2 minute read

Collingwood Corner: The Collingwood Institute and Bursill Public Library

5127 Ruby Street, opened June 23, 1911

by Loretta Houben


I’ve lived in the Collingwood area nearly 60 years. By chance I discovered that Collingwood’s first library was located on Ruby Street and opened in 1911. I began researching and looking for old photos of the building, and, of course, one thing led to another. Because of my research on the library, I began writing the Collingwood Corner articles for the Renfrew-Collingwood Community News a few years ago.

John Francis Bursill, a writer from England, believed that the working-class population needed a library, and so he built one on Ruby Street (at that time named Rogers Street) and filled it with 2,500 books from his private collection.

His pen name was Felix Penne, and he was quite a character. In the January 30, 1915 Daily Newspaper, an article called for help in paying the loan owing on the building. The library by that time had a piano, a stereopticon lantern with 1,000 slides and cutlery for social gatherings. The public rallied and the loan was paid off.

After 43 years, the library closed on June 29, 1954, and the books were donated to South Burnaby Library. A new library that is still in use in 2023, Collingwood Library, was opened at the corner of Kingsway and Rupert in 1951. Maybe you have visited it many times as I once did as a young girl.

John Francis Bursill has a street named after him, one block west of this library. I’m very grateful to him and his vision.

March 2023

Many of the businesses here in Collingwood are owned and run by women. Creating a product or service and providing jobs. Please take a moment to give your appreciation to the amazing, incredible, caring, and fierce entrepreneurs. Thank you, ladies, you are admired and are an inspiration to the generations now and the ones to follow.

Collingwood BIA Beautification & Improvement

Micro Grants 3.0 DEADLINE is March 3, 2023

Only a few more days to submit your application for up to $1,000.00. The grant can be used for sprucing up your interior or exterior, security and safety equipment, upgrading your equipment used for your business, awning signs, lighting improvements and more. Link to application: https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:53abcd8b-0af14149-bdba-58c6d1d122da Contact the office for more information.

Safety Survey 2023

We are conducting a Safety Survey for our members. We are interested in what kind of activity your business has experienced over the last six months. Do you report all, some, or none for your crimes? What is the frequency of these incidents? Do you feel safe in Collingwood? Surveys will be hand delivered by the Collingwood Guardians, CPC foot patrol teams and the staff at the BIA.

Joyce Street Spring Clean Up – April 22, 2023

Join us on Earth Day April, 22nd, to help clean up Joyce Street and surrounding area. There will be a hot dog BBQ after the event and prizes to be won. To sign up email: info@shopcollingwood.ca The is the second annual Spring Clean Up on Joyce Street. This community event is brought to by the Collingwood BIA, St. Mary’s School, Collingwood Community Policing Centre, Collingwood Neighbourhood House and Adrian Dix’s Constituency Office.

Jr. BIA and Scholarships

The Collingwood BIA Scholarship application will be available March 13 –May 12, 2023. If you are a Grade 12 student attending Windermere Secondary School, contact info@shopcollingwood.ca There are two $500.00 scholarships available.

Shop Local, Shop Collingwood!

Calendar of Events

March 8

International Women’s Day

March 12

Daylight Saving Time Begins

March 17

St. Patrick’s Day

March 21

First Day of Spring

April 22

Earth Day & Joyce Street Spring Clean Up ow to Reach Us: @shopcollingwoodvancouver @shopcollingwood @shopcollingwood


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E: info@shopcollingwood.ca

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