RCLAS Writers Resource

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Word Whips inspired by art exhibit Sefirot by James K-M featuring storyteller Naomi Steinberg PAMELA BENTLEY will host the evening featuring Vancouver storyteller NAOMI STEINBERG and Pandora's Collective poets, DENNIS E. BOLEN, DANIELA ELZA, DAVID SHEWELL, EVA WALDAUF, and BONNIE NISH who will read their poetry inspired by the art exhibited on the walls of the gallery. As usual, there will be time for the audience to participate by writing to the exhibit and reciting their poems during the ‘open mic’ portion of the evening. Thur Dec 13 7:00-9:00pm Location :The Sidney and Gertrude Zack Gallery, 950 West 41st Ave. Vancouver Free Admission

BOOK SIGNING FOR AMANDA TRAVEL ADVENTURE BOOKS, Richmond December 15, 2012 1:00 - 3:00 pm Location: Black Bond Books, Lansdowne Centre, Richmond Contact Person: Darlene Foster Email: darlene.foster@telus.net Website: www.darlenefoster.ca Darlene Foster will be signing all of her Amanda travel adventure books including the recently released, Amanda in England-The Missing Novel. Children love to travel with

Amanda to different countries where she meets interesting people and visits amazing sites. Her curiosity and helpful nature always seem to get her in trouble. In England she gets lost in the maze at Hampton Court, hides in an underground tunnel at Windsor Castle and rides the London Eye in an effort to find a missing vintage novel. Stop in and say Hello to Darlene if you are out and about shopping. "A book is a gift you can open up over and over again"

THE FIFTH ANNUAL NORTHWEST POETS’ CONCORD, Newport, Oregon Deadline for proposals: December 15, 2012 May 3 -5, 2013 @ the Hallmark Inn and Resort in Newport, OR. Our keynote speaker this year is Ellen Waterston. This is a call for proposals for participation in the conference. By December 15, 2012, please send a brief description of your proposed activity and mark it as such in a newlygenerated e-mail to ellstons@gmail.com. The advisory board will consider proposals for the following 50-minute sessions: Workshops, Panels, Conversations, Academic-type presentations. We will have a limited number of slots for 10-minute readings included in the program. These will be dedicated to poets who have new books this year. Everyone else will be encouraged to read at one of the two open mics. Please let us know if you have a new book and would like a 10-minute slot. Some new developments this year: preregistration will be required, and attendance will be limited to 120 participants; only two events will occur at a time; there may be opportunities for a mentoring conference with a well-known poet for a small additional fee. Look for us on Facebook as Northwest Poets’ Concord, and don’t forget! Send us your proposal by December 15.

TWISTED POETS LITERARY SALON FEATURES FIONA LAM AND RAOUL FERNANDES and their special guests Evelyn Lau, Russell Thornton, Kevin Spenst, Jen Currin and Rodney DeCroo (Please note change of venue, Twisted Poets has a new home) Sunday, December 16, 2012 7 - 9:30 pm @The Cottage Bistro, 4468 Main Street Vancouver, BC V5V 3R2 Hosts: Bonnie Nish and Daniela Elza Suggested Donation: $5.00 at the door. Features: Fiona Lam + Raoul Fernandes This will be a special evening. No open mic this night. Fiona and Raoul have invited special guests to share the stage with their words for a wonderful holiday celebration. Music to follow Twisted Poets. All are welcome to stay.

In 2013 Twisted Poets will run the 2nd Wednesday and the 4th Thursday of every month, starting in January. (We take a break in August.) This is a Pandora’s Collective Event

POETIC JUSTICE FEATURES KYLE CHRISTENSSON, ANGEL EDWARDS & FRANCI LOUANN, NEW WESTMINSTER Host Alan Hill Sunday, December 16, 2012 3-5 pm (15:00-17:00) Location: Heritage Grill Backroom 447 Columbia St New Westminster near Columbia Stn Contact Person: Franci Louann Email: flouann@telus.net Website: www.poeticjustice.ca Two or three feature poets plus an open mic, in a restaurant/bar Note – No Poetic Justice on Sunday Dec 23. LISTEN ! LAUGH! ENJOY! Seasonal Stories December 16, 2012 7 pm @ 1805 Larch / 2nd Ave, Kits; enter door in alley by St Mark’s; parking Contact: Mary Gavan mary@marycelticstory.ca Website: www.vancouverstorytellers.ca Seasonal Stories under theme of the Star of Family Affairs by Vancouver Storytellers, Abegael Fisher-Lang and Jennifer Martin. Kira Van Deusen recounts her recent trip to Iran and Mariella Bertelli specialises in Italian Folktale. POETIC JUSTICE Featuring ALAN HILL/ANTONETTE ALEXANDRA REA/ RENEE SAKLIKAR with host, FRANCI LOUANN with two or more mystery guest poets. Sunday, December 30, 2012 3-5 pm (15:00-17:00) Location: Heritage Grill Backroom 447 Columbia St New Westminster near Columbia Stn Contact Person: Franci Louann / host Alan Hill Email: flouann@telus.net Website: www.poeticjustice.ca Two or three feature poets plus an open mic, in a restaurant/bar

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: RBC Bronwen Wallace Award for Emerging Writers Winner: $5,000; Submissions accepted until January 30, 2013. Finalists: $1,000 2013 Prize

The prize this year will be given for the best work of poetry. See the prize guidelines for infomation on eligibility and how to submit.

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: CALLING ALL YOUNG POETS! The Jessamy Stursberg Poetry Contest for Canadian Youth Deadline: January 15, 2013. There are two age categories, junior (grades 7-9) and senior (grades 10-12). First place poems in each category will receive a cash prize of $350, second place winners will receive $300 and third place winners will receive $250. All winning poems will be published in the League of Canadian Poets’ e-zine, Re:verse at www.youngpoets.ca. All winners will receive Jessamy Stursberg Poetry Contest for Youth certificates and student memberships in the League of Canadian Poets for one year. For guidelines: http://poets.ca/wordpress/contests-awards.

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: 17TH ANNUAL WRITING CONTEST OF THE NORTH SHORE WRITERS ASSOCIATION Deadline: Postmarked February 28, 2013 For full guidelines go to: http://www.nswriters.bc.ca/node/102 Categories: Fiction: up to 2000 words per entry Non-fiction: up to 2000 words per entry Poetry: a submission of one to three poems constitutes one entry. Prizes for each category: 1st Prize: $100.00 and publication 2nd Prize: $50.00 and publication 3rd Prize: $25.00 and publication Honorary mention: at the judges' discretion Winning entries will appear in the 2012 anthology Fee per entry: $20.00 per entry for non-members $15.00 per entry for members

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: LITERARY REVIEW OF CANADA (LRC) We're changing up our poetry section for 2013, with each issue to feature poems that share a common form or theme. During the months devoted to a given form, the subjects will vary, and vice versa. Below is our 2013 publication calendar to help guide submissions. As always, we welcome unsolicited, unpublished, original submissions, provided that they fit one of the categories outlined in this schedule:

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January/February: sonnets March: poems from the margins, e.g. pieces from/about our prisons, reserves, North, rural areas, etc. April: short poems, of less than 50 words - consider haikus, tankas, rubaiyats, tweetpoems, triolets, and other short styles May: poems on the elements, e.g. fire, earth, water, air, wood, etc. June: villanelles July/August: ekphrastic poetry, i.e. pieces inspired by other art forms (visual, film, music, etc.) September: prose poems October: poems inspired by family November: ghazals December: poems inspired by food

Please note that there are two reading periods: 1) May 1 to December 5, 2012 for publication January-June 2013 and 2) beginning May 1, 2013 for publication July/AugustDecember 2013. Please include the month in which you would like your work to be read in the subject line of any emailed submissions. For more information, check out our full submissions guidelines online at: http://reviewcanada.ca/submissions

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: SUBTERRANEAN BLUE POETRY Subterranean Blue Poetry is an Internet Poetry and Art Publishing Café. We thrive on new original words and New Age Art. All Poets and their poetry are welcome and we are especially looking for homegrown Poets from the Canadian/American Indian Community, Quebec, small town Canada, international Poets and anyone who was ever considered “the other.” New Age Art offerings are for the masthead of each issue. We are currently open to submissions. www.subterraneanbluepoetry.com.

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: MICRO AWARD FOR FLASH FICTION Submission period: Oct. 1 to Dec. 31, 2012 6th Annual Micro Award for Flash Fiction under 1,000 words now open for submissions. $500 prize. No entry fee. http://www.microaward.org/rules

VPL WRITER IN RESIDENCE 2013 Contact Amber Ritchie/ Phone: 604-331-4041/Email: programs@vpl.ca Website: https://www.vpl.ca/events/cat/C839/ I would be happy to answer any questions that may arise with regard to the residency program at VPL. The Vancouver Public Library is pleased to announce that we will be seeking funding to host our ninth Writer in Residence in 2013. We would be grateful for any assistance you could provide in distributing information about the Vancouver Public Library's Writer in Residence program to your membership. Attached is a copy of the call for expressions of interest, with details on application procedures and remuneration.

This information may also be found on our website here.

THE ODYSSEY – FROM SITE TO SIGHT Date: Friday, December 21, Solstice Time: 10 am gathering at JJ Bean or anywhere in the world, evening gathering from 7 pm to tba Location: Morning gathering at JJ Bean, 2096 Commercial Drive, Evening gathering to be disclosed Contact: Ryan Fragaria Email: thewildjamman@yahoo.ca Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/405311422872611/ Description: 10 Words Solstice Scavenger Hunt Artistic Interpretation Gathering Showcasing of art created Global online Interactive Slideshow 10 words will be released solstice morning and we will meet 10 am at JJ Bean (2206 Commercial Drive, Vancouver). We set out on an exploratory scavenger hunt for artistic interpretation of the 10 words: photographic, poetic and other mediums. Meeting solstice evening at a location to be disclosed on that date. In the evening we will view the photos via a slideshow, share the created art and celebrate. There will be an online voting from December 25th - 31st on the photos and the top selections for each word will be made into prints and auctioned off at a Gala in late January 2013. All proceeds will go to charities that support homeless people in Vancouver. Not in Vancouver? Join us from anywhere in the world. Hold a like gathering in your community and share your artistic interpretations digitally. The Facebook Event Page will have details on how all can join. The concept is a synergistic intention of people from all over creating beauty for the less fortunate at the same time, no matter the place.


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