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Ann Christopher for Answers from Ann: Ann Christopher who’s maiden name is Owens is married to Pastor George Christopher of Rossville GA. She is the first lady of Midway Independent Christian church and is also the creative talent behind “Divine Manna”, and also a contributing writer for “Tools for living”.
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Reverend George Christopher is the Pastor of the Midway Independent Christian Church in Chickamauga GA. Retired from Eureka Foundry of Chattanooga TN as a machinist, he has ministered at Midway Independent Christian Church for 23 years now. His Wife is Ann from ‘Answers from Ann’ and his daughter is the E-Editor of this ezine and owner of
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.; “notebook paper” from Tastefully done and Deliverance: Images taken by R.Christopher The last word: “The Baptism of Christ” from © December 2012. Created at From the Desk Creations™; Wallaceville Road Chickamauga, Ga. Direct all inquires to Issue ™ website publication tool used to create publications. All the information herein has been checked for accuracy. No responsibility is accepted for deletions, omissions, errors and/or inaccuracies. Publisher reserves the right o place any ad on first come first serve basis. No materials contained herein may be reproduced without the exclusive written permission of the original creator of the material. All information, images or references contained has been acquired by permission or general search and is cited, noted or referenced as required by source. Copyright 2012 by From the Desk Creations ™. Created in the U.S.A
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-A letter from the e-Editor:
Well a new year is around the corner and we all know it’s time to swear to the heavens that we are going to lose that twenty pounds we have been promising to do for the last decade. I love what my father says about New Years resolutions, “Well we say we are going to turn over a new leave, but we have yet to sweep up the dead leaves we’ve been leaving around for the last twenty years.” It’s true. We make a lot of promises we don’t intend to keep and hope for wishes that very seldom come true. I wanted this issue to speak to the resolution we need to not only make at the beginning of each new year, but at the beginning of each new day…we need to resolve to be better Christians. Being called a child of God is not burden, but a blessing. We have been reconciled back to our God through the blood of Christ! Hallelujah, what a thought and a perfect reason to praise God even more. This issue will explore what it means to truly be reborn. We will walk you through some terms on Tools for Everyday Life, and explore how to read and study the Bible more effectively. This issue has given me an opportunity to share my personal story of redemption with you as well in “The Children’s Bread”. After reading this issue I pray that you have a clearer understanding on what Christ really needs from us. I hope you find the strength and courage to step out on faith and get closer to God. It is a soul searching thing to long to be closer to our savior. Soul searching is often times scary and painful. But, the glory of this is that by doing so, we allow God to break down the barrier that we have put up. We learn more and take in more of Him for each thing we let go of. I look forward to sharing this issue and a new year with you and I will continue to pray for your growth in Christ. I pray you good spirits and a wonderful journey in the glory of God. May you have a wonderful and blessed Holiday Season, from my family to yours!
In His Image
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Deliverance: The Children’s
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SPPOOTTLLIIGGHHTT The name is…Jessica Reedy
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Focus on Living: True Baptism Let’s set the scene. Picture a man of high esteem. He was well learned and well received. He was probably a little taller than and no meager in stature. As night fell around him, his curiosity got the better of him. He knew well what he was taught. But this ‘Jesus’ was a mystery. It left this leader feeling a bit uncertain and unsure of what he had learned to be true.
He knew what Nicodemus wanted to know. Was his learning in vain? Could this “Christ” really come now, in his lifetime? Nicodemus wanted to know, how exactly Christ was going to get him into heaven. Without hesitation Christ says, “You must be born again.” Nicodemus was so puzzled he had to ask how that worked. And even more so, how could that be done?
With the darkness as his mask he sought this Christ. You can see Jesus and his disciples camped, ready to sleep. But, knowing Nicodemus was coming, Jesus isolated himself. You can see Nicodemus hiding in the shadows trying to find the courage to approach. Before Christ has time to stifle his flame, the courage of his questions sends Nicodemus marching toward Christ.
Christ cuts Nicodemus to the bone with an invariable question. He makes Nicodemus question his own status and teachings. He calls Nicodemus a teacher and then asks him how he couldn’t know! Naturally, that threw Nicodemus off.
As Christ turns to look at him, Nicodemus freezes momentarily. In awe of the immeasurable, and at yet, unexplained presence of Christ, he remarks how he does believe that the Spirit of God is indeed with him. Christ spares him the pain of his secrecy and cuts straight to the chase.
Then Christ goes further to say that all of the things on earth that Christ and the apostles had shown and he didn’t believe, how he expected Christ to now tell him of heavenly things…which he more than likely wouldn’t nor couldn’t believe.
Now, I know it seems like a lot and no I haven’t forgotten the basics of writing. I deliberately used the name “Nicodemus” ten times because all of us could insert our names at any part of this article. Why? Because we all have (or will be) been in Nicodemus’ position. We have all questioned whether or not what we have learned is real. Is it worth it? Is it true? We all have wondered how it really works. This event tells us many things. It tells us that when we experience the true baptism of the Spirit, it shows. A real change takes place and we change character. It also tells us that we have a lot to learn, about God and living a Christ centered life. We know what to do, but doing it is a whole different matter and to a Christian it shouldn’t be. His will is now ours and His word is all that should matter. But again, that is easier said than done.
So there it is. We have arrived at an intentional and deliberate Christ centered life. All made possible by the baptism of the spirit, the blood of Christ which can truly wash away sins. The Water baptism represents this. It is a symbol of this experience. Almost like a living parable. The important thing is that the change happens on the inside. The word never says what happened to Nicodemus after his encounter with the Messiah. But, if I had to guess, I would say left that place with a clearer vision of what it means to serve Christ. I believe Nicodemus walked away a changed man.
A true baptism causes you to want, need, crave, and thirst after God and all that He is. You seek Him and follow Him to the point that the way you look and live becomes different to even the people who know you the best. It becomes evident that you are “Wrought in God” (vs. 21).
Tools for Everyday Life: A believer’s Glossary of Christ Centered Terms No matter if you are new to the fold or a seasoned under shepherd, sometimes we just need to know the meaning of the basics.
Reference Key on page 16
Prayer: to converse with God; the intercourse of the soul with God, not in contemplation or meditation, but in direct address to him. Prayer may be oral or mental, occasional or constant, ejaculatory or formal. It is a "beseeching the Lord" ( Exodus 32:11 ); "pouring out the soul before the Lord" (1 Samuel 1:15 ); "praying and crying to heaven" ( 2 Chronicles 32:20 ); "seeking unto God and making supplication" ( Job 8:5 ); "drawing near to God" ( Psalms 73:28 ); "bowing the knees" (Ephesians 3:14 ).
Petition; an expression of need. “I exhort therefore, that, first of
all, SUPPLICATIONS, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men.” ( 1 Timothy 1:1 Zephaniah 2:1 )
Forgiveness: one of the constituent parts of justification. In pardoning sin, God absolves the sinner from the condemnation of the law, and that on account of the work of Christ, i.e., he removes the guilt of sin, or the sinner's actual liability to eternal wrath on account of it. All sins are forgiven freely ( Acts 5:31 ; 13:38 ; 1 John 1:6-9 ). The sinner is by this act of grace for ever freed from the guilt and penalty of his sins. This is the peculiar prerogative of God (Psalms 130:4 ; Mark 2:5 ). It is offered to all in the gospel,
Repentance: To change one’s mind and purpose; regret From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, REPENT: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. (Matthew 4:17 )
Meditate (Ponder): To ponder; to consider carefully; “And all they that heard it, wondered at those things which were told to them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.” (Luke 2:18-19)
Confess (confession):
The biblical concepts expressed by the words "confess"
and "confession" have in common the idea of an acknowledgment of something. This is the root idea of the two verbs that lie behind the great majority of occurrences of the words "confess" and "confession" in the English Bible: Hebrew yadaa [h'd"y] (in the hiphil root) and Greek homologeo [oJmologevw]. English versions such as the NIV therefore sometimes translate these verbs as "acknowledge." From this common root emerge two distinct theological senses: the acknowledging or confessing of faith (in God, Christ, or a particular doctrine), and the acknowledging or confessing of sins before God.
Remission [of sin]: Forgiveness; “And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying “Drink ye all of it; for this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the REMISSION of sins.” (Matthew 26:2728)
Fasting: Abstinence from food and/or drink as an element of private or public religious devotion. Fasting is nowhere commanded in the Torah and, in fact, is never attested earlier than the time of the judges of Israel (cf. Judges 20:26 ). The fact that Jesus and the disciples sanctioned it by their own example ( Matt 4:2 ; Acts 13:2-3 ), however, is sufficient justification for its practice in biblical times and, in fact, in modern times as well.
Justification (Righteousness): a forensic term, opposed to condemnation. As regards its nature, it is the judicial act of God, by which he pardons all the sins of those who believe in Christ, and accounts, accepts, and treats them as righteous in the eye of the law, i.e., as conformed to all its demands. In addition to the pardon (q.v.) of sin, justification declares that all the claims of the law are satisfied in respect of the justified. It is the act of a judge and not of a sovereign. The law is not relaxed or set aside, but is declared to be fulfilled in the strictest sense; and so the person justified is declared to be entitled to all the advantages and rewards arising from perfect obedience to the law (Romans 5:1-10 ).
n-ter-sesh'-un (pagha`, "to make intercession"; originally "to
strike upon," or "against"; then in a good sense, "to assail anyone with petitions," "to urge," and when on behalf of another, "to intercede" (Ruth 1:16; Jeremiah 7:16; 27:18; Job 21:15; Genesis 23:8; Isaiah 53:12; Jeremiah 36:25). A similar idea is found in enteuxis, used as "petition," and in the New Testament "intercession." The English word is derived from Latin intercedo, "to come between," which strangely has the somewhat opposed meanings of "obstruct" and "to interpose on behalf of" a person, and finally "to intercede." The growth of meaning in this word in the various languages is highly suggestive. In the Greek New Testament we find the word in 1 Timothy 2:1; 4:5; entugchano, is also found in Romans 8:26-34):
Holiness: to converse with God; the intercourse of the soul with God, not in contemplation or meditation, but in direct address to him. Prayer may be oral or mental, occasional or constant, ejaculatory or formal. It is a "beseeching the Lord" ( Exodus 32:11 ); "pouring out the soul before the Lord" (1 Samuel 1:15 ); "praying and crying to heaven" ( 2 Chronicles 32:20 ); "seeking unto God and making supplication" ( Job 8:5 ); "drawing near to God" ( Psalms 73:28 ); "bowing the knees" (Ephesians 3:14 ).
Edification: The Greek words oikodomeo, "to build," oikodome, "the act of building," are used both literally and figuratively in the New Testament; "edify," "edifying," "edification," are the translation of the King James Version in some 20 passages, all in the figurative sense of the promotion of growth in Christian character. the Revised Version (British and American) in 2 Corinthians 10:8; 13:10;Ephesians 4:12,16; 1 Thessalonians 5:11 renders "build up," "building up," making the force of the figure clearer to the English reader. In 1 Timothy 1:4 the Greek text followed by the Revised Version (British and American) has oikonomia, "dispensation," instead of oikodomia, "edifying" (the King James Version).
Bakers Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology Elwell, Walter A. "Evangelical Dictionary of Theology".
. 1997.
Easton’s Bible Dictionary Easton, Matthew George. "Easton's Bible Dictionary". .
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Orr, James, M.A., D.D. General Editor. "International Standard Bible Encyclopedia". 1915.
Dictionary of Words from the King James Bible. . New York, N.Y., 1999.
Twelve Characteristics of the Christ like
Matthew 5:1-11, 13-16 and 18:1-4 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 describe the key character traits of a born again believer. As we go thru it text by text, we will highlight how each contribute to a daily Christ centered life.
Matthew 5:3 Trait 1
Spiritually Aware: Being poor in spirit (or lacking) is the distance in between a believer and God. Even veteran believers will have moments of spiritual weakness. This means that we seek God’s grace. Reading the word of God on a daily basis is the best way to see what God can do and has in store. There are many Study Bibles and Daily Devotionals that help you read, study and understand the word of God. Matthew 5:4 Trait 2
Repentant: While we shouldn’t wallow in the shame and guilt of past sins, a true believer is troubled by the thought that they have at different times in their lives, disappointed God. Once the baptism of the spirit has taken place, a believer will experience times of sorrow brought on by the remembrance of the past. These moments are perfect times to ‘make peace and forgive’ even if you need to ask for forgiveness from someone you have hurt while you were in sin. The moments, like Paul’s thorn in the flesh, are not wallowing moments, but times to correct and acknowledge the gift of a second chance from God and a reminder of God’s grace and mercy.
Matthew 5:6 Trait 4
Spiritually Intimate We long to have a relationship with God. A true relationship is neither the surface knowledge of what he is capable of nor acknowledgement of his presence, but a true daily communicating relationship with His spirit. Knowing that we need to be closer and draw closer, we do things that bring us into his presence such as prayer, fasting, and meditation. Making prayer and meditation schedules are excellent ways to draw closer many times a day. Matthew 5:7 Trait 5
Forgiving This is not just giving forgiveness, but also receiving forgiveness. They accept forgiveness by actually being sorry and working with diligence to right the wrong. They are able to extend forgiveness the way that Christ did. That is to say, once they have forgiven a person, they truly forget the incident by not bringing it up again, and allowing the offender to actually change without fear of being discredited by past transgressions. They know that the spirit of forgiveness allows God to work on all involved. Matthew 5:8 Trait 6
Intentionally Good Born again Christians will not use ‘good intent’ as a reason to sin. They instead intentionally choose to do good, without sinning. They know that no matter the promise no person or thing can give them as much happiness as Christ. So, instead of taking the easy way and seeking sin, they do things the right way and reap the long awaited harvest of blessings.
Matthew 5:5 Trait 3
Matthew 5:9 Trait 7
A believer will craft spiritual strength through discipline and humility. They acknowledge they have only a fraction of the righteousness that Christ has. Strive daily to achieve only one goal; pleasing God. Anything good that you do should never be about you, but it should be done to glorify God. This means that you refrain from selfishness and boasting.
Discreet Being discreet doesn’t mean sin and hide it well. It means not causing or playing into drama. Believers should only reason with the word of God; not their own thoughts and ideas. They should not seek to create or fuel gossip. They are always ready to reconcile.
Matthew 5:10 Trait 8
Brave Believers stand firm in the face of adversity, fully relying on Gods protection. Many are being persecuted and tortured. Most are being scandalized and rebuked. But, no harm is greater to them than the consequence of not standing on God’s word, no matter what. Matthew 5:11 Trait 9
Gracious No matter what is said about them or to them they respond with grace. They do not seek to retaliate. They pray for the initiators of such attacks and rely on God to recompense. They actually try to think before they speak. Attempts are always made to give a gentle response before an emotional one. Matthew 5:13-16 Trait 10
Bold Believes refuse to ‘dumb down’ so as to not hurt feelings or offend anyone. They boldly witness and testify to the amazing grace of God. They strive to live the life that reflects the power and presence of God. They live in such a way that people can just “tell” they are Christians. Matthew 18:1-4 Trait 11
Trusting Not so much of men as they are of God, believers trust God with a childlike faith. They acknowledge and accept the sovereign and authority of God. They ‘fear’ or respect Him and lean on His word. They do not spend every second asking for forgiveness from God, but rather they ask for the guidance they need to be more fruitful. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Trait 12
Fruitful Believers strive to not have their living be in vain. They pray mightily and give earnest supplication. They always ask WWJD (what would Jesus do) and they listen to the response from God and act on it if instructed. They are often spiritual ‘go to’ people for those needing Godly advice. They seek wisdom from him and thus they produce joy for the Lord.
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6
And said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3
For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Galatians 3:27
Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3
“Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.”
When we are born again, a new life - the life of God - is put into us by the Holy Spirit. But the old self-life, which is called in Scripture the flesh, is not taken away. The two may coexist in the same heart. "The flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh. F.B. Meyer
We begin life with the natural, next we come into the spiritual; but then, when we have truly received the kingdom of God and His righteousness, the natural is added to the spiritual, and we are able to receive the gifts of His providence and the blessings of life without becoming centered in them or allowing them to separate us from Him. A.B. Simpson
Man has two great spiritual needs. One is for forgiveness. The other is for goodness. Billy Graham
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Answers from Ann! Let’s talk the top reasons for divorce, friendship complications and teenage children
Dear Ann: I have struggled for years to find my biological mom. After several failed attempts, I was able to locate her. While I had my dad’s blessings to find and contact her, he did warn me that she may not be receptive to meeting me. She gave him full parental and custodial rights so that she could continue living her life. I contacted her and my father was right. She said that chapter in her life is closed and she wants to keep it that way and then she hung up on me! I prayed and I thought I had forgave her and then one day I get a phone call. She has cancer and now she wants to talk. It kind of makes me angry thinking about it now. I guess I didn’t really forgive her. How do I move forward? Should I see her? Sincerely, Wondering, Florence AL Dear Wondering: I have long since sent you my response because this issue was time sensitive, but I wanted to share this with our readers as well. I would advise you to go. Because she is ready to make peace (even if it is out of guilt due to her diagnosis) you may get the answers you need to move on. Hold on to the fact that you are not broken, just wounded. You are capable of forgiveness and I sense that in your letter and when we spoke over the phone. Get the answers you need, forgive and move on. She may not want to spend any more time in your life. If that is the case so be it. You have an amazing father and a loving step mom and a family of your own now. You have found the missing piece of the puzzle. Put it in and let the puzzle be complete.
Dear Ann: I am a fairly new convert. I was saved only three years ago after my mom past. She was a single parent and a devote Christian. I always believed in God, but I didn’t live like I did. What I remember so fondly of my mom is her prayer ritual. She would kneel by her bed with pictures of people she loved and pray. Sometimes she would pray so hard that she would end up shouting in the Holy Spirit. I want that kind of relationship with God. I tried doing what mom did, but I don’t feel the same thing she did. What am I doing wrong? Sincerely, Wanting more, Dallas TX Dear wanting more: First I want to encourage you to stay wanting more. I am filled with joy reading that you want more of Christ. That feeling should never fade, and even if you feel like it is, seek him even harder! It’s not so much you are doing something wrong, you just aren’t doing it Gods way. You are trying to recreate a feeling that is not yours. It belonged to your mom. We all are able to experience Christ in different ways. Find your own way to pray for the ones you love. Start by finding a place where you are comfortable being in prayer for a long period of time. You could even pick a bible verse and research it, starting and ending in prayer. There are several ways that you can get in touch with God for yourself. Hope this helps Ann
Wishing you the best, Ann
If you spelled out every one of the states in the United States the only letter you would never use is the letter Q. Topolino is the Italian name for Mickey Mouse.
In the North Pole, penguins do not exist.
Instructions can be very useful. We’ve all done it before. We buy something that requires assembly and while looking at the picture on the front of the box, we think, “Oh this should be easy enough to put together.” We immediately know we are in over our heads when we dump out the contents of the box onto the floor and see screws and washers and things we don’t even recognize. Yet, we go ahead and try to put it together without the directions. We only end up frustrated, cursing and eventually, following the directions we so carelessly threw aside. We also do this with the word of God. The Bible is our set of instructions. Like that assembly required item, our knowledge of the Word helps us put together a Christ centered life. So why is it that people don’t study on a daily basis? According to a George Barna 2009 study reported that: More than 60 percent of Americans can't name either half of the Ten Commandments or the four Gospels of the New Testament.
Some 80 percent including "born again" Christians believe that "God helps those who help themselves" is a direct quote from the Bible. And 31 percent believe a good person can earn his/her way into heaven.
Sadly, we know those numbers look even bleaker today.
So why study the Bible? Reverend George Christopher, pastor of Midway Independent Christian Church in Chickamauga Georgia says that “Studying the Bible will bring out the best in us. The word of God is only part of knowing what God wants us to do. Combine the word of God with prayer and mediation and you have a solid foundation of a Christ Centered life.” Editor and contributing writer of the Kingdom Dynamics in the Spirit Filled Bible (Thomas Nelson Publishing; Atlanta 1995) says this; “God’s word is the only conclusive source of wisdom, knowledge and understanding concerning the ultimate realities waiting to liberate and enrich those who will pursue its wealth.” Okay, so now we know why we should study the Bible. Now we need to know how to study the Bible. Reverend Christopher gives beginning insight to this. “You must pray for understanding before you begin. By going into prayer first, you are letting God know that you are serious about learning and understanding his word. Anyone can just read the Bible, but studying it is a whole other issue. Study is special.”’s e-Editor and Sunday school teacher at Midway Rose Christopher also weighs in. “Prayer takes reading the Bible and delivers it to a higher plane. Prayer opens up the lines of communication. It unblocks the channels for you. This way, as you read and search your scriptures, God is welcomed to speak to you and guide you through it.”
Along with prayer, having proper tools for study is also good. “Some people think it’s disrespectful to write in your Bible.” says Rose. “I can’t study without writing in it. When I look at the passage later, I can see my notes and leads to other scriptures that aren’t in the footnotes or built in to the concordance. I can follow my scriptures back to a starting point.” Rev. Christopher adds, “Use your Bible to study it! Those footnotes and scriptures writing really tiny on the page are there for a reason. These are what I call ‘cross references’. They help you find out what key phrases and words mean in that scriptures context.” If you don’t feel comfortable writing in your Bible, you could keep a study journal. “I personally use a study map. It helps me keep all the individual references together.” Many people use a study plan. This is an organized, topical or timeline study. Many focus on an entire book or chapter, while others are “read through in a year.” A separate Bible concordance is also a great tool. This is extremely useful for topical studies as it links scriptures together for you. It may also help to have a Bible dictionary to understand what certain words that appear in Hebrew tongue in the Bible mean.
alone concordance to keep going until there are no more scriptures left to study. Be sure to not stop when you think you found an answer. Keep going until there are no more scriptures to search. This way you have a full and complete understanding of what you just read.” Whether you study alone or in the group Bible knowledge is key. It is important to follow these few tips and you will be well on your way: Pray before you study Use the cross references in your Bible (i.e. the special characters such as 1, 2,a and b that have scriptures or definitions either in the foot notes, at
the end of the scripture or in the middle column of the Bibles pages. Take notes. Write down starting and supporting scriptures, being sure to list any definitions or answers to questions you may find. Follow your scriptures until they circle back to the one you started with or you find the answer you are looking for.
Another thing that is hard to know when you study is where do you stop? Rev. Christopher says, “Many times as you follow the scripture references, using the built in or stand alone concordance and foot notes, the supporting scriptures will lead you back to the one you started with. Sometimes you follow it and you end with a verse that has not cross references to it. If you are still not sure of the meanings or you haven’t gotten any answers, you can use your stand
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Shame. Guilt and shame. That is what I feel at this very moment. I still don’t know how I fell so far from grace. I had a great childhood. My father is a minister and I have even taught Sunday school for years. But there I was. Sittting on my couch in my club clothes, surrounded by boxes, my list bit of alchol in my hand, crying. I kept yelling out loud that I was losing everything and no one understood. The truth was, I was the one who didn’t understand.
drank and drove. But we’ll talk about that later. I switched jobs and no longer hung out with those particualar people. So I found a new vehicle for my habit…the gay bar. I had managed to find a friend who was “part of the show” so I would go and watch him perform. I quickly became friends with all the other entertainers and then I had a place to go. Form Thursday to Saturday and sometimes on Sunday, you’d find me at the bar. And then, I would get up and teach Sunday School.
During a dark time in my life, I started hanging with the wrong crowd. I liked what alcohol did to me. It made me brave. It made me forget. But I needed I remember one night in my to remember. I needed to face what I apartment, I was drinking alone. I found was going thru. Illness will make you do myself on the floor by the door. some crazy things when satan gets Aparently I had either fallen asleep or behind it. I broke down and passed out. I had my labtop ● ● ● asked my doctor for open and I was listening to prescription pain some music. When I opened “I felt like I was worth medication to deal with the my eyes I was focused on more than that…and I fibromyalgia. It’s funny how the cross above my door. As was, just not as an I never wanted to ask for it I stared at it, God let me alcoholic.” because I was afraid of tune into the words of the becoming an adict. I was song. It was Sia. On a song ● ● ● already one. titled “Breathe Me” she sang out.” Help I have done it I took one of the hydrocodone again. Lost myself and I feel unsafe. pills and went out with my friends for Heart myself again today. And the worst lunch. They said they would cheer me part is there’s no one else to blame.” As I up. Of course I drank. I had been only a listened to the song, I thought, “I think I social drinker before. But it was have a problem.” something about these people that made me unafraid to explore the “forbidden in You would think that at that my parents house” drink even more. moment I would get myself together. But When I was old enough to buy alcolhol, I that didn’t happen. I only started would sneak wine coolers into my room. drinking heaveir. I was taking money I lived at home until I was out of from my partents to pay my bills but I colllege. Now, that I was on my own I was making over $1800 a month. Most of could have it in my house and drink it blown on alcohol. Things started whenever I wanted. getting worse and I was doing cash advances and loans to get more money Needless to say, our Applebees so I could have more fun. I was lying, drink fest ended up back at their cheating and dare I say stealing. apartment as usual. Of course, there was more alcohol. And of course I drove home. It wouldn’t be the last time I
As my problem got worse, my aunt Peggy, who I call my second mom, had major surgery. My mom had asked for me to to take her up to the hospital to sit with her for a while. My plans…going to the club. So as usual, I had a few pre club drinks and went to get my mom. I sat with my aunt for a few minuets and then hit the club with a friend. I drank even more. I even called my dad from the club bathroom and told him how aunt Peggy was doing. My priorities were skewed and so was my judgment.
Naturally I had to move back home. I couldn’t afford my rent and my car payment, let alone utilities. But I still managed to afford my liquor. Right at the cusp of everything, my car that I just got from a buy here pay here, broke down. I had to let them repo it. Now, here it is. I’m sitting in the middle of the boxes, packing, feeling sorry for myself and then I look up. There is the cross I focused on. I prayed for deliverance. I feel to my knees and cried. I finally realized I needed help.
When my mom called and told As I went back home, I knew that me she was ready to go, I left the club now since my mom knows, I can’t sneak and went to go get her. I was ‘tilted’ as I alcolhol in my room now. So I ended up called it. I tried not to let her know I was quitting, cold turkey! Of course, that drunk. I know now that she knew. I caused a change in my attitude, and that would go to work drunk lead to problems on my job. ● ● ● and no one was the wiser. Thank God that I had My mom wasn’t someone I parents and a manager who “God was able to turn worked with…she was my didn’t give up on me. I was my habit into mom. She knew me better feelng worthless I was something heavenly.” than anyone else. Especially feeling sorry for myself. since her father was an Thinking I had lost it all, I ● ● ● alcoholic, she knew all the was on my way home from signs, she just didn’t know work and I turned on the how to help me. radio. I was met with these words; “Whatever you’re doing inside of me, it We made it home safe. After that feels like chaos but I still believe. You’re God started to take over. It was time for up to something bigger than me. me to sober up. It was time for me to Something heavenly.” get it together and go back to my first love…God. Of course, I couldn’t see that. I only heard that song two times But God was about to show me…in color! in the two years I was back home with my parents. I never even knew who sang My job became so unbearable, it. The night that I heard the song, God that I finally just walked out one day. spoke to me. He let me know that He That was that. I had to find another job. couldn’t take away what I didn’t own. I As I drove home, I passed a little store hadn’t lost anything. I was about to gain called Cato. I didn’t know it at the time, it all back and this time it would be but God would use the people that mine. Suddenly the song made since. My worked there to save my life. I applied. I attitude started to change. I was actually got a management position there but I loving my job. God blessed me with was making half of what I was making at another car and I was able to move out my last job. I had never been paid so low of my parents house to a house next before. I kept the job, but I hated it at door. first. I felt like I was worth more than that. And I was….just not as an alcoholic.
As I was setting up my bedroom in my new house, I turned on the radio and guess what I heard… “Whatever you’re doing inside of me, it feels like chaos but somehow there’s peace. Your’re up to something bigger than me, something heavenly.” And once the song was over, they told who sang it.
As hard as this article is to write, I am sure that someone, anyone else who reads this and is facing addiction can identify with the destructive behaviour. There are many peole that you have hurt, and abandoned. Your actions have affected those close to you. Most horrific of all, they have separted you from God.
Yes, I should have known better. No I should have never turned to alcolhol. It turned me into a monster. But now I am blessed to have something heavenly. My website that I created by the grace of God years before my addiction is my sanity now. I focus on it like never before. God has blessed me as a teacher of His divine word, and I love my job more and more each day. Most importantly , God has forgiven me and restored my faith and my life. My parents trust me again. Yes, God was able to turn my habit into something heavenly.
I want to tell you that it’s time to go back. It’s time to go back home. Home may be your parents house, it may be where you spouse and kids are, it may be the church. Wherever it is that keeps you on the straight an narrow, God is there, waiting for you.
Addiction is a horrible monster. It will destroy your relationships and tear you apart. It will make you feel like your worthless, like you don’t matter. Nothing can satisfy you, not even your new found friend. But take comfort in 1 John 1:9. It says “If we confess our sins, He is faithful to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us form all unrighteousness.” I am a living testimony of that. It may seem like your addiction is bigger than you. And in all honesty, it is. But nothing and I mean nothing is bigger than God. He is able to move any addiction from your life. Drugs, alcohol, prescription meds, shopping, gambling, porn, cutting…all of it…any of it. It’s hard to know how to hand it to God. My father has been a minister since I was eight years old and a deacon before that. I grew up in a Christian home. Taught Sunday School, but still, I believed the lie that satan told me and I picked up the bottle for all the wrong reasons.
His arms are stretched out he wants to receive you like that prodical son. He’ll forgive you. He’ll forget your ugly past with addiction. He’ll wipe away the tears and heal the wounds. He’ll make it right with your family. He can restore what the devil tore down. He’ll recompense what the devil stole. He loves you. He cares for you, he’s calling you home. Let him love you like you can’t love yourself. It will hurt and it will be hard. I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that you won’t struggle with his dicipline. But, when it’s all done, that chaos will turn into something heavenly.
If you or a loved one are seeking help kicking addiction, please check the following sites for help: Christian Counsel Center ACADC ●
The Name Is….
Jessica Reedy
We first met… on BET’s Sunday’s Best Season Two, 2009 as a runner up Y’anna Crawley.
After which… I was signed by Light Records and released my first Album “From the Heart”
The Best part of the experience was… “I started discovering how much He [God] loved me, cared for me and how He thought of me as His Beloved. I learned how much I didn’t know about myself.”
Your Favorite track on your album could be… Blue God written by Mali Music.
People describe your musical style as… “I would have to describe my music as heart songs…I don’t really know the style or category it fits in. It’s just me!”
We can find out more about you on… “My site.
The hardware: One large stock pot to boil noodles On large non stick skillet The ingredients: 2 ½ cups of hot water (hot water comes to a boil faster!) One tablespoon of salt One tablespoon of pepper ¼ cup of rice or apple cider vinegar Three to four teaspoons of hot sauce, depending on how hot you like it 3 tablespoons of lime juice A pinch of sugar just to barely taste One package onion soup mix Garlic powder to taste 1 package of udon noodles. If you can’t find udon, spaghetti or vermicelli noodles…nothing smaller than those Two eggs 1 table spoon of butter 1 tsp of parsley flake to garnish Preparation: Bring all the liquid (minus the eggs) and seasoning ingredients to a boil. Break the noodles in half (don’t break them if you are using udon noodles) and boil for two minutes less than the package instructions.
“I will satiate the soul of the priests with abundance, and my people shall be satisfied with my goodness.” Says the Lord.” -Jeremiah 31:14
The best thing about this soup is that the broth is a base that gets better and better every time you boil it. Isn’t the Word of God like that?! The more you read and study His word, the more He manifests that word in your life. He just keeps getting better. Discuss the ways God has amazed you by becoming more and more prominent in your life.
Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook time: About 8 mins Serves: initially 6 a number of times!
While the noodle boils, beat egg with one teaspoon of water. In a large skillet, place butter in pan and melt. Swirling the pan around add the egg and get it in one thin sheet on the bottom of the pan. Flip egg using two spatulas or flip action (which is quite fun unless you mess up!). once the egg is lightly browned on both sides, set aside and roll up into a cigar shape. Thinly slice the egg and set aside. Once the noodles have boiled two minutes less than the package directions, take off of the heat, put a lid on and let it rest for two minutes. Put soup in to bowls, top with egg and parsley and serve. You can add mushrooms and other veggies to the dish as well. Just fix them separately and simply and use as a garnish. Once noodles are gone, continue to boil more noodles in the broth, adding ½ cup of water each time. The more you boil, the better it gets!
“Jesus answered and said to her; “whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become I him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” – John 4:13-14