RCOG Conferences and Courses Catalogue: Autumn/Winter 2014

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Conferences and Courses Catalogue Autumn/Winter 2014 Upcoming courses for O&G professionals

Cambridge University Press official publishing partner of the

Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists O ver 200 books on women’s health, including the complete RCOG book list and more Increasing range of titles in digital format – over 35 RCOG ebooks are now available All Fellows, Members and Registered Trainees receive 20% discount on over 25,000 titles Visit www.rcog.org.uk/shop and sign up for Cambridge Alerts to claim your discount


Practical Training

Reproduction Medicine



Welcome Our conferences and courses are world-class. The RCOG exists to champion the best in women’s health care and to support our doctors to achieve excellence in their practice of obstetrics and gynaecology. We are focused on developing and shaping standards in postgraduate medical education and clinical practice across the globe. To achieve this, a team of over 1,200 O&G experts deliver a busy programme of RCOG training courses to over 5,000 clinicians each year, both in our London headquarters and in cities around the UK and the world. Our programme of events are designed to help train and equip O&G specialists throughout their medical career and across the differing specialities. Designed and delivered by experienced and world renowned experts, our courses are unrivalled and offer unique access and insights with our faculty of top class speakers.

How to book your place “ Welcome to the RCOG’s 2014 Conferences and Courses Catalogue. Designed as a complete guide to what’s happening at the College, which courses and meetings are running, and what is new in the calendar for 2014. We hope you will find it helpful and look forward to welcoming you to the College in 2014.” Honorary Director of Conferences: Miss Ranee Thakar MD FRCOG Honorary Deputy Director of Conferences: Mr Nick Panay MRCOG

Our team are here to help – If you have any questions, you can contact our Conference Office at events@rcog.org.uk or +44 (0) 20 7772 6245.

Online at www.rcog.org.uk/events. Receive instant confirmation of your place and save £10! Speak to our team directly, please have your card details handy and call +44 (0) 20 7772 6245 Fax your completed booking form, available at www.rcog.org.uk/events, with payment details directly to the Conference Office on +44 (0) 20 7772 6388 Post your cheque and completed booking form to the team at: Conference Office, RCOG, 27 Sussex Place, Regent’s Park, London, NW1 4RG, UK To be invoiced please see full guidance on the events terms and conditions page at www.rcog.org.uk/events/terms-and-conditions

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£10 Page 3

Navigation We have divided the catalogue into three sections:

Training and Professional Events

Browse courses related to core curriculum, ATSMs and other training modules. Many of these conferences are also suitable for consultants who would like annual updates or to refresh their skills.

Pages 7–15

Consultants and Annual Updates

These events focus on different areas of the speciality but are not suitable for fulfilling curriculum requirements. Annual scientific meetings and congresses are included in this section.

Pages 16–23

Faculty Development

Discover meetings designed to develop your personal skills and provide an opportunity to network with your peers. College tutors meetings and clinical directors’ forums can be found here.

Pages 24–26

Key to icons Maximum CPD credits gained from this course Duration of the event Location

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Key to price levels


Standard price (includes VAT) RCOG/Specialist Societies member price (includes VAT) Trainee price (included VAT) Allied healthcare professional price (includes VAT)

2014–15 Events SEPTEMBER 8–9 Basic Practical Skills Course in O&G 8–9 Early Pregnancy and Gynaecological Ultrasound 17–20 13th European Congress of Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology

MARCH 18–20 Annual Professional Development Conference

5–6 Maternal Medicine: Medical Complications in Pregnancy

24–25 Basic Practical Skills Course in O&G

10 Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology Training Day

25–26 Post Reproductive Health

22–23 Benign Abdominal Surgery

27–28 RCOG National Trainees Conference 2014, Manchester

25–26 Training the Trainers


29 Intrapartum Fetal Surveillance

OCTOBER 3 PROMPT 2 7–8 Understanding Urodynamics 9 How to be a College Tutor 9 Newly Appointed Consultants Meeting 10 College Tutors’ Meeting 14 Management of the Term Breech NEW

2–4 Diagnostic and Operative Hysteroscopy 9 MBRRACE-UK Maternal Mortality and Sepsis Morbidity Report Launch NEW

JANUARY 2015 12–16 Part 1 MRCOG Revision Course 19–20 Basic Practical Skills Course in O&G 21–23 RCOG Annual Academic Meeting 28–30 MRCOG Final Preparation: Part 2 Written

16–17 MRCOG Final Preparation: Intensive OSCE

30 Essential Obstetric Ultrasound Course

20–21 Basic Practical Skills Course in O&G

6 RCOG Operative Birth Simulation Training (ROBuST) Training the Trainers Course

23 Each Baby Counts Launch



7 Medical Students Day

3–4 BSUG Annual Scientific Update in Urogynaecology

9–10 Basic Practical Skills Course in O&G

3–7 MRCOG Final Preparation: OSCE

12 Manual Vacuum Aspiration Training Course

13 Clinical Directors’ Forum

13 Laparoscopic Urogynaecology NEW

14 RCOG Operative Birth Simulation Training (ROBuST) Trainees Course

24 Masterclass in Management of PPH

15 RCOG Careers Day for Junior Doctors

25–26 Basic Colposcopy

13 PROMPT 2 18–19 Early Pregnancy and Emergency Gynaecology 20 Maternity Patient Safety Day 23–24 Basic Practical Skills Course in O&G 27 RCOG Operative Birth Simulation Training (ROBuST) Training the Trainers Course

APRIL 12–15 RCOG World Congress 2015, Brisbane, Australia 13–17 MRCOG Final Preparation: OSCE 23–24 Risk Management in Medico Legal Issues in Women’s Health 23–24 Training the Trainers 27–1 May Subfertility and Reproductive Endocrinology and Assisted Conception Theoretical Courses

MAY 6 How to be a College Tutor 7–9 MRCOG Final Preparation: Intensive OSCE 12 Childbirth and Pelvic Floor Trauma 14 Clinical Directors’ Forum 22 Female Sexual Dysfunction and the Pelvic Floor NEW

Please note that the above dates are subject to change. For the most up-to-date listing, please visit rcog.org.uk/events Page 5

RCOG Careers Day for Junior Doctors

15 November 2014 A unique opportunity to discover more about a career in obstetrics and gynaecology. iscover: D Find out about the variety of ways in which you can work in O&G A sk the experts: Meet clinicians at all levels to discuss how to get into O&G and to maximise your career options in the future T est your skills: Try your hand at dealing with obstetric difficulties and emergencies using dummy trainers. Get involved in other workshops covering various practical aspects of the specialty S pecialise: Visit the stands of O&G’s specialist societies, all of whom are experts in their areas, and find out what a wide range of areas O&G covers

Page 6

Who should attend? Junior doctors thinking about applying for specialist training this year

1 day



RCOG, London

Training and Professional Events Browse this section to discover courses for every training stage and find the topics you’re interested in, from core curriculum to specialist ATSM modules. The RCOG’s membership examination is the gold standard qualification for obstetricians and gynaecologists. With over 5,000 candidates sitting our Part 1 and Part 2 MRCOG examinations each year, we have designed a series of revision courses to help candidates achieve their MRCOG. The MRCOG Final Preparation series includes our Part 1 Revision Course, Part 2 Revision Course, OSCE Revision Course and Intensive OSCE Revision Course. We also run a programme of theoretical courses to support ATSMs, including: Early Pregnancy and Gynaecological Ultrasound, Benign Abdominal Surgery, Post Reproductive Health, and Diagnostic and Operative Hysteroscopy. Remember ATSM theoretical courses are valid for three years and must be completed prior to completion of the practical component of the ATSMs. Look out for the new RCOG Operative Birth Simulation Training Course (ROBuST), which is designed to provide instruction and hands-on practice in all methods of operative vaginal birth (both non-rotational and rotational) to facilitate the achievement of the OSAT competencies on the RCOG Training Matrix.

The RCOG National Trainees Conference 2014, Manchester, is designed for O&G trainees at every stage of their career. Get advice on succeeding in early O&G training, Part 2 MRCOG tips and techniques, and guidance on life after CCT.

“ It was very good opportunity to meet the examiners as well as the actresses and to get very informative feedback which is something we really need before the exam. For me I think this is the best course I attended in the UK for MRCOG OSCE.” Intensive OSCE delegate, 21–22 January 2013

Page 7

RCOG Basic Practical Skills in O&G

Various 2014 This course has been designed to introduce trainees to safe surgical techniques and obstetric clinical skills in a structured workshop environment. The course is standardised to ensure that common objectives, content structure and assessment methods are followed. The content is designed to complement the RCOG Training Portfolio Logbook and is linked to OSATS. The course is intended for trainees and is a mandatory requirement into ST3. The course covers the following topics: Principles of safe and effective surgery Handling instruments Knot tying Suturing Handling tissues Principles of haemostasis and dissection Principles of electrosurgery Principles of gynaecological examination Anatomy of pelvic floor Episiotomy repair D&C evacuation of uterus Management of normal and breech delivery Fetal blood sampling Caesarean section Ventouse and forceps delivery Management of shoulder dystocia Management of massive obstetric haemorrhage Surgical documentation Endoscopic equipment Principles of safe hysteroscopy Principles of safe laparoscopic entry

RCOG Curriculum Mandatory requirement for entry into ST3 Core Curriculum: Modules 5, 6, 7, 16

Who should attend? Trainees ST 1–2

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Confirmed Courses

1 –3 August, Surrey 8–9 September, RCOG 20–21 September, Stevenage 11–12 October, London 13–14 October, Nottingham 20–21 October, RCOG 4–6 November, Birmingham 12–14 November, London 19–21 November, Manchester 24–25 November, RCOG 24–26 November, Norfolk 1–3 December, Leicester 9–10 December, Portsmouth

Basic Practical Skills Convenors Mr Wai Yoong FRCOG, London

Mr Wasim Lodhi MRCOG, London Up-to-date listings are available online at rcog.org.uk/bps and are continually updated

2 day


See Website

RCOG, London

Part 1 MRCOG Revision Course

MRCOG Final Preparation: Part 2 Written

12–16 January 2015

28–30 January 2015

This five-day course focuses on revision for the Part 1 MRCOG exam and offers a comprehensive programme of lectures covering all components of the exam.

In March 2015 the MRCOG Part 2 Written exam will be changing its format.

There is extensive exposure to typical exam questions, practice MCQ sessions plus general advice about preparing for and taking the exam, and advice from the RCOG Examinations team.

Who should attend? Trainees ST 1–3

Part 1 MRCOG examination candidates

Course organisers

Dr Anthony Griffiths MRCOG, Wales Dr Asma Khalil MRCOG, London

The two written papers will consist entirely of Single Best Answer Questions (SBAs) and Extended Matching Questions (EMQs). The RCOG will be holding the first Part 2 MRCOG Revision Course in January 2015 at the College, which focuses on polishing your exam techniques to improve your chances of passing the NEW written papers. Developed and taught by experienced MRCOG Examiners, you will have tutorials about the new exam question formats and ample opportunity to practise SBAs and EMQs. This course will map the RCOG core curriculum and the exam syllabus; you will also have lectures from experts about current developments and hot topics in key curriculum area.

Who should attend? Trainees ST 4–5

Part 2 MRCOG examination candidates All Registered Trainees receive 20% off Cambridge University Press titles. visit rcog.org.uk/shop

5 day


See Website

Course organisers

Dr Yasmin Sajjad MRCOG, Manchester Dr Anita Sanghi FRCOG, London

RCOG, London

3 day


RCOG, London

See Website

Page 9

MRCOG Final Preparation: Intensive OSCE

MRCOG Final Preparation: OSCE

16–17 October 2014

3–7 November 2014

A two-day OSCE course focussed on developing the communication skills that are the key to OSCE success.

A common reason for failing the OSCE is poor exam technique. This OSCE course focuses on exam technique to maximise your chances of passing the OSCE exam and be awarded your Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

You will work one-to-one with examiners and in small groups with experienced actors to improve your technique.

Who should attend?

Trainees ST 4–5 This course is limited to 20 candidates and is aimed specifically at candidates who have the knowledge and ability to pass the written papers only to fail the OSCE due to communication errors Candidates that haven’t practised O&G in the UK will particularly benefit from attending this course

Course organisers

Dr Yasmin Sajjad MRCOG, Manchester Dr Anita Sanghi FRCOG, London

This one-day course is unique in giving you 3 full OSCE circuits with experienced MRCOG examiners. You receive individual feedback on each station from the examiners. In the OSCE the actors award up to 4 marks and you will receive feedback from the actors to help you improve your communication skills. You will also receive a DVD of your performance in one of the role play stations to take home with you, to help you reflect on your strengths and areas for change. There are a maximum of 30 places per day.

Who should attend?

Trainees ST 4–5 Candidates who have passed the Part 2 written component

Course organisers

Dr Yasmin Sajjad MRCOG, Manchester Dr Anita Sanghi FRCOG, London

All Registered Trainees receive 20% off MRCOG Revision textbooks. visit rcog.org.uk/shop

2 day

TRN Page 10


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RCOG, London

1 day




RCOG, London

Early Pregnancy and Gynaecological Ultrasound

Benign Abdominal Surgery

8–9 September 2014

22–23 September 2014

We have invited leading practitioners in this field to give up-to-date lectures in key areas.

This two-day theory course covers the essential aspects of intermediate laparoscopic and open surgery.

There are case discussions to demonstrate the use of ultrasound in solving diagnostic problems in real clinical situations. Video sessions provide examples of many common gynaecological conditions and give an opportunity to see rare conditions.

Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

Perform gynaecological ultrasound examination in a safe and structured way Understand principles of differential diagnosis of uterine and ovarian abnormalities Assess women with postmenopausal bleeding using ultrasound and suspected early pregnancy abnormalities Learn about the use of ultrasound in women with pelvic pain and endometriosis Complete the ATSM ‘Actute Gynaecology and Early Pregnancy’ Curriculum: ‘Ultrasound in Gynaecology’ and ‘Ultrasound of Early Pregnancy Complications’

Understand the fundamental basic theory required for Benign Gynaecological Surgery and the basis for the most commonly encountered procedures Complete the ATSM ‘Benign Abdominal Surgery: open and laparoscopic theoretical syllabus’ and/or ATSM in ‘Advanced Laparoscopy Surgery for the excision of benign disease’ Improve patient selection and communication of risk Have a thorough understanding of adnexal surgery Have an in depth technical understanding of hysterectomy – vaginal, open and laparoscopic

Who should attend?

Trainees ST 6–7 All trainees and consultants in O&G All those with an interest in gynaecological surgery Clinicians interested in developing their understanding of intermediate level laparoscopic surgery SAS Doctors

Who should attend?

Trainees ST 4–5 Consultants in O&G Those who wish to improve their gynaecological scanning skills

Course organisers

Mr Saikat Banerjee MRCOG, Chertsey Mr Kevin Phillips MRCOG, Hull, President BSGE

SAS Doctors

Course organisers

Mr Davor Jurkovic FRCOG, London Professor Lil Valentin FRCOG, Sweden

Joint RCOG/ BSGE Meeting

11 credits 2 days


14 credits RCOG, London

£516.00 £465.60 RCOG £415.20 £352.20 AHP

2 day


RCOG, London

£516.00 £465.60 RCOG £415.20 £352.20 AHP Page 11

Training the Trainers

Understanding Urodynamics

25–26 September 2014

7–8 October 2014

This interactive, small group course is essential for all clinical trainers and is led by an expert faculty.

This course will give an up-to-date perspective of the assessment and management of lower urinary tract dysfunction in women.

The course will equip you with the skills to enhance your teaching sessions, give more effective feedback, deal with difficult appraisals and more.

RCOG Curriculum

‘Medical Education’ ATSM

The course will cover both theoretical and practical aspects of investigating the lower urinary tract. The course includes lectures, interactive case discussion, hands-on demonstration of equipment and video demonstration of female urodynamics.

Learning Objectives

Who should attend? Trainees ST 6–7 Consultants in O&G SAS Doctors

Course organisers

Mr Alex Taylor MD MRCOG, Bournemouth Mr Robert Haughney FRCOG, Kettering

Apply good practice guidance when performing urodynamics Complete the ATSM ‘Urogynaecology and Vaginal Surgery’ Acquire knowledge of equipment and scientific principles underpinning urodynamics Understand application and limitation of urodynamics in different groups of patients Ability to interpret patterns, recognise artefacts and formulate a urodynamics report

Who should attend? Trainees ST 6–7 Consultants in gynaecology Continence advisors GPs

Physiotherapists Specialist nurses SAS Doctors

Course organiser

Dr Lucia Dolan FRCOG, Belfast

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Joint RCOG/ BSUG Meeting

13 credits

12 credits 2 day

STD TRN Page 12

£516.00 £425.69 RCOG £415.20

2 day

RCOG, London


RCOG, London

£516.00 £465.60 RCOG £415.20 £352.20 AHP

ROBuST Course (RCOG Operative Birth Simulation Training)

Post Reproductive Health

14 November 2014

25–26 November 2014

Exclusively for trainees ST 2–3, this new course provides instruction and hands-on practice in all methods of operative vaginal birth (both non-rotational and rotational) to facilitate the achievement of the OSAT competencies on the RCOG Training Matrix.

This meeting endeavours to provide answers to the most commonly asked and most difficult questions in the management of post reproductive health.

Techniques for performing a caesarean section at full dilatation are also covered. The course consists of short lectures, hands-on workshops and small group discussions on teamwork and communication.

RCOG Curriculum

Operative vaginal birth OSAT competencies on the RCOG Training Matrix

Who should attend? Trainees ST 2–3

ROBuST course organisers

Dr Alison Gale FRCOG, Preston, RCOG Simulation Lead Dr George Attilakos MRCOG, London Professor Tim Draycott FRCOG, Bristol Dr Dimitrios Siassakos MRCOG, Bristol Ms Cathy Winter, Bristol

Learning Objectives

Recognise the ways in which menopause can affect quality of life and long term health Target investigations according to each clinical scenario Individualise hormonal and alternative therapeutic regimens that best suit your patients Manage patients with menopause related problems confidently Identify and fully comprehend key research in the field of post reproductive medicine Obtain the BMS/FSRH Advanced Menopause Certificate Complete the ATSM ‘Menopause’

Who should attend? Trainees ST 6–7 Consultants in O&G Family planning doctors GPs Specialist nurses

Healthcare professionals who care for menopausal women Sexual health doctors with a special interest in menopause SAS Doctors

Course organiser

Mr Nick Panay MRCOG, London

Places are limited to 12 per course so book early to avoid disappointment

1 day


Joint RCOG/ BMS Meeting

13 credits

RCOG, London

2 day



RCOG, London

£516.00 £465.60 RCOG £415.20 £352.20 AHP Page 13

RCOG National Trainees Conference 2014, Manchester 27–28 November 2014 The only National Conference for Trainees in Obstetrics and Gynaecology The RCOG National Trainees Conference is designed for O&G trainees at every stage of their career. Get advice on succeeding in early O&G training, Part 2 MRCOG tips and techniques, and guidance on life after CCT.

Who should attend?

All trainees in O&G Medical students Those with an interest in O&G

5 reasons to attend NTC 2014

1 Improve your CV with a national presentation and abstract published in BJOG 2 Network with national O&G experts and colleagues from the UK and abroad 3 Attend tailored sessions designed to cover the new 2013 curriculum 4 Get career and training advice and have a voice in shaping the future of your training 5 Experience the famous Manchester social life at the NTC Gala Dinner

Join us in Manchester

NTC 2014 is hosted by the North West Obstetrics and Gynaecology Training and Education Society, and will

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take place in Manchester. One of the UK’s most dynamic cities, Manchester is a hot-bed of business, cultural and sporting activities. From Premiership football matches, to international festivals, there is always something to experience and discover in Manchester; whether it’s your first time in the city or you have lived there for years. While in Manchester, take time to explore the newest bars and restaurants, listen to live music, attend a Premiership match, or stop by and experience the Manchester Christmas Markets; the biggest and oldest Christmas markets in the North West. Join the conversation #NTC14 See who’s coming and join our Facebook event Get news and updates on NTC 2014 at rcog.org.uk/NTC2014

NOTES North West Obstetrics and Gynaecology Training and Education Society

Gold Sponsor

2 day


Diagnostic and Operative Hysteroscopy

2–4 December 2014 This meeting covers a range of theoretical and practical demonstrations of both diagnostic and operative hysteroscopic surgery. Topics include current and future developments in hysteroscopic procedures, new energy forms and innovative ambulatory surgery. There will be ample time for discussion, debate and networking through the course of the meeting.

Learning Objectives

Recognise when and why diagnostic hysteroscopy is appropriate and know how it is safely performed Understand how and when to perform hysteroscopic procedures in an outpatient setting with minimal discomfort Know the principles of setting up an outpatient hysteroscopy service and the role of tariffs Understand the principles and safe use of electrosurgery for hysteroscopic procedures Be familiar with various devices available for performing operative hysteroscopic procedures including endometrial resection and ablation, endometrial polypectomy, fibroid resection and hysteroscopic sterilisation

Be aware of the new developments in hysteroscopy and be up-to-date with the current research in this field Complete the ATSM ‘Benign Gynaecological Surgery: Hysteroscopy’

Who should attend?

Trainees ST 6–7 All trainees and consultants in O&G Consultants wishing to enhance their skills in hysteroscopy Hysteroscopist nurses and GPs with a special interest in hysteroscopy SAS Doctors

Course organisers

Miss Mary Connor FRCOG, Sheffield Mr Stephen Burrell MRCOG, Luton

Secure your place early as this meeting is usually fully booked

Complementing Courses Benign Abdominal Surgery, 22–23 September 2014

Joint RCOG/ BSGE Meeting

13 credits 2 day


RCOG, London

£516.00 £465.60 RCOG £415.20 £352.20 AHP Page 15

Consultants and Annual Updates The events and conferences in this section focus on specific areas of the speciality, such as urogynaecology or obstetric emergency training. They are not specifically designed for fulfilling curriculum requirements but provide opportunities for learning, debate and development. Our experienced faculty are at the forefront of new and developing areas of topical interest and respond by organising events each year on these important subjects. Look out for our new meeting on Management of Term Breech, the MBRRACE-UK Maternal Mortality and Sepsis Morbidity Report Launch, and Each Baby Counts Launch. Also in this section are our Annual Scientific Meetings and Congresses. In September the RCOG are excited to host the 13th European Congress of Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology. This triennial congress aims to showcase the best of European paediatric and adolescent gynaecology, with expert speakers from around the world reflecting the wide range of clinical areas that come under the umbrella of paediatric and adolescent gynaecology, ranging from adolescent endocrinology to education and standards. Finally, don’t miss the RCOG Annual Professional Development Conference, 18–20 November. This meeting is fully booked every year, so be sure to book your place early.

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“ Good mixture of lectures and breakout groups... enjoyed the debate and question time more than I expected to!” Annual Professional Development delegate, 19–21 November 2013

13th European Congress of Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology 17–20 September 2014 Held in London for the first time, this triennial congress aims to showcase the best of European paediatric and adolescent gynaecology. Listen to and participate with expert speakers from around the world, with sessions reflecting the wide range of clinical areas that come under the umbrella of paediatric and adolescent gynaecology, ranging from adolescent endocrinology to education and standards. In addition, plans are already underway to feature live surgery via video link from University College Hospital London. The physical, reproductive and psychological wellbeing of our children is paramount for their future health. This congress provides a valuable contemporary insight into the gynaecological issues affecting children and adolescents; their breadth and importance, serving as an invaluable educational tool and update on topical issues of increasing clinical relevance, and encompassing the multidisciplinary approach to paediatric and adolescent gynaecology. The congress also promises an exciting social programme making the most of the world-class heritage London has to offer. Delegates are warmly invited to attend the Gala Dinner which will be taking place at the unique House of Lords within the UK’s historic parliament building, the Palace of Westminster.

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Joint RCOG/BritSPAG/ EURAPAG Meeting

Registration Fees after Monday 14 July

17 credits 4 day


RCOG, London

£580.00 £530.00* RCOG £380.00 £380.00 AHP

* The Member Rate is available to RCOG and BritSPAG members, IFEPAG Fellows and delegates from EURAPAG member countries

Who should attend?

All trainees and consultants in gynaecology SAS Doctors

Course organiser

Mr Paul Wood FRCOG, Northamptonshire

Page 17

Intrapartum Fetal Surveillance


29 September

3 October 2014

This course aims to provide a clinical update on intrapartum fetal surveillance for doctors and midwives who work on the labour ward.

PROMPT is a multi-professional obstetric emergencies training package that has been developed for use in local maternity units with the aim of reducing preventable harm to mothers and their babies.

Learning Objectives

It consists of multi-professional interactive drills and workshops that provide hands-on experience of practical skills and decision making in simulated obstetric emergency situations. In addition to the course, each hospital unit will receive a ‘Course in a Box’ to facilitate the introduction or continued implementation of in-house multi-professional obstetric emergencies training. ‘Course in a Box’ includes course and trainers’ manuals and CD Rom with algorithms, implementation tools, scenarios and videos.

nderstand the physiology behind normal fetal U heart rate control Understand the pathophysiology behind the features observed on the cardiotocograph (CTG) trace Recognise features of various types of intrapartum fetal hypoxia Appreciate the role of oxytocin, meconium and temperature on fetal wellbeing in labour Understand the principles behind managing a prolonged deceleration Determine the role of additional tests of fetal wellbeing such as fetal scalp blood sampling and fetal ECG (ST-Analyser or STAN) Appreciate the medico-legal aspects of intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring

Registration Fees

£4,000 (£3,334 + VAT) per team, for teams that are new to PROMPT training £2,000* (£1,667 + VAT) per team, discounted price for Maternity Units/Institutions that have already sent a team to a PROMPT 1 Train the Trainers day, includes extended 12 month support package, plus all revised materials

Who should attend?

Course Manual

R C O G PRESS Visit the bookshop at www.rcogbookshop.com


This manual guides the trainer through the implementation process for the PROMPT training course. It is a vital adjunct to the PROMPT Course ‘Training the Trainers’ (T3) Implementation Day.The manual is divided into short sections, which provide the training team with step-by-step information to help to prepare and run a lively and effective ‘in house’ obstetric emergencies course.

Edited by Cathy Winter, Jo Crofts, Chris Laxton, Sonia Barnfield and Tim Draycott

Visit the bookshop at www.rcogbookshop.com

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 27 Sussex Place, London, NW1 4RG


The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 27 Sussex Place, London, NW1 4RG

Second Edition

The ultimate goals of training are to improve clinical outcomes and to reduce patient safety incidents.The PROMPT course has been evaluated and has been found to be associated with improved clinical outcomes. Of course, a team is only as strong as its weakest link so it is important that all staff are trained. A locally run course easily allows 100% of staff to be trained within a short period.

STD TRN Page 18

Second Edition

Edited by Cathy Winter, Jo Crofts, Chris Laxton, Sonia Barnfield and Tim Draycott

Joint RCOG/PROMPT Maternity Foundation Meeting

7 credits 1 day


Trainer’s Manual

ised w an m ith d u od new p dat ule ed s

This book is the Course Manual for the PROMPT course. It is essential reading for all attendees (who should read it before participating in the course) and will also provide much useful information for any health professional wishing to understand more about the management of obstetric emergencies.

clinical experience of actual emergency situations; interactive drills and workshops provide ‘hands on’ experience of practical skills and decision making in simulated obstetric emergency situations.Teamwork and training for communication in an emergency and many useful tips are included.

Trainer’s Manual

Dr Edwin Chandraharan MRCOG, London Dr Leonie Penna FRCOG, London

Each subject is presented in a variety of formats to stimulate the interests of participants: interactive lectures with time for

Course Manual

discussion and opportunities to draw from the participants’ own Practical locally based training for obstetric emergencies

ised w an m ith d u od new p dat ule ed s

The ultimate goals of training are to improve clinical outcomes and to reduce patient safety incidents.The PROMPT course has been evaluated and has been found to be associated with improved clinical outcomes. Of course, a team is only as strong as its weakest link so it is important that all staff are trained. A locally run course easily allows 100% of staff to be trained within a short period.

The PROMPT (PRactical Obstetrics Multi-Professional Training) multiprofessional training course covers the management of a range of obstetric emergency situations, which fulfils all the requirements of the maternity standards for CNST levels 2 and 3.

PRactical Obstetric MultiProfessional Training

Course organisers

Each subject is presented in a variety of formats to stimulate the interests of participants: interactive lectures with time for discussion and opportunities to draw from the participants’ own clinical experience of actual emergency situations; interactive drills and workshops provide ‘hands on’ experience of practical skills and decision making in simulated obstetric emergency situations. In addition, components of teamworking including training for communication in an emergency, are featured throughout the course.

PRactical Obstetric MultiProfessional Training

SAS Doctors

The PROMPT (PRactical Obstetrics Multi-Professional Training) multiprofessional training course covers the management of a range of obstetric emergency situations, which fulfils all the requirements of the maternity standards for CNST levels 2 and 3.




All trainees and consultants in obstetrics * Teams applying for the discounted rate of £2,000 will be required to provide details of attendance at the PROMPT 1 Train the Lawyers involved in obstetric medico-legal cases Trainers (T3) Day by staff from their Maternity Unit/Institution. Midwives All other healthcare professionals who PROMPT provide PROMPT care to pregnant mothers in labour

RCOG, London

£327.00 £276.60 RCOG £226.20 £211.08 AHP

1 day

RCOG, London

Management of the Term Breech

14 October 2014

BSUG Annual Scientific Update in Urogynaecology NEW

One day conference on management of breech presentation at term, including review of evidence regarding caesarean section and breech delivery and a review of techniques and pitfalls of breech birth. We aim to have expert proponents both of the evidence and of different approaches to delivery and with differing viewpoints. We will discuss evidence regarding and technique of ECV, and provide guidance on setting up an ECV clinic, the midwifery role, and auditing of an ECV clinic.

Learning Objectives

Understand the current complexities in management of the term breech Critically analyse the evidence surrounding breech birth Better supervise a vaginal breech birth Understand the role of external cephalic version (ECV) in the management of the term breech Understand how to reduce breech presentation at birth Understand how to start and audit an ECV service

Who should attend?

All trainees and consultant in obstetrics Midwives SAS Doctors

Course organisers

Mr Lawrence Impey FRCOG, Oxford Mrs Anita Hedditch MSc, RGN, RM

3–4 November 2014 The annual RCOG/BSUG Urogynaecology meeting aims to update delegates on current issues and clinical practice in this specialty. The varied programme includes renowned speakers from the UK and abroad, and will stimulate thought and discussion.

Learning Objectives

Improve your overall knowledge of urogynaecology Understand the basics of anatomy and epidemiology Be able to comprehensively manage patients with varying urogynaecological conditions

Who should attend?

All trainees and consultants in gynaecology and urology Nurses and physiotherapists with an interest in this field SAS Doctors

Course organiser

Mr Jason Cooper FRCOG, Stoke on Trent

Complementing Courses Understanding Urodynamics, 7–8 October 2014 Joint RCOG/BSUG Meeting

6 credits 1 day


Gold Sponsor

13 credits RCOG, London

£327.00 £276.60 RCOG £226.20 £211.08 AHP

2 day


RCOG, London

£516.00 £465.60 RCOG £415.20 £352.20 AHP Page 19

Newly Appointed Consultants Meeting

Each Baby Counts Launch

9 October 2014

23 October 2014

This day is designed to explore some of the areas that present challenges as a newly appointed consultant. We have planned an interactive day with experts to lead and facilitate sessions. The day is organised to allow networking and sharing of experiences with your peers from around the country.

This one day launch event for the Each Baby Counts project will mark the beginning of a five-year strategic goal to achieve a 50% reduction by 2020 in incidents during term labour that lead to stillbirth, neonatal death or brain injury in normally-formed infants. The launch of the project will take place on Thursday 23 October 2014 at the RCOG and we are inviting those who have an interest in the Each Baby Counts project. More details on the project as well as this launch event will be published on the website soon.

Who should attend?

Consultants within 3 years of appointment are welcome to attend. It is recommended to attend this course once in your first three years as a consultant Senior trainees within 1 year of their CCT

Learning Objectives

Feel confident in the requirements for CPD, appraisal and revalidation Develop your role within your trust and act as an advocate for your patients Understand the skills needed and resources available to deal with challenging situations

Course organiser

Who should attend?

This is an event for all fellows, members and trainees who have an interest in helping the College to meet this target, along with other healthcare professionals providing care for women and their families We also welcome women who may have had personal experience and stakeholders with an interest in improving care for women and their families using maternity services

Course organiser

Dr Jane Mears MRCOG, Bristol

Prof Alan Cameron FRCOG, Vice President, Clinical Quality, RCOG

Attendance is free by invitation only


6 credits 1 day


Page 20


RCOG, London

Annual Professional Development Conference

MBBRACE-UK Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Report Launch

18–20 November 2014

9 December 2014

The RCOG Annual Professional Development Conference brings together some of the UK’s most respected clinicians for a wide-ranging programme of lectures, debates and breakout sessions. Each year UK Specialist Societies are invited to host parallel breakout sessions, enabling you to tailor your attendance according to your interests and meet leaders in each field.

In 2012, the MBRRACE-UK collaboration was appointed to lead the Enquiry as one component of the UK-wide Maternal, Newborn and Infant Clinical Outcome Review Programme. This meeting will summarise the lessons learned for future care from the 2009-12 Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths and Sepsis Morbidity.

Learning Objectives

ear the full spectrum of recent advances from H experts in their field, deliberately tailored for a diverse audience Provide an update on current medical politics Learn about College activities through informal discussion session with College Officers

Who should attend?

All consultants in O&G Practicing specialists, this is designed as an update rather than as a basic introduction Some experience as a senior level obstetrician and gynaecologist is an advantage, although post MRCOG Specialist Registrars (especially subspecialist trainees wanting to keep up-to-date with other subspecialties) will also find the meeting useful SAS Doctors

Course organisers

Ms Ranee Thakar MD FRCOG, London Mr Nick Panay MRCOG, London Secure your place early as this meeting is usually fully booked

Learning Objectives

Understand the new arrangements for the national Maternal, Newborn and Infant Clinical Outcome Review Programme Understand the new structure and methods of the Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths and Morbidity Appreciate the value of investigation of morbidity as well as mortality Be familiar with the leading causes of maternal mortality and morbidity from infectious causes Be aware of the lessons learned to improve future maternity care

Who should attend?

All trainees and consultants in O&G, obstetric anaesthesia and obstetric medicine Midwives SAS Doctors

Course organisers

Professor Marian Knight DPhil FFPH, Oxford Professor Jenny Kurinczuk MD FFPH, Oxford Joint MBBRACE/ RCOG/RCM Meeting

17 credits 3 day


5 credits RCOG, London

£616.80 £566.40 RCOG

1 day


RCOG, London


£516.20 £427.80 AHP Page 21

rCoG world ConGress 2015 JoInT RCoG / RAnZCoG evenT

bRIsbAne AusTRAlIA 12–15 ApRIl 2015 Call for abstraCts now open

Join us in April 2015! The RCOG World Congress 2015, Joint RCOG / RANZCOG Event will be held in Brisbane, Australia on 12-15 April 2015. The last two RCOG World Congresses held in Liverpool and Hyderabad have been sold out, with participation from over 65 countries - so early registration is encouraged!!

Call for Abstracts Abstracts are invited for Free Communication (Oral), Electronic Poster (E-Poster), Platform Poster and Video Presentations on any topic relevant to women’s health. Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and will be selected using criteria such as: • • •

Presentation of new research findings Utilisations of new technology in obstetrics and gynaecology Papers that challenge current thinking in obstetrics and gynaecology

Accepted abstracts will be published in a supplement edition of BJOG. Prizes will be awarded for: • Best Free Communication • Best E-Poster • Best Poster Platform • Best Video • RANZCOG Researcher Awards

Topics of Interest Abstracts may be submitted in the following areas of interest: • Contraception • Early Pregnancy (gestation ≤11 wks) • Fertility and Reproductive Medicine • Fetal Medicine • General Gynaecology • Global Women’s Health • Gynaecological Endoscopy and Robotic Surgery • Gynaecological Oncology and Colposcopy • Labour and Obstetric Complications • Medical Education • Menopause • Obstetric Medicine • Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology • Psychosomatic Issues in Obstetrics and Gynaecology • Surgical Simulation • Urogynaecology • Current Influences on Women’s Health

Abstract submission deadline: Monday 15 September 2014.

date e h t Save

RCOG World Congress 2016 Birmingham, United Kingdom 20–22 June 2016 Returning to the UK in 2016, host city Birmingham is a dynamic, confident and expanding city that celebrates and reflects international culture and diversity like no other. With everything from museums housing over 500,000 pieces of art, and a 100 year old art deco cinema, to impressive shopping malls, fantastic theatres, world-class sporting events and more Michelin-starred restaurants than any other English city outside London, Birmingham will deliver an unforgettable congress experience.

Faculty Development Events As fellows and members of the College you constitute a rich resource of educational expertise, enabling each of you to teach and guide your trainees and fellow professionals to attain the highest standards in women’s health care. To demonstrate the importance we attach to high quality teaching, the College has devised a programme of courses to assist in the: Delivery of education in the workplace-based setting Development and delivery of education in a local/regional setting Development and delivery of education nationally/internationally Use these courses to develop your personal skills and network with your peers

Page 24

“ Programme was absolutely fit for purpose. Treated us as adults. Pitched at completely the right level” College Tutors’ Meeting delegate, 12 October 2012.

How to be a College Tutor

College Tutors’ Meeting

9 October

10 October

Designed to provide guidance on the current structure of postgraduate education in the specialty, understanding the process of assessing trainees, developing capacity for education in the workplace and quality assurance.

The College Tutors’ meeting is a free, annual event in the RCOG calendar.

The course is interactive and lead by an expert in medical education and quality control. There is particular emphasis on dealing with trainees in difficulty.

Who should attend?

Newly or recently appointed College Tutors

Course organisers

Mr Alex Taylor MD MRCOG, Bournemouth Mr Robert Haughney FRCOG, Kettering

It provides an excellent opportunity for College Tutors to come along to the College and hear about what is happening in education and training nationally. Updates are given by RCOG committee chairs on important College initiatives in O&G education and training, and presentations are given by external organisations such as the GMC. There are also workshop sessions on various topics of interest to College Tutors, some practical and others more exploratory.

Course organisers

Dr Clare McKenzie FRCOG, Dundee Dr Michael Murphy, London Ms Kim Scrivener, London

Attendance is free by invitation only

5 credits 1 day



5 credits RCOG, London

1 day


RCOG, London


Page 25

Sponsorship, Exhibition and Partnership Opportunities

Clinical Directors’ Forum

13 November The purpose of this biannual meeting is to ensure a continuous dialogue regarding what is important in delivering clinical director responsibilities. Using this forum, the College increases awareness of national policies and clinical directors are able to tell us the impact of such policies. Together we are able to develop the College activities agenda. It is a very useful arena to discuss issues and potential solutions and all clinical directors are encouraged to attend.

Who should attend? Clinical Directors

BOOK ONLINE and Save rc o g . o rg . u k / e v e n t s


5 credits 1 day



RCOG, London

Whether you wish to promote your business by sponsoring an event, manning an exhibition stand, or producing delegate pack materials, there are plenty of ways to promote your product or service at our courses and conferences. With over 70 conferences and courses, whoever your target audience we can provide a unique opportunity to raise your profile, build your brand, reinforce existing relationships and generate new business. For more information and to discuss your requirements please contact: Ursula Samson Sales Development Co-ordinator Telephone +44 (0)20 7772 6460 Email: usamson@rcog.org.uk

Page 26

Booking Information Please refer to full terms and conditions available on our website at rcog.org.uk/events/terms-and-conditions Rates

Please select the rate that genuinely applies to your current post. Checks will be carried out to ensure delegates are booking at the appropriate rate.

Booking and payment

Fees must be paid in full on or before the morning of the first day of the meeting. The RCOG reserves the right to refuse admission in the event of nonpayment. The fee includes refreshments, lunch, admission to the lectures and any technical exhibitions. Payment may be made by debit or credit card via our website at www.rcog.org.uk/events. Cheques should be made payable to “RCOG”. Payments from abroad must be by international bankers draft or money order in sterling, payment in other currencies will not be accepted. If you register on the day of the meeting, please note we can only accept payment by cash, credit or debit card (no cheques). To request an invoice, please see full guidance on the website. Please note that we are unable to accept invoice requests less than two weeks before the event. All invoices must be paid by the event date in order for the delegate to attend, if payment has not been received by this date the delegate will be asked for payment on arrival at the College. You are not guaranteed a place until you receive confirmation. Booking online provides you with immediate confirmation of your place and receipt of payment by email. If you have not received confirmation of your place before the start of the event, please telephone the Conference Office on +44 (0) 20 7772 6245.


All cancellations must be received in writing by the Conference Office a minimum of 2 weeks before the meeting (except Basic Practical Skills Courses, which must be received at least 6 weeks prior to the course). A standard administrative charge of £25 will be made on all cancellations received 2 weeks or more prior to the conference. We regret that refunds cannot be issued on cancellations received less than two weeks prior to the conference. No refunds will be made for non-attendance on the course. An administrative charge of £50 applies to certain meetings, including Basic Practical Skills Courses, Part 1 MRCOG Revision Courses, Part 2 MRCOG Revision and OSCE Courses. Please check your confirmation letter for clarification. Substitutions are welcome at any time. In the unlikely event the course is cancelled by the RCOG, we regret we are unable to refund any delegate travel and/or accommodation costs that have already been incurred by the delegate or any administration charges relating to cancellation of travel tickets or accommodation.

Visa Information

If you are from a country outside the European Union you may be required to have a valid visa to enter Britain. Please check your visa requirements before you book a place on any of our events and before you travel. We are unable to refund course fees outside of our cancellation deadline in the event that your visa is denied or not received in time for you to travel. More information on visa requirements is available from the UK Border Agency.


Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 27 Sussex Place, Regent’s Park, London, NW1 4RG Registered Charity Number 213280 © Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 2014 All information correct at the time of print, for up-to-date information please visit rcog.org.uk/events Page 27

Book your place now! Online at www.rcog.org.uk/events. Receive instant confirmation of your place and save £10! Speak to our team directly, please have your card details handy and call +44 (0) 20 7772 6245 Fax your completed booking form, available at rcog.org.uk/events with payment details directly to the Conference Office on +44 (0) 20 7772 6388 Post your cheque and completed booking form to the team at: Conference Office, RCOG, 27 Sussex Place, Regent’s Park, London, NW1 4RG, UK To be invoiced please see full guidance on the events terms and conditions page at rcog.org.uk/events/terms-and-conditions

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