RCGP Inspire Awards 2024

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Introduction ................................... 3 Content Questions? Email: membershipcommunities@rcgp.org.uk Timeline .......................................... 4 Eligibility and general criteria ..... 5 Categories & Awards ................... 6 Inspiring Champions ...................... 7 Inspiring Members ........................ 12 Vibrant Faculties ........................... 21 Special Recognition ...................... 24 Judging ........................................... 27

Introd Inspir

The RCGP I celebrate in College who deliver exce College.

The awards give thanks and encouragement to Members who tirelessly and selflessly go beyond the call of duty to help shape and deliver better services, training, wellbeing and support for colleagues, communities and the College Our Member advocates achieve amazing things across all career stages, in every corner of our Four Nations, reflecting a wide array of backgrounds, cultures, abilities and areas of interest, fuelled by a passion for general practice that never fails to inspire

This year's awards have been developed to reflect and celebrate the breadth of spectacular successes and wonderful wins achieved by our inspirational Members in the last 18 months

We’re proud to bring you 17 extra special awards across four categories to choose from in 2024

Nominate your GP inspiration today!


Nominations open on Monday 5 February and will run for eight weeks. There’s no guarantee of an extension so don’t delay your entry.

Monday 5 Feb ------------ Nominations open

Sunday 31 March ------------ Nominations close

Monday 1 April - Sunday 7 April -Possible extension

Monday 8 April -----------


Thursday 11 / Friday 12 April 1st round judging (shortlist/finalists of cat 1-4)

April/May Fellowship & Awards (F&A) Committee --2nd round judging (F&A ratify category 5)

Monday 22 April ----------

Finalists announced / Voting for Cat 3 opens

Monday 20 May --------- Voting for Cat. 3 closes

May 2024 ---------

F id 21 J 2024

Winners ratified by F&A Committee

Inspire Awards

Eligibility and

1 The Awards are open to M Practitioners in good standin supporting the advancemen and/or community

2. Application is by nominat our application platform

3 Applications may be made by or on behalf of more than one individual in respect of work undertaken jointly In such a case the contribution of each must be made clear in the application.

4. Self-nominations must be supported by at least one supporter, at least one of whom must be a College Member or Fellow in good standing.

5. Applications should include a typed description in up to 500 words of the work, project or innovation which is being submitted. Photos, videos and other media are encouraged along with a typed submission

6 In the interests of fairness, all entries will be shortlisted and decided (save those in Category 3) by a panel of judges made up of Officers of the College, Members, previous Inspire Award winners and executive members of staff. In the event of a tie, nominations will be ratified by the President of the College Category 3 will be decided by online public vote.

7 Awards in Category 4, Special recognition awards, will be judged by the Fellowship & Awards Committee, ratified by the President.

8 The closing date for receipt of applications is 31 March 2024

9 The presentation of awards will be held in London on Friday 21 June 2024

10. If in any one year there are no suitable applications, the Award will be held over to the following year

11 The same piece of work can only be used to apply for one College award or prize within a two-year period

12 Following adjudication of the award and notification to applicants of the result, no further correspondence will be entered into relating the adjudication process.


Category 1. Ins

Sustainability Champion

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Champion

GP Content Creator

The "GP Voice" Award

Category 2. Inspiring Members

GP Educator 2024

GPSoc 2024

Future GP 2024

Early Career GP 2024

Established GP 2024

Inspiring Fellow 2024

Later Career or Retired GP 2024

Best Collaboration 2024

Category 3. Vibrant Faculties Faculty Champion 2024

Vibrant Faculty 2024 (+ smaller Vibrant Faculty)

Category 4. Special Recognition Volunteer of the Year 2024

The RCGP Lifetime Achievement Award 2024

Category 1

Inspiring Champions


Sustainability Champion

The "Sustainability Champion 2023-24" award aims to spotlight an exceptional Member who leads by example, inspires positive change and contributes significantly to building a sustainable and resilient future for GPs and general practice more widely.

Nominations should reflect one or more of the following criteria:

1. Community engagement and collaboration:

The nominee engages a wide community of stakeholders, fostering a sense of shared responsibility for sustainability

2. Long-term commitment:

The nominee shows evidence of ongoing efforts to integrate sustainable practices into daily operations, indicating a dedication beyond short-term goals. They're in it for the long haul!

3. Education and advocacy:

The nominee actively promotes awareness and understanding of sustainability issues within the community and/or across College. They regularly engage in educational initiatives, workshops, or campaigns to inspire others to adopt sustainable practices and contribute to a more resilient and environmentally conscious future

Nominate your Sustainability Champion


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Champion

The ‘’Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Champion’’ is a Member who demonstrates boundless commitment to promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion in their community, field or voluntary activities. This Champion has made outstanding efforts in addressing healthcare disparities, promoting cultural competence, and advocating for inclusivity across a broad spectrum. For our winner, creating a health-landscape that prioritises the diverse needs of all individuals is paramount.

Nominations should reflect one or more of the following criteria:

1. Community engagement:

The nominee has made meaningful engagement with and outreach to diverse communities, implementing initiatives that enhance healthcare access and outcomes for underrepresented or marginalised groups.

2. Education:

The nominee has made significant contributions to educating and training primary care professionals in all things EDI, fostering more inclusive GP communities and practice teams.

3. Leadership in inclusive practices:

The nominee has demonstrated leadership in creating and sustaining inclusive spaces and teams, including policies that support diversity and equity in everyday ways.

Nominate your EDI Champion


GP Content Creator 2024

The "GP Content Creator 2024" award is brand new for 2024 and exists to recognise our growing and buzzing community of GPs with a passion for creating digital content which not only educates, but inspires, entertains and engages with online communities in a '21st century' way. This award celebrates a Member's impressive achievements in a digital space, for a digital audience.

Nominations should reflect one or more of the following criteria:

1. Digital content creation:

The nominee produces high-quality, accurate, accessible and engaging digital content (Including podcasts) which is relevant to a diverse audience, including other Members, colleagues and the general public.

2. Digital innovation:

The nominee advocates for the use of digital tools in every-day practices to improve patient access to clinical information which may lead to improved selfcare.

3. Community engagement:

• This nominee engages with and contributes to the online health community, fostering discussions and building a sense of shared knowledge

• This nominee advocates for public health issues and promotes preventive care through digital platforms.

All nominees should also:

• Upholds a high standard of ethical conduct relating to digital content creation

• Demonstrate transparency in disclosing sources, affiliations, and potential conflicts of interest

Nominate your GP Content Creator 2024


The "GP Voice" Award

The recipient of the "GP Voice" Award stands out for their dedicated efforts in bridging the gap between the GP profession, the public and the political sphere. Whether it is through the media or talking directly with decision makers, this GP will have shown a deep understanding of how to effectively communicate the challenges, concerns, and aspirations of the broader GP community

Nominations should reflect one or more of the following criteria:

1. Advocacy impact:

The nominee has had a visible impact on primary care policy and effectively advocates for the interests and concerns of GPs. They have seen tangible outcomes, such as policy changes, improved working conditions, or increased awareness of GP issues among political leaders or policymakers

2. Strategic engagement:

The nominee has a successful, strategic approach to engaging with policymakers and other stakeholders, either at national or regional level. They are adept at navigating the political landscape, building influential relationships, and effectively communicating the needs of the GP community.

3. Leadership in policy initiatives:

The nominee takes a leadership role in developing and contributing to policy initiatives aimed at addressing workforce and workload pressures for GPs. They are actively involved in the development or promotion of policies that have had or are having a positive impact on the practices of General Practitioners at a regional or national level.

Nominate your champion of the GP Voice

Inspiring Members Category 2


GP Educator 2024

The "GP Educator 2024" award is for an exceptional GP trainer, programme team or medical school who have demonstrated outstanding commitment, innovation, and effectiveness in medical education and/or speciality training. This award celebrates educators who go above and beyond for their students, whether through innovative teaching methods, mentorship, or their own personal dedication, grit or commitment The Educator of the Year award is given to one (or those) who truly inspire the next generation of General Practitioners

Nominations should reflect at least one of the following criteria:

1. Championing GP as a career:

The nominee has demonstrated dedication and enthusiasm in promoting a career in general practice to students and trainees They tirelessly strive to break down barriers and inspire the next generation to consider a career in GP

2. Commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion:

The nominee(s) actively promotes equity, diversity and inclusion within the medical education or speciality training environment. They go to great lengths to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment for a diverse range of medical students or GP trainees

3. Mentorship and personal development:

The nominee(s) has excelled in mentorship, providing guidance and support to GP trainees in their personal and professional development. They foster excellent relationships with their trainees and have a positive influence on their wellbeing and career trajectories

Nominate your GP Educator 2024


GPSoc 2024

The "GPSoc 2024" award celebrates the achievements and collective efforts of an active General Practice Society (GPSoc). This award shines a light on the society's commitment to fostering a vibrant and supportive environment for students interested in general practice, contributing to their academic and professional development throughout their studies.

Nominations should reflect at least one of the following criteria:

1. Community engagement and collaboration:

The nominated society has had success in building a strong and engaged community of like-minded students. This includes organising informative events, workshops, or conferences which foster collaboration, provide networking opportunities and creating a supportive environment that encourages the sharing of ideas, experiences, and knowledge among members

2. Innovative initiatives:

• The nominated society has a strong ability to 'think outside the box' when it comes to programs, projects, or campaigns that engage future GPs. This could include novel approaches to raising awareness, promoting health initiatives, or addressing challenges faced by students pursuing a career in general practice

• The society is signed up with the RCGP Society Partnership Scheme

3. Progression and evolution:

The winning society is able to showcase an ability to evolve, adapt, and grow; perhaps this society has gone from a small acorn to a great Oak in a short space of time! The winning society may have had a positive influence when it comes to members' academic journeys or a broader impact on student's perceptions of general practice as a field of study and profession

Nominate your GPSoc 2024

Category2:InspiringMembers Future GP 2024

The "Future GP 2024" award celebrates outstanding medical students or Foundation year doctors who exhibit an exceptional passion for General Practice. The Future GP of the Year is already engaged in College activities and is making waves in their community. Overall, this award aims to inspire and celebrate the next generation of GPs, recognising their potential to make a lasting impact on the profession of the future

Nominations should reflect at least one of the following criteria:

1. Going above and beyond the classroom/rotation:

The nominee is actively involved in extra-curricular activities through their medical school or highly engaged with their training providers or outreach programs. They seek to excel in their learning, giving their all in each new situation or scenario

2. Leadership and advocacy in General Practice:

• The nominee exhibits strong leadership qualities in academic, clinical, or community settings.

• The nominee advocates for the importance of general practice among peers and local student or Foundation networks

Nominate your Future GP 2024


Early Career GP 2024

The "Early Career GP 2024" award recognises an exceptional final year GP trainee or a First5 Member who is demonstrating outstanding contributions and commitment to the College and its priorities for the greater good of the workforce and profession. This award aims to not only acknowledge individual accomplishments but also inspire and set a benchmark for excellence within those early career years

Nominations should reflect at least one of the following criteria:

1. Community engagement and leadership:

The nominee is actively engaged with their local community, via their Faculty, practice initiatives or other networks or projects which embed this Member locally.

2. Professional development and learning:

The nominee is committed to ongoing professional development and learning

They are routinely involved in training, conferences, or educational activities that contribute not just to their own growth, but that enable them to help others navigate their first years in practice also.

Nominate your Early Career GP 2024


Established GP 2024

The "Established GP 2024" celebrates a highly dedicated mid-career Member who not only devotes their time and expertise to College initiatives but also excels in fostering meaningful engagement across College communities. The recipient of this award goes beyond the call of duty, actively seeking opportunities to offer support, share knowledge, work more collaboratively and question the status-quo so that ideas for improvement can be sought and brought to life

Nominations should reflect at least one of the following criteria:

1. Dedication and initiative:

The nominee demonstrates an exceptional level of dedication and commitment to actively participating in and contributing to the goals and objectives of the College. Additionally, the nominee should showcase a proactive approach by taking the initiative to seek out opportunities, offer support, and question when things can be better

2.Collaborative leadership and inclusivity:

The nominee stands out for their collaborative leadership style, actively promoting inclusivity and creating a supportive atmosphere This nominee builds strong connections with colleagues, patients, and stakeholders on a personal level, fostering a sense of togetherness The nominee also inspires others to get involved too, contributing their time and energy to shared causes

Nominate your Established GP 2024

Category2:InspiringMembers Inspiring Fellow 2024

The ‘‘Inspiring Fellow 2024’’ award celebrates the outstanding achievements and commitment of a Fellow who has gone above and beyond in advancing the goals and values of the College, as well as demonstrating exemplary dedication, leadership, and contributions to the College for its Members and wider priority areas.

Nominations should reflect at least one of the following criteria:

1.Leadership and advocacy:

The nominee showcases leadership qualities that inspire and influence positive change within the general practice community. They actively contribute to the advancement of the profession and advocate for the wellbeing of both patients and practitioners

2. Education and mentorship:

The Fellow of the Year may have made significant contributions to medical education and mentorship. They play a pivotal role in shaping the next generation of general practitioners, sharing knowledge and fostering a culture of continuous learning

3. Service to the RCGP: Nominees actively engage with the RCGP, demonstrating a strong commitment to shared priorities. They contribute to committees, initiatives and programs that enhance the standing and effectiveness of the College.

Nominate your Inspiring Fellow 2024


Later Career or Retired GP 2024

The "Later Career or Retired GP 2024" (LCARM) award celebrates a seasoned GP who has demonstrated unparalleled dedication and contributions to their profession during the latter stages of their career or into retirement. This award recognises those individuals whose tireless efforts have gone above and beyond to positively impact their faculty, peers or an area of special interest.

Nominations should reflect at least one of the following criteria:

1. Commitment to faculty development:

The nominee exhibits an unwavering commitment to the development and fellow Faculty members. They serve as an inspiration to colleagues, sharing their wealth of experience and knowledge to cultivate a thriving and supportive environment for the entire team

2. Contributions to peer collaboration:

The nominee fosters collaboration and camaraderie within their GP community. Whether through research initiatives, knowledge-sharing forums, or professional networks, the nominee enhances the collective expertise and collaboration among peers

3. Legacy:

The nominee's work and contributions have had a profound and positive impact, leaving a lasting legacy that benefits colleagues, their community of interest or the College more broadly.

Nominate your LCARM GP 2024


Best Collaboration 2024

The "Best Collaboration 2024" award recognises an individual, group or Faculty who has achieved great things by working together, crossing boundaries, making new relationships and partnerships or breaking down barriers and silos. This award recognises collaborations which have made significant improvements or had a profound impact in their area.

Nominations should reflect one or more of the following criteria:


• The nominee(s) demonstrate outstanding ability to collaborate across different communities, specialties, career grades or geographical areas.

• The nominee(s) is an active engagement pro and true believer in teamwork.

• The nominee(s) shows a commitment to breaking down silos and fostering a seamless flow of information and expertise in order to make progressive improvements

2. Team leadership and empowerment:

The nominee(s) demonstrates the ability to lead, motivate and inspire others to work together toward shared goals and vision

3. Effective communication and information sharing:

The nominee(s) promotes transparent and open communication, adopting an approach which encourages ideas from all collaborators regardless of background, experience or other perceived barriers.

Nominate your Best Collaboration 2024

Vibrant Faculties Category 3


Vibrant Faculty 2024

The Vibrant Faculty award celebrates creativity, effectiveness and impact in Faculty engagement and events. This award is for a member facing event, series of events or initiative delivered by a Faculty between December 2022 and March 2024 and recognises the invaluable contribution of our Faculties and their volunteer members,

Nominations should reflect one or more of the following criteria:

Exemplary engagement: the nomination should excel in member engagement, creating a vibrant and connected community.

Professional support: the nomination should support GPs to thrive, either through focused career and skills development or by creating opportunities for members to explore opportunities across the GP workforce and make connections

Care and compassion: the nomination should reflect on any impact the initiatives will have on the wellbeing of GP participants and the future resilience of the wider workforce.

Impactful collaborations:

Demonstrate 'One College' approach in the endeavour

Continuously aiming to be and to provide a professional home for Members, on their doorstep.

Innovation: the nomination pushes boundaries and tries something new. It may focus on well-trodden themes with a twist, or explore new topics These may result in building new communities, pushing the political agenda forward or modernising Faculties to name a few

There will be two Vibrant Faculty awards given, with smaller Faculties (those with 800 members or less) being voted for in a separate category.

Nominate your Vibrant Faculty 2024

Category3:VibrantFaculties Faculty Champion 2024

The ‘’Faculty Champion 2024'’ award celebrates an exceptional Member who consistently and passionately showcases their local Faculty's achievements. They show a deep commitment to the success of Faculty endeavours and strive to put their Faculty on the map through collaboration, engagement and inviting others to get involved. This award recognises an individual whose enthusiasm and dedication contributes significantly to the vitality and success of their Faculty

Nominations should reflect one or more of the following criteria:

1. Active involvement:

The nominee is deeply engaged in the activities of their local Faculty. Their participation extends from Board meetings to a hands-on involvement in events, illustrating a commitment to the growth and vibrancy of the Faculty

2. Strategic Vision:

The nominee goes beyond routine involvement and actively contributes to the development of the Faculty and alignment with RCGP’s strategic priorities. Their forward-thinking approach aids in shaping the direction of the Faculty and ensures it remains relevant to and representative of the community it serves

3. Member Recruitment:

The nominee excels not only in their personal involvement but also in inspiring others to join the cause. They regularly create opportunities for other Members to get involved in the Faculty, recognising the strength that lies in a united and engaged community.

4. Promotion of Faculty Successes:

The nominee is a true advocate for the achievements of their Faculty and the wider College. They passionately promote the work undertaken by Faculty teams, ensuring that the local and regional accomplishments are recognised and celebrated.

Nominate your Faculty Champion 2024

Special Recognition Category 4


Volunteer of the Year 2024

The "Volunteer of the Year 2024" award recognises a Member whose dedication to "giving back" extends far beyond clinical duties, embodying the spirit of altruism and making a profound difference to the communities, initiatives and people they serve.

Nominations should reflect one or more of the following criteria:

1. Community impact:

The nominee has shown incredible dedication to College activities, priority areas and/or Members through their volunteer work.

2. Collaboration and partnerships:

The nominee has demonstrated the ability to collaborate effectively with a diverse range of stakeholders, whether forming partnerships with other primary care professionals, community organisations, or special interest groups

3. Advocacy and awareness building:

The nominee has played a pivotal role in advocating for College or wider workforce priorities, raising awareness among their community They may have shaped public discourse, educated policymakers, or fostered a deeper understanding of their voluntary area through effective conversations

Nominees should include photographs or visual evidence of involvement, as well as testimony from someone directly impacted by this work.

Nominate your Volunteer of the Year 2024


Lifetime Achievement 2024

The ‘’Lifetime Achievement 2024'’ Award honours an exceptional Member whose career has been characterised by an unparalleled commitment to the profession. This award recognises individuals who have dedicated a substantial part of their professional journey to enhancing both the field of general practice and the diverse communities associated with the College, leaving a lasting mark on the profession.

Nominations should reflect one or more of the following criteria:

1. Exemplary long-term commitment:

As the name suggests, nominees must showcase a long history of commitment to general practice which may have spanned decades. illustrating a sustained passion for the wellbeing of patients, peers, and the profession. Nominators should tell us how and why their commitment to service leaves a lasting and positive impact

2. Unsung Hero at the grassroots level:

The College is eager to celebrate individuals who have, with humility and consistency, made a significant impact at the grassroots level. Nominees for the Lifetime Achievement Award should be 'unsung heroes' whose invaluable contributions may not have garnered widespread recognition but have undeniably added value over time The award aims to bring into the spotlight those who have worked diligently behind the scenes, embodying the spirit of selfless service Nominees should not have previously received awards or national/industry recognition.

3. Widespread impact on patients, peers, and the profession:

Nominees for this award have demonstrable commitment and achievements which have transcended local boundaries, positively influencing experiences for patients, fostering collaboration among peers, and contributing to the advancement of the profession Their contributions resonate on a broader scale, creating a lasting legacy that benefits the wider community of primary care professionals, patients and fellow Members of the College. Nominate for Lifetime Achievement 2024


All awards are short

The panel may be m Members, Officers of the C Committee Lead RCGP Executive g

Previous award winners.

Awards in Category 3: Vibrant Faculties will be shortlisted by panel and decided by online public vote

Awards in Category 4: Special Recognition will be decided by the RCGP Fellowship & Awards Committee and ratified by the President.

All nominated Members will be contacted by the award organisers with a congratulatory message.

All finalists will be contacted and invited to attend the awards evening on 21 June as a guest of the College. Guest tickets can be purchased separately.

Best of luck!

Thank you for your nomination.


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