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Emergenc y physician Dr . Nige l Aspin all, perf usion ist Tammie Fang , card iac cath lab patien t care coord in ator Cand ice Clegg and emergenc y de par tmen t n ur se Gar y Kain th are fe atured in a Found ation campaign to pr omote the $1.3 billion rede velopmen t of the hospital.

Un preceden ted $1.3 billion hospital rede velopmen t is under way

From its humble beginnings in 1862, with just 30 patient beds and one doctor, Royal Columbian has grown to become an indispensable leader in critical care, serving more than 1.8 million residents of the province.

Now, our hospital is set to make healthcare history once again, as a $1.3 billion redevelopment positions Royal Columbian to revolutionize critical care in BC. When the multi-year, multi-phase project is complete, our hospital will be fully transformed and ready to cope with the needs of a fast-growing, dramatically aging and increasingly diverse 21st-century population. PHAS E ONE: MENTAL HEALT H EXPA NSIO N (2016-2020) Phase one construction is underway and includes:

• A new 75-bed mental health and substance use wellness centre with new and expanded outpatient clinics, Fraser Health’s first older adult psychiatric unit, and a psychiatric high acuity unit, all to replace the aging 30-bed Sherbrooke Centre • A new energy centre to replace the aging power plant and tie into the city’s future district energy system • New parking, including a 400+ stall underground parkade plus a temporarily expanded visitor lot onsite, and a temporary offsite lot for employees

• Moving the heliport to Columbia Tower’s roof, away from future construction cranes • An advanced IT fibre optic and utilities pathway that ties into city infrastructure and enables advanced health care technologies.

Ar tist render ing of the en tr ance to the ne w Men tal Health and Substance Use We llne ss Cen tre .

PHAS E TWO : ACUT E CARE TOW ER (2020-2024) By the end of phase two, the hospital will have added 50 per cent more beds, from 446 to 675. Phase two will include:

• A new Acute Care Tower with:

- More beds for intensive care, cardiac intensive care, medicine and surgical patients, all in single- patient private rooms - A new, larger Emergency department with a satellite medical imaging unit

- Three more operating rooms, three more interventional suites for cardiology, two more interventional suites for diagnostic radiology, and one more MRI all connected to interventional services in the existing Health Care Centre, creating one interventional ‘super floor’ - More maternity beds and a new maternity operating room. Units for moms, dads, children, and newborns will be relocated to the same floor for a more family-centred experience • A 400+ stall underground parkade, a new main entrance and a rooftop heliport • New advanced medical equipment and technologies, building services (e.g mechanical and electrical) and energy centre equipment • Replacement of the aging Sherbrooke Centre, old power plant, main entrance and laundry/maintenance buildings with site enhancements.

PHAS E THREE: EXPA NDING CAPA CITY (2023-2026) Phase three will upgrade and add capacity to areas in the existing Health Care Centre and Columbia Tower that support the beds and services added in phase two. This includes:

• Expansion of support service areas such as the laboratory, pharmacy, food services, diagnostic services and medical imaging, and the addition of one more MRI • Expansion of the pediatric and neonatal intensive care units. These units will be physically linked to the maternity unit in the new acute care tower to create a ‘super floor’ dedicated to mothers, dads, and children • Conversion of four-bed patient rooms in Columbia Tower into single or semi-private rooms • Upgrade and move the cafeteria, administration offices and ambulatory care services. Pre limin ar y conce pt of the ne w ACUT E Care Tower .

Royal Columbian Hospital Found ation Chair Doug Evene shen he lps to ann ounce appr oval of the hospital rede velopmen t on Apr il 6, 2017.

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