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November 2020 Terms of reference Development of explanatory animated videos on the history of the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi in Rwanda in 1994, transitional justice and universal jurisdiction.

1. Institutional framework Following the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi in Rwanda in 1994, a government of national unity was set up with the priorities of rebuilding the country, rehabilitating genocide survivors, and above all, bringing about justice for the victims of genocide and fighting against the culture of impunity. Given the scale of the task, organisations have tried to support the country in its search for justice. It was at this time that the NGO RCN Justice & Democracy was set up to promote the law, to help strengthen the independence of the justice system and to support civil society. Today, RCN Justice & Democracy develops programmes that encourage the creation of spaces to be heard and promote access to justice in Belgium and in other countries. As part of its mission to raise awareness, RCN J&D visits schools to explain which mechanisms could lead to mass crimes, using its educational kit "If it's there, it's here". RCN J&D's educational offer contains two series of testimonies: the first series consists of testimonies of people who have survived mass crimes in several countries (Rwanda, Burundi, DR Congo and Cambodia); the second series is a collection of interviews with perpetrators of mass crimes. This educational kit is supported by a 26-minute documentary film about the magistrates who contributed to the prosecution of those responsible for the mass crimes during the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. In the field of justice, RCN J&D has developed a training for professionals in the sector entitled "Justice and the mechanisms that lead to international crimes". The content of this module is divided into three levels: -

Macro: (Inter)national criminal justice institutions and its tools to fight mass crimes Meso: the role of the judicial system in the fight against the mechanisms emerging in society that might eventually lead to genocide (focus on polarisation) Micro: the magistrate as an individual and the potential impact of his or her work on himself or herself and vice versa (prejudices, values, mental health).

RCN Justice & DĂŠmocratie ASBL Boulevard Adolphe Max 13-17 1000 Bruxelles

TĂŠl : +32 (0)2. 347 02 70 Mail : info@rcn-ong.be www.rcn-ong.be Compte BE85 2100-421419-06 TVA 0454555163

2. Objectives and target audiences The aim of the production of these videos is to explain complex concepts in a short amount of time using animation techniques. Topics of the videos: - The history of the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi in Rwanda (mechanisms and developments in society that led to these mass crimes in 1994). - Transitional justice. - Universal jurisdiction. These videos aim to raise awareness, inform and train justice actors (especially trainee magistrates, law and criminology students and other actors in the field of justice) as part of the training course "Justice and the mechanisms leading to international crimes". More broadly, these videos could be used to raise awareness among the general public (including young people aged 16+) in Belgium and the Great Lakes countries at events or via the NGO's communication channels. These videos will therefore be used as educational support and as information and awarenessraising material for the general public with audiences speaking different languages (French, Dutch, English). 3. Required expertise Digital animation production companies with experience in the production of explanatory / educational videos, in the social domain and/or with affinities with RCN J&D's main topics. Familiarity with sensitive discourse and knowledge of the context of the Great Lakes region in Africa is an asset. Communication must be nuanced, diverse and must convey nonstereotyped images. Expertise on the history of Rwanda, transitional justice and judicial responses will be provided by RCN J&D.

RCN Justice & DĂŠmocratie ASBL Boulevard Adolphe Max 13-17 1000 Bruxelles

TĂŠl : +32 (0)2. 347 02 70 Mail : info@rcn-ong.be www.rcn-ong.be Compte BE85 2100-421419-06 TVA 0454555163

4. Expected deliverables Minimum: an explanatory video on the history of the Rwandan Tutsi genocide (2-6 min). Ideally: three explanatory videos • on the history of the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi in Rwanda (2-6min); • on the concept of transitional justice (2-4 min); • and on the concept of universal jurisdiction (2 min). The video(s) will be produced according to the following process: - using video animation techniques - understandable vocabulary (simple images and vocabulary) - in high enough resolution for projection The service provider must transfer to RCN J&D the intellectual property rights of a proprietary nature relating to the videos produced. 5. Languages of the deliverables The video will be produced in 3 languages (both text and audio/voice-over): French, English, Dutch. If this is not possible, the video will be made in French with English and Dutch subtitles. 6. Technical and financial offer The offer contains a priori the details on the production of a video on the history of the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi in Rwanda in 1994. In addition, the provider is invited to specify the technical and financial details of a second video on legal concepts in response to mass crimes. The technical offer containing the technical support offered to RCN J&D to produce this documentary includes an indication of the number of words (limit?), the number of possible revisions included in the offer, the availability of voices in different languages, a planning and an example of an explanatory video already produced by the provider. The offer contains the steps and details of the necessary input from the side of RCN J&D in terms of the story to be told, assistance in writing the script / storyboard for the animation, the necessary editing, assistance in translating etc. A financial offer should contain all pre-production, production and post-production costs as well as translation, copyright (music and images) and other relevant costs. The complete application must be submitted by 23 November 2020 at the latest to the following address: job@rcn-ong.be. RCN Justice & Démocratie ASBL Boulevard Adolphe Max 13-17 1000 Bruxelles

Tél : +32 (0)2. 347 02 70 Mail : info@rcn-ong.be www.rcn-ong.be Compte BE85 2100-421419-06 TVA 0454555163

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