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Sudden distress
CHARLOTTE, playing with her parents at home, more than two years after being born prematurely at only two pounds eight ounces.
new parents take comfort in neonatal care following emergency birth
The fi rst seven months felt remarkably smooth for Lindsay Davidson, who was preparing for the arrival of their fi rst child with husband Ben Abel. But a routine check-up at 30 weeks sent the North Vancouver couple into a week-long tailspin that eventually brought them to Royal Columbian Hospital for an emergency delivery and an anxious introduction to parenthood. During the check-up, Lindsay’s blood pressure was high enough that she was sent to the local hospital for bed rest and monitoring. There, she was diagnosed with preeclampsia, a potentially life-threatening condition that occurs in a small number of pregnancies. “They were watching to see signs of distress in the baby and in me,” recalls Lindsay. “Five days later, they said my organs were shutting down. That’s when they made the decision to transfer me to Royal Columbian.” As a high-risk maternity centre with one of only four Level 3 neonatal intensive care units in the province, Royal Columbian Hospital cares for expectant mothers and premature newborns from throughout BC. For Lindsay, the transfer to Royal Columbian was a blur. Ben followed the ambulance along the highway in his own vehicle as they headed to New Westminster. “To be moved was kind of reassuring for me,” says Ben. “Because you knew they would be able to handle it at that hospital, whatever happened.” Bring control Royal Columbian Hospital neonatologist Dr. Mudaff er Al-Mudaff er says preeclampsia can be life-threatening to the mother and subsequently to her yet-to-be-born baby if it becomes out of control. “It can cause problems to the baby’s brain, the bowels, the lungs, and these can suff er from growth restriction with all its complications” he says. “The blood pressure to the mother can become so high and out of control, so the only way to bring control is to get the baby out.” Doctors at Royal Columbian fi rst tried to induce Lindsay before deciding on an emergency caesarean section. “There were so many people in the room,” Lindsay notes. “I was very worried about “ They said my organs were shutting down. That’s when they made the decision to transfer me to Royal Columbian. ” -Lindsay Davidson
the drugs, and the anesthesiologist was very reassuring.” Soon, Charlotte was born at 31 weeks and fi ve days, weighing only two pounds eight ounces. “I remember sitting back down and being quite emotional about it,” says Ben. There were more anxious times ahead, as Charlotte was taken to the neonatal intensive care unit, where she would spend close to two months getting stronger and healthier.
Close bonds “When you have a baby who is premature, it’s not the journey you had expected,” says Lindsay. “But we had the best, most positive experience at Royal Columbian.” Lindsay and Ben made daily trips back to Royal Columbian as Charlotte gradually overcame the challenges of being born early. “Babies that are born prematurely can get into breathing issues,” notes Dr. Al-Mudaff er. “They can’t breathe on their own, so they need help, whether it’s from a breathing tube or in the form of CPAP with a little mask on the nose. Also, they can’t feed right away, so we have to give them what they need nutrition-wise to help them grow. They are at high risk for infection. They get jaundice more than others. Also, they can get feeding intolerance. So it’s a magnitude of problems that aff ects almost every system.” “There were all these milestones they wanted her to reach, which is stressful, but then when she reached them it was amazing,” says Lindsay. The couple formed strong bonds with hospital staff and other parents during their time in the NICU. They remain grateful to the team that includes doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists and social workers, many of whose names are quickly recalled during a conversation more than two years later. As for Charlotte, she’s now a healthy, happy and energetic child. “I am so happy and proud of her,” says Dr. AlMudaff er. “Very energetic, full of life, very pleasant and always when she comes to the offi ce, it’s a welcome visit.” “She’s go, go, go, it’s non-stop,” says Lindsay. “She’s two and a half, and she doesn’t sit still.” “But we knew that even before she was born,” adds Ben. VEnTILATORS are a key piece of equipment inside the neonatal intensive care unit.