you and your families and I wish you all the very best in your future endeavours. I am proud each year to sponsor scholarships for graduating students and look forward to attending this year’s graduation ceremonies!

B.C. Teachers’ Institute on Parliamentary Democracy

The Legislative Assembly of BC offers BC teachers a professional development program at the Parliament Buildings in our provincial capital. The deadline to apply is June 30, 2023. Visit learn-about-us/educational-programsworkshops/bcti to apply online. This course includes a meeting with the Speaker of the House, MLAs, senior public officials, and a behind-the-scenes tour of the Legislature Buildings.

My community office, at 5022 Joyce St. Vancouver, is open to provide services for constituents in person with appointments and via phone and email. Please give us a call at 604-660-0314 or email us at adrian.dix.mla@, and we will get in touch with you as soon as we can. 聯絡本辦事處請電郵 或致電 604-6600314. 如欲親臨敬請預約。

Thank you very much for all that you’re doing and take care.


The Photo by Mohamad Babayan on Unsplash

Remembering Carmina Baltazar

It is with a heavy heart that we share news of the passing of Carmina Baltazar in May 2023. Carmina was a muchloved staff member in the Early Years department since she began at Collingwood Neighbourhood House in August 2012.

Carmina had a happy, bubbly personality and her laughter was infectious. You knew when Carmina walked in a room as she brought such positive energy. She was dedicated and passionate about the work she did with children. She made friends quickly amongst her colleagues and was the kindest soul, always stepping in to help others.

She worked in many programs and often with different age groups and she was always able to relate to them all. The children were instantly drawn to her as she was a caring, kind and empathetic teacher. She touched the lives of so many children, families and staff and this is an immense loss to us all.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends during this difficult time.

We hope you will take a moment today to remember and celebrate the lady we got to call “Mina.”

7 RENFREW COLLINGWOOD COMMUNITY NEWS June 2023 Don Davies MP Community Office 2951 Kingsway, Vancouver, BC V5R 5J4 604-775-6263 | Vancouver Kingsway Congratulations Kingsway Grads! Wishing all Kingsway graduates and proud parents a safe and happy summer!
Noticed in Vancouver
Karen Vanon Carmina, we miss you dearly. Alison Merton is the director of the early years at Collingwood Neighbourhood House.

(2929 E. 22nd Ave)

(5275 McKinnon St.)

(2750 E. 29th Ave)


RenfrewÊParkÊisÊcon�nuingÊtoÊofferÊleadershipÊcampÊforÊyouthÊbetweenÊtheÊagesÊofÊ11ÊandÊ14ÊyearsÊofÊage.ÊÊCampÊwillÊ beÊheldÊinÊCollingwoodÊPark,ÊMondayÊtoÊFridayÊeachÊweek.ÊÊWeeklyÊthemedÊac�vi�esÊandÊout-tripsÊwillÊbeÊplannedÊtoÊ ensureÊanÊac�ve,ÊsafeÊandÊfunÊsummerÊforÊallÊpar�cipants.ÊÊIfÊyouÊwouldÊlikeÊmoreÊinforma�onÊpleaseÊemailÊStarlaÊ BayleyÊtheÊCommunityÊYouthÊWorkerÊatÊstarla.bayley@vancouver.caÊÊÊ~ÊCampÊfeesÊareÊ$125/5ÊdayÊweekÊ

AllÊac�vi�esÊtakeÊplaceÊonÊtheÊuncededÊterritoriesÊofÊtheÊCoastÊSalishÊNa�on,ÊtheÊxʷməθkʷəyəm (Musqueam), sḵwxwú7mesh (Squamish) and selílwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh),ÊwhereÊweÊlive,ÊworkÊandÊplay.Ê

East 22nd Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5M 2Y3 Complex Office: 604 257-8388 ext 1 Fax: 604 257-8392

Read On! A news section for Renfrew-Collingwood learners


What makes a great neighbourhood? 

Renfrew-Collingwood is an ideal place to raise a family, enjoy local greenery, walk dogs and transit to other neighbourhoods in Vancouver.

It has a vibrant community, but what does community really mean?

A community is a group of people who share something in common. Renfrew-Collingwood has over 55,000 residents. More than 50% speak a mother tongue other than English, including Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese and Punjabi.

People here come from all walks of life but what they have in common is the goal of making this neighbourhood their home.

Building connections 

What makes a community is the people who come together to support, teach and learn from each other. Sometimes they do this through classes and programs at a local community centre or neighbourhood hub like Collingwood Neighbourhood House. Since the late eighties, this institution has provided important services – everything from childcare to programs for seniors and settlement services.

This summer, keep an eye out for public events like Collingwood Days, a festival that celebrates the neighbourhood’s diversity and Indigenous culture. Free, family-friendly activities and workshops take place July 14 to 23 at Gaston park and Collingwood park. In late June, there will be events at 3690 Vanness Avenue to celebrate National Indigenous People’s Day on June 21 and Canadian Multiculturalism Day on June 27.

To learn more about the latest programs and events, or meet the people working in community development, drop by the Collingwood Neighbourhood House main reception at 5288 Joyce Street or visit


ideal – best example of something transit – to travel to another place vibrant – lively residents – people who live in an area mother tongue – the first language you speak walks of life (idiom) – different types of jobs, backgrounds and levels of society

late eighties – the last few years of the decade from 1980 to 1989 institution – a large important organization settlement services – services to help people settle in a new country keep an eye out (idiom) – to look out for something diversity – the different races

Read On! has a web page. You can:
levels on this page Level 1 
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 Read the articles http://renfrewcollingwood read-on/ Reading
Public space and playground in front of the Collingwood Neighbourhood House Annex (3690 Vanness Avenue) – one of many places for people to visit and connect. Photo by Sophia Han

Collingwood Neighbourhood House HIGHLIGHTS

Celebrating 15 year milestones at CNH

Collingwood Neighbourhood House (CNH) proudly recognizes its long-serving staff members. At the 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM), CNH staff and contractors who have reached the milestones of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 years of service to the neighbourhood house were thanked by the Board of Directors.

Sheri Parke is celebrating 15 years with CNH. Here’s what Sheri’s supervisors, Emily Rees and Irene Mella, had to say about her:

“Sheri Parke is a key part of Collingwood Neighbourhood House. She started her work at CNH in 2007 as the Neighbourhood Small Grants Program Coordinator, helping residents apply for neighbourhood small grants for projects that build community. In 2016, she started working as a casual Office Assistant in the admin office at the Joyce St location and would eventually become regular administrative staff in 2018. Sheri is also a highly engaged member of CNH’s Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee, and volunteers to pick up bread from COBS Bread for the Families Branching Out program on Fridays.

“We are grateful that Sheri is hard working, creative and friendly with all staff. Sheri is always willing to lend a hand, steps up to take the lead, and has been a constant in the admin office, even during COVID while most staff were working remotely. Irene says, “I trust Sheri to hold down the fort, and I value her ability to problem solve and think on her feet.”

“When asked why she stayed so long at CNH, Sheri says, “I really appreciate the super friendly working environment. It also matters to me that CNH is diverse, inclusive and cares about their staff. I also enjoy being in the building when it is alive with hustle and bustle, delicious smells coming from the kitchen and happy activity everywhere.”

“Sheri’s favourite work-related memory includes working on special events with the Admin Team. Sheri says, “I believe it is really important to gather and celebrate together with the community. My favourite is always the Neighbourhood Small Grants (NSG) Celebration dinner held each year at CNH. I get to engage with so many new and returning participants who are genuinely excited to share the results of their NSG project. When we ask people to turn to someone new and introduce themselves and share their project success, the energy level immediately sparks with excited conversations and laughter. People meeting one another at gatherings like these is very rewarding for me. We are so grateful to work alongside you, Sheri! Congratulations!”

Also celebrating over 15 years at CNH is Candice Li. Here’s what Candice’s supervisor, Jenny Eng-Chan, had to say about her:

“Candice is one of our vibrant and boldest members of the Reception team. You can hear and feel her presence even before seeing her! I mean this in a positive way. She is confident and has that one-of-akind personality. This was first evident upon interviewing her. I recall that entire day was strange—the other interviewer had to cancel at the last minute and the room that I had booked to do the interview went into overtime. I was scrambling to find a place to conduct the job interview.

There were limited choices: it was either the women’s changing room or the main kitchen! Obviously, I picked the kitchen. Candice was adaptable to the situation and continued to be unfazed at the noise and the interruptions. And this quality made her a perfect addition to the Reception Team.”

“Along the way, I have learned that Candice had an aptitude for configuring programs and she loves to use her analytical CSI skills. When it was time for us to transition from our old-fashioned way of receiving and preparing payments received at the front desk to a more modern Point of Sales system, Candice was right there tackling the job. She was one of the key players involved in implementing our very first Point of Sales system, and if that wasn’t enough, she took part in building the second one, which we are using today. Candice constantly thanks me for her white hairs but I had promised Candice that there will not be a third time for at least another 10 years and by then, either we would have all retired or our hair would have naturally turned white, so I can’t be blamed for this.”

“Besides her work, Candice has this talent of being able to transform almost any fruit into her “special juices,” also known as wine. She loves to test out the potency of her creations on her reception teammates and this is a part of the reason of why the Front Desk staff is always so pleasant. On that note, my wish for Candice is for her to continue perfecting her juice-making skills and testing them out on us. Cheers to many more years.”

For information about careers at CNH, visit

This page is sponsored by the Collingwood Neighbourhood House
Joyce Location: 5288 Joyce St. ; Tel: 604-435-0323 / Annex Location: 3690 Vanness Ave. ; Tel: 604-428-9142 / Visit:
Candice Li Sheri Parke

June 2023

Collingwood Days 20th Anniversary July 14 - 22nd, 2023

Our community has been celebrating Collingwood Days for 20 years!!

Everyone is invited to join in the festivities that are occurring between July 14 – 22nd. A full schedule will be included in the July issue of this newspaper. The QR Code will link you to the website and check it often for updates. There will be 2 movie nights July 14 and 21st the Festival Day will be on July 22nd from 11 –4pm. There will be something for everyone. Main Stage performances, a Kid Zone, Food Trucks, Marketplace, roving entertainment and much more

If you’d like to participate, please go to the website or click on the QR Code. We are always looking for volunteers, marketplace vendors and sponsors.

Calendar of Events

June 18

Father’s Day

June 19


June 21

Indigenous Peoples Day

July 1

Canada Day

July 14 -222

Collingwood Days 2023

(see ad in this issue for more information)

Safety Survey 2023

A report will be going out to all Collingwood BIA Members. We appreciate your time to fill out the Safety Survey. We have many resources in our community. First, if it is an emergency and occurring at the time call 9-1-1. If the incident has already happened call non-emergency 604.717.3321. You can also report a crime online at The Collingwood Community Policing Centre is a located at 5160 Joyce Street, they can be reached at 604.717.2935. Reporting is important for the Vancouver Police Department to have accurate data of our neighbourhood.

We are very fortunate to be in one of the lowest crime areas in the City. Thank you to our Collingwood Guardians who patrol the BIA several times per week. If you see the Guardians in their red jackets, don’t hesitate to speak with them to share any concerns you have. To learn about the Guardians go to

Jr. BIA and Scholarships

The Collingwood BIA Scholarship application will be available March 12–May 31, 2023. If you are a Grade 12 student attending Windermere Secondary School, contact There are two $500.00 scholarships available.

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BBQ TWC Family

S U N D A Y J U N E 2 5 T H 2 0 2 3





Hosted By

Together We Can, Fresh Roots & Don Davies, MP Community Clean Up!

July 8 2023

12:00PM - 2:00PM

Unite, Beautify, and Clean: Unite, Beautify, and Clean: Together we can transform our neighbourhood! Together we can transform our neighbourhood!

For more information or to sign up, please email For more information or to sign up, please email Free BBQ lunch will be served for volunteers! Free BBQ lunch will be served for volunteers!


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