September 2016 Events/Information
To learn more about the Elbow Rule, click here.
You're invited to a Sensory Friendly Film:
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Click on image above to enlarge text.
Buddy Walk 2016 is going to be on September 10th at Ashe County High School. For more information about the Buddy Walk or to register, click here.
NC Sibs ( is a statewide network of adult siblings of individuals with developmental disabilities. The purpose is to connect siblings with one another and with future planning resources as their relationship with their sibling develops throughout their lifetime. On Monday, September 12 First In Families of NC invites siblings and sibling supporters (parents, professionals, neighbors, etc.) to attend a NC Sibs event at the Watuga County CDSA to learn more about the network and the resources available to help siblings and sibling supporters plan for the future. Refreshments will be provided. Participants will receive a detailed sibling resource packet. RSVP here:
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Click on image above to enlarge text.
Join us for our Spooky Duke 10k, 5k, & Costume March in October! Register by Wednesday, October 12 to be guaranteed a FREE race shirt! For more information or to register, please go to or click here.
Parent to Parent FSN-HC 2359 Hwy 105 Boone, NC 28607 Click here to Unsubscribe