7 minute read

The Herald - June 2019

June 2019 | Volume 45 | Number 6


VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL July 15 – 18, 2019 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM The Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church Time Machine awaits us! Join the adventure and travel back in time to learn about Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Paul. Let’s walk with them on their journeys! What did they see? How did they live? What mattered most to them? We will learn about the lands where they traveled. What were those places like then? And what is modern day Turkey, Egypt, Israel, and Italy like today? Rising Pre-K to Rising 5 th graders are invited on this adventure back in time! To register go to rcpres.org and click on the VBS link. Come explore the stories of the Bible and the gifts found in God’s hands around the world!

CHURCH ON MILL MOUNTAIN Everyone is invited to join us on Sunday evening, June 9, for worship on Mill Mountain at 5:00 PM followed by a Fellowship Dinner at the picnic shelter. The church will provide fried chicken, plates, napkins, and utensils. We will have water and cups. Bring your own drink along with something to share. If your last name begins with A-H Salad, I-P Vegetable, or Q-Z Dessert. Please bring folding chairs or camp chairs for worship. We want to encourage all to attend the worship on Mill Mountain, but we will have a 10:00 AM service on Sunday morning for those who are unable to attend our evening worship on Mill Mountain. We will not have children’s worship or a nursery for our morning service at the church.

Our “Year of the Bible” has been such an amazing spiritual and educational venture!!! In June we will begin exploring the New Testament. We will continue our small group studies of the Year of the Bible through the summer! These small groups will reflect on the previous Sunday’s sermon and explore the scripture for the following Sunday. Summer small groups will begin meeting the week of June 2. DAYS AND TIMES OF SUMMER SMALL GROUPS:

• Sunday, 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM, led by Leigh Sackett – We will focus on the previous Sunday’s sermon and the upcoming scripture in that morning’s 10:00 AM service. Meeting in Room 101.

• Monday, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM, led by Andrew Whaley - We will focus on the sermon from the day before and the coming Sunday’s scripture. We will meet in the Library.

• Wednesday, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM, led by Leigh Sackett – We will focus on that past Sunday’s sermon and the coming Sunday’s scripture.

These two established small groups will continue to meet:

• Wednesday 8:30 PM, women’s small group led and hosted by Jennifer Bryant and Anne Moore.

• Friday 10:00 AM small group led by Jeanne Fishwick.

Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord all the earth! For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise.

Summer is just around the corner and that means our programs of the church shift. This includes a break for our sanctuary choir. For the months of June and July, we are going to have church instrumentalists play and share their gifts in worship. We’ll also have some vocal solos and quartets. The music will be beautiful and will inspire our hearts to the Word. The month of August, then, is the “Y’all Come” choir. This year we’re going to sing all the Sundays in August. If you’ve ever wanted to try the choir but didn’t have the time to make the weekly commitment during the year, this is the perfect opportunity. This year there will be one rehearsal on July 24 from 7:30 to 9:30 PM. In this rehearsal we will learn all four anthems. If you’re only available to sing 1 or 2 of the four Sundays, I’d encourage you to come to the rehearsal. You’ll have a good time and you’ll learn some new music. Who knows, perhaps you’ll want to stay in the choir…..permanently. The call time on Sunday during August is 9:15. We warm up our voices, we review the anthem, and then sing our anthem at the 10 AM service.


Flag of Haiti

The Haiti Mission Group is privileged to be the focus of generosity activities at RCPC for the month of June. The congregation of our church and the Endowment Board have been generous foryears in supporting the mission endeavors we have undertaken at “our” school (perhaps once the Allison School, but now clearly St. Timothee’s) in the rural community of Larevoir near the south coast of Haiti. For that we in the Group are enormously thankful. More importantly, the community of Larevoir is enormously thankful. Unfortunately, the work there is never “done.” As has been expressed previously, the needs are immeasurable, particularly in this year’s circumstance of political turmoil in the country.

We have chosen to concentrate in June on the problem of hunger as it affects the children at the School. Information will be present in a Children’s Sermon, a Minute for Mission, a bulletin insert and This Week notices. All of these are directed to letting the congregation realize how pervasive hunger is in Haiti and how important is the feeding program this church sponsors. Just a few facts: • 20% of Haitians live with food insecurity, in which a food source for each day is uncertain • In the country of 9 million there are over 100,000 severely malnourished children • 1/3 on all children suffer from significant anemia • 1 of 14 children will die before age 5 – mostly from preventable processes often related to malnutrition or contaminated food and water

In this setting the students at St. Timothee’s each day receive a hot lunch of either rice and beans or rice and corn, fulfilling a significant portion of their daily caloric needs and often representing their only real meal of the day. Lunch is accompanied by safe water supplied through the water system this church placed there several years ago. Our cost is about $0.28 per student per day. It has been said before that there can be no school without teachers. It is probably equally true that there can be little learning in the presence of profound hunger.

We hope you have read this note. We hope you will be attentive to information disseminated this month. We invite you to contribute to the costs of each school day feeding some 250 students and staff at St. Timothee’s. We really ask that you pray for the children at the School, for their teachers and for a better future for them and their country.

This year the RCPC Salem Red Sox Fellowship Night coordinates with the RAM House fundraiser: "Pack the Park for RAM"! General Admission tickets are only $5. Game Details: Friday June 28 at 7:05 PM Opponent - Winston-Salem Dash Post-game fireworks

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY IN THE ROANOKE VALLEY - APOSTLES BUILD 2019 After a hiatus for a number of years, RCPC will once again partner with Habitat for Humanity. We will participate in the 2019 Apostles Build along with a number of other churches and organizations. This will be a two-story house at 1716 Loudon Ave. NW for the Ayamba family (2 adults, 11 children). We are currently scheduled to sponsor work on Saturday July 6. We need as many as 15 construction volunteers and whoever might be interested in preparing lunch for the crew that day. OSHA regulations require that construction volunteers be 16 or older. There is no age limit for lunch volunteers. For those interested in participating, sign-up sheets are available at the reception desk.

PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Did you know that Presbyterian Women take a break during the summer? We will not meet in June, July or August, but will meet again on September 9, the 2 nd Tuesday of the month. We will continue our study of “God’s Promise: I will be with you.” You can join us any time for our study as each lesson will stand alone as we study the ways that God is always there for and with us. So as we break for the summer, we can all be assured that God will be with us during this time too! And we hope you will be with us in the fall! We will be preparing for our Presbytery Annual Fall Gathering and want to invite all women of the church to join us for this time of renewal. The Annual Gathering will be on Saturday, September 28. Mark your calendar to save the date. Have a great summer!

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