One of Our Own Meet the New Principal, Ken Lojo ‘91
Jesuit faculty member John Jamerlan spends some quiet time with a senior during a Kairos Retreat in September 2011. It
Table of Contents
was the first retreat held at the school’s new Retreat & Leadership Center in Leona, Texas. To learn more see page 8.
Features One of Our Own Meet the New Principal, Ken Lojo ‘91
p. 3 Retreat & Leadership Center Hosts First Retreats p. 8 Departments President’s Message - 2 News from 8900 - 8-13 Ignatian Spirituality - 15 Athletic News - 16-19 Alumni News - 21-22 Class Notes - 23 Births - 23 In Memoriam - 23 By George - 24
Winter 2012 Vol. 44, No. 2 Editor/Layout Rick Rivers, Director of Communications Contributors Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory (USPS 024165) Vol. 44, No. 2, Winter Edition, is published quarterly by Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036. Periodicals Postage Paid at Houston, TX. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036-4699.
President Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Principal Ken Lojo ‘91 Director of Development NJ Santarcangelo ‘67
ON THE COVER - As an alumnus of the school, new Principal Ken Lojo ‘91 finds he is in his most comfortable element when is out of his office and out among the Strake Jesuit students.
Jesuit faculty member John Jamerlan spends some quiet time with a senior during a Kairos Retreat in September 2011. It
Table of Contents
was the first retreat held at the school’s new Retreat & Leadership Center in Leona, Texas. To learn more see page 8.
Features One of Our Own Meet the New Principal, Ken Lojo ‘91
p. 3 Retreat & Leadership Center Hosts First Retreats p. 8 Departments President’s Message - 2 News from 8900 - 8-13 Ignatian Spirituality - 15 Athletic News - 16-19 Alumni News - 21-22 Class Notes - 23 Births - 23 In Memoriam - 23 By George - 24
Winter 2012 Vol. 44, No. 2 Editor/Layout Rick Rivers, Director of Communications Contributors Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory (USPS 024165) Vol. 44, No. 2, Winter Edition, is published quarterly by Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036. Periodicals Postage Paid at Houston, TX. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036-4699.
President Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Principal Ken Lojo ‘91 Director of Development NJ Santarcangelo ‘67
ON THE COVER - As an alumnus of the school, new Principal Ken Lojo ‘91 finds he is in his most comfortable element when is out of his office and out among the Strake Jesuit students.
_________________PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE
of their God-given talents to become Men for Others.
For several years I have made my annual eight-day silent
retreat during Thanksgiving
generosity that made it possible. I know it brought joy to
break. Thanksgiving week is one
our Lord when our students started using the campus this
of the quietest weeks on campus,
fall. As I imagined generations of students, parents, faculty and alumni using this wonderful facility for years to come,
making it a wonderful time to
I was filled with joy, knowing that the RLC will be a place
refresh body and soul.
I thought of the Retreat & Leadership Center and the
for all of us to grow closer to God and to each other –
This year, quieted away in the woods of northern
Wisconsin, I read Putting on the Heart of Christ: How the
God’s most important creations. I know we have created a
Spiritual Exercises Invite Us to a Virtuous Life by Jesuit
holy place where holy things will occur.
spiritual director and professor Gerald Fagin, SJ. Each
chapter connects a moment from the Spiritual Exercises of
accepted my offer to become our 11th principal. Mr. Lojo
St. Ignatius to a complementary virtue.
has beautifully settled into the position, and I know that he
Discussing the Fourth Week of the Exercises, which
I know it brought me joy when Mr. Ken Lojo ’91,
will serve the school in exemplary ways, just as Mr. Nevle
focuses on Jesus’ resurrection, Fr. Fagin notes several
did for over two decades. That Strake Jesuit will continue
scriptural moments of Jesus’ joy and invites us to reflect
to provide an excellent education rooted in our faith and
on the joy of Jesus risen.
our tradition must bring joy to our Lord as well.
Those moments in mind, I imagined how the life of
Strake Jesuit makes me joyful in so many ways.
Strake Jesuit brings joy to our Lord.
Whether you reflect on the experience of a son now at
the school, one already graduated or your own memories,
I pictured students lining the walkway in July as we
processed with Mr. Nevle’s casket from the Chapel to the
I hope thinking of Strake Jesuit fills you with joy. As Fr.
Parsley Center. As deeply sorrowful as that moment was,
Fagin suggests, considering how we bring joy to our Lord
I imagined that the sight of those students showing their
enriches us all.
final respects to their principal filled our Lord with joy.
Strake Jesuit. Be assured of my prayers for you and your
Then I thought of other, more ordinary occasions for
Thank you for supporting the important mission of
joy – the success of a student at a debate tournament, at
family as we begin the new calendar year. May it be a year
a cross country meet, on a chemistry test. While I like to
filled with great joy!
think that the Lord prefers every Jesuit team to win and every student to make an A, surely His real joy is not in victories or perfect grades but in students making the most
One of Our Own
For the first time in over 20 years, Strake Jesuit has a new Principal. Ken Lojo, a member of the Strake Jesuit Class of 1991, was named the successor to Richard Nevle who passed away last July. Mr. Nevle served as Principal since 1991 – the year Mr. Lojo graduated from Jesuit.
In 2002, Mr. Lojo returned to Strake Jesuit as a Government & Economics and Algebra teacher and assistant baseball coach. He has served as the school’s Director of Admissions since 2003. As a means of introduction to our school community, Mr. Lojo sat down for an interview to discuss his time at Jesuit, relationship with Mr. Nevle, and the challenges and opportunities he sees ahead as the school’s new Principal.
As an alumnus of Strake Jesuit, looking back on your four years here as a student, what were those years like? If you had asked me what I thought about Jesuit when I was a student, I probably would have said, “Oh, man. I can’t wait to graduate. This is too much work.” But when I look back now, I can honestly say I loved my time at Jesuit. Like many of our current students, I had my ups and downs – I certainly didn’t enjoy all the homework or the late nights studying – but I still loved going to school. I always felt like my teachers cared about me. I also was very close to my classmates. We had some great times together during those years and I’m still very close to many of them today.
I don’t think I realized what a huge impact the school had on me until I graduated. In college, when people would ask me where I went to high school, I was surprised at how proud I was to say, ‘Strake Jesuit.’ I knew Jesuit had prepared me academically, but I didn’t realize how much of an impact the school had on my character and on my faith. It was here that many ‘seeds of faith’ were planted and started to grow. While my parents had the biggest influence, it was in my theology classes and retreats, in casual conversations with my teachers in the hallway, and in the care that they showed for me, that it really grew. I really felt loved here. These can be such formative years for adolescent boys, and they definitely were for me.
What did you do after Jesuit? After I graduated, I went to Texas A&M for college. My undergraduate degree was in Political Science and I minored in Philosophy. Then, I became a traitor to all of my die-hard Aggie friends when I went to the University of Texas for law school. After I graduated from law school, I returned to Houston where I practiced law for a local law firm. I met my wife, Wendi, and we were married in 2005. We’re lucky to have two wonderful children. Our three year old daughter, Katherine, and our one year old son, Michael, do a great job of keeping us on our toes – there’s never a dull moment in our house these days. We live in Sugar Land and are parishioners at St. Laurence. How close were you with Richard Nevle? Most people don’t know the history between my family and the Nevle family. It started long before I was even born. My Dad and Mr. Nevle grew up in the same neighborhood and were childhood friends. They were the same age and were classmates at St. Thomas High School where they rode the bus to school together almost every day. They both attended the University of St. Thomas, where my Dad met my Mom, and where Mr. Nevle met Mrs. Nevle. There are many parallels between my Dad’s life and Mr. Nevle’s. Many
of the same qualities I admire about my Dad, I admired in Mr. Nevle. So, as a student at Jesuit, Mr. Nevle was very much like a father figure to me. When I returned as a teacher, at some point he went from being “Mr. Nevle,” to just being “Richard.” I don’t remember exactly when that happened, but I’m very grateful that it did. Most days we would eat lunch together in the Dining Hall alongside a group of faculty and staff with whom we shared many laughs. We would talk frequently about some of the challenges he faced as principal – whether it was a difficult situation with one of the students, or how best to help a parent, or some of the other struggles that he faced. Richard was so wise. Very, very wise. Every word that came out of his mouth was a pearl of wisdom to me. Richard was a great man, a good friend, and I miss him dearly. What was some of the advice he gave you? Probably the most important advice he gave me was to always remember that the students are the reason why we are here. He told me never to forget that. He warned about getting lost in meetings, events, paperwork or whatever. He would say, “above all else, we are first and foremost a Catholic school.” Our primary concern is the development of the young men under our care – academically, personally,
and spiritually. We shouldn’t be afraid to say that, and we shouldn’t be afraid to act like a Catholic school, and that means caring for the whole person.
We chatted a while about life in general, and then he said there was a position open teaching at Jesuit and he thought I should consider it. Other than my faith and my family, nothing has had a bigger impact on me than Strake Jesuit. Richard knew that. He also knew I had considered teaching, but only after my hopefully long legal career, perhaps as a college professor. Richard had a remarkable way of knowing when to ask the right question at the right time. I spent a lot of time talking with him, my family, and also with Fr. Mark Thibodeaux about the decision. What made the decision more difficult was that I enjoyed practicing law. After a long discernment, I really feel like God was calling me back to be a part of the mission here at Jesuit. It’s one that I believe in. So, I took the proverbal ‘leap of faith,’ decided to leave the law, and come back to Jesuit. It’s been almost a decade since that phone call and it seems like it happened just yesterday.
Do you have any other fond memories of him? Absolutely – too many to count. One of my favorites is one I share with most faculty and staff who knew Richard. We all could tell similar stories about walking into Richard’s office for a two minute conversation, then walking out hours later, laughing and smiling. He could relate to people amazingly well and he made you feel very special. When you were talking to Richard, you were the center of his attention. You felt like you were the only person that mattered. That’s really an incredible thing considering what he meant to the school. The longer I’m in this job, the more I realize the amount of work that was waiting for him when we would leave his office and he turned to a mountain of emails, or stacks of paperwork. I can’t believe he did all that work so well and so effortlessly. I pray to Richard often saying, “Richard, how did you do this?”
So before you came back to Jesuit, did you ever dream you would be the principal at Strake Jesuit? No, not at all. If you asked me back then I would have told you, “No way. You’re crazy.” Even as recently as a year ago, I would have bet you almost anything that I would be the Admissions Director right now. At the end of last summer when I became Acting Principal, my hope was that
What made you give up the law and return to Jesuit? One day, I was in my office at the law firm when I received an unexpected phone call from Richard Nevle.
Richard would recover quickly and step back into the role. I never expected that he wouldn’t. I also know there are other people on campus who could have become Principal and done a great job. So, while I’m comfortable serving in the role now, I never thought it would have happened like this and I never thought it would have happened right now.
all angles – academic stresses, college decisions, personal relationships, parental pressures, and the like. On top of that, they live in a society that tends to promote greed and animosity over generosity and love. That’s a huge challenge and one that is facing all of our Catholic schools. How do you see Strake Jesuit helping students address those issues?
What does the future hold for Strake Jesuit? Great things. Strake Jesuit has strong roots and is on very solid ground. We’re an exceptional school with a strong reputation academically, in extra-curricular activities, and most importantly, spiritually. I look forward to working closely with Fr. Lahart (Strake Jesuits President) on continuing to build on that success. As great of a school as we are, we can always get better. Continual growth and improvement is a big part of our Ignatian tradition. This is a great school, and a great community, and it is only going to get better. What is the biggest challenge facing the school right now? Our biggest challenge right now is also one of the most exciting things to happen to our school – the Retreat and Leadership Center. Not many high schools in the United States can claim their own retreat center. That means we’re forging new ground and treading where few schools have gone before. Not only has the RLC added a second, 62 acre, northern campus, it also will have an incredible impact across the entire school – students, prospective families, faculty, alumni, current and former parents, alumni and beyond. How we take advantage of such a remarkable place is an incredibly exciting challenge ahead of us.
By seeing the simplicity in life. Our world is so complex. It’s easy to lose sight of the most important things. It’s easy to forget that our sole purpose in life is to love and serve God. That’s all. There’s no better way for our students to do that than for them to quiet themselves and get out of the hustle and bustle of the day-to-day. It’s in that quiet time – during the Daily Examen here on campus, or at a Kairos retreat at the RLC – that the boys can find God. Spending some time in the middle of the Texas countryside, without a Starbucks, TV or computer in sight gives the boys that chance to really be quiet and focus. That’s part of it. The other part of it is to teach the boys not to run away from the problems and stresses of the world, but to live in the world, to face them, and to change the world into a more just and loving one. That’s a lesson we can teach in everyday life – in a Theology or Algebra class, on the football field or at a baseball tournament, or in how they treat their mother and father, brother or sister at home. We’re trying to get the boys to realize that there’s something that God wants and expects from them: to love and serve God by loving and serving one another – to be Men for Others. That’s the most important lesson we can teach. After your first few months, how do you feel about being Principal?
What challenges do you see students facing today? I think the biggest challenge students face today is growing up in a culture that makes it hard for them to find, maintain, and grow in their faith. Our students are pulled in so many different directions with stresses and pressures coming from
The Lojos, Ken and Wendi, with their two children Michael and Katherine.
It’s a great job and a great place. I love Strake Jesuit. I think everybody who knows me knows that. I feel lucky to be able to come here every day and be a part of it. When I first came back to Jesuit, I wouldn’t even let my wife call it work. When she would ask, “Are you going to work today?” And I would answer, “No, I’m going to Jesuit.”
JESUIT DAYS Mr. Lojo has keep many mementoes from his days as a Strake Jesuit student including (top to bottom) his class schedule from his first semester as a freshman in 1987, the Houston Chronicle story about his comeback as a senior in 1991 after being hit in the head with a pitch as a sophomore, an appointment reminder with Fr. Jenniskens, SJ in the Guidance Office, and his embroidered name for the back of his letter jacket.
One of the most exciting projects in the school’s history, the construction of the Retreat & Leadership Center (RLC) in Leona, Texas, will be completed in early 2012. That detail did not keep the school from putting to good use the majority of the Center that was ready for use as school began. With the Center’s eight cabins, dining hall, conference center and bunkhouse complete, the school moved ahead scheduling retreats. As the fall semester came to a close, the Center had already hosted two senior Kairos retreats, several junior retreats and even Mothers’ Club and Dads’ Club retreats. Among the reminders to retreatants that they are still on the Strake Jesuit ‘campus,’ each of the buildings has been named after a Jesuit saint. Set for completion early in the new year are the Chapel, Library, and Guest House. There are also plans for an outdoor basketball pavilion. Early reviews from the first sets of retreatants have been over-whelming positive. “The students have felt quite at home while on retreat at the RLC,” noted Jesuit’s Retreat Coordinator Eric Olson ‘02. “Our students are very curious about the new buildings as well as the natural beauty of the site. To say the least, the students have been very anxious and excited to see the new retreat center and to discover the blessings that it will offer.” One of the goals the school administration had for the students was to have them come to learn that the RLC was an extension of the school. And with that understanding that they would treat the Center as they do the main campus facilities. “The students have come to see the RLC as their new home Retreatants spend time outdoors next to the lake (top) which away from campus,” added Olson. “They have taken ownership sits in the center of the facility and listen to one of the speakers of the retreat center by doing the simple things like working in (bottom) in the conference center. the kitchen and sweeping up after themselves, and have truly become responsible for their use of the RLC. Ultimately, the RLC has become a place where the students can escape from schoolwork, college essays, or even the simple stresses of daily life. I think the students really want to make the RLC their home, and that they truly look forward to being on retreat at the RLC.”
BOARD OF DIRECTORS GO ‘BACK TO SCHOOL’ Several members of the Strake Jesuit Board of Directors went ‘back to school’ on Wednesday, November 16. The idea for the day was born in the Board’s
School Affairs Committee. In advance of their regularly scheduled meeting later that afternoon, a handful of members arrived early to enjoy lunch in the Moran Dining Hall with the students and then went to class. Members were invited to sit in on three classes after lunch and then experience an athletic practice, drama presentation, or other extracurricular activity. “It’s clear that we have a strong learning environment with highly qualified teachers leading a participatory learning experience,” noted Board member and alumnus Jim Murphy ‘76. “It reminded me more of college than a high school, both in terms of high level academics and the interaction among the students.” “As an alumnus,” he continued, “I saw a lot of physical changes in the campus. It seems a lot farther from the 200 to the 300 building. But the spirit of camaraderie of the students and the true interest and enthusiasm of the faculty remain the same. It is a special place.” The ‘back to school’ day concluded with Board member and alumnus Mr. James Loughlin ‘74 sits in on an English class. a student panel discussion in the Clay Center Boardroom. From there it was on to Board business as usual. In evaluating the day, school President Daniel Lahart, SJ said, “It was a tremendous chance for board members to see the day to day working of the school from a student’s perspective. They came away with a real appreciation for our gifted faculty, and for the rigors of the curriculum. The seniors on the panel did an outstanding job articulating the mission of the school. For a first time effort, it was a resounding success.”
SIXTEEN NAMED TO ALL-STATE CHOIR Sixteen Strake Jesuit students have been named to the Texas Private School Music Educators Association (TPSMEA) 2011 - 2012 All-State Choir, more than any other private school in the state of Texas. The sixteen include tenors Matt Hawes, Mark Storey, Christian Santillan, Zac Wierschem, Ian Bouillion, Marcellas Ball. Basses include Nic Rathgeb who was also named the #1 bass in the state, Ahmed Mustafa, Jack Martin, Christopher Auchter, Elliott Bouillion, Alex Gambini, Ryan Lord, Gus Henning, Peter Ten Eyck, Nic Woods. TPSMEA is a state-wide organization which promotes music education and competition. The TPSMEA All-State Choir members will attend a clinic in San
Marcos, Texas January 26-28, 2012. The weekend will end with the All-State Concert on Saturday, January 28 in the Evan Auditorium at Texas State University, in San Marcos.
All-State Choir Members - (left to right ) Front row: Matt Hawes, Peter Ten Eyck, Zac Wierschem, Christopher Auchter. 2nd row: Jack Martin, Mark Storey, Christian Santillian, Gus Hennings, Ian Bouillion. 3rd row: Alex Gambini, Nic Woods, Marcellas Ball. Back row: Elliott Bouillion, Nic Rathgeb, Ryan Lord, Ahmed Mustafa Jesuit debater Drew McCormick ’12 competed and won the Bronx Round Robin in New York on Thursday, October 13. He was the first Jesuit debater invited to the prestigious tournament since 2008 and his victory at the event was also a first for a Crusader. The tournament featured a pool of sixteen of the most dominant Lincoln/Douglas competitors in the country. It was the second round robin McCormick has won having previously bested the field at the Greenhill Round Robin.
“The Bronx Round Robin is nationally recognized as one of the three most competitive and prestigious round robins in the country along with Greenhill and Montgomery Bell Academy,” noted Jesuit Head Coach Jerry Crist.
‘JAZZ AT THE GREEN’ AUCTION CELEBRATES A RETURN TO CAMPUS This year’s “Jazz at the Green” Auction 2012 will take place on Saturday, April 14, 2012. This auction celebrates the return of the annual event to the beautiful Strake Jesuit campus for the first time in almost twenty years! Auction Chairpersons, Jean and Rick Jenner, promise an elegant evening full of New Orleans flavor with a few surprises thrown in. Join current and alumni parents, alumni, faculty and friends for this memorable event featuring live and silent auctions. A glimpse of some NEW 2012 auction items: • Mass and Brunch at Brennan’s – Eight couples can enjoy mass and brunch with Fr. Lahart in a private dining room at Brennan’s. • Five couples will spend the weekend at the new Strake Jesuit Retreat & Leadership Center with Fr. Lahart serving as host and chef! • Weekend package trip to New Orleans including tickets to the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival 2012, restaurant vouchers, and accommodations. • A few special projects needle pointed by the Strake Jesuit Stitchers to include a set of graduating class year cross ornaments. Many favorite items will be offered once again. And, of course, many exciting destinations await you! There is a trip for all interests including Lake George, New York in the beautiful Adirondack Mountains, Cabo San Lucas, Telluride, Colorado, the Hotel Galvez in Galveston and so much more!
NEWS FROM This year, in addition to table sponsorships, we have created new underwriting opportunities tied to the auction theme such as Lagniappe, Bourbon Street, Crusader Krewe and more. These new opportunities start at just $1,000 and provide alumni, local businesses and other school supporters the chance to demonstrate their support for the school and its mission. Underwriters will receive recognition in advance of and at the auction, while the school’s students and facilities will receive much-needed support through these generous donations. Companies and individuals interested in serving as an underwriting sponsor should contact Alie or David Pruner at 713-662-2664. Underwriters confirmed by January 25, 2012 will be recognized on the Auction invitation and program. Please visit the Strake Jesuit website at www.strakejesuit. org and click on the Auction button under Quick Links for more information. You’ll also find a variety of online forms to print out. For more details on the Auction, please contact Jean or Rick Jenner at or Sharon Venables at Laissez les Bon Temps Rouler!
Among the exciting items in this year’s Live Auction are trips to wonderful destinations like Cabo San Lucas (top left), Lake George in New York (top right) and Telluride, Colorado (right).
28 NAMED NATIONAL MERIT COMMENDED STUDENTS The following 28 Jesuit seniors have been named Commended Students by the 2012 National Merit Scholarship Program: Michael Aubin
Earl Humphreys
Benjamin Brentin
Christopher Jansson
Clark Bullington
David Khatami
Clay Cavanaugh
Nicholas Langemeier
Ian Chesser
Brennan Lanier
Austin Dickerson
Hendrick Le
Michael Donatti
Edward Lord
Alexander Eleiott
Ian Morell
William Funch
Patrick Rowland
Elliot Ghorayeb
Kyle Shoebotham
Austin Hamilton
Jeffrey Than
Scott Harrington
Matthew Vachon
John Hawkins
James Wang
John Heizelman
Nathaniel Zuiker
About 34,000 Commended Students throughout the nation are being recognized for their exceptional academic promise. Although they will
Sophomore Taylor Charbonnet ‘14 received the 2011 Capt. Andrew Houghton ‘97 Award at a special dinner held in the Clay Center atrium on Thursday night, November 10. In its third year, the award is presented to a current Strake Jesuit sophomore “who best exhibits the characteristics and values” that Andy Houghton exemplified. Those include academic excellence, service to friends and the community at Strake Jesuit and beyond, an enthusiasm for life, and a determination to succeed. Past recipients include Kenny Lahart ‘12 and Sean Ryan ‘13. Capt. Andrew Houghton ‘97 passed away on August 9, 2004 from injuries sustained on July 10, 2004 while serving in Iraq. He was a Captain in the United States Army with the 1st Squadron, 4th Cavalry. In accepting the award Taylor said, “While I was selected (to receive this award), it is my classmates who have been given the challenge. Through Andy’s life, as a Jesuit student, a friend, a son, a brother, and an officer in the United States Army, we – my class and I – have been given a concrete example of how to live the motto Men for Others. Tonight, I am honored to accept this award. I will strive to meet the ideals and values that Andy set for us all.” Longtime Jesuit faculty member Larry Finke served as the evening’s keynote speaker. In his comments he said, “I have been so fortunate that I’ve had the honor to either coach or teach all of these young men (past recipients Kenny Lahart and Sean Ryan and 2011 recipient Taylor Charbonnet) including Andy (Houghton ’97). I’m so privileged to have a chance to be associated with young men like these. While all these guys are different they have a lot more in common. All of which can be summed up by the Jesuit ideals that we put forth every day.”
not continue in the 2012 competition for National Merit Scholarships, Commended Students placed among the top five percent of more than 1.5 million students who entered the 2012 competition.
In the previous issue of The Chronicle, the 11 Jesuit students named Semifinalists were noted. They include: David Brhlik, Dillon Caryl, Taylor Clayton, Bryan Curtis, Zachary Feldman, Nicholas Fernelius, Beau Guedry, Zachary McMenemy, John Mosele, Clay Spence, and Peter Ten-Eyck.
Taylor Charbonnet ‘14 (2nd from left) 2011 recipient of the Houghton Award with (left to right) Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ, Andy Houghton’s parents Cindy and George Houghton, and Keynote Speaker Larry Finke.
NEWS FROM NEW ADMISSIONS DIRECTOR NAMED Strake Jesuit’s Principal, Ken Lojo ’91, has named Mr. Scott Granito the Director of Admissions at Strake Jesuit. Mr. Granito’s appointment fills the position that was left vacant when Mr. Lojo moved from Director of Admissions to Principal earlier this fall. Mr. Granito will begin his duties at Jesuit with the start of the Spring semester in January. Mr. Granito comes to Jesuit from The Regis School of the Sacred Heart where he taught English, Religion and has served as the Dean of Students since 2008. He previously served as a teacher at St. Laurence Catholic School in Sugar Land from 2002- 2008. “I am confident that Mr. Granito will be an excellent addition to Jesuit’s administration overseeing the important role of admissions,” said Mr. Lojo. “I know that his strong relationships with the Catholic school community that he has developed while at Regis and St. Laurence will serve him well at Jesuit.” A native of Cleveland, Ohio, Mr. Granito earned a Bachelor of Science in Education and Applied Professions Scott Granito is Strake Jesuit’s new at the University of Dayton in 2001 and his Masters Director of Admissions. of Science in Education with a focus on Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment from Walden University in Baltimore in 2006. Mr. Granito and his wife, Stephanie, are expecting their first child in the spring. Stephanie Granito’s brother, Bobby Huebel, is a Strake Jesuit alumnus from the Class of 2003.
14 STUDENTS RECOGNIZED BY NATIONAL HISPANIC RECOGNITION PROGRAM A total of 14 Strake Jesuit students have been recognized by the College Board in the National Hispanic Recognition Program, 13 as Scholars and one as Honorable Mention. The students are: Scholars include Christopher Bertini, Christopher Hornung, Sebastian Maarraoui, Francisco Chavarria, Earl Humphreys, Eric Martinez, Michael Donatti, Gabriel Janer, Ian Morell, Joao Marcos Eloy, Nicholas Langmeier, Alex Trevino, and Austin Hamilton. Receiving Honorable Mention was Raul Elorduy-Sendra In order to be eligible, a student must be at least one-quarter Hispanic/ Latino as defined by the NHRP, meet the minimum PSAT/NMSQT cutoff score for your state, and achieve a minimum grade point average (GPA) requirement. Students with a GPA of 3.5 or higher are designated as Scholars and those with GPAs of 3.0 to 3.49 are designated at Honorable Mention.
“I am from a large family. I know for certain that if financial aid was not available to me, I would not be able to attend Strake Jesuit. I cannot imagine being at another school. I am an Honor Roll student, an athlete, and am involved in many clubs. I know I have a great responsibility to give back to Strake Jesuit. I know how lucky and fortunate I am. Without people who give to financial aid, the life I have would be very different. Thank you for helping shape who I am now and who I will be in the future.” ~ Strake Jesuit Financial Aid Recipient
please support the
Each gift, no matter the size, makes a difference. Simply use the envelope provided in the magazine to make a gift or online go to and click on the Strake Jesuit Annual Fund. If you have questions or would like additional information, contact N.J. Santarcangelo ‘67, Director of Development, at 713.490.8152 or
Would you break bread with Jesus? “Jesus looked up and said to him, Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for today I must stay in your house.” Luke 19:5
by Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ
One of my favorite images from scripture comes from the meals Jesus shares with his disciples, his friends and even his adversaries. This fall and during the Advent season, images of shared meals with Jesus and his friends have been part of my prayer and reflections. The image of the small, perhaps rotund, Zacchaeus and his curiosity to see the Lord passing by is one of my favorites. The Zacchaeus Jesus saw up in the sycamore tree was never the same after sharing a meal with the Lord. In biblical language to offer a meal is to offer the gift of friendship and companionship. Jesus, in his invitation to stay at Zaccheaus’s home for dinner, opens the door and sets the table for an enjoyable meal among friends and companions. The power of sharing a meal with friends and companions often leads to a deeper sense of belonging which can transform our world. Companionship, from the Latin word “com” with and “panis” bread, teaches us that in our sharing bread with our friends we open ourselves up to the possibility of becoming vulnerable to others. When we share bread with others we accept God’s invitation to share in the joys and sorrows of those sitting at our table. Since my early childhood, I remember being excited whenever my family gathered to have a party. Whether it was the holidays, my mother’s birthday, my nephew’s baptism, my sister’s wedding, or my niece’s graduation everyone in my house loves a party! I know that for myself, I just love to get together with my Jesuit community, with family and with my friends. Anytime we have something to celebrate, out comes the food. We hold wedding banquets and throw birthday parties for our friends and loved ones. We often share intimate candlelight meals with our spouses or with our fiancée. We go out to lunch when we want
to catch up with our friends. We invite people to dinner because we enjoy their friendship and companionship. We even eat together at times of sadness, like funerals. Thus, we express our solidarity and our support for our friends in times of sorrow. Sharing a meal and breaking bread together mark our rituals of companionship. Whether these meals are lavish, intimate, joyful or sorrowful gatherings, I believe that they also are a mirror of our community’s Eucharistic celebrations. For, it is “through him, and with him, and in him,” that our sharing with and breaking of bread transforms us into true disciples and companions of Jesus. Zacchaeus came to know Jesus at a dinner party at his house. Today, the Lord offers us companionship, just as he offered it to the tax collectors and sinners of his time. He offers himself in the Eucharist and wants us to experience His loving presence in our daily joys and sorrows. Like Zacchaeus, I have come to believe that Jesus’ promise is fulfilled in my partaking of His supper. His words to his friends in John 10:10 say that “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” I believe that Jesus invites us to come down from the sycamore trees we have climbed and he calls us to deeper companionship with Him and his people. As faithful sons and daughters of St. Ignatius of Loyola, I encourage you to prayer and to contemplate this invitation to share a meal with the Lord. So I end with my usual questions: Would you let Jesus come in to your home and sit and dine with you today? Are you still afraid of coming down from your sycamore tree and meet the Lord? After celebrating with family, friends and colleagues this holiday season how have you grown in your companionship and friendship with the Lord?
CROSS COUNTRY Young Crusaders Take 2nd at State
The Crusaders entered the 2011 Cross Country season facing the loss of seven seniors from last year’s squad. It was a group that had shouldered the program for three years, continued to win at the district and regional levels and had placed 4th in the State Meet in 2010 – the best finish in school history. The only thing that Head Coach Mike Kerley and his staff knew was that they had a great bunch of young motivated boys who had worked hard all summer to get into shape. The team, led by Senior Captain Scott Walker, started the season on a high note and never looked back. Walker and the other seniors Will Tosch, A.J. Hamilton, Andre Bouillion, Andrew Corban, Kevin Flavin, Mitch VonBorstel and Drew Barkley, assumed their role to help the team. As a result the team won early at the Spring Invitational, the University of Houston Invitational, and the Lamar Consolidated Invitational. Later in the schedule the team faced some rough spots, but the group never altered its focus. As a result, when the championship season rolled around the team was Members of the Jesuit Cross Country Team that finished 2nd at the State UIL Meet are (left ready. The Varsity won the to right) Frank Lara, R. J. Ammons, Gus Raskovsky, Scott Walker, Joseph Hernandez, Colin District 19 5-A meet as hosts Thompson, and Will Tosch with Head Coach Mike Kerley. at Bear Creek Park, leaving no doubt they would be the favorite at the regional meet. Sophomore Frank Lara was the District individual champion followed by fellow sophomore R.J. Ammons who finished second. Junior Gus Raskosky followed with a 6th place finish and senior Scott Walker took 7th. It was all over when junior Joseph Hernandez finished 16th, sophomore Colin Thompson finished 17th, and senior Will Tosch finished 21st. The title was Jesuit’s sixth straight district title. To round out Jesuit’s dominance, the JV team won district with a perfect score and the freshman team finished second. Fresh off earning the district title, it was on to the Region III meet at Atascosita High School. Once again the team stuck together with Ammons finishing 4th and Lara 5th, the only two non-seniors in the top ten. Walker and Raskosky finished in the top 15 to earn All-Region honors. Those performances earned Strake Jesuit the Regional title for the third year in a row and the fifth time in the last six years. “We knew we had a young and inexperienced team headed into the State meet,” noted Kerley. “Because of that we tried to keep the team loose.”
ATHLETIC The strategy paid off. The young group that started the year made school history by finishing 2nd in the State Meet. They were led by an All-State performance by Lara with Ammons close behind followed by Raskosky, Walker, Hernandez, Thompson and Tosch. The coaches Mike Kerley, in his 13th year at Strake Jesuit, assistant Mike Crowley, in his 22nd year, and Peter Nurre in his 2nd year, could not have been more proud of this group of young men. Not only for what they had done but the way in which they had done it. Sticking together and believing in each other all year long. Jacques Delouche ‘05, a member of the school’s Alumni Service Corps this year and who was on the first district and region championship team, assisted this year with the team. “We always have high expectations for our students at Strake Jesuit,” noted Kerley, “so it probably won’t surprise anyone when I start next season saying we could be better .”
Sophomore Frank Lara, pictured here at the Regional Meet, led the Crusaders at the State Meet with an All-State performance.
FOOTBALL The Crusaders Football team, despite facing a difficult schedule in 2011, battled all year. After defeating rival St. Thomas to open the season, Jesuit dropped two road non-district games at Dallas Jesuit and The Woodlands. The team opened district play with an impressive 35-14 win over Katy Taylor at Crusader Stadium. After a loss at the hands of perennial power Katy, Jesuit faced Seven Lakes at home and dropped a hard-fought battle 21-16. After a home loss to a strong Cinco Ranch team, the Crusaders traveled to Katy’s Rhodes Stadium where they dropped a tough 24-13 game to Morton Ranch. Jesuit picked up their second district win of the season with a dominating 45-14 win at home over Mayde Creek before closing out the season with a 35-24 loss to Memorial at Tully Stadium. “I was very proud of the effort of our players in facing a very tough schedule,” said Head Coach Ron Counter. “We had two close losses to Seven Lakes and Morton Ranch that prevented us from making the playoffs. Those were both games we could have won.” Senior running back Jordan Underwood earned First Team Senior Jordan Underwood was named First Team All-District honors. Senior Pace Murphy (offensive lineman), All-District.
David Blusanovics (center), Nick Langemeier (kicker) and Sam Finney (defensive lineman) each earned Second Team All-District recognition. Seniors Austin Hahn (fullback), John-Michael Kamel (tight end), and Nick Pielech (linebacker) rounded out the post-season honors as they earned Honorable Mention All-District.
FOUR INDUCTED INTO THE JESUIT ATHLETICS HALL OF HONOR At Strake Jesuit’s Annual Night of Honor dinner on Saturday, October 15, four new members were inducted into the school’s Athletic Hall of Honor. The Strake Jesuit Athletic Hall of Honor was created in 2008 to recognize and honor the athletes, coaches, individuals and teams that have made significant contributions to the Crusaders Athletic program. The new members are athletes Nelson Akwari ‘00, Bret Broussard ‘76, and Jake Voskuhl ‘96, and coach Dick Janse. Their induction brings the number in the Hall of Honor to 18 which includes 11 athletes, two teams, three distinguished individuals, and two coaches. Past Hall of Honor Inductees include: 2008 Inaugural Class - Mike Janda ‘69 - Athlete; Mike Novelli ‘75 - Athlete;
Above: The Strake Jesuit Athletic Hall of Honor Class of 2011 pictured with Athletic Director Bill McDonald (far left) and Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ (far right) are (left to right) Bret Broussard ‘76, Dick Janse, and Nelson Akwari ‘00. Jake Voskuhl ‘96 was not able to attend. Left: Though unable to attend the dinner, inductee Jake Voskuhl ‘96 and his wife, Jennifer, were able to visit campus and N.J. Santarcangelo ‘67 this past fall.
ATHLETIC Eric Mullins ‘80 - Athlete; Chris Darkins ‘92 - Athlete; 1976 Football Team Team, Br. Casey Ferlita, SJ - Distinguished Individual. 2009 Class - Ralph Sacra ‘69 - Athlete; Steve McConnell ‘78 - Athlete; Bill McArdle - Distinguished Individual; 1976-77 Soccer Team - Team 2010 Class - Tommy Nolen - Coach; George Bean ‘81 - Athlete; Corey Davis ‘90 - Athlete; Bob Pilegge - Distinguished Individual
TWO HOOPSTERS SIGN LETTERS OF INTENT TO PLAY IN COLLEGE On Tuesday, November 8, at Strake Jesuit, senior basketball players John Gillon and Rasheed Sulaimon signed NCAA National Letters of Intent to play basketball. Gillon signed with Arkansas-Little Rock and Sulaimon signed with Duke University. Last year as a junior point guard, Gillon averaged 16.8 points, three assists, and two steals per game. His single game highs were 29 points, six steals (twice), and eight assists. As a junior shooting guard in 2009-2010, S u l a i m o n averaged 21.4 points, 3 assists, 5.4 rebounds, and 2.4 steals per game as was named All-District and All-State. He netted 20 or more points in 16 of his 30 games and reached double figures in all but John Gillon (left) and Rasheed Sulaimon (right) signed NCAA letters of intent to play basketball at Arkansasone game. He is Little Rock and Duke respectively. ranked as the No. 1 shooting guard in his class by and ESPN and the fifth-best shooting guard by Rivals. He is also ranked as the No. 10 overall prospect by Scout, No. 12 by ESPN and No. 32 by rivals. The Recruiting Services Consensus Index has Sulaimon ranked No. 17 overall.
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Mark Davidson ‘71 was presented the 2011 Ignatian Award as the Strake Jesuit Alumnus of the Year at the school’s Annual Night of Honor on Saturday, October 15, 2011. The award is presented each year to the alumnus who meets the following criteria: his life exemplifies the academic, religious, and social values of the Jesuit tradition; outstanding generosity to the community; professional achievement contributing to the advancement of his area of expertise, and he exemplifies a Man for Others. “The prior recipients of this award have accomplished wonderful things in the worlds of law, medicine, business or the priesthood. None are wealthy,” Davidson noted in his acceptance speech. “All of them understand, and the alumni of this school, whether they know it or not while they are here, get the message of the letters AMDG (Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam - “For the greater glory of God.”) He concluded his remarks by stating, “I became a Crusader at age 14, and have been one ever since. Some of my crusades have been for history, some for justice, and Principal Ken Lojo ‘91, Ignatian Award recipient Mark Davidson ‘71 and Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ. some for honor. I will be to my last day on earth a Crusader for the principles this school stands for. And so, to Strake Jesuit and its entire family, I pledge my sword and my shield.” Davidson served as Judge of the 11th District Court from 1988 until his retirement in 2009. He is now serving as the Multi-District Litigation Judge for all asbestos cases in the State of Texas, being named to that position by Chief Justice Wallace Jefferson and the Multi-District Litigation Panel of the Texas Supreme Court. In that role, he has judicial duties over the 85,000 asbestos cases pending throughout the state. While serving as a district judge, he tried over 450 jury trials and cut the backlog in the 11th District Court by 70 percent. In 1993, he was named “Trial Judge of the Year” by the Texas Association of Civil Trial and Appellate Specialists. From 2002 through 2007, he served as Administrative Judge of Harris County. Judge Davidson is married to Sarah Duckers, and has two sons, William, age eleven, and Thomas, age nine. In his spare time, Judge Davidson is Cubmaster of a Cub Scout Pack dedicated to the needs of autistic boys. In 2003, he was awarded the Arbor Day award by Trees for Houston for his role in saving a 93 year old tree on the Harris County Courthouse lawn. He also is a regular blood donor, and was recently awarded a 40 Gallon Mug, recognizing his donations of 320 pints of blood.
NEW EVENTS BRINGING ALUMNI TOGETHER A pair of monthly alumni events created by the Office of Alumni Relations are proving popular with Houston-area alums. The two events, a Young Alumni Happy Hour and an Alumni Networking Event, alternate each month. The Young Alumni Happy Hour, which currently targets alumni who graduated from 1997-2007, is held every other month at a Houston area location. Those locales have included some of Houston’s top night spots such as Capone’s, Cedar Creek, Armadillo Place, Volcano’s and Brian O’Neill’s Pub. As an added attraction, a notable member of the Jesuit faculty or staff have also been in attendance. Br. Casey Ferlita, SJ, Mike Crowley, Tommy Romano, and Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ have been among those who have made appearances. On the months when the Happy Hour has not been on the calendar, an Alumni Networking Event has been scheduled. At each of these events, a different Alumnus hosts Alumni at their place of business or at another locale if they choose. The Alumni host or sponsor is given some time to make a brief presentation on their business or offer tours. The remaining time is devoted to networking and socializing between the Alumni who attend. These events have been hosted by Alumni such as Billy Zaleski ‘86 at Data Projections and Eric Hathorn ‘85 at Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. For more information on both of the regular Alumni events, watch your email or click on Alumni on the school’s website at
ONE LAST TIME One date Joe and Cathy GarciaPrats (left) have grown accustom to over the last 22 years is the one when Strake Jesuit tuition payments are due. After all, starting in 1990, they have sent all 10 of their sons to the school. Current senior Tim is their last. When tuition was due in December for their final semester as parents, they made a special point of ‘celebrating’ their 44th and final tuition payment. It was one that Fr. Lahart made sure he was on hand to accept.
80’s Thomas Padgett, Jr. ’82 has opened his own law office representing plaintiffs in civil rights matters, Constitutional law, and labor and employment. Patrick McGown ‘85 and his wife, Rhonda, welcomed the birth of their third son, Evan, on September 27, 2011. He joins brothers Grayson, 4, and Cole, 2 and the entire family just relocated to San Antonio after being out of Texas for 11 years.
Chris Burke ’86, his wife Sarah and daughter Mary welcomed the birth of their son and brother, Blake on November 7, 2011.
Lieutenant Colonel Philip Clinton ‘88 took command of the 35 Expeditionary Airlift Squadron this year. He is stationed at Muniz AB Puerto Rico and is in charge of 4 C130s providing airlift to all of South America.
Chief of Staff to U.S. Rep. David McKinley (R-WV) and continues to live in Washington, D.C.
Captain Laymond P. Wilburn ‘02 has served in the Air Force for five years. In 2006 he earned a bachelor’s degree from Xavier University in New Orleans and in 2008 earned a master’s degree from the University of Southern Mississippi. He recently returned to Ramstein Air Base, Germany after a six-month deployment to Camp Butmir NATO Headquarters Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina. For his distinguished service, outstanding professionalism, extensive technical knowledge, and leadership capabilities, he was decorated with the Army Joint Service Commendation Medal and the NATO Balkans Medal and presented the NATO Headquarters, Sarajevo, Chief of Staff Award. At Ramstein Air Base, he serves as a cyber operations flight commander. This November he earned the General John P. Jumper Award for the 86th Air Wing.
Lupe DeLeon Mother of Armando ‘86 Dolores Delgado Mother of Edward ‘81 Gaston Gaal Father of George ‘87 and Andrew ‘92 James Nelson Father of Joseph ‘74 and Daniel ‘76
Debbi Schindler Mother of Geoff ‘04
Brian Hogue ‘04 is the Editor-inChief of the Cornell Law Review. The Clarke Business Law Institute at Cornell Law School and the Cornell Law Review held a conference in New York City on the wide-ranging implications of the Dodd-Frank Act. As Editor, Hogue spoke at the conference where many of the foremost legal experts in securities regulation got together to present papers on the Dodd-Frank Act predicting how regulating financial firms may, in turn, shift more risk onto the consumer.
Debbi Schindler was an alumni mom and the school’s Spirit Store manager. As a parent she was an active volunteer having chaired the Spring Fling Raffle in 2002 and 2003 and the school’s auction in 2004. In the fall of 2004 she joined the school as a member of the library staff and in 2007 moved to the school’s Spirit Store where she served as the store’s manager until her passing.
Saints of God, come to their aid! Hasten to meet them, angels of the Lord! Receive their soul and present them to God the Most High.
Eric Gama ‘00 and his wife, Lynne, welcomed the birth of Andrew Joseph Gama on November 20, 2011.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, And let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen
~ BIRTHS ~ Blake Burke on November 7, 2011 Chris ‘86 and Sarah Andy Seré ‘02 worked as a regional press secretary at the National Republican Congressional Committee from 2009-2010. He now serves as
Andrew Gama on November 20, 2011 Eric ‘00 and Lynne
A KID’S SHOES greater participation,” recalled Kerley. “I was constantly on the As I travel this city and state, more often than not this lookout for runners. Instinctively I would look at a kid’s shoes. I Olde Crusader is proudly attired in green apparel always neatly was looking for shoes that were well run in and not for a brand adorned with the Strake Jesuit logo. Over the years I have noticed name or for an expensive a growing public recognition price tag.” of the Jesuit brand. And, as Once he got of late, it seems to me that the required level of more and more folks are participation, Coach also starting to associate Kerley was ready to set this school with the stellar the next building block in achievements of our Cross place, “We then needed Country program. Jesuit has dedication to the program. had a long history of great That meant not only me runners. Local sports fans and Coach Crowley but also have taken notice and I am the team. Our young men often asked about Strake had to buy in to our year Jesuit Cross Country. round training program – Already inducted into meaning not only during our school’s Athletics Hall the school year but also the of Honor are three such summer. The team would Jesuit speedsters - Mike Novelli ‘75, George Bean Mike Crowley (left) and Mike Kerley (right) are the latest in a long string of coaches to have to run six days a successfully steer the Jesuit Cross Country program. week with only Sundays to ‘81, and Corey Davis ‘90. relax.” The program begins These record setters, with a ‘base camp’ where the team learns the basics of exactly their teams and their coaches are all Strake Jesuit legends. But that what it takes to be a runner. They have to know what to eat and was then, and as proud as we all are, there are always new races what not to eat. They work out with the medicine ball and run in to run. Standing on the shoulders of the great teams and coaches the pool twice a week. that went before them, our modern day Cross Country teams and Clearly dedication works for Kerley and Crowley and our coaches have continued to build the winning tradition. Jesuit team. Their UIL record includes six District Championships. Today coaches Mike Kerley and Mike Crowley head up the They placed 4th in the state last year and 2nd this year! This program. Coach Crowley came to Jesuit in 1989. Coach Kerley year there were four All-District runners, a First Team All-State followed in 1999 just ahead of the transition from the TCIL to winner and a First Team All-Region winner. Coach Kerley, Coach the UIL. Said Kerley, “By the time I arrived on the scene, Jesuit Crowley and the boys adamantly share one specific goal; their had already earned a noteworthy record in Cross Country. Coach motto: “BETTER THIS YEAR THAN LAST!” Summing up the Crowley had played a major role in establishing that winning season past, Kerley is proud that, “We have climbed yet one more tradition. Indeed, Mike built on the winning record of his rung on the ladder. We will continue climbing until we reach the predecessor, Coach Bob Collett. In turn, Collett had taken the top and the top is a State Championship for Strake Jesuit Cross reins from Coach Jerry Martinez and his great teams. Together Country.” Coach Crowley is on the same page and confident they set the bar with an unbelievable 21 consecutive TCIL State that, “we truly have the right program in place needed to make it Championships. But then, with our acceptance into the UIL and happen.” 5A competition, life as we knew it ended. Since then, we have And so it will be. To all the boys who put the “CROSS” in been in the fight of our lives.” Cross Country, to you, I pledge my shield and my sword. Coach Kerley’s first SJ team consisted of only 14 boys. There was no depth and Mike Kerley is a firm believer that depth is the cornerstone, a key factor upon which a successful UIL program George must be built. “If we were to succeed, I knew that we had to have
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PARENTS, if you are still receiving your son’s Chronicle although he no longer lives with you, let us know so we can change our records and send the magazine directly to him. If you enjoy reading the publication but do not receive a copy of your own, let us know that too. We would be glad to send a copy to your son’s new address and continue to send you one.
Strake Jesuit College Preparatory 8900 Bellaire Boulevard Houston, Texas 77036
Contact the Alumni Office at or at 713.490.8153
January 9
Father-Son Pool Tournament
12-16 Father-Son Sophomore Retreat 21
Right to Life Mass
Entrance Exam
February 3
The Tradition Continues this Spring! Sunday, March 4 to be exact.
Ignatian Foundation Series
7-10 Father-Son Sophomore Retreat 9
Parent-Teacher Meetings
Richard Nevle Tribute Gala
Father-Son Hockey
School Liturgy
Guidance & Counseling Presentation: The Next Three Years
Father-Son Bowling
March 4
Spring Fling
Ash Wednesday Liturgy
14-18 Spring Break 24
Ignatian Foundation Series
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