Fall 2011
we remember
Table of Contents Features “Soldier, scholar, Crusader, he...” We Remember Richard Nevle p. 3 A Summer of Service p. 14-15 Annual Roll of Donors p. 23-55 Departments President’s Message - 2 News from 8900 - 6-11 Ignatian Spirituality - 13 Alumni News - 17-20 Class Notes - 21 Births - 22 In Memoriam - 22 By George - 56
Fall 2011 Vol. 44, No. 1 Editor Rick Rivers, Director of Communications Contributors Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ Robert Cremins Sean Ryan ‘13 Vince Santos ‘83 Wendy Santos Travis Drews ‘12 Sam Finney ‘12 Jonathan Vachon ‘12 The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory (USPS 024165) Vol. 44, No. 1, Fall Edition, is published quarterly by Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036. Periodicals Postage Paid at Houston, TX. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036-4699.
President Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Principal Ken Lojo ‘91 Director of Development NJ Santarcangelo ‘67 Though in the middle of summer, Strake Jesuit students turned out to pay their respects to their Principal, Richard Nevle. On Thursday, July 21 they lined the walkway for the procession of Mr. Nevle’s remains from the Lahart Chapel, where viewing had been held, to the Parsley Center for a Rosary Service.
ON THE COVER - Hundreds of mourners paid their respects to Mr. Nevle after his death in July in the Lahart Chapel and visited with his wife, Nancy, and sons, Richard ‘83, Charles ‘84, and Eric ‘86.
Table of Contents Features “Soldier, scholar, Crusader, he...” We Remember Richard Nevle p. 3 A Summer of Service p. 14-15 Annual Roll of Donors p. 23-55 Departments President’s Message - 2 News from 8900 - 6-11 Ignatian Spirituality - 13 Alumni News - 17-20 Class Notes - 21 Births - 22 In Memoriam - 22 By George - 56
Fall 2011 Vol. 44, No. 1 Editor Rick Rivers, Director of Communications Contributors Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ Robert Cremins Sean Ryan ‘13 Vince Santos ‘83 Wendy Santos Travis Drews ‘12 Sam Finney ‘12 Jonathan Vachon ‘12 The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory (USPS 024165) Vol. 44, No. 1, Fall Edition, is published quarterly by Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036. Periodicals Postage Paid at Houston, TX. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036-4699.
President Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Principal Ken Lojo ‘91 Director of Development NJ Santarcangelo ‘67 Though in the middle of summer, Strake Jesuit students turned out to pay their respects to their Principal, Richard Nevle. On Thursday, July 21 they lined the walkway for the procession of Mr. Nevle’s remains from the Lahart Chapel, where viewing had been held, to the Parsley Center for a Rosary Service.
ON THE COVER - Hundreds of mourners paid their respects to Mr. Nevle after his death in July in the Lahart Chapel and visited with his wife, Nancy, and sons, Richard ‘83, Charles ‘84, and Eric ‘86.
_________________PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE
“So, Father, how is the new year going?” “Everything is going great,” I always want to reply. And I’m delighted that school affairs really are going very well. But I have to temper my enthusiasm this year with the reality that the school is undergoing one of its most significant leadership changes in our
fifty-year history. The loss of Richard Nevle this summer was traumatic for our school community. Richard had been a part of Strake Jesuit since 1967, just a few years after we first opened our doors in the wake of Hurricane Carla in September 1961. For forty-four years he taught, lead, encouraged and inspired students, parents, and faculty. The support of so many emotional alumni, parents, students and friends at his services in July was an extraordinary tribute to the man Richard was and to the difference he made in so many lives. Like many others, I miss him daily, and quite frankly, I still expect to see him as I walk into a room, an assembly, or a meeting. The place feels different without him. Time will temper this feeling. As Richard’s son Charles observed at the funeral, many people have said that they could not imagine a Strake Jesuit without Richard Nevle. While that is true, Richard certainly could imagine a Strake Jesuit without Richard Nevle in the principal’s chair. Not only must the school move forward, it can and will continue to thrive, not without Mr. Nevle but because of him. His care and love of Jesuit education and the ways he shaped our school and mentored faculty will influence our current students and the next generation. Because of Richard Nevle, Strake Jesuit will have a future that is brighter and more exciting than ever. For this, I am truly grateful. One of the people that Richard mentored so well was Ken Lojo ‘91. After graduating from Jesuit, he matriculated at Texas A&M, later graduated from UT Law School, worked for several years as a Houston attorney, and then accepted Richard’s invitation to return to Strake Jesuit as a member of our faculty in 2002. Richard’s mentoring of Ken, including appointing him as Admissions Director in 2003, helped prepare Ken to accept a job he never anticipated, in a way none of us wanted. Mr. Lojo graciously accepted my offer to serve as Interim Principal when Mr. Nevle was ill. While there had been only one occupant of the principal’s chair in the last
twenty-one years, the smooth transition to new leadership was yet another of Richard Nevle’s gifts. I speak for the entire community when I say that we are indebted to Mr. Lojo for accepting this challenge, and I am delighted, although not surprised, that he has helped the year to begin so capably. As difficult as it is to say good-bye to Mr. Nevle – a teacher, friend, mentor – we recognize that God is present in each moment and in each person. Our Jesuit spirituality emphasizes the Lord’s ongoing work of creation, His presence in each of us, and our responsibility to use our talents and gifts for His Greater Glory. While Richard was certainly no saint, God’s goodness and presence in him was clear to all who met him, and experienced first-hand his generous, open nature. Because of Richard, we are all better, and for him we are all grateful. As I write this, our first senior Kairos retreat of the year is finishing up, Kairos XLVII, our 47th Kairos retreat since we began in the spring of 2002. While each Kairos is unique and special to the participants, it would be just another retreat in the long legacy of our outstanding retreat program except for the fact that this retreat is the first Kairos to be held at our own retreat center. The Strake Jesuit Retreat & Leadership Center opened this fall to rave reviews. I think that the RLC is one of the most exciting projects that Strake Jesuit has ever undertaken, and I am thrilled to report that it is now hosting retreats. As you will read on pages 8 and 9, the RLC took shape quickly, and now begins it service to students, parents, faculty and staff, and our alumni. There is still a lot to do there – construction continues on four new buildings now – but the center is already another home to our students. I hope you will have an opportunity to visit the RLC soon, and experience it for yourself. It is awesome! This year is indeed off to a great start, and that is due in no small part to the thousands listed in these pages who help support the work and mission of Strake Jesuit. Your generosity allowed Richard, allows me and every other member of our community to serve God’s Greater Glory through the mission of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory. We would not be the place we are, and our students would not be the people they are, without your support. Thank you. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue through this new year, filled with challenges and great opportunities. Be assured of my prayers for you.
Daniel K. Lahart, SJ
When I heard the news that Richard Nevle had passed away, I sat down to
collect my thoughts and feelings. Richard was, among many other things, a great conversationalist, and I am sure I was not alone that Sunday morning in remembering great talks with the principal teacher (which he once told me was his full job title).
Because of the loss we were all dealing with, my mind went back to another death:
a Strake Jesuit alumnus had died tragically young, and Richard and I were talking about a suitable poem to read as part of the eulogy he would deliver in the Parsley Center. We settled on W.B. Yeats’ elegy for Robert Gregory: “Soldier, scholar, horseman, he / As ’twere all life’s epitome. / What made us dream he could comb grey hair?”
Richard being Richard—always thinking of the individual, of the cura personalis,
always reaching for the Ignatian magis—he did more than simply quote those lines, beautiful as they are: he adapted them for that particular loss, and for the consolation of our particular community. And so from the podium of the Parsely Center, he said:
“Soldier, scholar, Crusader, he…” by Robert Cremins
Richard did live to comb gray hair. In fact, he lived into
The memory of meeting that genial gentleman and so many
his seventieth year—just as he had uncannily predicted in that
other images came flooding back to me as I sat remembering him
amazing personal statement, written at the age of fourteen, that
that Sunday morning. He had read that W.B Yeats elegy for the
the Nevle family discovered as they looked through boxes of
fallen alum, and that made me think of another elegy, written
memorabilia in preparation for the funeral services, and that Fr.
by W.H. Auden, for Yeats himself: “The day of his death was a
Lahart read as part of his moving homily (for now it was time to
dark cold day.” Outside, it was a blazing hot Houston summer
eulogize Richard Nevle himself in the Parsley Center).
day, but initially it felt like a dark cold day, when the news came
through. It was hard to accept that there would be no more
Yes, Richard had lived into his seventieth year, and yet it
chats, no more laughter, no more lessons with Richard Nevle.
seemed he was gone far too soon. Before his final illness, he
Strake Jesuit without him was hard to imagine. What were we
was as engaged, as vital, as passionate as ever. Indeed, I believe
going to do? Who was going to inspire us now?
that during his final illness he was as alive as ever—think of
the spiritual energy and imagination of a man (well trained in
despondency is that it points the way towards consolation. I had
Ignatian ways) who sees a sojourn in hospital as an opportunity
one of those Ignatian moments. I could hear Richard’s chuckle,
to make a retreat.
and I could see the twinkle in his eye, and I knew he was saying
The 2011-2012 academic year was set to be Richard’s last
something like, “It’s up to you now.”
as principal, after an extraordinary tenure of over twenty years
(which, mind you, was less than half of the forty-four years
in the hour of his death: “he became his admirers.”
imagine that Richard would ever have fully retired from the
school community he loved so much. Yes, he and Nancy would
Richard has gone to his reward with his God, but we, his
admirers, remain, ready to follow his example. We have to
probably have spent more time in their beloved Southwest; he
continue the work.
would have had more time to hang out with his sons, daughtersin-law and grandchildren; but Richard would never have stopped teaching. For one thing—and troops of fellow teachers as well
I remember standing with him, some time in the 90s or early
2000s, outside the Hamilton building, where the principal’s office used to be. It was an idyllic late afternoon, sunny and cool. “A
as generations of students can testify to this—he didn’t stop
great day,” Richard said, “for going down to the Ship Channel,
teaching just because he’d stepped outside a classroom.
drinking a beer, eating some oysters, and watching the boats go
A powerful example of this is community service. As was
by.” I agreed with him that that plan sounded like a little piece of
rightly emphasized in the days after his death, a big part of
heaven. Then he headed back into his office—back to his many
Richard Nevle’s legacy is the years he spent as the school’s first community service director. He was instrumental in introducing Strake Jesuit’s 100 hours of service graduation requirement
responsibilities, back to his mission.
Richard had no time for such ease in the middle of a busy
week, a busy semester. But now he is at rest, and I think in his
(highly innovative back in 1974). In the spirit of Fr. Pedro
corner of heaven there are ships passing by, and old friends
Arrupe, SJ, Richard made his option for the poor; he was
breaking bread, and stories and laughter. Lots of stories and
committed to doing justice, and he inspired many young men to
do the same during their formative years.
Yes, suddenly I got it (with a little nudge from Richard’s
spirit). The answer was in the poem itself. Auden says of Yeats
he served at Strake Jesuit—the Nevle Era). However, I can’t
Well, to paraphrase St. Ignatius, the silver lining of
No, I don’t think Richard would have ever retired in the
conventional sense of the word. He was one of those inveterate
There will of course be a Strake Jesuit without him—he
would have been the first to insist that there would be. Richard, thankfully, lived to see the celebrations for the school’s fiftieth
spirits who, as the saying goes, was always going to die “with his
anniversary, and his decades of effort—as a debate coach, history
boots on”—a phrase that I think is particularly apt in Richard’s
teacher, community service director, vice-principal, principal,
case because the very first time I met him, back in 1993, he was
and even interim president—have done so much to lay the
wearing blue jeans and cowboy boots: Richard, the proud Texan,
foundation for another half century that will be even better than
who knew the highways and byways of his state’s, not to mention
the first.
his nation’s (and indeed his world’s) history.
It is a bright day after all.
Many were moved to pay their tributes as part of this commemorative story. They represent many sections of the Strake Jesuit community, including parents, colleagues, and former students. Here is a small selection of their reminiscences: The principles of Jesuit education were well rooted in him and guided him in making decisions always balancing what was best for the student and what was best for the school. He firmly believed that the school should be available to those who could not afford it but were capable of doing the work. Richard had a very profound sense of justice, compassion, and cura personalis. He wholeheartedly believed that what we do in this place is God’s work and not just running a school. I admired him very much for his compassion and humility. While he was a very smart person, he never felt above anyone and he was always willing to point out the good qualities of everybody else. No job was too demeaning for him to do. From being the Principal to mopping up when needed. Whenever I messed up, and I would go to him to say I am sorry, he would uplift me and let me know that it is human to err and as long as I was willing to mend the mistake, it was ok just a tremendous sense of compassion. -Carlos Roman, Academic Assistant Principal Whenever parents made comments about how busy their boys were – with after school activities and with too much homework, Mr. Nevle always told them “A tired puppy is a safe puppy”. I always thought that was a great saying. -Debbi Schindler, Alumni Mom and Spirit Store manager From my perspective [as a student] he was always just the very definition of a good man. I remember being a freshman and Mr. Nevle eating in the cafeteria among the students by himself and then starting up conversations with some of the more lonely among us, asking about our classes and everything. Can’t think of a better move by a principal than that. -Burke Nixon, ’99 Richard and I first met when we were students at St. Thomas High School. He was a freshman and I was a sophomore, something he never let me forget. Many times when introducing me to someone he would say, with that twinkle in his eye, “you know, John is older than I am.” We went to the University of St. Thomas together where he met Nancy, the love of his life. Richard and I went different ways for three years and then, during the winter of 1966 while I was here at Jesuit, Richard surprised me with a visit. He told me that he was here for an interview and asked me how I liked teaching at Jesuit. I said, “Richard, it’s great. Get over here.” The next year he was with me and we have been together ever since. Richard Nevle stood for, represented, and lived all that Strake Jesuit stands for. He was a good and holy man who saw only the best in people and in situations. He was humorous and could tell great stories or enjoy a situation as well as anyone. Last May, just before graduation, I went in to see Richard about something simple that shouldn’t have taken more than a few seconds. He told me to sit down
and for the next forty-five minutes we talked, laughed and joked about memories and people and happenings from high school, college and our early days here. I will always thank God for and cherish those forty-five minutes. For me, Strake Jesuit will never be the same without Richard Nevle. He was my friend and I will miss him dearly. Richard, rest in peace and happiness with Our Lord. You have earned it. -John Hosty, Spanish teacher at Jesuit since 1966 As a Strake Jesuit student, I just missed Richard as a teacher—I graduated in May 1967, and he arrived in the fall. By the time I returned to the campus in 1974, for a job interview, Richard was already Chair of the Social Studies department, and he was my interviewer. It was during that long conversation that our friendship began. We discovered that we shared not only a passion for history but also for social justice. One of the great honors of my career here was when Richard, upon his appointment as Vice Principal, asked me to take over as Service Projects Director—a role that he had pioneered. “You’ll make it better,” he said, which was so typical of his ability to inspire, and his optimism about all facets of school life. During the decades that Richard was Vice Principal and then Principal, we frequently had to have conversations about serious, pressing matters. But we had many, many joyful conversations too. When I passed by the window of Richard’s office he would always wave, and often wave me in. Richard exemplified so many of the values we teach the young men here at Strake Jesuit—he was intellectually curious, religious, committed to justice, open to his own growth and the growth of others, but most important was how loving he was. We have lost not only a wonderful teacher and leader, but also a dear friend. -N.J. Santarcangelo ‘67, Director of Development I had a dream one Sunday morning in July in which I saw Richard walking towards me from a distance. He was wearing one of his typical hats with a heavy overcoat. I called and walked towards him only to find that he was looking off in the distance and did not reply to my attempts to get his attention. The dream was unusual for several reasons. First, I rarely remember dreams. Second, I do not recall having a dream with Richard in it. Third, the dream has not faded since I had it. I mentioned my dream to Patti that morning while we were preparing to go to church. At the time I did not know how serious Richard’s condition was. In fact, it had been some time since I had heard anything. After we had returned home from mass, Patti received a call from Ken Lojo informing her that Richard had passed away that morning. It was not until the shock of this news had settled that I made a connection between my dream and Richard’s death. Perhaps it was a coincidence but I tend to believe that in some mysterious way Richard’s exit from our moment in history had a ripple effect on those of us affected by his life and my dream was one of those effects. --Mark McNeil, Theology Dept. Chair
Mr. Ken Lojo ’91 was named this summer by Fr. Lahart to serve as Interim Principal
upon the passing of Richard Nevle. A member of SENIOR LORD NAMED
the Class of 1991, after graduation he matriculated
at Texas A&M University, majoring in political
science and minoring in philosophy. He continued his studies at the University of Texas School of Law, graduating in 1998. After several years of active practice, Ken returned to Jesuit as a member of the faculty in 2002 and taught Government & Economics, and Algebra.
In 2003, Mr. Nevle asked him to take on the
responsibilities of Director of Admissions, and he has served in this position since that time. Since 2003, Ken has been a member of the Principal’s Senior Ryan Lord has been named a Semifinalist in the National Achievement Scholarship Program.
Ken Lojo ‘91
staff and has developed an intimate understanding of the various areas of the academic life of Strake Jesuit. With some additional assistance, he also will remain Director of Admissions during the year.
The National Achievement Scholarship Program is an academic competition established in 1964 to provide recognition for outstanding Black
Chinese Mandarin is the the most widely-spoken language in the world and this fall
American high school students. Black
Strake Jesuit began to add to that number. In addition to the more ‘traditional’ courses
students may enter by taking the
offered in Foreign Languages – such as Spanish, French, and Latin – this fall Strake Jesuit
Preliminary SAT/National Merit
began to offer Mandarin.
Scholarship Qualifying Test and meeting other published requirements.
Unsure response,
of the
the school
was expecting to offer just one class. However, due to the interest, two classes are being offered with over 40 students enrolled. The class is being taught by Mrs. Ione Meyer who earned her BA in Russian Honors at the University of Bristol in England, her MA in Anthropology
University of
Mrs. Meyer teaches the first classes offered at Jesuit in Mandarin.
and her Post Graduate Certificate of Education at University of East London.
The memorization and writing of Mandarin takes precision and care. “So the
discipline in Mandarin 1 is rigorous and more like a Confucian classroom in ancient China
NEWS FROM rather than a 21st century college preparatory in America,” Meyer notes. “While their schoolmates are completing their homework tasks on a computer, these students have committed themselves to the task of copying each character and its order of stroke 25 times by hand.”
She feels certain that by the end of the year, students will themselves be fluent enough
to use the computer to write short assignments in Chinese.
ELEVEN SENIORS NAMED SEMIFINALISTS IN NATIONAL MERIT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Eleven seniors have been named National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists. Among the 16,000 Semifinalists in the 57th Annual National Merit Scholarship Program from Jesuit are David Brhlik, Dillon Caryl, Taylor Clayton, Bryan Curtis, Zachary Feldman, Nicholas Fernelius, Beau Guedry, Zachary McMenemy, John Mosele, Clay Spence, and Peter Ten-Eyck. Each of these Semifinalists have the opportunity to continue in the competition for 8,300 National Merit Scholarships worth more than $34 million that will be offered next spring. Approximately 1.5 million juniors entered the 2012 National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the 2010 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). The nationwide pool of Semifinalists, which represented less than one percent of U.S. high school seniors, includes the highest-scoring entrants in each state. To become a Finalist, a Semifinalist must have an outstanding academic record throughout high school, be endorsed and recommended by the high school principal, and earn SAT scores that confirm the student’s earlier performance on the qualifying test. National Merit Scholarship winners of 2012 will be announced beginning in April and concluding in July.
David Brhlik
Dillon Caryl
Beau Guedry
Taylor Clayton
Zachary McMenemy
Bryan Curtis
John Mosele
Zachary Feldman
Clay Spence
Nicholas Fernelius
Peter Ten-Eyck
BETSY GEHRING NAMED ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT Ms. Betsy Gehring has joined the Strake Jesuit Development Office as the Associate Director of Development. The mother of Corbett Ekonomou ’11, Betsy is very familiar with the Strake Jesuit community, having served on the Mothers’ Club Board for four years and being involved in many parent committees and activities.
She received her BA in International
Relations from the University of Southern California. Prior to moving to Houston The largest freshman class in the 50 year history of Strake Jesuit, numbering 250, began their days as Crusaders at an Orientation on Thursday, August 11. The new students represent over 55 zip codes from across the Greater Houston area.
she lived in San Francisco, Costa Rica, and Washington, D.C. She brings a wealth of professional fundraising experience to the position with over 20 years of directing and managing major gifts programs with national and international organizations. She also spent ten years in volunteer service with M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and Houston
Ms. Betsy Gehring
“We are very excited to have Betsy join the development team,” said Director of
Development N.J. Santarcangelo ’67. “Her experience in fundraising and her knowledge of our school community will be a great asset.”
Senior Alex Hansen, a 2011 National Junior Olympic Team, has been selected as USA Water Polo Academic AllAmerican for 2010-2011. The USA Water Polo All-American program honors students for their excellence - not just in the pool, but in the classroom as well. Student-athletes must participate in a USA Water Polo National Championship and maintain a 3.6 grade-point average to be eligible.
Members of every part of the Strake Jesuit Community - current and past parents, alumni, faculty, staff, and friends - gathered at the Retreat & Leadership Center (RLC) in Leona, Texas on Sunday, September 5, 2011. The special occasion was the Grand Opening of the first phase of the new Center. After celebrating Mass, the guests enjoyed self-guided tours of the grounds and buildings before returning to the Dining Hall for a hamburger lunch. If this first look at the exciting new Center is any indication, it will not only become a hub of all retreat activity for the school, but also a second home for all school constituencies. Aside from all student retreats, the RLC will host the annual faculty and board retreats as well as retreats for Mothers’ Club, Alumni Mothers, and new events planned for the Dad’s Club and alumni of every decade. Opposite page - top to bottom: - Fr. Lahart celebrates Mass in the Dining Hall during the Grand Opening Day with the Retreat Center as the backdrop - A view of the Dining Hall (left) and Conference Center (right) from across the lake which separates them from the cabins - Four of the eight cabins - One of the cabin Rec Rooms
JAZZ at the GREEN - STRAKE JESUIT AUCTION CELEBRATES A RETURN TO CAMPUS This year’s “Jazz at the Green” Auction 2012 will take place on Saturday, April 14, 2012. This auction celebrates the return of the auction to the beautiful Strake Jesuit campus for the first time in almost twenty years! Auction Chairpersons, Jean and Rick Jenner, promise an elegant evening full of New Orleans flavor with a few surprises thrown in. Join current and alumni parents, alumni, faculty and friends for this memorable event featuring live and silent auctions. The Auction was first organized in 1981 to provide financial support to the operating budget of the school. Over time, the school began to rely less on the Auction to support the annual budget and today the Auction primarily supports financial aid, the endowment, and campus renovation projects. The 2011 Auction proceeds were nearly $400,000. Your support of this event helps many wonderful families to be a part of the Strake Jesuit community, and improves and strengthens the school for everyone! April may seem far off, but there are many ways you can participate right now. You can advertise your business or place a personal ad in the auction program or serve as a major sponsor. Each of these help to underwrite the costs of the auction. You can even choose a specific area to underwrite. Plus, don’t forget those auction items - Silent, Live and Big Board. For more information go to the school website and click on Auction under Support SJ. And, of course, get a group of friends together and make plans to be there in April when the Auction comes home to the campus. For more details on the Auction visit the school website or contact Jean or Rick Jenner at email or Sharon Venables at svenables@ Laissez les Bon Temps Rouler!
ANNUAL PRESIDENT’S DINNER HELD FOR SCHOOL’S BENEFACTORS The annual Strake Jesuit President’s Dinner was held on Sunday, September 11 in the Clay Center and Moran Dining Hall. The over 300 guests in attendance, benefactors who have supported the school at the President’s Club level or above, were feted to a wonderful evening. After a brief reception of conversation and
NEWS FROM cocktails in the Clay Center Atrium, guests were invited into the Moran Dining Hall which had been transformed into an elegant ballroom for the occasion. After a delicious dinner, prepared and expertly served by Cordua Restaurants, those in attendance enjoyed the traditional video review of the highlights of the 2010-2011 school year. This year’s presentation was extended to also offer a moving tribute to Richard Nevle, who passed away this past summer after more than 20 years as the school’s principal. “Tonight’s video chronicles a fabulous year just ended,” noted school President Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ in his remarks that followed. “A year that should make us all proud. It was our 50th year, and it was stellar on many, many levels. An increase in National Merit Finalists and Commended students; wonderful accomplishments in a wide variety of our athletic and music programs; students living out their Jesuit mission through an amazing number of service projects and trips. Our youngest graduates headed off to an impressive array of universities, and they went there well prepared for whatever they might encounter. As our alumni of all eras beautifully model, our students leave here as Men for Others with a growing awareness of their gifts and their responsibilities.” “We have an historic year ahead of us,” he continued. “We have a new principal for the first time in over 20 years. We have a search for a new principal later this fall. We have a new campus opening at the Retreat & Leadership Center. We have a new science and engineering building to plan and raise money for. And far more important, we have over 900 students here depending on us for their education. And tonight we celebrate the financial support that you have provided to Strake Jesuit. This is the first time in school history that our annual fund raising has exceeded $3 million!” He concluded with an expression of great gratitude. “Thank you for being here tonight, and thank you for your support of our mission. Through your support, each of you is one of the people who makes things happen. Thank you for sharing that desire. Thank you from all of us here at Strake Jesuit College Preparatory. Thank you for making us proud. We vow to make you proud as well.”
Top: Fr. Lahart expressed his gratitude to those on hand for their continued support. Bottom: Everyone enjoyed a delicious dinner from Cordua Restaurants in the Dining Hall which had been decorated to match any hotel ballroom.
“Train yourself for Godliness” 1 Timothy 4:8
Every Monday, when we pray as a school community St. Ignatius of Loyola’s Prayer for Generosity we ask God for the grace “to labor and not to seek for reward, save that of knowing that I do your will” and I am often left with those words in my heart and walk away facing the challenge to seek and discern God’s will for my life. Discerning God’s will in our lives demands that we train ourselves in prayer and devotion. St. John Berchmans, one of the young Jesuit saints, serves as a living example for us, especially the young men we accompany each day here at Strake Jesuit. This piece is a reflection from one of our juniors who joyfully and faithfully serves daily Mass. His experience is unique and personal. Yet, I am also certain and deeply grateful that all of our students know the value of training themselves in devotion and sincerely seek to do God’s will in life. I pray his reflection helps you in your journey in becoming a man and woman for and with others.
by Sean Ryan ‘13
Candles lit? Check. Paten and chalice in the credenza? Check. Sacramentary pages set correctly? Check. Lectionary in place? Check. Priest. Where is Father? Is he running late? So begins my day every morning at 7:00 am in the Lahart Chapel of St. Ignatius. Most mornings I walk into a dark, unlit chapel with Brother Eckler praying the Stations of the Cross along the north wall. I say hello and make my way to the sacristy to begin my duties. I like to think of altar serving in terms of two parts: active service and contemplative prayer. Setting up for Mass- which includes the checklist above along with other items such as preparing the liturgical vestments and placing a gold, tasseled key in the locked Tabernacle in the small adoration chapel - comprises the majority of the active serving aspect. Participating in Mass is the most public, significant expression of faith made by Catholics, so preparation for that celebration is sacred in itself. Through this service, I know that I am doing God’s work. In the words of St. Teresa of Avila, I am literally “His hands and feet.” Because of its physical, visible nature, my work in the mornings strengthens my relationship with God in ways that silent, motionless prayer cannot. Once Mass begins, I, along with the rest of our close to
twenty-five member congregation of students, faculty, and parents, present to God all needs and wants for others and for ourselves. I enter a contemplative state of prayer where I can begin to honestly recognize what God has done for me in my life and what I can do to change myself for the better. At the beginning of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, I approach the altar to assist the priest in performing the lavabo: the washing of his hands. The water symbolically rids Father of any impurities as he says, “Lord, wash away my inequities, and cleanse me of my sins.” This moment in the Mass reminds me of our human nature as sinners in need of repentance. Through this act of repentance on the part of the priest, I am drawn back to the heart of our struggle as humans living in today’s society. Sometimes we fall to sin and temptation, and yet God embraces us regardless. After Mass concludes, the candles are blown out and the paten and chalice put away. The closed sacrementary lies in wait for Mass the following morning. After quickly assisting Father with placing vestments back in order, it is almost time for the school day to begin. I dip my hand into the holy water, and walk out the chapel doors to face the challenges that the day will bring. I feel strengthened by God through service and prayer.
‘I have only one
rule in life – God’s will.’ – St. John Berchmans, Patron Saint of Altar Servers
Summer of This past summer, as is usually the case, Strake Jesuit students took off for different parts of the world on Mission trips. In each case they used their muscles as well as their hearts to improve the lives of the less fortunate, either for a few hours or for a lifetime. Here, students give personal accounts of three of those trips.
Nicaragua - by Sam Finney ‘12 Our time in Nicaragua - interacting and understanding the culture and the people - gave us all a completely new understanding of this Central American country. For instance, many families here spend over half their income and close to half of the day obtaining clean water. After landing in Nicaragua (and then hopping on and off a bus for over fifteen hours), we finally arrived in Rio Blanco in the wee hours of the morning. Later, we hiked up a mountain over rocky terrain, in pouring rain with all our clothes, carrying supplies and tools until we finally arrived at a newly built school. It was actually about the size of two of our classrooms at Jesuit. This was our home for the next three days with no electricity, no bathrooms (but a latrine), no showers (but a temporary enclosure), and one hose as ‘running water’ for about 70 people. There, we dug a trench for waterlines to run water from the mountain top to the city in the valley. Our days began early with breakfast and the hike to the digging site. There, we
Belize - by Travis Drews ‘12 worked alongside locals who started their work long before we would get there. It was challenging and physically demanding, but knowing that it would get clean water to 270 families that lived in Rio Blanco, it was worth it. After three days we returned down the mountain and traveled by bus for nine hours to Chinandega. From there we visited an orphanage, spending time comforting those in need of God’s love. We also visited El Chonco village, one of Amigos’ projects, where we dug ditches for pipes which would eventually transport clean water directly to each household. Many of the older women in the town broke down crying once they got clean running water, saying that it truly was a dream come true. As our trip started to near its end, although everyone was ready to get back to the comfort of life here at home, a lot of us realized we had learned lessons and knew in a fuller sense what is was to be a better Man for Others.
The mission trip this summer to Belize was an enriching experience. Not only did we get to take in the culture and beauty of the country, we also got to make a difference for the village of San Benito Pointe. In the end I learned as much about Belize as I did about myself. The most striking thing about the trip was the atmosphere of the town we stayed in, Punta Gorda. Our group quickly found how friendly and kind-hearted the people were. We would wake up in the morning and stroll through the market looking for some food for that night’s dinner. Our next door neighbor, Tom, was one great example of the peaceful spirit of Belize. His laid back, easy going nature and insightful wisdom quickly made him popular. He made and sold art for a living and one work of art that he made is the solidarity ring, which is made from a nut that is found all over Belize. It is a symbol of solidarity with the poor. As he worked, he explained to me the concept, “The poor people cannot afford gold and silver, so we
Service Peru - by Jonathan Vachon ‘12 make our rings out of these nuts. When you wear this it shows that you support the poor.” Tom made rings for all of us and they became the symbol for the trip. The high point of the trip was the reason we traveled there in the first place; our work in San Benito Pointe. We had to travel two hours every morning over some of the bumpiest roads known to man to get to our worksite. We even had to plow through nearly-flooded rivers to get there. Once we got there, however, our work was rewarding. We worked on building a library with the help of our guide, Frankie. The most rewarding part of our work was to see a building take shape and to meet and talk with the villagers. Ten days in a country where air conditioning is rare and storms are common may not sound appealing, but I enjoyed every second of it. Our time there may have been short, but it’s nice knowing that as much as we made a difference for the people of San Benito Pointe, they also made a difference in our lives.
The landscapes and ruins of Peru are simply breathtaking. I have never seen such blue skies, and when paired with the Andean mountains and the rugged roads, it is truly a sight to behold. Our tour guides, Arturo and Valentín, taught us about the culture that was so central in people’s lives. We learned a great deal about the Incan architecture, their religion, and their ways of living. The reason we went to Peru was to help others, especially the less fortunate and abandoned. Each of us chipped in a few Peruvian Soles to buy fruits, various toys, bouncy balls, and loaves of bread (each about the size of the wheel of your car!) and off we went to see the kids at El Hogar de Las Estrellas, an orphange. We were greeted by 5 year-old Sarah, who reminded you of pure joy and innocence with her squeals of “¡Hola!.” Then there was Cesar, an energized boy, who immediately ran up to Nick Bostwick and gave him a hug, which was shortly followed by a demand for a piggyback ride.
Even with 15 of us to help around the orphanage, it was by no means an easy task. Each of us rotated jobs. Some of us helped bathe the children, some helped prepare meals, and some played with the kids. There were just a myriad of things to do. When Jesuit’s Community Service Director Reynold D’Souza and I were conversing about how the children were so excited to the point where they were in tears, he reminded us that “there were so many of us…many of these kids can finally get the love they have never gotten.” The orphanage relies solely on donations, which don’t come every month. Every single one of us has been transformed by this incredible trip. At the end of the day, the culture and the people we encountered taught us more than we imagined.
1 of every 7 One of these students would not be at Strake Jesuit without support of the One out of every seven. That’s the number of Strake Jesuit students who receive tuition assistance from the school’s Financial Aid Program. Walk across campus on an average school day and it would be impossible to pick one of them out of a group of Jesuit students studying, playing frisbee in the Quad, in a theater production, or on one of the school’s athletic teams. Here they are simply Strake Jesuit students. The only difference is, without your support of the Strake Jesuit Annual Fund, there is a good chance that they would not have the opportunity to be Strake Jesuit students. Every dollar given in support of the Annual Fund makes it possible to provide this program that is so essential to the school’s mission. A part of that mission states that no qualified applicant is ever denied enrollment for financial reasons. If you have made a gift to the Strake Jesuit Annual Fund, thank you for helping to make a difference in a young man’s life. If you have not, please consider a gift today. Each gift, no matter the size, makes a difference. Simply use the envelope provided in the magazine or to make a gift online go to and click on the Strake Jesuit Annual Fund. If you have questions or would like additional information, contact N.J. Santarcangelo ‘67, Director of Development, at 713.490.8152 or
Four Alumni have joined the Alumni Service Corps (ASC) at Jesuit for the 2011-2012 school year. Jesuit began the ASC in 2003, modeling it after the Jesuit Volunteer Corps (JVC) and similar organizations like Peace Corps. Each year the ASC consists of two to four alumni, just out of college, who will spend a year in service to their alma mater. This year’s members are Ben Baker ’06, Robert Blue ’06, TJ Burns ’07, and Jacques Delouche ’07. Baker graduated from Penn State University with a BA in Religious Studies, Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies with emphasis on Ancient Mediterranean Archaeology. He is teaching American History and help as an Athletic Trainer. Members of the 2011-2012 Alumni Service Corps are (left to right) Robert Blue ‘06, Ben Baker Blue graduated from Louisiana State ‘06, Jacques Delouche ‘07, and TJ Burns ‘07. University with a Bachelor degree in General Studies with Minors in Sociology, Business Administration and Communication Studies. He is teaching Speech and helping with several sports at Jesuit Burns graduated from Creighton University with a BS in Business Administration with a Major in Marketing. He is teaching Algebra in addition to helping with our athletics program at Jesuit Delouche completed his BA in History and Political Science at Loyola Marymount University. He is helping in the Pastoral Ministries department and working with the Cross Country team.
Every so often in life, you meet somebody that has a profound impact on who you are
and what you represent. For William Delgado ’10 that person is classmate Bucky Ribbeck ’10. “It was during our junior year, in 2009, when I first learned what Bucky was battling,” says William. Ribbeck, an inspiration to all who know him, continues to successfully battle bone cancer. Bucky came up with the idea to bring something new to his senior year Spring Fling – a bone marrow screening drive.
When Bucky approached William and asked him to sign up at the donor screening
booth, it didn’t take much effort to get him to oblige. William said, “My mom is a doctor, and after I told her that I had been screened to become a bone marrow donor, she wanted to make sure that I knew full well what I may have gotten myself into.”
The screening process is fairly simple in that it only requires a swab swipe from a
person’s inner cheek. If the potential donor’s DNA eventually appears to be a suitable match for a cancer patient, subsequent blood tests are ordered. Should those tests confirm
the match, the methods for extracting the marrow can be quite uncomfortable and even painful.
Time passed and before long, William found himself relocated to Washington, D.C.,
beginning his freshman year at Georgetown University. This past August, after being notified that he was possibly a match and after having his blood tested and screened extensively over the summer, he was officially confirmed as being a marrow match for a young leukemia patient.
The last step in this process that began at Spring Fling was
undoubtedly the biggest and hardest step of all. William needed to negotiate an agreeable time for him to donate the marrow prior to getting bogged down with the curriculum load of college. Five days prior to actually having his bone marrow extracted, William had to receive injections once a day in order to enhance his body’s production of white blood cells. In spite of suffering some lower back pain as a result of the injections, undergoing a barrage of blood tests and a complete physical, and dealing with a wide array of emotions for about 4 months, William regrets none of it. He concludes, “Being given the chance to truly make a difference in someone’s life is a very humbling
William Delgado ‘10
and rewarding experience. I was glad to help, and hope that in doing so, others will feel compelled to do the same.” William Delgado truly exemplifies living as a Man for Others.
On September 15, 2011, students were well into their 5th week of classes. Fifty years
ago on that date in 1961, Jesuit College Preparartory of Houston held its first day of classes. Three alumni from the Class of 1965 who were there that day returned to campus to mark the occasion.
Joined by members of the current student council,
Patrick Doyle ‘65, Bob Sumicek ‘65, and John Glover ‘65 enjoyed lunch in the Moran Dining Hall (which they remember as the Smith Gymnasium). They were joined by school President Daniel Lahart, SJ, Director of Development N.J. Santarcangelo ‘67, Alumni Director Tim Scalzitti ‘90 as well as current Student Council President Sam Finney ‘12 and Vice President Billy Dodd ‘12.
The first day of school was scheduled to be
Monday, September 11, 1961. But that was delayed by Hurricane Carla which struck the Houston area. Therefore, the actual first day of school was Friday, (Left to right) Current Student Council Vice President Billy Dodd '12, Patrick Doyle '65, September 15, 1961. Bob Sumicek '65, John Glover '65, current Student Council President Sam Finney '12, Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ, and Director of Development N.J. Santarcangelo '67.
(Left to right) Members of the Class of ‘71 - Michael Wiseman, Matt Curry, John Fogarty, John Desilva, Richard Costello, Brian Branda, Mariano Salazar, Rick Martin, Shelby Hobart, and Stephen Curran.
(Left to right) Members of the Class of ‘81 with Br. Casey - Donald Stump, Robert Vinson, James Gehan, Mark Berggren, Roy Duff, Bobby Park, Ray Walker, Jack Reeves, Tim Richards, and Mark Kinkead.
(Left to right) Members of the Class of ‘91 - Ken Lojo, Tony Zubizarreta, Kip Noser, Shane Walsh, Chris Von Eschenbach, John Wilhelm, Matt Clinton, Alex Montoya, Mark Montalbano, and Billy Haardt
A total of nine classes gathered for Reunion Weekend 2011. Activities began on Friday, September 16 and concluded on Sunday, September 18. More than 30 golfers kicked off the weekend’s activities with a Reunion Weekend Golf outing on Friday afternoon at Wildcat Golf Course. Later that evening, approximately 150 alumni and their guests gathered in the Moran Dining Hall for the traditional President’s Reception (photos on this page). While the majority of those in attendance were local, this year alumni came from as far away as Singapore, California and Florida. On Saturday night, alumni and their wives or guests gathered at some of Houston’s finest restaurants for individual class parties. Among the locations where parties were held were Churrasco’s, The Tasting Room, The Petroleum Club of Houston, Danton’s Gulf Coast Seafood Kitchen, and Americas. The weekend’s events concluded on Sunday when over 100 alumni and their families gathered back on campus for a special Mass in the Lahart Chapel of St. Ignatius which was followed by a Brunch in the Moran Dining Hall. Next year’s Reunion Weekend Classes feature those from 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002, and 2007. Alumni from those classes should watch their email inboxes next spring for dates and more information, including how to help plan your class events.
VINCE SANTOS ‘83 by Wendy Santos
Members of the Strake Jesuit Class of ’83 who knew If you would like to help or simply want more information, my husband, Vince Santos, know the struggle he endures contact Vince directly at living with rheumatoid arthritis every single day. He walked The past three years have been some of the most around campus on crutches, challenging times Vince and I friends helping him carry his have ever had to face. Over those books from class to class. Since years Vince participated in a being diagnosed at the age of series of procedures to cure his two Vince has had numerous sleep apnea and to correct his surgeries to repair the damage lower jaw bone that never grew that the disease has done. properly. After graduating from Jesuit, The first surgery Vince went on to graduate with consisted of taking out his old Communication and Business jaw replacement joints that were degrees from Houston Baptist put in the 80’s. For the second University. It was during those surgery, the doctors created a new years he became the most active device with Harvard University Wendy, Joy & Vince ‘83 Santos with arthritis support. He created and installed rods in Vince’s head a support group for young adults, to grow out his jaw bone. I had to served the Arthritis Foundation South Texas Chapter, and bear the burden of turning the rods four times a day for spoke publically about his disease nationally at various thirty-five days to lengthen his jaw a mere millimeter each arthritis conferences. He won several awards including the day. Vince felt every single turn, his nerves burning from the Mayor’s award for Outstanding Volunteer Service and the constant stretching. Finally though, the last day came and the 50 Great Citizens, a world wide award given annually by rods wouldn’t turn anymore. We both collapsed into each American Express. other’s arms and cried like babies. After working in the corporate world, where many Vince had to drink every meal for the next 23 months are not sensitive to working with people with disabilities, while he was placed in braces to straighten his teeth. The Vince opted to soul search for his real mission in life, a third surgery realigned his top and bottom jaws and the last life called to serve others. After applying for social security surgery involved placing a chin prosthesis to make it look disability, something that really challenged his pride, he like none of these surgeries ever took place. A welcomed went on to do volunteer work. He began his service on distraction was the fact that we were pregnant with our first various church committees and then branched out, getting child, Joy. An interruption that made the past trauma feel even more involved in the arthritis world. He chaired like a mere memory fading away. national conferences and served on volunteer boards for Today Vince continues to serve our church, St. Thomas pharmaceutical companies searching for a cure. Aquinas Catholic Church, as a member of the choir, as a In fact, next March, Vince will chair the National minister to middle and high school youth, and most recently as Gathering for Arthritis Introspective held in Sugar Land lay spiritual director helping others grow in their relationship at the Town Square Marriott. The conference will bring with God. He continues to serve the arthritis community together those with arthritis and their support teams. The through Arthritis Introspective, a national organization that weekend will focus on education, and building support began as a group of friends with arthritis who felt called to relationships for people living with this illness. (Support is fill the void for adults living with this chronic disease. needed in order to offset the cost for those attending, many Vince chose a life of service. He is truely a Man for Others. of them like Vince, dependant on social security disability.
60’s Bruce Dugey ’67 welcomed the birth of his eighth grandchild, Kade David Bush, on August 10, 2011 to his daughter, Kimberly. NJ Santarcangelo ’67, the Director of Development at Strake Jesuit, and his wife, Patty, welcomed the birth of their first grandchild, Collin Michael Clements on August 29, 2011.
70’s Freddy Warner ’78 and his band, the Texas Tycoons, are scheduled to release their second album in October, 2011 on Freedom Records. They will be touring to support the album with several dates in Houston. He also manages federal, state and local government relations for the Memorial Hermann Healthcare System.
William Brewer ’97 and his wife, Anna, welcomed the birth of their son, Thomas James Brewer, on January 19, 2011. The family lives in Fort Worth.
Dr. Ivan Vrcek ’03 received the Class of 2011 Leadership Award at the University of Texas Southwestern after serving as co-president of the class for four years. Neil Curley ’04 is attending Arizona State University towards his Masters in Public Administration. This past summer he was riding with a group called Bike and Build when he encountered Michael Sullivan ‘87, Jesuit’s theater director in Rocky Mountain National Park.
Shane Hudson ’93 and his wife, Brooke, welcomed the birth of their son, Luke Webster Hudson on June 17, 2011.
Paul Van Osselaer ’68 lives in Austin and is former chairman of the American Bar Association’s Insurance Coverage Litigation Committee. He is a prominent mediator in the area of insurance coverage and has spoken nationally on resolution of coverage disputes.
Doug Foster ’69 welcomed his third grandchild, Kyle, Jr. who joins Molly and Ceci. He continues to practice law in Albuquerque and looks forward to less lawyering and more grandfathering.
Frank Simcik ’95, his wife Elsa, and their son, Leo, welcomed the birth of August “Gus” Frank Simcik on June 10, 2011. The family lives in Atlanta where he is a Finance Director at Pepsico. Dr. Michael Briggs ’96 has been named a Diplomate of the Academy of Coastal, Ocean, Port & Navigation Engineers, an affiliate of the American Society of Civil Engineers. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Ocean Engineering from the University of Texas, a Master’s in Ocean Engineering from the University of Southern California, an Ocean Engineers from MIT/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, and a Doctorate in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M. He lives with his wife, Mary Ann, in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Ricardo Nuila ‘96 is currently working as an assistant professor of internal medicine at Ben Taub General Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine. He also writes essays and fiction. An article he wrote about hemodialysis for undocumented aliens appeared last June in The New England Journal of Medicine. Also, one of his short stories was published in McSweeney’s and will appear in Best American Short Stories 2011, coming out this October.
Jack Bonner ‘98, who taught at Jesuit for seven years and served one year in the Alumni Service Corps, married Desiree Wieters in San Antonio on July 23 at the Witte Museum. They live in San Antonio where Desiree works for United Healthcare and he teaches at Central Catholic.
00’s Alex Henri ’01 is a member of the 2015 class at the University of TexasSan Antonio School of Medicine. He intends to earn his M.D. and Masters in Public Health and enter family practice and public health research. Andy Quesada ’02 graduated from the University of Texas Medical School, Health Science Center in Houston and will start his residency at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Pathology.
Chris Thomas ’03 entered Georgetown University School of Medicine. He graduated from Villanova in 2007.
Hugh Thompson ‘06 was married to Jessican Johnston in St. Louis on August 6, 2011 by Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ, Jesuit’s school chaplain. The couple live in Fort Worth where he is a Financial Advisor for Edward Jones.
Jack Doyle ‘71 Brother of Bob ‘68, Vincent ‘67 & Michael ‘69
Barnes Arbuckle ‘77 Brother of Randal ‘73, Greg ‘77 and Uncle of Paul ‘02
Richard Nevle 1941 - 2011 William Burke ‘84
Richard Charles Nevle was born in Houston on December 12, 1941 to Olivia Otto Nevle and Lawrence Nevle. He graduated from St. Thomas High School in 1960 and went on to earn his BA in History from the University of St. Thomas in 1964 and later his Masters in Education Administration.
Charles Chopin ‘89 Ben Thorseth ‘08 Brother of Lamy ‘87 Brother of William ‘06 and Uncle of Lamy ‘13
Marie Davidson Mother of James ‘75 & Grandmother of Randolph ‘14
Richard spent one year working for Prudential Insurance as a Group Insurance Administrator before turning to education as a profession by joining the faculty at his alma mater, St. Thomas High School, where he taught from 1965-1967. In the fall of 1967, he joined the faculty at Strake Jesuit as History Chair, teaching Government and World History. Over the years at Jesuit he also taught classes in European History, Speech, Native American Cultures, and Economics. In addition, he served as chair of the Social Studies Department and as Director of Community Service. In 1983 he was named Academic Assistant Principal and, in 1990, was named Principal. He served one year as Interim President in 2000-2001.
Harry Ford Father of Russell ‘89 Fajun Jiang Father of Yang ‘06 & Michael ‘15 Donald LePore Father of Steve ‘75 Jane Mayes Mother of Kent ‘78
He is survived by his wife, Nancy Louise Nevle, along with their three sons, Richard, Charles, and Eric; daughters-in-law, Deborah and Yim-Mie; and grandchildren, Kara, Alex, Matthew, and Sophia.
Emil Nassar Father of Daniel ‘69, Michael ‘75 & Grandfather of David ‘14 and Nicholas Mullen ‘13
Saints of God, come to his aid! Hasten to meet him, angels of the Lord! Receive his soul and present him to God the Most High. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, And let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen
Richard Nevle Father of Richard ‘83, Charles ‘84, & Eric ‘86 Maria O’Neal Mother of Shane ‘90 & Cline ‘00 Harrie Operhall Mother of Lance ‘01 & Robin ‘09 Carl Padgett Father of Clay ‘03
~ BIRTHS ~ William Brewer on January 19, 2011 William ‘97 and Anna
Edwin Reed, Sr. Father of Ted ‘76
August “Gus” Frank Simcik on June 10, 2011 Frank ‘95 and Elsa
Ann Rojas Mother of Randy ‘08 & Richie ‘11
Luke Webster Hudson on June 17, 2011 Shane ‘93 and Brooke
Joseph Toner Father of Steve ‘78 & David ‘86
William Brewer on January 19, 2011 William ‘97 and Anna
2010 - 2011 ROLL OF DONORS Dear Alumni, Parents, Faculty, Administrators and Friends, Since the passing of Richard Nevle this past July, I have spent a significant amount of time contemplating the past, present and future of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory. My perspective derives from having sons here during the past decade and my current role as Chairman of the Board of Directors, now in a third and final year. We all know the history of the school. Beginning humbly in a burgeoning sector of the city, a few zealous teachers and excellence- seeking students joined in a mission that grew into an academic, athletic and moral leader. When in the 1970s the school almost shuttered because of the Sharpstown financial scandal, Richard Nevle and other dedicated staff members volunteered to carry on, risking their own financial future. The school’s early reputation and older buildings on campus are a testament to their persistence. During the past decade there have been dramatic changes on campus. We have constructed wonderful new facilities and renovated some older ones. More significantly, we have seen the expansion of academic and athletic programs, the intensification of community service efforts, and the implementation of the initial stages of a strategic plan that will carry us many years beyond. This has been possible because of the vision of Father Dan Lahart, the leadership of Richard Nevle, the guidance of the Board, and the dedication of administrators, faculty, alumni, parents and friends. Certainly, nothing would have been possible without the generous financial support of the entire Strake Jesuit community. A few weeks ago many of us visited the Strake Jesuit Retreat & Leadership Center near Leona. This purposefully planned facility is already in use for spiritual and “team building” gatherings. It is the expectation of the Board that in the very near future, the RLC will begin to stress its leadership aspect, affording our young men the opportunity to learn and practice leadership skills that will be applicable in college and career, as well as faith, family and friendship. This school year, architectural design work should begin on the proposed new science building. Members of the Science Department have already devoted countless hours programming our future needs and visiting similar buildings throughout the area. This facility, and an enhanced curriculum, will advance Strake Jesuit graduates even further toward successful college careers in engineering, medicine and the sciences. While a capital campaign will be necessary, I believe this will be an easy and exciting project to rally behind. Richard Nevle played an important role in the early years of Strake Jesuit and had been a forceful leader in the present. Through his work on the current strategic plan, his memory will live well into the future. Finally, on behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank all of you who have generously supported the school, whether financially or in volunteer efforts. The next time you walk the campus or visit the Retreat & Leadership Center, observe who we are today, and then imagine who we can be in the future!
Strake Jesuit Board of Directors 2010-2011 Mr. Douglas Konopka, Chairman Mr. Charles Adcock Mr. Tom Adolph Prof. Pedro Alvarez Mr. James Bashaw ‘80 Mrs. Cathy Borlenghi Mr. Murray Brasseux Mr. Robert Clay ‘85 Fr. Justin Daffron, SJ Mr. Neill Davis Mr. Stephen Fraga ‘93 Mrs. Elizabeth Garibaldi Mr. Alex Gomez ‘87 Mr. Jeff Johnson, SJ Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ Mr. Eric Mullins ‘80 Mr. James Murphy ‘76 Mr. Hunter Nelson
Sincerely, Mr. John O’Shea Mrs. Louise Parsley
Doug Konopka Chairman of the Board
Rev. Msgr. Frank Rossi Publishing this Roll of Donors is a small way in which Strake Jesuit College Preparatory can publicly recognize those who have made cash gifts and gifts-in-kind to the school. Gifts included in this Roll of Donors are those made from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011. Every year the list grows with new friends who join the dedicated and consistent donors who have supported the School for many years. Each gift is appreciated and every gift is put to good use, whether it be to provide financial aid, renovate or maintain facilities, develop new academic programs or enhance technology across campus. Please take a few minutes to read the names of alumni, current and past parents, grandparents, faculty and staff, as well as friends of the school who have made a gift this year. Because of their support, Strake Jesuit can continue to challenge young men to learn, lead, serve and grow to become Men for Others.
Mr. Roger Sahni Mr. Monte Sneed Mrs. Suzanne Werner
R O L L Ignatius Club Anonymous ++ h Anonymous h ' Anonymous h Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock ++ h ' Mr. Tom Adolph ‘75 ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Agee ++ ' Agee Family Foundation h ' Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Ammons h ' Anadarko Petroleum Corporation ++ h Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston ++ h Mr. & Mrs. James H. Barkley ‘81 h ' Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bashaw ‘80 + ' Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Beathard h ' Mr. & Mrs. David R. Beathard ‘77 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Paul Beck h ' Mr. & Mrs. James E. Blackwell + Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Giorgio Borlenghi + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Murray E. Brasseux h ' Mr. & Mrs. John J. Brennan h ' Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Brock + Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Brooks ‘83 h The Brown Foundation, Inc. + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman + ' Chevron ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Clay ‘85 h ' Mr. & Mrs. Greg Clay ‘86 h ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. M. D. Colley h ' Conoco Phillips, Inc. ++ h ' Continental Airlines, Inc. h Mr. & Mrs. Chris Cook h Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Cousino + h ' Dr. & Mrs. Rabih O. Darouiche + Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Dobrowski + Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83 ++ h ' Mr. Charles F. Duffield, II & Dr. Rosemary Buckle h ' Mr. & Mrs. Raul Elorduy h Mr. Raul Elorduy Candiani & Mrs. Alina B. Elorduy Mr. & Mrs. Troy P. Finney h ' Mr. & Mrs. George M. Fleming + h ' Mr. & Mrs. David S. Freysinger h ' Mr. & Mrs. John Garibaldi ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Girotto ‘91 h Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez ‘87 + h ' Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hagale ++ Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Hansen h Mr. David E. Harvey, Jr. ‘72 & Dr. Mikki Harvey Mr. & Mrs. John Hawkins ' Mr. & Mrs. Quinn J. Hebert h Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Henning + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hensley, Jr. ‘72 ' The Albert & Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation h Mr. & Mrs. Glen Hou + Mr. & Mrs. William T. Huskinson h ' Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Iglesias ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Jenner, III h ' Jesuit High School of New Orleans h Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 ++ h ' The John G. & Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation + ' Mr. & Mrs. Duane H. King + Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch ‘75 ++ h ' Koch Foundation, Inc h Mrs. Elizabeth W. Lahart h ' Mr. & Mrs. F. Vern Lahart ++ h ' Mrs. Johnetta Lallinger h Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Lallinger ‘67 h The Lallinger Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Lee h Mr. & Mrs. James J. Loughlin, Jr. ‘74 h ' Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lynch ++ ' The Lyons Foundation + M. D. Anderson Foundation + Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Maarraoui + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Todd A. Mason + h Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. McArdle h ' Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. McCormick, Jr. h ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. McLamb + ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Medrano ‘88 + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Moran ‘66 h The W. T. & Louise J. Moran Foundation Mr. Ronald E. & Dr. Mary Neal + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Hunter Nelson ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. David A. Novelli ‘83 h ' Mr. & Mrs. John E. O’Shea, Jr. + ' John & Charlene O’Shea Family Foundation + ' P.J. Moran Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Provenzano + h Mr. & Mrs. David R. Pruner h ' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Quoyeser h Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Raven h Ms. Linda Ream + Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Reckling, III h ' Mr. & Mrs. William J. Restrepo h ' Mr. & Mrs. Phillip B. Ribbeck + h ' Mr. Roy Ribelin h Mr. & Mrs. John C. Rossettie h ' Scanlan Foundation + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Seitz h ' Shell Oil Company ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Monte M. Sneed + h ' Spirit of Texas Bank, SSB h ' Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Springer ++ Strake Foundation ++ Strake Jesuit Athletic Booster Club h Strake Jesuit Community ++ ' Strake Jesuit Mothers’ Club ++ h ' Mr. Guillermo Tame & Ms. Alina Elorduy h Dr. Ronald Taylor & Dr. Marilyn Mayer + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Teichgraeber, III ‘67 h Dr. John Teichgraeber & Ms. Christian Schley h Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio M. Torras + Mr. & Mrs. Steve Trevino h ' Mr. & Mrs. Emile J. Troxclair h ' Mr. & Mrs. James L. Walker + h ' Mr. Richard S. Walker ‘76 & Ms. Shana Sloas ++ Wapiti Energy, LLC Mr. & Mrs. John Warren h Dr. Tara L. Wegryn + h The William A. & Madeline Welder Smith Foundation + h Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner ++ h '
Stanislaus Club Anonymous ++ h Ms. Anne-Marie Ainsworth h Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Aubin h ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ay, Jr. h ' Bank of America h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Bastian h ' Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Boihem h Mr. & Mrs. Elliott M. Bouillion h ' Mr. & Mrs. Darden J. Bourne Jr. h ' BP ++ ' Mr. Brian P. Breen ‘85 h ' Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck + h ' The Butcher Fund ++ Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Capo h ' Dr. & Mrs. Nizar C. Charafeddine h
Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Clay + Mr. & Mrs. John P. Cogan, Jr. + Mr. & Mrs. David W. Cole + h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Daboval + Mrs. Karin Diaz Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Ehrenkranz h ExxonMobil ++ h Dr. & Mrs. Sayed F. Feghali + Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Fichter ' First in Texas h Dr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Galati h Mr. Bryce E. Gama ‘97 ++ h GE Foundation + h Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Giesler, Jr. ‘90 h Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Girotto h Dr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Gomez, III ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Ramon K. Gomez ‘71 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. James L. Goodyear ++ h George & Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hanus ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Heston, Jr. h ' The Captain Andrew R. Houghton ‘97 Foundation + Mr. & Mrs. V. Edward James h ' Mr. & Mrs. William H. Kirvan, Jr. ++ h William & Linda Kirvan Family Foundation ++ h Mr. James A. & Dr. Sandi Lemming ++ ' Mr. Robert J. Lindsay & Ms. Elizabeth Antonius h ' Mr. & Mrs. John H. Lohman Mr. & Mrs. Christopher N. Marco ‘84 h Dr. & Mrs. Angelo J. Mattalino ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. McAughan Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. James M. McAuliffe h Mr. & Mrs. David M. McGuire h ' Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. McParland h Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Mercer h ' Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Messina Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Mims ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Mucci ‘75 h ' Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. Mullins ‘80 ' Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Nick ++ Mr. & Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr. + ' Prof. & Ms. James W. Paulsen h ' Mr. & Mrs. David S. Peterman + h ' Mr. Anthony A. Pham ‘01 + h Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ray + Mr. & Mrs. Bart A. Reese ‘84 h Dr. & Mrs. David N. Reeves ' Mr. & Mrs. René A. Richard + Glynn Roberts & Jean Roberts + h Mr. & Mrs. Dan L. Samora h ' San Antonio Federal Credit Union h Mr. & Mrs. Bret D. Sanders h Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Scalzitti h ' Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Siegfried h ' Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sisler ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Smith ‘82 ++ h Strake Jesuit Dad’s Club + h ' Mrs. Violet M. Tarpey ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Turner h ' Ms. Ashley Vachon Mr. & Mrs. Guy P. Vachon Mrs. Graciela Vela-Cuellar Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Walsh h ' Mr. & Mrs. James A. Webb + ' Wells Fargo ++ h Mr. & Mrs. David D. Welsh h ' Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas White ‘97 h Williams Community Relations ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Tedd J. Winter h '
Crusader Club Mr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Abello h ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bart Agee h '
Legend: h Increased gift from previous year / ' Retreat & Leadership Center Donor ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving
AIG h Dr. & Mrs. Paul M. Allison + The Ammons Law Firm h Mr. & Mrs. James E. Anderson h ' Mr. Russell L. Anderson & Ms. Carol M. Cameron h Dr. & Mrs. James T. Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Archer, Sr. h Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Ash, CPM ‘83 h Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Baker h Baker Hughes h Mrs. Bunny S. Bambace ++ Mr. Christopher Bean ‘83 h Mrs. Lillian Bean h Mr. & Mrs. Emil J. Bednar ++ Mr. Christopher D. Bertini ‘83 h Mr. & Mrs. Steven Black h ' Mr. & Mrs. James M. Booth ‘67 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Glen M. Boudreaux ‘67 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Boushka, III h ' Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun + ' Mr. & Mrs. Bret E. Broussard ‘76 h Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Brown + h Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bullington Capital One N.A. + Janice and John M. Carrabba/Piatto Ristorante h Mr. & Mrs. James M. Casey h Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Clifton ‘93 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Collins h ' Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. ‘76 ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Corrigan, Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Davies ‘88 + Mr. Corey B. Davis ‘90 ++ Mr. Roberto V. & Dr. Deborah S. De Guzman ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Deeds ‘76 + h Mr. Rigoberto & Dr. Dorothy Delgado + h Mr. & Mrs. Mohammed A. Dhanani h Dr. & Mrs. Eduardo M. Diaz, Jr. h ' Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dickerson h ' Mr. & Mrs. Crayden Didsbury ‘80 h Mr. & Mrs. William G. Dillon + Dobrowski L.L.P. + Doyle Raizner LLP h Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Dugan h Mr. & Mrs. Allen F. Eleiott Mr. & Mrs. Helder M. Eloy h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Fenelon + Finkelstein Partners h Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Fix ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Flavin h Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming ‘69 ++ Fluor Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey ‘74 ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Funch h Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Gangelhoff + Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats ++ h ' Mr. & Mrs. Wesley R. Gibson + Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Gifford h Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Gochnour ++ Mr. & Mrs. Roderick L. Graves ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. James D. Gray h Ms. Sharon T. Griffin h Ms. Helen M. Grivich + h Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Gundy Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Hasenpflug, Jr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Heiberger h Mr. Russell Heinen & Ms. Shawn McKean + Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Heisler ‘72 + Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Hennings Dr. & Mrs. David H. Hildreth + Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Hornberger h Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Horton h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Howe ‘76 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. William O. Iglesias ‘91 +
Mr. & Mrs. Trevor R. Jefferies Dr. John Z. Jia & Dr. Michelle Y. Huang Mr. & Mrs. Juan J. Jones h ' Mr. & Mrs. Don F. Keating + Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Kegg ‘82 Mr. Steven T. Kimbrell & Judge Joan Campbell Knights of Columbus Council 11343 + Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Konopka + Mr. & Mrs. Gregory D. Laake h Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, S.J. + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Umberto LaMatta ++ Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Layne + h Mr. Joseph E. Lee ‘87 Mrs. Antoinette M. Letsos ++ Mr. & Mrs. Jay Levy h Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lidiak h Lighting, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Macey Mr. & Mrs. R. Stan Marek, Jr. ++ Mr. Blair H. Margot & Mrs. Margo R. Vafakos-Margot + Dr. & Mrs. David R. Martin ‘90 Mrs. Lisa S. Martin h Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Martin + ' Dr. & Mrs. John V. Marymont Mr. Larry A. Mason ‘66 + Mr. Keith M. McAuliffe & Ms. Lisa M. Paikowski h ' Mrs. Thomas J. McErlean ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Calvin M. McMinn h Mrs. Sylvia McPartland h ' Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. McStravick + ' Col. & Mrs. Brian L. Mealey, D.D.S. ‘77 ++ Mr. & Mrs. James F. Meara ++ Dr. Daniel B. Merritt ‘86 & Dr. Christine Moulds-Merritt ++ h The Moody’s Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Moore + h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mosele Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 & Dr. Kathleen P. Murphy ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. James A. Murray h Mr. Archie Nahigian h Dr. & Mrs. Armando Nart h Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Neiers h Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Nevle^ ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nicknish ‘80 h Northstar GOM, LLC + h Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Notestine + Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. O’Connor h ' Mr. J. R. O’Hara ‘86 h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. O’Neill ‘97 h Dr. Oluyinka & Dr. Toyin Olutoye h ONEOK Foundation, Inc. h ' Mr. & Mrs. George S. Ontko + h Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Padon ‘68 ++ Dr. Brian S. Parsley ‘74 ++ Mr. & Mrs. John S. Parsley h ' Mr. Stephen P. Pate & Ms. Jean T. Janssen + Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pilegge h Mr. & Mrs. Andy Pontikes h ' Mr. & Mrs. Billy F. Price Dr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Quinn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. René L. Rodriguez h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Roth + h Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sacra ‘74 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Sasso h Dr. & Mrs. John C. Schiro ‘80 h Mr. & Mrs. David A. Schmidt + Mr. & Mrs. John A. Schmidt h Ms. Mariana G. Servitje h Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sheets + Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Shoebotham h ' Mr. Michael P. Skelly & Ms. Anne E. Whitlock Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Solcher h ' Spectra Energy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Staudt + Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Stewart + Mr. & Mrs. Keith T. Strenge h
When students returned for the 2010-2011 school year, they were greeted by a renovated library with twice the number of computer workstations. The renovations were possible through gifts to the Annual Fund. Mr. & Mrs. G. Wade Stubblefield h ' Mr. & Mrs. William H. Stubbs ' Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Sweeney ‘81 + h Mr. & Mrs. Austin L. Tenette + h Texas Youth Rugby Association h TransMontaigne, Inc. h Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Tyree h Dr. & Mrs. Fernando Urrutia h Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vanderslice h Dr. & Mrs. John Vanderzyl, M.D. ‘82 ++ h Dr. Tan V. Vu & Dr. Cuc T. Pham h Mr. & Mrs. Shane E. Walsh ‘91 + Mr. & Mrs. Owen C. Wang Mr. & Mrs. Jerome W. Witte Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Wyrsch + Dr. & Mrs. Shengkun Yao h
Mr. & Mrs. Jose J. Chapa, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John D. Charbonnet, Jr. h ' Mr. & Mrs. Francisco J. Chavarria h Mr. Jeffery Scott Christman Mr. & Mrs. William P. Cirioli Mr. & Mrs. Tracey E. Coats + h Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Cohn ‘86 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Corby M. Collins h Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Contreras, Jr. h Mr. & Mrs. David Wilks Corban h Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cozort h Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Crane Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Craven + Mr. Richard D. Cunningham h D. E. Harvey Builders + Mr. David D. Dao & Dr. Julie D. Bui h Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Neill P. Davis ' Dr. Henry ‘78 & Dr. Susan M. Delclos + ' Mr. & Mrs. David J. Devine ‘75 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Dewhurst ++ Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. DeWitt Mr. & Mrs. Rudy T. Dismuke + DistribAire, Inc + Mr. & Mrs. Casey W. Doherty ++ Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Doherty ++ Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Donnelly + Mr. M. B. Dorr ‘97 + h El Paso Energy + h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Elder h Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Espenan + ' Dr. Francisco J. Esteva & Ms. Maria Regueira ' Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Faulk + Dr. & Mrs. Brian R. Felix Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Fernelius h Dr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Ferris h Mr. & Mrs. Andre P. Fontenot ' Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Fraser Jr. + Galerie Zuger Mr. & Mrs. Antonio G. Gambini h Mr. & Mrs. Alberto E. Garcia, Jr. + h Dr. Joseph C. Gathe, Jr. ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Gebara h Mr. & Mrs. Greg A. Germani h
President’s Club Anonymous h Dr. Adebayo J. Adesomo + The Andrews Foundation + Mr. & Mrs. Lynn M. Aven h ' Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Ayers + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Arnold D. Azios ‘76 + Mr. Bradley S. Bailey ‘71 h Mr. & Mrs. James H. Barksdale, III Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Beaton h Mr. & Mrs. John A. Best Rev. Christopher A. Billac, S.J. ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Blizzard + Mr. & Mrs. James J. Boland, II h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Breen + Mr. & Mrs. Brian K. Broussard h Mr. Dave & Dr. Betty S. Browne Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 ++ ' Dr. & Mrs. Gerardo Bueso ++ Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick ‘75 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Allen W. Burton h ' Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Busa Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Camp h Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Cartwright h CCS Presentation Systems h Champion Industrial Sales Company +
Dr. Paul W. ‘82 & Dr. Milvia P. Gidley ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Gray W. Gilbert h Mr. & Mrs. Gordon C. Gill + Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Gimenez, III ‘84 ++ h Dr. Sergio A. & Dr. Gabriela Giralt + h Mr. & Mrs. Yaron Gisser h ' Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S. Gray h Mr. & Mrs. Cody B. Groves h ' Mr. & Mrs. Bob Haas h Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Harbin, III h Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Harrington ' Mr. & Mrs. Darrell N. Haun h ' Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hawes h ' Dr. Marcos & Dr. Regina L. Hermoso h Hess Corporation h Dr. Ha P. Ho & Ms. Phuong T. Nguyen Ms. Josephine Huang h Ms. Carla H. Huml h Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Jallans Mr. Paul D. & Dr. Namieta M. Janssen h ' Mr. & Mrs. William H. Jones h Mrs. Laura Jungeblut ++ Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Kamin ' Mr. & Mrs. Dorian C. Kawar h Mr. & Mrs. John R. Keville h ' Dr. & Mrs. Dong H. Kim ' Mr. Jason L. & Dr. Agnes I. Kisch + Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Klein Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John E. Knoebel, Sr. h ' Mr. & Mrs. Tim Koch ‘82 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Vreij Kolandjian h Mr. & Mrs. Joel N. Kontchou Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart ++ Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Langlois h Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. LeGros Jr. Mrs. Marjorie A. Leininger h ' Dr. & Mrs. Spencer C. Li h Dr. Alexander G. Linares & Dr. Anna K. McMurtrie-Linares Mr. Mark R. Livesay + Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lloyd +
Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Lord h Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Magee ‘83 h Mariner Energy, Inc h Mr. & Mrs. James A. Martin h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Matlock ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Gregg E. McBride + Mr. John W. McKirahan, Jr. ‘67 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Mealey ‘80 + h Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Meece h Dr. & Dr. Victor O. Mendiola ‘85 h Ms. Llylwyn E. T. Michals h Mr. & Mrs. Mark Miller + Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Montegut + ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morris ++ Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Murray h Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Nasser h Mr. & Mrs. Terry C. Nelson h Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Nevle ‘84 h Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Newcomer, Jr. ‘84 h Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Nijoka ++ Dr. & Mrs. Philip C. Noble h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Novelli ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Nutt h ' Mrs. Anita G. O’Shaughnessy Occidental Petroleum Corp. h Mr. & Mrs. Bill C. Okerlund Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Osborn + ' Mr. & Mrs. F. W. Othon ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Ott h Mr. & Mrs. James S. Peery ‘80 + Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Pepper Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Peters h Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Petrick h Mr. & Mrs. Kirk M. Pfeffer Mr. Thomas H. Pielech & Ms. Susan Schmaeling Dr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Pignetti h Mr. & Mrs. Dan F. Platt, Jr. h ' Mr. & Mrs. John R. Plugge h Mr. & Mrs. John S. Pruitt ‘78 h Mr. & Mrs. Piero M. Puccini ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Conley J. Rank h RDG Bar Annie h Martin H. Reddy, Ph.D. ‘73 h Dr. Harry F. Richards ++ Mr. & Mrs. George A. Rizzo + Mr. & Mrs. Drew E. Rohde + h Mr. & Mrs. Rick A. Rumford Mr. Mark M. Sadykhov & Ms. Irene Y. Sheytman h Mr. Peter Sanguesa ‘85 + Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Sappington h Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti ‘90 & Ms. Lynn Wilgenbusch + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Ted J. Schaefer Mr. Mark R. Schiro ‘82 h Mr. & Mrs. Darby Seré ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Shapiro h ' Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Short h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Simon h Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sirgo ‘83 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Smith h Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Sobiesk + Mr. & Mrs. David R. Stewart ‘69 ++ Mr. & Mrs. William M. Sutton Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Tanner, Sr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. Pete W. Ten Eyck Texas Instruments Foundation h Dr. & Mrs. Kennedy R. Thiagarajan h Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Thiele Mr. & Mrs. Joe F. Thomas h Dr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Thompson h ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Tobin h Mr. & Mrs. W. Paschall Tosch, Sr. ' Mr. & Mrs. Quyen M. Tran h Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey ++ h Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Vrabec Mrs. Teri Vu h Dr. & Mrs. Nghia Q. Vuong
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Wakeland h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Walters Mr. & Mrs. Nathan A. Wesely h Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Whealdon h ' Dr. & Mrs. Wayne O. Whitney h Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Whitson h Mr. & Mrs. D. Patrick Whitty ‘78 h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Wilson + Mr. & Mrs. Clifford E. York + Mr. & Mrs. Billy Zaleski ‘86 + Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Zimmerman ‘67 ++ h
Magis Club Anonymous + h A Bientot Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Adamcik ‘67 ++ h Mr. John C. Adolph ‘00 ++ Ms. Linda C. Adolph + Mr. Robert A. Adolph ‘73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Agee ‘94 h Mr. & Mrs. Robin S. Ahn h Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Aiuvalasit ‘67 Dr. Radwan Al-Sabbagh & Ms. Hadeel Mujarkesh h ' Mr. & Mrs. Fouad S. Alameddin h Albemarle Corporation h Altar Boy Invitational h Mr. & Mrs. J. Anthony Alvarez ‘86 h Alvin Gee Photography Mr. & Mrs. Gonzalo Amador ‘80 h Amigas Club of Strake Jesuit h Dr. Jack An ‘87 & Dr. Karen Klatte + h Anheuser-Busch h Mr. Paul A. Antolik & Ms. Barbara L. Bone + h Mr. & Mrs. Isaac J. Aparicio h ' Mr. & Mrs. Frank N. Arguello, Jr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. Laurance H. Armour, III + Mr. & Mrs. Sammer I. Arnouk Dr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Ashe + h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Austin ‘76 + Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Autry + Mr. Masaud Baaba & Ms. Neivin Bassuoni h Mr. J. Neal Badgett ‘00 + h Ms. Carol Bailey ' Mr. Thomas E. Baker, Sr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Baker h Mr. & Mrs. William R. Baker, III ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Balhoff h Mr. & Mrs. Wesley G. Ballinger Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bambace ‘81 Mr. Thanh K. Banh & Ms. Nam T. Pham + Mr. & Mrs. Jodie B. Barbe Mr. & Mrs. Karl D. Bartholomew + Mr. & Mrs. James W. Bartlett, Jr. ‘86 + Mr. & Mrs. Hal Bean ‘78 ++ Mr. Truman Beeson h Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Benigno + Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Bentz ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Bergeron ‘77 + h Mr. Stephen Blake ‘83 + Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Blaschke Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Block h ' Mr. & Mrs. James J. Boland h Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Bondor ‘86 h Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Boyer h BP Fabric of America Fund Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Branda ‘71 ++ Dr. Dale J. & Dr. Carol R. Brant Mr. & Mrs. James R. Breuer h Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brhlik Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Buckle h Dr. & Mrs. Louis J. Bujnoch, M.D. ‘69 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. D G Bunnell h Mr. & Mrs. Chris Burke ‘86 ++ Mr. & Mrs. L. Christopher Butler ‘68 h Mr. & Mrs. Florentino Cabello h
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Cadena, Jr. ‘66 h Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Callaghan ‘82 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cannistra ‘85 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Cannon ‘69 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Cantrell h ' Mr. & Mrs. Chris Carmouche ‘87 ++ Mr. & Mrs. John A. Carpenter ‘82 + Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Carty, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Cassidy ‘82 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. David E. Castaneda Mr. & Mrs. John T. Cater Mr. Tom Causey ‘87 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh + h ' Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh ‘68 + h Mr. & Mrs. James E. Chandler h Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Chapman ‘94 + Mr. & Mrs. John D. Charbonnet h Dr. Stephen Chen ‘03 h Chubb Insurance h CITGO Petroleum Corporation h Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Clarke ‘83 + Clear Channel Radio Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Clemons ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Clutterbuck + Mr. & Mrs. Sean P. Coerver ‘88 h Mr. & Mrs. James A. Cogan ‘95 Mr. Christopher P. Cole ‘02 h College X-ing, LLC Colony One Autocenter h Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Colvill h Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Connell, Jr. ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Connell ‘78 + Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly ++ Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Counter ++ Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Court, Jr. h Mr. Frederick D. Couvillon, Jr. ‘81 + Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Cowan Cram Crew Mr. William Crawford Creighton University h Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Cronin ‘72 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Crowley ‘81 ++ Mr. Michael J. Crowley ++ Crum & Forster h Mr. & Mrs. John E. Curtis D E Shaw & Co., L.P. h Mr. & Mrs. Reynold R. D’Souza + Mr. & Mrs. Romeo D’Souza Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Davidson + Mrs. Helen B. Davidson h The Honorable Mark D. Davidson ‘71 & Ms. Sarah Duckers ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Emlyn B. Davies + Mr. & Mrs. William A. Dawkins Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Day ‘69 ++ Mr. Carlos De Aldecoa ‘91 Dr. & Mrs. Jorge de la Torre ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander W. deGroot ' Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Delouche ++ Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. DeSpain h Mr. Thom Devlin h ' Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. DeVries + h Mr. George R. Diaz-Arrastia ‘76 & Ms. Maria Gomez ++ Mr. & Mrs. German S. Digoy h Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Dolan ++ Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Donatti h Mr. & Mrs. Robert Donlin + Mr. & Mrs. John K. Dubiel + h Mrs. Elsie Duff h Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Duff ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Duffy ++ Mr. & Mrs. Wilson D. Dunn h Mr. & Mrs. David A. Duque ‘90 h Dr. Teresa Kay Duryea Mr. & Mrs. David Dybell ‘79 + Mr. & Mrs. Norman K. Ebner ‘85 ++ Dr. & Mrs. John J. Eick ‘67 ++ h
Legend: h Increased gift from previous year / ' Retreat & Leadership Center Donor ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving
Mr. Dean R. Elkins h Mr. Ronald G. Embry & Mrs. Christine A. Moustakis-Embry h Energy XXI h Mr. & Mrs. Jerry C. Eumont Dr. & Mrs. Donnie Evans Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Ezeji Mr. & Mrs. John Fahy h ' Mr. & Mrs. Pat R. Falcone + h Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Feehan ‘67 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Terry J. Felton Dr. & Mrs. Diego E. Fiorito First h Mr. & Mrs. Caldwell Fletcher h ' Ms. Margaret Fletcher h Dr. & Mrs. James P. Fogarty ‘70 h Mr. Paul Folzenlogen h Mr. Carey T. Ford ‘93 + Mr. & Mrs. Russell Ford ‘89 h Mr. & Mrs. John S. Foster ‘88 ' Mr. & Mrs. James D. Foy ‘92 Dr. & Mrs. Miguel Franco h Dr. & Mrs. William C. Franklin h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman ‘69 ++ h G.A.S. Unlimited, Inc. h Mr. & Mrs. Gaston Gaal + Dr. James L. Gajewski h Mr. Guillermo A. Garcia ‘96 h Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo M. Garcia-Rameau h Gartner, Inc. h Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Garvis ‘88 + h Mr. & Mrs. Reed M. George Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Gidley ‘79 + h Mr. C. A. Gillan & Ms. Cathy S. Nunnally + Mr. & Mrs. Oscar A. Giraldo h Mr. & Mrs. Matthew T. Girotto ‘93 + h Gittings Studios Mr. & Mrs. Jerome E. Glass Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gleeson h Mr. & Mrs. John A. Glynn ' Mr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Gomez + Mr. & Mrs. Douglas T. Gosda h ' Dr. & Mrs. David Y. Graham ++ Ms. Helen Gray h Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Gray ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Grealish Mr. Paul J. Gregor & Ms. Barbara Divine ++ Mr. Steven Griesser & Dr. Marlo Griesser Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Griffin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72 ++ Halliburton, Inc. h Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamlin ‘70 ++ h Mr. Edward L. Hanel & Dr. Ida F. Orengo h Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hanratty + Mr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Hansen ‘93 h Mr. & Mrs. D Randy Hardee ‘80 h Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hardin ‘86 + h Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Harvey h Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Z. Hawthorne ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. Calvin G. Hayes h Mr. & Mrs. Ed Heilberger h ' Mr. & Mrs. James A. Heiser Mr. Michael C. Henry ‘67 & Ms. Trudy Hansen + h Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Hernandez h ' Mr. Guillermo Hernandez-Ching & Ms. Laura N. Esquivel + Mr. Gilbert A. Herrera h Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Herrin, Jr. ‘76 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Herrin, III ‘78 + Mr. & Mrs. William P. Herrington, Sr. + ' Mr. Gregory C. Highberger ‘00 + h Mr. & Mrs. James A. Highberger ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. John D. Hill + h Mr. & Mrs. K. D. Hinkle h Mr. Virgil R. Hinojosa ‘69 ++ Mr. Albert A. Hoffman, Jr. Mrs. Laura W. Hoffman h Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. ‘77 ++
Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Holbrooke Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Holland Mr. & Mrs. Justin Holy ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Horn + Hotel Granduca h Ms. Tracey B. Hough h Houston Evergreen Chinese School, Inc h The Houstonian Mr. & Mrs. Norm J. Hrachovy Mr. Shane W. Hudson ‘93 + Mr. & Mrs. Robert Huebel + Mr. James Hull & Ms. Deborah Schindler ++ Mr. & Mrs. Wendell H. Hungbui h Mr. Leo J. Hurley, Jr. ‘96 h Dr. & Mrs. John O. Ike h Impressive Printing h Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Inman ‘74 + Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Interiano ‘99 + h Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Jackson ‘69 + Mr. Javier M. & Dr. Liliana R. Janer h Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Jewett h ' Mr. Fajun Jiang & Ms. Dong Xia Mr. & Mrs. Elbert Johnson h Mr. & Mrs. William R. Johnson ‘80 h Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Brent M. Jones h Mr. Ernest C. Jones ‘97 h Mr. & Mrs. L. Wayne Jones + h Mr. Christopher Jordan ‘85 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Jordan ‘86 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Craig Joyce h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Joyce ‘79 h Mr. Neal P. Jungeblut ‘00 h Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kafka + Kaleidoscope Studio h Mr. J. Grover Kelley ‘68 + Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Kelley h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Kelly h Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh ++ Mr. Mike Kerley ++ ' Kimberly-Clark Mr. & Mrs. Mick Klein ‘79 + Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kochman, Jr. ‘98 + Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kostelnik + Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Kudela h Mr. Matthew A. Kuhn ‘02 h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kulick ++ Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kwik h Mr. & Dr. Tan M. La h Mr. Rudolph S. Lange h Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Langemeier h Mr. Zachary S. Langenkamp ‘97 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Lanier h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Lattanzi Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Lauinger, III ++ Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Lavery h Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Lea ‘73 h Legend Retail Group LLC h Mr. & Mrs. Ken Lesniak ‘87 Mr. Norman E. Lester & Dr. Susan M. Ramin Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Letsos ‘73 + h Ms. Sammye Levy h Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lojo ‘91 + Dr. & Mrs. Enrique H. Longhi h Mr. J. Kirk Longmire h Mr. & Mrs. Melvin H. Lorenz ++ Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Lorenz ‘88 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Lowes h Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Lucci, M.D. ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Lucia Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Luna ‘86 ++ Mr. Alec Luong ‘03 h Mr. & Mrs. Ronald O. Luster ‘92 + h Mr. & Mrs. Adam A. Mackie ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. John T. Macon h Mr. & Mrs. Gerald V. Maes h Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Malek, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Efren M. Manalansan Marc Nathan Photographers h Mr. & Mrs. David G. Marshall h ' Mr. & Mrs. Abelardo Matamoros h Mr. John B. Mattox ‘95 h McArdle Grading Co h Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy ++ h Mr. Christopher P. McConn ‘91 + Mr. & Mrs. John L. McConn ' Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. McConnell h Mr. & Mrs. John A. McCullagh + h Mr. & Mrs. S. Wayne McDonald, Sr. ‘67 ++ Mr. & Mrs. William J. McDonald + Dr. & Mrs. Kevin W. McEnery Mr. Michael R. McGrath ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. McGrath h Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Kevin A. McMahon ‘88 + h Mr. Troy McNabb ‘82 ++ The Meadows Foundation The Medallion Foundation, Inc. Memorial Athletic Club h Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Mengis + Microsoft + The Honorable & Mrs. Gray H. Miller ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. R. K. Miller, Jr. + h Dr. & Mrs. Michael T. Mineo ‘91 + Minute Maid h Mrs. Lisa A. Miranda + h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Miskell ‘81 h Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell Jr. Mr. Steven T. Mitchell ‘89 + h Mokara Hotel & Spa h Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Monmouth + h ' Mr. & Mrs. William F. Monroe h Rev. & Mrs. David E. Moore ++ Mr. & Mrs. John D. Mooz h ' Mr. Richard J. Morales ‘79 & Ms. Amanda Vavilala + h Morgan Stanley h Mr. Matthew Morris ‘04 h Mosbacher Operating, Ltd Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Mossbarger h Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Mouch h ' Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Mouton ‘70 + Dr. & Mrs. Clifford K. Moy ‘77 ++ Mr. & Mrs. William R. Munson Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras + Ms. Georgia Nagle h ' Estate of Emil A. Nakfoor h Mrs. Florence Nakfoor ++ Mr. & Mrs. James Nakfoor ‘82 h Mr. Christopher J. Napoli ‘87 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Natoli h ' Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo L. Nazario + h New York Life Insurance Company + ' The Next Level Fitness Mr. Chin V. & Dr. Kim-Huong Nguyen h Mr. & Mrs. Su T. Nguyen h Mr. & Mrs. Sanat S. Nileshwar h Mr. Patrick R. Nixon ‘93 + h The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation h Mr. & Mrs. Earl A. Norra ++ Northwestern Mutual Life ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Novelli ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Jack O’Connell ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick O’Connell ‘88 + h Mr. & Mrs. John A. O’Neal Mr. & Mrs. Sean O’Neill ‘85 ++ h The O’Neill Foundation h Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Ogilvie h Mr. Michael J. Olivares & Ms. Molly K. Alex Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Osborn ‘84 ++ h ' Pappasito’s Mr. & Mrs. William N. Pederson Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pellerin h PepsiCo Foundation + Mr. & Mrs. Chris Pesek ‘80 +
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters ‘71 ++ Mr. Jeffrey L. Petersen ‘97 + Dr. & Mrs. Dan Piazza ‘79 h Mr. Pascal P. Piazza ‘75 h Mrs. Ruby Piazza h Dr. Ricardo H. Pignatelli h Mrs. Margery R. Pike h Mr. & Mrs. Rodney T. Pinina ‘76 ++ h Plex h Mr. & Mrs. John P. Posway Mr. Paolo Puccini ‘05 h Mr. & Mrs. Lauro Victor S. Puno h Dr. Miguel A. Quinones + h ' Dr. & Mrs. Lindy T. Rachal + h Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Raia h Mr. Albert Ramos ‘80 h Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Reed ‘92 h Mr. & Mrs. James P. Reilly ‘81 Dr. Robert H. Reuter ‘85 ++ Mr. Kenneth D. Rice & Ms. Sarah Goodpastor Mr. Michael L. Richardson, Jr. ‘00 h Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Riddle h Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rivers + ' Ms. Tamera M. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Roberts h Mr. & Mrs. Melvin D. Robinson Mr. Carlos E. Roman ++ Mr. Thomas G. Romano ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Rose h Rev. Msgr. Frank H. Rossi, S.T.L. h ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Roth ‘71 ++ The Roth Family Foundation ++ Mr. & Mrs. David R. Rowley Mr. & Mrs. William L. Rung, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Rutledge h ' Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Ryan Dr. Robert C. & Dr. Kathleen Ryan + Mr. Mark Sacaris ‘82 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Sacra ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67 ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Santry ' Mr. & Mrs. Karl Schmidt ‘86 h Mr. Richard J. Schmitt h Mr. Philip M. Schneidau ‘69 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schneider + Mr. William J. Schneidau ‘80 ++ Mr. Thomas K. Schroeter ‘99 h Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Seckel h Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Seeby h Dr. Angelo Sermas & Dr. Marsha Soechting ++ Mr. & Mrs. George V. Sherman, Jr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. Mike D. Silvestre Ms. Martha B. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Simpson ‘69 + h Mr. & Mrs. Randal L. Simpson h Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Skelton + Mr. & Mrs. Petros Skoumpourdis h Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Smidt + h Mrs. Elizabeth W. Smith h Mr. & Mrs. George E. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Snider + Mr. Ash C. Solar ‘99 h Dr. & Mrs. Barry W. Solcher ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Solcher ‘79 Dr. Aldo E. & Dr. Aurora P. Sordelli Mr. & Mrs. W. Ross Spence Mr. & Mrs. James J. Spring, III ‘65 Mr. Thomas J. Springer ‘93 h Mrs. Margaret Stacy Mr. & Mrs. William M. Stacy h ' Mrs. Elizabeth Standish ++ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Standish ‘67 h Star Dental Care, P.C. h State Farm Insurance Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Stauffacher ‘80 h Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Steffler ‘92 ++ h Mr. Philip W. Steuernagel ‘98 + h Mrs. Gretchen Braun Stewart h
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Stewart + Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Stewart ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Stinebaugh ‘82 h Mr. & Mrs. Joe L. Stires h Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Stolte Mr. & Mrs. George W. Strake, III ‘78 + Strake Jesuit Class of 1967 + h Strake Jesuit Coaching Staff h Strake Jesuit Lacrosse Team h Mr. & Mrs. Karl Strickland h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Suhor + Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Sullivan h Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Swain ‘72 Target ++ h Tarpey Charitable Lead Annuity Trust h ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Taylor h Mr. Thomas F. Taylor ‘66 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Terracina + h Textron, Inc. + h Thomson Reuters h Tiny Boxwood’s h Total Gas & Power North America, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Dieu D. Tran Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Twardowski ‘95 + Dr. & Mrs. John Uecker ‘85 h Mr. & Mrs. Vance Ulsh ‘69 + Dr. & Mrs. Luis Valdes + h ' Mr. Jose M. Vallejo-Craig ‘97 h Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Van Natta h Mr. & Mrs. E. Michael Varona h Ms. Dorothy M. Vatalaro h ' Ms. Lynn C. Veazey VMWare Foundation h Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. VonBorstel h Dr. David Wadler, D.D.S. Mr. & Mrs. Stanley L. Walker h Mr. & Mrs. Barron F. Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Walters Mr. & Mrs. Champ Warren ‘84 h Mr. Mark E. Watson, III ‘82 h Mr. & Mrs. Willie E. Webster + ' Mr. & Mrs. Kevin W. Wettstein h Dr. Robert H. and Joanne M. Williams Foundation + Mr. & Mrs. John D. Willis ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Windlinger, Jr. ‘70 ++ Mr. & Mrs. John R. Windlinger ‘71 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Winters + Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Witte Mr. Brian L. Woodward ‘90 & Ms. Adelia Metcalf h Mr. Yuemei L. & Dr. Elizabeth L. Yang Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Yates h Ms. Cindy Yeglin Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Yezak h Mr. & Mrs. Werner T. Zapp ‘69 + h Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Zerda h Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Zimmerman, Sr. h Mr. & Mrs. Edward V. Zinni Mr. & Mrs. Antonio P. Zubizarreta ‘91 ++ h Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Yates h Ms. Cindy Yeglin Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Yezak h Mr. & Mrs. Werner T. Zapp ‘69 + h Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Zerda h Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Zimmerman, Sr. h Mr. & Mrs. Edward V. Zinni Mr. & Mrs. Antonio P. Zubizarreta ‘91 ++ h
Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499
Gifts from Current Parents are used to bridge the gap between tuition and the actual operating costs at Strake Jesuit. Giving club classification is based on total giving including donations to the Parent Drive, Alumni Drive, General and Endowed Scholarships, Capital Gifts, amd other Annual Giving campaigns.
Class of 2011
Parent Drive 2010: $237,762 Total Giving: $683,670 Total Members: 226 Members Participating: 137 Participation: 61% Ignatius Club Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 # + ' Mr. & Mrs. David R. Beathard ‘77 ++ Mr. & Mrs. James E. Blackwell + Mr. & Mrs. John J. Brennan # ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Brock + Dr. & Mrs. Rabih O. Darouiche + Mr. & Mrs. Quinn J. Hebert # Mr. & Mrs. William T. Huskinson # ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Jenner, III # ' Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Lee # Mr. & Mrs. Todd A. Mason # + Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. McArdle # ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. McLamb + ' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Quoyeser # Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Raven # Mr. & Mrs. William J. Restrepo # ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Seitz # ' Mr. & Mrs. Emile J. Troxclair '
Stanislaus Club Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers # ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Daboval + Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Ehrenkranz # Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Fichter ' Mr. & Mrs. David S. Peterman # + ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ray + Dr. & Mrs. David N. Reeves ' Glynn Roberts & Jean Roberts # + Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Siegfried # '
Crusader Club Dr. & Mrs. Paul M. Allison + Mr. & Mrs. James M. Casey # Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. ‘76 # ++ ' Mr. Roberto V. & Dr. Deborah S. De Guzman ' Mr. & Mrs. William G. Dillon + Mr. & Mrs. Wesley R. Gibson + Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Gundy Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Heisler ‘72 + Dr. John Z. Jia & Dr. Michelle Y. Huang Mr. & Mrs. Juan J. Jones # ' Mr. Blair H. Margot & Mrs. Margo R. Vafakos-Margot + Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Martin + ' Mrs. Lisa S. Martin # Dr. & Mrs. John V. Marymont Dr. & Mrs. Armando Nart # Dr. Oluyinka & Dr. Toyin Olutoye # Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Sasso # Mr. & Mrs. John A. Schmidt # Mr. Michael P. Skelly & Ms. Anne E. Whitlock Mr. & Mrs. William H. Stubbs '
President’s Club Mr. & Mrs. John A. Best Mr. & Mrs. Tracey E. Coats # + Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Craven + Mr. Richard D. Cunningham #
Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Harbin, III # Dr. Marcos & Dr. Regina L. Hermoso # Ms. Carla H. Huml # Mr. & Mrs. Dorian C. Kawar # Mr. Jason L. & Dr. Agnes I. Kisch + Mr. Mark R. Livesay + Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Lord # Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Meece # Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Novelli ‘74 Mrs. Anita G. O’Shaughnessy Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Pepper Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Petrick # Mr. & Mrs. Kirk M. Pfeffer Mr. & Mrs. Piero M. Puccini # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Rick A. Rumford Mr. Mark M. Sadykhov & Ms. Irene Y. Sheytman # Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Wakeland # Dr. & Mrs. Wayne O. Whitney # Mr. & Mrs. D. Patrick Whitty ‘78 #
Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. Fouad S. Alameddin # Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Balhoff # Mr. & Mrs. Florentino Cabello # Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Connell ‘78 + Mr. William Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. DeSpain # Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. DeVries # + Mr. George R. Diaz-Arrastia ‘76 & Ms. Maria Gomez ++ Dr. & Mrs. Donnie Evans Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Ezeji Mr. & Mrs. Terry J. Felton Mr. & Mrs. Reed M. George Mr. & Mrs. Oscar A. Giraldo # Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Grealish Mr. Steven Griesser & Dr. Marlo Griesser Mr. & Mrs. James A. Heiser Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Holland Dr. & Mrs. John O. Ike # Mr. & Mrs. Elbert Johnson # Mr. & Dr. Tan M. La # Mr. & Mrs. Abelardo Matamoros # Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Monmouth # + ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Mouch # ' Mr. Michael J. Olivares & Ms. Molly K. Alex Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pellerin # Mr. & Mrs. John P. Posway Dr. & Mrs. Lindy T. Rachal # + Mr. & Mrs. Mike D. Silvestre Ms. Martha B. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Petros Skoumpourdis # Dr. Aldo E. & Dr. Aurora P. Sordelli Mr. & Mrs. William M. Stacy # ' Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Stewart + Mr. & Mrs. Stanley L. Walker # Mr. Yuemei L. & Dr. Elizabeth L. Yang Mr. & Mrs. Edward V. Zinni
General Contributors Mr. & Mrs. Sean J. Austin # Mr. & Mrs. Oliver M. Bakke #
Ms. Elizabeth G. Ekonomou # Mr. Joseph L. Gocke & Ms. Diane M. Malley Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Goode Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. David E. Hendricks Mr. & Mrs. Jose V. Katigbak # Mr. & Mrs. John P. Lacamu Mr. & Mrs. John W. Mikus Mr. & Mrs. Maximo Mota # Mr. & Mrs. Jorge R. Naccarino # Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery R. Sanders + ' Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Schiller + Ms. Brigid A. Schiro Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Scranton Mrs. Coralie C. Sculley Mr. & Mrs. Bennie L. Shearer, Jr. Mr. Joseph J. Shemenski # Ms. Dana S. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Gustavo A. Solis Mr. Clayton E. Spore & Ms. Alice R. Mattei # Dr. & Mrs. George E. Taffet # Mr. & Mrs. Roberto L. Tulio, Jr. # Mr. Mark E. Wilson & Ms. Sheila M. Condon +
Class of 2012
Parent Drive 2010: $268,512 Total Giving: $756,428 Total Members: 224 Members Participating: 130 Participation: 58% Ignatius Club Mr. & Mrs. James H. Barkley ‘81 # ' Mr. & Mrs. Paul Beck # ' Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin # + ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83 # ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Raul Elorduy # Mr. & Mrs. Troy P. Finney # ' Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Hansen # Mr. & Mrs. John Hawkins ' Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Henning # + ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch ‘75 # ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Maarraoui # + ' Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. McCormick, Jr. # ' Mr. & Mrs. John E. O’Shea, Jr. + ' Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Provenzano # + Mr. & Mrs. Steve Trevino # ' Mr. & Mrs. James L. Walker # + '
Stanislaus Club Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Aubin # ' Mr. & Mrs. Elliott M. Bouillion # ' Mrs. Karin Diaz Dr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Galati # Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hanus ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Heston, Jr. # ' Mr. & Mrs. V. Edward James # ' Mr. Robert J. Lindsay & Ms. Elizabeth Antonius # ' Mr. & Mrs. Guy P. Vachon Mr. & Mrs. David D. Welsh # ' Mr. & Mrs. Tedd J. Winter # '
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Buechele # Mr. & Mrs. Leandro Carboni # Mr. & Mrs. Stanley G. Chapman, III Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Danielson Mr. & Mrs. William K. David # Mr. Anthony Ekonomou # Legend: h Increased gift from previous year / ' Retreat & Leadership Center Donor ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving
Crusader Club Mr. Christopher D. Bertini ‘83 # Mr. & Mrs. Steven Black # ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bullington Mr. Roberto V. & Dr. Deborah S. De Guzman ' Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dickerson # ' Mr. & Mrs. Allen F. Eleiott Mr. & Mrs. Helder M. Eloy # Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Flavin # Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Funch # Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats # ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Gifford # Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Hennings Mr. & Mrs. Trevor R. Jefferies Mr. & Mrs. Calvin M. McMinn # Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mosele Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 & Dr. Kathleen P. Murphy ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Neiers # Mr. & Mrs. John S. Parsley # ' Dr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Quinn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Shoebotham # ' Mr. Michael P. Skelly & Ms. Anne E. Whitlock Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vanderslice # Mr. & Mrs. Owen C. Wang
President’s Club Mr. Dave & Dr. Betty S. Browne Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Busa Mr. & Mrs. Jose J. Chapa, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Francisco J. Chavarria # Mr. & Mrs. Corby M. Collins # Mr. & Mrs. David Wilks Corban # Dr. Henry ‘78 & Dr. Susan M. Delclos + ' Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. DeWitt Dr. & Mrs. Brian R. Felix Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Fernelius # Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Harrington ' Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hawes # ' Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart ++ Dr. Alexander G. Linares & Dr. Anna K. McMurtrie-Linares Mr. Thomas H. Pielech & Ms. Susa Schaeling Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Sappington # Mr. Mark R. Schiro ‘82 # Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Short # Mr. & Mrs. William M. Sutton Mr. & Mrs. Pete W. Ten Eyck Mr. & Mrs. W. Paschall Tosch, Sr. ' Dr. & Mrs. Nghia Q. Vuong Mr. & Mrs. Nathan A. Wesely #
Magis Club Ms. Carol Bailey ' Dr. Dale J. & Dr. Carol R. Brant Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brhlik Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh # + ' Mr. & Mrs. John E. Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Donatti # Dr. & Mrs. Diego E. Fiorito Mr. & Mrs. Caldwell Fletcher # ' Mr. & Mrs. John A. Glynn ' Mr. Gilbert A. Herrera # Mr. & Mrs. John D. Hill # + Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Holbrooke Mr. Javier M. & Dr. Liliana R. Janer #
Stanislaus Club
Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Langemeier # Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Lanier # Mr. Norman E. Lester & Dr. Susan M. Ramin Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Lowes # Mr. & Mrs. John T. Macon # Mr. & Mrs. David G. Marshall # ' Dr. & Mrs. Kevin W. McEnery Mr. & Mrs. William R. Munson Mr. & Mrs. William N. Pederson Mr. & Mrs. John P. Posway Mr. & Mrs. Lauro Victor S. Puno # Ms. Tamera M. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Melvin D. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Randal L. Simpson # Mr. & Mrs. W. Ross Spence Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Taylor # Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. VonBorstel #
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley G. Ballinger Mr. & Mrs. Jodie B. Barbe Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Cantrell # ' Mr. & Mrs. John A. Carpenter ‘82 + Mr. & Mrs. David E. Castaneda Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Cowan Mr. & Mrs. William A. Dawkins Mr. & Mrs. Alexander W. deGroot ' Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. DeVries # + Mr. & Mrs. Romeo D’Souza Dr. Teresa Kay Duryea Mr. Dean R. Elkins # Mr. & Mrs. Jerry C. Eumont Mr. Edward L. Hanel & Dr. Ida F. Orengo # Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Harvey # Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Hernandez # ' Ms. Tracey B. Hough # Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Lucia Mr. & Mrs. Gerald V. Maes # Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pellerin # Mr. Kenneth D. Rice & Ms. Sarah Goodpastor Mr. & Mrs. David R. Rowley Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Sacra ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Santry ' Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Seeby # Mr. & Mrs. William M. Stacy # ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Stolte Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Sullivan # Mr. & Mrs. Dieu D. Tran Mr. & Mrs. Barron F. Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Kevin W. Wettstein # Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Witte Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Yates #
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Boihem # Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck # + ' Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Capo # ' Dr. & Mrs. Nizar C. Charafeddine # Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Ehrenkranz # Mr. & Mrs. John H. Lohman Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. McAughan Jr. # Mr. & Mrs. David M. McGuire # ' Mr. & Mrs. Dan L. Samora # ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Turner # '
Crusader Club
General Contributors Ms. Julie Adam Mr. & Mrs. Allen J. Bertagne # Ms. Diana G. Bertini Mr. Gerald M. Cawley & Dr. Regina S. Okhuysen-Cawley Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Chesser Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. DiGregorio Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Diven Mr. & Mrs. William R. Drews Mr. Michael P. & Hon. Natalie C. Fleming # Mr. & Mrs. David M. Glass ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy S. Goco # Mr. & Mrs. Tyler S. Hahn # Mr. & Mrs. Erik W. Herbst Dr. & Mrs. Matthew L. Lenz # Mr. & Mrs. Jose I. Morell # Mr. Nagib Mustafa & Ms. Camilla J. Owen Mrs. Anna H. Nguyen Ms. Maria J. Regalado # Mr. Edgar O. Rivera & Mrs. Sandra I. Carattini-Rivera # Mr. & Mrs. Albert Santillan # Mr. Mark A. & Dr. Patrice E. Storey # Ms. Dawn R. Terrazas-Chambers + Mr. & Mrs. Jerry S. Toth # Mr. & Mrs. Noel V. Vispo # Mr. & Mrs. John Walther # ' Mr. & Mrs. Gregory V. Westhoff #
Class of 2013
Parent Drive 2010: $332,008 Total Giving: $686,367 Total Members: 262 Members Participating: 170 Participation: 65% Ignatius Club Anonymous # ' Mr. & Mrs. James E. Blackwell + Mr. Charles F. Duffield, II & Dr. Rosemary Buckle # ' Mr. & Mrs. George M. Fleming + ' Mr. & Mrs. David S. Freysinger # ' Mr. & Mrs. Quinn J. Hebert # Mr. & Mrs. William T. Huskinson # ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Jenner, III # ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 # ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Medrano ‘88 # + ' Mr. & Mrs. David R. Pruner # ' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Quoyeser # Mr. & Mrs. William J. Restrepo # ' Mr. & Mrs. Phillip B. Ribbeck # + ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Seitz # ' Mr. Guillermo Tame & Ms. Alina Elorduy # Dr. Ronald Taylor & Dr. Marilyn Mayer # + ' Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio M. Torras +
Dr. & Mrs. James T. Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Baker # Mr. & Mrs. Darden J. Bourne Jr. # ' Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dickerson # ' Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Dugan # Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Heiberger Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Horton # Mr. Steven T. Kimbrell & Judge Joan Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Gregory D. Laake # Mr. Blair H. Margot & Mrs. Margo R. Vafakos-Margot + Dr. & Mrs. John V. Marymont Mr. Keith M. McAuliffe & Ms. Lisa M. Paikowski # ' Mr. & Mrs. Andy Pontikes # ' Mr. & Mrs. René L. Rodriguez # Mr. & Mrs. John A. Schmidt # Dr. Tan V. Vu & Dr. Cuc T. Pham # Mr. & Mrs. Jerome W. Witte Jr.
President’s Club Anonymous # Dr. Adebayo J. Adesomo + Mr. & Mrs. Lynn M. Aven # ' Mr. & Mrs. James H. Barksdale, III Mr. Jeffery Scott Christman Mr. & Mrs. William P. Cirioli Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Davis Dr. Francisco J. Esteva & Ms. Maria Regueira ' Mr. & Mrs. Andre P. Fontenot ' Dr. Joseph C. Gathe, Jr. ‘74 Dr. Paul W. ‘82 & Dr. Milvia P. Gidley # ++ Dr. Ha P. Ho & Ms. Phuong T. Nguyen Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Jallans Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Kamin ' Dr. & Mrs. Dong H. Kim ' Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Klein Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Vreij Kolandjian # Mr. & Mrs. Joel N. Kontchou Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Langlois # Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. LeGros Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gregg E. McBride + Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Mealey ‘80 # + Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Nasser # Mr. & Mrs. Terry C. Nelson # Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Nutt # ' Mr. & Mrs. Bill C. Okerlund Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Peters # Mr. & Mrs. John R. Plugge # Mr. & Mrs. Ted J. Schaefer Dr. & Mrs. Kennedy R. Thiagarajan # Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Vrabec Mrs. Teri Vu # Mr. & Mrs. Nathan A. Wesely # Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Whealdon # '
Bridging the Gap in
Total Cost of a Jesuit Education
$15,600 The Gap
Jesuit 2010-2011 Tuition & Fees
General Contributors Ms. Maria Cristina Acevedo Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Bain Mr. & Mrs. Josephus M. Bandalan Mr. & Mrs. Trevor C. Bello + Mr. & Mrs. David J. Broeckelmann # Mr. & Mrs. Matthew W. Caligur Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Campbell Mr. Tam K. Cao & Ms. Phuong T. Le # Dr. & Mrs. Lamy Chopin, III ‘87 # ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Paulinus O. Chukwujekwu # Mr. & Mrs. James D. Clifton + Mr. & Mrs. Lich X. Dang Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Davidson # Ms. Bianca Genoveva Duque # Mr. & Mrs. Eli T. Fos Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Franshaw ‘82 + Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin T. Garcia # Mr. & Mrs. Eddy Garcia-Rameau Ms. Jane Granahan Dr. & Mrs. William M. Granberry, M.D. ‘78 ' Mr. Catalin C. Grasu & Dr. Roxana M. Grasu Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Travis C. Harrison # Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Hart Dr. Phillip A. Kattchee & Dr. Dianna M. Arriaga # Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Keller Ms. Kim M. Kendall # Dr. & Mrs. Matthew L. Lenz # Mr. & Mrs. Gerald G. Longsworth Mr. & Mrs. Norman D. Lopez Mr. & Mrs. Larry M. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Meves Mr. & Mrs. Bart Morey Mr. & Mrs. Jorge R. Naccarino # Mrs. Maria Gabriela Olivero Mr. & Mrs. Francis G. Parker Dr. & Mrs. Mario J. Portocarrero # Mr. & Mrs. Stanley T. Proctor Mr. & Mrs. Gary O. Quenan #
Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. Robin S. Ahn # Mr. & Mrs. Isaac J. Aparicio # ' Mr. & Mrs. Sammer I. Arnouk Mr. Masaud Baaba & Ms. Neivin Bassuoni #
All contributions by Current Parents to the Strake Jesuit Annual Fund serve to Bridge the Gap between tuition and the actual cost of a Jesuit education. In 2010-2011 that Gap was $1,700. Thanks to the generous support of those parents who supported the Strake Jesuit Annual Fund in 20102011, last year’s Gap was bridged. A record 61% of current parents last years chose to invest further in their son’s Jesuit education by supporting the Annual Fund. If you are a current parent in 20112012, when asked to support the Annual Fund, please consider a gift to help to bridge the gap once again.
Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499
Mr. Rudolph M. Reid & Ms. Maroussia E. Nassief-Reid Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Scamardi ‘81 # Mr. & Mrs. William E. Sessums Jr. # ' Mr. & Mrs. Tom Skerl Ms. Judy Trimble Snelling # Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Soto # Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Stangel + Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Stell Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Tad-y Dr. & Mrs. Ara A. Vaporciyan Mr. & Mrs. David G. Wager ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. James F. Weitzel '
Class of 2014
Parent Drive 2010: $246,728 Total Giving: $363,723 Total Members: 250 Members Participating: 178 Participation: 71% Ignatius Club Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Ammons # ' Mr. & Mrs. Paul Beck # ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83 # ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. John C. Rossettie # '
Stanislaus Club Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Aubin # ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ay, Jr. # ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Bastian # ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Cousino # + ' Mr. & Mrs. V. Edward James # ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. McAughan Jr. # Mr. & Mrs. James M. McAuliffe # Mr. & Mrs. David M. McGuire # ' Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. McParland # Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Mercer # ' Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. Mullins ‘80 ' Prof. & Ms. James W. Paulsen # ' Mr. & Mrs. Bret D. Sanders #
Crusader Club Mr. & Mrs. James E. Anderson # ' Mr. Russell L. Anderson & Ms. Carol M. Cameron # Mr. Christopher D. Bertini ‘83 # Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Boushka, III # ' Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Collins # ' Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. ‘76 # ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Corrigan, Jr. # Mr. & Mrs. Mohammed A. Dhanani # Dr. & Mrs. Eduardo M. Diaz, Jr. # '
Mr. & Mrs. Helder M. Eloy # Mr. & Mrs. James D. Gray # Mr. & Mrs. Jay Levy # Mr. & Mrs. James A. Murray # Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. O’Connor # ' Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Sasso # Dr. & Mrs. John C. Schiro ‘80 # Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Solcher # ' Mr. & Mrs. Keith T. Strenge # Mr. & Mrs. G. Wade Stubblefield # ' Dr. & Mrs. Fernando Urrutia # Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vanderslice # Dr. & Mrs. Shengkun Yao #
President’s Club Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Beaton # Mr. & Mrs. James J. Boland, II # Mr. & Mrs. Brian K. Broussard # Dr. & Mrs. Allen W. Burton # ' Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Camp # Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Cartwright # Mr. & Mrs. John D. Charbonnet, Jr. # ' Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Cohn ‘86 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cozort # Mr. David D. Dao & Dr. Julie D. Bui # Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Elder # Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Espenan + ' Dr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Ferris # Mr. & Mrs. Antonio G. Gambini # Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Gebara # Mr. & Mrs. Gray W. Gilbert # Mr. & Mrs. Gordon C. Gill + Mr. & Mrs. Yaron Gisser # ' Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S. Gray # Mr. & Mrs. Cody B. Groves # ' Mr. & Mrs. Darrell N. Haun # ' Mr. Paul D. & Dr. Namieta M. Janssen # ' Mr. & Mrs. John R. Keville # ' Mr. & Mrs. John E. Knoebel, Sr. # ' Dr. & Mrs. Spencer C. Li # Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lloyd + Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Magee ‘83 # Mr. & Mrs. James A. Martin # Dr. & Dr. Victor O. Mendiola ‘85 # Ms. Llylwyn E. T. Michals # Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Murray # Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Nasser # Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Nevle ‘84 # Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Ott # Dr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Pignetti # Mr. & Mrs. Dan F. Platt, Jr. # ' Mr. & Mrs. John S. Pruitt ‘78 # Mr. & Mrs. Conley J. Rank # Mr. & Mrs. Drew E. Rohde # +
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron J. Castenell #
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Shapiro # ' Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Simon # Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Smith # Dr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Thompson # ' Mr. & Mrs. Quyen M. Tran # Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Whitson # Mr. & Mrs. D. Patrick Whitty ‘78 #
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley G. Chapman, III Mr. & Mrs. William D. Chinn # ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Cooke # Ms. Jenifer L. Cramer # Mr. & Mrs. James F. Cromwell + Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Danielson Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Dao # Ms. Julie B. Dao Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Daus # Mr. & Mrs. James E. Davidson ‘75 + Mr. Glynn A. Dial & Ms. Agnes L. Dillard-Dial # Dr. & Mrs. James W. Dietz, Jr. # ' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. DiGregorio Mr. Steve L. Duong Mr. & Mrs. Aben Ellerbee # Mr. Michael P. & Hon. Natalie C. Fleming # Mr. & Mrs. Archie E. Groff, III # Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Heilman # Mr. & Mrs. Jose C. Herrera # Mr. & Mrs. Craig L. Holzhauser # Mr. & Mrs. William J. Izard # Dr. Richard Kellermayer & Dr. Reka Szigeti # Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Knowles # Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Koeppen # Mr. & Mrs. Oscar M. Lander, II # Ms. Daniella D. Landers # Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Langdon # Mr. Frank Lara # Mr. & Mrs. Carmelo D. Laurea # Mr. & Mrs. Vincent T. Leger # Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Livit # Mr. & Mrs. Jack P. Marucci # Mr. Walter W. Mays & Ms. Regine St. Villier-Mays # Mr. & Mrs. John M. McQuerry # Dr. Yuko Mori-Akiyama # Dr. & Dr. Bertram M. Ozumba # Mr. & Mrs. Kirk G. Patterson # Ms. Ernestina Phillips # Mr. & Mrs. Stevan S. Pierce # Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Quiray # Mr. & Mrs. Rommel d. P. Reyes # Ms. Karla M. Roberts # Mr. & Mrs. Scott O. Sebastian # Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Strother Mr. & Mrs. Sam Thompson # Mr. John Walker & Ms. Christine M. Politis # Ms. Laura G. Welsh # Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Wenz # Mr. & Mrs. Hunter Z. Werlla Dr. & Mrs. John K. Williams # Mr. Mark E. Wilson & Ms. Sheila M. Condon + Mr. & Mrs. Glenn J. Zamora #
Magis Club Dr. Radwan Al-Sabbagh & Ms. Hadeel Mujarkesh # ' Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Boyer # Mr. & Mrs. James R. Breuer # Mr. & Mrs. James E. Chandler # Mr. & Mrs. German S. Digoy # Mr. & Mrs. Reynold R. D’Souza + Mr. & Mrs. Wilson D. Dunn # Mr. Ronald G. Embry & Mrs. Christine A. Moustakis-Embry # Dr. James L. Gajewski # Mr. & Mrs. Douglas T. Gosda # ' Mr. & Mrs. Calvin G. Hayes # Mrs. Laura W. Hoffman # Mr. & Mrs. Wendell H. Hungbui # Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Jewett # ' Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Kudela # Mr. Chin V. & Dr. Kim-Huong Nguyen # Mr. & Mrs. Su T. Nguyen # Mr. & Mrs. Sanat S. Nileshwar # Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick O’Connell ‘88 # + Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Ogilvie # Dr. Ricardo H. Pignatelli # Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Riddle # Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Smidt # + Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Stinebaugh ‘82 # Mr. & Mrs. Joe L. Stires # Mr. & Mrs. Dieu D. Tran Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Van Natta # Mr. & Mrs. E. Michael Varona # Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. VonBorstel #
General Contributors Ms. Falana L. Adams # Rev & Mrs. Israel W. Ahimbisibwe # Dr. & Mrs. Dionisio R. Alquiza, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jerrold S. Alwais # Ms. Diana G. Bertini Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence R. Boisvert # Mr. & Mrs. Darryl S. Brister # Mr. & Mrs. David J. Broeckelmann # Mr. & Mrs. Todd A. Calvin # Mr. & Mrs. Guido M. Caranti # Mr. & Mrs. Bernard W. Care #
The Annual Fleming Award for Teaching Excellence is presented each year to two Strake Jesuit teachers. Presented at the annual Awards day Cermony in May. Pictured at last year’s ceremony are (left top right) Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ, George Fleming, 2011 Award Recipients Linda Ream and Br. Casey Ferlita, SJ, and Principal Richard Nevle. Legend: h Increased gift from previous year / ' Retreat & Leadership Center Donor ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving
Gifts from Past Parents can be made to support, Financial Aid, an Endowment or to the greatest need of the school. Giving club classification is based on total giving including donations to the Alumni Drive, General and Endowed Scholarships, Capital Gifts, amd other Annual Giving campaigns. Ignatius Club Anonymous ++ # Anonymous # Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock ++ # ' Mr. Tom Adolph ‘75 ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Agee ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 + # ' Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bashaw ‘80 + ' Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Beathard # ' Mr. & Mrs. James E. Blackwell + Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. ++ # ' Mr. & Mrs. Giorgio Borlenghi + # ' Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin + # ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Brock + Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman + ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman ++ # ' Mr. & Mrs. M. D. Colley # ' Dr. & Mrs. Rabih O. Darouiche + Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Dobrowski + Mr. & Mrs. John Garibaldi ++ # Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hagale ++ Mr. David E. Harvey, Jr. ‘72 & Dr. Mikki Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Henning + # ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hensley, Jr. ‘72 ' Mr. & Mrs. Glen Hou + Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Iglesias ++ # ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 ++ # ' Mr. & Mrs. Duane H. King + Mrs. Johnetta Lallinger # Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lynch ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Maarraoui + # ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. McLamb + ' Mr. Ronald E. & Dr. Mary Neal + # ' Mr. & Mrs. Hunter Nelson ++ # ' Mr. & Mrs. John E. O’Shea, Jr. + ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 ++ # ' Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Provenzano + # Ms. Linda Ream + Mr. & Mrs. Phillip B. Ribbeck + # ' Mr. & Mrs. Monte M. Sneed + # ' Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Springer ++ Dr. Ronald Taylor & Dr. Marilyn Mayer + # ' Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio M. Torras + Mr. & Mrs. James L. Walker + # ' Dr. Tara L. Wegryn + # Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner ++ # '
Stanislaus Club Ms. Anne-Marie Ainsworth # Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers ++ # ' Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck + # ' Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Clay + Mr. & Mrs. John P. Cogan, Jr. + Mr. & Mrs. David W. Cole + # Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Cousino + # ' Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Daboval + Mrs. Karin Diaz Dr. & Mrs. Sayed F. Feghali + Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Girotto # Mr. & Mrs. James L. Goodyear ++ # Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hanus ++ Mr. James A. & Dr. Sandi Lemming ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Messina Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Mims ++ # Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Nick ++ Mr. & Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr. + '
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Wyrsch +
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Peterman + # ' Mr. & Mrs. René A. Richard + Glynn Roberts & Jean Roberts + # Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Scalzitti # ' Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sisler ++ Mrs. Graciela Vela-Cuellar Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Walsh # '
President’s Club Dr. Adebayo J. Adesomo + Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Ayers + # ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Blizzard + Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Breen + Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 ++ ' Dr. & Mrs. Gerardo Bueso ++ # Mr. & Mrs. Tracey E. Coats + # Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Contreras, Jr. # Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Crane Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Craven + Mr. Richard D. Cunningham # Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Dewhurst ++ Mr. & Mrs. Rudy T. Dismuke + Mr. & Mrs. Casey W. Doherty ++ Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Doherty ++ Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Donnelly + Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Espenan + ' Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Faulk + Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Fraser Jr. + Mr. & Mrs. Alberto E. Garcia, Jr. + # Mr. & Mrs. Gordon C. Gill + Dr. Sergio A. & Dr. Gabriela Giralt + # Mr. & Mrs. Bob Haas # Ms. Josephine Huang # Mr. & Mrs. William H. Jones # Mrs. Laura Jungeblut ++ Mr. Jason L. & Dr. Agnes I. Kisch + Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart ++ Mr. Mark R. Livesay + Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lloyd + Mr. & Mrs. Gregg E. McBride + Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Mealey ‘80 + # Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Montegut + ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morris ++ Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Nijoka ++ Dr. & Mrs. Philip C. Noble # Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Osborn + ' Mr. & Mrs. F. W. Othon ++ Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Pepper Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Peters # Mr. & Mrs. Piero M. Puccini ++ # Dr. Harry F. Richards ++ Mr. & Mrs. George A. Rizzo + Mr. & Mrs. Drew E. Rohde + # Mr. Mark R. Schiro ‘82 # Mr. & Mrs. Darby Seré ++ ' Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Sobiesk + Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Tanner, Sr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Thiele Mr. & Mrs. Joe F. Thomas # Dr. & Mrs. Nghia Q. Vuong Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Walters Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Wilson + Mr. & Mrs. Clifford E. York +
Crusader Club Dr. & Mrs. Paul M. Allison + Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Archer, Sr. # Mrs. Bunny S. Bambace ++ # Mrs. Lillian Bean # Mr. & Mrs. Emil J. Bednar ++ Mr. & Mrs. James M. Booth ‘67 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun + ' Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Brown + # Mr. Rigoberto & Dr. Dorothy Delgado + # Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Fenelon + Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Fix ++ Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey ‘74 ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Gangelhoff + Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats ++ # ' Mr. & Mrs. Wesley R. Gibson + Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Gochnour ++ Ms. Helen M. Grivich + # Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Hasenpflug, Jr. ++ Mr. Russell Heinen & Ms. Shawn McKean + Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Heisler ‘72 + Dr. & Mrs. David H. Hildreth + Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Hornberger # Mr. & Mrs. Trevor R. Jefferies Mr. & Mrs. Juan J. Jones # ' Mr. & Mrs. Don F. Keating + Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Konopka + Mr. & Mrs. Umberto LaMatta ++ Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Layne + # Mrs. Antoinette M. Letsos ++ Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lidiak # Mr. Blair H. Margot & Mrs. Margo R. Vafakos-Margot + Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Martin + ' Mrs. Thomas J. McErlean ++ # Mrs. Sylvia McPartland # ' Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. McStravick + ' Mr. & Mrs. James F. Meara ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Moore + # Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Mucci ‘75 # ' Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 & Dr. Kathleen P. Murphy ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Nevle^ ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Notestine + Mr. & Mrs. George S. Ontko + # Mr. Stephen P. Pate & Ms. Jean T. Janssen + Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pilegge # Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Roth + # Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sacra ‘74 ++ # Mr. & Mrs. David A. Schmidt + Ms. Mariana G. Servitje # Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sheets + Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Staudt + Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Stewart + Mr. & Mrs. Austin L. Tenette + # Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Tyree # Dr. & Mrs. Fernando Urrutia # Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vanderslice # Mr. & Mrs. Owen C. Wang Mr. & Mrs. James A. Webb + '
Magis Club Ms. Linda C. Adolph + Mr. Robert A. Adolph ‘73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson ++ ' Mr. Paul A. Antolik & Ms. Barbara L. Bone + # Mr. & Mrs. Laurance H. Armour, III + Dr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Ashe + # Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Austin ‘76 +
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Autry + Ms. Carol Bailey ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Baker # Mr. Thomas E. Baker, Sr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Balhoff # Mr. Thanh K. Banh & Ms. Nam T. Pham + Mr. & Mrs. Karl D. Bartholomew + Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Benigno + Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Boyer # Mr. & Mrs. L. Christopher Butler ‘68 # Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Carty, Sr. # Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh + # ' Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh ‘68 + # Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Clutterbuck + Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Colvill # Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Connell, Jr. ++ # Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly ++ Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Court, Jr. # Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Davidson + Mrs. Helen B. Davidson # Mr. & Mrs. Emlyn B. Davies + Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Delouche ++ Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. DeVries + # Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Dolan ++ Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Donatti # Mr. & Mrs. Robert Donlin + Mr. & Mrs. John K. Dubiel + # Mrs. Elsie Duff # Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Duffy ++ Mr. Dean R. Elkins # Mr. & Mrs. Pat R. Falcone + # Mr. & Mrs. Terry J. Felton Dr. & Mrs. James P. Fogarty ‘70 # Dr. & Mrs. Miguel Franco # Dr. & Mrs. William C. Franklin # Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman ‘69 ++ # Mr. & Mrs. Gaston Gaal + Mr. C. A. Gillan & Ms. Cathy S. Nunnally + Mr. & Mrs. Jerome E. Glass Mr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Gomez + Dr. & Mrs. David Y. Graham ++ Mr. Paul J. Gregor & Ms. Barbara Divine ++ Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hanratty + Mr. Gilbert A. Herrera # Mr. & Mrs. William P. Herrington, Sr. + ' Mr. & Mrs. James A. Highberger ++ # ' Mr. & Mrs. John D. Hill + # Mr. & Mrs. K. D. Hinkle # Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. ‘77 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Horn + Mr. & Mrs. Robert Huebel + Mr. James Hull & Ms. Deborah Schindler ++ Mr. Fajun Jiang & Ms. Dong Xia Mr. & Mrs. Brent M. Jones # Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Kelley # Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh ++ Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kostelnik + Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kwik # Mr. Rudolph S. Lange # Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Lattanzi Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Lauinger, III ++ Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Letsos ‘73 + # Dr. & Mrs. Enrique H. Longhi # Mr. & Mrs. Melvin H. Lorenz ++ Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Malek, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Efren M. Manalansan Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy ++ # Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. McConnell #
Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. John A. McCullagh + # Mr. & Mrs. S. Wayne McDonald, Sr. ‘67 ++ Mr. & Mrs. William J. McDonald + Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. McGrath # Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon ++ # Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Mengis + The Honorable & Mrs. Gray H. Miller ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. R. K. Miller, Jr. + # Mrs. Lisa A. Miranda + # Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Monmouth + # ' Mr. & Mrs. William F. Monroe # Rev. & Mrs. David E. Moore ++ Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras + Mrs. Florence Nakfoor ++ Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo L. Nazario # Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters ‘71 ++ Mrs. Ruby Piazza # Dr. & Mrs. Lindy T. Rachal # Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Raia # Mr. & Mrs. James P. Reilly ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Roberts # Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Rose # Dr. Robert C. & Dr. Kathleen Ryan + Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Sacra ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67 ++ ' Mr. Richard J. Schmitt # Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schneider + Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Seckel # Dr. Angelo Sermas & Dr. Marsha Soechting ++ Mr. & Mrs. George V. Sherman, Jr. ++ Ms. Martha B. Simpson # Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Skelton + Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Smidt + # Mrs. Elizabeth W. Smith # Mr. & Mrs. George E. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Snider + Mr. & Mrs. James J. Spring, III ‘65 Mrs. Elizabeth Standish ++ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Standish ‘67 # Mrs. Gretchen Braun Stewart # Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Stewart + Mr. & Mrs. Karl Strickland # Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Suhor + Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Terracina + # Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Walters Mr. & Mrs. John D. Willis ++ # Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Winters + Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Yates # Ms. Cindy Yeglin Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Zerda # Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Zimmerman, Sr. #
General Contributors Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Adair + Mrs. Irene Adolph Mrs. Clare Aiuvalasit + Dr. & Mrs. Dionisio R. Alquiza, Jr. # Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Anderson Mrs. Angela R. Apollo # Ms. Cecilia Ardila Mr. & Mrs. C. A. Ashe # Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Atchison ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. David J. Baker # Mr. & Mrs. James E. Barkley Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates, IV + Mr. & Mrs. Angelo A. Bellis # Mr. & Mrs. Trevor C. Bello + Mr. & Mrs. R. Gregory Bernica # Mr. & Mrs. Joel H. Berry + Mr. & Mrs. Allen J. Bertagne # Dr. & Mrs. John E. Bertini, Jr. ‘74 # Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bilnoski, Jr. ‘71 ++ Ms. Jenny Lou Bird # Mr. & Mrs. Barron Bogatto ‘78 Mrs. Susan F. Bolz +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Bondor ++ Mr. & Mrs. John C. Branca #
Dr. & Mrs. Helmuth Goepfert ++ Mr. & Mrs. John L. Gorman # Mr. & Mrs. David Gornet # Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Greenberg + Mr. & Mrs. Lauren Grenier + Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Haesly + Mr. & Mrs. Tyler S. Hahn # Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Haine # Mr. & Mrs. Mel Hainey, Sr. + Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Hale, Jr. + Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Hanley, Jr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanratty ‘81 + Dr. & Mrs. William F. Hanson ++ Mr. & Mrs. James P. Haren # Mrs. Marian Y. Harper Laningham Mr. & Mrs. John O. Hastings + Mr. & Mrs. Vern E. Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. David Hessel Mr. & Mrs. David Hinners ++ Dr. & Mrs. John A. Hipp # Mr. & Mrs. Ted A. Holy + Mr. Wai-Leung R. Hon + Mr. & Mrs. Tom Horrell + # Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hosty ++ Mr. & Mrs. James M. Howard + # Mr. & Mrs. Kuan-yuan Hsu # Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Hubbell ++ Mr. & Mrs. Wesley J. Hudson + Mr. & Mrs. David A. Huete ++ # Mr. & Mrs. James D. Hughes Mrs. Patsy Hyland # Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Jacobson # Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Jacobus Mr. & Mrs. Dale S. Janik + Mr. & Mrs. Maximo J. Jante, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. Johnson # Dr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Jones + Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Kainer + # Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell ++ Mr. & Mrs. James B. Keller Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Kenny ++ Dr. & Mrs. James M. Killian + Dr. Margaret Kinalska # Mr. & Mrs. Gary Klumpp # Mrs. Nancy Koch ++ # Mrs. Charlotte Koenig Mr. & Mrs. Americo E. Korompai # Mr. & Mrs. Floyd J. Kowalski ++ Dr. & Mrs. Donald C. Kramer # Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kruckemeyer + ' Mr. & Mrs. Neal F. Lane ++ Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Lassus + Mrs. Dorothea Lea + Mr. & Mrs. Alain G. LeNotre Dr. & Mrs. Matthew L. Lenz # Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Liska # Mr. & Mrs. Jose E. Llana ++ Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius C. Llorens ++ Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Lutz ++ Mr. & Mrs. Mark Luyster # Mrs. Sarah H. Lynch + Mr. & Mrs. D. B. Macbeth # Mr. & Mrs. John W. Mackie, III # Mr. & Mrs. John M. Magner Mrs. Virginia Mahoney ++ Mr. & Mrs. Victor N. Makris Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Malek Mr. Shawnie Malone ‘66 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Malsam # Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Mancillas + # Mr. & Mrs. Julius Maresh Dr. Sylvia Marotta Mr. & Mrs. Elroy Marti Mr. & Mrs. Larry M. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Jack P. Marucci # Dr. & Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr. ++ Mrs. Lois A. Mathews ++ Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Matovich
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brody + Ms. Alisa Broussard + Mrs. Marian W. Brown # Mr. & Mrs. William E. Buck # Mr. & Mrs. S. Scott Buckheit # Mr. & Mrs. James L. Buechele # Mr. & Mrs. William P. Burpeau, Jr. ++ Mr. Charles M. Burton + Mrs. Catherine Byrnes Mr. Arden D. Callender + Mrs. Danielle R. Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. Juan A. Carrillo # Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Cashiola # Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Cashiola ‘72 + Mr. & Mrs. Aaron J. Castenell # Mr. & Mrs. Merlin A. Castille + Mr. & Mrs. Cloy N. Causey # Mr. & Mrs. David E. Chambers + Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Chambers + Mrs. Phyllis B. Chase # Mr. & Mrs. Ken Choyce # Mr. & Mrs. Vance Christopher + Dr. & Mrs. Gary Clark ++ Mr. & Mrs. James D. Clifton + Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Clinton ++ Mrs. Mary H. Colemon Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Collins, Jr. # Mr. & Mrs. James T. Collins + Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Conway # Mr. & Mrs. John G. Cope Mr. Mark Costello Mr. & Mrs. James F. Cromwell + Mrs. Mary Crowley Mrs. Dorothy Daly ++ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Daly # Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Dampf ++ Mrs. Beatrice T. Dante ++ Ms. Julie B. Dao Mr. & Mrs. David Depinet + Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt ++ Mr. Mark E. Dini ‘79 # Mr. & Mrs. Hugh D. Doran # Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Doyle + # Mr. & Mrs. Neil R. Duarte Mr. Steven M. Duin # Mr. & Mrs. Jack T. Dulworth # Mr. & Mrs. James A. Dunn # Mr. Steve L. Duong Mrs. Rose M. Durden ++ Mr. & Mrs. David Ecklund ++ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. John Egan # Dr. & Mrs. John Eichelberger # Dr. & Mrs. Garret J. Etgen ++ Mr. & Mrs. Jack B. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K. Eyberg + Mrs. Jane Falk Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Fernandez + Mr. Michael P. & Hon. Natalie C. Fleming # Dr. & Mrs. Marc F. Fontaine + Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Formica + Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Frank + Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Franshaw ‘82 + Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Fredette # Mr. & Mrs. Jose O. Fuentes + # ' Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Gallagher # Mr. & Mrs. Roland L. Galle # Dr. & Mrs. A. Tomas Garcia # Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Garcia # Mrs. Virginia P. Gidley Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gilbert ++ Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Gillogly + Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Glaser + Mr. & Mrs. Leo M. Glass Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy S. Goco #
Legend: h Increased gift from previous year / ' Retreat & Leadership Center Donor ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey E. McBee + Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. McBee + Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. McCarty # Mr. & Mrs. James J. McConn, Jr. # Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. McKay + Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. McLean ++ Mr. & Mrs. Mark McNeil + # Mrs. Jeanne C. Mealey # Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Melancon + Mr. & Mrs. Elmer J. Merkel ++ Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Merritt, Sr. # Mr. & Mrs. David C. Meyer + Mrs. Veta Middleton ++ Mr. & Mrs. John W. Mikus Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Moeller, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bart Morey Mrs. Dorothy Morgenroth # Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Morrison # Dr. Edwin J. Morrow # Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Naples # Mr. & Mrs. Emil Nasser Mr. Robert Nino # Mrs. Carolyn Novelli ++ # Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel N. Nwokedi Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Oaks + Mr. Pat A. O’Brien Mrs. Mary Ann O’Connell # Dr. & Mrs. Juan J. Olivero Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. O’Neill # Mr. Gordon Pace + Mrs. Jo-Ann Padula + Mrs. Roylyn Parke Mr. & Mrs. Francis G. Parker Mr. & Mrs. David N. Parks Mr. & Mrs. Clifton G. Pearce # Mr. & Mrs. Jerome E. Pelton # Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Penn # Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Pepin + Mrs. Maria A. Perez-Chaumont Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Pesek # Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Petersen Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pfaffenberger # Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Phalen, Jr. ‘72 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Piazza, Jr. ‘72 + Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Plessala Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Polichino, Jr. ‘66 # Dr. & Mrs. Mario J. Portocarrero # Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Price # Ms. Danielle Pung ++ Mr. & Mrs. Gary O. Quenan # Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Quiray # Mr. & Mrs. Henry D. Ralph + Dr. G. S. & Dr. Rekha C. Ramesh # Mr. & Mrs. Edilberto Ramirez Ms. Maria J. Regalado # Mr. & Mrs. John P. Reilly # Dr. & Ms. David W. Reininger ‘69 ++ # Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Renaud + Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Reuter ‘66 ++ # Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Riccetti Dr. Mike Rice ‘72 & Dr. Peggy Goetz ++ Mr. & Mrs. Clarence W. Rife + # Mr. & Mrs. Jim R. Rigamonti Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Riggs # Mr. & Mrs. William R. Roberts + # Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Tomas W. Rodriguez ' Mrs. Marguerite Rogan ++ Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Roush # Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rowley Jo F. Ruhl Mrs. Elsie Ryan # Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Saberre, Sr. + Dr. Lonnie Sadberry ++ Mr. & Mrs. Neal L. Sarahan Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Sauer Mr. & Mrs. Norman O. Schenk +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schillaci ‘74 # Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Schiller + Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Schroeter Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel ++ Mrs. Sandra Schwarzbach + Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sheehy + Capt. Samuel M. Shelton, USN ++ Mrs. Evangeline Simmons Mr. & Mrs. James A. Simpson + Ms. Sharon R. Simpson # Ms. Victoria T. Singley + Mr. & Mrs. Tom Skerl Mr. & Mrs. Gary P. Smith The Honorable & Mrs. Jerry E. Smith # Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Spear ++ Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Spieldenner ‘66 + Mr. & Mrs. Roland E. Squyres # Mr. Timothy E. Squyres ‘74 & Ms. Karen L. Brune Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Stangel + Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H. Stauffacher, Jr. # Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Steets ‘65 # Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Stell Dr. & Mrs. Bob J. Stinebaugh # Mr. Albert J. Suhor ++ Mr. Stephen J. Sulentic # Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Garry J. Sullivan ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Walter R. Taber # Mr. & Mrs. Carlos J. Taboada Mr. & Mrs. W. B. Tarver + Ms. Dawn R. Terrazas-Chambers + Mr. & Mrs. Bart V. Thomeer ‘75 + Mr. & Mrs. Jay C. Thorseth + Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Tomlinson ++ Mrs. Jackie Tower # Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Turney # Ms. Juanita Unate Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ung + Mr. & Mrs. John Upton, Sr. # Dr. & Mrs. Lieven Van Riet # Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables ++ Mrs. Alice N. Vick # Dr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Wall + ' Mr. & Mrs. Cletus J. Wark + Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo R. Watson # Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Weatherl, Sr. + Mr. & Mrs. John F. Webre ‘67 # Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Weingartner ++ Mr. & Mrs. Walter Whipple # Dr. Simon N. Whitney & Dr. Judy Levison + Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Williamson ‘74 ++ # Mr. Mark E. Wilson & Ms. Sheila M. Condon + Mr. & Mrs. Erich W. Wolz, Jr. + Mrs. Marilyn Wood # Mr. & Mrs. John A. Work + Mr. & Mrs. John M. Wren Mr. & Mrs. James W. Young + Mr. Robert J. Young # Mr. & Mrs. Clarence S. Zaozirny + Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo P. Zubizarreta ++
2 0 1 1
In its tenth year, the Senior Class Gift presents an opportunity for the students to make the transformation to alumni and to leave a parting gift to the school. The Class of 2011elected to honor their classmate Charles Alford ’11. Their gift will fund a financial aid scholarship and will be used to purchase items for campus and the new Retreat and Leadership Center. Eightynine percent of the class participated and pledged over $25,400 to be paid off over the next four years. President’s Young Associates
Mr. Sean P. Burwinkel ‘11
Mr. Luis A. Matamoros ‘11
Mr. Alejandro T. Cabello ‘11
Mr. Regie J. Mauricio ‘11
Mr. Matheus C. Carboni ‘11
Mr. Wiley R. McCoy ‘11 '
Mr. Alan R. Albrecht ‘11 '
Mr. Cristian A. Carrasco ‘11
Mr. Dylan G. Monmouth ‘11 '
Mr. Stephen D. Allison ‘11 '
Mr. Ryan M. Casey ‘11 '
Mr. Andrew J. Munoz ‘11
Mr. Jack L. Beathard ‘11
Mr. Stanley G. Chapman ‘11
Mr. Nicholas R. Naccarino ‘11
Mr. David C. Bell ‘11 '
Mr. Taylor J. Combs ‘11
Mr. Christopher A. Nart ‘11
Mr. Ryan D. Blackwell ‘11 '
Mr. Christopher S. Condara ‘11 '
Mr. Andrew M. Nguyen ‘11
Mr. John B. Byrd ‘11 '
Mr. Michael T. Connell ‘11 '
Mr. Andy P. Nguyen ‘11
Mr. Martin Cerritos ‘11
Mr. James B. Cooper ‘11 '
Mr. Anthony T. N. Nguyen ‘11
Mr. Spencer W. Coats ‘11 '
Mr. Matthew H. Craven ‘11
Mr. Weston A. Novelli ‘11 '
Mr. Robert A. Cunningham ‘11 '
Mr. Connell F. Crawford ‘11 '
Mr. Solomon N. G. Nwokedi ‘11
Mr. Corbett W. Ekonomou ‘11 '
Mr. Gerrard Cruz ‘11 '
Mr. Manuel D. Orellana ‘11 '
Mr. Maxwell J. Gocke ‘11 '
Mr. Robert D. Daboval ‘11
Mr. Brian J. O’Shaughnessy ‘11 '
Mr. Scott M. Goode ‘11 '
Mr. Tarek K. Darouiche ‘11
Mr. Douglas E. Patson ‘11 '
Mr. Karl S. Griesser ‘11 '
Mr. Kirk T. David ‘11 '
Mr. Jared A. Pellerin ‘11 '
Mr. Michael J. Griffin, IV ‘11 '
Mr. Jonathan I. De Guzman ‘11 '
Mr. Ross C. Pepper ‘11
Mr. Eric N. Johnson ‘11 '
Mr. Wilson B. DeSpain ‘11
Mr. Tito Perez, II ‘11
Mr. Ahsan Khan ‘11 '
Mr. Robert G. Diaz-Arrastia ‘11 '
Mr. Joseph M. Perkins ‘11 '
Mr. Brandon T. Kisch ‘11 '
Mr. William P. Dillon ‘11 '
Mr. John M. Peterman ‘11
Mr. Christian J. Knight ‘11 '
Mr. Ali Ebrahim ‘11 '
Mr. Anson M. Petrick ‘11
Mr. Brandon R. Krus ‘11 '
Mr. Michael D. Ehrenkranz ‘11
Mr. Richard A. Pfeffer ‘11
Mr. Andrew M. Lee ‘11 '
Mr. Martin N. Elizondo ‘11
Mr. Phillip R. Posway ‘11
Mr. Jose M. Linardi ‘11 '
Mr. Coleman T. Ellerbrock ‘11 '
Mr. Gabriel O. Puccini ‘11
Mr. Andrew R. Lopez ‘11
Mr. Devan C. Evans ‘11
Mr. Raj A. Rao ‘11 '
Mr. Ryan J. Lord ‘11 '
Mr. Michael S. Felton ‘11 '
Mr. James L. Raven ‘11 '
Mr. Niles L. Luckenbach ‘11
Mr. Evan J. Fichter ‘11 '
Mr. Ryan D. Roberts ‘11 '
Mr. Ian G. Margot ‘11
Mr. Taylor E. Fletcher ‘11
Mr. Andrew S. Romo ‘11 '
Mr. Clay A. Martin ‘11
Mr. Matthew A. Fucik ‘11
Mr. Paolo J. Ruiz ‘11 '
Mr. Richard A. Mason ‘11 '
Mr. Austin T. George ‘11
Mr. Eddie G. Saa ‘11
Mr. Chase R. McArdle ‘11
Mr. Nick J. Gibson ‘11
Mr. Emil M. Sadykhov ‘11
Mr. Matthew S. Meece ‘11
Mr. Nicolas A. Giraldo ‘11
Mr. Jeffery R. Sanders ‘11 '
Mr. Bernard A. Moorer ‘11
Mr. Blake C. Goldberg ‘11 '
Mr. Matthew J. Sasso ‘11
Mr. Alexander Quoyeser ‘11 '
Mr. Charles S. Grealish ‘11 '
Mr. Anthony E. Scheller ‘11 '
Mr. Matthew C. Rachal ‘11 '
Mr. Griffin C. Gundy ‘11
Mr. Christopher N. Schiller ‘11 '
Mr. Jordan L. Ray ‘11 '
Mr. Shyon B. Haghpeykar ‘11 '
Mr. Mark A. Schmidt ‘11
Mr. Matthew P. Rayner ‘11
Mr. Kyle D. L. Hamilton ‘11
Mr. Michael J. Scott ‘11 '
Mr. Joseph N. Reeves ‘11 '
Mr. Ryan M. Haney ‘11
Mr. Paul J. Scranton ‘11
Mr. Richard A. Rojas ‘11
Mr. Charles T. Harbin ‘11
Mr. William J. Shappee ‘11 '
Mr. David R. Rumford ‘11 '
Mr. Quinn J. Hebert ‘11
Mr. Karl B. Shearer ‘11
Mr. Michael A. Sam ‘11 '
Mr. Arthur J. Heiser ‘11
Mr. Joseph M. Shemenski ‘11 '
Mr. Sean C. Sculley ‘11
Mr. Eric M. Heisler ‘11
Mr. William E. R. Simpson ‘11
Mr. William J. Siegfried ‘11 '
Mr. Joel A. Hendricks ‘11
Mr. Kieran W. Skelly ‘11 '
Mr. Anthony J. Silvestre ‘11
Mr. Marc Jude P. L. Hermoso ‘11 '
Mr. Dimitri Skoumpourdis ‘11
Mr. Matthew H. Stubbs ‘11
Mr. James D. Herrington ‘11
Mr. Jose A. Solis ‘11
Mr. Conner J. Troxclair ‘11 '
Mr. Christopher M. Holland ‘11
Mr. Aldo E. Sordelli ‘11 '
Mr. Addison L. G. Walker ‘11 '
Mr. Abraham H. Hsu ‘11 '
Mr. Garrett C. Spore ‘11
Mr. Kyle O. Whitney ‘11 '
Mr. John R. Huml ‘11 '
Mr. Connor M. Stacy ‘11
Mr. William T. Huskinson ‘11
Mr. Jack A. Stewart ‘11
Mr. Eric C. Huynh ‘11
Mr. Jason D. Taffet ‘11
Mr. John O. Ike ‘11 '
Mr. Ken Tang ‘11
Mr. Bradley C. Akers ‘11
Mr. Zachary M. Janik ‘11
Mr. Justin D. Tapiador ‘11 '
Mr. Salim A. Alameddin ‘11
Mr. Charles R. Jenner ‘11 '
Mr. Christopher K. T. Than ‘11
Mr. Akhil Alex ‘11
Mr. Johnathan D. Jia ‘11
Mr. Fred Christian G. Velasquez ‘11
Mr. Michael P. Austin ‘11
Mr. Garrison W. Jones ‘11
Mr. Chad L. Verde ‘11 '
Mr. Andrew M. Bakke ‘11
Mr. Kendrick L. Katigbak ‘11 '
Mr. Ryan S. Villani ‘11
Mr. Christopher L. Balhoff ‘11
Mr. Sebastian D. Kawar ‘11
Mr. Derick B. P. Vinh ‘11
Mr. Patrick F. Benson ‘11
Mr. Abiel M. Khatami ‘11 '
Mr. Blake M. Warden ‘11 '
Mr. Andrew J. Best ‘11 '
Mr. Trent M. La ‘11 '
Mr. Daniel P. Whitty ‘11 '
Mr. Trey J. Brasseaux ‘11 '
Mr. Matthew R. Lacamu ‘11
Mr. Cole K. Wilson ‘11 '
Mr. John B. Breen ‘11
Mr. Simon Lee ‘11
Mr. Joseph C. Winkley ‘11 '
Mr. David J. Brill ‘11 '
Mr. Michael A. Lyn ‘11 '
Mr. Mingxi T. Yang ‘11
Mr. Daniel V. Bui ‘11
Mr. Patrick B. Martin ‘11 '
Mr. Nicholas H. Zinni ‘11
General Contributors
Mr. John M. Marymont ‘11 Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499
Gifts from Grandparents can be made to support an Endowment or to the greatest need of the school. Giving club classification is based on total giving including donations to the Alumni Drive, General and Endowed Scholarships, Capital Gifts, amd other Annual Giving campaigns. Ignatius Club Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Beathard # ' Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman + ' Mr. Raul Elorduy Candiani & Mrs. Alina B. Elorduy Mr. & Mrs. F. Vern Lahart ++ # '
Crusader Club Mr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Abello # ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Archer, Sr. # Ms. Sharon T. Griffin # Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Nevle^ ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Billy F. Price
President’s Club Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Crane Mrs. Marjorie A. Leininger # ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Tobin #
Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Blaschke Mr. & Mrs. James J. Boland # Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Buckle # Mr. & Mrs. D G Bunnell # Mr. & Mrs. John D. Charbonnet # Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Clutterbuck + Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Connell, Jr. ++ # Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo M. Garcia-Rameau # Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gleeson # Ms. Helen Gray # Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Griffin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Norm J. Hrachovy Ms. Sammye Levy # Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon ++ # Ms. Georgia Nagle # ' Mr. & Mrs. John A. O’Neal Mrs. Margery R. Pike # Mrs. Margaret Stacy
General Contributors Ms. Nancy Akeroyd Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Almond Mr. & Mrs. James E. Barkley Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Bechhold # Ms. Georgia Sue H. Black Mr. & Mrs. Larry Bouffard Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Burwinkel # Mr. & Mrs. Chet Campbell Mrs. Danielle R. Carpenter
One of the most popular events on the school calendar each year is the Annual Grandparents Day held in October when grandparents enjoy a Mass and lunch with their grandsons. Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Joiner # Mrs. Charlotte Koenig Mr. & Mrs. Emil E. Kovalcik # Ms. Joanne Maby # Ms. Marcia Mahoney # Ms. Jane A. Malley Mr. & Mrs. James A. Mangum # Mr. & Mrs. John C. Margo # Mr. & Mrs. James C. Maroney # Mrs. Lois A. Mathews ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. McAughan Dr. & Mrs. John C. McCall # Mrs. Beth McGreevy # Mrs. Jeanne C. Mealey # Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Mitchell Ms. Val I. Mueller # Mr. & Mrs. Emil Nasser Mrs. Rosella T. Neidinger # Mr. Robert Nino # Mrs. Carolyn Novelli ++ # Mrs. Mary Ann O’Connell #
Mrs. Mirtha Carrasco # Mrs. Catherine A. Casey # Ms. Janice F. Cozort # Mrs. Mary Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Doyle + # Mr. & Mrs. Marvin B. Dvorak # Mrs. Mildred F. Ellison Mr. & Mrs. Jack V. Eumont # Ms. Lottie Evans # Ms. Rose Fazzino # Mr. Millard C. Freysinger # Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Friedmann # Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Galassini # Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Galianese # Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Garcia # Dr. & Mrs. Lionel Garcia # Mrs. Virginia P. Gidley Mr. & Mrs. Bob Gillebaard # Mr. & Mrs. Leo M. Glass Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Gocke Ms. Barbara M. Heckmann # Mr. & Mrs. John R. Helton #
Dr. & Mrs. Juan J. Olivero Ms. Beatrice O’Meara # Mrs. Maria A. Perez-Chaumont Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Pesek # Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Putney # Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Quoyeser Mr. & Mrs. Jesse J. Radvansky + Mrs. Joanne Rice Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Salerno # Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Schutte # Mrs. Sandra Schwarzbach + Mrs. Elizabeth B. Shoebotham # Ms. Donna Sisto # Mr. & Mrs. Delbert F. Smith # Mrs. Julia Stell # Dr. & Mrs. Bob J. Stinebaugh # Mr. & Mrs. John Stubblefield # Mr. Stephen J. Sulentic # Mr. & Mrs. C. I. Taverner Dr. & Mrs. Williams D. Wall # Mrs. Marilyn Wood # Mr. & Mrs. Godofredo Zamora #
STRAKE JESUIT ART MUSEUM The gifts of contributors listed below were designated for the Strake Jesuit Art Museum and its mission to educate by gathering, preserving, and presenting a collection of artworks on the Strake Jesuit campus. AIG Mr. & Mrs. Chris Cook Mr. & Mrs. William G. Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Rudy T. Dismuke Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Duffy ExxonMobil
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Gifford Mr. & Mrs. James M. Howard Mr. Neal P. Jungeblut ‘00 Mr. Blair H. Margot & Mrs. Margo R. Vafakos-Margot Mr. Paolo Puccini ‘05 Mr. Roy Ribelin
Mr. Richard J. Schmitt Mr. & Mrs. William H. Stubbs Dr. John Teichgraeber & Ms. Christian Schley Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Teichgraeber, III ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. John Warren
Legend: h Increased gift from previous year / ' Retreat & Leadership Center Donor ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving
Gifts to the Alumni Drive were directed to a variety of needs including endowed scholarships, financial aid, and greatest need of the school. Giving club classification is based on total giving including donations to the Alumni Drive, General and Endowed Scholarships, Capital Gifts, amd other Annual Giving campaigns.
Class of 1965
Alumni Drive 2010: $2,313 Total Giving: $2,313 Total Members: 69 Members Participating: 14 Participation: 20% Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. James J. Spring, III ‘65
General Contributors Mr. John L. Berry ‘65 # Mr. & Mrs. James F. Cain ‘65 # Mr. & Mrs. George E. Conner, Jr. ‘65 # Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Cronin ‘65 # Mr. Jeffrey W. Dixon ‘65 Mr. John H. Glover ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. James M. Kramb ‘65 Mr. R. J. Marshall, Jr. ‘65 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. O’Donnell ‘65 + Mr. & Mrs. James C. Plummer ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Steets ‘65 # Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Sumicek ‘65 # Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Walker, Jr. ‘65 #
Class of 1966
Alumni Drive 2010: $4,725 Total Giving: $58,125 Total Members: 82 Members Participating: 18 Participation: 22% Ignatius Club Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Moran ‘66 #
Crusader Club Mr. Larry A. Mason ‘66 +
Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Cadena, Jr. ‘66 # Mr. Thomas F. Taylor ‘66 ++
General Contributors Mr. & Mrs. William E. Barron ‘66 # Mr. & Mrs. Clifton C. Blanchard ‘66 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Briggs, Ph.D. ‘66 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Falgout ‘66 ++ Mr. Joseph A. Kral ‘66 Dr. Louis A. ‘66 & Dr. Cheryl LeBlanc # Mr. Shawnie Malone ‘66 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Mauro ‘66 # Dr. Robert B. Parke, Jr. ‘66 # Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Polichino, Jr. ‘66 # Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Reuter ‘66 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Spieldenner ‘66 + Mr. Richard C. Squyres ‘66 # Mr. & Mrs. R. Jeffery West ‘66 #
Class of 1967
General Contributors
Alumni Drive 2010: $38,665 Total Giving: $45,415 Total Members: 89 Members Participating: 30 Participation: 34%
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce N. Clay ‘68 Mr. Michael G. Keller ‘68
Class of 1969
Alumni Drive 2010: $11,505 Total Giving: $24,088 Total Members: 85 Members Participating: 30 Participation: 35%
Ignatius Club Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Lallinger ‘67 # Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Teichgraeber, III ‘67 #
Crusader Club
Stanislaus Club
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Booth ‘67 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Glen M. Boudreaux ‘67 # ++
Dr. & Mrs. Angelo J. Mattalino ‘69
Crusader Club
President’s Club
Mr. Paul B. Barron ‘67 Mr. Peter C. Brogniez ‘67 # Mr. Abner Burnitt, Jr. ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Caradonio ‘67 Mr. John Courtade ‘67 # Mr. Robert D. Gartner ‘67 # Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Guarino ‘67 ++ Dr. & Mrs. James E. Lusk ‘67 Dr. & Mrs. Edwin V. Murr ‘67 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Mustachia ‘67 ++ Mr. Gilbert A. Naert, Jr. ‘67 # + Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Nettles ‘67 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Frank P. Reuter ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Sindelar, III ‘67 ++ Mr. & Mrs. John F. Webre ‘67 #
Class of 1968
Alumni Drive 2010: $5,960 Total Giving: $5,960 Total Members: 74 Members Participating: 7 Participation: 9%
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Stewart ‘69 # ++
Magis Club Dr. & Mrs. Louis J. Bujnoch, M.D. ‘69 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Cannon ‘69 ++ Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly ++ Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Day ‘69 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman ‘69 # ++ Mr. Virgil R. Hinojosa ‘69 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Jackson ‘69 + Mr. Philip M. Schneidau ‘69 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Simpson ‘69 # + Mr. & Mrs. Vance Ulsh ‘69 + Mr. & Mrs. Werner T. Zapp ‘69 # +
General Contributors Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Curry ‘69 # + Mr. James R. Dilger, Jr. ‘69 # Mr. & Mrs. James A. Dunn ‘69 + Dr. Robert S. Fowler ‘69 # Mr. John J. Gannon, III ‘69 # + Mr. Randy Hodnett ‘69 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Houck ‘69 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Gary L. Montano, M.D. ‘69 # Mr. Mark A. Padon ‘69 ++ Mr. & Mrs. R. Randall Rainey ‘69 # Mr. Joseph G. Rebman ‘69 # Dr. & Ms. David W. Reininger ‘69 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Schuler, Jr. ‘69 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Vick ‘69 + Mr. & Mrs. John W. Washburn ‘69 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Ashley M. Winn ‘69
Stanislaus Club Mr. & Mrs. Ramon K. Gomez ‘71 # ++
President’s Club Mr. Bradley S. Bailey ‘71 #
Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Branda ‘71 ++ The Honorable Mark D. Davidson ‘71 & Ms. Sarah Duckers ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters ‘71 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Roth ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Sacra ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Windlinger ‘71 # ++
General Contributors Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bilnoski, Jr. ‘71 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Costello ‘71 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Cruickshank ‘71 # + Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Curran ‘71 # + Mr. & Mrs. John R. Desilva, Jr. ‘71 # Mr. & Mrs. David S. Johnson ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Martin ‘71
Class of 1972
Alumni Drive 2010: $36,050 Total Giving: $111,953 Total Members: 77 Members Participating: 23 Participation: 30%
Class of 1970
Alumni Drive 2010: $4,800 Total Giving: $4,950 Total Members: 77 Members Participating: 18 Participation: 23%
Crusader Club Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Padon ‘68 ++
Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. L. Christopher Butler ‘68 # Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh ‘68 # + Mr. J. Grover Kelley ‘68 # + Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Stewart ‘68 #
Class of 1971
Alumni Drive 2010: $12,488 Total Giving: $15,488 Total Members: 70 Members Participating: 15 Participation: 21%
President’s Club
Magis Club
General Contributors
Msgr. James B. Anderson ‘70 # Dr. & Mrs. Donald A. Behr ‘70 # Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Campo ‘70 # + Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Doerfler ‘70 + Mr. & Mrs. William L. Everhart ‘70 ++ Mr. John J. Geiss ‘70 & Ms. Meredith Cowan # Mr. Joseph P. Light ‘70 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo E. Milani ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Monty G. Redick ‘70 ++ The Honorable Frank B. Rynd ‘70 + Dr. & Mrs. Randall V. Sellers ‘70 ++ Mr. Gerardo A. Smith ‘70 # ++ Dr. Miguel T. Suderman ‘70 & Mrs. Sylvia Pena-Suderman #
Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming ‘69 ++
Mr. John W. McKirahan, Jr. ‘67 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Zimmerman ‘67 # ++
Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Adamcik ‘67 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Aiuvalasit ‘67 Dr. & Mrs. John J. Eick ‘67 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Feehan ‘67 ++ Mr. Michael C. Henry ‘67 & Ms. Trudy Hansen # + Mr. & Mrs. S. Wayne McDonald, Sr. ‘67 ++ The Honorable & Mrs. Gray H. Miller ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67 ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Standish ‘67 #
General Contributors
Magis Club
Ignatius Club Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 # + ' Mr. David E. Harvey, Jr. ‘72 & Dr. Mikki Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hensley, Jr. ‘72 ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 # ++ '
Dr. & Mrs. James P. Fogarty ‘70 # Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamlin ‘70 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Mouton ‘70 + Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Windlinger, Jr. ‘70 ++
Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499
As they do each year, many alumni return to school on Career Day when they talk with seniors about their own career paths and the choices they will face in college and beyond. Crusader Club Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Heisler ‘72 +
Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Cronin ‘72 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Swain ‘72
General Contributors Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Atchison ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Cashiola ‘72 + Mr. & Mrs. David J. Dilger ‘72 # The Honorable Charles F. Eick ‘72 # Dr. Claude S. Frey ‘72 # Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Guthrie ‘72 Mr. James V. Hewitt ‘72 ++ Mr. Vastine J. Hilsher ‘72 + Dr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Maher ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Phalen, Jr. ‘72 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Piazza, Jr. ‘72 + Dr. Mike Rice ‘72 & Dr. Peggy Goetz ++ Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Schneider ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Villarreal ‘72 # Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Wark ‘72 #
Class of 1973
Alumni Drive 2010: $8,155 Total Giving: $8,755 Total Members: 78 Members Participating: 19 Participation: 24% President’s Club Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 ++ ' Martin H. Reddy, Ph.D. ‘73 #
Magis Club
Magis Club
Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Lea ‘73 # Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Letsos ‘73 # +
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Bentz ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Inman ‘74 # +
General Contributors
General Contributors
Dr. & Mrs. M. G. Castille ‘73 + Mr. Gerard J. Cunningham ‘73 # + Dr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Dodd ‘73 # Mr. & Mrs. William K. Downey ‘73 # Mr. & Mrs. William M. Greenwell ‘73 ++ Dr. Gary A. Hilsher, D.D.S. ‘73 # + Dr. & Mrs. Peter R. Hoyt ‘73 ++ Mr. Mark S. New ‘73 # Mr. & Mrs. Patrick T. O’Donnell ‘73 # Mr. Michael W. Rabalais ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Schneider ‘73 + Mr. & Mrs. Walker C. Taylor ‘73 # Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Tower, II ‘73 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Zagst ‘73 # +
Dr. & Mrs. Hugo E. Artaza ‘74 # ++ Dr. & Mrs. John E. Bertini, Jr. ‘74 # Mr. & Mrs. Federico M. Bravo ‘74 # + Dr. & Mrs. Luke R. Bucci, Ph.D. ‘74 + Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Gibbons ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Brent E. Munson ‘74 # + Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schillaci ‘74 # Mr. Timothy E. Squyres ‘74 & Ms. Karen L. Brune Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Williamson ‘74 # ++
Class of 1975
Alumni Drive 2010: $21,754 Total Giving: $76,487 Total Members: 107 Members Participating: 28 Participation: 26%
Class of 1974
Alumni Drive 2010: $68,142 Total Giving: $78,500 Total Members: 86 Members Participating: 17 Participation: 20%
Ignatius Club Mr. Tom Adolph ‘75 ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 # ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch ‘75 # ++ '
Ignatius Club Mr. & Mrs. James J. Loughlin, Jr. ‘74 # '
Stanislaus Club
Crusader Club
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Mucci ‘75 # '
Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey ‘74 ++ ' Dr. Brian S. Parsley ‘74 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sacra ‘74 # ++
Crusader Club Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75 ++
President’s Club
President’s Club
Dr. Joseph C. Gathe, Jr. ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Novelli ‘74
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. David J. Devine ‘75 # ++
Mr. Robert A. Adolph ‘73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson ++ '
Legend: h Increased gift from previous year / ' Retreat & Leadership Center Donor ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving
Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. William R. Baker, III ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Novelli ‘75 # Mr. Pascal P. Piazza ‘75 #
General Contributors Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Berno ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Braden ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Cahill ‘75 # Mr. & Mrs. James E. Davidson ‘75 + Dr. & Mrs. Ramon R. Diaz-Arrastia ‘75 Mr. Charles T. Donna, Sr. ‘75 Mr. James E. Erbs ‘75 & Ms. M. S. Atkins # ++ Mr. L. Patrick Flynn ‘75 # Mr. David R. Gilmartin ‘75 # Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Heard ‘75 # Mr. & Mrs. Mark M. Isensee ‘75 ++ Mr. Douglas B. Johnson ‘75 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Lidiak ‘75 # Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Mateker ‘75 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Slatton, D.D.S. ‘75 # + Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Stunz ‘75 # Mr. & Mrs. Bart V. Thomeer ‘75 + Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Till ‘75 #
Class of 1976
Alumni Drive 2010: $33,155 Total Giving: $35,255 Total Members: 104 Members Participating: 21 Participation: 20% Ignatius Club Mr. Richard S. Walker ‘76 & Ms. Shana Sloas ++
Crusader Club Mr. & Mrs. Bret E. Broussard ‘76 # Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. ‘76 # ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Deeds ‘76 # +
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Howe ‘76 # ++ Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 & Dr. Kathleen P. Murphy ++ '
President’s Club
Class of 1978
Alumni Drive 2010: $8,825 Total Giving: $9,567 Total Members: 119 Members Participating: 16 Participation: 13%
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold D. Azios ‘76 +
General Contributors Mr. & Mrs. Randy L. Almaguer ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. George L. Cole ‘76 # Mr. Ramon Fernandez ‘76 + Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Freeman ‘76 # Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Johnston ‘76 # Mr. & Mrs. Perry M. LaForge ‘76 # Mr. J. D. Medina, Jr. ‘76 # Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Miller ‘76 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Overbeck ‘76 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Byron W. Whetstone ‘76 #
Class of 1977
Alumni Drive 2010: $16,685 Total Giving: $29,185 Total Members: 121 Members Participating: 19 Participation: 16% Ignatius Club
Mr. & Mrs. Roderick L. Graves ‘77 Col. & Mrs. Brian L. Mealey, D.D.S. ‘77 ++
President’s Club Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Matlock ‘77
Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Bergeron ‘77 # + Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. ‘77 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Clifford K. Moy ‘77 ++
General Contributors Mr. & Mrs. David R. Almaguer ‘77 ++ Mr. & Mrs. John M. Bradley ‘77 Mr. Patrick Buckley ‘77 # Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Caplinger ‘77 # Mr. & Mrs. James W. Isensee ‘77 # Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Light ‘77 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Hugh R. Lindberg ‘77 # Mr. & Mrs. Phillip R. Livingston ‘77 + Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Manis ‘77 # Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. McAuliffe ‘77 # Mr. Bruce E. Nakfoor ‘77 # Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Webb ‘77 #
President’s Club Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Mealey ‘80 # + Mr. & Mrs. James S. Peery ‘80 +
Dr. Henry ‘78 & Dr. Susan M. Delclos + ' Mr. & Mrs. John S. Pruitt ‘78 # Mr. & Mrs. D. Patrick Whitty ‘78 #
Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. Hal Bean ‘78 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Connell ‘78 + Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Herrin, III ‘78 + Mr. & Mrs. George W. Strake, III ‘78 +
General Contributors Mr. & Mrs. John R. Adolph ‘78 # Mr. Gabriel Amador ‘78 # Mr. & Mrs. Barron Bogatto ‘78 Mr. Harry Dean ‘78 Dr. & Mrs. William M. Granberry, M.D. ‘78 ' Mr. & Mrs. Tom Petrizzo ‘78 # Dr. & Mrs. Jean-Francois P. Reat ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78 ++
Class of 1979
Alumni Drive 2010: $5,195 Total Giving: $15,695 Total Members: 133 Members Participating: 18 Participation: 14%
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Beathard ‘77 ++
Crusader Club
Mr. & Mrs. Crayden Didsbury ‘80 # Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nicknish ‘80 # Dr. & Mrs. John C. Schiro ‘80 #
President’s Club
Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Austin ‘76 + Mr. George R. Diaz-Arrastia ‘76 & Ms. Maria Gomez ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Herrin, Jr. ‘76 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Rodney T. Pinina ‘76 # ++
Crusader Club
Ignatius Club Anonymous #
Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. David Dybell ‘79 # + Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Gidley ‘79 # + Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Joyce ‘79 # Mr. & Mrs. Mick Klein ‘79 + Mr. Richard J. Morales ‘79 & Ms. Amanda Vavilala # Dr. & Mrs. Dan Piazza ‘79 # Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Solcher ‘79
Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. Gonzalo Amador ‘80 # Mr. & Mrs. D Randy Hardee ‘80 # Mr. & Mrs. William R. Johnson ‘80 # Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Lucci, M.D. ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Chris Pesek ‘80 + Mr. Albert Ramos ‘80 # Mr. William J. Schneidau ‘80 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Barry W. Solcher ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Stauffacher ‘80 #
General Contributors Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Batsche ‘80 ++ Mr. John W. Berardi ‘80 + Mr. & Mrs. J. Matt Brown ‘80 + Mr. & Mrs. James Docherty ‘80 + The Honorable & Mrs. Mark A. Ellis ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Harry H. Fouke ‘80 # + Mr. Adrian Franks ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Garcia ‘80 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hardey ‘80 # Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Holden ‘80 # Mr. Christopher M. Jennings ‘80 + Mr. Robert C. Livingston ‘80 Mr. Richard P. Magner, SJ ‘80 # Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. O’Hara ‘80 Mr. Brian D. Pape ‘80 ++ Mr. & Mrs. David Phelps ‘80 # Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Reilly ‘80 + Mr. Edward Riquelmy ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Chris Schneider ‘80 # Mr. & Mrs. Fred Viancos ‘80 # Mr. & Mrs. Ben B. Walter ‘80 #
Class of 1980
Alumni Drive 2010: $18,880 Total Giving: $41,675 Total Members: 125 Members Participating: 37 Participation: 30% Ignatius Club Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bashaw ‘80 + '
Stanislaus Club Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. Mullins ‘80 '
Class of 1982
Alumni Drive 2010: $19,800 Total Giving: $23,850 Total Members: 131 Members Participating: 28 Participation: 21% Stanislaus Club Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Smith ‘82 # ++
Crusader Club Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Kegg ‘82 Dr. & Mrs. John Vanderzyl, M.D. ‘82 # ++
President’s Club Dr. Paul W. ‘82 & Dr. Milvia P. Gidley # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Tim Koch ‘82 # ++ Mr. Mark R. Schiro ‘82 #
Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Callaghan ‘82 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. John A. Carpenter ‘82 + Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Cassidy ‘82 # ++ Dr. & Mrs. Jorge de la Torre ‘82 # Mr. Troy McNabb ‘82 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. James Nakfoor ‘82 # Mr. Mark Sacaris ‘82 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Stinebaugh ‘82 # Mr. Mark E. Watson, III ‘82 #
Class of 1981
Alumni Drive 2010: $10,779 Total Giving: $23,579 Total Members: 125 Members Participating: 26 Participation: 21%
General Contributors Mr. Jack Caliva ‘79 # + Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Court, III ‘79 ++ Mr. Mark E. Dini ‘79 # Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fontenot ‘79 # Mr. Carl Freis ‘79 # Mr. & Mrs. John Keating ‘79 # Mr. & Mrs. Crespin M. Linton ‘79 # Mr. & Mrs. Nestor D. Phillips ‘79 # Mr. William C. Reuter ‘79 # ++ Mr. Paul Schneidau ‘79
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Gruber ‘81 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanratty ‘81 + Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Hill, J.D. ‘81 Mr. Mark O. Kinkead ‘81 & Ms. Laurie C. Steinberg + Mr. Scott M. Lester ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. David L. Petty ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Sachnik ‘81 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Scamardi ‘81 # Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Stump ‘81 # Mr. & Mrs. Terrell O. Taylor, Jr. ‘81 Mr. Ray A. Walker ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Wilson ‘81 # +
Ignatius Club Mr. & Mrs. James H. Barkley ‘81 # '
Crusader Club Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Sweeney ‘81 # +
Magis Club
General Contributors Mr. Robert Bruce ‘82 # Dr. & Mrs. Allan Conde ‘82 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Frank Corredor ‘82 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Franshaw ‘82 + Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Hughes ‘82 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Gregory C. Iglesia ‘82 # Mr. & Mrs. Alexander E. Inman ‘82 Mr. Mark Kubicek ‘82 # + Mr. & Mrs. David F. O’Brien ‘82 + Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Ragas ‘82 # Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Richard ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schneidau ‘82 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. David G. Wager ‘82
Class of 1983
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bambace ‘81 Mr. Frederick D. Couvillon, Jr. ‘81 + Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Crowley ‘81 # Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Duff ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Miskell ‘81 # Mr. & Mrs. James P. Reilly ‘81
General Contributors Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Arnold ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Buckley ‘81 # Mr. & Mrs. Edward Campana ‘81 + Mr. & Mrs. Jay Corona, III ‘81 # Mr. Jack Farah ‘81 # ++ Mr. James F. Gregory ‘81 #
Alumni Drive 2010: $42,864 Total Giving: $61,004 Total Members: 122 Members Participating: 16 Participation: 13% Ignatius Club Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Brooks ‘83 # Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83 # ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. David A. Novelli ‘83 # '
Stanislaus Club Dr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Gomez, III ‘83
Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499
Crusader Club Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Ash, CPM ‘83 # Mr. Christopher Bean ‘83 # Mr. Christopher D. Bertini ‘83 #
President’s Club Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Magee ‘83 # Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sirgo ‘83 # ++
Magis Club Mr. Stephen Blake ‘83 + Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Clarke ‘83 +
General Contributors Mr. & Mrs. Paul Junghans ‘83 Lt. Col. & Mrs. Edward A. Kostelnik, Jr. ‘83 # Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Marotta ‘83 # Mr. Louis Martincheck ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Smith ‘83
Class of 1984
Alumni Drive 2010: $18,875 Total Giving: $20,125 Total Members: 153 Members Participating: 19 Participation: 8% Stanislaus Club Mr. & Mrs. Christopher N. Marco ‘84 # Mr. & Mrs. Bart A. Reese ‘84 #
President’s Club Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Gimenez, III ‘84 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Nevle ‘84 # Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Newcomer, Jr. ‘84 #
Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Gray ‘84 Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Osborn ‘84 # ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Champ Warren ‘84 #
General Contributors Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Berggren ‘84 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Judd S. Fruia ‘84 # Dr. Thomas L. Gaussiran, II ‘84 # Dr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Hearon ‘84 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. Hill ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Johnston, III ‘84 Dr. & Mrs. W. Stuart Johnston ‘84 # Dr. & Mrs. Drew J. Lomonte, D.D.S. ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. J. Burke O’Malley ‘84 # Mr. & Mrs. Vincent S. Sicola ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. John K. Spiller ‘84 ++
Class of 1985
Alumni Drive 2010: $11.865 Total Giving: $173,265 Total Members: 160 Members Participating: 34 Participation: 21% Ignatius Club Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Clay ‘85 # '
Stanislaus Club Mr. Brian P. Breen ‘85 # '
President’s Club
Mr. & Mrs. Marc S. Dunham ‘86 + Mr. Julien G. DuPont ‘86 # Dr. John Forney, M.D. ‘86 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Gregory George ‘86 + Mr. David A. Herrin ‘86 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hurlston ‘86 # Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Knipe ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Newell ‘86 + Mr. & Mrs. Joe Schmitt ‘86 # Dr. & Mrs. Patrick V. Solcher ‘86 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stallings ‘86 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Todd Venables ‘86 # Mr. & Mrs. Andrew von Eschenbach ‘86
Dr. & Dr. Victor O. Mendiola ‘85 # Mr. Peter Sanguesa ‘85 +
Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cannistra ‘85 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Norman K. Ebner ‘85 ++ Mr. Christopher Jordan ‘85 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Sean O’Neill ‘85 # ++ Dr. Robert H. Reuter ‘85 ++ Dr. & Mrs. John Uecker ‘85 #
General Contributors
Class of 1987
Alumni Drive 2010: $11,523 Total Giving: $22,558 Total Members: 156 Members Participating: 30 Participation: 19%
Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Anders ‘85 Mr. Don Chase ‘85 # Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Connell ‘85 # ++ ' Mr. & Mrs. Owen Davies ‘85 # Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Gessler ‘85 # Mr. & Mrs. David M. Glass ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Hansen ‘85 # Mr. & Mrs. J. Eric Hathorn ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard G. Johnson, III ‘85 # Mr. & Mrs. William J. Kilday ‘85 # Mr. & Mrs. Byron Marsales ‘85 # Dr. & Mrs. Federico L. Mattioli ‘85 # ' Mr. & Mrs. Dennis McErlean ‘85 # Mr. Duncan McLean ‘85 + Mr. & Mrs. D. C. Nolte ‘85 #
Ignatius Club Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez ‘87 # + '
Crusader Club Mr. Joseph E. Lee ‘87
Magis Club Dr. Jack An ‘87 & Dr. Karen Klatte # + Mr. & Mrs. Chris Carmouche ‘87 ++ Mr. Tom Causey ‘87 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Ken Lesniak ‘87 Mr. Christopher J. Napoli ‘87 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Jack O’Connell ‘87
Mr. Troy Porter ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Mario Smith ‘85 # + Mr. Chris Solcher ‘85 # Mr. & Mrs. Davis Thames ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Chad Wall ‘85 # Mr. Daniel Weber ‘85 ++ Mr. & Mrs. John White ‘85 # Mr. & Mrs. Samuel White ‘85 # Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. White ‘85 #
General Contributors Mr. Anil Adyanthaya ‘87 Mr. Robert Buchheit ‘87 # Mr. & Mrs. Manny Cantu ‘87 + Dr. & Mrs. Lamy Chopin, III ‘87 # ++ ' Mr. Philip A. Cremer ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Dessens ‘87 Mr. Clay Duarte ‘87 # + Mr. & Mrs. Rauli E. Garcia ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Neil P. Gidley ‘87 Dr. Gene Hahn ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Mitchell ‘87 # Mr. Anthony Muniz ‘87 + ' Mr. & Mrs. Reagan Nash ‘87 ++ Mr. & Mrs. John E. Neslage ‘87 Dr. John F. Schultz, M.D. ‘87 # + Mr. & Mrs. Mike Singley ‘87 # Mr. Tim N. Smith ‘87 # Mr. & Mrs. Bart Stevens ‘87 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sullivan ‘87 # + Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Suter ‘87 # Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Tolentino ‘87 # Mr. Michael Zientek ‘87 #
Class of 1986
Alumni Drive 2010: $17,815 Total Giving: $43,236 Total Members: 153 Members Participating: 29 Participation: 19% Ignatius Club Mr. & Mrs. Greg Clay ‘86 # '
Crusader Club Dr. Daniel B. Merritt ‘86 & Dr. Christine Moulds-Merritt # ++ Mr. J. R. O’Hara ‘86 #
President’s Club Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Cohn ‘86 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Billy Zaleski ‘86 +
Class of 1988
Magis Club
Alumni Drive 2010: $8,810 Total Giving: $23,800 Total Members: 167 Members Participating: 21 Participation: 13%
Mr. & Mrs. J. Anthony Alvarez ‘86 # Mr. & Mrs. James W. Bartlett, Jr. ‘86 + Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Bondor ‘86 # Mr. & Mrs. Chris Burke ‘86 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hardin ‘86 # + Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Jordan ‘86 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Luna ‘86 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Karl Schmidt ‘86 #
Ignatius Club Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Medrano ‘88 # + '
Crusader Club
General Contributors
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Davies ‘88 +
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Abel ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Claude ‘86 # + Mr. & Mrs. Keith Curlee ‘86 #
Legend: h Increased gift from previous year / ' Retreat & Leadership Center Donor ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving
Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. Sean P. Coerver ‘88 # Mr. & Mrs. John S. Foster ‘88 ' Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Garvis ‘88 # + Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Lorenz ‘88 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Kevin A. McMahon ‘88 # + Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick O’Connell ‘88 # +
General Contributors Mr. & Mrs. Kris Begnaud ‘88 # Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Bilton ‘88 # Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bothe, Jr. ‘88 # Mr. & Mrs. James J. Braniff, IV ‘88 # Lt. Col. & Mrs. Philip Clinton, USAF ‘88 # Mr. & Mrs. Rick Garcia ‘88 # Mr. William C. Hou ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick LaRue ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Oscar A. Martinez ‘88 # Mr. Michael C. Newhouse ‘88 # + Mr. Rivers A. Patout, IV ‘88 # Mr. & Mrs. Brian Petrov ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Steve Schwarzbach ‘88 #
Class of 1989
Alumni Drive 2010: $2,713 Total Giving: $2,713 Total Members: 127 Members Participating: 14 Participation: 11% Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. Russell Ford ‘89 # Mr. Steven T. Mitchell ‘89 # +
General Contributors Mr. Bryan Brandow ‘89 + Dr. & Mrs. Claytie Davis, III ‘89 # Mr. & Mrs. John G. Jordan ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lehane ‘89 # Mr. Edward F. Moeller ‘89 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert Montoya ‘89 Mr. Guillermo Gumby Narvacan, IV ‘89 & Ms. Sara Hall-Narvacan Dr. & Mrs. Juan J. Olivero ‘89 # Mr. Dax Philbin ‘89 # + Mr. & Mrs. Kristopher L. Sanders ‘89 # Lt. & Dr. Russell P. Thiem ‘89 # Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Varcados ‘89
Class of 1990
Alumni Drive 2010: $14,665 Total Giving: $20,165 Total Members: 116 Members Participating: 22 Participation: 19% Stanislaus Club Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Giesler, Jr. ‘90 #
Crusader Club Mr. Corey B. Davis ‘90 ++ Dr. & Mrs. David R. Martin ‘90
President’s Club Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti ‘90 & Ms. Lynn Wilgenbusch # + '
Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. David A. Duque ‘90 # Mr. Brian L. Woodward ‘90 & Ms. Adelia Metcalf #
General Contributors Mr. & Mrs. Matias J. Adrogue ‘90 # Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Dampf ‘90 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Donelson ‘90 # Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Graml ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Grant ‘90 # Dr. Kevin A. ‘90 & Dr. Carolyn Z. Grimes # Mr. & Mrs. Clayton M. Holy ‘90 ++ Mr. Richard S. Kim ‘90 # Mr. & Mrs. Antonio LaMatta ‘90 # + Mr. Theodore V. Lapus ‘90 # Mr. & Mrs. Christian B. Miller ‘90 # Mr. & Mrs. Jared M. Montegut ‘90 # Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. O’Brien ‘90 # Mr. & Mrs. John V. Schmitt ‘90 # Mr. & Mrs. Nitish Sethi ‘90 # Mr. Stanley L. Wu ‘90 #
Class of 1991
Alumni Drive 2010: $9,599 Total Giving: $25.599 Total Members: 113 Members Participating: 20 Participation: 18% Ignatius Club Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Girotto ‘91 #
Crusader Club Mr. & Mrs. William O. Iglesias ‘91 + Mr. & Mrs. Shane E. Walsh ‘91 +
Magis Club Mr. Carlos De Aldecoa ‘91 # Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lojo ‘91 + Mr. Christopher P. McConn ‘91 # + Dr. & Mrs. Michael T. Mineo ‘91 + Mr. & Mrs. Antonio P. Zubizarreta ‘91 # ++
Class of 1993
General Contributors Mr. Christopher W. Bishop ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Clinton ‘91 ++ Mr. William Haardt ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Kilgard ‘91 Mr. & Steve L. Kuan ‘91 # Mr. & Mrs. Victor Llana ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Joshua M. McMorrow ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Montalbano ‘91 + Mr. & Mrs. Alex G. Montoya ‘91 + Mr. & Mrs. Colin T. Smith ‘91 # Dr. & Mrs. Zachary J. Smith, M.D. ‘91 # + Mr. & Mrs. Alan N. Tennille ‘91 # +
Class of 1992
Alumni Drive 2010: $4,785 Total Giving: $5,785 Total Members: 123 Members Participating: 13 Participation: 11% Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. James D. Foy ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald O. Luster ‘92 # + Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Reed ‘92 # Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Steffler ‘92 # ++
Alumni Drive 2010: $6,580 Total Giving: $6,580 Total Members: 128 Members Participating: 14 Participation: 11% Crusader Club Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Clifton ‘93 # ++
Magis Club Mr. Carey T. Ford ‘93 # + Mr. & Mrs. Matthew T. Girotto ‘93 # + Mr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Hansen ‘93 # Mr. Shane W. Hudson ‘93 + Mr. Patrick R. Nixon ‘93 # + Mr. Thomas J. Springer ‘93 #
Mr. William J. Brown ‘94 # Mr. Matthew Chiste ‘94 # + Mr. & Mrs. John Cook ‘94 # + Dr. Darryll G. DeVera ‘94 # Dr. Eric Giesler ‘94 & Dr. Caitlin Giesler # Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lynch ‘94 # Mr. Jeffrey Marino ‘94 # + Mr. & Mrs. David Merkel ‘94 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. David M. Shebay ‘94 Mr. Eugene Song ‘94 # Mr. & Mrs. Seth Wallis ‘94 # +
Class of 1995
Alumni Drive 2010: $3,555 Total Giving: $3,555 Total Members: 146 Members Participating: 20 Participation: 14%
General Contributors Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Coscio ‘93 # Mr. Stephen K. Jones ‘93 # Mr. Edward D. Korompai ‘93 + Mr. Kevin A. Mineo ‘93 # + Mr. & Mrs. E. “Rusty” Ulrich, III ‘93 # Mr. Quentin T. Williams ‘93 # + Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Young ‘93
General Contributors Mr. Kelley A. Chisholm ‘92 # Mr. & Mrs. John E. Foote ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Gassett ‘92 # Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Giordano ‘92 # + Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo L. Jimenez ‘92 Mr. Michael C. McBride ‘92 # LCDR & Mrs. Richard T. McCarty ‘92 # + Mr. James E. Pawlikowski ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Travis Twardowski ‘92 ++
General Contributors
Class of 1994
Alumni Drive 2010: $4,035 Total Giving: $4,035 Total Members: 125 Members Participating: 14 Participation: 11% Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Agee ‘94 # Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Chapman ‘94 + Mr. & Mrs. Justin Holy ‘94
Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. James A. Cogan ‘95 Mr. John B. Mattox ‘95 # Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Twardowski ‘95 # +
General Contributors Mr. Michael A. Ackal, III ‘95 # Mr. David W. Dickey ‘95 # Mr. Thomas D. Greer ‘95 # Mr. Edgar D. Haren ‘95 # Mr. James R. Harris ‘95 # LCDR & Mrs. Kenneth M. Kingdon ‘95 # Mr. & Mrs. Frank Y. Lin ‘95 # Mr. Rajiv R. Mashruwala ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. McCarty ‘95 Mr. Dimitri G. Millas ‘95 # Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, III ‘95 + Mr. Michael J. Pawlikowski ‘95 + Mr. Michael T. Sieger ‘95 # Mr. Frank A. Simcik ‘95 # +
Among the Alumni traditions is the Br. Casey Saturday PH Project when alumni gather for a day of service and camraderie. Many bring their children and other family members to chip in. In spring of 2011, the tradition continued with a day at Cristo Rey Jesuit of Houston.
Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499
Mr. Alexander Supgul ‘95 # Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Williams ‘95 # Mr. Matthew S. Wong ‘95 ++
Class of 1996
Alumni Drive 2010: $3,501 Total Giving: $3,501 Total Members: 157 Members Participating: 12 Participation: 8% Magis Club Mr. Guillermo A. Garcia ‘96 # Mr. Leo J. Hurley, Jr. ‘96 #
General Contributors Mr. & Mrs. Joel H. Berry ‘96 # Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Chiste ‘96 # + Mr. Christopher D. Colemon ‘96 # Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Dougherty ‘96 # Mr. Michael O. Drone ‘96 # Mr. & Mrs. Andrew B. Frew ‘96 + Mr. & Mrs. Hunter R. Jaggard ‘96 # + Mr. & Mrs. Mukul C. Kanabar ‘96 # Mr. Keagan H. Lee ‘96 # Mr. Thomas R. Paul ‘96 #
Class of 1997
Alumni Drive 2010: $20,060 Total Giving: $20,060 Total Members: 141 Members Participating: 16 Participation: 11% Stanislaus Club Mr. Bryce E. Gama ‘97 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas White ‘97 #
Crusader Club
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. O’Neill ‘97 #
President’s Club Mr. M. B. Dorr ‘97 # +
Magis Club Mr. Ernest C. Jones ‘97 # Mr. Zachary S. Langenkamp ‘97 # ++ Mr. Jeffrey L. Petersen ‘97 + Mr. Jose M. Vallejo-Craig ‘97 #
General Contributors Mr. & Mrs. William E. Brewer ‘97 # + Mr. & Mrs. R.J. Bruce ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Dewhurst ‘97 + Dr. Beau K. Greer ‘97 # Mr. Jonathan F. Kalian ‘97 # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Ryan E. LaRue ‘97 # Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan R. Spring ‘97 # Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Welch ‘97 #
Class of 1998
Alumni Drive 2010: $3,325 Total Giving: $3,675 Total Members: 154 Members Participating: 14 Participation: 9% Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kochman, Jr. ‘98 + Mr. & Mrs. Adam A. Mackie ‘98 Mr. Philip W. Steuernagel ‘98 #
General Contributors
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly M. Layne ‘01 Mr. David J. O’Connell ‘01 # Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Potts ‘01 # Mr. Trey Tomjanovich ‘01 # Mr. Ryan F. Walsh ‘01 # Mr. Randy Yeh ‘01 #
Mr. Andrew J. Aguirre ‘98 ++ Mr. Michael J. Balhoff ‘98 # Mr. Jack G. Bonner, III ‘98 + Mr. David L. Conner ‘98 # Mr. William N. Knecht, Jr. ‘98 # Mr. Andrew C. Pruett ‘98 # Mr. & Mrs. Danny R. Rigamonti ‘98 # Dr. James M. Rinando ‘98 # Mr. Dennis V. Stasio ‘98 # Mr. Matthew L. Stewart ‘98 # Mr. Robert M. Wren ‘98 #
Class of 2002
Alumni Drive 2010: $2,965 Total Giving: $2,965 Total Members: 206 Members Participating: 16 Participation: 8% Magis Club
Class of 1999
Alumni Drive 2010: $2,825 Total Giving: $2,945 Total Members: 145 Members Participating: 10 Participation: 7%
Mr. Christopher P. Cole ‘02 # Mr. Matthew A. Kuhn ‘02 #
General Contributors Mr. Michael B. Beyer ‘02 # Mr. Paul J. Carty, Jr. ‘02 # Mr. Matthew J. Cavanaugh ‘02 # Mr. Tyler M. Curd ‘02 # Mr. Steven L. Dildine ‘02 # Dr. & Mrs. Ryan P. Goepfert ‘02 # Mr. Christopher R. Hagale ‘02 # Mr. Rodrigo B. Interiano ‘02 Mr. William S. Nichols ‘02 # Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Olson ‘02 # Mr. Andres E. Quesada ‘02 # Mr. Nicholas F. Shaver ‘02 # Mr. Michael R. Sims ‘02 # Mr. Laymond P. Wilburn ‘02 #
Magis Club Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Interiano ‘99 # + Mr. Thomas K. Schroeter ‘99 # Mr. Ash C. Solar ‘99 #
General Contributors Mr. Charles A. Atchison ‘99 Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates, V ‘99 + ' Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Bilnoski ‘99 # Mr. Anthony R. Hagale ‘99 Capt. & Mrs. Travis J. Hinkle ‘99 Mr. Jeffrey C. Shaddix ‘99 ++ Mr. Brandon S. Sims ‘99
Class of 2003
Class of 2000
Alumni Drive 2010: $2,265 Total Giving: $2,325 Total Members: 232 Members Participating: 10 Participation: 4%
Alumni Drive 2010: $4,924 Total Giving: $4,924 Total Members: 167 Members Participating: 14 Participation: 8%
Magis Club
Magis Club
Dr. Stephen Chen ‘03 # Mr. Alec Luong ‘03 # Mr. Michael R. McGrath ‘03
Mr. John C. Adolph ‘00 ++ Mr. J. Neal Badgett ‘00 # + Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Z. Hawthorne ‘00 Mr. Gregory C. Highberger ‘00 # + Mr. Neal P. Jungeblut ‘00 # Mr. Michael L. Richardson, Jr. ‘00 #
General Contributors Mr. Pete Broussard ‘03 # Mr. Waverly L. Johnson ‘03 # Mr. David Loomis ‘03 # Mr. Paul Penland ‘03 # Mr. Patrick Samuels ‘03 Mr. Charles L. Sharman ‘03 # ' Mr. Alexander M. Steffler ‘03 #
General Contributors Mr. Manuel R. Correa ‘00 Mr. Lawrence G. Dunbar, Jr. ‘00 # Mr. Alexander B. Grivich ‘00 # + Mr. Matthew K. Johnson ‘00 # Mr. Olle L. Lorehn ‘00 # Mr. Michael J. Rasch ‘00 # Mr. Michael C. Skarke ‘00 # Mr. Clark E. Smith ‘00 #
Class of 2004
Alumni Drive 2010: $3,250 Total Giving: $3,250 Total Members: 226 Members Participating: 19 Participation: 8%
Class of 2001
Alumni Drive 2010: $8,150 Total Giving: $8,150 Total Members: 192 Members Participating: 10 Participation: 5%
Magis Club Mr. Matthew Morris ‘04 #
General Contributors
Stanislaus Club
Mr. Kyle P. Armand ‘04 # Mr. Christopher Clark ‘04 # Mr. Casey Doherty ‘04 # Mr. Jonathan R. Hanus ‘04 # Mr. Joshua R. Hilbe ‘04 # Mr. Benjamin Idstein ‘04 # Mr. Jourdan R. Janik ‘04 #
Mr. Anthony A. Pham ‘01 # +
General Contributors Capt. Christopher F. Coffman ‘01 # + Mr. Michael S. Connelly ‘01 # Mr. Andrew D. Dewhurst ‘01 +
Legend: h Increased gift from previous year / ' Retreat & Leadership Center Donor ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving
Mr. & Mrs. Zane Keller ‘04 # Mr. Robert Keogh ‘04 # Mr. Mark C. Kradzinski, Jr. ‘04 # Mr. Benjamin Lemming ‘04 # Mr. Carlos Lopez-Roman ‘04 # Mr. Matthew Marietta ‘04 # Mr. Joseph Mims ‘04 Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Rice ‘04 # Mr. Bryan Solar ‘04 # Mr. Thomas M. Von der Heyt ‘04 # Mr. Kevin Wooten ‘04 #
Class of 2005
Alumni Drive 2010: $1,415 Total Giving: $1,415 Total Members: 236 Members Participating: 15 Participation: 6% Magis Club Mr. Paolo Puccini ‘05 #
General Contributors Mr. John Michael Aguerre ‘05 # Mr. Ivan Chew ‘05 # Mr. Conroy Delouche ‘05 Mr. John DeWitt ‘05 # Mr. Benjamin Dolan ‘05 # Mr. Ian Flechsig ‘05 # Mr. Cesar Giralt ‘05 Mr. Jordan Hahn ‘05 Mr. Adam J. Hudec ‘05 # Mr. Matthew Lahart ‘05 # Mr. Christopher M. Luyster ‘05 # Mr. Scott C. Macbeth ‘05 # Mr. G. R. Sacra, Jr. ‘05 # + Mr. Charles Schwartzel ‘05
Class of 2006
Alumni Drive 2010: $410 Total Giving: $410 Total Members: 238 Members Participating: 7 Participation: 3% General Contributors Mr. Benjamin D. Baker ‘06 # Mr. Dwight L. Daboval ‘06 # Mr. Kelly B. Halaszyn ‘06 # + Mr. Alec J. Makris ‘06 # Mr. Harvey E. McBee, III ‘06 # Mr. Ryan C. Moore ‘06 # + Mr. John R. Passmore ‘06 +
President’s Young Associates
President’s Young Associates Club members are alumni who, in the period of one to four years after they graduate from Strake Jesuit, make leading gifts of $50 or more.
Class of 2007
Alumni Drive 2010: $1,850 Total Giving: $1,900 Total Members: 237 Members Participating: 24 Participation: 10% President’s Young Associates Mr. Anthony C. Ableman ‘07 # Mr. James M. DeWitt ‘07 # Mr. Robert J. Faulk ‘07
Mr. Nevle and Fr. Lahart (far right) were joined by some past recipients of the Ignatian Award given to the Alumnus of the Year at the Annual Night of Honor. Those present included (left to right) Larry Mason ‘66, NJ Santarcangelo ‘67, Dr. Brian Parsley ‘74, Dr. Joe Mike Piazza ‘72 and Ray Albrecht ‘72 in congrtualting the 2010 recipient, Dr. Garcia-Prats (third from right). Mr. Lucas A. Frank ‘07 Mr. William A. Gibula ‘07 # Mr. Benjamin M. Jacobson ‘07 # Mr. Nicolas C. Jean-Baptiste ‘07 # Mr. Gregory L. Keogh ‘07 # Mr. Daniel J. Kisch ‘07 # Mr. Austin J. Lewis ‘07 # Mr. Sean B. Margot ‘07 Mr. Christopher T. McGeehan ‘07 # Mr. William M. Miraglia ‘07 # Mr. John O. Niemann, III ‘07 # Mr. Brian D. Peters ‘07 # Mr. Christopher R. Ramesh ‘07 # Mr. Michael S. Rohde ‘07 Mr. John M. Stell ‘07 # Mr. Jacob L. Wurzer ‘07
General Contributors Mr. Timothy J. Burns ‘07 # Mr. Michael M. Connelly ‘07 # Mr. Jaques D. Delouche ‘07 # Mr. Taylor B. Melton ‘07 # Mr. Robert J. Ontko ‘07 #
Class of 2008
Alumni Drive 2010: $1,650 Total Giving: $1,650 Total Members: 234 Members Participating: 29 Participation: 12% President’s Young Associates Mr. Arman G. A. Ayeras ‘08 # Mr. Richard V. Baratta ‘08 # Mr. William D. Burck ‘08 Mr. Kyle W. Byrnes ‘08 # Mr. Cameron R. Colvill ‘08 # Mr. Joseph W. D’Antoni ‘08 # Mr. Samuel L. Garcia ‘08 # Mr. Ian M. Giles ‘08 # Mr. Robert K. Goodyear ‘08 # Mr. Michael A. Johnston ‘08 # Mr. Myles J. Lambert ‘08 # Mr. Robert A. Mills ‘08 # Mr. Ryan A. Neyland ‘08 # Mr. Jason D. Rice ‘08 # Mr. Matthew J. Schwing ‘08 # Mr. Adam M. Skrypczak ‘08 # Mr. Mark B. Strickland ‘08
Mr. Daniel J. Thesing ‘08 Mr. Timothy C. Whitford ‘08 # Mr. Phillip L. Wiggins ‘08 # Mr. Peter L. Wyrsch ‘08 #
General Contributors Mr. Matthew J. Brill ‘08 Mr. Tanner S. Hahn ‘08 Mr. Matthew W. Holladay ‘08 Mr. Kevin B. Layne ‘08 Mr. Brendan J. Meara ‘08 Mr. Roy D. Pruden ‘08 Mr. Mark A. Reed ‘08 Mr. Travis L. Taunton ‘08 #
Class of 2009
Alumni Drive 2010: $2,060 Total Giving: $2,060 Total Members: 243 Members Participating: 42 Participation: 17%
General Contributors Mr. Timothy G. Ashe ‘09 Mr. Kellan F. Belanger ‘09 Mr. Jomer P. Bernardo ‘09 Mr. Daniel C. Blado ‘09 Mr. Patrick C. Blizzard ‘09 Mr. John G. Brentin ‘09 Mr. Mark R. Gibson ‘09 Mr. Robert P. Heisler ‘09 Mr. Alexander S. Jefferies ‘09 Mr. Nicholas J. Lykos ‘09 Mr. Christopher L. McCullagh ‘09 # Mr. Peter R. McStravick, III ‘09 Mr. Christopher P. Meyer ‘09 Mr. Alejandro R. Nazario ‘09 Mr. Matthew J. Rohde ‘09 Mr. Henry Ung ‘09 Mr. Ricardo R. Watson ‘09 # Mr. Daniel C. Wolterman ‘09
Class of 2010
Alumni Drive 2010: $3,995 Total Giving: $3,995 Total Members: 245 Members Participating: 55 Participation: 22%
President’s Young Associates Mr. Jackson C. Baker ‘09 # Mr. Andrew J. Clark ‘09 # Mr. Christopher M. Dismuke ‘09 Mr. Ryan P. Dunbar ‘09 # Mr. Nicholas J. Feinberg ‘09 # Mr. Kenneth B. Haesly, II ‘09 # Mr. John L. Hohlt ‘09 # Mr. Jason Lee ‘09 # Mr. Andrew G. Marietta ‘09 # Mr. Andrew K. Martin ‘09 # Mr. Mason N. McBee ‘09 # Mr. Angel M. C. Mira ‘09 # Mr. Ian A. Perera ‘09 # Mr. David A. Peterman ‘09 # Mr. Jeffrey R. Peters ‘09 # Mr. Keller A. Rhyne ‘09 # Mr. Andrew Schneider ‘09 Mr. William R. Sisak ‘09 # Mr. Britt J. Sobiesk ‘09 Mr. Garrett A. Staudt ‘09 # Mr. Hugh P. Stewart ‘09 # Mr. Benjamin M. Weatherl ‘09 # Mr. James B. Webb ‘09 # Mr. John M. Work ‘09
President’s Young Associates Anonymous # Mr. Trevor W. Adair ‘10 # Mr. Travis S. Bashaw ‘10 # Mr. Michael B. Callegari ‘10 # Mr. Nicholas M. Carabello ‘10 # Mr. Gaston A. Casillas ‘10 # Mr. Jared G. Castillo ‘10 # Mr. Michael R. Davidson ‘10 # Mr. Michael S. Depinet ‘10 # Mr. Michael A. Fernandez ‘10 # Mr. Gregory S. Frank ‘10 # Mr. Beau C. Grenier ‘10 # Mr. Andrew A. Hatam ‘10 Mr. Hogan T. Hoeffner ‘10 # Mr. Jonathan D. Hollkamp ‘10 # Mr. Matthew D. Kegg ‘10 # Mr. Loren P. Lugosch ‘10 # Mr. Timothy P. Lyons ‘10 # Mr. Raymond N. P. Panaligan ‘10 # Mr. George A. Pepi ‘10 # Mr. Joseph W. Petrov, II ‘10 #
Mr. Kha T. Phi ‘10 # Mr. Joseph M. Piazza, III ‘10 # Mr. Dean R. Price ‘10 # Mr. Phillip B. Ribbeck ‘10 # Mr. Andrew B. Sibal ‘10 # Mr. Robertson B. Tarver ‘10 # Mr. Chisomaga A. Uche ‘10 # Mr. John P. Weaver ‘10 # Mr. Taylor R. Wilson ‘10 #
General Contributors Mr. Anthony M. Banh ‘10 # Mr. James A. Collins ‘10 # Mr. Kyle P. Cousino ‘10 # Mr. Sami O. Darouiche ‘10 # Mr. William R. Delgado ‘10 # Mr. Hugo E. Flores ‘10 # Mr. Matthew M. Geddie ‘10 # Mr. Michael T. Germain ‘10 # Mr. Wesley W. Gill ‘10 # Mr. Robert J. Greenberg ‘10 # Mr. Reese A. Hale ‘10 Mr. Sami M. Khan ‘10 # Mr. Trevor A. Konopka ‘10 # Mr. Nicholas M. Lassus ‘10 # Mr. Thomas J. Leibowitz, Jr. ‘10 # Mr. Joseph M. Lim ‘10 # Mr. Laurence S. H. Martinez ‘10 # Mr. Stephen F. McStravick ‘10 # Mr. Brent R. Osborn ‘10 # Mr. Jarred W. Pendleton ‘10 # Mr. Julian C. Post ‘10 # Mr. Casey G. Rice ‘10 # Mr. Carlos D. Siso ‘10 # Mr. Stephen A. Skerl ‘10 # Mr. Christopher W. Winters ‘10 #
Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499
THE GREATER GLORY CAPITAL CAMPAIGN In 2008 Strake Jesuit completed The Greater Glory Capital Campaign, to date the largest campaign in school history. The magnificent additions to the school that were made under that campaign, which include the Athletic Center Complex, the conversion of the Smith Gym into the Moran Dining Hall, the Clay Student Center, and the Lahart Chapel of St. Ignatius, will serve Jesuit students for generations to come. Those listed here made multiple year pledges during that campaign and made payments on those pledges during the fiscal year, from July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011. Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Mr. Tom Adolph ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Aiuvalasit ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Gonzalo Amador ‘80 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation The Andrews Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Frank N. Arguello, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Aubin Mr. & Mrs. James H. Barkley ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Karl D. Bartholomew Mr. & Mrs. David R. Beathard ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Benigno Mr. & Mrs. John A. Best Mr. & Mrs. James E. Blackwell Mr. & Mrs. James M. Booth ‘67 BP Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Brock Mr. & Mrs. J. Matt Brown ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Chris Carmouche ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. James M. Casey Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Chambers Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman Chevron Mr. & Mrs. Vance Christopher Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Clay ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Clemons Mr. & Mrs. John P. Cogan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David W. Cole Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Connell ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Crist Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Cronin ‘72 Mr. Michael J. Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Dampf ‘90 Dr. & Mrs. Rabih O. Darouiche Mr. & Mrs. James E. Davidson ‘75 Mr. Corey B. Davis ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Day ‘69 Mr. Rigoberto & Dr. Dorothy Delgado Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Dobrowski Mr. & Mrs. William R. Drews Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Ehrenkranz Mr. & Mrs. Allen F. Eleiott Mr. & Mrs. Pat R. Falcone Dr. & Mrs. Sayed F. Feghali Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Fenelon
Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Fichter Fluor Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Fraser Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Funch Mr. & Mrs. John Garibaldi Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Garvis ‘88 Dr. Paul W. ‘82 & Dr. Milvia P. Gidley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Gimenez, III ‘84 Dr. Sergio A. & Dr. Gabriela Giralt Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Girotto ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Girotto Mr. & Mrs. John A. Glynn Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. James L. Goodyear Mr. & Mrs. Roderick L. Graves ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hagale Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hanus Mr. & Mrs. John Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Quinn J. Hebert Mr. Russell Heinen & Ms. Shawn McKean Mr. & Mrs. James A. Heiser Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Heisler ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Henning Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Hornberger Mr. & Mrs. Tom Horrell Mr. & Mrs. Glen Hou Mr. & Mrs. V. Edward James Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Jenner, III Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Kenny
Mr. & Mrs. Duane H. King Mr. Jason L. & Dr. Agnes I. Kisch Mr. & Mrs. Mick Klein ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Gary Klumpp Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Lassus Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Lucci, M.D. ‘80 Dr. & Mrs. James E. Lusk ‘67 The Lyons Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Malek, Jr. Marsh, Inc Mr. & Mrs. E. Ray Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Todd A. Mason Mr. Larry A. Mason ‘66 Dr. & Mrs. Angelo J. Mattalino ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. McArdle Mr. & Mrs. Harvey E. McBee Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. McCormick, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. S. Wayne McDonald, Sr. ‘67 Mr. John W. McKirahan, Jr. ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. McLamb Mr. & Mrs. Kevin A. McMahon ‘88 Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon Col. & Mrs. Brian L. Mealey, D.D.S. ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Mealey ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Medrano ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Messina Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Mims Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell Jr. The Moody’s Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Moran ‘66 The W. T. & Louise J. Moran Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Hunter Nelson
New York Life Insurance Company Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Nick Mr. & Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Notestine Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Novelli ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick O’Connell ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. John E. O’Shea, Jr. John & Charlene O’Shea Family Foundation P.J. Moran Foundation Mr. Stephen P. Pate & Ms. Jean T. Janssen Mr. & Mrs. David S. Peterman Dr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Quinn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Quoyeser Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ray Mr. & Mrs. William J. Restrepo Mr. & Mrs. René A. Richard Mr. & Mrs. Clarence W. Rife Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Drew E. Rohde Mr. Carlos E. Roman Dr. Angelo Sermas & Dr. Marsha Soechting Ms. Mariana G. Servitje Shell Oil Company Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Siegfried Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Simpson ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Monte M. Sneed Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Staudt Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. David R. Stewart ‘69 Strake Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Karl Strickland Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78 Dr. Ronald Taylor & Dr. Marilyn Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Teichgraeber, III ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Austin L. Tenette Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Tower, II ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Steve Trevino Mrs. Graciela Vela-Cuellar Mr. & Mrs. James L. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Walters Mr. & Mrs. James A. Webb Dr. Tara L. Wegryn Mr. & Mrs. John D. Willis Mr. & Mrs. Erich W. Wolz, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Wyrsch Mr. & Mrs. Antonio P. Zubizarreta ‘91
SCHOLAR / SPONSOR PARTNERSHIP Those listed here have chosen to Sponsor a Strake Jesuit student through the Scholar/Student Partnership. By doing so, they have chosen to reach out to a deserving Financial Aid student in a very personal way. As a Sponsor, they have the opportunity to meet the student and watch him grow throughout his time at Jesuit. Anonymous (2) Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston The Terry Crane Foundation George & Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation Captain Andrew Houghton Foundation Knights of Columbus Council 11343 Jack Koch Memorial Foundation The Lallinger Family Charitable Foundation Mr. Louis Macey
Mr. Joseph Nicknish ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Raven The Roth Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sisler Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Springer Mr. Richard S. Walker ’76 and Ms. Shana Sloas The William A. & Madeline Welder Smith Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Werner
Gifts from Friends can be made to support an Endowment or to the greatest need of the school. Giving club classification is based on total giving including donations to the Alumni Drive, General and Endowed Scholarships, Capital Gifts, amd other Annual Giving campaigns. Lighting, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Macey Mr. & Mrs. R. Stan Marek, Jr. ++ The Moody’s Foundation Mr. Archie Nahigian # Northstar GOM, LLC + # ONEOK Foundation, Inc. # ' Spectra Energy Texas Youth Rugby Association # TransMontaigne, Inc. #
Ignatius Club Anadarko Petroleum Corporation ++ # Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston ++ # Mr. & Mrs. Murray E. Brasseux ' Chevron ++ ' Conoco Phillips, Inc. ++ # ' Continental Airlines, Inc. # Mr. & Mrs. Chris Cook # The Albert & Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation # Jesuit High School of New Orleans # Koch Foundation, Inc # The Lallinger Family Charitable Foundation The Lyons Foundation + M. D. Anderson Foundation + The W. T. & Louise J. Moran Foundation John & Charlene O’Shea Family Foundation + ' P.J. Moran Foundation Mr. Roy Ribelin #
President’s Club The Andrews Foundation + CCS Presentation Systems # Champion Industrial Sales Company + D. E. Harvey Builders + Mr. & Mrs. Neill P. Davis ' DistribAire, Inc + El Paso Energy + # Galerie Zuger Mr. & Mrs. Greg A. Germani # Hess Corporation # Mariner Energy, Inc # Mr. & Mrs. Mark Miller + Occidental Petroleum Corp. # RDG Bar Annie # Texas Instruments Foundation #
Shell Oil Company ++ ' Spirit of Texas Bank, SSB # ' Strake Foundation ++ Strake Jesuit Athletic Booster Club # Strake Jesuit Community ++ ' Strake Jesuit Mothers’ Club ++ # ' Dr. John Teichgraeber & Ms. Christian Schley # Wapiti Energy, LLC Mr. & Mrs. John Warren # The William A. & Madeline Welder Smith Foundation + #
Magis Club Anonymous + # A Bientot Albemarle Corporation # Altar Boy Invitational # Alvin Gee Photography Amigas Club of Strake Jesuit # Anheuser-Busch # Mr. Truman Beeson # BP Fabric of America Fund Mr. & Mrs. John T. Cater Chubb Insurance # CITGO Petroleum Corporation # Clear Channel Radio College X-ing, LLC Colony One Autocenter # Cram Crew Creighton University # Crum & Forster #
Stanislaus Club Anonymous ++ # Bank of America # BP ++ ' The Butcher Fund ++ ExxonMobil ++ # First in Texas # GE Foundation + # George & Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation The Captain Andrew R. Houghton ‘97 Foundation + Mr. & Mrs. William H. Kirvan, Jr. ++ # William & Linda Kirvan Family Foundation ++ # San Antonio Federal Credit Union # Strake Jesuit Dad’s Club + # ' Mrs. Violet M. Tarpey Ms. Ashley Vachon Wells Fargo ++ # Williams Community Relations ++ # '
Crusader Club AIG # The Ammons Law Firm # Baker Hughes # Capital One N.A. + Janice & John M. Carrabba/Piatto Ristorante # Dobrowski L.L.P. + Doyle Raizner LLP # Finkelstein Partners # Fluor Knights of Columbus Council 11343 +
D E Shaw & Co., L.P. # Energy XXI # Estate of Emil A. Nakfoor # FIRST # Ms. Margaret Fletcher # Mr. Paul Folzenlogen # G.A.S. Unlimited, Inc. # Gartner, Inc. # Gittings Studios Halliburton, Inc. # Mr. Albert A. Hoffman, Jr. Hotel Granduca # Houston Evergreen Chinese School, Inc # The Houstonian Impressive Printing # Mr. & Mrs. Craig Joyce # Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kafka + Kaleidoscope Studio # Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Kelly # Kimberly-Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Lavery # Legend Retail Group LLC # Mr. J. Kirk Longmire # Marc Nathan Photographers # McArdle Grading Co # The Meadows Foundation The Medallion Foundation, Inc. Memorial Athletic Club # Microsoft + Minute Maid # Mokara Hotel & Spa # Morgan Stanley # Mosbacher Operating, Ltd New York Life Insurance Company + ' The Next Level Fitness The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation # Mr. & Mrs. Earl A. Norra ++ Northwestern Mutual Life ++ The O’Neill Foundation # Pappasito’s PepsiCo Foundation + Plex # The Roth Family Foundation ++ Star Dental Care, P.C. # State Farm Insurance Strake Jesuit Class of 1967 + # Strake Jesuit Coaching Staff # Strake Jesuit Lacrosse Team # Target ++ # Tarpey Charitable Lead Annuity Trust # ' Textron, Inc. + # Thomson Reuters # Tiny Boxwood’s # Total Gas & Power North America, Inc. VMWare Foundation # Dr. David Wadler, D.D.S. Dr. Robert H. and Joanne M. Williams Foundation + Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Yezak #
General Contributors Anonymous # A Classic Bloom Florist A Roomful of Flowers # Abbott Fund Matching Gift Programs # Mr. & Mrs. Norman Abdallah # Ms. Cynthia Adkins # Alley Theater # Al’s Formal Wear # Dr. & Mrs. Pedro J. Alvarez Annette Boatwright Photography Apache Corporation + Appleton Learning # Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Aviles # Mr. & Mrs. Reid Baker # Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Belton # Benjy’s # Mr. Harold J. Benoit # Beyond Group Travel # Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bick ++ Mr. & Mrs. Barry L. Bittick # Braeburn Country Club # Brazos Book Store # Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Brower # Brown & Gay Engineers, Inc # Mr. & Mrs. Larry Buck # Mr. & Mrs. Keith D. Burau # Ms. Maggie Burch #
Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Burton # Calloway’s Nursery # Ms. Hazel Casey^ # Mr. & Ms. David Castonguay # Mr. C. B. Combs # Condon Gardens Nursey # Mr. & Mrs. Glenn G. Cook # Mr. & Mrs. Tommy G. Cooper # Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Corbin # Ms. Muriel K. Criswell # Mr. Bonner Cutting # Mr. C. J. Danna # Danny Clark Photography Mr. Jerod N. Dinkin # Mr. G. J. Dowling # Ms. Lisa J. Ducharme # Enchanted Gardens EncoreBank EOG Resources, Inc. # eScrip # Events # Mr. & Mrs. Ulysses Fadri # Fairfield Nodal # Fleming’s Fogo de Chao Ms. Patricia C. Fowler # Ms. Marion M. Freeman # French Cuff Boutique # Mr. John R. Frye & Ms. Cheryll P. Chew # Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Furey # G & P Partners, LLC Ms. Alexis M. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ganucheau # Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Gibbs # Gigi’s Bistro Mr. Jeffrey L. Glashow # Mr. & Mrs. Buddy Gomez # Google, Inc. # Mr. & Mrs. David Goolsby # Mr. Mark J. Hager # Haney Whipple Portraits Mr. & Mrs. Steve P. Harding # Mr. Larry A. Harman # Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Higgs # Mr. Glenn Hilman # Hilton America’s Houston Holm Bambace L.L.P. Mrs. Barbara Hornbeck # Hotel Sordella Houston Ballet # Houston Dynamos The Houston Museum of Natural Science # Houston Symphony Houston Wine Merchant Mr. Matt Howard # I. W. Marks # ING Financial Services Corporation # Innovative Images Photography It’s All About You Dr. Robert Ivany # J. M. Huber Corporation J. Silver Jewelry # John R. Ray & Sons, Inc # Just Say It Ms. Nancy Kallison # Kaye Marvins Photography Kemah Boardwalk Kickapoo Ranch Pet Resort # Ms. Clara M. Kotch #
Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Guy C. La Rose # Leslie & Co. Little Matt’s Diner # Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Lydon Mr. & Mrs. George V. Lynett, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lynett Macy’s Foundation # Mr. David Maggard Mark’s American Cuisine Mrs. Mariquita Masterson Ms. Nancy M. Mathews Mr. & Mrs. Donald McCullough # Mr. & Mrs. Ronald N. McMillan # Mrs. Ann G. McStravick # Ms. Patricia Mead, C.P.A. Messina Hof Winery # Mr. & Mrs. Henry Minello # Mr. Jeffrey J. Mingori # Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell, Sr. #
Ms. Grace Moore # Ms. Virginia B. Moore # Dr. & Mrs. William P. Moore # Moran Resources Company National Petrochemical & Refiners Association # Ms. Clara T. Nelson # Mr. & Mrs. John D. Norris # Mrs. Violet Oaks # Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. O’Donnell The Orthopedic Sports Clinic # Parisi Speed School # Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Pasadyn # Mr. & Mrs. Michael Phillips Photography by Liff The Pines Catholic Camp # Quilt ‘n Sew Studio Quintiles Cares # Mr. & Mrs. James F. Ralston #
Randall’s Food Markets River Oaks Pet Resort Ms. Mary V. Rogers # Ms. Regina J. Rogers # Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Sale, Jr. # SAP America # School House Partners, LLC # Dr. George F. Schudy Sensia Studio and Japenese Mr. & Mrs. Steve Shellenberger # SKF USA, Inc. # Ms. Jane K. Sloane # Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Smith Mr. & Mrs. Stanley O. Smith # Mr. & Mrs. Tom R. Snodgrass # Sprint # Stages Repertory Theatre # Strake Jesuit Cheerleaders # Strake Jesuit Spirit Store #
Strake Jesuit Student Council # Ms. Jo Sullivan # Tailoring by Nick, Inc. # Mr. & Mrs. James Thurmond # Tootsies Trish Strangmeyer Photography Mr. & Mrs. A. L. Van Amburge # Mrs. Gladys C. Viltz # Mrs. Jean Von Rosenberg # Ms. Linda Walker # Westin Galleria # Westin La Canterra Resort # Westside Tennis & Fitness Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Wieckowski # Mr. & Mrs. David G. Yellowlees # Ms. Ann M. York # Zadok Jewelers Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Zuras #
MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES The companies listed here contributed to Strake Jesuit or the Strake Jesuit Art Museum through their Matching Gift programs. Their decision to include Jesuit among the organizations that qualify for their programs allows their employees who are listed on these pages to increase the impact of their gift. Abbott Fund Matching Gift Programs AIG Albemarle Corporation Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Apache Corporation Baker Hughes Bank of America BP Brown & Gay Engineers, Inc The Brown Foundation, Inc. Capital One N.A. Chevron Chubb Insurance CITGO Petroleum Corporation Conoco Phillips, Inc. Crum & Forster D E Shaw & Co., L.P. El Paso Energy
Energy XXI EOG Resources, Inc. ExxonMobil Fluor Gartner, Inc. GE Foundation Google, Inc. Halliburton, Inc. Hess Corporation J. M. Huber Corporation ING Financial Services Corporation Macy’s Foundation Mariner Energy, Inc The Medallion Foundation, Inc. Microsoft The Moody’s Foundation Morgan Stanley New York Life Insurance Company
The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Northwestern Mutual Life Occidental Petroleum Corp. ONEOK Foundation, Inc. PepsiCo Foundation Quintiles Cares SAP America Shell Oil Company SKF USA, Inc. Spectra Energy Sprint Texas Instruments Foundation Textron, Inc. Thomson Reuters Total Gas & Power North America, Inc. VMWare Foundation Wells Fargo Williams Community Relations
STRAKE JESUIT SCRAMBLE The gifts of the contributors listed below helped to defray the cost of the 2011 Strake Jesuit Scramble. Shirt Sponsor Doyle Raizner LLP/Mike Doyle
Golf Towel Sponsor Airrosti
Lunch Sponsor Dobrwoski L.L.P.
Golf Ball Sponsor TransMontaigne
Cart Sponsor Northstar Offshore Energy Partners
Golf Cap Sponsor Spirit of Texas Bank
Beverage Cart Sponsor Liver Specialists of Texas
Silver Sponsor Champion Industrial Sales Company D. E. Harvey Builders DistribAire, Inc Lighting, Inc. Luster & Willis Insurance Kevin McArdle Mr. & Mrs. David Pruner Joe & Marianne Quoyeser
Mulligan Sponsor Bertini Law Firm P.C. Closest to the Pin/Long Drive The Ammons Law Firm Putting Contest Sponsor Finkelstein Partners, Ltd
Bronze Sponsor Mosbacher Operating Ltd
Hole Sponsors Bain & Barkley BBVA Compass - Houston Commercial Banking Mark Burck Cindy Chambers/Beyond Group Travel Inc. Alicita & Craig Collins Bob & Gwen Corrigan Encore Bank Friend of SJ Holm/Bambace LLP Houston Heart Centre/Dr. Tom Garcia Ron & Sandy McMillan Moran Exploration LP Renovo Homes LLC Sharps Compliance, Inc. Bill & Debbie Stacy/Biomedical Solutions, Inc. The Orthopedic Sports Clinic Underwriting Mr. & Mrs. James Haren Thomas Hensley Strake Jesuit Dads’ Club
Legend: h Increased gift from previous year / ' Retreat & Leadership Center Donor ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving
2 0 1 1
The gifts of the contributors listed here help defray the cost of the 2011 Strake Jesuit Auction, the proceeds of which support the school’s Financial Aid Program, the school’s Endowment and the Operating Budget. A Bientot A Classic Bloom Florist A Roomful of Flowers Mr. & Mrs. Robin S. Ahn Mr. & Mrs. Fouad S. Alameddin Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 Alley Theater Al’s Formal Wear Alvin Gee Photography Mr. & Mrs. Jerrold S. Alwais Amigas Club of Strake Jesuit Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Ammons Mr. & Mrs. James E. Anderson Annette Boatwright Photography Mr. Paul A. Antolik & Ms. Barbara L. Bone Appleton Learning Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Archer, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Aubin Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Austin ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ay, Jr. Bank of America Mr. & Mrs. James H. Barkley ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Bastian Mr. & Mrs. Paul Beck Benjy’s Mr. & Mrs. Steven Black Mr. & Mrs. James J. Boland, II Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Giorgio Borlenghi Mr. & Mrs. Elliott M. Bouillion Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Boushka, III Mr. & Mrs. Murray E. Brasseux Brazos Book Store Mr. & Mrs. John J. Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brody Mr. & Mrs. David J. Broeckelmann Mr. & Mrs. Brian K. Broussard Ms. Maggie Burch Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck Calloway’s Nursery Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Camp Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Cantrell Capital One N.A. Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Capo Janice & John M. Carrabba/Piatto Ristorante Mr. & Mrs. James M. Casey Mr. & Mrs. David E. Castaneda Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh CCS Presentation Systems Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman Mr. & Mrs. Stanley G. Chapman, III Chevron Mr. & Mrs. William D. Chinn Mr. & Mrs. William P. Cirioli Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Clay ‘85 Clear Channel Radio College X-ing, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Corby M. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Collins Colony One Autocenter Condon Gardens Nursey Continental Airlines, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Cooke Mr. & Mrs. David Wilks Corban Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cozort Cram Crew Creighton University Mr. & Mrs. James F. Cromwell Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Daboval Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Danielson Danny Clark Photography Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. DeVries Mr. Glynn A. Dial & Ms. Agnes L. Dillard-Dial Dr. & Mrs. Eduardo M. Diaz, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dickerson Dr. & Mrs. James W. Dietz, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William G. Dillon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83 Mr. Charles F. Duffield, II & Dr. Rosemary Buckle Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Dugan Mr. Dean R. Elkins Mr. & Mrs. Aben Ellerbee Enchanted Gardens Events Dr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Ferris Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Fichter Mr. & Mrs. Troy P. Finney Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Flavin Mr. Michael P. & Hon. Natalie C. Fleming Fleming’s Ms. Margaret Fletcher Fogo de Chao Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Frank French Cuff Boutique Mr. & Mrs. David S. Freysinger Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Funch Galerie Zuger Ms. Alexis M. Gallagher Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats Mr. & Mrs. Eddy Garcia-Rameau Mr. & Mrs. Wesley R. Gibson Gigi’s Bistro Mr. & Mrs. Gray W. Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Yaron Gisser Gittings Studios Mr. & Mrs. Douglas T. Gosda Dr. & Mrs. William M. Granberry, M.D. ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S. Gray Mr. & Mrs. James D. Gray Mr. & Mrs. Archie E. Groff, III Haney Whipple Portraits Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Harbin, III Mr. & Mrs. Darrell N. Haun Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hawes Mr. & Mrs. John Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Calvin G. Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Heilman Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Henning Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Hernandez Hilton America’s Houston Mrs. Laura W. Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Horton Hotel Granduca Hotel Sordella Houston Ballet Houston Dynamos Houston Evergreen Chinese School, Inc Houston Symphony Houston Wine Merchant The Houstonian Mr. & Mrs. William T. Huskinson Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel I. W. Marks Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Iglesias Impressive Printing Innovative Images Photography It’s All About You Mr. & Mrs. William J. Izard J. Silver Jewelry Mr. & Mrs. V. Edward James Mr. Javier M. & Dr. Liliana R. Janer Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Jenner, III Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Jewett Just Say It Kaleidoscope Studio Kaye Marvins Photography Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Keller Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Kelley Kemah Boardwalk Ms. Kim M. Kendall Kickapoo Ranch Pet Resort Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Klein Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John E. Knoebel, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Vreij Kolandjian Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Langdon
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Layne Mr. & Mrs. Vincent T. Leger Leslie & Co. Mr. & Mrs. Jay Levy Ms. Sammye Levy Lighting, Inc. Mr. Robert J. Lindsay & Ms. Elizabeth Antonius Little Matt’s Diner Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Livit Dr. & Mrs. Drew J. Lomonte, D.D.S. ‘84 Mr. J. Kirk Longmire Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Lord Mr. & Mrs. George V. Lynett, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lynett Mr. & Mrs. D. B. Macbeth Mr. & Mrs. Gerald V. Maes Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Magee ‘83 Mr. David Maggard Marc Nathan Photographers Mr. & Mrs. Christopher N. Marco ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. R. Stan Marek, Jr. Mr. Blair H. Margot & Mrs. Margo R. Vafakos-Margot Mark’s American Cuisine Mr. & Mrs. David G. Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Martin Mr. & Mrs. James A. Martin Mrs. Mariquita Masterson Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. McAughan Jr. Mr. Keith M. McAuliffe & Ms. Lisa M. Paikowski Mr. & Mrs. David M. McGuire Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. McParland Mrs. Sylvia McPartland Mr. & Mrs. John M. McQuerry Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Mealey ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Meece Memorial Athletic Club Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Mercer Messina Hof Winery Mr. & Mrs. John W. Mikus Minute Maid Mrs. Lisa A. Miranda Mokara Hotel & Spa Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Monmouth Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Mouch Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. Mullins ‘80 Mr. Archie Nahigian Mr. & Mrs. James Nakfoor ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Neiers The Next Level Fitness Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Novelli ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Nutt Occidental Petroleum Corp. Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick O’Connell ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. O’Connor Mrs. Maria Gabriela Olivero Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Osborn Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Ott Pappasito’s Parisi Speed School Dr. Brian S. Parsley ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. John S. Parsley Prof. & Ms. James W. Paulsen Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Pepper Mr. & Mrs. David S. Peterman Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Petrick Photography by Liff Dr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Pignetti The Pines Catholic Camp Plex Mr. & Mrs. Stanley T. Proctor Mr. & Mrs. David R. Pruner Mr. & Mrs. Gary O. Quenan Quilt ‘n Sew Studio Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Quoyeser Randall’s Food Markets Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Raven RDG Bar Annie
Dr. & Mrs. David N. Reeves Mr. & Mrs. Rommel d. P. Reyes Mr. & Mrs. Phillip B. Ribbeck River Oaks Pet Resort Mr. & Mrs. René L. Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Drew E. Rohde Mr. Thomas G. Romano Mr. & Mrs. John C. Rossettie Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Roush Mr. Pepe Ruiz, SJ Mr. & Mrs. Dan L. Samora Mr. & Mrs. Bret D. Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Santry Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti ‘90 & Ms. Lynn Wilgenbusch Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Schiller Dr. & Mrs. John C. Schiro ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. John A. Schmidt Dr. George F. Schudy Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel Mr. & Mrs. Scott O. Sebastian Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Seitz Sensia Studio and Japenese Mr. & Mrs. Luiz R. Sganderlla Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Shoebotham Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Short Mr. & Mrs. Mike D. Silvestre Ms. Donna Sisto Mr. & Mrs. Tom Skerl Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Smidt Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Solcher Spectra Energy Mr. & Mrs. William M. Stacy Stages Repertory Theatre Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Stangel Mr. Mark A. & Dr. Patrice E. Storey Strake Jesuit Athletic Booster Club Strake Jesuit Cheerleaders Strake Jesuit Coaching Staff Strake Jesuit Community Strake Jesuit Spirit Store Mr. & Mrs. Keith T. Strenge Mr. & Mrs. G. Wade Stubblefield Mr. & Mrs. William H. Stubbs Tailoring by Nick, Inc. Dr. Ronald Taylor & Dr. Marilyn Mayer The Houston Museum of Natural Science Mr. & Mrs. Joe F. Thomas Dr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Thompson Tiny Boxwood’s Tootsies Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio M. Torras Mr. & Mrs. W. Paschall Tosch, Sr. Trish Strangmeyer Photography Mr. & Mrs. Emile J. Troxclair Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Turner Dr. & Mrs. Fernando Urrutia Mr. & Mrs. Guy P. Vachon Mr. & Mrs. E. Michael Varona Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. VonBorstel Dr. David Wadler, D.D.S. Mr. & Mrs. James L. Walker Wapiti Energy, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo R. Watson Mr. & Mrs. James F. Weitzel Mr. & Mrs. David D. Welsh Westin Galleria Westin La Canterra Resort Westside Tennis & Fitness Mr. & Mrs. Kevin W. Wettstein Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Whealdon Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Whitson Mr. & Mrs. Tedd J. Winter Mr. & Mrs. Jerome W. Witte Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Witte Zadok Jewelers
Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499
The individuals and organizations listed below have generously supported Strake Jesuit and its mission from 5-10 consecutive years.
Years Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Adair Ms. Linda C. Adolph Mr. Thanh K. Banh & Ms. Nam T. Pham Mr. Stephen Blake ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Federico M. Bravo ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Brock Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brody Mr. Jack Caliva ‘79 Capital One N.A. Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Cashiola ‘72 Champion Industrial Sales Company Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Clarke ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Clay Mr. & Mrs. John P. Cogan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James T. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Connell ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Cousino ' Mr. & Mrs. James F. Cromwell Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Cruickshank ‘71 Mr. Gerard J. Cunningham ‘73 D. E. Harvey Builders Dr. & Mrs. Rabih O. Darouiche Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Davies ‘88 Mr. Rigoberto & Dr. Dorothy Delgado Mr. & Mrs. David Depinet Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. DeVries Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Dewhurst ‘97 Mr. Andrew D. Dewhurst ‘01 Mr. & Mrs. William G. Dillon DistribAire, Inc Dobrowski L.L.P. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Donlin Mr. M. B. Dorr ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Marc S. Dunham ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Pat R. Falcone Bro. Casey Ferlita, SJ Mr. Ramon Fernandez ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Fraser Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon C. Gill Mr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Gomez Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Greenberg Ms. Helen M. Grivich Mr. Alexander B. Grivich ‘00 Mr. Kelly B. Halaszyn ‘06 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Hale, Jr. Mr. Russell Heinen & Ms. Shawn McKean Mr. & Mrs. William P. Herrington, Sr. ' Mr. Gregory C. Highberger ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Hill Mr. Vastine J. Hilsher ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Ted A. Holy Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Interiano ‘99 Mr. & Mrs. Hunter R. Jaggard ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Duane H. King Mr. Mark O. Kinkead ‘81 & Ms. Laurie C. Steinberg Mr. & Mrs. Ronald O. Luster ‘92 The Lyons Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Mancillas Mr. Larry A. Mason ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Todd A. Mason Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. McAuliffe ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. McKay Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. McLamb ' Mr. & Mrs. R. K. Miller, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Michael T. Mineo ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Montalbano ‘91 Mr. Ryan C. Moore ‘06 Mr. Gilbert A. Naert, Jr. ‘67 New York Life Insurance Company '
Dr. & Mrs. Sayed F. Feghali Dr. & Mrs. Marc F. Fontaine Mr. Carey T. Ford ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Formica Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Franshaw ‘82 GE Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Wesley R. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Gillogly Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Giordano ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Granados '
Northstar GOM, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Notestine Mr. Gordon Pace Mr. John R. Passmore ‘06 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Pepin PepsiCo Foundation Dr. Miguel A. Quinones ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ray Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Reilly ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. William R. Roberts Ms. Liza Rodriguez ' Mrs. Elsie Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Saberre, Sr. Mr. G. R. Sacra, Jr. ‘05 Mr. Peter Sanguesa ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Norman O. Schenk Mr. & Mrs. David A. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Jose M. Sentmanat ' Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Spieldenner ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Stangel Mr. Philip W. Steuernagel ‘98 Strake Jesuit Dad’s Club ' Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Sweeney ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. W. B. Tarver Ms. Dawn R. Terrazas-Chambers Textron, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Vance Ulsh ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ung Dr. & Mrs. Luis Valdes ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Vick ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. James L. Walker ' Mr. & Mrs. Cletus J. Wark Mr. Quentin T. Williams ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Winters Mr. & Mrs. Billy Zaleski ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Clarence S. Zaozirny Mr. & Mrs. Werner T. Zapp ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Haesly Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hanratty Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Henning ' The Captain Andrew R. Houghton ‘97 Foundation Mr. Shane W. Hudson ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Huebel Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Jackson ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kafka Mr. & Mrs. Don F. Keating The John G. & Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation ' Mr. & Mrs. Mick Klein ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kruckemeyer ' Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Lassus Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lloyd M. D. Anderson Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Malsam Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. McBee LCDR & Mrs. Richard T. McCarty ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. John A. McCullagh Mr. & Mrs. Kevin A. McMahon ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. David C. Meyer Mr. Kevin A. Mineo ‘93 Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Monmouth ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Montegut ' Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo L. Nazario Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Newell ‘86 Mr. Michael C. Newhouse ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Oaks John & Charlene O’Shea Family Foundation ' Mrs. Jo-Ann Padula Mr. Stephen P. Pate & Ms. Jean T. Janssen Mr. & Mrs. David S. Peterman ' Mr. Jeffrey L. Petersen ‘97 Mr. Anthony A. Pham ‘01 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Piazza, Jr. ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Provenzano Mr. & Mrs. Jesse J. Radvansky Mr. & Mrs. Henry D. Ralph Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Renaud Mr. & Mrs. Phillip B. Ribbeck ' Dr. Robert C. & Dr. Kathleen Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery R. Sanders ' Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Schiller Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sheehy Mr. & Mrs. Mario Smith ‘85 Dr. & Mrs. Zachary J. Smith, M.D. ‘91 Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Sobiesk Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Staudt Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Stewart Strake Jesuit Class of 1967 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Suhor Dr. Ronald Taylor & Dr. Marilyn Mayer ' Mr. & Mrs. Austin L. Tenette Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Terracina Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio M. Torras Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Weatherl, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James A. Webb ' Dr. Tara L. Wegryn Dr. Simon N. Whitney & Dr. Judy Levison Dr. Robert H. and Joanne M. Williams Foundation Mr. Mark E. Wilson & Ms. Sheila M. Condon Mr. & Mrs. Erich W. Wolz, Jr.
Years Dr. Adebayo J. Adesomo Dr. & Mrs. Paul M. Allison Dr. Jack An ‘87 & Dr. Karen Klatte Dr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Ashe Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Austin ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Bartlett, Jr. ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates, V ‘99 ' Mr. & Mrs. Trevor C. Bello Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Benigno Mr. & Mrs. James E. Blackwell Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin ' Mr. & Mrs. J. Matt Brown ‘80 Dr. & Mrs. Luke R. Bucci, Ph.D. ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Campana ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Manny Cantu ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Merlin A. Castille Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman ' Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Clutterbuck Capt. Christopher F. Coffman ‘01 Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Curry ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Daboval Dr. Henry ‘78 & Dr. Susan M. Delclos ' Mr. & Mrs. Rudy T. Dismuke Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Dobrowski Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. Reynold R. D’Souza Mr. Clay Duarte ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. John K. Dubiel Mr. & Mrs. David Dybell ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Espenan ' Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K. Eyberg
Legend: h Increased gift from previous year / ' Retreat & Leadership Center Donor ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Work Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Wyrsch
Years Mrs. Clare Aiuvalasit Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 ' The Andrews Foundation Mr. Paul A. Antolik & Ms. Barbara L. Bone Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Ayers ' Mr. & Mrs. Arnold D. Azios ‘76 Mr. J. Neal Badgett ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates, IV Mr. John W. Berardi ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Bergeron ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Giorgio Borlenghi ' Mr. Bryan Brandow ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Breen Mr. & Mrs. William E. Brewer ‘97 The Brown Foundation, Inc. ' Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Brown Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck ' Mr. Charles M. Burton Mr. & Mrs. John A. Carpenter ‘82 Dr. & Mrs. M. G. Castille ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Jamy Champenoy ' Mr. Matthew Chiste ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Chiste ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Claude ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Tracey E. Coats Mr. Frederick D. Couvillon, Jr. ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. James Docherty ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. James A. Dunn ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Harry H. Fouke ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Gaston Gaal Mr. John J. Gannon, III ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Garvis ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory George ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanratty ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hardin ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. John O. Hastings Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Herrin, III ‘78 Dr. & Mrs. David H. Hildreth Dr. Gary A. Hilsher, D.D.S. ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. James M. Howard Mr. & Mrs. Wesley J. Hudson Mr. & Mrs. Dale S. Janik Mr. Christopher M. Jennings ‘80 Dr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Jones Mr. Mark Kubicek ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Letsos ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Martin ' Mr. & Mrs. Gregg E. McBride Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Mealey ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Miller Mrs. Lisa A. Miranda Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Mouton ‘70 Mr. Ronald E. & Dr. Mary Neal ' Mr. & Mrs. David F. O’Brien ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Osborn ' Mr. & Mrs. John E. O’Shea, Jr. ' Mr. & Mrs. James S. Peery ‘80 Mr. Dax Philbin ‘89 Dr. & Mrs. Lindy T. Rachal Ms. Eva Riojas The Honorable Frank B. Rynd ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Ken Savanah Scanlan Foundation ' Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Schneider ‘73 Mr. Frank A. Simcik ‘95
Ms. Victoria T. Singley Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Skelton The William A. & Madeline Welder Smith Foundation Mr. & Mrs. George W. Strake, III ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Shane E. Walsh ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Zagst ‘73
Years Mr. & Mrs. Laurance H. Armour, III Mr. & Mrs. Karl D. Bartholomew Mrs. Susan F. Bolz Ms. Alisa Broussard Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Campo ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh ' Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Chambers Mr. & Mrs. David E. Chambers Mr. & Mrs. James D. Clifton Mr. & Mrs. Richard Clogan Mr. & Mrs. David W. Cole Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Deeds ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Duhon Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Fenelon Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Fernandez Mr. & Mrs. Larry Finke Mr. & Mrs. George M. Fleming ' Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Frank Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Gangelhoff Mr. C. A. Gillan & Ms. Cathy S. Nunnally Mr. & Mrs. Matthew T. Girotto ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Glaser Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez ‘87 ' Mr. & Mrs. Lauren Grenier Mr. & Mrs. Christian Haich Mr. Guillermo Hernandez-Ching & Ms. Laura N. Esquivel Mr. & Mrs. Glen Hou Mr. & Mrs. William O. Iglesias ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. L. Wayne Jones Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Kainer Mr. J. Grover Kelley ‘68 Dr. & Mrs. James M. Killian Mr. Jason L. & Dr. Agnes I. Kisch Knights of Columbus Council 11343 Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kochman, Jr. ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Konopka Mr. Edward D. Korompai ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kostelnik Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Layne Mrs. Dorothea Lea Mr. Mark R. Livesay Mr. & Mrs. Phillip R. Livingston ‘77 Mrs. Sarah H. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Tatum O. Lynn Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Maarraoui ' Mr. Blair H. Margot & Mrs. Margo R. Vafakos-Margot Mr. Jeffrey Marino ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. E. Ray Marshall ' Mr. Duncan McLean ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. McStravick ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Medrano ‘88 ' Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Mengis Microsoft Mr. Steven T. Mitchell ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Alex G. Montoya ‘91 Mr. Richard J. Morales ‘79 & Ms. Amanda Vavilala Mr. & Mrs. Brent E. Munson ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr. ' Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, III ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. O’Donnell ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. George S. Ontko Mr. & Mrs. René A. Richard Mr. & Mrs. Clarence W. Rife Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rivers '
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Rizzo Glynn Roberts & Jean Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Drew E. Rohde Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Roth Dr. John F. Schultz, M.D. ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Simpson ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. James A. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Smidt Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Alan N. Tennille ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Jay C. Thorseth Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Twardowski ‘95 Dr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Wall ' Mr. Kevin Wilson-Smith Mr. & Mrs. James W. Young
Mr. & Mrs. Willie E. Webster ' Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Wilson ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Clifford E. York
or more Years
Anonymous Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Adamcik ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock ' Mr. John C. Adolph ‘00 Mr. Robert A. Adolph ‘73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson ' Mr. Tom Adolph ‘75 ' Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Agee ' Mr. Andrew J. Aguirre ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers ' Mr. & Mrs. David R. Almaguer ‘77 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Mr. & Mrs. Frank N. Arguello, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Hugo E. Artaza ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum ' Mr. Thomas E. Baker, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. William R. Baker, III ‘75 Mrs. Bunny S. Bambace Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Batsche ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Hal Bean ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. David R. Beathard ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Emil J. Bednar Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Berggren ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Berno ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bick Rev. Christopher A. Billac, SJ Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bilnoski, Jr. ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Clifton C. Blanchard ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Bondor Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. ' Mr. & Mrs. James M. Booth ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Glen M. Boudreaux ‘67 BP ' Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Braden ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Branda ‘71 Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Briggs, Ph.D. ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 ' Dr. & Mrs. Gerardo Bueso Dr. & Mrs. Louis J. Bujnoch, M.D. ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Chris Burke ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. William P. Burpeau, Jr. The Butcher Fund Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Callaghan ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cannistra ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Cannon ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Chris Carmouche ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Cassidy ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Tony Catanese Mr. Tom Causey ‘87 Chevron ' Dr. & Mrs. Lamy Chopin, III ‘87 ' Dr. & Mrs. Gary Clark Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Clemons ' Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Clifton ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Clinton Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Clinton ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman ' Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Cohn ‘86 Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. ‘76 ' Dr. & Mrs. Allan Conde ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Connell ‘85 ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Connell, Jr. Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly Conoco Phillips, Inc. ' Dr. & Mrs. Frank Corredor ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Costello ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Counter Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Court, III ‘79
Years Anonymous Apache Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Autry Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bashaw ‘80 ' Mr. & Mrs. Joel H. Berry Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Blizzard Mr. Jack G. Bonner, III ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun ' Mr. Arden D. Callender Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Chapman ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Vance Christopher Mr. & Mrs. John Cook ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Craven Mr. & Mrs. James E. Davidson ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Emlyn B. Davies Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Doerfler ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Doyle El Paso Energy Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Faulk Mr. & Mrs. Andrew B. Frew ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Jose O. Fuentes ' Mr. & Mrs. Alberto E. Garcia, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Raul Garcia-Rameau Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Gidley ‘79 Dr. Sergio A. & Dr. Gabriela Giralt Mr. & Mrs. Mel Hainey, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Heisler ‘72 Mr. Michael C. Henry ‘67 & Ms. Trudy Hansen Mr. Wai-Leung R. Hon Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Horn Mr. & Mrs. Tom Horrell Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Inman ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. John Jamerlan Mr. & Mrs. Antonio LaMatta ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lojo ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Harvey E. McBee Mr. Christopher P. McConn ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. William J. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Mark McNeil Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Melancon Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Moore Mr. Anthony Muniz ‘87 ' Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras Mr. Patrick R. Nixon ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick O’Connell ‘88 Mr. Michael J. Pawlikowski ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Chris Pesek ‘80 Ms. Linda Ream Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti ‘90 & Ms. Lynn Wilgenbusch ' Mrs. Sandra Schwarzbach Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sheets Dr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Slatton, D.D.S. ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Monte M. Sneed ' Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Snider Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sullivan ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Bart V. Thomeer ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Seth Wallis ‘94
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Cronin ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Crowley ‘81 Mr. Michael J. Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Curran ‘71 Mrs. Dorothy Daly Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Dampf Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Dampf ‘90 Mrs. Beatrice T. Dante The Honorable Mark D. Davidson ‘71 & Ms. Sarah Duckers ' Mr. Corey B. Davis ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Day ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Delouche Mr. & Mrs. David J. Devine ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Dewhurst Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt Mr. George R. Diaz-Arrastia ‘76 & Ms. Maria Gomez Mr. & Mrs. Casey W. Doherty Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Doherty Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Dolan Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83 ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Duffy Mrs. Rose M. Durden Mr. & Mrs. Norman K. Ebner ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. David Ecklund Dr. & Mrs. John J. Eick ‘67 Mr. James E. Erbs ‘75 & Ms. M. S. Atkins Dr. & Mrs. Garret J. Etgen Mr. & Mrs. William L. Everhart ‘70 ExxonMobil Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Falgout ‘66 Mr. Jack Farah ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Feehan ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Fix Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming ‘69 Dr. John Forney, M.D. ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey ‘74 ' Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman ‘69 Mr. Bryce E. Gama ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Garcia ‘80 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats ' Mr. & Mrs. John Garibaldi Dr. Paul W. ‘82 & Dr. Milvia P. Gidley Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Gimenez, III ‘84 Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Gochnour Dr. & Mrs. Helmuth Goepfert Mr. & Mrs. Ramon K. Gomez ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. James L. Goodyear Dr. & Mrs. David Y. Graham Mr. & Mrs. William M. Greenwell ‘73 Mr. Paul J. Gregor & Ms. Barbara Divine Mr. & Mrs. Neal Gruber ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Guarino ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hagale Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamlin ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Hanley, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. William F. Hanson Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hanus Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Hasenpflug, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75 Dr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Hearon ‘84 Mr. David A. Herrin ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Herrin, Jr. ‘76 Mr. James V. Hewitt ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. James A. Highberger ' Mr. & Mrs. David Hinners Mr. Virgil R. Hinojosa ‘69 Mr. Randy Hodnett ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Clayton M. Holy ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hosty Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Houck ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Howe ‘76 Dr. & Mrs. Peter R. Hoyt ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Hubbell Mr. & Mrs. David A. Huete Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Hughes ‘82
Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499
Mr. James Hull & Ms. Deborah Schindler Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel ' Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Iglesias ' Mr. & Mrs. Mark M. Isensee ‘75 Mr. Douglas B. Johnson ‘75 Mr. Christopher Jordan ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Jordan ‘86 Mrs. Laura Jungeblut Mr. Jonathan F. Kalian ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 ' Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Kenny Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh Mr. Mike Kerley ' Mr. & Mrs. William H. Kirvan, Jr. William & Linda Kirvan Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch ‘75 ' Mrs. Nancy Koch Mr. & Mrs. Tim Koch ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Floyd J. Kowalski Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kulick Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ ' Mr. & Mrs. F. Vern Lahart ' Mr. & Mrs. Umberto LaMatta Mr. & Mrs. Neal F. Lane Mr. Zachary S. Langenkamp ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Lauinger, III Mr. James A. & Dr. Sandi Lemming ' Mrs. Antoinette M. Letsos Mr. Joseph P. Light ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Light ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Jose E. Llana Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius C. Llorens Mr. & Mrs. Melvin H. Lorenz Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Lorenz ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Luna ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Lutz Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lynch ' Mrs. Virginia Mahoney Mr. Shawnie Malone ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. R. Stan Marek, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Marlatt Mr. R. J. Marshall, Jr. ‘65
Mr. Brian D. Pape ‘80 Dr. Brian S. Parsley ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 ' Mr. & Mrs. Karl Penny ' Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Phalen, Jr. ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Rodney T. Pinina ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Piero M. Puccini Ms. Danielle Pung Mr. & Mrs. Monty G. Redick ‘70 Dr. & Ms. David W. Reininger ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Reuter ‘66 Dr. Robert H. Reuter ‘85 Mr. William C. Reuter ‘79 Dr. Mike Rice ‘72 & Dr. Peggy Goetz Dr. Harry F. Richards Mrs. Marguerite Rogan Mr. Carlos E. Roman Mr. Thomas G. Romano Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Roth ‘71 The Roth Family Foundation Mr. Mark Sacaris ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Sachnik ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sacra ‘74 Dr. Lonnie Sadberry Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67 ' Mr. Philip M. Schneidau ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schneidau ‘82 Mr. William J. Schneidau ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Schuler, Jr. ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel Dr. & Mrs. Randall V. Sellers ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Darby Seré ' Dr. Angelo Sermas & Dr. Marsha Soechting Mr. Jeffrey C. Shaddix ‘99 Shell Oil Company ' Capt. Samuel M. Shelton, USN Mr. & Mrs. George V. Sherman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Sindelar, III ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sirgo ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sisler Mr. Gerardo A. Smith ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Smith ‘82 Dr. & Mrs. Patrick V. Solcher ‘86
Dr. & Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Mateker ‘75 Mrs. Lois A. Mathews Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. S. Wayne McDonald, Sr. ‘67 Mrs. Thomas J. McErlean Mr. John W. McKirahan, Jr. ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. McLean Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon Mr. Troy McNabb ‘82 Col. & Mrs. Brian L. Mealey, D.D.S. ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. James F. Meara Mr. & Mrs. David Merkel ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Elmer J. Merkel Dr. Daniel B. Merritt ‘86 & Dr. Christine Moulds-Merritt Mrs. Veta Middleton Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Miller ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Mims Mr. Edward F. Moeller ‘89 Rev. & Mrs. David E. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morris Dr. & Mrs. Clifford K. Moy ‘77 Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 & Dr. Kathleen P. Murphy ' Dr. & Mrs. Edwin V. Murr ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Mustachia ‘67 Mrs. Florence Nakfoor Mr. Christopher J. Napoli ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Reagan Nash ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Hunter Nelson ' Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Nettles ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Nevle^ ' Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Nick Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Nijoka Mr. & Mrs. Earl A. Norra Northwestern Mutual Life Mrs. Carolyn Novelli Mr. & Mrs. Sean O’Neill ‘85 Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Osborn ‘84 ' Mr. & Mrs. F. W. Othon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Overbeck ‘76 Mr. Mark A. Padon ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Padon ‘68
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Spear Mr. & Mrs. John K. Spiller ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Springer Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stallings ‘86 Mrs. Elizabeth Standish Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Steffler ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Bart Stevens ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. David R. Stewart ‘69 Strake Foundation Strake Jesuit Community ' Strake Jesuit Mothers’ Club ' Mr. Albert J. Suhor Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Garry J. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Tanner, Sr. Target Mr. Thomas F. Taylor ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Tomlinson Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Tower, II ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Travis Twardowski ‘92 Dr. & Mrs. John Vanderzyl, M.D. ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey ' Mr. Richard S. Walker ‘76 & Ms. Shana Sloas Mr. & Mrs. John W. Washburn ‘69 Mr. Daniel Weber ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Weingartner Wells Fargo Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner ' Williams Community Relations ' Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Williamson ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Willis Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Windlinger, Jr. ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Windlinger ‘71 Mr. Matthew S. Wong ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Zimmerman ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio P. Zubizarreta ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo P. Zubizarreta
Gifts from members of the Strake Jesuit Faculty & Staff support Financial Aid, Endowment, Scholarships, and the Annual Drive. Mr. & Mrs. Frank N. Arguello, Jr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Autry + Mr. & Mrs. Murvin R. Auzenne Ms. Carol Bailey ' Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates, V ‘99 ' + Rev. Christopher A. Billac, SJ ' # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Block ' # Mr. J. R. Bonilla # Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Bonilla # Mr. Jack G. Bonner, III ‘98 + Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun ' + Rev. Flavio I. Bravo, SJ ' Ms. Alisa Broussard + Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Buley # Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Cashiola ‘72 + Mr. & Mrs. Tony Catanese ++ Mr. & Mrs. Jamy Champenoy ' # + Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Clemons ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. James D. Clifton + Mr. & Mrs. Richard Clogan + Mr. Christopher P. Cole ‘02 # Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Colvin Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Counter ++ Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Crist Mr. Michael J. Crowley ++ Mr. & Mrs. David Daily # Mr. & Mrs. Ross L. Davis # Mr. & Mrs. Juan I. DeLeon # Mr. & Mrs. Reynold R. D’Souza + Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Duhon +
Mr. Alan K. Duncan Bro. Walter Eckler, SJ ' Mr. Carlos Esparza, SJ ' Mr. & Mrs. John Fahy ' # Bro. Casey Ferlita, SJ ' + Mr. & Mrs. Larry Finke + Mr. & Mrs. William S. Fletcher Rev. John Folzenlogen, SJ ' Mr. & Mrs. John R. Fomby Mr. & Mrs. John S. Foster ‘88 ' Mr. & Mrs. Jose O. Fuentes ' # + Mr. & Mrs. Raul Garcia-Rameau # + Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gilbert ++ Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Granados ' # + Mr. & Mrs. Christian Haich # + Mr. Guillermo Hernandez-Ching & Ms. Laura N. Esquivel + Mr. Joshua R. Hilbe ‘04 # Mr. Matthew S. Hoelscher # Mr. Lin Hongbin & Ms. Daphne I. Meyer ' # Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Horn + Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hosty ++ Mr. & Mrs. James M. Howard # + Mr. James Hull & Ms. Deborah Schindler ++ Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel ' ++ Ms. Maria A. Jaguanda Minano Mr. & Mrs. John Jamerlan + Mr. & Mrs. Alberto F. Jimenez # Mr. & Mrs. Marco Jimenez # Mr. & Mrs. J. Mac Johnson ' # Mr. & Mrs. L. Wayne Jones # +
Dr. Roy M. Joseph, SJ '
Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Rice ‘04 #
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Kenny ++ Mr. Mike Kerley ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Gary Klumpp # Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kulick ++ Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ ' # ++ Mr. & Mrs. Luis Lazo # Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lojo ‘91 + Mr. & Mrs. Billy T. Lowry # Mr. & Mrs. Tatum O. Lynn + Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Marlatt ++ Mr. & Mrs. E. Ray Marshall ' + Mr. & Mrs. William J. McDonald + Mr. & Mrs. Mark McNeil # + Mr. & Mrs. James F. Meara ++ Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Melancon + Ms. Maria T. Merritt ' # Mr. & Mrs. Bart Morey Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Mossbarger # Mr. Anthony Muniz ‘87 ' + Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras + Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Nevle^ ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, III ‘95 + Mr. Peter G. Nurre # Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Olson ‘02 # Mr. Favian Ovando # Mr. & Mrs. Karl Penny ' ++ Mr. Andrew C. Pruett ‘98 # Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Quoyeser # Ms. Linda Ream + Ms. Pepe Reyes '
Ms. Eva Riojas + Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rivers ' + Ms. Liza Rodriguez ' + Mr. Carlos E. Roman ++ Mr. Thomas G. Romano ++ Mr. Pepe Ruiz, SJ ' # Mr. & Mrs. William L. Rung, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Sandoval # Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67 ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Ken Savanah + Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti ‘90 & Ms. Lynn Wilgenbusch ' # + Mrs. Sandra Schwarzbach + Mr. Charles L. Sharman ‘03 ' # Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shofner Strake Jesuit Community ' ++ Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Sulentic Mr. & Mrs. Garry J. Sullivan ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sullivan ‘87 # + Mr. & Mrs. Marshall W. Summa ' Mr. & Mrs. Jeff P. Tesone # Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Tomlinson ++ Ms. Lynn C. Veazey Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables ++ Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey ' # ++ Mr. Thomas J. Walker ' Mr. Ben M. Ware ' # Mr. & Mrs. Willie E. Webster ' + Mr. Kevin Wilson-Smith # +
Legend: h Increased gift from previous year / ' Retreat & Leadership Center Donor ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving
HONORS & MEMORIALS Gifts made in memory or honor of a friend or relative directly supports the Financial Aid Program or project desingated by the contributor. In Honor Of Mr. Santiago Chuck ‘89
In Memory Of Mr. Matthew Ainsworth ‘08 Mr. & Mrs. David E. Chambers National Petrochemical & Refiners Association
In Memory Of Charles Alford ‘11 Strake Jesuit Lacrosse Team Strake Jesuit Student Council Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Wakeland
In Memory Of Mrs. Mary Nunes Baker Mr. & Mrs. William R. Baker, III ‘75
In Honor Of Mr. Donald Beck ‘89 Mr. Guillermo Gumby Narvacan, IV ‘89 & Ms. Sara Hall-Narvacan
In Honor Of Fr. Chris Billac, SJ Dr. & Mrs. Louis J. Bujnoch, M.D. ‘69
In Memory Of Mr. Walter J. Briggs Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Briggs, Ph.D. ‘66
In Memory Of Mrs. Mary Briggs Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Briggs, Ph.D. ‘66
In Memory Of Mrs. Mary Esther Burton Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Norman Abdallah Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Belton Mr. Harold J. Benoit Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Berno ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Barry L. Bittick Braeburn Country Club Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Brower Mr. & Mrs. Larry Buck Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Burton Chevron Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Connell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Glenn G. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Corbin Ms. Muriel K. Criswell Mr. Jerod N. Dinkin Ms. Marion M. Freeman Mr. John R. Frye & Ms. Cheryll P. Chew Mr. & Mrs. Roland L. Galle Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats Mr. Jeffrey L. Glashow Mr. & Mrs. Buddy Gomez Mr. Mark J. Hager Mrs. Barbara Hornbeck Dr. Robert Ivany John R. Ray & Sons, Inc Ms. Nancy Kallison Ms. Clara M. Kotch Legend Retail Group LLC Mr. & Mrs. James J. McConn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald McCullough Mr. Jeffrey J. Mingori Ms. Grace Moore Dr. & Mrs. William P. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pfaffenberger Mr. & Mrs. James F. Ralston Ms. Jane K. Sloane Ms. Jo Sullivan Mrs. Jean Von Rosenberg Ms. Ann M. York
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Norris Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Piazza, Jr. ‘72 Ms. Regina J. Rogers Dr. & Mrs. Lieven Van Riet Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Zimmerman ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Zimmerman, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Zuras
Mr. Guillermo Gumby Narvacan, IV ‘89 & Ms. Sara Hall-Narvacan
In Memory Of Mr. Tom Colley Mr. & Mrs. Reid Baker Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bick Mr. & Mrs. Keith D. Burau Mr. & Mrs. William P. Burpeau, Jr. Mr. C. B. Combs Mr. & Mrs. Ulysses Fadri Ms. Patricia C. Fowler Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Gibbs Mr. & Mrs. Floyd J. Kowalski Mr. & Mrs. Guy C. La Rose Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius C. Llorens Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon Ms. Virginia B. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Pasadyn Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Steve Shellenberger Mr. & Mrs. Stanley O. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Garry J. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. James Thurmond Mr. & Mrs. A. L. Van Amburge Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables Ms. Linda Walker Mr. & Mrs. David G. Yellowlees
In Memory Of Ms. Kim S. Ho Shell Oil Company
In Honor Of Malcolm Hogan & Family Mr. & Mrs. James A. Cogan ‘95
In Memory Of Mr. James Wesley Hudson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Phillips
In Honor Of Rev. Douglas J. Hypolite, SJ Mr. Paul J. Carty, Jr. ‘02
In Memory Of Mr. Greg Jungeblut Mrs. Laura Jungeblut
In Memory Of Mr. Dennis Kana Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. O’Brien ‘90
In Memory Of Fr. Michael Kennelly, SJ Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming ‘69
In Memory Of Mr. John Devine Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell
In Memory Of Ms. Elenor Knoebel Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Higgs
In Memory Of Fr. Francis Edwards, SJ Mr. Bonner Cutting
In Honor Of Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Standish ‘67
In Memory Of Mrs. Mary Eversman Mrs. Julia Stell
In Honor Of Mr. Wesley P. Longsworth ‘13
In Honor Of Mr. David Feliciano ‘89
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Almaguer ‘77
Mr. Guillermo Gumby Narvacan, IV ‘89 & Ms. Sara Hall-Narvacan
In Honor Of Mr. Alec Luong ‘03 Mr. & Ms. David Castonguay Ms. Lisa J. Ducharme
In Honor Of Br. Casey Ferlita, SJ Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy
In Memory Of Mrs. Elizabeth K. Magner
In Honor Of Mr. Richard Fletcher ‘89
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Dubiel Mr. Larry A. Harman Dr. & Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr. Mrs. Jeanne C. Mealey
Mr. Guillermo Gumby Narvacan, IV ‘89 & Ms. Sara Hall-Narvacan
In Honor Of Mr. Russell Ford ‘89 Mr. Guillermo Gumby Narvacan, IV ‘89 & Ms. Sara Hall-Narvacan
In Memory Of Mr. J.W. Mann Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell
In Honor Of Dr. Anthony Garcia-Prats
In Memory Of Mr. Robert Marco
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gleeson Mr. & Mrs. Christopher N. Marco ‘84
In Memory Of Mr. John L. Gidley Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Gidley ‘79
In Memory Of Mr. William Melis Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Wakeland
In Memory Of Ms. Jenny Gregory Mrs. Carolyn Novelli
In Honor Of Mr. Robert Montoya ‘89 Mr. Guillermo Gumby Narvacan, IV ‘89 & Ms. Sara Hall-Narvacan
In Honor Of Mr. Scott Mullis ‘89 Mr. Guillermo Gumby Narvacan, IV ‘89 & Ms. Sara Hall-Narvacan
In Honor Of Emmie Muras’ Christening Ms. Mary V. Rogers
In Memory Of Mrs. Bernice Murphy The Honorable Frank B. Rynd ‘70
In Memory Of Mr. Emil Nakfoor Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Sale, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Tom R. Snodgrass
In Memory Of Mr. Joe Peters Mr. & Mrs. Ken Choyce
In Memory Of Mr. Frank Ribelin Mr. & Mrs. James M. Howard
In Memory Of Mrs. Jane Richard Mr. G. J. Dowling Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Richard ‘82
In Memory Of Ms. Beverly Roney Mrs. Carolyn Novelli
In Memory Of Mrs. Peggy Ruisinger Mrs. Carolyn Novelli
In Honor Of The Honorable Frank B. Rynd ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. David Goolsby
In Honor Of Mr. Peter Sabonghy ‘89 Mr. Guillermo Gumby Narvacan, IV ‘89 & Ms. Sara Hall-Narvacan
In Honor Of Mr. Tim Scalzitti ‘90 Mr. Guillermo Gumby Narvacan, IV ‘89 & Ms. Sara Hall-Narvacan
In Memory Of Mr. Albert Schumman Mrs. Carolyn Novelli
In Memory Of Mr. Courtland B. Smith ‘07 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Frank Mr. & Mrs. David Hessel
In Memory Of Mr. Emile J. Troxclair Mr. & Mrs. Scott Buzhardt Mr. & Mrs. Emile J. Troxclair
In Memory Of James R. Zerda ‘99 Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Zerda
In Honor Of Mr. Steven Mitchell ‘89 Mr. Guillermo Gumby Narvacan, IV ‘89 & Ms. Sara Hall-Narvacan
In Memory Of Judge Joseph Guarino Ms. Cynthia Adkins Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 Rev. Christopher A. Billac, SJ Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72 Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Mrs. Johnetta Lallinger Mrs. Beth McGreevy Ms. Clara T. Nelson
In Honor Of Mr. Trey Moeller ‘89 Mr. Guillermo Gumby Narvacan, IV ‘89 & Ms. Sara Hall-Narvacan
Ignatius Club - gifts of $10,000 or more / Stanislaus Club - gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 / Crusader Club - gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Club - gifts of $1,700 to $2,499 / Magis Club - gifts of $500 to $1,699 / General Contributors - gifts up to $499
ENDOWMENTS & SCHOLARSHIPS Gifts to Endowments and Scholarships contribute to the Endowment Fund, the interest on which supports the Financial Aid Program and other specified areas. The Adcock Family Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock
Matthew Ainsworth ‘08 Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund Ms. Anne-Marie Ainsworth Mr. & Mrs. David E. Chambers
Charles K. Alford ‘11 Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund Strake Jesuit Lacrosse Team Strake Jesuit Student Council
Alumni Financial Aid Endowment Mr. & Mrs. David R. Almaguer ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Braniff, IV ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Campo ‘70 Mr. Matthew J. Cavanaugh ‘02 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Claude ‘86 Lt. Col. & Mrs. Philip Clinton, USAF ‘88 Mr. John Courtade ‘67 Mr. James R. Dilger, Jr. ‘69 Mr. Casey Doherty ‘04 Dr. Claude S. Frey ‘72 Dr. & Mrs. Ryan P. Goepfert ‘02 Dr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Gomez, III ‘83 Mr. Christopher R. Hagale ‘02 Mr. Gregory C. Highberger ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. Justin Holy ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. James M. Kramb ‘65 Mr. & Steve L. Kuan ‘91 Dr. Louis A. ‘66 & Dr. Cheryl LeBlanc Mr. David Loomis ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Marotta ‘83 Dr. & Mrs. David R. Martin ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Joshua M. McMorrow ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Mucci ‘75 ONEOK Foundation, Inc. Mr. Brian D. Pape ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. R. Randall Rainey ‘69 Dr. & Ms. David W. Reininger ‘69 Mr. Thomas K. Schroeter ‘99 Dr. & Mrs. Randall V. Sellers ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Solcher ‘79 Mr. Eugene Song ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Villarreal ‘72
Joanie Alvarez Memorial Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. J. Anthony Alvarez ‘86 Mr. Julien G. DuPont ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Merritt, Sr. Dr. Daniel B. Merritt ‘86 & Dr. Christine Moulds-Merritt Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stallings ‘86
Barco Resources Inc. Endowed Scholarship Mr. Jack G. Bonner, III ‘98
Christopher A. Billac, SJ Endowed Scholarship Anonymous Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Rev. Christopher A. Billac, SJ Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Callaghan ‘82 Ms. Hazel Casey^ Dr. Stephen Chen ‘03 Mrs. Helen B. Davidson The Honorable Mark D. Davidson ‘71 & Ms. Sarah Duckers
Strake Jesuit Class of 1995 Endowment
Mr. G. J. Dowling Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Duff ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Gidley ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Ramon K. Gomez ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamlin ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75 Mr. Rudolph S. Lange Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Lidiak ‘75 Mr. Troy McNabb ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. O’Neill ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Monty G. Redick ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Richard ‘82 The Honorable Frank B. Rynd ‘70 Mr. Mark Sacaris ‘82 Mr. Thomas F. Taylor ‘66 VMWare Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Windlinger, Jr. ‘70
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Kirvan, Jr. William & Linda Kirvan Family Foundation
Strake Jesuit Class of 1996 Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Dougherty ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. William H. Kirvan, Jr. William & Linda Kirvan Family Foundation
Strake Jesuit Class of 2001 Millennial Endowment Capt. Christopher F. Coffman ‘01 Mr. Andrew D. Dewhurst ‘01 Fluor Mr. David J. O’Connell ‘01 Mr. Anthony A. Pham ‘01 Mr. Ryan F. Walsh ‘01
Brian Brasseaux ‘81 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Terrence J. Crane ‘90 Endowed Scholarship
Mr. Patrick Buckley ‘77 Mr. Jack Farah ‘81
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Crane Mr. Edward F. Moeller ‘89
Brother’s Keepers
Edward A. Cremer Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Danielson Bro. Casey Ferlita, SJ Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Higgs Strake Jesuit Dads’ Club Strake Jesuit Mothers’ Club
Mr. Philip A. Cremer ‘87
Mark & Tom (‘80) Dante Scholarship Mrs. Beatrice T. Dante The Darouiche Family Endowed Scholarship Dr. & Mrs. Rabih O. Darouiche
Brother’s Keepers Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Autry Ms. Carol Bailey Ms. Alisa Broussard Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Buley Mr. & Mrs. David Daily Mr. & Mrs. Reynold R. D’Souza Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Duhon Mr. & Mrs. Raul Garcia-Rameau Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hosty Jesuit High School of New Orleans Mr. & Mrs. Tatum O. Lynn Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Melancon Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Quoyeser Ms. Pepe Reyes Ms. Eva Riojas Mr. & Mrs. Ken Savanah Mr. Charles L. Sharman ‘03 Strake Jesuit Community Mrs. Violet M. Tarpey Tarpey Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Tomlinson Ms. Lynn C. Veazey Mr. Kevin Wilson-Smith
Daniel Cardinal N. DiNardo Endowed Scholarship Strake Jesuit Community
Brother Casey Ferlita, SJ Scholarship Mr. John W. Berardi ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick ‘75 Mr. Tom Causey ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman Conoco Phillips, Inc. Mr. Lawrence G. Dunbar, Jr. ‘00 El Paso Energy Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Heard ‘75 Mrs. Patsy Hyland Mr. & Mrs. John E. Neslage ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables
Scott Fleming Faculty Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming ‘69
General Scholarship Endowment Ms. Carol Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Alberto F. Jimenez Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kulick Mr. & Mrs. Tatum O. Lynn Mr. & Mrs. Mark McNeil Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras
Black Student Union Endowment Mr. & Mrs. L. Wayne Jones
Lorain S. Butcher Endowed Scholarship The Butcher Fund
Hilary Grivich Endowed Scholarship Mr. Alexander B. Grivich ‘00 Ms. Helen M. Grivich
Christmas Eve Mass Endowed Scholarship Fund Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock Mr. & Mrs. R. Gregory Bernica Mr. & Mrs. Steve P. Harding Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. O’Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Taylor
Thomas & Lucille Hensley Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Andrew B. Frew ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hensley, Jr. ‘72
Albert and Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation Endowment, In Honor of Emil Nakfoor The Albert & Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Tom R. Snodgrass
Chris Horton ‘87 Memorial Scholarship Mr. Anil Adyanthaya ‘87 Bank of America Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Gray ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Reagan Nash ‘87
Captain Andrew R. Houghton Endowed Scholarship Mr. Anil Adyanthaya ‘87 Dr. & Mrs. Donald A. Behr ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. William E. Brewer ‘97 Mr. M. B. Dorr ‘97 Mr. Bryce E. Gama ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Hunter R. Jaggard ‘96 Mr. Ernest C. Jones ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. William H. Kirvan, Jr. William & Linda Kirvan Family Foundation Mr. Zachary S. Langenkamp ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Garry J. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Twardowski ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas White ‘97
Robert Iglesias ‘84 Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Iglesias Mr. & Mrs. William O. Iglesias ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. John K. Spiller ‘84
Monsignor James A. Jamail Scholarship Fund Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ganucheau Mr. Charles Schwartzel ‘05
Thomas J. Jenniskens, SJ Scholarship Mr. Richard P. Magner, SJ ‘80
Jean Jordan Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Jordan ‘86
David C. Kegg Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75
Andrew M. Kell Scholarship Mr. Andrew J. Aguirre ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Tommy G. Cooper Ms. Patricia Mead, C.P.A. Mr. Philip W. Steuernagel ‘98
Jack Koch Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Tim Koch ‘82
Lahart Chapel of St. Ignatius Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Hale, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Standish ‘67
Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Henry Minello
Eileen R. & F. Vern Lahart Retreat Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Granados Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Mr. Anthony Muniz ‘87 Strake Jesuit Community Mr. & Mrs. Marshall W. Summa
J.B. Leininger, SJ Endowed Scholarship Mr. Christopher W. Bishop ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. D Randy Hardee ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75 Dr. James M. Rinando ‘98
Mr. Mark A. Padon ‘69
Robert Parke Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Letsos ‘73 Mrs. Roylyn Parke
Robert & Gana Parlsey Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72
Robert J. Marco Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gleeson Mr. & Mrs. Christopher N. Marco ‘84
J.B. Leininger, SJ Faculty Endowed Chair
Chris Mathews Endowed Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Block Mr. & Mrs. Jamy Champenoy Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Horn Mr. & Mrs. John Jamerlan Mr. & Mrs. Tatum O. Lynn Mr. & Mrs. Bart Morey Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey Mr. Thomas J. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Willie E. Webster
Wallace Schneidau Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. Philip M. Schneidau ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schneidau ‘82 Mr. William J. Schneidau ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Smith ‘82 Dr. & Mrs. Barry W. Solcher ‘80
Mrs. Lois A. Mathews Ms. Nancy M. Mathews
Steve McConnell Scholarship Award Kenneth McGregor ‘04 Scholarship
George E. Light Endowed Scholarship The James J. and Mary E. Loughlin Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. James J. Loughlin, Jr. ‘74
Todd Maddox ‘99 Award/Scholarship Endowment
Mr. Joshua R. Hilbe ‘04 Mr. James Hull & Ms. Deborah Schindler Mr. & Mrs. L. Wayne Jones Mr. & Mrs. Zane Keller ‘04 Mr. & Mrs. E. Ray Marshall Mr. Joseph Mims ‘04 Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Rice ‘04 Mr. Bryan Solar ‘04 Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sullivan ‘87 Mr. Laymond P. Wilburn ‘02
C. Al Novelli Scholarship
Anonymous Mr. Arman G. A. Ayeras ‘08 Mr. Richard V. Baratta ‘08 Mr. Matthew J. Brill ‘08 Mr. William D. Burck ‘08 Mr. Kyle W. Byrnes ‘08 Mr. Cameron R. Colvill ‘08 Mr. Joseph W. D’Antoni ‘08 Mr. Samuel L. Garcia ‘08 Mr. Ian M. Giles ‘08 Mr. Robert K. Goodyear ‘08 Mr. Tanner S. Hahn ‘08 Mr. Matthew W. Holladay ‘08 Mr. Michael A. Johnston ‘08 Mr. Myles J. Lambert ‘08 Mr. Kevin B. Layne ‘08
Mr. Brendan J. Meara ‘08 Mr. Robert A. Mills ‘08 Mr. Ryan A. Neyland ‘08 Mr. Roy D. Pruden ‘08 Mr. Mark A. Reed ‘08 Mr. Jason D. Rice ‘08 Mr. Matthew J. Schwing ‘08 Mr. Mark B. Strickland ‘08 Mr. Travis L. Taunton ‘08 Mr. Daniel J. Thesing ‘08 Mr. Timothy C. Whitford ‘08 Mr. Phillip L. Wiggins ‘08 Mr. Peter L. Wyrsch ‘08
James Spring Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. James J. Spring, III ‘65
Carlos Senosiain ‘08 Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Petrizzo ‘78
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Light ‘77
Mr. Charles A. Atchison ‘99 Mr. & Mrs. Tony Catanese Mr. Anthony R. Hagale ‘99
Frank Padon Memorial Scholarship
Capt. & Mrs. Travis J. Hinkle ‘99 Mr. Matt Howard Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Interiano ‘99 Mr. Rodrigo B. Interiano ‘02 Mr. Thomas G. Romano Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti ‘90 & Ms. Lynn Wilgenbusch Mr. Jeffrey C. Shaddix ‘99 Mr. Brandon S. Sims ‘99 Mr. Ash C. Solar ‘99 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Walters
Janet & John Springer Endowment Fund Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Springer
D. Richard Toye, SJ Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Crayden Didsbury ‘80
Eva WilIiams & Annie Rimes Memorial Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sisler Shell Oil Company
Pat Yankow Endowed Scholarship Mr. Leo J. Hurley, Jr. ‘96
Brian F. Zinnamon, SJ Endowed Scholarship ING Financial Services Corporation Mr. John B. Mattox ‘95
Morgan Stanley Mr. & Mrs. David A. Novelli ‘83
The Loyola Society includes those individuals who have made Strake Jesuit College Preparatory a beneficiary through a will, a charitable trust agreement, a gift annuity agreement, a retirement fund, or a life insurance policy. Legend: ^ deceased
Mr. James T. Doyle ^
Anonymous ^
Ms. Helen M. Grivich
Mrs. Juliana Lindsay ^
Mrs. Louise J. Moran ^
Mr. Charles A. Schwalbe ‘89
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock
Ms. Lorraine Stenger ^
Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman
Mr. Richard S. Walker ‘76 & Ms. Shana Sloas
Mr. James A. Crehan ^
Mr. Robert J. Young
RETREAT & LEADERSHIP CENTER The new Retreat & Leadership Center is one of the most exciting additions to the Strake Jesuit campus in the school’s 50 year history. Thanks to the generous gifts of those listed here, this magnificent new facility will touch the lives of students, parents, past parents and alumni for decades to come as it serves as a place to learn, renew and to find God.
Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Abello Sue & Charles Adcock Mr. Robert A. Adolph ‘73 & Ms. Kathy T. Jackson Mr. Tom Adolph ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Bart Agee Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Agee Agee Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers Mr. Alan Albrecht ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 Mr. Stephen Allison ‘11 Dr. Radwan Al-Sabbagh & Ms. Hadeel Mujarkesh Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Ammons Mr. & Mrs. James E. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Isaac J. Aparicio Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Aubin Mr. & Mrs. Lynn M. Aven Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ay, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Ayers Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum Ms. Carol Bailey Mr. & Mrs. James H. Barkley ‘81 The Bashaw Family Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Bastian Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates ‘99 Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Beathard Paul & Carol Beck Mr. David Bell ‘11 Mr. Andrew J. Best ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Black Mr. Ryan Blackwell ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Block Jack & Barbara Bonner Cathy & Giorgio Borlenghi Mr. & Mrs. Elliott M. Bouillion Darden & Terri Bourne Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Boushka, III BP Mr. Trey Brasseaux ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Murray Brasseux Charlie & Lou Braun Mr. Brian Breen ‘85 Holly & John Brennan Vicki & John Brentin Mr. David Brill ‘11 The Brown Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 Rosemary Buckle, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck Dr. & Mrs. Allen W. Burton Mr. & Mrs. Scott Buzhardt, In Memory of Mr. Emile J. Troxclair Mr. J. Brian Byrd ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cantrell Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Capo Mr. Ryan Casey ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Chris Catlett Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh Mr. & Mrs. Jamy Champenoy The Gerardo Chapa Family Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman Mr. & Mrs. John D. Charbonnet, Jr. Chevron Mr. & Mrs. William D. Chinn Dr. & Mrs. Lamy Chopin, III ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Greg Clay ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Clay ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Clemons Mr. Spencer Coats ‘11 Richard & Karen Coffman David & Bobbie Colley Mr. & Mrs. S. Craig Collins Mr. Mark W. Collmer Mr. Chris Condara ‘11 Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Connell ‘85 Mr. Michael Connell ‘11 Conoco Phillips, Inc. Mr. J. Ben Cooper ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Cousino Mr. Connell Crawford ‘11 Mr. Gerrard Cruz ‘11 Mr. Robert Cunningham ‘11 Rev. Justin Daffron, SJ Mr. Kirk David ‘11 The Honorable Mark Davidson ‘71 & Ms. Sarah Duckers Mr. & Mrs. Neill P. Davis Mr. Jonathan I. De Guzman ‘11 Mr. Roberto V. & Dr. Deborah S. De Guzman Mr. & Mrs. A. Willem deGroot Dr. Henry ‘78 & Dr. Susan M. Delclos Mr. Thom Devlin Dr. & Mrs. Eduardo M. Diaz, Jr. Mr. Robert Diaz-Arrastia ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dickerson Dr. & Mrs. James W. Dietz, Jr. Mr. William Dillon ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83 Mr. Ali Ebrahim ‘11 Mr. Corbett Ekonomou ‘11
Mr. Cole Ellerbrock ‘11 Paul & Liz Espenan The Family of Francisco Esteva Mr. & Mrs. John Fahy Mr. Michael Felton ‘11 Mr. Evan Fichter ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Fichter Troy P. & Julia H. Finney Fleming Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Caldwell Fletcher In Honor of Ryan Fletcher Andre & Kay Fontenot Mr. & Mrs. John Foster ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Frey ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. David S. Freysinger Mr. & Mrs. Jose O. Fuentes Joseph & Catherine Garcia-Prats Mr. & Mrs. Yaron Gisser Jay & Karen Glynn & Family Mr. Maxwell Gocke ‘11 Mr. Blake Goldberg ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez ‘87 Mr. S. Mac Goode ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas T. Gosda Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Granados Dr. & Mrs. William M. Granberry, M.D. ‘78 Mr. Charles S. Grealish ‘11 Mr. Karl Griesser ‘11 Mr. Michael Griffin ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Cody B. Groves Mr. Shyon B. Haghpeykar ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Darrell N. Haun Mr. & Mrs. William Christopher Hawes Mr. & Mrs. John Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Ed Heilberger Frank & Sharon Henning Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hensley, Jr. ‘72 Mr. Marc Jude Hermoso ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Hernandez Christian James Herrington ‘10 Mr. & Mrs. William P. Herrington, Sr. Lisa T. & Robert L. Heston, Jr. & Bobby ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. James Highberger Mr. Lin Hongbin & Ms. Daphne I. Meyer Mr. Abraham Hsu ‘11 Mr. John Huml ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. William Todd Huskinson Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Iglesias Mr. John Ike ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. V. Edward James Mr. Paul D. & Dr. Namieta M. Janssen
Mr. Charles Jenner ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Jenner, III Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Jewett Mr. Eric Johnson ‘11 Rev. Jeffrey C. Johnson, SJ Mr. & Mrs. J. Mac Johnson Juan & Jeanie Jones Steve & Jackie Kamel Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Kamin Mr. Kendrick Katigbak ‘11 Michael & Katherine Kegg The John G. & Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation Mike Kerley Mr. & Mrs. John R. Keville Mr. Ahsan Khan ‘11 Mr. Abiel Khatami ‘11 Dr. & Mrs. Dong Kim Mr. Brandon Kisch ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kmiec Mr. Christian Knight ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. John E. Knoebel, Sr. Michael ‘75 & Julie Koch Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kruckemeyer Mr. Brandon Krus ‘11 Mr. Trent La ‘11 Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Mrs. Elizabeth W. Lahart, In Memory of the deceased members of the Lahart Family Mr. & Mrs. F. Vern Lahart Mr. Andrew Lee ‘11 Mrs. Marjorie A. Leininger, In Memory of Kenneth Leininger Sandi & Jim Lemming Mr. Jose Linardi ‘11 Mr. Robert J. Lindsay & Ms. Elizabeth Antonius Mr. Ryan Lord ‘11 James J. Loughlin Jr. ‘74 Mr. Michael Lyn ‘11 John & Sharon Lynch The Family of Antonio Maarraoui Mr. David Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Ray Marshall Mr. Patrick Martin ‘11 Ron & Susan Martin Mr. Richard Mason ‘11 Dr. & Mrs. Federico Mattioli ‘85 Kevin & Janine McArdle Family Mr. Keith M. McAuliffe & Ms. Lisa M. Paikowski Mr. & Mrs. John Luke McConn, III Andrew P. & Aileen McCormick & Family Mr. Wiley McCoy ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. David M. McGuire
Bob & Alyce McLamb Mrs. Sylvia McPartland Lisa & Peter McStravick Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Medrano ‘88 Ms. Maria R. Menendez Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Mercer Ms. Maria Merritt Mr. Dylan Monmouth ‘11 Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Monmouth Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Montegut Mr. Bernard Moorer ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Mooz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Mouch Ron & Susan Mucci Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. Mullins ‘80 Mr. Anthony Muniz ‘87 Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 & Dr. Kathleen Murphy Ms. Georgia Nagle Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Nation Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Natoli Mr. Ronald E. & Dr. Mary Neal Betsy & Hunter Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Nevle^ New York Life Insurance Company The Niemann Family Amy & David ‘83 Novelli Family Mr. Weston Novelli ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Charles David Nutt Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. O’Connor ONEOK Foundation, Inc. Mr. Manuel Orellana ‘11 Scott & Juli Osborn Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Osborn ‘84 Mr. Brian O’Shaughnessy ‘11 John & Charlene O’Shea Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Michael Parker John & Jill Parsley Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 Mr. Douglas Patson ‘11 Prof. & Ms. James W. Paulsen Mr. Jared Pellerin ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Karl Penny Mr. Joseph Perkins ‘11 Angela & David Peterman Mr. & Mrs. Dan F. Platt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. C. Andy Pontikes
Mr. & Mrs. David Pruner Dr. Miguel A. Quinones Mr. Alexander Quoyeser ‘11 Mr. Matthew Rachal ‘11 Mr. Raj Rao ‘11 Mr. James Raven ‘11 Mr. Jordan Ray ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Reckling, III Dr. & Mrs. David N. Reeves Mr. J. Nash Reeves ‘11 William and Costanza Restrepo Ms. Pepe Reyes Jill & Phil Ribbeck Rick & Lisa Rivers Mr. Ryan Roberts ‘11 Ms. Liza Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Tomas W. Rodriguez Mr. Andrew Romo ‘11 John & Julie Rossettie Rev. Msgr. Frank H. Rossi, S.T.L. Mr. Paolo Ruiz ‘11 Mr. David Rumford ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rutledge Mr. M.J. Sam ‘11 The Family of Dan & Gwen Samora, Luke ‘13 & Jake ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sanders Mr. Jeffrey Sanders ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Santry Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Scalzitti Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti ‘90 & Ms. Lynn Wilgenbusch Scanlan Foundation Mr. Anthony Scheller Mr. Christopher Schiller ‘11 Mr. Michael Scott ‘11 Thomas Seitz & Doris Seitz Mr. & Mrs. Jose M. Sentmanat Darby & Judy Seré Bill & Gina Sessums In Memory of Michael Joseph Shapiro The Family of Daniel J. Shapiro, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Shapiro Mr. William Shappee ‘11 Mr. Charles L. Sharman ‘03 Shell Oil Company
Mr. J. Michael Shemenski ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Shoebotham Stephen & April Siegfried Mr. William Siegfried ‘11 Mr. Kieran Skelly ‘11 The Monte Sneed Family Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Solcher Mr. Aldo Sordelli ‘11 Spirit of Texas Bank, SSB Mr. & Mrs. William M. Stacy Strake Jesuit Community Strake Jesuit Dads’ Club Strake Jesuit Mothers’ Club Mr. & Mrs. G. Wade Stubblefield Mr. & Mrs. William H. Stubbs Mr. & Mrs. Marshall W. Summa Mr. Justin Tapiador ‘11 Tarpey Charitable Lead Annuity Trust In honor of our children: Liam, Katie, John & Matthew - Marilyn & Ron Taylor Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Thompson Paschall & Paula Tosch Marybeth and Steve Trevino & Alex ’12 Mr. Conner Troxclair ‘11 In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Troxclair, Jr. and Mr. & Mrs. H.E. Hughes, Grandparents of Conner J. Troxclair ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Turner Dr. & Mrs. Luis Valdes Ms. Dorothy Vatalaro Mr. Chad Verde ‘11 Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey Mr. & Mrs. Tuan Vu Mr. Addison Walker ‘11 The Family of James & Sandy Walker Mr. Thomas J. Walker Dr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Wall Kerry & Linda Walsh Mr. & Mrs. John Walther Mr. Blake Warden ‘11 Mr. Ben M. Ware Mr. & Mrs. James A. Webb Mr. & Mrs. Willie E. Webster Mr. & Mrs. James F. Weitzel Mr. & Mrs. David D. Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Whealdon
Mr. Kyle Whitney ‘11 Mr. Daniel Whitty ‘11 Williams Community Relations Mr. Cole Wilson ‘11 Mr. J. Cole Winkley ‘11 The Family of Peter Winter
GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP Gifts to General Scholarship Fund go directly to assist students through the Financial Aid Program. Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Agee ‘94 Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Mr. & Mrs. Murvin R. Auzenne Mr. Bryan Brandow ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. R.J. Bruce ‘97 Mr. Paul J. Carty, Jr. ‘02 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Cashiola ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Clogan Mr. Christopher P. Cole ‘02 Mr. Christopher D. Colemon ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Colvin Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Counter Dr. & Mrs. Jorge de la Torre ‘82 Mr. Jeffrey W. Dixon ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Donelson ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. John Fahy ' Mr. & Mrs. Larry Finke Mr. & Mrs. John R. Fomby Mr. Carey T. Ford ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Raul Garcia-Rameau Mr. John J. Geiss ‘70 & Ms. Meredith Cowan
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Lesniak ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Victor Llana ‘91 Mr. Olle L. Lorehn ‘00 Mr. Alec Luong ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. Tatum O. Lynn M. D. Anderson Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Louis Macey Mr. Jeffrey Marino ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. John A. McCullagh Mr. Dimitri G. Millas ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Montalbano ‘91 Mr. Matthew Morris ‘04 Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Nevle^ ' Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nicknish ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, III ‘95 Mr. Peter G. Nurre Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. O’Brien ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Olson ‘02 Mr. Rivers A. Patout, IV ‘88 Mr. Michael J. Pawlikowski ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Karl Penny ' Mr. & Mrs. James C. Plummer ‘65
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Gillogly Mr. & Mrs. Matthew T. Girotto ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Christian Haich George & Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation Mr. Edgar D. Haren ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Clayton M. Holy ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Horn The Captain Andrew R. Houghton ‘97 Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Kuan-yuan Hsu Ms. Maria A. Jaguanda Minano Mr. & Mrs. William R. Johnson ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell Mr. Robert Keogh ‘04 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Kilgard ‘91 Mr. Richard S. Kim ‘90 Knights of Columbus Council 11343 Koch Foundation, Inc Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kulick Mrs. Johnetta Lallinger Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Lallinger ‘67 The Lallinger Family Charitable Foundation Mr. Keagan H. Lee ‘96
Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Raven Mr. Michael L. Richardson, Jr. ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. Danny R. Rigamonti ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rivers ' Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Roth ‘71 The Roth Family Foundation Mr. Patrick Samuels ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. Kristopher L. Sanders ‘89 Mrs. Sandra Schwarzbach Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shofner Mr. & Mrs. Mike Singley ‘87 Mr. Thomas J. Springer ‘93 Sprint Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Stump ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Sulentic Mr. & Mrs. Jeff P. Tesone Mr. Richard S. Walker ‘76 & Ms. Shana Sloas Mr. & Mrs. Shane E. Walsh ‘91 The William A. & Madeline Welder Smith Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner ' Dr. Robert H. and Joanne M. Williams Foundation Mr. Brian L. Woodward ‘90 & Ms. Adelia Metcalf
Unaudited Financial Statement for Fiscal Year July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011 Income
Expenses Maintenance & Repairs 7%
Annual Drive 14%
Other 6%
Financial Assistance 7%
Supplies 11%
Other Income 8%
Utilitties & Telephones 5%
Student Activities & Athletics 1%
Student Activities & Athletics 3%
Tuition 70%
Salaries & Benefits 68%
Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Financial Report
Earned Income Tuition, Fees and Other Income................................. Operating Expenses............................
Strake Jesuit Foundation* Financial Report
Beginning Fund Balance....................
$ 9,542,575
$ 12,101,713
Contributions & Gifts...........................
$ 367,464
$ 13,629,025
Investment Income...............................
$ 258,368
Realized/Unrealized Gains (Loss).......
Total Foundation Income.....................
Total Income (Loss) from Operations ($
Fundraising Appeals Annual Giving, Auction, Spring Fling, Bequests, and Others.........................
Endowment Payout from Strake Jesuit Foundation.................
Endowment Payout from Strake Jesuit General Endowment..
Ending Fund Balance........................... $11,093,663
Transfers to Endowment....................
*The Strake Jesuit Foundation is the financial aid endowment fund for the school.
Total Operating Income before Capital Expenditures.................
Capital Expenditures..........................
Operating Expenses............................. ($ Net Foundation Income (Loss)............
Financial Aid Contribution to SJCP...
($ 364,800)
*Excess used towards Capital Expenses, Depreciation and Contributions to Endowments
Although names on the preceeding donor lists have been reviewed carefully for accuracy, errors may occur in a document of this length. If your name was listed incorrectly, misspelled, or omitted, please accept our apologies and bring the error to our attention.
Summary of Gifts Annual Giving and Events $ 2,025,929 General Scholarships $ 449,953 General Endowment $ 253,227 Endowed Scholarships* $ 346,032 Total $ 3,075,141 *Gifts to Endowed Scholarships fund the Strake Jesuit Foundation. Does not include Greater Glory contributions.
Where Giving Goes
Annual Fund Parents Alumni Past Parents Grandparents Fantasy Auction
Operating Budget
3 3 3 3 3
Other Giving Honors & Memorials Sponsor-a-Student Brother’s Keepers
Financial Aid Endowment*
3 3 3
General Capital Endowment^ Projects
3 3 3
Spring Fling Scramble
Financial Aid Budget
3 3 3 3 3
Capital Campaigns
* The Financial Aid Endowment is also known as the Strake Jesuit Foundation which solely supports the school’s annual Financial Aid Budget. ^ The General Endowment supports the school’s annual Operating Budget.
STATS Baseball is a game known for its seemingly endless myriad Said Coach Nottebart, “Coach Wallis and I knew that we had of statistics. For the Jesuit Varsity baseball team of 1998, one a talented team. They were a close knit group and excelled statistic sort of says it all; they won back to back State TCIL both on and off the field. That’s what made the difference. We titles. Now as this Olde both enjoyed coaching Crusader sees it, that’s them for three years. By one darn good baseball the fourth year, no more stat. It sort of says it all, coaching was required.” don’t you think? Well, They were “a close knit no not really. The boys group” indeed. “Friends racked up quite a perforfor life” - that’s the way mance during their four it’s meant to be around years at Strake Jesuit and these premises. And so it along the way they comwas for our beloved 1998 piled a most impressive Phenoms of the field. set of stats to prove it. As Nine players went on to seniors they were ranked play college baseball and as the # 3 area team and now, all have gone on to 1998 Crusaders Baseball Team the #1 seed in the TCIL lead rewarding lives. They state tournament. They all remain true to this earned their lofty status by posting a 26-6 record which is, by school and loyal to each other. When asked about their team, the way, the most wins ever for a Jesuit baseball team. Along the the boys are steadfastly humble about what was in the opinion way they hit with a scorching .398 team batting average and sent of this Olde Crusader, “Without a doubt, a simply outstanding 28 homerun balls sailing over the outfield fence. They scored High School baseball team.” Though proud of their accom274 runs for their Alma Mater and beat crosstown rival St. plishments, all would prefer that we remember their coaches Thomas three times that year. By the time the dust had settled and their parents. They ask that we also remember all of the over home plate, six of our Crusaders (Matt Pesek, Steve Rowe, guys that played with them along the way during their years at Brian St. Aubin, Ryan Simms, Dennis Stasio, and Andrew SlaJesuit. Andrew Slania and Chris Kimball remember them all as, nia) were named to All State. Three hitters had hit over .400 and “Our trusted and talented re-enforcements. Every one of those one had batted .516. Their formidable pitching staff finished guys added so much to the team effort.” with a 2.59 ERA. I will add one final comment. The accomplishments of the They were quite a group of guys, the kind that we can all 1998 Varsity team were as much a story of parents as it was of be proud of. Pitcher Steve Rowe remembers that as freshman, baseball. The parents of these young men were then and are Coach Ken Savanah made a point of telling them that they now, the most fervent fans of their sons. And so in closing, this would never forget their four years at Jesuit. Steve went on Olde Crusader will say to all our many Strake Jesuit parents to pitch at Texas Tech and then in the Rangers organization. you that so adore your sons: To you, I pledge my shield and my “Coach was right,” he confided, “I will never forget those four sword. years at SJCP. From the first pitch to the last pitch, it was great fun and I for one will never forget!” George Their coaches recognized the team’s potential early on. 56
~ Saturday, February 11, 2012 ~
when we Honor our
at the
Sugar Land Marriott Town Square details soon!
PARENTS, if you are still receiving your son’s Chronicle although he no longer lives with you, let us know so we can change our records and send the magazine directly to him. If you enjoy reading the publication but do not receive a copy of your own, let us know that too. We would be glad to send a copy to your son’s new address and continue to send you one.
Strake Jesuit College Preparatory 8900 Bellaire Boulevard Houston, Texas 77036
Contact the Alumni Office at or at 713.490.8153
November 1 4-6
It’s not too late!
All Saints Mass Mothers’ Club Retreat
Father-Son Golf Tournament
Parent-Teacher Night
Andy Houghton ‘97 Award Dinner
Kostka Mass
December 3
Band Concert
Mass of the Immaculate Conception
9-10 Messiah Performances 19
Alumni Christmas Party
Christmas Eve Mass
Alumni Games
Application Deadline
January Father-Son Pool Tournament 20
Mass for Life
Entrance Exam
Alumni Games For up to date event information, go to
Get your copy of the award-winning book that chronicles Strake Jesuit’s first 50 years before they are gone. A VERY limited number of copies remain. You can purchase online at or in the school’s Spirit Store in the Clay Center.