Sept 2019 RCLAS Wordplay at Work, Issue 66
ISSN 2291- 4269, 68 pages.
Issue 66 includes Write On! Contest Winners Special Feature (including poetry by Meg Stainsby, Carlie Blume, Chelsea Comeau, P.W. Bridgman, and Fran Bourassa), Fred Cogswell Award info, and upcoming FALL events including Christina Myers Creative Non-Fiction workshop, Tellers of Short Tales with Lydia Kwa, In Their Words, and MORE! Thanks to our contributing RCLAS members: Jerena Tobiasen, Lozan Yamolky and Deborah L. Kelly collaboration, H.W. Bryce, Kathy Figueroa, Jenny Ihaksi, plus Poetry in the Park ”Memories of 2019” with Aidan Chafe & Janet Kvammen.
Editor/Designer: Janet Kvammen.