Fall 2009 Chronicle

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Fall 2009








St. Ignatius Arrives on Campus The new statue of St. Ignatius was installed in September plus

Annual Roll of Donors

Houston, Texas

Forty years after it began operations, all but the first six years of that under the capable direction of Jim Gilbert, Strake Jesuit Educational Television (SJET) moved into a new home last March on the third floor of the new Clay Student Activity Center. See page 4 top read more about SJET and their new facilities.




Table of Contents Features A New Home for an Old Friend p. 4 Statue of St. Ignatius Installed on Campus p. 7 Annual Roll of Donors p. 23 Departments President’s Message - 2 Principal’s Perspective - 3 School News - 8 - 11 Development - 12 Spirituality - 13 Alumni News - 16 - 20 Class Notes - 21 - 22 Births - 22 In Memoriam - 22 By George - 56 Fall 2009 Vol. 41, No. 1 Editor Rick Rivers, Director of Communications Contributors Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Richard Nevle Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ Vince Santos ‘83


The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory (USPS 024165) Vol. 41, No. 1, Fall Edition, is published quarterly by Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036. Periodicals Postage Paid at Houston, TX and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036-4699.

President Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Principal Richard Nevle Director of Development NJ Santarcangelo ‘67 ON THE COVER - The new statue of St. Ignatius was installed outside the Lahart Chapel in September and now serves to greet all those that enter the Strake Jesuit campus.

President’s Message

Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ President

When we designed and built the Clay Student Activity Center we knew that the atrium would be a great space. On the footprint of the old cafeteria foyer with its extremely low ceiling, the atrium would stand in stark contrast, its 42-foot ceiling soaring into the air. Those plans became reality when the building opened to students last March. The atrium is indeed a fabulous space. We knew that it would get wonderful use before and after school and during students’ free periods. We have not been disappointed. What I did not expect was how the space would be put to use. Certainly the comfortable leather chairs would provide comfortable reading (and napping) areas. The open space would become a passageway between the parking lot, the Moran Dining Hall and the breezeway. Certainly there would be students regularly visiting the Pastoral Ministry Center and the Spirit Store. I was right in all those things. And I imagined that those library tables would provide relaxing study spaces to finish up or get a head start on homework. That’s where I was wrong. The homework gets done, but mostly in the leather chairs, or other places on campus. But the library tables have become havens for chess matches. Much to my surprise, there are often as many as three chess games going on at each table. Sometimes the games spill on to the floor or to the hassocks in between the leather chairs. Our students continue to amaze me. While some were disappointed when I told them that our student activity center would not have a video game room, I should never have underestimated their ability to recreate in such productive ways. The entire building has become the center of campus. Along with the chapel attached on the south end, and the Moran Dining Hall on the north end, the building is literally a bridge between the academic side of campus and the athletic center. It has certainly become, as we had hoped, the center of the Strake Jesuit campus, another place where students are nourished heart, mind, body and soul. Every time I walk through the chapel, the atrium, the dining hall, each time I gaze to the atrium ceiling to see the blue sky above, I give thanks for our community who has helped to make this extraordinary campus possible. This fall edition of The Chronicle again includes our list of benefactors. I thank each of you who has your name listed here. Your gifts to The Greater Glory Capital Campaign have made our campus renovations both possible and stunning. Your gifts to the Annual Drive have helped bridge the gap between our tuition and the actual costs of running the school. Your gifts to financial aid have made a Jesuit education at Strake Jesuit possible for students who could not otherwise dream of such a life-changing possibility. Your support of the Fantasy Auction and the Spring Fling builds our community while providing additional operational and financial aid funding. Everything we have at Strake Jesuit is the result of generations of alumni, parents and friends who believe in our Jesuit mission of training boys to become Men for Others. Everything we do is for the greater glory of God. Thank you for being part of our mission. AMDG.

Most of us have seen the jewel-thief movies in which the in-

new language for a literature. Haiku was always ahead of its time

trepid thief steals his way into a high security vault, sprays a can of

anyway. There will be contributions to be sure and there already

“mister” into the air which reveals a nearly impregnable array of red

have been. We rely on cell phones when lightening storms knock

and green lasers all set to signal his arrival; the thief wiggles his way

out our power, phones and computers. Anyone who was in Houston

through the lattice work, steals the precious jewel, the music amps

a year ago September knew the importance of finding gas, ice and a

up and the chase begins. If there were a “mister” that would reveal

place to charge your phone. They make us more accessible to one

the stream of radio signals that clouds the atmosphere of any school,

another and release from the need to wait for a call.

coffee shop, or city-street, it would reveal neither a grid nor a lattice

In the meantime however, cell phones are checking the social

work, but a thick dark cloud of congested beams of radiation carry-

growth of a generation not just by cutting people off from the people

ing the signals of mobile phones - voice messages, text messages,

around them, but by increasing the dependence of children on their

pictures, twitters, and bleeps.

parents. Bad news has always traveled fast, but because of cellular

Never have we been so connected and never have we been so

communication bad news travels faster! Instant news means instant

far apart. Schools prohibit the use of mobile devices in the class-

crisis. Most of the time the news travels faster than the complaining

rooms; families forbid texting at the table. The government outlaws

child has time to process the crisis at hand. A panicked message

them while driving in school zones during school hours. Yet we text

home about a difficult test, a broken relationship, or a missed play is

and text often at our own peril and that of others.

often settled in a student’s world before lunch period, but to the dad

There once was a day when teachers, coaches and moderators

or mom who just got the message the visions of crisis magnify as the

could get to know their students on the ride back from a tournament

day wears on; when their child arrives home, the issue has already

or game as the students talked, taunted and teased one another.

been worked out, but worried parents are wrung out and still in a

Sometimes, they even talked to the teacher. Today, the van door

panic mode. More news, faster news, but the information quickly

rolls shut and the mobile devices come out. The students don’t talk

becomes inaccurate, old news and almost as quickly no news at all.

to their teammates sitting alongside of them; they are texting to a

The result is not better communication, but worse.

land far, far away. And if they have no one to whom or with whom

Most importantly, the ability to text a worry home quickly be-

to text, they resort to one of a thousand games that can be down-

comes the assignment of that worry to mom and dad. Once the

loaded. In the midst of a van full of friends, they are alone or they are

worry is assigned, the obligation to address the solution to that worry

far away.

is also assigned. Valuable opportunities about taking care of one’s

Some day in the future they may come out of the electronic co-

own responsibilities, about solving one’s own problems and meeting

coon into which technology and faddism has wound them, but how

one’s own challenges are lost, and it is through solving problems,

long will it take for their wings to dry, and

taking care of responsibilities and meeting

they can take flight in conversation - face to

challenges that youngsters grow. Young-

face conversation. How long will it take to

sters do indeed need to ask for help, and

learn the more traditional language of low-

they need to face the daily world of life and

tech human beings?

work on their own. Instant access to a team

As it is, students are already mastering

of dedicated worriers makes facing that

another written language. As the ancient

world difficult to do and that worry belongs

Egyptians developed a demotic secular

to parents and to the people who teach their

script to get around the complexity of hiero-


glyphics, the mobilers have created a new written script further simplifying the phonetic system. It will b part of how we talk b4 you no it. There may even be grounds in this

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The Chronicle



New Home for an Old Friend by Vince Santos ‘83

Soon after its inception in 1970, Strake Jesuit Educational Television - known better as SJET - faced a questionable future. Just as the school was, itself, facing similiar challenges, SJET held on, made itself viable and last April, 40 years after its humble beginnings, moved into a magnificent new space in the new Clay Student Activity Center.


he SJET Morning Announcement show on Friday, April 17,

2009 was anything 2009 was anything but typical. On this day, the first official broadcast from the 3rd floor of the brand new Clay Student Activity Cencast from the 3rd ter marked a monumental milestone for the campus closed-circuit television station. Quite simply, SJET had gotten a much deserved facelift, and yet another successful piece of the grand vision of The Greater Glory Capital Campaign was in place. While not doomed by any means from its outset, SJET could not have been born at a more difficult time in the school’s history. It was begun in spring of 1970 school year, just before the school entered its difficult financial times following the Sharpstown State Bank failure. It was the brainchild of then President Fr. Michael Alchediak, SJ and the school’s Principal Fr. C.A. Leininger, SJ. Fr. R. Stoltz, SJ oversaw the installation of the initial system and guided the program for the first three years. Dick Triche ‘68 then ran the program for two years and he was followed by Fr. J.B. Leininger, SJ who oversaw SJET in 1975-76. Jim Gilbert has served just about every SJET role since taking the helm in 1976. Taking a moment to truly admire the new building structure, the control rooms, the office space, an actual editing area,


Fall 2009

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and a professional studio surrounded by quality monitors, cameras

Fast forward 40 years and it is easy to see that the decision to

and lights, it’s easy to appreciate the sincere smile displayed across

keep SJET was most definitely the right one. Some of the very fac-

Mr. Gilberts face. The SJET “upgrade” is a concrete sign of support

tors that almost spelled doom for the program in the 70’s have all but

and commitment to an institution at Jesuit that in the mid 1970’s al-

been wiped from the 21st century landscape. Mr. Gilbert points to

most had its plugs pulled.

two distinct factors that have helped SJET not only survive, but even

“Dallas and New Orleans Jesuit had either opted to discontinue

thrive. First of all, the original equipment used was not only difficult

their closed-circuit television programs or were considering doing so.

to work with, but was also cost prohibitive. Over the years, the tech-

We found ourselves at the same crossroads as

nology has gotten much better and the prices

to whether to phase it out or find a way to make it work,” says Mr. Gilbert. Two major hurdles that had to be dealt with in those early years came down to cost and application. Film and video

Fast forward 40 years and it is easy to see that the

equipment were expensive and labor intensive to use. Furthermore, trying to make use of a system that enabled useful programming and information to be broadcast out to classrooms and the


tor relates directly to how the composition of the Strake Jesuit faculty has gradually changed over a 30 year period. Mr. Gilbert points out that, “As our teachers tended to get younger, they also

decision to keep SJET was most definitely the

library carousels had to deal with the harsh reality that there was no programming available at

have come down considerably. The second fac-

became more comfortable with the technology. This made it easier when it came to introducing it to our students and allowed us to broaden the possibilities as to how we could further enhance the educational experience.”

right one.

Students, parents and alumni will most definitely be impressed once they get the op-

Mr. Gilbert explains, “There was no oppor-

portunity to see the SJET studio for themselves.

tunity to purchase programming for our campus because back then

Clearly, this closed-circuit television experiment has survived the test

it simply did not exist.” As there were no programming options avail-

of time. Interestingly enough, Mr. Gilbert cannot help but acknowl-

able, the solution was to make it themselves.

edge one consistent factor that significantly contributed to such a

Thanks to the cooperation of several teachers who took the time

long-standing Strake Jesuit tradition, “throughout all the years, it has

to have their class lectures taped, Strake Jesuit was able to offer an

been the enthusiasm of the students that has been the driving force

educational advantage unmatched by any of their competitors. Stu-

of our success.”

dents, who for whatever reason, may have missed a class now had

the opportunity of watching the lecture in the school’s library. Teach-

Caplinger ‘77, John Harrell ‘79, Beau Duarte ‘85, and Jeff Lovetinsky

“Back in the early days there were men like Bob Adolph ‘73, Mike

ers could have their pre-taped lectures broadcast in their classroom

‘88 that truly left their mark on the things we were trying to get done,”

while they took care of duties or perhaps met with other students for

said Gilbert. He admitted that the list of names who put their passion


into SJET was extremely long, but wanted to make sure that all past

It was not long after SJET’s birth that it became apparent that, in order to serve the school and survive, that its members would have to work with faculty to create its own programming (left) so that students could catch-up on missed lectures and lessons (right). www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

The Chronicle


club members understood that it was their talents and commitment

the way to the early 70’s and still in their now antiquated formats. “I

that made the biggest positive impact.

never wanted to forget where we actually came from,” explained Mr.


Bobby Heubel ‘03, currently close to completion of his Masters

of Science program in Visualization Science at Texas A&M, remem-

Remembering where we came from is a common sentiment

bers Mr. Gilbert recruiting new members for the SJET club during the

shared by most every graduate of Strake Jesuit. Mr. Gilbert, a man

first week of his freshman year. Heubel attests, “I am quite certain

once confronted with the notion of discontinuing SJET, now sits in

that my involvement with SJET definitely put me on the career path

an office surrounded by a state-of-the-art television production facil-

that I am now on.”

ity that was beyond imagination in the early 1970s. The new SJET

For those unfamiliar with the humble beginnings of SJET, Mr.

studio is indeed a shining, much deserved reward for all of the hard

Gilbert has gone to great lengths towards making certain that as

work, creativity, passion and sacrifice put in by Jim Gilbert and all of

much of the original heart and soul of the program as possible would

the dedicated members of the SJET club’s past, present, and very

make its transition to the new surroundings. Truthfully, the bright,

bright future.

shiny luster of the new home for SJET actually still utilizes much of the equipment that resided in the original home. One need look no further than the Archive Room to witness an area housing a mul-

About the author: Vince Santos, a member of the Class of 1983, was an SJET member during his time at Strake Jesuit.

titude of original lectures, broadcasts and projects dating back all

The new SJET facilities include a single new larger studio (top), a dedicated editing room (bottom left), a new distribution room for coordinating the transmission of video to classrooms (bottom center), and a new control room with a large digital control monitor with multiple feeds (bottom right). 6

Fall 2009

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school news SCHOOL NEWS

Statue of St. Ignatius Installed on Campus

Since it first opened its doors to classes in 1961, Strake Jesuit

has had one thing of significance missing from its magnificent campus. It was something that to the casual observer may have gone unnoticed, but to those who had served at the school for many years and to most of the Jesuits who walked through the campus, it was obvious. Where was St. Ignatius? There is a statue of St. Stanislaus Kostka, the school’s patron saint, located next to the Lowman Theater. But, with the exception of some small portraits in a few offices or in the Jesuit residence, there was no St. Ignatius, the founder of the Jesuits, to be found. That was resolved in spirit last April and in reality in September. At the annual Fantasy Auction last April, funds were raised specifically for a statue of St. Ignatius and, on September 10, 2009, the statue was installed. The statue has been placed outside the Lahart Chapel of St. Ignatius facing the parking lot and adjacent to the main walkway entering the campus. “This is a wonderful addition to the Strake Jesuit campus,” said school President Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ. “Through the generosity of those who made this acquisition possible, all those who now enter our campus will be greeted by this statue which speaks on many levels of the mission of the Jesuits and of this school.” Patrick Baker and Sons of Connecticut commissioned the Demetz Art Studio of northern Italy for the original statue. Ivo and Reto Demetz are a father and son team who has been involved in the Ecclesiastical arts trade for their entire lives. They are located in the town of Ortesei which is in the Val Gardena region of Northern Italy. The cast bronze statue of St. Ignatius captures the moment of transformation from soldier/warrior to follower of God and all things peaceful. The process in which the statue is made is a casting of bronze that begins with an original sculpture molded from clay and then a wax cast is made from the clay. The final step is to cast the statue from the wax model. The entire process usually takes four months from start to finish. The piece weighs approximately 500 lbs. and is 5 feet tall. The location at Strake Jesuit is the 4th installation of the piece in the United States. There are pieces at Georgetown Preparatory in Maryland, Fairfield Preparatory in Connecticut and Scranton Preparatory in Pennsylvania.

The new statue of St. Ignatius was carefully placed by the Strake Jesuit Maintenance Crew (top) on Thursday, September 10. The piece is strategically located just outside the Lahart Chapel of St. Ignatis (middle) next to the school’s parking lot and adajacent to the main sidewalk entrance to campus. The statue highlights the moment when Ignatius laid down his sword of a soldier (bottom) and took up his staff and became a follower of Christ. www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

The Chronicle


Come Celebrate! in be celebrating its 50th Anniversary Strake Jesuit College Preparatory will k boo ial spec important milestone, a very 2010-2011. In commemoration of this is currently in production. highlighting the history of the school ry, this impressive collection of pictures Besides recording the school’s rich histo ee table book) will illustrate the essence and writings (bound as a beautiful coff Preparatory experience. of 50 years of the Strake Jesuit College splaces, stories, memories, gifts and bles We invite you to celebrate the people, . 1961 er emb e it opened its doors in Sept ings that have been Strake Jesuit sinc ke Stra er, Web Five” Jesuits, Fr. Jacques In the words of one of the “Founding s” indeed. Those roots, put down alroot Jesuit College Preparatory has “rich in this stunning volume, from the first most a half century ago, will be captured ol in the late 1940’s to the pioneering stirrings of the idea of a Jesuit high scho a uating class of under 100 in 1965 to days of the early 60’s; from the first grad phs; trium the ; from the challenges to current student body of 900 young men ive modern campus. ress from a one-building school to an imp indise its pages will not only relive their Those who open this book and peru to ed ante guar e at Strake Jesuit; they are vidual memories and experiences whil has ity mun t where this thriving com learn more than they knew before abou , parents, faculty, staff, current and ents stud been and what the future holds. All ol will want to own this valuable keep future alums, and friends of the scho r neve it Jesu ke this community knows, Stra sake. As anyone who has experienced leaves you. brate! For together, WE ARE……SJ. So we invite you to come home and cele Dianne Brody 50th Anniversary Book Chair

Just as Strake Jesuit’s mission is to ensure that no qualified student misses the opportunity to attend the school due to the cost, the goal is to make sure that this important and valuable book is afforable for everyone. To assist in accomplishing that goal, underwriting opportunities will be available for the book. Watch your mail in the coming weeks for more on this opportunity to say ‘Happy Anniversary’ in a very special way.

school news



Theology Teachers Visit Holy Land by Mark McNeil

As I write this article, I am flying

“directed” by Arab boys to ancient sites

home from a week of travel in the country

considered holy by Jews, Muslims and

of Israel. In 1993, while in my early 20’s,

Christians. We walked the ramparts of

I took my first trip to this land. I desired

the old city, stood before the Dome of the

to see with my own eyes the places in

Rock, prayed by the Wailing Wall, travtrav

which most of the biblical stories are set.

eled down the steep side of the Mount

It was a pilgrimage with religious motives

of Olives, prayed in the Garden of GethGeth

but also inspired by academic interests. I

semane, touched the water of the Sea of

knew my ability to understand and teach

Galilee, stood in the ancient synagogue

theology would be enhanced by traveling

of Capernaum and over the ruins bebe

through the land, absorbing the geogra-

lieved to be those of St. Peter’s house.

phy, visiting the holy sites and countless

I waded through Hezekiah’s seemingly

archaeological sites and also interact-

endless water tunnel designed to divert

ing with the people who call these lands

Jerusalem’s water supply so that it would

their home. I was richly rewarded by that

be hidden within the city’s walls.

trip and it has profoundly influenced my

I knew this would be a fascinating and inin

teaching through the years.

triguing experience when, only a few minmin

My desire to return to Israel was

utes after landing in Tel Aviv, I found mymy

motivated by an interest in more fo-

self in a theological conversation with an

cused visits to archaeological sites in

Orthodox Jew. Although part of a troubled

and around Jerusalem that I was un-

region with no easy solutions, the Holy

able to see during my first trip. There

Land Land is filled with vibrancy and beauty.

were also holy sites, especially the

Words cannot express the feelings and

Church of the Holy Sepulcher (ancient

thoughts I had when driving through the

church marking the place of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ), that I had not visited before that left a great gap in my experience.

I also wanted to renew my first ex-

perience by traveling through the countryside and seeing again the geography

Mark McNeil on the “Temple Mount” in old city Jerusalem in front of the Muslim mosque called the “Dome of the Rock.” According to Muslim tradition, it is the site from which Muhammad was taken up to heaven. For Jews, it is built on the site of the Herodian temple.

and landmarks that stand at the heart of

tance the blue waters of the Sea of Galilee and knew that it was here that Jesus Christ lived most of his earthly life.

These are only a small number of the many things we did in this amazing

place. I’m confident that, for both of us, not many classes at Strake Jesuit will go

the biblical narratives (e.g., Sea of Gali-

by in which we will not draw from these

lee, Jordan River and Valley, Judean hills and desert, the coastline).

hills of Galilee. I suddenly saw in the disdis

days of experience to help express what we teach.

A third objective in traveling to Israel was to visit sites of signifi-

We offer our deepest thanks to The Fleming Fund for Teaching

cance for the modern history of the Middle East as well as the ongo-

Enrichment for making grants available so that the Strake Jesuit fac-

ing tensions between the major monotheistic religions. I have long

ulty may be enriched, renewed, and more fully informed.

desired, for example, to visit Jerusalem’s Yad Vashem, Holocaust memorial and museum. Such a trip, I believed, would make me a better student and teacher of the great subjects of theology from Scripture to Church history to Comparative Religions.

Looking back over the five days I just concluded in Israel, I be-

lieve all these objectives were achieved. I was fortunate to be joined by my theology colleague, Tommy Romano. Each day we followed

EDITOR’S NOTE: Mark McNeil, who joined the faculty at Strake Jesuit in 2000, currently serves as Chair of the school’s Theology Deparment. In addition, he is a member of the Theology faculty at University of St. Thomas and is a noted speaker and lecturer.

To learn more about The Fleming Grant for Teacher Enrichment at Strake Jesuit and read the experiences of other Jesuit faculty members have who have been awarded Fleming Grants, visit the Strake Jesuit web site at www.strakejesuit.org, scroll over ‘Academics’ in the top navigation and click on ‘Fleming Awards/Grants’ in the dropdown menu.

a grueling schedule of walking and driving from north to south in the country. We walked through dark, narrow streets of old Jerusalem,

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The Chronicle 9

school news


Three New Members Added to Board of Directors The Strake Jesuit Board of Directors

announced the addition ot three new members this fall. These new members are Mrs. Cathy Borlenghi, Mr. Eric Mullins ‘80, and

Mrs. Suzanne Werner.

A native of Milan, Italy, Mrs. Borlenghi

has a Bachelors degree in American Literature and in Foreign Languages from the University of Milan and she speaks five lan-

guages. She has served Houston in many volunteer capacities in the arts, education, and medical communities.

Cathy Borlenghi

Mr. Eric Mullins is a member of the

Eric Mullins ‘80

Suzanne Werner

Strake Jesuit Class of 1980. He received his B.A. from Stanford University in 1984

YMCA of Greater Houston during 2006 and

experience includes banking and real estate

and his M.B.A. from the Wharton School

is now Vice Chairman of that organization.

management. She has been an active vol-

of the University of Pennsylvania in 1990.

Last year he was inducted as an inaugural

unteer in scouting and school. Suzanne’s

He is currently Co-Chief Executive Officer

member of Jesuit’s Athletics Hall of Honor.

Strake Jesuit involvement includes chairing

and one of the founders of Lime Rock Re-

He also serves as Chairman of the Board

Spring Fling and Bible Study, as a member

sources. Prior to starting at Lime Rock Re-

of Trustees for the YMCA Retirement Fund

of Mothers’ Club Executive Board and work-

sources, Eric was a Managing Director with

based in New York.

ing with the Booster Club.

Goldman Sachs in the Natural Resources

Mrs. Suzanne Werner is a native Hous-

Group in Houston, Texas. Eric served as

tonian. She earned her B.A. degree in

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the

Spanish from Austin College and her work

School Year Starts with Record Freshman Class, Enrollment Strake Jesuit College Prepa-

ratory began the new school year with the largest freshman class in the school’s history as well as the largest total enrollment ever. A record number of 247 freshmen joined returning students and a handful of transfers to give the school 901 students on the first day of classes. For those freshman spots, the school’s Admissions Of-

– heart, mind, body, and soul – and prepare

26% represent 11 different religions and

fice processed over 560 applications.

them for the challenges that they will face in

faiths. In addition, 39% of the student body

the 21st century.”

are students of color, including 9% African-

“It is very gratifying to see our enroll-

ment numbers, especially given the cur-

Based on the school’s conviction that

American, 14% Asian, and 15% Hispanic.

rent economic conditions,” noted Strake

no deserving student will be turned away for

Students travel from across the Great-

Jesuit President Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ. “I

economic reasons, this year Strake Jesuit

er Houston area to attend Strake Jesuit.

think it is a testament to the school’s repu-

has provided $1.3 million in Financial Aid to

This year’s students come from 123 differ-

tation across the Greater Houston area.

deserving families based on financial need.

ent schools. Half of those come to Jesuit

Jesuits have been educating young men

The current student body also reflects

from a Catholic middle school, 30% come

and serving the Church since the 16th

religious and ethnic diversity. While 74% of

from other private schools and 20% from

century. We educate the whole person

the current students are Catholic, the other

public schools.

10 Fall 2009

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school news


‘Musicians for Others’ Travel to Jamaica In July of this past summer, nearly a

money to the Florida-based charity Food For

students build up their musical talents and

dozen Jesuit students joined students from

The Poor which, in turn, equipped the boys


St. Agnes and Pope John XXIII on a trip to

at St. George’s with musical instruments.

Martin serves as the music director

Jamaica to meet their counterparts from

The idea for the donation and the trip

for the Alpha Boys School in Kingston, one

St. George’s College Jesuit High School in

came from Jesuit senior John Culbreth and

of Food For The Poor’s Angels Of Hope


his mom, Betsy, while looking through a

schools. Past Alpha students include some

Food For The Poor catalog.

of Jamaica’s most renowned jazz musicians

In advance of their trip, the Jesuit students raised enough money to outfit a

“You can give houses as a donation,

such as Tommy McCook, Johnny “Dizzy”

complete 40-piece band. They donated the

you can give rice for a year, you can even

Moore, Lester Sterling and Don Drummond

give animals,” John

(the founding members of the group The

recalled the catalog’s

Skatalites), Yellowman and many others.


Food For The Poor’s President and

dona“One of the dona

CEO Robin Mahfood grew up in Jamaica

tions was a 40-piece

and attended St. George’s. He says many

band as a package. I

of the students there today face tremendous

thought ‘Wow, that is thought

challenges that, with faith and guidance, can

really cool.’”

be overcome.


As a part of their

“For a child living in the inner city, the

Food For The Poor

lure of gangs, guns and drugs is strong,”

stumission trip, the stu

said Mahfood. “But our band program is de-



signed to give youth an alternative. Pick up


a drum and put down the gun. It is a way

and musical teacher

for children to discover their talents and pas-


sions and seek a better future by embracing


renowned Back Row (l to r): Nancy Clark with Food for the Poor (FFP), junior Alex Moorer, junior Trent La, Madison McMenemy (SAA), Amanda Couch (SAA), senior John Culbreth, John Halbach, Dana Smith (SAA), Cemon (FFP). Front Row (l to r): Trina La (SAA) , Alan Duncan, Hannah Dyer (SAA), senior Marcus Barnett, senior Sunil Joseph.


Martin to help the St. George’s band


Six Earn National Merit Recognition

Five Strake Jesuit students were among the 16,000 named

The five Strake Jesuit National Merit Semifinalists are: Michael

Semifinalists in the 55th Annual National Merit Scholarship Pro-

S. Depinet, Christopher P. Ly, Anand K. Mani, Julian C. Post, and

gram announced by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation.

Carlos D. Siso.

These five Jesuit students now have the opportunity to continue

Another Jesuit senior, Elliot Franshaw, has been named one

in the competition for some 8,200 Merit Scholarship awards, worth

of 1,600 Black American high school seniors to be designated a

$36 million, that will be offered next spring. To be considered for a

Semifinalist in the 46th annual National Achievement Scholarship

Merit Scholarship award, Semifinalists must advance to the Finalist

Program by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Franshaw

level of the competition by fulfilling several requirements. About 90

and the other Semifinalists will have an opportunity to continue in

percent of the Semifinalists are expected to attain Finalist stand-

the competition for approximately 800 Achievement Scholarship

ing and approximately half of the Finalists will be selected as Merit

awards worth some $2.6 million to be offered next spring.

Scholarship winners, earning the Merit Scholar title.

Michael S. Depinet

Christopher P. Ly

Anand K. Mani

Julian C. Post

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

Carlos D. Siso

Elliot Franshaw

The Chronicle 11


Preparations Underway for 2010 Fantasy Auction Once again, this popular event will be held at the Sugar Land

cheon, graciously hosted by Janie and Todd Mason at their home.

Marriott Town Square where an ordinary ballroom will be magically

Grade-level Gift Gathering parties are scheduled for October

transformed into an enchanting garden with the light of a silvery

and November at the homes of three generous parents. All cur-


rent parents are invited to this unique opportunity to socialize with

Join parents, alumni, alumni parents, faculty and friends for a

other parents of your son’s class year in an intimate gathering all the

soiree complete with a divine seated

while ultimately benefiting the school.

dinner and exciting live and silent auc-

Bring an item or a monetary donation


to the party or make it really easy by

All proceeds from the evening

visiting one of our online gift registries

provide funds (last year approxi-

and order an item to be delivered to

mately $400,000) for Strake Jesuit’s

the school (see the Fantasy Auction

financial aid program enabling the

on the SJ website).

school, together with endowed finan-

April may seem far off, but there

cial aid funds, to make over a $1 mil-

are many ways you can participate

lion impact for Strake Jesuit students

right now:

in need.

• Advertise your business or place a

Please visit the Fantasy Auction

personal ad in the auction program.

on the Strake Jesuit website for more

• Be a major sponsor and help under-

detailed information and a variety of

write the costs of the auction.

forms that are available for you to print out, including a volunteer

• Organize a group of friends to donate an item for the auction.

form which lists many ways you can contribute time – a little or a

• Get a group of friends together to attend the auction.


Contact Leigh Stubbs, Auction Chair, lhstubbs@comcast.net or Already, auction chair Leigh Stubbs, along with many other vol-

unteers, is in full swing with the September 15 auction kick-off lun-

Sharon Venables, Auction Coordinator, svenables@strakejesuit.org for additional information.

May 8th Gala to Honor Brother Casey Ferlita, SJ If there is one person that the mere

Chris Billac, SJ, it is certain to be

mention of his name brings waves of Strake

an evening of wonderful memo-

Jesuit memories sweeping back over any

ries, lots of laughs, and maybe a

Jesuit alum, it is that of Brother Casey. A

few joyful tears.

fixture at Jesuit since 1973, Casey has

Br. Casey, who last year was

patrolled the hallways, the parking lot, the

inducted into the school’s Athlet-

covered walkway, as well as the sidelines,

ics Hall of Honor as a member

caring for each student in his own special

of the inaugural class, is one of


the school’s most familiar icons. If you are one of those, know some-

Since his arrival, virtually every

one who is, or if you just want to let Br.

student has come to recog-

Casey know how much you appreciate his

nize Br. Casey. Suffice it to say

almost 40 years of dedicated service to the

some more intimately than oth-

school and its students, mark your calen-


dars now.

and e-mail early next spring

On Saturday, May 8, 2010, Strake

for more information on how to

Jesuit will honor Br. Casey with a spe-

make sure your are there next

cial Gala evening. Just as with past galas

May. In the mean time, circle May 8, 2010

that honored Fr. J.B. Leininger, SJ and Fr.

on your calendar.

Watch your mailbox

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

The Chronicle 13







This is the second in a four-part series highlighting some of the special features of the new Daniel K. Lahart Chapel of St. Ignatius which was completed as a part of The Greater Glory Capital Campaign. The Chapel was blessed at a special Mass on Saturday, January 31, 2009.

Bells Serve as Hourly Reminder of School’s Mission You don’t even have to be on campus to enjoy one of the most distinctive features of the Lahart Chapel of St. Ignatius. The Bell Tower, which stands 163’ 8” tall, is home to a bell system which has reportedly been heard from over a mile away from campus. The Tower of St. Ignatius, named by a generous anonymous benefactor, actually houses two ‘bells’ - the actual bell (the Tower Bell) and a Carillon Electronic Bell System.

The Tower Bell is cast Bronze and measures 36”

across and weighs approximately 2,000 pounds. It was manufactured by the Verdin Company in Cincinnati, Ohio. Verdin bells are in more than 35,000 locations world-wide, including the Smithsonian Institute, Walt Disney World, the University of Notre Dame, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, the World Peace Bell, and the Mayo Clinic. The Tower Bell was a gift of Mitch & Jamie Eichelberger and Family as part of The Greater Glory Capital Campaign. The Electronic Carillon Bell System, also acquired from the Verdin Company, is what is heard marking the hour of the day. The Hour Stroke is preceded by the familiar Westminster Chime, though the system can play multiple pieces. The system was a gift to The Greater Glory Capital Campaign from Penny & Paul Layne and Family.

14 Fall 2009

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Men for Others: “Duc in altum.” “Put out into the deep.”

by Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ

Many times during my annual retreat, I find myself returning to

What is the word we hear deep in our hearts today? What is the

those images and passages from the Bible that have been sources

response we want to make? When is the right time to love our broth-

of great consolation and delight in my spiritual journey. This past

ers and sisters in word and deed? How do we put out into the deep

year, as I walked and prayed my retreat in St. Paul, Minnesota, the

and thereby give of ourselves to others? I believe that the answer is

image God put in my heart came from the Gospel of Luke 5:2-6:

“Duc in altum.” Just as Jesus invited Simon to put out into the deep

“While the crowd was pressing in on Jesus and listening to the word of God, he was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret. He saw two boats there alongside the lake; the fishermen


and lower his nets, Jesus invites us all to go beyond our comfort zone and to bring about God’s kingdom of hope to our brothers and sisters.

Our Jesuit charism says that we


are called to become men and

barked and were washing

women for others. “Duc in altum”

their nets. Getting into one

is a call to realize the charism

of the boats, the one be-

and gift of our Jesuit education

longing to Simon, he asked

in the world God has given us.

him to put out a short dis-

Becoming men and women for

tance from the shore. Then

others is a daily commitment to

he sat down and taught the

live live the Gospel: “For I was hun-

crowds from the boat. After

gry and you gave me food, I was

he had finished speaking,

thirsty and you gave me drink, a

he said to Simon, ‘Put out

stranger and you welcomed me,

into deep water and lower

naked and you clothed me, ill

your nets for a catch.’ Si-

and you cared for me, in prison

mon said in reply, ‘Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing, but at your command I will lower the nets.’ When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their nets were tearing.”

and you visited me” (Matthew


When we put out into the deep through God’s grace and love, our

lives become signs of hope for the hopeless, our hands bring healing and rest for the weary. I know that there are many ways in which we

“Duc in altum.” “Put out into the deep.” Those are challenging

can choose to respond to Jesus’ invitation to put out into the deep.

but deeply consoling words. They are a rallying cry, which calls me

However, I also know that Jesus’ call is a radical call to love and to

to greater trust and faith in the Lord. Jesus comes and sits in the

live for God and for others. If I am called to live out the Jesuit charism

boat with me. He speaks to my heart and invites me to put out into

of being a person for others, I must pray for the grace to be generous

the deep. His words compel me to question the status quo and the

and to never grow deaf to his voice.

complacency of my life. He invites me and challenges me to look

“Duc in altum.” Put out into the deep and let yourself be trans-

beyond myself. He calls me and sends me to live out the faith and

formed by the waters of Grace and Love. Jesus is inviting us to be

love I profess. He challenges me to respond to his words.

Men and Women for Others!

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

The Chronicle 15

lumni news


Reunion Weekend 2009 Brings Eight Classes Back Together Reunion Weekend 2009 was held

ebrated their reunion as well the first

September 18-20 for eight classes. Te

45 year reunion in school history for

reunions ranged from the 40th for the

the first graduating class, the Class of

Class of 1969 to the 5th for the Class

1965. The other classes celebrating

of 2004 and also included the Classes

reunions next year will be the class-

of 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, and

es will include of 1970, 1971, 1975,


1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, and 2000.

The weekend began with a Golf

The specific dates will soon be set,

Outing at Wildcat Golf Course on Fri-

but members of those classes are

day afternoon. That evening all class

encouraged to watch their mailboxes

members returned to campus for a re-

and e-mail for details. Any members of the Reunion

ception hosted by school President Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ in the Moran Dining Hall, which for these alumni, in

Weekend 2010 classes interested in assisting in the planning for

their day was the Smith Gymnasium. Over the course of the evening,

next year’s celebration are encouraged to contact Tim Scalzitti, Di-

alums enjoyed catching up on old times as well as reminiscing with

rector of Alumni Relations at 713.490.8153 or by e-mail at tscalzitti@

faculty members including Fr. Chris Billac, SJ and Brother Casey,



On Saturday evening, the alumni and their wives

and guests once came together for individual class parties. These were celebrated at some of Houston’s finest restaurants including Americas, Churrascos, and the House of Blues.

The weekend concluded in Sunday when the re-

union alumni and their families were invited to attend a special Mass and Brunch. The Mass was celebrated in the school’s new Lahart Chapel of St. Ignatius with the Brunch following in the Moran Dining Hall. Next year’s Reunion Weekend will be taking place

during the school’s celebration of its 50th anniversary. It will also mark the first time that nine classes have cel-

Alumni gather at the President’s Reception in the Moran Dining Hall (formerly the Smith Gym) on Friday, September 18 to kick-off Reunion Weekend 2009.

Class of 1999 Pays Tribute to Classmate Todd Maddox In conjunction with their 10th Reunion in 2009, several members of the Class of 1999 took the opportunity to pay tribute to their classmate Todd Maddox ’99 on the 10th anniversary of his passing. The group, led by Gerardo Interiano ’99, Greg Barra ’99, and Cas Atchison ’99 worked in conjunction with Todd’s mother, Nicki Maddox, to create The Todd Maddox ’99 and Award/Scholarship Endowment. The endowment will support the financial aid program at Strake Jesuit, as well as the Todd Maddox ’99 Award given each year to a graduating senior. Since 2000, the Todd Maddox Memorial Scholarship has been presented to “an excep-

16 Fall 2009

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

tional graduating senior who has consistently developed a Christ-like attitude and lived in terms of that attitude during his years at Strake Jesuit, becoming a role model for his peers.” In response to the creation of the endowment, members of the Class of 1999 raised $11,200 in cash and pledges. Meanwhile, other Alumni, past parents, and friends of the school contributed another $6,990 in cash and pledges, making for a total of $18,225 raised since July 1, 2009.

lumni news ALUMNI NEWS

Catching up on their days together at Jesuit during the President’s Reception on Friday, September 18 were members of the classes of (top to bottom and left to right):

1969: Rick Hinojosa, Kevin Kelleher, Louis Bujnoch, Mike Simpson, Marc Delflache, and Vance Ulsh

1984: Bobby, Nagle, Thomas Gass, John Burpeall, Leonard Carr, Jim Clutterbuck, Matt Hennessy, Keefe, Borden, and Kef Wilson

1989: Don Beck, Warren Voneschenbach, Sean Donohoe, Serge Hudson, and Bryan Brandon

1999: Gerardo Interiano, John Bates V, David Pinto, Travis Hinkle, Lee Newsome, Brad Barta, and Greg Barra

2004: Clint Mendonca, Joseph Mims, with school President Fr. Daniel Lahart, Alex Marti, and Br. Casey,

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

The Chronicle


alumni news


Garcia-Prats ‘94 Receives Prestigious Humanitarian Award

Dr. Anthony Garcia-Prats ‘94, whose

epitomizes the selfless service to mankind

work as a pediatrician with the Baylor Inter-

that characterized Dr. Schweitzer’s life.

national Pediatric AIDS Initiative was fea-

Tony’s contributions to the health and well-

tured in the Fall 2007 issue of The Chronicle

being of HIV-infected children in

of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, re-

Lesotho and Tanzania have been

ceived Chapman University’s highest honor

enormous. He is most deserving

– the Albert Schweitzer Award of Excellence

of this award.”

-- for his achievements in bringing quality medical care to the children of Lesotho and Tanzania.




AIDS Corps since August 2006. He served in the Lesotho Chil-

a special ceremony at Chapman Univer-

dren’s Clinical Center of Excel-

sity in California. Former U.S. Sen. George

lence through February 2009 and

McGovern presented Garcia-Prats with the

currently is leading a scale-up of


the new BIPAI center in Mbeya, Tanzania.

sor of pediatrics with the Baylor Interna-

tional Pediatric AIDS Initiative (BIPAI), an

the Albert Schweitzer Award of

internationally-renowned program of Baylor

Excellence has been presented

College of Medicine and Texas Children’s

to individuals or organizations that

Hospital that provides HIV/AIDS care and

exemplify the spirit and philosophy

treatment to more than 30,000 children and

of the late Dr. Albert Schweitzer, a

families worldwide.

philosopher, physician and humani-

“Tony Garcia-Prats is an outstanding

of service.

Garcia-Prats has been a doctor

The presentation was made during

Garcia-Prats is an assistant profes-

tion that exemplifies Schweitzer’s ethics of reverence for life and his dedication to a life

Since its inception in 1982,


physician and humanitarian,” said BIPAI’s

The Award of Excellence has

founder Dr. Mark Kline, chair of pediatrics at

been given since 1982 at the open-

Baylor College of Medicine and physician-

ing convocation of Chapman Uni-

in-chief of Texas Children’s Hospital. “He

versity to an individual or organiza-

The Fall 2007 issue of The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory featured a cover story on Dr. Garcia-Prats and his pediatric AIDS work in Africa.

Senior Class Gift Welcomes Gessner Entrance Visitors Thanks to the Class of 2009, all those who en-

ter the Jesuit campus by way of the Gessner Drive will receive a true Crusader welcome. As their Senior Class Gift, the Class of 2009 pledged payments to have “We Are SJ” painted on the entrance along with the school shield logo.

The work was completed this summer by a com-

pany from Austin that the state uses to paint similar directional symbols on freeways and highways. The artwork is supposed to last between five and ten years.

Over 60% of the members of the class participated in the Class Gift total-

ling over $15,000 in pledges. The Senior Class Gift, which began with the Class of 2002, is an opportunity for each graduating class to select a project that they would like to pay for through pledges to be paid out over their first four years after graduation.


Fall 2009

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alumni news ALUMNI NEWS

Steve Kamel ‘74 Named Alumnus of the Year Law by the Texas Board of Legal

Steve Kamel, a member of

Specialization in December 1986,

the Class of 1974, has been named

and he is a member of the American

the recipient of the 2009 Ignatian

Association of Justice.

Award which is presented annually

“Steve is forever volunteering,”

to the Strake Jesuit Alumnus of the

noted past Ignatian Award recipient

Year. The award is bestowed upon a

and Jesuit classmate Marcel Frey.

Strake Jesuit Alumnus who meets the following criteria: His life exemplifies

“He leads when asked and just can’t say

the academic, religious, and social val-

‘no’ ‘no’ when someone asks for help. He

ues of the Jesuit tradition; outstanding

comes by it naturally.”

Kamel is a past member of

generosity to the community; professional achievement contributing to the

the Pastoral Council and of the School

advancement of his area of expertise,

Board at St. Cecilia Catholic Church in

and he exemplifies a Man for Others.

Houston. He also is a past President

“I love the school and the Jesuit

of the Strake Jesuit Alumni Association

family so much that it’s hard for me to

and served on the school’s Board of DiDi

imagine an award that could ever mean

rectors from 1985-1987. rectors

He and his wife, Jackie, have

more to me,” said Kamel upon learning of his being named the Alumnus of the

been married since 1979. They have


four children, including two sons who After graduating from Jesuit,

are Jesuit alums, Anthony ’01 and AnAn

Kamel earned his BS degree with Hon-

drew ‘02, one son who is a current Jedrew

ors from the University of Texas in 1978.

suit sophomore, John-Michael ’12, and

He went to earn his Doctor of Jurispru-

a daughter, Allison.

dence from the University of Houston

School of Law in 1981. During his time

the award since it was first presented the

in law school, Kamel was the Associate

in in 1984. He is also the third member

Editor of the Houston Law Review, was

of the Class of 1974 to receive the

Kamel Kamel is the 16th recipient of

on the University Mock Trial Championship Team and the National

award. Past recipients include: 1984-Larry A. Mason ‘66, 1985-Mar-

Mock Trial Team, served as Associate Chief Justice of the Honor

cel R. Frey ‘74, 1986-C. Jim Stewart III ‘67, 1987-Charles S. Atchi-

Court, and earned the American Jurisprudence Award for Evidence,

son ‘72, 1988-Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72, 1989-Patrick J. Moran ‘66,

Remedies, and Criminal Law.

1999-Thomas H. Adolph ‘75, 2000-N.J. Santarcangelo ‘67, 2001-Mi-

He began his legal career with the firm of Dunn, Kacal, Ad-

chael J. Koch ‘75, 2002-The Honorable Frank B. Rynd ‘70 and Ste-

ams, Livingston, Pappas & Law. He then served with Riddle & Wil-

phen F. LePore ‘75, 2003-Msgr. James B. Anderson ‘70, 2004-Dr.

liams, Anderson, Kamel & Todesco before opening his own firm in

Julius A. DeBroeck ‘73, 2006-Dr. Brian S. Parsley ‘74, and 2008-Dr. Joe

November 2003. Kamel was board certified in Personal Injury Trial

Mike Piazza ‘72.

Arizona Alums Get Together Four Jesuit alums and their wives met Jesuit Director of Development (and fellow alum) NJ Santarcangelo ‘67 and his wife, Patty, for a quick reunion in Arizona in June. Pictured left to right: Paul ‘93 and Susan Clifton, Angelo ‘69 and Lucinda Mattalino, Rod ‘77 and Alesia Graves, NJ ‘67 and Patty Santarcangelo, and Jake ‘96 and Jennifer Voskuhl. www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

The Chronicle


alumni news


Three ‘05 Alums Reunite in Alumni Service Corps For the seventh year in a row, the 2009-2010 school

year began with a new team of alumni returning to school as members of the Alumni Service Corps (ASC).This year’s group consists of a full complement of three members of the class of 2005 who recently completed their college education.

The ASC Program, which began in the 2003-04

school year, offers recent Jesuit alumni who have graduated from college a chance to return to school for a year of service while making their career plans. The ASC members live in a house in the Jesuit Community, teach classes and are involved in extracurricular activities. This year’s ASC members include Will Goodyear

’05, who graduated from the University of Richmond with degrees in History and Philosophy. He is serving as a

The 2009-2010 Alumni Service Corps includes three members of the Class of 2005 (left to right) Chris Lemming, Scott Macbeth, and Will Goodyear.

member of the English Department faculty and is assisting with in the school’s athletic program. Chris Lemming ’05 is another member of the 2009-2010 ASC.

Chris graduated from Boston College with degrees in Theology and Hispanic Studies. He is teaching second year Theology and helps with the athletic and liturgical music programs.

The third member of the seventh ASC is Scott Macbeth ‘05.

Scott graduated from Creighton University with a degree in Finance He is teaching Algebra 1 and will also work with the soccer program.

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Fall 2009

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Walt Falgout ‘66 and his wife, Sally, visited New York City this past September. They had a great time seeing the city and saw South Pacific and Billy Elliot on Broadway. They also visited Lady Liberty and Ellis Island.

Ramon Diaz-Arrastia ‘75 and his wife, Jenny, have four children. Paul is a junior at UT-Arlington, Anne a freshman at Washington University in St. Louis, Tessie a senior at Ursuline and Mark is a sophomore at Dallas Jesuit. His wife is a developmental pediatrician in Dallas, and he is on the faculty at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, where he is Professor of Neurology.

Craig Adams ’80 has joined the domestic subsidiary of Spain’s RepsolYPF as vice president of energy marketing. His primary responsibility will be to lead market development in North America while optimizing Repsol’s portfolio of liquified natural gas (LNG) imports. Andy Hill ’81 began doctoral studies at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. He is working on his Ph.D. in human rights. Anil Adyanthaya ’87 lives in Newton, Massachusetts with his wife, Amy, daughter, Mary, and dog, Oscar. He is running for Newton’s Board of Aldermen with the election in November. John Reilly ’88 and his wife, Melissa, welcomed Connor Michael Reilly to the world on May 19, 2009 giving them three beautiful children – Kimmy, 18, and heading off to Texas A&M, Lauren, 17, and now Connor. John is currently the National Sales Manager for Philadelphia Mixing Solutions and lives in Missouri City, Texas.

‘70’s ‘70’s Dr. Joseph S. Coselli ’70 is a Professor and Chief of the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery in the Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery at Baylor College of Medicine, and a 1977 UTMB School of Medicine graduate. He received UTMB’s Ashbel Smith Distinguished Alumnus Award during a ceremony on May 29, 2009. He was also recognized at the medical school commencement ceremony the following day for his considerable achievements.

‘80’s ‘80’s

Richard Stevenson ’79 returned from Operation Iraqi Freedom in mid-2003 and has been on the move ever since. Stops include attending the Air War College in Montgomery, Alabama, Norfolk, Virginia, Bremerton, Washington, and San Diego. Along the way he was deployed to the Persian Gulf/North Arabian Sea as the Intelligence Officer aboard the USS John C. Stennis aircraft carrier. This past year he was promoted to Captain and is currently the Officer in Charge of a U.S. Pacific Fleet detachment in San Diego. He is expecting orders soon with the strong possibility of going to Washington, DC next summer.

‘90’s ‘90’s

Juan M. Castillo ‘93 has announced the opening of Castillo Chiropractic in Houston where he offers chiropractic, acupuncture, and rehabilitation for all wellness needs.

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g


Michael Horn ‘93 graduated from Tufts University with a Ph.D. in computer science in May and started as an assistant professor of Computer Science at Northwestern University. He and wife, Diana, are getting settled in the Chicago area along with daughter Madeleine.

class notes

‘60’s ‘60’s

Russell Guthrie ‘72 and wife Jane recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with a 2-week sojourn through Colorado. While in the Cripple Creek area they had dinner with Greg Liverman ‘72 and wife Wendy. He will be starting his 32nd year of teaching at Oklahoma Panhandle State University in Goodwell where he is an Associate Professor of Communication.

Ryan McConnell ‘95 has joined the University of Houston Law Center faculty as an adjunct professor. He will teach Criminal Procedure: Adjudication in the fall. During the day, he will continue his duties as a federal prosecutor in Houston prosecuting cases ranging from violations of the U.S. export laws to fraud.

Mike Chiste ’96 recently started CC Natural Resource Partners, an energy-focused corporate finance business providing capital raising and M&A advisory services primarily for oil and gas related companies.

Andy Torget ’96 recently received his Ph.D. in history from the University of Virginia, and has joined the faculty at the University of North Texas as an assistant professor of history. He lives in Denton, Texas with his wife, Alexandra, and their son Antonio.

The Chronicle



class notes

Walter Lis ‘98 married Allison Marie Whitman on October 25, 2008 at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church in Crystal Lake, Illinois. Philip Steuernagel ‘98 served as one of the groomsmen. The couple now live in Raleigh, North Carolina where he is the General Manager of American Eagle Airlines in Raleigh.

David Zerda ‘98 will marry Andrea Torres in San Juan, Puerto Rico on November 14. The wedding party includes Best Man Michael Kelly ‘98.

Michael T. Thesing ‘02 and Nancy J. Anzelc were united in marriage on May 30, 2009 at 11:00 in the morning at Church of the Gesu a Catholic Jesuit Parish on Marquette University campus, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Alex Steffler ‘03 is a Mitigation Specialist at the Gulf Region Advocacy Center, a Houston-based charity that provides high quality capital defense to indigents facing the death penalty at trial or retrial. He works with clients to interview anyone they’ve known and collect records on their employment, education, etc. to compile a social history with the purpose of humanizing them and providing a basis for a sentence less than death. Robert Keogh ’04 had the opportunity this past year to live and work as an English teacher in Bologna, a university town in northern Italy. His younger brother Greg ‘07, got to spend the spring semester in Madrid, Spain, so they visited each other a couple of times.

Chris Kruzel ‘99 and his wife, Crystal, were blessed with their first born, Isabella Anna Kruzel, on August 6, 2009. They living in San Antonio where he is in civil service for the Air Force and his wife is a 3rd grade teacher in Northside ISD.

‘00’s ‘00’s

Christopher Thesing ’00 and his wife, Jennifer, welcomed the birth of their first child, Cullan Ryan Thesing, on Monday September 7, 2009.


Fall 2009


John Thomas Bruce ‘00 Brother of R.J. ‘97

Courtland Smith ‘07 Brother of Walker ‘09

Robert S. Bambace Father of Mark ‘77^, Bobby ‘79, and Peter ‘81 Margaret Mary Donna Mother of Charles ‘75, James ‘76, and Thomas ‘86 Raphael V. Duff Father of Charles ‘72, Wayne ‘79^, and Roy ‘81 Dr. Jorge Mario Gonzalez Father of Jorge ‘96 Greg Jungeblut Father of Adam ‘97, Neal ‘00, and Grant ‘04 Leroy J. Lidiak Father of Timothy ‘75 Francisco Alvaro Murcia Father of Fernando ‘83

Fergus O’Leary ‘06 was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the British Army on August 7 at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in the UK. He has joined 8 Regiment, Royal Logistic Corps, based in Germany and will deploy to Afghanistan early in 2010. Christian Grado ‘09 completed Cadet Basic Training at the U.S. Military Academy. The six weeks of training is one of the most challenging events a West Point cadet will encounter over the course of their four years at the academy.

John Neslage, Sr. Father of John, Jr. ‘87 and Luke ‘91

- BIRTHS Connor Michael Reilly on May 19, 2009 John ‘88 and Melissa Isabella Anna Kruzel on August 6, 2009 Chris ‘99 and Crystal Cullan Ryan Thesing on September 7, 2009 Christopher ‘00 and Jennifer

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2008 - 2009 ROLL OF DONORS This, my final letter to you as ChairThis, man of the Board, comes at a very exciting time at Strake Jesuit. This past summer we brought to an end not only the largest Capital Campaign in our school’s history, but the largest Capital Campaign of any Catholic high school in Houston his history. The Greater Glory Capital Campaign drew support from every seg segment of the Strake Jesuit community including current and past parents, alumni, faculty, staff, foundations and the many friends of the school throughout the Houston area. As As a result of this magnificent community effort, I believe that Strake Jesuit Jesuit is firmly positioned as the premiere high school in Houston. While we all continue to admire and enjoy the many new facilities con constructed under the banner of The Greater Glory Capital Campaign, courtesy www.AlexandersPortraits.com time does not stand still. The school administration has begun initial work for the next strategic plan. You will hear more about this exciting project soon. I am delighted to hand over the reigns as Chairman of the Board for the important years to come to the capable hands of Doug Konopka. Doug’s unwavering support of the mission of Strake Jesuit will serve the school well as he works closely with the administration to build on the success of the past while continuing to vision for the future. On the pages that follow are lists of the thousands of alumni, current parents, past parents, faculty, staff, and friends of the school who make the Strake Jesuit mission possible through their continued support. It is that support that enables the school to train young boys to be Men for Others in Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul. Thank you for joining us to make this possible.

Strake Jesuit Board of Directors 2009-2010 Mr. Douglas Konopka, Chairman Mr. Charles W. Adcock Prof. Pedro J. Alvarez, PhD Mr. James Bashaw Mrs. Cathy Borlenghi Mr. Murray E. Brasseux Mr. Robert Clay ‘85 Fr. Justin Daffron, SJ Mr. Neill P. Davis Mr. Stephen Fraga ‘93 Mr. Phillip L. Franshaw ‘82 Mrs. Elizabeth L. Garibaldi Mr. Alexis Gomez ‘87 Mr. Jeffrey Johnson, SJ Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Mr. Eric Mullins ‘80 Honorable James R. Murphy ‘76 Mr. Hunter Nelson Mr. John O. Niemann, Jr.

John O. Niemann, Jr. Chairman

Mr. David A. Novelli ‘83

Publishing this Roll of Donors is a small way in which Strake Jesuit College Preparatory can publicly recognize those who have made cash gifts and gifts-in-kind to the school. Gifts included in this Roll of Donors are those made from July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009. Every year the list grows with new friends who join the dedicated and consistent donors who have supported the School for many years. Each gift is appreciated and every gift is put to good use, whether it be to provide financial aid, renovate or maintain facilities, develop new academic programs or enhance technology across campus. Please take a few minutes to read the names of alumni, current and past parents, faculty and staff, as well as friends of the school who have made a gift this year. Because of their support, Strake Jesuit can continue to challenge young men to learn, lead, serve and grow to become Men for Others.

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

Mr. John O’Shea Mrs. Louise Parsley Honorable Frank B. Rynd ‘70 Mr. Monte Sneed Mrs. Suzanne Werner

The Chronicle


ROLL Ignatius Club

gifts of $10,000 or more

Ignatius Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Anonymous X Anonymous ++ X Anonymous X Anonymous X Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock ++ X Mr. Tom Adolph ‘75 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Richard Agee + X Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers + X Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston ++ Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum + X Mr. Andrew W. Bagot & Ms. Lori L. Cunningham X Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Bambace ++ X ^

Dr. Michael F. Bardwil ‘73 + X Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bashaw ‘80 + X Beathard Family ‘77 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Paul Beck X Mr. & Mrs. James E. Blackwell X Mr. & Mrs. Giorgio Borlenghi + X Mr. & Mrs. Murray E. Brasseux X Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Brock X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Chambers + X Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Chapa + X Chevron ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Clay X Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Clay ‘85 Conoco Phillips, Inc. ++ X D. E. Harvey Builders X Dr. & Mrs. Rabih O. Darouiche X Mr. & Mrs. Crayden Didsbury ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Dobrowski X Duchesne Academy Eddy Knight Family Foundation X ExxonMobil ++ X Dr. & Mrs. Sayed F. Feghali X Bro. Casey Ferlita, SJ Mr. & Mrs. Troy P. Finney Mr. & Mrs. George M. Fleming + X Mrs. Mel Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Humberto B. Galvan X Mr. & Mrs. John Garibaldi ++ X George & Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Roderick L. Graves ‘77 X Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hagale ++ X Harry S. & Isabel C. Cameron Foundation + X Mr. & Mrs. John O. Hastings + X Mr. & Mrs. John Hawkins X Mr. & Mrs. Quinn J. Hebert X Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Henning X Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Herfort + X Mr. & Mrs. Glen Hou + X Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Iglesias ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Jesse H. Jefferies X Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Jenner, III X John & Charlene O’Shea Family Foundation X Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Thomas Kenney X Mr. & Mrs. Duane H. King X Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch ‘75 + X Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kochman + X Mr. Edward E. Krause Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Lee X Mr. James A. & Dr. Sandi Lemming + X Mr. Mark R. Livesay + X Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lynch ++ X M. D. Anderson Foundation X M.D. Matthews Foundation X Mr. & Mrs. R. Stan Marek, Jr. ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Todd A. Mason X Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. McArdle X Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Miller ‘83 X Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Moran ‘66 X Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morris + X Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mullins ‘80 + X Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 & Dr. Kathleen P. Murphy ++ X Mr. Archie Nahigian + X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Nelson ++ X Mr. & Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr. + X Mr. & Mrs. John E. O’Shea, Jr. + X P.J. Moran Foundation X Mr. & Mrs. John S. Parsley X Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 ++ X


Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Pepi X Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ray X Mr. & Mrs. William J. Restrepo X Mr. & Mrs. Phillip B. Ribbeck X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Roberts + X Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Rose + X Dr. Javier Ruiz & Mrs. Eileen Y. Hernandez-Ruiz Scanlan Foundation + X Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Schuler, Jr. ‘69 + X Shell Oil Company ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Monte M. Sneed + X Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Springer ++ Sterling-Turner Foundation X Strake Foundation ++ X Strake Jesuit Community ++ X Strake Jesuit Mothers’ Club ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Sweeney ‘81 X Dr. Ronald Taylor & Dr. Marilyn Mayer X The Brown Foundation, Inc. + X The John G. & Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation The Lyons Foundation X The Terry Crane Foundation X The W. T. & Louise J. Moran Foundation X The William A. & Madeline Welder Smith Foundation + Mr. & Mrs. Emile J. Troxclair X Mr. & Mrs. James L. Walker X Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Walker ‘76 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Walsh X Mr. & Mrs. Shane E. Walsh ‘91 + X Wapiti Energy, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Winters X Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Wyrsch X

Stanislaus Club

gifts of $5,000 to $9,999

Stanislaus Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Anonymous + X Anonymous X Anonymous + X Anonymous + X Anonymous + X Apache Corporation + X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. Arbogast X Mr. & Mrs. Laurance H. Armour, III + X Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Ayers + X Mr. & Mrs. James H. Barkley ‘81 X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Bergeron ‘77 + X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Blizzard + X Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. ++ X Mr. & Mrs. James M. Booth ‘67 ++ X British Petroleum ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun + X Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin X Mr. & Mrs. William A. Callegari, Jr. ‘79 + X Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman X Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Chiste X Mr. & Mrs. James A. Claunch + X Mr. & Mrs. John P. Cogan, Jr. X Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Colvill + X Mr. & Mrs. Michael Philip Cousino X Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Daboval X Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Davies ‘88 Mr. Corey B. Davis ‘90 + X Mr. Peter L. Diaz Mr. Patrick C. Dickson ‘95 + X Mr. & Mrs. Allen F. Eleiott X Mr. & Mrs. Raul Elorduy Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Frank + X Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey ‘74 ++ X Mr. Bryce E. Gama ‘97 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Roberto A. Garcia ‘83 X Mr. & Mrs. Wesley R. Gibson Dr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Gomez, III ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Ramon K. Gomez ‘71 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Hansen X Mr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Hansen ‘93 X Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Heston, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Warren T. Hoeffner Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Kamel ‘74 ++ X X Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Khan

D O NO R S Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Kubiak X Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ + X Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Lauinger, III + X Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Layne + X Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Lord Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Maarraoui + X Mr. Blair H. Margot & Mrs. Margo R. Vafakos-Margot + X Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Martin + X Dr. & Mrs. Angelo J. Mattalino ‘69 X Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. McCormick, Jr. X Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Medrano ‘88 + X Mr. & Mrs. B. J. Mehrinfar X Mr. & Mrs. DeWitt T. Methvin + X The Honorable & Mrs. Gray H. Miller ‘67 The Honorable & Mrs. Robert Mosbacher, Sr. + X Mr. & Mrs. James J. Nawrocki + X Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo L. Nazario X Mr. Ronald E. & Dr. Mary Neal + X Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Nick ++ X Mr. & Mrs. David A. Novelli ‘83 X Mr. & Mrs. David S. Peterman X Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters ‘71 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. David N. Reeves X Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Rhyne + X Mr. & Mrs. Rene A. Richard + X San Antonio Federal Credit Union Mr. & Mrs. David A. Schmidt X Mr. & Mrs. William S. Schrom + X Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel + X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Siegfried X Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sisler ++ Mr. & Mrs. N. Pharr Smith + X Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Smith X Mr. John W. Stevenson & Ms. Robyn S. Rothman X Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Stewart X Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Stoia + X Strake Jesuit Dad’s Club Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sturgis X Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78 + X Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Tanner, Sr. ++ X Mrs. Violet M. Tarpey The Butcher Fund + The Captain Andrew R. Houghton ‘97 Foundation The Coca-Cola Company ++ X The Lynett & Haggerty Families X Mr. Beau Theriot Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Till ‘82 + X Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio M. Torras X Mr. & Mrs. William P. Tosch, Sr. X Mr. & Mrs. Alex S. Trevino X Ms. Theresa Trojacek Mrs. Graciela Vela-Cuellar X Mr. & Mrs. James A. Webb X Wells Fargo + X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Wilson X Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Wolterman X

Crusader Club

gifts of $2,500 to $4,999

Crusader Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Anonymous ++ Dr. Adebayo J. Adesomo X Mr. Robert A. Adolph ‘73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Agee ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 + X Dr. & Mrs. Paul M. Allison American Express X Dr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Ashe X Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Aubin X Mr. & Mrs. Emil J. Bednar ++ Mr. & Mrs. Glen M. Boudreaux ‘67 ++ X Mr. Peter Boudreaux & Ms. Susan D. Fernbach X BP Fabric of America Fund X Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Breen + X Mr. & Mrs. John J. Brennan X Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bullington Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck + X Capital One N.A. Dr. & Mrs. Blase A. Carabello Champion Industrial Sales Company Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Chapman ‘94 + X Mr. James M. Clutterbuck ‘84

Mr. & Mrs. Tracey E. Coats + X Mr. & Mrs. John M. Connolly X Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Crowley ‘81 ++ Mr. Roberto V. & Dr. Deborah S. De Guzman X Dr. Henry ‘78 & Dr. Susan M. Delclos X Mr. Rigoberto & Dr. Dorothy Delgado X Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Dewhurst ‘97 X Mr. Andrew D. Dewhurst ‘01 X Mr. & Mrs. George R. Diaz-Arrastia ‘76 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. William G. Dillon X Mr. & Mrs. Rudy T. Dismuke X Dobrowski L.L.P. Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Donnelly X El Paso Energy + X Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Espenan X Mr. & Mrs. Graham Farebrother Dr. & Mrs. Brian R. Felix Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Fenelon + X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Fernelius Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Fichter X FMC Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Funch X Dr. Sergio A. & Dr. Gabriela Giralt + X Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Gochnour ++ Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez ‘87 + X Mr. & Mrs. James L. Goodyear + X Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Grealish X Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Greenberg X Mr. & Mrs. Luis R. Guerrero ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Gundy Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanratty ‘81 + X Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hanus + X Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Tim Heckler Mr. Russell Heinen & Mrs. Shawn McKean X Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Heisler ‘72 + X Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Heller X Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Henken ++ Dr. & Mrs. David H. Hildreth + X Mr. & Mrs. K. D. Hinkle X Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Hochstein X Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hogan ++ X Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Kevin Houston Mr. & Mrs. William O. Iglesias ‘91 + Dr. & Mrs. Monroe F. Jahns Mr. & Mrs. Victor E. James Dr. John Z. Jia & Dr. Michelle Y. Huang Mrs. Laura Jungeblut ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh + X Mr. & Mrs. William H. Kirvan, Jr. + X William & Linda Kirvan Family Foundation + X Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Knapp Jr. X Knights of Columbus Council 11343 + Mr. & Mrs. Mark Koch ‘73 + X Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Konopka + X Mr. & Mrs. Umberto La Matta + Mr. Joseph E. Lee ‘87 Mr. Thomas Leibowitz & Dr. Victoria Regan Mrs. Antoinette M. Letsos ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Lopez LyondellBasell X Mr. Hunter L. Martin, III + X Mrs. Lisa S. Martin Mr. Larry A. Mason ‘66 X Mr. & Mrs. Gregg E. McBride + X Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. McLamb X Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. McStravick + X Col. & Mrs. Brian L. Mealey, D.D.S. ‘77 ++ X Dr. Daniel B. Merritt ‘86 & Dr. Christine Moulds-Merritt ++ Mr. & Mrs. David C. Meyer X Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Mims + X Mr. Charles J. Minero & Mrs. Terrie E. Bean-Minero Mrs. Lisa A. Miranda + X Mr. & Mrs. Alex G. Montoya ‘91 + X Rev. & Mrs. David E. Moore + X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mosele Motiva Enterprises LLC X Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Neiers X Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Nevle ++ X New York Life Insurance Company X Northstar GOM, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Notestine X Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Sean O’Neill ‘85 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Osborn + X Mr. & Mrs. James G. O’Shaughnessy

Legend: Bold Increased gift from previous year / X Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor / ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving


Fall 2009

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

Mr. Stephen P. Pate & Ms. Jean T. Janssen X Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Pedigo Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Pepper Mr. Anthony A. Pham ‘01 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Piazza, D.D.S. ‘72 X Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Price ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Provenzano Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Quoyeser X Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Raven Ray Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William V. Rogers + X Mr. & Mrs. Mike Rome Mr. & Mrs. William L. Rung, Jr. Russell Investments Select Jewelers Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sheehy Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Skelly X Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Sobiesk X Mr. & Mrs. William F. Sommer, III X Dr. Aldo E. & Dr. Aurora P. Sordelli Spectra Energy X Mr. Scott R. Spencer & Mrs. Mary H. Cook + X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Staudt X Dr. & Mrs. Randall A. Stenoien X Mr. & Mrs. Karl Strickland X Mr. & Mrs. William H. Stubbs Summit Company, LP Mr. & Mrs. Austin L. Tenette X Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Terracina X The O’Neill Foundation X The Plaza Group Transocean + Mr. & Mrs. Randal E. Velarde + X Mr. & Mrs. Todd Vlasak ‘84 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Owen C. Wang Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Wendell S. Williams X Williams Community Relations ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Wilson + X Mr. & Mrs. Tedd J. Winter Dr. & Mrs. William L. Winters, Jr. X

President’s Club

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499

President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Anonymous + X Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Adair X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ainsworth + Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Allen X Amerada Hess Corp. Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Ashy X Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Austin ‘76 X Mr. & Mrs. Sean J. Austin Mr. & Mrs. William R. Baker, III ‘75 + Mr. Thomas E. Baker, Sr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Batdorf Mr. Cletus B. Bayer & Mrs. Cynthia K. Conrad-Bayer + X Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Belanger X Bernstein Global Wealth Management Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Bevans, Jr. ‘80 + X Mr. Stephen Blake ‘83 Mr. William D. & Dr. Betty S. Browne Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 ++ X Dr. & Mrs. Louis J. Bujnoch, M.D. ‘69 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Busa Mr. & Mrs. Florentino Cabello X Mr. & Mrs. Orion H. Campbell, III X Mr. & Mrs. Chris Carmouche ‘87 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. John M. Carrabba Mr. & Mrs. James M. Casey X Mr. & Mrs. Graydon K. Cayce X Central Market + Mr. & Mrs. David E. Chambers + X Mr. & Mrs. Jose J. Chapa, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stanley G. Chapman Dr. & Mrs. Chen-Yu Chiang + X Dr. & Mrs. Gary Clark + X Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Clifton ‘93 + Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Corby M. Collins Mr. & Mrs. James T. Collins X Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. ‘76 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Crane Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Craven + X Mr. William Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Davidson + The Honorable Mark D. Davidson ‘71 & Ms. Sarah Duckers ++ X

Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Deeds ‘76 + Dell Computers Dr. & Mrs. Francesco J. DeMayo Mr. Rod & Dr. Michele Desroches + Ms. Katherine DeStefano Mr. & Mrs. David J. Devine ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Dewhurst ++ Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. DeWitt Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dickerson X DistribAire Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Doherty ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Rupert R. Dominguez Dr. James E. Dowd ‘80 & Dr. Susan Willis + Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Ehrenkranz X Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell P. Eichelberger X Mr. & Mrs. Helder M. Eloy Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Faulk + X Dr. Douglas K. Fernandez & Dr. Nancy Zefo Dr. & Mrs. William E. Fisher X Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Fix ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Flavin Mr. & Mrs. Evan D. Ford Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Franshaw ‘82 X Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Fraser Jr. X Mr. & Mrs. Gaston Gaal + Dr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Galati X Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Gallagher ‘76 + X Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Gangelhoff + X Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Russell E. Garrison Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Gifford Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Gimenez, III ‘84 + X Ms. Kim Godfrey Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Goodrich X Dr. & Mrs. David Y. Graham ++ X Mr. Paul J. Gregor & Mrs. Barbara Divine ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Kayvan Haghpeykar Mr. & Mrs. Mel Hainey, Sr. + X Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Haney + Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hanratty Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Harbin, III Mr. & Mrs. David E. Harvey, Jr. ‘72 X Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Hasenpflug, Jr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Hegarty ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Heinrichs + X Mr. & Mrs. James A. Heiser X Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Heizelman ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Hennings Dr. Marcos & Dr. Regina L. Hermoso Mr. Gilbert A. Herrera + X Ms. Kari Herrera + X Mr. & Mrs. William P. Herrington, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John D. Hill Mr. & Mrs. David Hinners + X Dr. & Mrs. John A. Hipp Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Holbrooke Mr. & Mrs. Jarvis V. Hollingsworth Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Hornberger ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hoskins + X Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Howe ‘76 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Steven Hudgins ‘88 Hudgins Law Firm, PC Mr. James Hull & Mrs. Deborah Schindler + X Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey W. Hutson Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel + X Mr. & Mrs. Juan J. Jones X Mr. Don F. Keating Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Kegg ‘82 Mr. Jason L. & Dr. Agnes I. Kisch + X Mr. & Mrs. Tim Koch ‘82 + Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kruckemeyer X Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart + X Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Lanier Mr. Yi Li & Mrs. Helen Han X Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lloyd Ms. Maria Luque Mr. & Mrs. Khanh K. Ly Ms. Yuen-Yee Ma Dr. & Mrs. John V. Marymont Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Matlock ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. McBee X Dr. & Mrs. Kevin W. McEnery Mrs. Thomas McErlean ++ Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. McKay X Mr. John W. McKirahan, Jr. ‘67 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Mealey ‘80 + X Mr. & Mrs. James F. Meara + X Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Meece Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Meggs Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Messina X

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Miller + Mr. & Mrs. R. K. Miller, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Monmouth Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Moore + X Mosbacher Operating, Ltd Mr. Christopher J. Napoli ‘87 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Armando Nart Mrs. Marguerite Newcomer Mr. Tuan A. Nguyen & Dr. Crystal V. Phi Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Nijoka + X Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Jr. ++ X Northwestern Mutual Life ++ Mr. & Mrs. R. Mark Nugent ++ X Occidental Petroleum Corp. X Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ormand Mr. & Mrs. F. W. Othon ++ Mr. & Mrs. Jesus M. Pacheco X Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Padon ‘68 ++ Mr. & Mrs. William N. Pederson Mr. & Mrs. James S. Peery ‘80 + Mr. & Mrs. Chris Pesek ‘80 + Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Petrick Mr. & Mrs. Kirk M. Pfeffer X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Pielech Mr. & Mrs. John P. Posway X Mr. & Mrs. Dean M. Price Mr. & Mrs. Piero M. Puccini + X Dr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Quinn, Jr. X Dr. & Mrs. Harry F. Richards ++ Mr. & Mrs. George A. Rizzo + Dr. Miguel A. & Dr. Maritza Rodriguez-Homs Mr. & Mrs. Drew E. Rohde + X Mr. & Mrs. James P. Rooney X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Ruck Dr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Ruiz X Mr. & Mrs. Rick A. Rumford Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sacra ‘74 ++ X Mr. Mark M. Sadykhov & Mrs. Irene Y. Sheytman Mr. Peter Sanguesa ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Sappington Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Sasso Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Schiller X Mr. & Mrs. John A. Schmidt Mr. Richard J. Schmitt Mr. William J. Schneidau ‘80 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schneider X Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Schulz + X Mr. & Mrs. James E. Scott X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Seitz Mr. & Mrs. Darby Seré ++ X Seré Family Foundation Capt. Samuel M. Shelton, USN ++ Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Shoebotham Mr. & Mrs. Mike D. Silvestre Mr. & Mrs. Randal L. Simpson Ms. Martha B. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. William J. Sisak Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Snider + X Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Steinhubl X Mr. & Mrs. David R. Stewart ‘69 ++ X Mrs. Gretchen Braun Stewart X Mr. & Mrs. William M. Sutton Mr. Thomas F. Taylor ‘66 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Pete W. Ten Eyck X The Felvis Foundation The Andrews Foundation + X Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Thiele X Mr. & Mrs. Quoc V. Tran Mr. & Mrs. Barkat A. Umatiya Mr. & Mrs. Guy P. Vachon Valobra Anitques & Jewelry Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vanderslice Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey + X Wachovia Corporation Dr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Wall + X Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Walters Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Walters X Mr. Thomas L. Warden & Mrs. Laura A. Espinosa Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Weatherl, Sr. Dr. Tara L. Wegryn X Mr. Nathan A. & Mrs. Lisa A. Wesely Dr. & Mrs. Wayne O. Whitney Mr. & Mrs. D. Patrick Whitty ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Warren A. Williams X Mr. & Mrs. Clifford E. York + X Mr. & Mrs. Billy Zaleski ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Zerda + Mr. & Mrs. Antonio P. Zubizarreta ‘91 + X

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Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Anonymous + X Anonymous + X Anonymous + X Anonymous Mr. John C. Adolph ‘00 + Mrs. Linda C. Adolph Mr. & Mrs. Brett T. Agee ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Aguiar Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Aiuvalasit ‘67 X Albemarle Corporation Dr. Eugene L. Alford & Dr. Mary L. Alford Mr. & Mrs. David R. Almaguer ‘77 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Almond Alvin Gee Photography Mr. & Mrs. Gonzalo Amador ‘80 X Ameriprise Financial Amigas Club of Strake Jesuit Dr. Jack An ‘87 & Dr. Karen Klatte Anadarko Petroleum Corporation ++ Anheuser-Busch Mr. Paul A. Antolik & Ms. Barbara L. Bone + X Archer Chrysler-Jeep-Suzuki, Inc Mr. & Mrs. Frank Arguello, Jr. + X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Ash, CPM ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Autry + X Dr. Behnam Azhang & Mrs. Elizabeth A. Hall X Mr. & Mrs. Arnold D. Azios ‘76 + X Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Baca + Mr. J. Neal Badgett ‘00 + Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Bailey ‘75 X Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Baker + Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Balhoff Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bambace ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Thanh K. Banh Mr. & Mrs. James W. Bartlett, Jr. ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Hal Bean ‘78 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Stanley B. Bell Bellaire Family Orthodontic Mr. & Mrs. Trevor C. Bello X Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Benigno X Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Bentz ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Berggren ‘81 Dr. & Mrs. John E. Bertini, Jr. ‘74 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. John A. Best X Mr. & Mrs. Steven Black Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Blaschke Mr. & Mrs. James Blaschke Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Block X Dr. & Mrs. Jeffery L. Blume Mr. & Mrs. Gene L. Bostwick Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Branda ‘71 ++ X Dr. Dale J. & Dr. Carol R. Brant Mr. & Mrs. Steven V. Brewer + X Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Brill X Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brody X Brookfield Properties X Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Brown + X Mrs. Joann Brown Dr. & Mrs. Gerardo Bueso + X Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Chris Burke ‘86 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Burns + X Mr. & Mrs. L. Christopher Butler ‘68 X Mr. David R. Byrnes ‘80 + Mrs. Catherine Byrnes X Mr. & Mrs. Edward Campana ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cannistra ‘85 + Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Cannon ‘69 + Mr. & Mrs. Luis J. Cardenas ++ Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Carmouche X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Carroll X Mr. Rocky Carroll Dr. Gaston L. Casillas & Dr. Carmen E. Gonzalez-Casillas Mr. & Mrs. John T. Cater Mr. & Mrs. Chris Catlett X Mr. Tom Causey ‘87 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh + X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh ‘68 + Mr. Gerald M. Cawley & Dr. Regina S. Okhuysen-Cawley X Charity Guild of Catholic Women + Mr. & Mrs. Francisco J. Chavarria Mr. Stephen Chen ‘03 Mr. Kelley A. Chisholm ‘92 Dr. & Mrs. Lamy Chopin, III ‘87 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Bruce N. Clay ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Clemons + X

The Chronicle 25

Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Clutterbuck Mr. & Mrs. Jerry R. Colca, Ph.D. ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. David W. Cole + X Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Connell, Jr. + X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Connell ‘78 Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly ++ X Mr. & Mrs. David W. Corban Mr. & Mrs. Juan R. Correa ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Counter + X Cram Crew X Mr. Robert E. Crane, II ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Crist X Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Cronin ‘72 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Crowley ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. John E. Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Emlyn B. Davies + Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Day ‘69 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. John M. De Franco + X Dr. & Mrs. Jorge de la Torre ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dearborn, Jr. X Mr. Joseph DeBakey ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Delouche + X Mr. & Mrs. Clarke A. Denney Mr. & Mrs. David Depinet Deutsche Bank Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. DeVries Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt + Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Dolan + Mr. & Mrs. Robert Donlin Mr. M. B. Dorr ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Doyle + Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Doyle Dr. Robert H. and Joanne M. Williams Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Vincent O. Droughton Mr. & Mrs. John K. Dubiel Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Duffy ++ Mr. & Mrs. Marc S. Dunham ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. David Dybell ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Norman K. Ebner ‘85 ++ Edward & Helen Oppenheimer Foundation Dr. & Mrs. John Eichelberger Dr. & Mrs. John J. Eick ‘67 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ekonomou, II Mr. & Mrs. Martin E. Elizondo Energy XXI X Etui Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Evans X Mr. & Mrs. Pat R. Falcone X Fat Dads Basketball Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Feehan ‘67 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Feldman Mr. & Mrs. Terry J. Felton Finkelstein Partners Dr. & Mrs. Diego E. Fiorito Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming ‘69 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Fletcher Mr. L. Patrick Flynn ‘75 Mr. Carey T. Ford ‘93 X Mr. & Mrs. Vincent D. Foster + X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman ‘69 ++ Galerie Zuger Mr. Matthew W. Gallagher ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. Alberto E. Garcia, Jr. + Dr. Francisco & Dr. Magda Garcia-Torres X Mr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Garibaldi Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Garvis ‘88 + X Dr. Joseph C. Gathe, Jr. ‘74 GE Foundation X Mr. & Mrs. Reed M. George Ms. Jennifer M. George Mr. & Mrs. Greg A. Germani Dr. Paul W. ‘82 & Dr. Milvia P. Gidley + X Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Gidley ‘79 + X Mr. Neil Gidley ‘87 X Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Giesler, Jr. ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon C. Gill Mr. C. A. Gillan & Mrs. Cathy S. Nunnally + X Gittings Studios Mr. Christopher J. Glaser ‘02 Mr. & Mrs. David M. Glass ‘85 Mr. John H. Glover ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. John A. Glynn X Mr. Joseph L. Gocke & Ms. Diane M. Malley X Mrs. Joe Green Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Griffin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Ted Guthrie, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Tyler S. Hahn Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Hale, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamlin ‘70 ++ Dr. & Mrs. William F. Hanson ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hardin ‘86 + Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Harrison + Mr. & Mrs. Eric Hathorn ‘85 Ms. Linda A. Hatler X Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hawes Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Z. Hawthorne ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. Carl R. Hennagir Dr. & Mrs. Charles S. Henry Mr. Michael C. Henry ‘67 & Ms. Trudy Hansen + Mr. Guillermo Hernandez-Ching & Mrs. Laura N. Esquivel + X Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Herrin, Jr. ‘76 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Herrin, III ‘78 + Mr. & Mrs. James A. Highberger ++ X Hilton America’s Houston Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Hinson ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. ‘77 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Holden ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Holland Dr. & Mrs. L. Russell Hollenbeck, D.D.S. Mr. Justin Holy ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey John Horner X Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hosty + X Houston Wine Merchant Mr. & Mrs. James M. Howard + X Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Howe Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hudec Mr. Shane W. Hudson ‘93 X Mr. & Mrs. William T. Huskinson X Dr. & Mrs. John O. Ike Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Inman ‘76 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Inman ‘74 + Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Jackson ‘69 Dr. & Mrs. Mark S. Jacobs + X Mr. Lee James Mrs. Pat Janda Mr. & Mrs. Dale S. Janik + X Mr. & Mrs. William R. Johnson ‘80 Mr. Elbert Johnson X Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Johnston ‘76 Dr. & Mrs. Howard Jones Mr. Ernest C. Jones ‘97 Mr. Christopher Jordan ‘85 ++ Mrs. Donna P. Josey JP Morgan Chase Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kafka Mr. & Mrs. Dorian C. Kawar Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Keating Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell ++ Mr. J. Grover Kelley ‘68 + Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Kelly Mr. Mike Kerley + X Mr. Brad Kerwin ‘91 & Mrs. Stephanie J. Sullano Mr. & Mrs. Manzar Khan Dr. & Mrs. James M. Killian + X Mr. & Mrs. Mick Klein ‘79 X Mr. & Mrs. Chad Knipe ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Jim G. Koch ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Koch ‘76 + Mrs. Nancy Koch + Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kostelnik + Mr. Dana B. Kraft ‘89 Mr. & Dr. Tan M. La Mr. Michael Lacey ‘92 & Mrs. Alechia Crown Mr. & Mrs. George C. Laflin ‘72 X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Landry Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Langemeier Mr. Zachary S. Langenkamp ‘97 + Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Lassus X Dr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Laucirica X Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Lavery Mr. Thomas Lea ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Joe LeBlanc Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Lee ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. James M. Legg Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Legler Mr. Stephen F. LePore ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. Light ‘75 Lighting, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lojo ‘91 + X Mr. & Mrs. Olle L. Lorehn, Jr. ‘67 ++ X Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Lucci, M.D. ‘80 X Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Luna ‘86 ++ Mr. Alec Luong ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald O. Luster ‘92 X Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Lykos + X

Mr. & Mrs. George D. Lyons III X Mr. & Mrs. Adam A. Mackie ‘98 Dr. & Mrs. George E. Madjitey Mr. & Mrs. John R. Madsen + X Mr. David Maggard Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Malek, Jr. X Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Malley Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Malsam Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Mann, Ph.D. ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Mansour X Marathon Oil Company Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Marco Ms. Gina Marlin Mr. Chad Marti ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. John Martin ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Masera + X Mr. Stephen Masoomian & Mrs. Katharine Breaux Mr. & Mrs. Abelardo Matamoros Dr. & Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Mateker ‘75 ++ Mrs. Lois A. Mathews ++ Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. McAuliffe ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Harvey E. McBee + X Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy ++ Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. John L. McConn X Mr. Christopher P. McConn ‘91 + Mr. & Mrs. John J. McCourt + X Mr. & Mrs. William J. McDonald + X Mr. & Mrs. Jerry M. McElwee Mr. Mark W. McGrath ‘72 + Mr. James E. ‘74 & Dr. Theresa K. McLean ++ X Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon + X Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McMahon ‘88 X Mr. Troy McNabb ‘82 ++ Memorial Athletic Club Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Mengis + Mr. & Mrs. Brian Merchant ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Tatcho Mindiola Dr. & Mrs. Michael T. Mineo ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell Jr. X Mr. Richard J. Morales ‘79 & Mrs. Amanda Vavilala + Morgan Stanley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Mouch Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Mouton ‘70 + Dr. & Mrs. Clifford K. Moy ‘77 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Muchard ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. William R. Munson Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras + X Mr. & Mrs. James W. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Mustachia ‘67 ++ Mr. Gilbert A. Naert, Jr. ‘67 X Mr. & Mrs. Emil A. Nakfoor ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo M. Narvacan Mr. & Mrs. Reagan Nash ‘87 ++ Mrs. Anna H. Nguyen Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Noe Mr. & Mrs. Earl A. Norra ++ Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Novelli ‘74 X Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Novelli ‘75 X Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Ojeniyi Mr. Michael J. Olivares & Mrs. Molly K. Alex Mr. & Mrs. George S. Ontko + Dr. Glenda G. Owen, D.D.S. Mr. Thomas H. Padgett ‘82 X Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Panaligan Dr. Thomas Parr Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pellerin Mr. & Mrs. Ward W. Pendleton Penn Virginia Corporation X Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Pepin X PepsiCo Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Peters X Mr. Jeffrey L. Petersen ‘97 Mr. Daviz T. Pham ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Khanh T. Phi Mr. Pascal P. Piazza ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pilegge Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pipitone X Mr. Raymond Plank Mr. William L. Pribyl & Mrs. Norma L. McLellan X Prudential Mr. Albert Ramos ‘80 Dr. Srinivas Rao & Dr. Claudia Orengo Rao Mr. & Mrs. James S. Redman + X Mr. Mark E. Reed ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Reilly ‘81

Dr. Robert H. Reuter ‘85 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Clarence W. Rife + X Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rivers + X Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Roberts ‘93 + X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Roberts Ms. Tamera M. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Melvin D. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Matthew L. Rogers X Mr. Carlos E. Roman + X Mr. Thomas G. Romano + X Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Roth ‘71 ++ The Roth Family Foundation ++ Dr. Robert C. & Dr. Kathleen Ryan The Honorable Frank B. Rynd ‘70 + X Mrs. Lorraine Sanche Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67 + X Mr. & Mrs. Karl Schmidt ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. John V. Schmitt ‘90 + Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schneidau ‘82 ++ X Mr. Philip M. Schneidau ‘69 ++ X Secor Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Senac ‘66 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sepulveda Dr. Angelo Sermas & Dr. Marsha Soechting + X Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Shappee Mr. & Mrs. George V. Sherman, Jr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. Valiente B. Sibal X Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Simpson ‘69 + X Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sirgo ‘83 + Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Skelton + Mr. & Mrs. Petros Skoumpourdis Mr. & Mrs. George E. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Smith ‘82 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Solcher ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. William R. Spence Mr. & Mrs. James J. Spring, III ‘65 Mr. Timothy E. Squyres ‘74 & Mrs. Karen L. Brune X Mrs. Margaret Stacy Mrs. Elizabeth Standish ++ Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Stangel Ms. Mary Anthony Startz + X Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Steffler ‘92 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Stewart + Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Stewart ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. Trey Strake ‘78 + Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Suhor Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Swain ‘72 Ms. Wanda Tan Mr. Lawrence E. Tanner, Jr. ‘84 X Target + Mr. & Mrs. W. B. Tarver X Texas Instruments Foundation The Meadows Foundation The Next Level Fitness The Pines Catholic Camp Mr. & Mrs. Allan Theall ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Joe F. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Bart V. Thomeer ‘75 + Total Gas & Power North America, Inc. X Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Trainer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Triplett + X Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Twardowski ‘95 + Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Underwood Dr. & Mrs. John Vanderzyl, M.D. ‘82 + Ms. Lynn C. Veazey X Mr. & Mrs. Wilfredo C. Velasquez Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Lanny T. Vlasak Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. VonBorstel Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Wakeland X Mr. Frederic C. Warner, Jr. ‘78 Mr. Mark E. Watson, III ‘82 + Mr. & Mrs. David D. Welsh X Westside Tennis & Fitness Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitlow + X Dr. Simon N. Whitney & Dr. Judy Levison X Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Whitty Mr. Aaron P. Williams ‘98 Mr. John E. Williams, Jr. Mr. Bruce Wiltshire ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Winkley Mr. & Mrs. Erik Wollam ‘86 ++ Mr. Christopher Woods Ms. Lynn C. Woods Mr. & Mrs. John A. Work Mr. Yuemei L. & Dr. Elizabeth L. Yang Mr. & Mrs. James W. Young + X Mr. & Mrs. Werner T. Zapp ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Zimmerman ‘67 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Zimmerman, Jr. ‘68 + X

Legend: Bold Increased gift from previous year / X Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor / ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving


Fall 2009

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Gifts to the Parent Drive are used to bridge the gap between tuition and the actual operating costs at Strake Jesuit. Giving club classification is based on total giving including donations to the Parent Drive, Alumni Drive, General and Endowed Scholarships, Capital Gifts, and other Annual Giving campaigns.

CLASS OF 2009 Parent Drive 2008: $186,332 Total Giving: $507,069 Total Members: 233 Members Participating: 138 Participation: 59%

Ignatius Club

gifts of $10,000 or more Ignatius Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Anonymous ++ X Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum + X Mr. & Mrs. James E. Blackwell X Mr. & Mrs. Giorgio Borlenghi + X Mr. & Mrs. Humberto B. Galvan X Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Henning X Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Herfort + X Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kochman + X Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morris + X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Nelson ++ X Dr. Ronald Taylor & Dr. Marilyn Mayer X

Stanislaus Club

gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 Stanislaus Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Blizzard + X Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin X Mr. & Mrs. Roberto A. Garcia ‘83 X Mr. & Mrs. Wesley R. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Kubiak X Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Lauinger, III + X Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Martin + X Mr. & Mrs. B. J. Mehrinfar X Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo L. Nazario X Mr. & Mrs. David S. Peterman X Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters ‘71 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Rhyne + X Mr. & Mrs. N. Pharr Smith + X Mr. John W. Stevenson & Ms. Robyn S. Rothman X Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Stewart X Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sturgis X Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Till ‘82 + X Mr. & Mrs. James A. Webb X Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Wolterman X

Crusader Club

gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 Crusader Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Dr. Adebayo J. Adesomo X Dr. & Mrs. Paul M. Allison Dr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Ashe X Mr. Peter Boudreaux & Ms. Susan D. Fernbach X Mr. & Mrs. John M. Connolly X Mr. & Mrs. Rudy T. Dismuke X Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Espenan X Dr. Sergio A. & Dr. Gabriela Giralt + X Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanratty ‘81 + X Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Heisler ‘72 + X Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Henken ++ Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Hochstein X Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. McStravick + X Mr. & Mrs. David C. Meyer X Mr. Stephen P. Pate & Ms. Jean T. Janssen X Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Pedigo Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Pepper Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Provenzano Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sheehy Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Sobiesk X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Staudt X Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Terracina X Mr. & Mrs. Randal E. Velarde + X Mr. & Mrs. Wendell S. Williams X

President’s Club

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499 President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Allen X Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Belanger X

Mr. & Mrs. Orion H. Campbell, III X Mr. & Mrs. Graydon K. Cayce X Dr. & Mrs. Gary Clark + X Mr. & Mrs. Rupert R. Dominguez Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell P. Eichelberger X Dr. & Mrs. John A. Hipp Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hoskins + X Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kruckemeyer X Mr. Yi Li & Mrs. Helen Han X Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. McBee X Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Mealey ‘80 + X Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Meggs Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Monmouth Mr. & Mrs. Jesus M. Pacheco X Dr. Miguel A. & Dr. Maritza Rodriguez-Homs Mr. & Mrs. Drew E. Rohde + X Mr. & Mrs. James P. Rooney X Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Schiller X Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schneider X Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Schulz + X Mr. & Mrs. James E. Scott X Mr. & Mrs. William J. Sisak Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Steinhubl X Mr. & Mrs. Quoc V. Tran Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vanderslice Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Weatherl, Sr. Dr. Tara L. Wegryn X Mr. & Mrs. Warren A. Williams X

CLASS OF 2010 Parent Drive 2008: $167,082 Total Giving: $502,030 Total Members: 228 Members Participating: 142 Participation: 62%

Ignatius Club

gifts of $10,000 or more Ignatius Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bashaw ‘80 + X Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Brock X Dr. & Mrs. Rabih O. Darouiche X Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Dobrowski X Dr. & Mrs. Sayed F. Feghali X Mr. & Mrs. Jesse H. Jefferies X Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Thomas Kenney X Mr. & Mrs. Duane H. King X Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 & Dr. Kathleen P. Murphy ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Pepi X Mr. & Mrs. Phillip B. Ribbeck X Mr. & Mrs. James L. Walker X Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Winters X

Stanislaus Club

gifts of $5,000 to $9,999

Magis Club

Stanislaus Club level donors are invited to the annual

gifts of $500 to $1,499

President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Balhoff Mr. & Mrs. Trevor C. Bello X Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Benigno X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Carroll X Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Doyle Dr. & Mrs. John Eichelberger Dr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Laucirica X Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Lykos + X Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Malsam Mr. & Mrs. Jerry M. McElwee Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Noe Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Stangel Mr. & Mrs. Bart V. Thomeer ‘75 + Dr. Simon N. Whitney & Dr. Judy Levison X Mr. & Mrs. John A. Work

Mr. & Mrs. William A. Callegari, Jr. ‘79 + X Mr. & Mrs. Michael Philip Cousino X Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Frank + X Mr. & Mrs. Warren T. Hoeffner Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Khan X Mr. & Mrs. James J. Nawrocki + X Mr. & Mrs. Rene A. Richard + X Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Smith X Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Stewart X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Wilson X

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Anonymous X Mr. & Mrs. Francisco A. Arevalo Mr. & Mrs. Karl D. Bartholomew + X Mr. & Mrs. Allen J. Bertagne Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Biba Mr. & Mrs. Barron Bogatto ‘78 X Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Castillo Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Y. Chee Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Coffield Mr. & Mrs. Jabib Dacak + Mr. Steven M. Duble ‘82 + Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Dunbar X Mr. & Mrs. Allen J. Feinberg Mr. & Mrs. Billy Frazier Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Haesly Mr. & Mrs. William D. Harding Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hohlt X Mr. & Mrs. Mark Luyster X Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Melson Mr. & Mrs. Garry P. Mendonca Ms. Sarah A. Mercier-Williams Mr. & Mrs. Angelo A. Mira Mr. & Mrs. Clyde D. Munoz X Mr. & Mrs. Luis F. Nunez Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Oaks Ms. Kay Paschall Mr. & Mrs. Manoj G. Perera Mr. & Mrs. Alan P. Petrov ‘79 + X Mr. Ron Ripley & Mrs. Martha H. Keller Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ung Mr. & Mrs. Rodney D. Vannerson Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo R. Watson Mr. & Mrs. Herman W. Wilkins Mr. Mark E. Wilson & Mrs. Sheila M. Condon X

Crusader Club

gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 Crusader Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Dr. & Mrs. Blase A. Carabello Mr. Rigoberto & Dr. Dorothy Delgado X Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Donnelly X Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Greenberg X Mr. Russell Heinen & Mrs. Shawn McKean X Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Kevin Houston Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh + X Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Konopka + X Mr. Thomas Leibowitz & Dr. Victoria Regan Mr. Hunter L. Martin, III + X Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. McLamb X Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. McStravick + X Mr. Charles J. Minero & Mrs. Terrie E. Bean-Minero Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Notestine X Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Osborn + X Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Piazza, D.D.S. ‘72 X Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sheehy Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Williams

President’s Club

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499 President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Adair X Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Ashy X Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Austin ‘76 X Mr. & Mrs. James T. Collins X Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Davidson + Dr. & Mrs. Francesco J. DeMayo Dr. Douglas K. Fernandez & Dr. Nancy Zefo Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Franshaw ‘82 X Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Fraser Jr. X Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Gallagher ‘76 + X Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Russell E. Garrison Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Goodrich X

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

Mr. & Mrs. William P. Herrington, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John D. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Jarvis V. Hollingsworth Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart + X Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lloyd Mr. & Mrs. Khanh K. Ly Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. McKay X Mr. & Mrs. Dean M. Price Mr. & Mrs. Barkat A. Umatiya Dr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Wall + X

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Anonymous + X Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Aguiar Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Baca + Mr. & Mrs. Thanh K. Banh Dr. & Mrs. John E. Bertini, Jr. ‘74 ++ X Dr. Gaston L. Casillas & Dr. Carmen E. Gonzalez-Casillas Mr. & Mrs. David Depinet Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. DeVries Mr. & Mrs. Vincent O. Droughton Mr. & Mrs. Alberto E. Garcia, Jr. + Mr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Garibaldi Ms. Jennifer M. George Mr. & Mrs. Gordon C. Gill Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Hale, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Charles S. Henry Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey John Horner X Mr. Brad Kerwin ‘91 & Mrs. Stephanie J. Sullano Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Landry Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Lassus X Mr. & Mrs. George D. Lyons III X Dr. & Mrs. George E. Madjitey Mr. & Mrs. John J. McCourt + X Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell Jr. X Mr. & Mrs. James W. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Ojeniyi Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Panaligan Mr. & Mrs. Ward W. Pendleton Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Pepin X Mr. & Mrs. Khanh T. Phi Mr. & Mrs. James P. Reilly ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sepulveda Mr. & Mrs. Valiente B. Sibal X Mr. & Mrs. W. B. Tarver X

General Contributors

gifts up to $499 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Albrecht ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey E. Anderson X Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Kulwant S. Bhatia Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bourne Mr. & Mrs. Kevan M. Brewster Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Carter Mr. Aubrey G. Cherry Mr. & Mrs. Matthew T. Creede Mr. & Mrs. James F. Cromwell Ms. Thu T. Dang Ms. Julie B. Dao Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Eukel Mr. & Mrs. Adolfo Garza Mr. & Mrs. Clayton B. Gordon X Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Grenier Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hatam Mr. & Mrs. Robert Eric Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. David J. Hollkamp Mr. & Mrs. John A. Huston + Mr. & Mrs. Chris I. Iwuanyanwu Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Kenny + X Ms. Sarah P. King X Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Y. Martinez Mr. & Mrs. Mark McNeil + X Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Medrano Mr. & Mrs. Gregorio R. Mercado Mr. & Mrs. Son Nguyen Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Noffsinger Mr. & Mrs. Luis F. Nunez Mr. & Dr. Ricki R. Oberoi Mr. & Mrs. Alan P. Petrov ‘79 + X Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Pfaffinger Mrs. Santosh K. Post +

The Chronicle 27

Ms. Celeste R. Reavis Mr. & Mrs. Craig C. Reed Mr. Jose G. Renteria & Mrs. Maria Hernandez X Mr. & Mrs. David G. Rice + Mr. Fernando A. Sanchez Ferrer & Mrs. Barbara J. Lohff Mr. & Mrs. Tom Skerl Ms. Julie F. Stankus Dr. Gregory N. Uche & Mrs. Stella N. Obi-Uche Mr. & Mrs. John E. Weaver Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Wippold X Mr. & Mrs. Erich W. Wolz, Jr. X

Class of 2011

Parent Drive 2008: $168,610 Total Giving: $611,890 Total Members: 207 Members Participating: 140 Participation: 68%

Ignatius Club

gifts of $10,000 or more Ignatius Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers + X Beathard Family ‘77 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. James E. Blackwell X Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Brock X Dr. & Mrs. Rabih O. Darouiche X Mr. & Mrs. Quinn J. Hebert X Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Jenner, III X Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Thomas Kenney X Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Lee X Mr. Mark R. Livesay + X Mr. & Mrs. Todd A. Mason X Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. McArdle X Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ray X Mr. & Mrs. William J. Restrepo X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Roberts + X Mr. & Mrs. Emile J. Troxclair X

Stanislaus Club

gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 Stanislaus Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Daboval X Mr. & Mrs. Wesley R. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Lord Mr. Blair H. Margot & Mrs. Margo R. Vafakos-Margot + X Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Martin + X Mr. & Mrs. David S. Peterman X Mr. & Mrs. David N. Reeves X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Siegfried X

Crusader Club

gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 Crusader Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 + X Dr. & Mrs. Paul M. Allison Mr. & Mrs. John J. Brennan X Mr. & Mrs. Tracey E. Coats + X Mr. Roberto V. & Dr. Deborah S. De Guzman X Mr. & Mrs. George R. Diaz-Arrastia ‘76 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. William G. Dillon X Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Fichter X Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Grealish X Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Gundy Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Heisler ‘72 + X Dr. John Z. Jia & Dr. Michelle Y. Huang Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Lopez Mrs. Lisa S. Martin Mr. & Mrs. James G. O’Shaughnessy Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Pepper Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Quoyeser X Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Raven Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Skelly X Dr. Aldo E. & Dr. Aurora P. Sordelli Mr. & Mrs. William H. Stubbs

President’s Club

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499 President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Sean J. Austin Mr. & Mrs. Florentino Cabello X

Mr. & Mrs. James M. Casey X Mr. & Mrs. Stanley G. Chapman Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. ‘76 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Craven + X Mr. William Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Ehrenkranz X Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Kayvan Haghpeykar Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Harbin, III Mr. & Mrs. James A. Heiser X Dr. Marcos & Dr. Regina L. Hermoso Mr. & Mrs. Juan J. Jones X Mr. Jason L. & Dr. Agnes I. Kisch + X Dr. & Mrs. John V. Marymont Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Meece Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Monmouth Dr. & Mrs. Armando Nart Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Petrick Mr. & Mrs. Kirk M. Pfeffer X Mr. & Mrs. John P. Posway X Mr. & Mrs. Piero M. Puccini + X Dr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Ruiz X Mr. & Mrs. Rick A. Rumford Mr. Mark M. Sadykhov & Mrs. Irene Y. Sheytman Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Sasso Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Schiller X Mr. & Mrs. John A. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Seitz Mr. & Mrs. Mike D. Silvestre Ms. Martha B. Simpson Mr. Thomas L. Warden & Mrs. Laura A. Espinosa Dr. & Mrs. Wayne O. Whitney Mr. & Mrs. D. Patrick Whitty ‘78

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Dr. Behnam Azhang & Mrs. Elizabeth A. Hall X Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Balhoff Mr. & Mrs. Stanley B. Bell Mr. & Mrs. Trevor C. Bello X Mr. & Mrs. John A. Best X Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Brill X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Carroll X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Connell ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Clarke A. Denney Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. DeVries Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ekonomou, II Mr. & Mrs. Martin E. Elizondo Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Evans X Mr. & Mrs. Terry J. Felton Mr. & Mrs. Reed M. George Mr. Joseph L. Gocke & Ms. Diane M. Malley X Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Holland Mr. & Mrs. William T. Huskinson X Dr. & Mrs. John O. Ike Mr. Elbert Johnson X Mr. & Mrs. Dorian C. Kawar Mr. & Mrs. Manzar Khan Mr. & Dr. Tan M. La Mr. & Mrs. Abelardo Matamoros Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Mouch Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Novelli ‘74 X Mr. Michael J. Olivares & Mrs. Molly K. Alex Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pellerin Mr. William L. Pribyl & Mrs. Norma L. McLellan X Dr. Srinivas Rao & Dr. Claudia Orengo Rao Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Shappee Mr. & Mrs. Petros Skoumpourdis Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Stewart + Mr. & Mrs. Wilfredo C. Velasquez Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Wakeland X Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Winkley Mr. Yuemei L. & Dr. Elizabeth L. Yang

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. & Mrs. Fouad S. Alameddin Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Bartram Mrs. Christine C. Brasseaux Mr. & Mrs. Leandro Carboni Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Carter Ms. Lynn M. Chapman Mr. & Mrs. William K. David Mr. & Mrs. Juan E. De La Torre Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. DeSpain Mrs. Farida Ebrahim

Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. Oscar A. Giraldo Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Goode Mr. & Mrs. David E. Hendricks Ms. Susan B. Herrington Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Huml Ms. Carla H. Huml Mr. & Mrs. Bahadin K. Khatami Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Luckenbach, III Mr. & Mrs. Rolando P. Mauricio Mr. & Mrs. John W. Mikus Mr. & Mrs. Danny Nguyen Mr. & Mrs. Danny Nguyen Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Patson Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Rayner Ms. Maite Rombado Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery R. Sanders X Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Scheller Ms. Brigid A. Schiro Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Scranton X Mr. & Mrs. Bennie L. Shearer, Jr. Mr. Joseph J. Shemenski Mr. & Mrs. Gustavo A. Solis Mr. Clayton E. Spore & Mrs. Alice R. Mattei Dr. & Mrs. George E. Taffet Mr. & Mrs. Sang T. Than Mr. & Mrs. Roberto L. Tulio, Jr. Mr. Hoai Vinh & Mrs. Thuy T. Pham Mr. Mark E. Wilson & Mrs. Sheila M. Condon X

Class of 2012

Parent Drive 2008: $163,285 Total Giving: $349,363 Total Members: 202 Members Participating: 126 Participation: 62%

Ignatius Club

gifts of $10,000 or more Ignatius Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Beck X Mr. & Mrs. Troy P. Finney Mr. & Mrs. John Hawkins X Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Henning X Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch ‘75 + X Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 & Dr. Kathleen P. Murphy ++ X Mr. & Mrs. John E. O’Shea, Jr. + X Mr. & Mrs. John S. Parsley X Dr. Javier Ruiz & Mrs. Eileen Y. Hernandez-Ruiz Mr. & Mrs. James L. Walker X

Stanislaus Club

gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 Stanislaus Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. James H. Barkley ‘81 X Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin X Mr. Peter L. Diaz Mr. & Mrs. Allen F. Eleiott X Mr. & Mrs. Raul Elorduy Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Hansen X Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Heston, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Warren T. Hoeffner Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Kamel ‘74 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Maarraoui + X Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. McCormick, Jr. X Mr. & Mrs. William P. Tosch, Sr. X Mr. & Mrs. Alex S. Trevino X

Crusader Club

gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 Crusader Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Aubin X Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bullington Mr. Roberto V. & Dr. Deborah S. De Guzman X Dr. Henry ‘78 & Dr. Susan M. Delclos X Dr. & Mrs. Brian R. Felix Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Fernelius Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Funch X Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hanus + X Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Heller X Dr. & Mrs. David H. Hildreth + X Mr. & Mrs. Victor E. James

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mosele Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Neiers X Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Provenzano Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Skelly X Mr. & Mrs. Owen C. Wang Mr. & Mrs. Tedd J. Winter

President’s Club

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499 President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. William D. & Dr. Betty S. Browne Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Busa Mr. & Mrs. Jose J. Chapa, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Corby M. Collins Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. DeWitt Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dickerson X Mr. & Mrs. Helder M. Eloy Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Flavin Mr. & Mrs. Evan D. Ford Dr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Galati X Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Gifford Ms. Kim Godfrey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Heizelman ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Hennings Mr. Gilbert A. Herrera + X Ms. Kari Herrera + X Mr. & Mrs. John D. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Holbrooke Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart + X Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Lanier Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Matlock ‘77 Dr. & Mrs. Kevin W. McEnery Mr. Tuan A. Nguyen & Dr. Crystal V. Phi Mr. & Mrs. William N. Pederson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Pielech Mr. & Mrs. John P. Posway X Dr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Quinn, Jr. X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Ruck Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Sappington Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Shoebotham Mr. & Mrs. Randal L. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Smith Mr. & Mrs. William M. Sutton Mr. & Mrs. Pete W. Ten Eyck X Mr. & Mrs. Barkat A. Umatiya Mr. & Mrs. Guy P. Vachon Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vanderslice Mr. Nathan A. & Mrs. Lisa A. Wesely

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Bailey ‘75 X Mr. & Mrs. Steven Black Mr. & Mrs. James Blaschke Dr. & Mrs. Jeffery L. Blume Mr. & Mrs. Gene L. Bostwick Dr. Dale J. & Dr. Carol R. Brant Mr. & Mrs. Steven V. Brewer + X Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh + X Mr. Gerald M. Cawley & Dr. Regina S. Okhuysen-Cawley X Mr. & Mrs. Francisco J. Chavarria Mr. & Mrs. David W. Corban Mr. & Mrs. John E. Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Feldman Dr. & Mrs. Diego E. Fiorito Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. David M. Glass ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. John A. Glynn X Mr. & Mrs. Tyler S. Hahn Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hawes Mr. Lee James Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Langemeier Mr. & Mrs. James M. Legg Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Mansour X Mr. & Mrs. William R. Munson Mrs. Anna H. Nguyen Mr. Thomas H. Padgett ‘82 X Ms. Tamera M. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Melvin D. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sepulveda Mr. & Mrs. William R. Spence Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Underwood Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. VonBorstel Mr. & Mrs. David D. Welsh X Mr. Christopher Woods

Legend: Bold Increased gift from previous year / X Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor / ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving


Fall 2009

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Ms. Julie Adam Mr. & Mrs. Francisco A. Arevalo Mr. & Mrs. Carlos J. Barboza Mr. & Mrs. Allen J. Bertagne Mr. & Mrs. Elliott M. Bouillion Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brhlik Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Carter Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Cook

Mr. & Mrs. Ritch P. Daigle Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Diven Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. William R. Drews X Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Dunn ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Michel M. Elias X Mr. & Mrs. Sohrab Ghoddossy Dr. Joseph L. Hornung & Dr. Martha B. Aguilar Mr. & Mrs. Sackie D. Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Bahadin K. Khatami Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. McCormack

Mr. & Mrs. Clyde D. Munoz X Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Murphy Mr. Nagib Mustafa & Mrs. Camilla J. Owen Mr. Marcel M. Naddaf & Mrs. Caridad L. Batarse-Naddaf Mr. & Mrs. Alan P. Petrov ‘79 + X Mr. & Mrs. Lauro Victor S. Puno Mr. Edgar O. Rivera & Mrs. Sandra I. Carattini-Rivera Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Sanchez Mr. & Mrs. Albert Santillan

Mr. & Mrs. George F. Speer Mr. Mark A. & Dr. Patrice E. Storey Ms. Dawn R. Terrazas-Chambers Mr. & Mrs. Sang T. Than Mr. & Mrs. Grégoire Thirouin Mr. & Mrs. Noel V. Vispo Mr. & Mrs. Gregory V. Westhoff

2009 FANTASY AUCTION The gifts of the contributors listed here helped to defray the cost of the 2009 Fantasy Auction, the proceeds of which support the school’s Financial Aid Program and the school’s Endowment.

Anonymous A Bientot Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers Mr. & Mrs. Fouad S. Alameddin Dr. Eugene L. Alford & Dr. Mary L. Alford Alvin Gee Photography Amigas Club of Strake Jesuit Anheuser-Busch Annette Boatwright Photography Mr. Paul A. Antolik & Ms. Barbara L. Bone Ms. Anamaria Arboleda Mr. & Mrs. Laurence H. Armour, III Art Institute of Houston Dr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Ashe Auntie Pasto’s Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Ayers Dr. Behnam Azhang & Mrs. Elizabeth A. Hall Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum Ms. Graciela Barbera Mr. & Mrs. James H. Barkley ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Barrett Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bashaw ‘80 Beathard Family ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Beck Mr. & Mrs. Stanley B. Bell Bellaire Family Orthodontic Mr. Stephen M. Benotti Biomedical Solutions Inc Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Blizzard Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Giorgio Borlenghi Mr. Peter Boudreaux & Ms. Susan D. Fernbach Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bourne Branda Construction & Development Mr. & Mrs. John J. Brennan Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin Mr. & Mrs. Kevan M. Brewster Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brhlik Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Brock Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brody Mrs. Joann Brown Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. William A. Callegari, Jr. ‘79 Campus Quilt Company Capital One N.A. Mr. John M. Carrabba Mr. Rocky Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Chris Catlett Ms. Lynn M. Chapman Mrs. Lydia O. Chopin Mr. & Mrs. Corby M. Collins Mr. & Mrs. James T. Collins Colony One Autocenter Conoco Phillips, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. David W. Corban Cram Crew Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Craven Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Daboval Mr. & Mrs. Ritch P. Daigle Danny Clark Photography Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Davidson Ms. Katherine DeStefano Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dickerson Mr. & Mrs. William G. Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Donnelly

Duchesne Academy Edward & Helen Oppenheimer Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Ehrenkranz Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ekonomou, II Mr. & Mrs. Allen F. Eleiott Mr. & Mrs. Michel M. Elias Mr. & Mrs. Raul Elorduy Etui Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Eukel Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Evans Mr. & Mrs. Graham Farebrother Dr. & Mrs. Sayed F. Feghali Dr. & Mrs. Brian R. Felix Mr. & Mrs. Terry J. Felton Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Flavin Framed Name Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Frank Gabriel Tran Photography Dr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Galati Galerie Zuger Mr. & Mrs. John Garibaldi Mr. & Mrs. Russell E. Garrison Mr. & Mrs. Reed M. George Mr. & Mrs. Wesley R. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Gordon C. Gill Gillcook Advertising, Inc Gittings Studios Mr. Joseph L. Gocke & Ms. Diane M. Malley Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Goodrich Mr. & Mrs. Clayton B. Gordon Dr. & Mrs. William M. Granberry, M.D. ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Grealish Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Matthew E. Haggerty Haney Whipple Portraits Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanratty ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Harbin, III Mr. & Mrs. William D. Harding Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. David E. Harvey, Jr. ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. John Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Tim Heckler Mr. & Mrs. James A. Heiser Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Henning Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Herfort Mr. & Mrs. William P. Herrington, Sr. Hilton America’s Houston Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hohlt Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Holbrooke Dr. & Mrs. L. Russell Hollenbeck, D.D.S. Hotel Granduca Hotel Za Za Houston Distributing Company Houston Dynamos Houston Scuba Academy Houston Wine Merchant Mr. & Mrs. William T. Huskinson Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert J. Janik Dr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Khan Mr. & Mrs. Duane H. King Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Konopka Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kruckemeyer

Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Kubiak Mr. & Mrs. Umberto La Matta Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Legler Rev. Joseph B. Leininger, S.J. Lighting, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Drew J. Lomonte, D.D.S. ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Lopez Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Lord Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Luckenbach, III Mrs. Bonnie F. Lugosch Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Lykos Mr. & Mrs. George V. Lynett, Sr. Mr. George V. Lynett, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lynett Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Maarraoui Mr. David Maggard Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Malley Mr. & Mrs. R. Stan Marek, Jr. Mrs. Lisa S. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Martin Mary Regina Mr. & Mrs. Todd A. Mason Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. McArdle Dr. & Mrs. Kevin W. McEnery Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. McGinnis Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. McKay Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. McKinnon Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Mealey ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. James F. Meara Memorial Athletic Club Midway Deer Processing Mr. & Mrs. John W. Mikus Mrs. Lisa A. Miranda Ms. Tracy Mueller Mr. Archie Nahigian Mr. & Mrs. James J. Nawrocki Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Neiers Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Nevle Mr. & Mrs. David T. Niemann Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Noe Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. Oliver Omni La Mansion del Rio Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ormand Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Osborn Mr. & Mrs. James G. O’Shaughnessy Dr. Glenda G. Owen, D.D.S. Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 Mr. Stephen P. Pate & Ms. Jean T. Janssen Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Patson Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Pepi Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Pepper Mr. & Mrs. David S. Peterman Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Petrick Mr. & Mrs. Alan P. Petrov ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Khanh T. Phi Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Piazza, D.D.S. ‘72 Pico’s Mr. & Mrs. Dean M. Price Dr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Quinn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Quoyeser Dr. & Mrs. Lindy T. Rachal Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Raven Mr. & Mrs. James S. Redman Mr. & Mrs. David N. Reeves

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Rhyne Mr. & Mrs. Phillip B. Ribbeck Mr. & Mrs. Liston Rice Mr. Monte Richard Mr. & Mrs. Rene A. Richard Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Roberts Ms. Tamera M. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Melvin D. Robinson Mr. Thomas G. Romano Mr. & Mrs. William L. Rung, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Schiller Mr. & Mrs. John A. Schmidt Dr. George F. Schudy Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Schulz Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel Mr. & Mrs. James E. Scott Select Jewelers Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sheehy Shell Oil Company Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Skelly Mr. & Mrs. Tom Skerl Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Smith Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Sobiesk Mr. & Mrs. Gustavo A. Solis Mr. & Mrs. George F. Speer Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Stangel Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Staudt Mr. John W. Stevenson & Ms. Robyn S. Rothman Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Stoia Mr. Mark A. & Dr. Patrice E. Storey Strake Jesuit Athletic Department Strake Jesuit Mothers’ Club Mr. & Mrs. William H. Stubbs Summit Company, LP Mr. & Mrs. W. B. Tarver Mr. & Mrs. Sang T. Than The Men’s Wearhouse The Next Level Fitness The Pines Catholic Camp Mr. Beau Theriot Mr. & Mrs. Joe F. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Bart V. Thomeer ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. William P. Tosch, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Alex S. Trevino Trish Strangmeyer Photography Mr. & Mrs. Emile J. Troxclair Valobra Anitques & Jewelry Mr. & Mrs. James L. Walker Dr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Wall Wapiti Energy, LLC Mr. Thomas L. Warden & Mrs. Laura A. Espinosa Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo R. Watson Mr. & Mrs. James A. Webb Westside Tennis & Fitness Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Warren A. Williams Mr. Mark E. Wilson & Mrs. Sheila M. Condon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Winters Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Wyrsch

The Chronicle 29





Gifts from Past Parents and Friends can be made to support an Endowment or to the greatest need of the school. Giving club classification is based on total giving including donations to the Alumni Drive, General and Endowed Scholarships, Capital Gifts, amd other Annual Giving campaigns. Ignatius Club

gifts of $10,000 or more

Ignatius Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Anonymous X Anonymous ++ X Anonymous X Anonymous X Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock ++ X Mr. Tom Adolph ‘75 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Richard Agee + X Mr. & Mrs. Brock C. Akers + X Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston ++ Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum + X Mr. Andrew W. Bagot & Ms. Lori L. Cunningham X Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Bambace ++ X Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bashaw ‘80 + X Beathard Family ‘77 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Giorgio Borlenghi + X Mr. & Mrs. Murray E. Brasseux X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Chambers + X Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Chapa + X Chevron ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Clay Conoco Phillips, Inc. ++ X D. E. Harvey Builders X Duchesne Academy Eddy Knight Family Foundation X ExxonMobil ++ X Bro. Casey Ferlita, S.J. Mr. & Mrs. George M. Fleming + X Mrs. Mel Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. John Garibaldi ++ X George & Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hagale ++ X Harry S. & Isabel C. Cameron Foundation + X Mr. & Mrs. John O. Hastings + X Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Herfort + X Mr. & Mrs. Glen Hou + X Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Iglesias ++ X John & Charlene O’Shea Family Foundation X Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kochman + X Mr. Edward E. Krause Mr. James A. & Dr. Sandi Lemming + X Mr. Mark R. Livesay + X Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lynch ++ X M. D. Anderson Foundation X M.D. Matthews Foundation X Mr. & Mrs. R. Stan Marek, Jr. ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Moran ‘66 X Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morris + X Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 & Dr. Kathleen P. Murphy ++ X Mr. Archie Nahigian + X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Nelson ++ X Mr. & Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr. + X Mr. & Mrs. John E. O’Shea, Jr. + X P.J. Moran Foundation X Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Pepi X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Roberts + X Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Rose + X Scanlan Foundation + X Shell Oil Company ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Monte M. Sneed + X Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Springer ++ Sterling-Turner Foundation X Strake Foundation ++ X Strake Jesuit Community ++ X Strake Jesuit Mothers’ Club ++ X The Brown Foundation, Inc. + X The John G. & Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation The Lyons Foundation X The Terry Crane Foundation X The W. T. & Louise J. Moran Foundation X The William A. & Madeline Welder Smith Foundation + Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Walsh X

Wapiti Energy, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Wyrsch X

Stanislaus Club

gifts of $5,000 to $9,999

Stanislaus Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Anonymous + X Anonymous + X Anonymous + X Apache Corporation + X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. Arbogast X Mr. & Mrs. Laurence H. Armour, III + X Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Ayers + X Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Bergeron ‘77 + X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Blizzard + X Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. ++ X Mr. & Mrs. James M. Booth ‘67 ++ X BP ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun + X Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin X Mr. & Mrs. William A. Callegari, Jr. ‘79 + X Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman X Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Chiste X Mr. & Mrs. James A. Claunch + X Mr. & Mrs. John P. Cogan, Jr. X Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Colvill + X Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Daboval X Mr. Peter L. Diaz Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Frank + X Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey ‘74 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Kamel ‘74 ++ X Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ + X Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Lauinger, III + X Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Layne + X Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Maarraoui + X Mr. Blair H. Margot & Mrs. Margo R. Vafakos-Margot + X Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Martin + X Mr. & Mrs. DeWitt T. Methvin + X The Honorable & Mrs. Gray H. Miller ‘67 The Honorable & Mrs. Robert Mosbacher, Sr. + X Mr. & Mrs. James J. Nawrocki + X Mr. Ronald E. & Dr. Mary Neal + X Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Nick ++ X Mr. & Mrs. David A. Novelli ‘83 X Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters ‘71 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Rhyne + X Mr. & Mrs. Rene A. Richard + X San Antonio Federal Credit Union Mr. & Mrs. David A. Schmidt X Mr. & Mrs. William S. Schrom + X Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel + X Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sisler ++ Mr. & Mrs. N. Pharr Smith + X Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Stoia + X Strake Jesuit Dad’s Club Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78 + X Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Tanner, Sr. ++ X Mrs. Violet M. Tarpey The Butcher Fund + The Captain Andrew R. Houghton ‘97 Foundation The Coca-Cola Company ++ X The Lynett & Haggerty Families X Mr. Beau Theriot Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Till ‘82 + X Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio M. Torras X Ms. Theresa Trojacek Mrs. Graciela Vela-Cuellar X Wells Fargo + X

Crusader Club

gifts of $2,500 to $4,999

Crusader Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Anonymous ++ Mr. Robert A. Adolph ‘73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson ++ X

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 + X American Express X Mr. & Mrs. Emil J. Bednar ++ Mr. & Mrs. Glen M. Boudreaux ‘67 ++ X BP Fabric of America Fund X Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Breen + X Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck + X Capital One N.A. Champion Industrial Sales Company Mr. & Mrs. Tracey E. Coats + X Dobrowski L.L.P. El Paso Energy + X Mr. & Mrs. Graham Farebrother Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Fenelon + X FMC Foundation Dr. Sergio A. & Dr. Gabriela Giralt + X Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Gochnour ++ Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez ‘87 + X Mr. & Mrs. James L. Goodyear + X Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanratty ‘81 + X Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hanus + X Mr. & Mrs. Tim Heckler Mr. Russell Heinen & Mrs. Shawn McKean X Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Henken ++ Mr. & Mrs. K. D. Hinkle X Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hogan ++ X Dr. & Mrs. Monroe F. Jahns Mrs. Laura Jungeblut ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh + X Mr. & Mrs. William H. Kirvan, Jr. + X William & Linda Kirvan Family Foundation + X Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Knapp Jr. X Knights of Columbus Council 11343 + Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Konopka + X Mr. & Mrs. Umberto La Matta + Mrs. Antoinette M. Letsos ++ X LyondellBasell X Mr. Hunter L. Martin, III + X Mr. & Mrs. Gregg E. McBride + X Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Mims + X Mrs. Lisa A. Miranda + X Rev. & Mrs. David E. Moore + X Motiva Enterprises LLC X Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Nevle ++ X New York Life Insurance Company X Northstar GOM, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Osborn + X Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Price ++ X Ray Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William V. Rogers + X Mr. & Mrs. Mike Rome Russell Investments Select Jewelers Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sheehy Mr. & Mrs. William F. Sommer, III X Spectra Energy X Mr. Scott R. Spencer & Mrs. Mary H. Cook + X Dr. & Mrs. Randall A. Stenoien X Mr. & Mrs. Karl Strickland X Summit Company, LP Mr. & Mrs. Austin L. Tenette X The O’Neill Foundation X The Plaza Group Transocean + Mr. & Mrs. Randal E. Velarde + X Mr. & Mrs. Owen C. Wang Williams Community Relations ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Wilson + X Dr. & Mrs. William L. Winters, Jr. X

President’s Club

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499

President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Anonymous + X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ainsworth + Amerada Hess Corp. Mr. Thomas E. Baker, Sr. ++

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Batdorf Mr. Cletus B. Bayer & Mrs. Cynthia K. Conrad-Bayer + X Bernstein Global Wealth Management Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 ++ X Mr. John M. Carrabba Central Market + Mr. & Mrs. David E. Chambers + X Dr. & Mrs. Chen-Yu Chiang + X Dr. & Mrs. Gary Clark + X Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman ++ X Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. ‘76 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Crane Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Craven + X Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Davidson + Dell Computers Mr. Rod & Dr. Michele Desroches + Ms. Katherine DeStefano Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Dewhurst ++ DistribAire Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Doherty ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Faulk + X Dr. & Mrs. William E. Fisher X Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Fix ++ Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Franshaw ‘82 X Mr. & Mrs. Gaston Gaal + Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Gallagher ‘76 + X Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Gangelhoff + X Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats ++ X Dr. & Mrs. David Y. Graham ++ X Mr. Paul J. Gregor & Mrs. Barbara Divine ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Mel Hainey, Sr. + X Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Haney + Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hanratty Mr. & Mrs. David E. Harvey, Jr. ‘72 X Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Hasenpflug, Jr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Heinrichs + X Mr. Gilbert A. Herrera + X Ms. Kari Herrera + X Mr. & Mrs. David Hinners + X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Hornberger ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hoskins + X Hudgins Law Firm, PC Mr. James Hull & Mrs. Deborah Schindler + X Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey W. Hutson Mr. & Mrs. Juan J. Jones X Mr. Don F. Keating Mr. Jason L. & Dr. Agnes I. Kisch + X Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kruckemeyer X Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart + X Ms. Maria Luque Ms. Yuen-Yee Ma Mrs. Thomas McErlean ++ Mr. & Mrs. James F. Meara + X Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Messina X Mr. & Mrs. Mark Miller + Mr. & Mrs. R. K. Miller, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Moore + X Mosbacher Operating, Ltd Mrs. Marguerite Newcomer Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Nijoka + X Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Jr. ++ X Northwestern Mutual Life ++ Mr. & Mrs. R. Mark Nugent ++ X Occidental Petroleum Corp. X Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ormand Mr. & Mrs. F. W. Othon ++ Mr. & Mrs. Dean M. Price Mr. & Mrs. Piero M. Puccini + X Dr. & Mrs. Harry F. Richards ++ Mr. & Mrs. George A. Rizzo + Mr. & Mrs. Drew E. Rohde + X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Ruck Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sacra ‘74 ++ X Mr. Richard J. Schmitt Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Schulz + X Mr. & Mrs. Darby Seré ++ X Seré Family Foundation Capt. Samuel M. Shelton, USN ++ Ms. Martha B. Simpson

Legend: Bold Increased gift from previous year / X Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor / ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving


Fall 2009

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Snider + X Mrs. Gretchen Braun Stewart X Strake Jesuit Athletic Department The Felvis Foundation The Andrews Foundation + X Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Thiele X Valobra Anitques & Jewelry Wachovia Corporation Dr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Wall + X Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Walters Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Walters X Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Weatherl, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Clifford E. York + X Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Zerda +

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Anonymous + X Mrs. Linda C. Adolph Albemarle Corporation Dr. Eugene L. Alford & Dr. Mary L. Alford Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Almond Alvin Gee Photography Ameriprise Financial Amigas Club of Strake Jesuit Anadarko Petroleum Corporation ++ Anheuser-Busch Mr. Paul A. Antolik & Ms. Barbara L. Bone + X Archer Chrysler-Jeep-Suzuki, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Autry + X Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Bailey ‘75 X Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Baker + Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Balhoff Bellaire Family Orthodontic Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Blaschke Mr. & Mrs. Steven V. Brewer + X Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Brill X Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brody X Brookfield Properties X Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Brown + X Mrs. Joann Brown Dr. & Mrs. Gerardo Bueso + X Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Burns + X Mr. & Mrs. L. Christopher Butler ‘68 X Mr. David R. Byrnes ‘80 + Mrs. Catherine Byrnes X Mr. & Mrs. Luis J. Cardenas ++ Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Carmouche X Mr. Rocky Carroll Mr. & Mrs. John T. Cater Mr. & Mrs. Chris Catlett X Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh + X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh ‘68 + Charity Guild of Catholic Women + Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Clutterbuck Mr. & Mrs. David W. Cole + X Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Connell, Jr. + X Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly ++ X Cram Crew X Mr. & Mrs. Emlyn B. Davies + Mr. & Mrs. John M. De Franco + X Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dearborn, Jr. X Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Delouche + X Deutsche Bank Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt + Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Dolan + Mr. & Mrs. Robert Donlin Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Doyle + Dr. Robert H. and Joanne M. Williams Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John K. Dubiel Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Duffy ++ Edward & Helen Oppenheimer Foundation Energy XXI X Etui Mr. & Mrs. Pat R. Falcone X Fat Dads Basketball Mr. & Mrs. Terry J. Felton Finkelstein Partners Mr. & Mrs. Vincent D. Foster + X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman ‘69 ++ Galerie Zuger Mr. & Mrs. Alberto E. Garcia, Jr. + Dr. Francisco & Dr. Magda Garcia-Torres X Mr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Garibaldi GE Foundation X Mr. & Mrs. Greg A. Germani Mr. C. A. Gillan & Mrs. Cathy S. Nunnally + X Gittings Studios Mrs. Joe Green

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Griffin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Ted Guthrie, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Tyler S. Hahn Dr. & Mrs. William F. Hanson ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Harrison + Mr. & Mrs. Carl R. Hennagir Mr. & Mrs. James A. Highberger ++ X Hilton America’s Houston Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. ‘77 ++ Dr. & Mrs. L. Russell Hollenbeck, D.D.S. Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hosty + X Houston Wine Merchant Mr. & Mrs. James M. Howard + X Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Howe Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hudec Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Inman ‘76 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Mark S. Jacobs + X Mrs. Pat Janda Mr. & Mrs. Dale S. Janik + X Dr. & Mrs. Howard Jones Mrs. Donna P. Josey JP Morgan Chase Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kafka Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Keating Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell ++ Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Kelly Dr. & Mrs. James M. Killian + X Mrs. Nancy Koch + Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kostelnik + Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Lassus X Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Lavery Mr. & Mrs. Joe LeBlanc Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Legler Lighting, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Olle L. Lorehn, Jr. ‘67 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. John R. Madsen + X Mr. David Maggard Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Malek, Jr. X Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Malley Marathon Oil Company Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Marco Ms. Gina Marlin Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Masera + X Mr. Stephen Masoomian & Mrs. Katharine Breaux Dr. & Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr. ++ Mrs. Lois A. Mathews ++ Mr. & Mrs. Harvey E. McBee + X Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy ++ Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. John L. McConn X Mr. & Mrs. John J. McCourt + X Mr. & Mrs. William J. McDonald + X Mr. James E. ‘74 & Dr. Theresa K. McLean ++ X Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon + X Memorial Athletic Club Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Mengis + Mr. & Mrs. Tatcho Mindiola Morgan Stanley Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras + X Mr. & Mrs. Emil A. Nakfoor ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo M. Narvacan Mr. & Mrs. Earl A. Norra ++ Mr. & Mrs. George S. Ontko + Dr. Glenda G. Owen, D.D.S. Dr. Thomas Parr Penn Virginia Corporation X PepsiCo Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Peters X Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pilegge Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pipitone X Mr. Raymond Plank Prudential Mr. & Mrs. James S. Redman + X Mr. & Mrs. Clarence W. Rife + X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Matthew L. Rogers X Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Roth ‘71 ++ The Roth Family Foundation ++ Dr. Robert C. & Dr. Kathleen Ryan The Honorable Frank B. Rynd ‘70 + X Mrs. Lorraine Sanche Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67 + X Secor Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Senac ‘66 ++ X Dr. Angelo Sermas & Dr. Marsha Soechting + X Mr. & Mrs. George V. Sherman, Jr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Skelton + Mr. & Mrs. George E. Smith Mr. & Mrs. James J. Spring, III ‘65 Mr. Timothy E. Squyres ‘74 & Mrs. Karen L. Brune X

Mrs. Margaret Stacy Mrs. Elizabeth Standish ++ Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Stangel Ms. Mary Anthony Startz + X Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Stewart + Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Suhor Ms. Wanda Tan Target + Texas Instruments Foundation The Meadows Foundation The Next Level Fitness The Pines Catholic Camp Mr. & Mrs. Joe F. Thomas Total Gas & Power North America, Inc. X Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Trainer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Triplett + X Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Lanny T. Vlasak Westside Tennis & Fitness Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitlow + X Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Whitty Mr. John E. Williams, Jr. Ms. Lynn C. Woods Mr. & Mrs. James W. Young + X

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Anonymous X 5B Holdings, Ltd. A Bientot Access Energy Active Imagination Mr. & Mrs. Bart Agee Mrs. Amanda Aiuvalasit ++ Mrs. Clare Aiuvalasit + Ms. Nancy Akeroyd Ms. Ursula Akselrod Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Albrecht ‘78 Allbritton Attorney Search Mr. Raphael Altmann + Alumni Class of 1967 Mr. & Mrs. Mel Anderson Annette Boatwright Photography Ms. Anamaria Arboleda Ms. Cecilia Ardila Mr. & Mrs. David Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Arnold Mr. Daniel C. Arnold Ms. Elizabeth Arnold Art Institute of Houston Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Askew Mr. & Mrs. Ken Aspromonte Assn. of Fundraising Professionals Greater Houston Chapter Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Atchison ‘72 Auntie Pasto’s Mr. & Mrs. David G. Baarlaer Mr. John F. Baesch & Mrs. Evelyn A. Herzog Mr. & Mrs. James C. Baker Baker & Patterson, LLP Mr. & Mrs. John P. Bales Mr. & Mrs. George D. Banos X Ms. Graciela Barbera Ms. Yvonne M. Barkate Mr. & Mrs. James H. Barksdale, III Ms. Janis H. Barnard Mrs. Darlene E. Bartholomew Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates, IV + X Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Baumgartner Mr. & Mrs. C. L. Beckner Mr. Stephen M. Benotti Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Benson Mrs. Hilda Bergeron Ms. Marleen Bergman Mr. & Mrs. Joel H. Berry + Mrs. Ben Berry Mr. & Mrs. Terry K. Bertin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Bevans Bhpbilliton Rev. Christopher A. Billac, SJ + Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bilnoski, Jr. ‘71 ++ Biomedical Solutions Inc Ms. Jenny Lou Bird Ms. Deborah uc Ms. Susan Bolling Mrs. Susan F. Bolz + Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Bondor + Mr. Gorden Boswell Mr. W. J. Bowen Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Boyd Braeburn Women’s Club

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

Branda Construction & Development Mr. & Mrs. Elmick J. Brasseaux Ms. Alisa Broussard + X Mr. Jack Browder Mr. G. S. Buchanan & Ms. Nell A. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. William E. Buck Dr. Rosemary Buckle, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. D G Bunnell Mr. & Mrs. Jon M. Burkhart Mr. & Mrs. William P. Burpeau, Jr. ++ Mr. & Mrs. James I. Burris, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Burton + X Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Burwinkel Mr. & Mrs. Matthew W. Caligur Mr. Arden D. Callender + X Mrs. Anna Campo Campus Quilt Company Mrs. Danielle R. Carpenter Mrs. Catherine A. Casey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Cashiola Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Cashiola ‘72 X Mr. & Mrs. Charley Casserly + X Mr. & Mrs. Merlin A. Castille Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Castillo Mr. & Mrs. Cloy N. Causey Mr. & Mrs. David Chaney Channel 2 Crew Charity Guild Shop Mrs. Phyllis B. Chase Mr. Alvaro G. Chaveste + Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Cherry Mrs. Lydia O. Chopin Mr. & Mrs. Vance Christopher + X Mrs. Bonnie Clark-Brown Dr. & Mrs. James D. Clifton + X Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Clinton ++ Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Clinton ‘91 + X Ms. Martha Clowe Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Colemon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Colley Colony One Autocenter Ms. Dana Comer Condon & Company, P.C. Mr. & Mrs. Donn E. Conn Ms. Cynthia E. Cooke Mr. & Mrs. Tommy G. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. John G. Cope Mr. Mark Costello Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Court, Jr. Covidien Ms. Irene Cox X CRA International Mr. & Mrs. James R. Crews Mr. Tom R. Crow Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Cupples Mrs. Patricia Curran Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Cutchall Mr. & Mrs. Jabib Dacak + Mr. & Mrs. David M. Dale Mr. & Mrs. Russell J. Dalfrey + Mrs. Dorothy Daly ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Dampf ++ X Danny Clark Photography Mrs. Beatrice T. Dante ++ Mr. Alfred Davis, IV Mr. & Mrs. Jose L. De La Fuente Dr. & Mrs. Zeki Demirbilek Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Denton ++ Mr. & Mrs. John Depinet Mr. Thom Devlin Mr. & Mrs. Allan B. Diamond Mr. & Mrs. William M. Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Gary Doan Dr. Ira Doneson Mr. & Mrs. Hugh D. Doran Mr. & Mrs. John Dorman Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dosher ++ Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dougherty Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Romeo D’Souza Mr. & Mrs. Neil R. Duarte Mr. Charles F. Duffield & Dr. Rosemary Buckle Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Dunbar X Mr. & Mrs. Mark O. Duncan Dr. & Mrs. Francis E. Dunlap Mr. & Mrs. James A. Dunn Mrs. Rose M. Durden ++ Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Earthman Mrs. Farida Ebrahim Mr. & Mrs. David Ecklund ++ Mr. G. I. Edmonds + Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Edwards

The Chronicle 31

Marilyn Wood is joined by her seven Jesuit grandsons at 2008 Grandparents Day (left to right) senior James and freshman Zach Branda, sophomore Patrick and senior Andrew Martin, and sophomore Patrick, junior Thomas, and freshman Connor Benson.

Mr. & Mrs. John Egan Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Elizondo, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Elmer + X Emergency Medicine Specialists, Inc. EncoreBank Mr. & Mrs. Harold Erbs eScrip Dr. & Mrs. Garret J. Etgen ++ Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Eukel Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K. Eyberg Mr. & Mrs. Jim Ezelle Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Farah Mr. & Mrs. Abi Fata Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Fee, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Fernandez + X Dr. & Mrs. Donald Fernbach Ms. Janelle Festa Ms. Etienne Figueroa Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Filteau Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Flodder Flodder Financial Group Fluor Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence P. Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah J. Fogarty ‘71 Follett Educational Services Rev. John Folzenlogen, SJ Dr. & Mrs. Marc F. Fontaine Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Fontenot Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Fontenot Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Formica Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey C. Foster Framed Name Ms. Norma C. Frey Mr. & Mrs. Jose O. Fuentes + X Gabriel Tran Photography Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Gallagher + X Mr. & Mrs. Steve Gammage X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ganucheau Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin T. Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Garcia

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Garrett Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gilbert + X Gillcook Advertising, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Gillogly Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Girotto X Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Glaser + Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Gocke Mr. & Mrs. Darell K. Goddard Dr. & Mrs. Helmuth Goepfert ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Gomez Mr. & Mrs. Jon Gorosh Dr. Lesha Roberts Grabowski Dr. & Mrs. H. Stephen Grace, Ph.D. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Granados X Mr. & Mrs. John E. Graves Graves Mechanical Inc Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Green Mr. Mike Greenwood Mr. Robert J. Greenwood Mr. Kevin Gregoire Mr. & Mrs. Lauren Grenier + Mrs. Sophie C. Grenier Griffin & Griffin Attorneys at Law Ms. Helen M. Grivich Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gruen Ms. Berta M. Guiral + Mr. August Gullo Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Gunter Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Gunther Dr. & Mrs. Augusto E. Gutierrez Mr. & Mrs. Pedro J. Gutierrez Gwinnett Emergency Specialist, P.C. Mr. & Mrs. Royal M. Hagerty Mr. & Mrs. Matthew E. Haggerty Ms. Catherine S. Hajovsky Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Hakim Mr. & Mrs. Gus Halas X The Honorable & Mrs. Joseph Halbach Halliburton Political Action Committee Halliburton, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Haney

Haney Whipple Portraits Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Hanley, Jr. + Mr. & Mrs. William D. Harding Mr. & Mrs. James P. Haren Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Harms Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Harville + Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Haynes Ms. Barbara M. Heckmann Mrs. Nancy L. Heisler Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hensley, Jr. ‘72 X Mrs. Anne Hindmarch Mr. & Mrs. Val Hoey Mr. Paul Hoffman Ms. Erika Holland Mr. & Mrs. David J. Hollkamp Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Holstien Mr. & Mrs. Ted A. Holy Home Depot + Mr. Wai-Leung R. Hon + Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Horn + X Mr. & Mrs. Tom Horrell + X Ms. Suzette H. Horst Hotel Granduca Hotel Za Za Houston Distributing Company Houston Dynamos Houston Scuba Academy Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Hubbell ++ Mr. & Mrs. Wesley J. Hudson + Mr. & Mrs. Robert Huebel X Mr. & Mrs. David A. Huete ++ Mr. & Mrs. James D. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. John A. Huston + Mr. Ray Hutchison & Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison Mr. & Mrs. James F. Hyland + Ms. Milagro Iglesias Inman Texas Company International Preparatory School Mr. & Mrs. Ted Isensee ‘69

Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Ivey Mr. & Mrs. Darren James Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert J. Janik Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Jannasch + X John Daugherty Realtors Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. Johnson Ms. Nancy K. Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Jones + X Mr. & Mrs. Bradley B. Jones + X Mr. & Mrs. David J. Jordan X Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Kainer + Mr. & Mrs. James B. Keller Kellogg Brown & Root Mr. & Mrs. Steve W. Kercheval Mr. Daniel M. Kesterson Mr. & Mrs. Gary Klumpp X Mr. Samuel J. Knapp & Mrs. Lisa D. Dilabio-Knapp Mrs. Charlotte Koenig Mr. & Mrs. Americo E. Korompai Mr. & Mrs. Floyd J. Kowalski + Dr. & Mrs. Donald C. Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Layne E. Kruse Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Kukla Mrs. Harriet Kuykendall Mr. & Mrs. F. Vern Lahart + X Mr. & Mrs. Myles J. Lambert + X Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Landry + Mr. & Mrs. Neal F. Lane + Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Lane, III Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Langdon Mr. Rudolph S. Lange Mrs. Virginia C. Lassus Mrs. Dorothea Lea + Ms. Susanne J. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. LeGros Jr. Rev. Joseph B. Leininger, SJ = Mr. & Mrs. Alain G. LeNotre Mr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Lessmann Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Letsos ‘73 + X Ms. Shen G. Liang Lifehouse of Houston Mr. & Mrs. Jose E. Llana ++ Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius C. Llorens ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Melvin H. Lorenz ++ Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Lorenz ‘88 ++ X Ms. Bobbye Lott Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Lucia Mrs. Bonnie F. Lugosch Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Lutz ++ Mr. & Mrs. Mark Luyster X Mrs. Sarah H. Lynch + Mr. & Mrs. George V. Lynett, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lynett Mr. George V. Lynett, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Lyons Mr. & Mrs. John W. Mackie, III Ms. Sara L. Mackie Mr. & Mrs. John M. Magner Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mahoney Mrs. Virginia Mahoney ++ Mr. & Mrs. Victor N. Makris Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Malek Mr. Shawnie Malone ‘66 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Efren M. Manalansan Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Mancillas Ms. Madeleine B. Marbach Mr. & Mrs. Julius Maresh Mr. & Mrs. John C. Margo Dr. Sylvia Marotta Mrs. Deborah K. Marre Mr. & Mrs. Curtis W. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Hunter L. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Roy A. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Marx Mary Regina Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Mascsak, Jr. Ms. Katherine D. Masquelette Mr. & Mrs. Joe Matejka Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Matovich Mr. & Mrs. P. S. Mayeux Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McAfee ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. William H. McArdle, Jr. X McArdle Grading Co Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. McAuliffe + McCloskey & Associates Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. McConnell ‘68 + Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. McConnell Mr. & Mrs. S. W. McDonald, Sr. ‘67 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Joel McDowell

Legend: Bold Increased gift from previous year / X Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor / ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving


Fall 2009

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph McFadden X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGeehan Mr. & Mrs. Don McGinn + Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. McGinnis Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McGrath Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. McKinnon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. McLean + Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. McMahon Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Melancon + X Ms. Claire Mello Mr. & Mrs. Garry P. Mendonca Ms. Maria R. Menendez Mr. & Mrs. William E. Mercer Mrs. Jean M. Merchant Mr. & Mrs. Elmer J. Merkel + Merrill Lynch & Co. ++ Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Merritt, Sr. + Mr. & Mrs. Guy E. Michael Sr. Camilla Micheletti, O.P. Microsoft + Mr. & Mrs. Cecil R. Middleton ++ Midway Deer Processing Mr. & Mrs. John W. Mikus Mr. James F. Miles Mr. & Mrs. Henry Minello Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Mitchell Ms. Anna T. Mod Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Moeller, Jr. Ms. Kathleen P. Mohr Ms. Barbara Montalbano Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Montegut X Mr. & Mrs. H. Tim Moore Moran Resources Company Mr. Joe Moreno & Mrs. Vonda Wootan-Moreno Mr. Bart Morey & Dr. Andrea Spiering Mrs. Dorothy Morgenroth Dr. & Mrs. Edwin J. Morrow ++ Ms. Diane Morrow Mr. & Mrs. John L. Mosele Ms. Tracy Mueller MWG Corporation Nags Head Inn Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Naples Mr. & Mrs. Emil Nasser New Hope Housing, Inc Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Newhouse Mr. & Mrs. David T. Niemann X Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Nixon Mr. Gregory S. Norton Novartis Pharmaceuticals Mrs. Carolyn Novelli + Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Oaks Mrs. Violet Oaks Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. O’Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Paul I. Ofield Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Olivares Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. Oliver X Dr. & Mrs. Juan J. Olivero X Omni La Mansion del Rio Othon, Inc., Consulting Engineers Ms. Marsha D. Outlaw Mr. Gordon Pace Mrs. Pauline Padgett Mrs. Jo-Ann Padula Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. Park X Mrs. Roylyn Parke

Mr. & Mrs. David N. Parks X Mrs. Mary Paulin Mr. & Mrs. Ray Pavlat Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Pawlowski Mr. & Mrs. Clifton G. Pearce + Mr. Patrick L. Peavy + Ms. Pamela E. Peavy Mr. & Mrs. Jerome E. Pelton Mr. & Mrs. Karl Penny + X Mrs. Maria A. Perez-Chaumont Mr. & Mrs. James R. Perlitz Mr. & Mrs. James J. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Petrov Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Phalen, Jr. ‘72 ++ Pico’s Piney Point Elementary Mr. & Mrs. Karl R. Poirot Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Polichino, Jr. ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Nick L. Polito ‘68 Mrs. Santosh K. Post + Mrs. Anne W. Pratt X Precinct 3 Employees Ms. Danielle Pung ++ Dr. Miguel A. Quinones X Mr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Quirch X Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Quoyeser Dr. & Mrs. Lindy T. Rachal + X Mr. & Mrs. Jesse J. Radvansky Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Raineri, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John D. Rainey Ms. Kay Raley Mr. & Mrs. Henry D. Ralph Ms. Linda Ream + X Ms. Julia R. Reed Dr. David W. Reininger ‘69 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Renaud Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Reuter ‘66 ++ Ms. Shirley Reynolds Dr. Mike L. ‘72 & Dr. Peggy G. Rice ++ Mr. & Mrs. Bill Rice Mr. & Mrs. David G. Rice + Mr. & Mrs. Liston Rice Mr. Monte Richard Ms. Martha Richardson Richmond Bone & Joint Dr. & Mrs. Hubert L. Ried + X Mr. & Mrs. Jim R. Rigamonti X Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Riggs X Risk Transfer Holdings Robert Half International Mr. & Mrs. William R. Roberts X Ms. Anne M. Rodgers Mrs. Marguerite Rogan + Ms. Diann D. Romero Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rosales Mr. & Mrs. John M. Rose X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Roth + Dr. & Mrs. Guillermo Rowe Mr. & Mrs. Florentino A. Roxas X Mrs. Jo F. Ruhl Mrs. Elsie Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Saberre, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Sachnik Dr. Lonnie Sadberry ++ X Sage Dining Services, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Salerno Mr. Lupe Salinas

Mr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Sampson, Jr. X Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery R. Sanders X Mr. & Mrs. Neal L. Sarahan Mr. & Mrs. Norman O. Schenk Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Schick Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schillaci ‘74 + Mrs. Calista Schneidau Mr. & Mrs. G. N. Schoellkopf Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Schroeter Dr. George F. Schudy Mrs. Sandra Schwarzbach + X Ms. Walee Schwing + X Mr. & Mrs. W. L. Scott Ms. Gretchen Seidl Mr. & Mrs. Jose M. Sentmanat X Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Simon Mr. & Mrs. Teodoro A. Simon X Mr. & Mrs. James A. Simpson + Mr. J. E. Simpson ++ Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Sims X Ms. Victoria T. Singley + Mr. & Mrs. Alan Sketoe SKF USA, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. Slania Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Smidt + Mr. & Mrs. Chester Smith Mr. & Mrs. D. S. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Gary P. Smith X Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Smith X The Honorable & Mrs. Jerry E. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Solcher Mr. Harry W. Spain Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Spear ++ Ms. Bette J. Specker Ms. Nancy N. Spence Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Spieldenner ‘66 Mr. Gunther Spore Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Staley Mr. & Mrs. John G. Stanfield Mr. Michael Steelman Mr. & Mrs. Craig K. Steiner Steve A. Kamel, PC Mr. Richard Stout Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Strake ‘79 Mr. Warren K. Stringer Mr. & Mrs. Greg Stuart Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Suhor ++ Mr. & Mrs. Garry J. Sullivan + X Mr. Robert L. Sult Sun Microsystems + Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sweeney Mr. Richard F. Teichgraeber ++ X Mr. & Mrs. William R. Tennant + Texas Association of Broadcasters Texas Insurance & Finance Group, Inc. Texas Petrochemicals Textron, Inc. The Buffalo Grille The Stanley Works The Boeing Company + The Bozeman Foundation The Men’s Wearhouse The Northrop Grumman Foundation The Regis School Mrs. Ruby Thoma Mr. & Mrs. Jay C. Thorseth + X

Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Timme X Ms. Margaret Timoney X Today’s Vision Sugar Land, PA Ms. Kathleen Tomeny Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Tomlinson + X Trish Strangmeyer Photography Truluck’s Steaks & Stone Crab Restaurant Mr. & Mrs. William M. Tubbs Mrs. Gordon G. Tucker Mr. Tom Turner Mrs. Christine Twardowski Mr. Steve Twellman Dr. Gregory N. Uche & Mrs. Stella N. Obi-Uche Ms. Juanita Unate X UPS Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene P. Urbanowicz US District Judges Southern District of Texas Dr. & Mrs. Luis Valdes X Mr. & Mrs. Ramon J. Vallejo Valve Source Inc Mr. & Mrs. Steve M. Vanderbur Mrs. Patricia Vanderslice Mr. & Mrs. Rodney D. Vannerson Mrs. Alice N. Vick ++ Mrs. Gladys C. Viltz Mr. John Vincik Mrs. Pauline Vincik Mrs. J. W. Vogel Mr. & Mrs. Tuan Vu X Mr. & Mrs. Bill Waddell Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Wager Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Patrick R. Ward Mr. & Mrs. Cletus J. Wark Mr. & Mrs. Ben F. Warner, III Washington Mutual + Dr. H. D. Watkins, D.D.S. Mr. & Mrs. Joe D. Weaver + Mr. & Mrs. Patrick K. Weesner Mr. & Mrs. Larry F. Weidman Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Weingartner ++ Mr. & Mrs. Ewing Werlein, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Whipple Mr. & Mrs. Herman W. Wilkins Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Williamson ‘74 ++ Mrs. Nathalie R. W. Willig Mr. & Mrs. John D. Willis ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Wippold X Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wleczyk Mr. & Mrs. Erich W. Wolz, Jr. X Mrs. Marilyn Wood Mr. Miles H. Woodward Ms. Billie M. Wright + Mr. & Mrs. Tom Wygant, Jr. Ms. Pat Yankow X Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Yates Ms. Cindy Yeglin Mr. & Mrs. James L. Young Mr. Robert J. Young Ms. Mary Jo Youngblood Mr. & Mrs. Dow J. Zabolio Mr. & Mrs. Clarence S. Zaozirny X Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo P. Zubizarreta ++

Hurricane Ike Relief

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The Chronicle 33



Gifts to the Alumni Drive were directed to a variety of needs including endowed scholarships, financial aid, and greatest need of the school. Giving club classification is based on total giving including donations to the Alumni Drive, General and Endowed Scholarships, Capital Gifts, amd other Annual Giving campaigns.

CLASS OF 1965 Alumni Drive 2008: $1,600 Total Giving: $1,600 Total Members: 69 Members Participating: 7 Participation: 10%

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. John H. Glover ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Spring, III ‘65

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. John L. Berry ‘65 Mr. George W. Everhart ‘65 Mr. R. J. Marshall, Jr. ‘65 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Edmund J. McAleer ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. O’Donnell ‘65 +

CLASS OF 1966 Alumni Drive 2008: $2,480 Total Giving: $110,855 Total Members: 83 Members Participating: 18 Participation: 22%

Ignatius Club

gifts of $10,000 or more

Ignatius Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Moran ‘66 X

Crusader Club

gifts of $2,500 to $4,999

Crusader Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. Larry A. Mason ‘66 X

President’s Club

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499

President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. Thomas F. Taylor ‘66 ++ X

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Mann, Ph.D. ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Senac ‘66 ++ X

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. & Mrs. Clifton C. Blanchard ‘66 ++ X Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Briggs, Ph.D. ‘66 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Cadena, Jr. ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. James S. Cunningham ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Falgout ‘66 ++ Mr. & Mrs. David B. Howe ‘66 Mr. Joseph A. Kral ‘66 Mr. Shawnie Malone ‘66 ++ Mr. Thomas W. Mitchell ‘66 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Polichino, Jr. ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Reuter ‘66 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Spieldenner ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. R. Jeffery West ‘66

CLASS OF 1967 Alumni Drive 2008: $13,550 Total Giving: $25,100 Total Members: 89 Members Participating: 23 Participation: 26%

Stanislaus Club

gifts of $5,000 to $9,999

Stanislaus Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. James M. Booth ‘67 ++ X The Honorable & Mrs. Gray H. Miller ‘67

Crusader Club

gifts of $2,500 to $4,999

Crusader Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Glen M. Boudreaux ‘67 ++ X

President’s Club

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499

President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. John W. McKirahan, Jr. ‘67 ++ X

CLASS OF 1969 Alumni Drive 2008: $8,085 Total Giving: $38,818 Total Members: 86 Members Participating: 31 Participation: 36%

Ignatius Club

gifts of $10,000 or more

Ignatius Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Schuler, Jr. ‘69 + X

Stanislaus Club

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Anonymous + X Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Aiuvalasit ‘67 X Dr. & Mrs. John J. Eick ‘67 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Feehan ‘67 ++ Mr. Michael C. Henry ‘67 & Ms. Trudy Hansen + Mr. & Mrs. Olle L. Lorehn, Jr. ‘67 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Mustachia ‘67 ++ Mr. Gilbert A. Naert, Jr. ‘67 X Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67 + X Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Zimmerman ‘67 ++

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Adamcik ‘67 ++ Mr. Paul B. Barron ‘67 X Mr. John Courtade ‘67 + Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Guarino ‘67 + X Mr. & Mrs. S. W. McDonald, Sr. ‘67 ++ X Dr. & Mrs. Edwin V. Murr ‘67 + Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Nettles ‘67 ++ Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Sindelar, III ‘67 + Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Teichgraeber, III ‘67 X

CLASS OF 1968 Alumni Drive 2008: $6,545 Total Giving: $7,595 Total Members: 77 Members Participating: 14 Participation: 18%

President’s Club

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499

President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Padon ‘68 ++

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. & Mrs. L. Christopher Butler ‘68 X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh ‘68 + Mr. & Mrs. Bruce N. Clay ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. Jerry R. Colca, Ph.D. ‘68 Mr. J. Grover Kelley ‘68 + Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Stewart ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Zimmerman, Jr. ‘68 + X

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. Michael G. Keller ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. McConnell ‘68 + Mr. & Mrs. Nick L. Polito ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. George T. Robinson ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Stolpman ‘68 Lt. Col. & Mrs. David J. Svajda ‘68

gifts of $5,000 to $9,999

Stanislaus Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Dr. & Mrs. Angelo J. Mattalino ‘69 X

Mr. Joseph P. Light ‘70 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Milani ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Monty G. Redick ‘70 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Randall V. Sellers ‘70 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Smith ‘70 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Windlinger, Jr. ‘70 ++ Mr. Edmund F. Wirfel, Jr. ‘70 +

CLASS OF 1971 Alumni Drive 2008: $7,275 Total Giving: $15,825 Total Members: 72 Members Participating: 13 Participation: 18%

Stanislaus Club

gifts of $5,000 to $9,999

Stanislaus Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

President’s Club

Mr. & Mrs. Ramon K. Gomez ‘71 ++ Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters ‘71 ++ X

President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

President’s Club

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499

Dr. & Mrs. Louis J. Bujnoch, M.D. ‘69 ++ Mr. & Mrs. David R. Stewart ‘69 ++ X

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Cannon ‘69 + Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Day ‘69 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming ‘69 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman ‘69 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Jackson ‘69 Mr. Philip M. Schneidau ‘69 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Simpson ‘69 + X Mr. & Mrs. Werner T. Zapp ‘69

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Curry ‘69 Dr. & Mrs. Michael T. Doyle ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. James A. Dunn ‘69 + Mr. John J. Gannon, III ‘69 + Mr. Virgil R. Hinojosa ‘69 ++ Mr. Randy Hodnett ‘69 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Houck ‘69 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Ted Isensee ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Keister ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Kelleher ‘69 + Mr. Mark A. Padon ‘69 ++ Mr. Joseph C. Permetti ‘69 Mr. Joseph J. Rebman ‘69 Dr. David W. Reininger ‘69 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Vance Ulsh, Jr. ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Vick ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. John W. Washburn ‘69 ++ Mr. Michael K. White ‘69

CLASS OF 1970 Alumni Drive 2008: $2,775 Total Giving: $3,975 Total Members: 77 Members Participating: 14 Participation: 18%

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamlin ‘70 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Mouton ‘70 + The Honorable Frank B. Rynd ‘70 + X

General Contributors

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499

President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

The Honorable Mark D. Davidson ‘71 & Ms. Sarah Duckers ++ X

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Branda ‘71 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Roth ‘71 ++

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bilnoski, Jr. ‘71 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Costello ‘71 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Cruickshank ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Curran ‘71 + Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah J. Fogarty ‘71 Mr. James M. Herman ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. David S. Johnson ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McAfee ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Windlinger ‘71 +

CLASS OF 1972 Alumni Drive 2008: $2,550 Total Giving: $78,936 Total Members: 77 Members Participating: 22 Participation: 29%

Ignatius Club

gifts of $10,000 or more

Ignatius Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 ++ X

Crusader Club

gifts of $2,500 to $4,999

Crusader Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 + X Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Heisler ‘72 + X Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Piazza, D.D.S. ‘72 X

President’s Club

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499

President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. David E. Harvey, Jr. ‘72 X

gifts up to $499

Magis Club

Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Campo ‘70 + Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Doerfler ‘70 + Mr. & Mrs. William L. Everhart ‘70 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Keeney ‘70 ++

Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Cronin ‘72 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. George C. Laflin ‘72 X

gifts of $500 to $1,499

Legend: Bold Increased gift from previous year / X Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor / ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving


Fall 2009

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Mr. Mark W. McGrath ‘72 + Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Swain ‘72

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Atchison ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Cashiola ‘72 X Mr. & Mrs. David J. Dilger ‘72 Dr. Claude S. Frey ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hensley, Jr. ‘72 X Mr. James V. Hewitt ‘72 ++ Mr. Vastine J. Hilsher ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Phalen, Jr. ‘72 ++ Dr. Mike L. ‘72 & Dr. Peggy G. Rice ++ Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Schneider ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Villarreal ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Wark ‘72

CLASS OF 1973 Alumni Drive 2008: $7,015 Total Giving: $23,365 Total Members: 78 Members Participating: 24 Participation: 31%

Ignatius Club

gifts of $10,000 or more

Ignatius Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Dr. Michael F. Bardwil ‘73 + X

Crusader Club

gifts of $2,500 to $4,999

Crusader Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. Robert A. Adolph ‘73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Mark Koch ‘73 + X

President’s Club

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499

President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 ++ X

President’s Club

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499

President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sacra ‘74 ++ X

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Bentz ‘74 Dr. & Mrs. John E. Bertini, Jr. ‘74 ++ X Dr. Joseph C. Gathe, Jr. ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Inman ‘74 + Mr. James E. ‘74 & Dr. Theresa K. McLean ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Novelli ‘74 X Mr. Timothy E. Squyres ‘74 & Mrs. Karen L. Brune X

General Contributors

CLASS OF 1974 Alumni Drive 2008: $3,450 Total Giving: $19,070 Total Members: 86 Members Participating: 19 Participation: 22%

Stanislaus Club

gifts of $5,000 to $9,999

Stanislaus Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey ‘74 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Kamel ‘74 ++ X

Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 & Dr. Kathleen P. Murphy ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Walker ‘76 ++ X

Crusader Club

gifts of $2,500 to $4,999

Crusader Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. George R. Diaz-Arrastia ‘76 ++ X

President’s Club

CLASS OF 1975 Alumni Drive 2008: $13,785 Total Giving: $76,924 Total Members: 107 Members Participating: 30 Participation: 28%

Ignatius Club

gifts of $10,000 or more

Ignatius Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. Tom Adolph ‘75 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch ‘75 + X

President’s Club

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Baker, III ‘75 + Mr. & Mrs. David J. Devine ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75 ++

Dr. & Mrs. M. G. Castille ‘73 + Mr. Robert E. Connell ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Cunningham ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. William K. Downey ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. William M. Greenwell ‘73 ++ Dr. Gary A. Hilsher, D.D.S. ‘73 + Dr. & Mrs. Peter R. Hoyt ‘73 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Keating ‘73 Mr. Richard N. Lane ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Lea ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Letsos ‘73 + X Mr. & Mrs. Ernesto L. Maldonado ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Shawn McShane ‘73 Mr. Mark S. New ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick T. O’Donnell ‘73 + Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Schneider ‘73 + Mr. & Mrs. Walker C. Taylor ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Tower, II ‘73 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Zagst ‘73 +

Ignatius Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Dr. & Mrs. Hugo E. Artaza ‘74 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Federico M. Bravo ‘74 Dr. & Mrs. Luke R. Bucci, Ph.D. ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Duff ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Gibbons ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Brent E. Munson ‘74 + Dr. Brian S. Parsley ‘74 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schillaci ‘74 + Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Williamson ‘74 ++

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Hinson ‘73

gifts up to $499

gifts of $10,000 or more

gifts up to $499

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499

General Contributors

Alumni Drive 2008: $9,340 Total Giving: $54,057 Total Members: 105 Members Participating: 23 Participation: 22%

Ignatius Club

Magis Club

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499


President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Bailey ‘75 X Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Crowley ‘75 Mr. L. Patrick Flynn ‘75 Mr. Stephen F. LePore ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. Light ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Mateker ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Novelli ‘75 X Mr. Pascal P. Piazza ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Bart V. Thomeer ‘75 +

General Contributors gifts up to $499

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499

President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Austin ‘76 X Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. ‘76 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Deeds ‘76 + Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Gallagher ‘76 + X Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Howe ‘76 ++

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. & Mrs. Arnold D. Azios ‘76 + X Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Herrin, Jr. ‘76 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Inman ‘76 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Johnston ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Koch ‘76 + Mr. Thomas Lea ‘76

General Contributors

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. & Mrs. David R. Almaguer ‘77 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. ‘77 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. McAuliffe ‘77 Dr. & Mrs. Clifford K. Moy ‘77 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Allan Theall ‘77

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Dr. & Mrs. Craig R. Baginski ‘77 Mr. Patrick Buckley ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Burton ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. David R. Carlson ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Cogan ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Frey ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Light ‘77 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Phillip R. Livingston ‘77 + Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Manis ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Mobley, II ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Kyle E. Teas ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Tyler ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Webre ‘77

CLASS OF 1978 Alumni Drive 2008: $3,970 Total Giving: $16,580 Total Members: 120 Members Participating: 22 Participation: 18%

Stanislaus Club

gifts of $5,000 to $9,999

Stanislaus Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78 + X

Crusader Club

gifts of $2,500 to $4,999

Crusader Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

gifts up to $499

Dr. Henry ‘78 & Dr. Susan M. Delclos X

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Castille ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Dunn ‘76 Mr. Ramon Fernandez ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Halbleib ‘76 ++ Mr. J. D. Medina, Jr. ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Miller ‘76 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Overbeck ‘76 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Permetti ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Rodney T. Pinina ‘76 ++

President’s Club

CLASS OF 1977 Alumni Drive 2008: $5,116 Total Giving: $51,491 Total Members: 122 Members Participating: 23 Participation: 19%

Ignatius Club

gifts of $10,000 or more

Ignatius Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Beathard Family ‘77 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Roderick L. Graves ‘77 X

Stanislaus Club

Mr. & Mrs. German Amador, Jr. ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Berno ‘75 + Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Braden ‘75 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Cahill ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. James E. Davidson ‘75 + X Dr. & Mrs. Ramon R. Diaz-Arrastia ‘75 Mr. Charles T. Donna, Sr. ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. James E. Erbs ‘75 ++ Mr. David R. Gilmartin ‘75 X Mr. & Mrs. James M. Henderson ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Mark M. Isensee ‘75 ++ Mr. Douglas B. Johnson ‘75 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Slatton, D.D.S. ‘75 + Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Till ‘75

Magis Club

gifts of $5,000 to $9,999

Stanislaus Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Bergeron ‘77 + X

Crusader Club

gifts of $2,500 to $4,999

Crusader Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Col. & Mrs. Brian L. Mealey, D.D.S. ‘77 ++ X

President’s Club

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499

President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Heizelman ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. D. Patrick Whitty ‘78

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. & Mrs. Hal Bean ‘78 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Connell ‘78 Mr. Robert E. Crane, II ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Herrin, III ‘78 + Mr. & Mrs. Trey Strake ‘78 + Mr. Frederic C. Warner, Jr. ‘78

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Adolph ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Albrecht ‘78 Mr. Gabriel Amador ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Barron Bogatto ‘78 X Mr. Harry Dean ‘78 Dr. & Mrs. William M. Granberry, M.D. ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Kent Mayes ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Tom Petrizzo ‘78 + Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Pflum ‘78 Dr. & Mrs. Jean-Francois P. Reat ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Mike Remson ‘78 Mr. Lonnie Sadberry ‘78

CLASS OF 1979 Alumni Drive 2008: $4,725 Total Giving: $38,325 Total Members: 133 Members Participating: 20 Participation: 15%

President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Ignatius Club

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Matlock ‘77

Ignatius Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

gifts of $10,000 or more

Anonymous X

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

The Chronicle 35

Stanislaus Club

gifts of $5,000 to $9,999

Stanislaus Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. William A. Callegari, Jr. ‘79 + X

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. & Mrs. David Dybell ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Gidley ‘79 + X Mr. & Mrs. Mick Klein ‘79 X Mr. Richard J. Morales ‘79 & Mrs. Amanda Vavilala + Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Solcher ‘79 Mr. Bruce Wiltshire ‘79

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Bambace ‘79 X Mr. Jack Caliva ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Court, III ‘79 + Mr. Carl Freis ‘79 Mr. Scott Griffin ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Alan P. Petrov ‘79 + X Mr. Nestor D. Phillips ‘79 Mr. William C. Reuter ‘79 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Marco J. Rubin ‘79 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schneidau ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Strake ‘79 Mr. Ralph Westbrook ‘79

CLASS OF 1980 Alumni Drive 2008: $24,475 Total Giving: $56,585 Total Members: 125 Members Participating: 32 Participation: 26%

Ignatius Club

gifts of $10,000 or more

Ignatius Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bashaw ‘80 + X Mr. & Mrs. Crayden Didsbury ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mullins ‘80 + X

President’s Club

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499

President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Bevans, Jr. ‘80 + X Dr. James E. Dowd ‘80 & Dr. Susan Willis + Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Mealey ‘80 + X Mr. & Mrs. James S. Peery ‘80 + Mr. & Mrs. Chris Pesek ‘80 + Mr. William J. Schneidau ‘80 ++ X

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Batsche ‘80 ++ Mr. John W. Berardi ‘80 + Mr. & Mrs. John M. Brown ‘80 X Mr. & Mrs. James Docherty ‘80 + Mr. & Mrs. Harry H. Fouke ‘80 + Mr. Adrian Franks ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Garcia ‘80 + Mr. Christopher Jennings ‘80 + Mr. Brian D. Pape ‘80 ++ Dr. & Mrs. R. Joseph Paquette ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Reat ‘80 + Mr. Thomas G. Reilly ‘80 & Ms. Sandra Baker Mr. Edward Riquelmy ‘80 Dr. & Mrs. Barry W. Solcher ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Viancos ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Ben B. Walter ‘80

CLASS OF 1981 Alumni Drive 2008: $6,000 Total Giving: $29,016 Total Members: 125 Members Participating: 215 Participation: 20%

Ignatius Club

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. & Mrs. Gonzalo Amador ‘80 X Mr. David R. Byrnes ‘80 + Mr. Joseph DeBakey ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Holden ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. William R. Johnson ‘80 Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Lucci, M.D. ‘80 X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Muchard ‘80 Mr. Albert Ramos ‘80

gifts of $10,000 or more

Ignatius Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Sweeney ‘81 X

Stanislaus Club

gifts of $5,000 to $9,999

Stanislaus Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Crusader Club

gifts of $2,500 to $4,999

Crusader Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Crowley ‘81 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanratty ‘81 + X

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bambace ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Berggren ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Campana ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Reilly ‘81

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Arnold ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Jay Corona, III ‘81 Mr. Frederick D. Couvillon, Jr. ‘81 + Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Duff ‘81 Mr. Jack Farah ‘81 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Jerome D. Gaines ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. James Gloriod ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Neal Gruber ‘81 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Hill, J.D. ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. David F. Judge ‘81 Mr. Mark O. Kinkead ‘81 & Ms. Laurie C. Steinberg Mr. Mark A. Mendel ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Sachnik ‘81 + Mr. David J. Sanguesa ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Glenn A. Standish ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Terrell O. Taylor, Jr. ‘81 X Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Wilson ‘81 +

Mr. & Mrs. James H. Barkley ‘81 X

A record number of alumni turned out for the 7th Annual Br. Casey Saturday PH Project at Cristo Rey Jesuit High School Houston to paint and do other projects on Saturday, April 18, 2009.

Legend: Bold Increased gift from previous year / X Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor / ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving


Fall 2009

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

CLASS OF 1982 Alumni Drive 2008: $9,210 Total Giving: $19,385 Total Members: 131 Members Participating: 29 Participation: 22%

Ignatius Club

gifts of $10,000 or more

Ignatius Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Till ‘82 + X President’s Club Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Franshaw ‘82 X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Kegg ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Tim Koch ‘82 +

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Dr. & Mrs. Jorge de la Torre ‘82 Dr. Paul W. ‘82 & Dr. Milvia P. Gidley + X Mr. Troy McNabb ‘82 ++ Mr. Thomas H. Padgett ‘82 X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schneidau ‘82 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Smith ‘82 ++ Dr. & Mrs. John Vanderzyl, M.D. ‘82 + Mr. Mark E. Watson, III ‘82 +

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Callaghan ‘82 ++ Mr. & Mrs. John A. Carpenter ‘82 + Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Cassidy ‘82 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Allan Conde ‘82 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Frank Corredor ‘82 + Mr. Steven M. Duble ‘82 + Mr. Michael Gawronski ‘82 + Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Hughes ‘82 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Alexander E. Inman ‘82 Mr. Mark Kubicek ‘82 + Mr. R. R. Martin, Jr. ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. McAuliffe ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCabe ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. David F. O’Brien ‘82 + Mr. Mark Sacaris ‘82 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Stinebaugh ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. David G. Wager ‘82

CLASS OF 1983 Alumni Drive 2008: $13,241 Total Giving: $30,189 Total Members: 124 Members Participating: 15 Participation: 12%

Ignatius Club

gifts of $10,000 or more

Ignatius Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Miller ‘83 X

Stanislaus Club

gifts of $5,000 to $9,999

Stanislaus Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Roberto A. Garcia ‘83 X Dr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Gomez, III ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. David A. Novelli ‘83 X

President’s Club

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499

President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. Michael Gruber ‘83 + Mr. & Mrs. Paul Junghans ‘83 Mr. Louis Martincheck ‘83 Mr. Todd Migliore ‘83 Dr. & Mrs. Mario J. Villafani ‘83

CLASS OF 1984 Alumni Drive 2008: $8,826 Total Giving: $11,776 Total Members: 154 Members Participating: 21 Participation: 14%

Crusader Club

gifts of $2,500 to $4,999

Crusader Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. James M. Clutterbuck ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Todd Vlasak ‘84 ++

President’s Club

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499

President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Gimenez, III ‘84 + X

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. & Mrs. Jim G. Koch ‘84 Mr. Lawrence E. Tanner, Jr. ‘84 X

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Clarke ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83 ++ X

CLASS OF 1986 Alumni Drive 2008: $13,250 Total Giving: $13,600 Total Members: 153 Members Participating: 26 Participation: 17%

Crusader Club

gifts of $2,500 to $4,999

Dr. Daniel B. Merritt ‘86 & Dr. Christine Moulds-Merritt ++

President’s Club

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Berggren ‘84 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Capo ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. David W. Dini ‘84 Mr. Thomas Ehrig ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Grimes ‘84 Dr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Hearon ‘84 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Heyburn ‘84 + Dr. & Mrs. W. Stuart Johnston ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Mathew P. Lasater ‘84 Dr. & Mrs. Drew J. Lomonte, D.D.S. ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. David E. Mouton, Jr. ‘84 + Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Osborn ‘84 ++ Mr. & Mrs. John K. Spiller ‘84 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Tennon, Jr. ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Kef L. Wilson ‘84 Mr. Scott M. Zaleski ‘84 +

Mr. & Mrs. Billy Zaleski ‘86

CLASS OF 1985 Alumni Drive 2008: $9,670 Total Giving: $150,470 Total Members: 160 Members Participating: 24 Participation: 15%

Ignatius Club

gifts of $10,000 or more

Ignatius Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Clay ‘85 X

Crusader Club

gifts of $2,500 to $4,999

Crusader Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Luis R. Guerrero ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Sean O’Neill ‘85 ++ X

President’s Club

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499

President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Magis Club

gifts up to $499

Dr. Jack An ‘87 & Dr. Karen Klatte Mr. Tom Causey ‘87 ++ Dr. & Mrs. Lamy Chopin, III ‘87 ++ Mr. Neil Gidley ‘87 X Mr. & Mrs. Reagan Nash ‘87 ++

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499

gifts up to $499

Magis Club

General Contributors

Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Anders ‘85 Mr. Joel H. Bennett ‘85 Mr. Don Chase ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Connell ‘85 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Scott Eggleston ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard G. Johnson, III ‘85 Mr. Duncan McLean ‘85 + Dr. & Mrs. John A. Palasota ‘85 + Mr. Chris Reinecker ‘85 + Mr. Stephen A. Sauer ‘85 Capt. & Mrs. Mario Smith ‘85 Mr. Daniel Weber ‘85 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. White ‘85

General Contributors

Mr. Peter Sanguesa ‘85

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Ash, CPM ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. John Martin ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sirgo ‘83 +

Magis Club

gifts up to $499

Crusader Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Magis Club

Mr. Stephen Blake ‘83

gifts of $500 to $1,499

General Contributors

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cannistra ‘85 + Mr. & Mrs. Norman K. Ebner ‘85 ++ Mr. & Mrs. David M. Glass ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Eric Hathorn ‘85 Mr. Christopher Jordan ‘85 ++ Dr. Robert H. Reuter ‘85 ++

President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Bartlett, Jr. ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Chris Burke ‘86 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Marc S. Dunham ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hardin ‘86 + Mr. & Mrs. Chad Knipe ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Luna ‘86 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Karl Schmidt ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Erik Wollam ‘86 ++

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Claude ‘86 + Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Cohn ‘86 ++ Mr. Julien G. DuPont ‘86 Dr. John Forney, M.D. ‘86 + Mr. & Mrs. Gregory George ‘86 + Mr. & Mrs. Chris Hawkins ‘86 Mr. David A. Herrin ‘86 ++ Mr. & Mrs. R. Russell Hollenbeck ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Jordan ‘86 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Newell ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Rick Ogle ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Joe Schmitt ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Marty Schrier ‘86 Dr. & Mrs. Patrick V. Solcher ‘86 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stallings ‘86 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Andrew von Eschenbach ‘86

CLASS OF 1987 Alumni Drive 2008: $14,595 Total Giving: $15,775 Total Members: 157 Members Participating: 24 Participation: 15%

Crusader Club

gifts of $2,500 to $4,999

Crusader Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez ‘87 + X Mr. Joseph E. Lee ‘87

President’s Club

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499

President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Carmouche ‘87 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Hegarty ‘87 Mr. Christopher J. Napoli ‘87 ++

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

gifts of $500 to $1,499

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. Anil Adyanthaya ‘87 X Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Bach ‘87 Mr. Robert Buchheit ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Manny Cantu ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Dessens ‘87 Mr. Clay Duarte ‘87 Mr. Gene Hahn ‘87 Mr. Anthony Muniz ‘87 + X Mr. John E. Neslage ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Jack O’Connell ‘87 Dr. John F. Schultz, M.D. ‘87 + Mr. & Mrs. Bart Stevens ‘87 ++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sullivan ‘87 + X Mr. Raphael Suter ‘87

CLASS OF 1988 Alumni Drive 2008: $7,290 Total Giving: $14,587 Total Members: 167 Members Participating: 25 Participation: 15%

Stanislaus Club

gifts of $5,000 to $9,999

Stanislaus Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Davies ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Medrano ‘88 + X

President’s Club

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499

President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Hudgins ‘88

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Garvis ‘88 + X Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McMahon ‘88 X

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Agraz ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Kris Begnaud ‘88 + Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bothe, Jr. ‘88 ++ Mr. & Mrs. James J. Braniff, IV ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Barry Broeckelmann ‘88 Mr. William A. Cropper ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. John S. Foster ‘88 X Mr. & Mrs. Rick Garcia ‘88 Mr. Charlie Garrido ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Gomez ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick LaRue ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Lorenz ‘88 ++ X Mr. & Mrs. Brett Marko ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Oscar A. Martinez ‘88 Mr. Michael C. Newhouse ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. J. P. O’Connell ‘88 + X Mr. & Mrs. Brian Petrov ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Kirk D. Schwartzenburg ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Steve Schwarzbach ‘88 Mr. Philip Ugalde ‘88

CLASS OF 1989 Alumni Drive 2008: $2,781 Total Giving: $2,781 Total Members: 127 Members Participating: 14 Participation: 11%

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. Dana B. Kraft ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Merchant ‘89

The Chronicle 37

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. Bryan Brandow ‘89 + Mr. Charles E. Chopin ‘89 & Dr. Erin M. Davis Dr. & Mrs. Claytie Davis, III ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. John G. Jordan ‘89 Mr. Steven T. Mitchell ‘89 + Mr. Edward F. Moeller ‘89 + X Mr. & Mrs. Robert Montoya ‘89 Mr. Dax Philbin ‘89 + Mr. & Mrs. Richard Riccetti ‘89 Mr. Kristopher L. Sanders ‘89 Mr. Charles A. Schwalbe ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Varcados ‘89

CLASS OF 1990 Alumni Drive 2008: $2,315 Total Giving: $7,821 Total Members: 116 Members Participating: 3 Participation: 11%

Stanislaus Club

gifts of $5,000 to $9,999

Stanislaus Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. Corey B. Davis ‘90 + X

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Giesler, Jr. ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. John V. Schmitt ‘90 +

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. & Mrs. Matias J. Adrogue ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Dampf ‘90 ++ X Dr. Kevin A. ‘90 & Dr. Carolyn Z. Grimes Mr. & Mrs. Clayton M. Holy ‘90 + Mr. Stephen R. Johnson ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio LaMatta ‘90 + Mr. & Mrs. Jared M. Montegut ‘90 Mr. Donald A. Perlick ‘90 Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti ‘90 & Ms. Lynn Wilgenbusch + X Mr. Scott E. Stewart ‘90

CLASS OF 1991 Alumni Drive 2008: $5,150 Total Giving: $48,545 Total Members: 110 Members Participating: 18 Participation: 16%

Ignatius Club

gifts of $10,000 or more

Ignatius Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Shane E. Walsh ‘91 + X

Crusader Club

gifts of $2,500 to $4,999

Crusader Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. William O. Iglesias ‘91 + Mr. & Mrs. Alex G. Montoya ‘91 + X

President’s Club

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499

President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Antonio P. Zubizarreta ‘91 + X

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. & Mrs. Brett T. Agee ‘91 Mr. Brad Kerwin ‘91 & Mrs. Stephanie J. Sullano Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lojo ‘91 + X Mr. Christopher P. McConn ‘91 + Dr. & Mrs. Michael T. Mineo ‘91

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Clinton ‘91 + X

Mr. & Mrs. Henri M. de Ybarrondo ‘91 X Mr. William Haardt ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Kilgard ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Steve L. Kuan ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Montalbano ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Colin T. Smith ‘91 Dr. & Mrs. Zachary J. Smith, M.D. ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Alan N. Tennille ‘91 +

CLASS OF 1992 Alumni Drive 2008: $4,050 Total Giving: $5,070 Total Members: 123 Members Participating: 13 Participation: 11%

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. Kelley A. Chisholm ‘92 Mr. Michael Lacey ‘92 & Mrs. Alechia Crown Mr. & Mrs. Ronald O. Luster ‘92 X Mr. Mark E. Reed ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Steffler ‘92 ++

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Giordano ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Trent E. Grothues ‘92 Mr. Brendan J. Johnson ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Shawn S. Jones ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Kyle W. Kornegay ‘92 + X LCDR & Mrs. Richard T. McCarty ‘92 Mr. Justin M. Teltschik ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Travis Twardowski ‘92 ++

CLASS OF 1993 Alumni Drive 2008: $5,335 Total Giving: $18,185 Total Members: 127 Members Participating: 21 Participation: 17%

Stanislaus Club

gifts of $5,000 to $9,999

Stanislaus Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Anonymous + X Mr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Hansen ‘93 X

President’s Club

gifts of $1,500 to $2,499

President’s Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Clifton ‘93 +

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. Carey T. Ford ‘93 X Mr. Shane W. Hudson ‘93 X Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Lee ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Roberts ‘93 + X

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Coscio ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas C. Doyle ‘93 + Mr. & Mrs. Theodore J. Gorman ‘93 X Mr. & Mrs. M. S. Kerr ‘93 Mr. Edward D. Korompai ‘93 + Mr. Kevin A. Mineo ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. David C. Moser ‘93 Mr. Patrick R. Nixon ‘93 + Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Nugent ‘93 Mr. Marcus W. Sharp ‘93 Mr. Thomas J. Springer ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Ulrich, III ‘93 Mr. Quentin T. Williams ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin J. Wohlford ‘93

CLASS OF 1994 Alumni Drive 2008: $4,385 Total Giving: $9,385 Total Members: 125 Members Participating: 14 Participation: 11%

Crusader Club

gifts of $2,500 to $4,999

Crusader Club level donors are invited to the annual

President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Agee ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Chapman ‘94 + X

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. Justin Holy ‘94

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. Matthew Chiste ‘94 + Mr. & Mrs. John Cook ‘94 + Dr. Darryll G. DeVera ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lynch ‘94 Mr. Jeffrey Marino ‘94 + Mr. & Mrs. David Merkel ‘94 ++ Ens. Matthew Puckett ‘94 Mr. Eugene Song ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Seth Wallis ‘94 + Mr. & Mrs. Chad A. Webre ‘94 Mr. & Ms. Zachery L. Yeglin ‘94

CLASS OF 1995 Alumni Drive 2008: $3,350 Total Giving: $9,175 Total Members: 144 Members Participating: 13 Participation: 9%

Stanislaus Club

gifts of $5,000 to $9,999

Stanislaus Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. Patrick C. Dickson ‘95 + X

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499

Mr. Bryce E. Gama ‘97 ++ X

Crusader Club

gifts of $2,500 to $4,999

Crusader Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Dewhurst ‘97 X

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. M. B. Dorr ‘97 Mr. Ernest C. Jones ‘97 Mr. Zachary S. Langenkamp ‘97 + Mr. Jeffrey L. Petersen ‘97

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Brewer ‘97 + Mr. & Mrs. R.J. Bruce ‘97 Mr. Jonathan F. Kalian ‘97 ++ Mr. Ryan E. LaRue ‘97 Mr. Brian T. Light ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. John Pham ‘97 Dr. & Dr. George M. Porter ‘97 Mr. Daniel J. Reininger ‘97

CLASS OF 1998 Alumni Drive 2008: $3,790 Total Giving: $4,110 Total Members: 154 Members Participating: 26 Participation: 17%

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499

Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Twardowski ‘95 +

Mr. & Mrs. Adam A. Mackie ‘98 Mr. Daviz T. Pham ‘98 Mr. Aaron P. Williams ‘98

General Contributors

General Contributors

gifts up to $499

Mr. Michael A. Ackal, III ‘95 + Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Drone ‘95 Mr. Rajiv R. Mashruwala ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. McCarty ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, III ‘95 + Mr. Michael J. Pawlikowski ‘95 + Mr. Carlo E. Romero ‘95 Mr. Frank A. Simcik ‘95 + Mr. Alexander Supgul ‘95 Mr. Matthew S. Wong ‘95 + Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Zientek ‘95

CLASS OF 1996 Alumni Drive 2008: $1,756 Total Giving: $1,756 Total Members: 157 Members Participating: 10 Participation: 6%

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. & Mrs. Juan R. Correa ‘96

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. & Mrs. Joel H. Berry ‘96 Mr. Chris J. Calato ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Chiste ‘96 + Mr. Andrew J. Dougherty ‘96 Mr. Ryan J. Eberle ‘96 ++ Mr. Andrew B. Frew ‘96 + Mr. & Mrs. Hunter R. Jaggard ‘96 Mr. Mukul C. Kanabar ‘96 Mr. Keagan H. Lee ‘96

CLASS OF 1997 Alumni Drive 2008: $6,080 Total Giving: $12,080 Total Members: 141 Members Participating: 14 Participation: 10%

gifts up to $499

Mr. Andrew J. Aguirre ‘98 ++ Mr. Jack G. Bonner, III ‘98 + X Dr. & Mrs. G. Travis Clifton ‘98 Mr. John S. Dyer ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Seth E. Flechsig ‘98 Mr. Andrew D. Jones ‘98 Mr. William N. Knecht, Jr. ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kochman, Jr. ‘98 + Mr. & Ms. Kerry H. Lee ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. John D. McDonald ‘98 Mr. Chanan Pinyopusarerk ‘98 Mr. Andrew C. Pruett ‘98 Fr. Jonathan D. Raia ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Danny R. Rigamonti ‘98 Dr. James M. Rinando ‘98 Mr. Ian S. Shelton ‘98 Mr. Brian C. Smith ‘98 Mr. Dennis V. Stasio ‘98 Mr. Philip W. Steuernagel ‘98 Mr. Matthew L. Stewart ‘98 Mr. Jeffrey E. Thomas ‘98 Mr. William S. Walters ‘98 Mr. Robert M. Wren ‘98

CLASS OF 1999 Alumni Drive 2008: $1,185 Total Giving: $1,235 Total Members: 145 Members Participating: 13 Participation: 9%

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. Charles A. Atchison ‘99 Mr. Gregory P. Barra ‘99 Mr. John W. Bates, V ‘99 X Mr. Paul W. Bilnoski ‘99 Mr. Kyle S. Flodder ‘99 Mr. Belton Flournoy, III ‘99

Stanislaus Club

gifts of $5,000 to $9,999

Stanislaus Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Legend: Bold Increased gift from previous year / X Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor / ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving


Fall 2009

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Interiano ‘99 Mr. Antonio Liska ‘99 Mr. Thomas K. Schroeter ‘99 Mr. Jeffrey C. Shaddix ‘99 ++ Mr. Matthew R. Simpson ‘99 Mr. Ash C. Solar ‘99 Mr. John R. Warden ‘99

CLASS OF 2000 Alumni Drive 2008: $3,250 Total Giving: $3,280 Total Members: 161 Members Participating: 10 Participation: 6%

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. John C. Adolph ‘00 + Mr. J. Neal Badgett ‘00 + Mr. Matthew W. Gallagher ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Z. Hawthorne ‘00

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. Cullen N. Brock ‘00 X Mr. Robert T. Caughlin ‘00 Mr. Alexander B. Grivich ‘00 Mr. Gregory C. Highberger ‘00 X Mr. Neal P. Jungeblut ‘00 Mr. Olle L. Lorehn ‘00

CLASS OF 2001 Alumni Drive 2008: $3,585 Total Giving: $6,085 Total Members: 192 Members Participating: 10 Participation: 5%

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. Mark E. Buck ‘01 1st Lt. Christopher F. Coffman ‘01 Mr. Michael S. Connelly ‘01 Mr. Kelly M. Layne ‘01 X Mr. Keith B. Letsos ‘01 Mr. David J. O’Connell ‘01 Mr. Javier A. Portocarrero ‘01 Mr. Ryan F. Walsh ‘01

CLASS OF 2002 Alumni Drive 2008: $1,150 Total Giving: $1,250 Total Members: 206 Members Participating: 9 Participation: 4%

Magis Club

gifts of $500 to $1,499 Mr. Christopher J. Glaser ‘02

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. George R. Caldwell ‘02 Mr. Paul J. Carty, Jr. ‘02 Mr. Steven L. Dildine ‘02 Mr. Matthew L. Garibaldi ‘02 Mr. Christopher R. Hagale ‘02 Mr. Paul D. Kanaby ‘02 Mr. Andres E. Quesada ‘02 Mr. Nicholas F. Shaver ‘02

CLASS OF 2003 Alumni Drive 2008: $2,291 Total Giving: $1,841 Total Members: 231 Members Participating: 21 Participation: 9%

CLASS OF 2004 Alumni Drive 2008: $636 Total Giving: $1,081 Total Members: 225 Members Participating: 17 Participation: 8%

Magis Club

General Contributors

Mr. Stephen Chen ‘03 Mr. Alec Luong ‘03 Mr. Chad Marti ‘03

Mr. Stephen Akwari ‘04 Mr. Christopher Clark ‘04 Mr. Andrew W. Clifton ‘04 Mr. Casey Doherty ‘04 Mr. Christopher Gornet ‘04 Mr. Jonathan R. Hanus ‘04 Mr. Benjamin Idstein ‘04 Mr. Zane Keller ‘04 Mr. Josef E. McLean ‘04 X Mr. Joseph Mims ‘04 Mr. Mark S. C. Monroe ‘04 Mr. Matthew Morris ‘04 Mr. Basel Murad ‘04 Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Rice ‘04 Mr. Felipe Serrano ‘04 Mr. Bryan Solar ‘04 Mr. Patrick Walbridge ‘04

gifts of $500 to $1,499

General Contributors gifts up to $499

Mr. Brian Albrecht ‘03 Mr. Stephen Brody ‘03 Mr. Christopher Calderwood ‘03 1st Lt. Patrick N. Coffman ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Hogan ‘03 Mr. Robert Huebel ‘03 Mr. S. Ross Moore ‘03 Mr. Daniel Nevares ‘03 Mr. Matthew O’Neill ‘03 Mr. Clay Padgett ‘03 Mr. William N. Padon ‘03 Mr. John Price ‘03 Mr. Charles L. Sharman ‘03 X Mr. Preston Smith ‘03 Mr. Alexander M. Steffler ‘03 Mr. Jonathon VandenBrand ‘03 Mr. Robert Whitlow ‘03 Mr. Marco Rodriguez ‘03

gifts up to $499

Crusader Club

gifts of $2,500 to $4,999

Crusader Club level donors are invited to the annual President’s Dinner

Mr. Andrew D. Dewhurst ‘01 X Mr. Anthony A. Pham ‘01

Members of the Inaugural Class of the Strake Jesuit Athletic Hall of Honor were inducted on September 27, 2008. Pictured with Athletic Director Bill McDonald (left) and school President Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ (right) are (left to right) Br. Casey Ferlita, SJ, Eric Mullins ‘80, Mike Janda ‘69, Head Coach of the Hall of Honor 1976 Football Team Tom Nolen, Mike Novelli ‘75, and Chris Darkins ‘92.

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The Chronicle 39

President’s Young Associates

President’s Young Associates Club members are alumni who, in the period of one to four years after they graduate from Strake Jesuit, make leading gifts of $50 or more.

CLASS OF 2005 Alumni Drive 2008: $2,460 Total Giving: $2,460 Total Members: 233 Members Participating: 33 Participation: 14%

President’s Young Associates Mr. Ugochukwu Alaribe ‘05 Mr. Tyler Baker ‘05 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Duncan, III ‘05 Mr. Eric Franco ‘05 Mr. Cesar Giralt ‘05 Mr. Roberto Gonzalez ‘05 Mr. Andrew Goodrich ‘05 Mr. William Goodyear ‘05 Mr. Thomas W. Hambrick ‘05 Mr. Albert D. Ho ‘05 Mr. Sean Hoskins ‘05 Mr. Nicholas Lovell ‘05 Mr. Scott Macbeth ‘05 Mr. Ryan Mathews ‘05 Mr. DeWitt Methvin ‘05 Mr. An Nam Nguyen ‘05 Mr. Christopher Nissman ‘05 Mr. Giang Ong ‘05 Mr. Daniel J. Sheets ‘05 Mr. Christopher Simmons ‘05 Mr. Alexander Stanford ‘05 Mr. Guy M. Sullaway ‘05 Mr. Justin Turner ‘05 Mr. John Weems ‘05

General Contributors

Mr. Anthony J. Brill ‘05 Mr. Oliver Collado ‘05 Mr. Clayton Dalton ‘05 Mr. Robert Heth ‘05 Mr. Dominic Pigneri ‘05 Mr. Alexander J. Radcliffe ‘05 Mr. Carlos Ramirez ‘05 Mr. G. R. Sacra, Jr. ‘05 Mr. Stephen Wolters ‘05

A L U M N I Greater Houston 3701 Texas (not Greater Houston) 760


CLASS OF 2006 Alumni Drive 2008: $1,503 Total Giving: $1,673 Total Members: 225 Members Participating: 30 Participation: 13%

President’s Young Associates Mr. Richard F. Ardila, II ‘06 Mr. Mark A. Balhoff ‘06 Mr. Kyle M. Benson ‘06 Mr. Dwight L. Daboval ‘06 Mr. Andrew L. Falsone ‘06 Mr. Sean D. Hilbe ‘06 Mr. Parker C. Holcomb ‘06 Mr. Peyton L. Johnson ‘06 Mr. Albert L. Mancillas ‘06 Mr. James E. McLean, Jr. ‘06 X Mr. Ryan C. Moore ‘06 Mr. Mark A. Morales ‘06 Mr. Jesse D. Mosqueda ‘06 Mr. Adam Perkins ‘06 Mr. Andrew M. Reinhardt ‘06 Mr. Andrew T. Roth ‘06

General Contributors

Mr. Benjamin D. Baker ‘06 Mr. Joseph G. Bernica ‘06 Mr. Kelly B. Halaszyn ‘06 Mr. Lauren C. Hamor ‘06 Mr. Matthew T. Hutson ‘06 Mr. Ryan J. Lumpkin ‘06 Mr. John R. Passmore ‘06 Mr. Robert S. Pondell ‘06 Mr. Michael C. Roxas ‘06 Mr. Nicholas L. Shaw ‘06 Mr. Gregory R. Stenoien ‘06 Mr. Micah W. Stroup ‘06 Mr. Jesse N. Valdez ‘06 Mr. Luis J. Vallejo ‘06

CLASS OF 2007 Alumni Drive 2008: $2,020 Total Giving: $2,045 Total Members: 218 Members Participating: 34 Participation: 16%

President’s Young Associates Mr. Colin E. Chambers ‘07 Mr. Thomas G. Devine ‘07 Mr. Reid D. Fontenot ‘07 Mr. Matthew-Gerard P. Gonzalez ‘07 Mr. John C. Henken ‘07 Mr. Brian D. Hoskins ‘07 Mr. Timothy E. Idstein ‘07 Mr. Kyle A. Kainer ‘07 Mr. Gregory L. Keogh ‘07 Mr. Daniel J. Kisch ‘07 Mr. Robert B. Morey ‘07 Mr. David C. Noble ‘07 Mr. Anthony C. Oaks ‘07 Mr. Albert J. Ramirez ‘07 Mr. Eric G. Rodriguez ‘07 Mr. Henry J. Roth ‘07 Mr. Michael J. Sodek ‘07 Mr. Blake C. Triplett ‘07 Mr. Andrew B. Walker ‘07 Mr. Guillermo M. Wippold ‘07 Mr. Jacob L. Wurzer ‘07

General Contributors

Mr. George H. Brueggeman, III ‘07 Mr. Stephen G. Bueso ‘07 Mr. Habib D. Dacak ‘07 Mr. Robert J. Faulk ‘07 X Mr. Michael E. Fisher ‘07 Mr. William A. Gibula ‘07 Mr. Charles D. Jankowski ‘07 Mr. Patrick W. Johnson ‘07 Mr. William M. Miraglia ‘07 Mr. Rexford T. Park ‘07 Mr. Steven J. Rife ‘07 Mr. Michael S. Rohde ‘07 Mr. Patrick J. Stoia ‘07

A R O U N D T H E C O U N T R Y A N D T H E W O R L D Kansas 15

North Dakota 1

Kentucky 10

Ohio 19

Louisiana 41

Oklahoma 24

Alabama 12

Maine 5

Oregon 18

Alaska 1

Maryland 16

Pennsylvania 21

Arizona 23

Massachusetts 25

Rhode Island 2

Arkansas 13

Michigan 15

South Carolina 13

California 170

Minnesota 6

Tennessee 16

Colorado 67

Mississippi 10

Utah 8

Connecticutt 14

Missouri 25

Vermont 3

Delaware 3

Montana 1

Virginia 53

Florida 50

Nebraska 1

Washington 29

Georgia 41

Nevada 8

Washington, D.C. 21

Hawaii 4

New Hampshire 2

Wisconsin 7

Idaho 1

New Jersey 13

Wyoming 3

Illinois 31

New Mexico 7

International 16

Indiana 13

New York 68

Iowa 5

North Carolina 22

Fall 2009

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CLASS OF 2008 Alumni Drive 2008: $3,400 Total Giving: $3,525 Total Members: 220 Members Participating: 52 Participation: 24%

President’s Young Associates Mr. Curtis B. Antolik ‘08 Mr. Andrew P. Armour ‘08 Mr. Arman G. A. Ayeras ‘08 Mr. John R. Ayers ‘08 Mr. Nicholas S. Bayer ‘08 Mr. William D. Burck ‘08 Mr. Kyle W. Byrnes ‘08 Mr. Rodrigo A. Chapa ‘08 Mr. Jonathan S. Cheung ‘08 Mr. Prescott H. Coats ‘08 Mr. Roberto Contreras, IV ‘08 Mr. Joseph W. D’Antoni ‘08 Mr. Christian S. Davidson ‘08 Mr. Kevin P. Erice ‘08 Mr. Ryan E. Fogarty ‘08 Mr. Matthew S. Frazier ‘08 Mr. Eduardo E. Hernandez ‘08 Mr. Aurash A. Javidinejad ‘08 Mr. Michael A. Johnston ‘08 Mr. Thomas M. La ‘08 Mr. Miles D. Landry ‘08 Mr. Austin J. Marietta ‘08 Mr. Thomas M. Owens ‘08 Mr. Travis L. Perkins ‘08 Mr. Michael C. Price ‘08 Mr. Oscar E. Rivera ‘08 Mr. Michael D. Skelton ‘08 Mr. Sean P. Steininger ‘08 Mr. Mark B. Strickland ‘08

General Contributors


Mr. Matthew J. Brill ‘08 Mr. Samuel L. Garcia ‘08 Mr. Ian M. Giles ‘08 Mr. Riley J. Griffin ‘08 Mr. Tanner S. Hahn ‘08 Mr. David T. Heckler ‘08 Mr. Jordan I. Hmaidan ‘08 Mr. Matthew W. Holladay ‘08 Mr. Mark A. Kermath ‘08 Mr. Myles J. Lambert ‘08 Mr. Kevin B. Layne ‘08 Mr. Trevor A. Martin ‘08 Mr. Brendan J. Meara ‘08 Mr. Grant A. L. Miller ‘08 Mr. Thomas Murickan ‘08 Mr. Christopher J. O’Shea ‘08 Mr. Roy D. Pruden ‘08 Mr. Mark A. Reed ‘08 Mr. Matthew J. Schwing ‘08 Mr. Travis L. Taunton ‘08 Mr. Jose Luis Torras ‘08 Mr. Garrett R. Velarde ‘08 Mr. Timothy C. Whitford ‘08



2 0 0 9




In its sixth year the Senior Class Gift presents an opportunity for the students to make the transformation to alumni and to leave a parting gift to the school. The Class of 2009, as their Senior Class Gift, had ‘We Are SJ’ painted on the Gessner drive entrance. With almost 62% of the class participating, they have pledged over $15,340 to the project. President’s Young Associates Mr. Francisco F. Castillo ‘09 Mr. Christopher M. Dismuke ‘09 Mr. Humberto B. Galvan ‘09 Mr. Armando Gomez ‘09 Mr. Patrick F. Henning ‘09 Mr. Denys J. Herfort ‘09 Mr. Jose L. Navarro ‘09 Mr. Charles B. Provenzano ‘09 Mr. Andrew Schneider ‘09 Mr. Stephen V. Seger ‘09 Mr. Britt J. Sobiesk ‘09 Mr. Gregory A. Valdez ‘09

General Contributors Mr. Adebayo A. Adesomo ‘09 Mr. Trevor M. Anderson ‘09 Mr. Freddy F. Arce ‘09 Mr. Ryan D. Ashcraft ‘09 Mr. Timothy G. Ashe ‘09 Mr. Michael J. Badum ‘09 Mr. June Y. Bae ‘09 Mr. Jackson C. Baker ‘09 Mr. Jordan J. Baker ‘09 Mr. Stephen J. Balhoff ‘09 Mr. Benjamin P. Barrett ‘09 Mr. Philip K. Bartholomew ‘09 Mr. Taylor F. Baumann ‘09 Mr. Kellan F. Belanger ‘09 Mr. Jomer P. Bernardo ‘09 Mr. Christopher Bertagne ‘09 Mr. Will P. Biba ‘09 Mr. Christopher A. Black-Celis ‘09 Mr. Daniel C. Blado ‘09 Mr. Patrick C. Blizzard ‘09 Mr. Patrick J. Blusanovics ‘09 Mr. Alexander G. Borlenghi ‘09 Mr. Andre M. Boudreaux ‘09 Mr. James A. Branda ‘09 Mr. John G. Brentin ‘09 Mr. Lott J. Brooks, IV ‘09 Mr. Orion H. Campbell ‘09 Mr. John D. Carroll ‘09 Mr. Graydon B. Cayce ‘09 Mr. Clement J. Chee ‘09 Mr. Justin K. Cheung ‘09

Mr. Andrew J. Clark ‘09 Mr. Cavalier B. Coffield ‘09 Mr. Michael A. Collins ‘09 Mr. Theodore F. Crane ‘09 Mr. Solomon Crenshaw ‘09 Mr. Salem H. Dacak ‘09 Mr. Paul E. Doyle ‘09 Mr. Ryan P. Dunbar ‘09 Mr. Daniel A. Edwards ‘09 Mr. Alexander F. Elkins ‘09 Mr. Jonathan Espenan ‘09 Mr. Nicholas J. Feinberg ‘09 Mr. Russell E. Fromm ‘09 Mr. Mark R. Gibson ‘09 Mr. Christian R. Grado ‘09 Mr. Kenneth B. Haesly ‘09 Mr. Matthew S. Hanratty ‘09 Mr. Jonathan W. Harding ‘09 Mr. Benjamin C. Harris ‘09 Mr. Robert P. Heisler ‘09 Mr. Rodrigo A. Hernandez ‘09 Mr. John L. Hohlt ‘09 Mr. Patrick F. Hoskins ‘09 Mr. Alexander S. Jefferies ‘09 Mr. Charles I. Kochman ‘09 Mr. Klein A. Kubiak ‘09 Mr. Daniel R. Laucirica ‘09 Mr. Christopher J. Lauinger ‘09 Mr. Edward A. K. Le ‘09 Mr. Pedro Ledezma ‘09 Mr. Jason Lee ‘09 Mr. Nicholas M. Luyster ‘09 Mr. Nicholas J. Lykos ‘09 Mr. Andrew G. Marietta ‘09 Mr. Andrew K. Martin ‘09 Mr. Chase E. Mayo ‘09 Mr. Mason N. McBee ‘09 Mr. Christopher L. McCullagh ‘09 Mr. Peter R. McStravick ‘09 Mr. Matthew B. A. Mealey ‘09 Mr. Christopher C. N. Meggs ‘09 Mr. Audel K. Mehrinfar ‘09 Mr. Christopher P. Meyer ‘09 Mr. Kevin M. Miller ‘09 Mr. Angel M. C. Mira ‘09 Mr. Benjamin J. Moras ‘09

Mr. Daniel C. Morris ‘09 Mr. Trevor D. Munoz ‘09 Mr. Luis F. Murguia ‘09 Mr. Alejandro R. Nazario ‘09 Mr. John D. Nguyen ‘09 Mr. Luis F. Nunez-Alanis ‘09 Mr. Robin J. Operhall ‘09 Mr. Deji P. Owolabi ‘09 Mr. Diego A. Pacheco ‘09 Mr. Ian A. Perera ‘09 Mr. David A. Peterman ‘09 Mr. Jeffrey R. Peters ‘09 Mr. Zachary A. Petrov ‘09 Mr. John R. Potts ‘09 Mr. Nicholas A. Reinoso ‘09 Mr. Keller A. Rhyne ‘09 Mr. Dorian N. Rizzo-Carrasco ‘09 Mr. Matthew J. Rohde ‘09 Mr. Robert B. Schiller ‘09 Mr. Michael C. Schulz ‘09 Mr. James E. Scott ‘09 Mr. Patrick R. Sequeira ‘09 Mr. Thomas M. Sheehy ‘09 Mr. William R. Sisak ‘09 Mr. Ryan J. Stangel ‘09 Mr. Garrett A. Staudt ‘09 Mr. Hugh P. Stewart ‘09 Mr. John T. Sturgis ‘09 Mr. William V. Taylor ‘09 Mr. William B. Taylor ‘09 Mr. John M. Terracina ‘09 Mr. Brian H. Till ‘09 Mr. Khang M. Tran ‘09 Mr. Paul J. Tyger ‘09 Mr. Henry Ung ‘09 Mr. Joshua P. Vanderslice ‘09 Mr. Joaquin B. Vargas ‘09 Mr. Kristopher J. Voorhees ‘09 Mr. Ricardo R. Watson ‘09 Mr. Benjamin M. Weatherl ‘09 Mr. James B. Webb ‘09 Mr. Bryan A. Williams ‘09 Mr. Conor T. Wilson ‘09 Mr. Daniel C. Wolterman ‘09

SCHOLAR / SPONSOR PARTNERSHIP Those listed here have chosen to Sponsor a Strake Jesuit student through the Scholar/Student Partnership. By doing so, they have chosen to reach out to a deserving Financial Aid student in a very personal way. As a Sponsor, they have the opportunity to meet the student and watch him grow throughout his time at Jesuit. Anonymous Archidiocese of Galveston-Houston Mr. & Mrs. Murray E. Brasseux Mr. Rod & Dr. Michele Desroches Captain Andrew Houghton Foundation The John G. & Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation The William & Linda Kirvan Family Foundation Jack Koch Memorial Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mullins ‘80

Ms. Mary Nugent Mr. & Mrs. Mike Rome The Roth Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sisler The William A. & Madeline Welder Smith Foundation Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Springer The Terry Crane Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Walker ‘76

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The Chronicle 41




Gifts to Endowments and Scholarships contribute to the Endowment Fund, the interest on which supports the Financial Aid Program or other specified areas. The Adcock Family Endowed Scholarship

Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock X

Michael Alchediak, SJ Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Ash, CPM ‘83 Dr. & Mrs. Peter R. Hoyt ‘73 New Hope Housing, Inc Mr. Richard Stout Mr. Miles H. Woodward

Alumni Financial Aid Endowment

Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Adamcik ‘67 Mr. John C. Adolph ‘00 Mr. Robert A. Adolph ‘73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson X Mr. Anil Adyanthaya ‘87 X Albemarle Corporation Mr. & Mrs. German Amador, Jr. ‘75 Amerada Hess Corp. Ameriprise Financial Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Anders ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Arnold ‘81 Dr. & Mrs. Hugo E. Artaza ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Bach ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. William R. Baker, III ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bambace ‘81 Mr. Paul B. Barron ‘67 X Mr. & Mrs. James W. Bartlett, Jr. ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Batsche ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Berno ‘75 Mr. John L. Berry ‘65 Bhpbilliton Mr. Stephen Blake ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bothe, Jr. ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Glen M. Boudreaux ‘67 X BP Fabric of America Fund X Mr. Bryan Brandow ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Braniff, IV ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Federico M. Bravo ‘74 Mr. Stephen Brody ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. Barry Broeckelmann ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. R.J. Bruce ‘97 Mr. Mark E. Buck ‘01 Mr. & Mrs. Chris Burke ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Cahill ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Campana ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Campo ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Cannon ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Manny Cantu ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Capo ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. David R. Carlson ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Cassidy ‘82 Dr. & Mrs. M. G. Castille ‘73 Mr. Robert T. Caughlin ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh ‘68 Chevron X Mr. Kelley A. Chisholm ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Clarke ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Claude ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Bruce N. Clay ‘68 Dr. & Mrs. G. Travis Clifton ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Clifton ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Cogan ‘77 Dr. & Mrs. Allan Conde ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Connell ‘85 X Conoco Phillips, Inc. X Mr. & Mrs. Jay Corona, III ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Costello ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Court, III ‘79 Mr. John Courtade ‘67 Mr. Frederick D. Couvillon, Jr. ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Cruickshank ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. James S. Cunningham ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Curran ‘71 Mr. Dwight L. Daboval ‘06 Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Davies ‘88 Dr. & Mrs. Jorge de la Torre ‘82 Mr. Harry Dean ‘78 Mr. Joseph DeBakey ‘80

Dell Computers Dr. & Mrs. Ramon R. Diaz-Arrastia ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. James Docherty ‘80 Dr. & Mrs. Michael T. Doyle ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83 X Mr. & Mrs. Marc S. Dunham ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. David Dybell ‘79 Mr. John S. Dyer ‘98 Dr. & Mrs. John J. Eick ‘67 El Paso Energy X Mr. & Mrs. James E. Erbs ‘75 Mr. George W. Everhart ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Feehan ‘67 Mr. Ramon Fernandez ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Seth E. Flechsig ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming ‘69 X Mr. Kyle S. Flodder ‘99 Mr. Belton Flournoy, III ‘99 Mr. Carey T. Ford ‘93 X Mr. Adrian Franks ‘80 Mr. Carl Freis ‘79 Dr. Claude S. Frey ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Jerome D. Gaines ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Garcia ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Rick Garcia ‘88 Mr. Charlie Garrido ‘88 GE Foundation X Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Gibbons ‘74 Dr. Paul W. ‘82 & Dr. Milvia P. Gidley X Mr. David R. Gilmartin ‘75 X Mr. & Mrs. William M. Greenwell ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Grimes ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Neal Gruber ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Luis R. Guerrero ‘85 Mr. Gene Hahn ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Halbleib ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hardin ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Z. Hawthorne ‘00 Mr. James M. Herman ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Herrin, III ‘78 Mr. James V. Hewitt ‘72 Mr. Gregory C. Highberger ‘00 X Mr. Virgil R. Hinojosa ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Hinson ‘73 Mr. Randy Hodnett ‘69 Home Depot Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Houck ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Howe ‘76 Mr. Shane W. Hudson ‘93 X Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Jackson ‘69 Mr. Douglas B. Johnson ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. William R. Johnson ‘80 Mr. Andrew D. Jones ‘98 JP Morgan Chase Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Keating ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Keeney ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Keister ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Kelleher ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Kilgard ‘91 Mr. Mark O. Kinkead ‘81 & Ms. Laurie C. Steinberg Mr. & Mrs. Chad Knipe ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kochman, Jr. ‘98 Mr. Edward D. Korompai ‘93 Mr. Joseph A. Kral ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Steve L. Kuan ‘91 Mr. Mark Kubicek ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick LaRue ‘88 Mr. Ryan E. LaRue ‘97 Mr. Joseph E. Lee ‘87 Mr. & Ms. Kerry H. Lee ‘98 Mr. Brian T. Light ‘97 Mr. Antonio Liska ‘99 Mr. Olle L. Lorehn ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. Adam A. Mackie ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Manis ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Mann, Ph.D. ‘66 Mr. Jeffrey Marino ‘94 Mr. R. J. Marshall, Jr. ‘65 Mr. Chad Marti ‘03

Mr. R. R. Martin, Jr. ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Kent Mayes ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. McConnell ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. John D. McDonald ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. S. W. McDonald, Sr. ‘67 X Mr. Mark W. McGrath ‘72 Mr. John W. McKirahan, Jr. ‘67 X Col. & Mrs. Brian L. Mealey, D.D.S. ‘77 X Mr. J. D. Medina, Jr. ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Medrano ‘88 X Mr. Mark A. Mendel ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. David Merkel ‘94 Microsoft Mr. Kevin A. Mineo ‘93 Mr. Thomas W. Mitchell ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Alex G. Montoya ‘91 X Mr. Richard J. Morales ‘79 & Mrs. Amanda Vavilala Mr. Matthew Morris ‘04 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Mouton ‘70 Dr. & Mrs. Clifford K. Moy ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Muchard ‘80 Mr. Basel Murad ‘04 Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Mustachia ‘67 Mr. John E. Neslage ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Nettles ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Newell ‘86 Mr. Patrick R. Nixon ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Novelli ‘75 X Mr. & Mrs. Jack O’Connell ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. O’Donnell ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick T. O’Donnell ‘73 Mr. Matthew O’Neill ‘03 Dr. & Mrs. John A. Palasota ‘85 Mr. Brian D. Pape ‘80 PepsiCo Foundation Mr. Joseph C. Permetti ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Permetti ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Chris Pesek ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Pflum ‘78 Mr. Nestor D. Phillips ‘79 Mr. Pascal P. Piazza ‘75 Mr. Javier A. Portocarrero ‘01 Dr. & Mrs. Jean-Francois P. Reat ‘78 Mr. Thomas G. Reilly ‘80 & Ms. Sandra Baker Mr. Chris Reinecker ‘85 Mr. Daniel J. Reininger ‘97 Dr. David W. Reininger ‘69 Mr. William C. Reuter ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Riccetti ‘89 Mr. Edward Riquelmy ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Roberts ‘93 X Mr. Marco Rodriguez ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. Marco J. Rubin ‘79 Mr. Peter Sanguesa ‘85 Mr. Stephen A. Sauer ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Joe Schmitt ‘86 Mr. Charles A. Schwalbe ‘89 Dr. & Mrs. Randall V. Sellers ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Senac ‘66 X Mr. Nicholas F. Shaver ‘02 Mr. Matthew R. Simpson ‘99 Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Sindelar, III ‘67 Mr. Brian C. Smith ‘98 Mr. Preston Smith ‘03 Mr. Eugene Song ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Spieldenner ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Spring, III ‘65 Mr. Thomas J. Springer ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stallings ‘86 Mr. Dennis V. Stasio ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Stewart ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. Trey Strake ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Swain ‘72 Textron, Inc. The Stanley Works The Boeing Company The Northrop Grumman Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Allan Theall ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Tower, II ‘73 X

Mr. Philip Ugalde ‘88 Mr. Jonathon VandenBrand ‘03 Dr. & Mrs. John Vanderzyl, M.D. ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Vick ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Villarreal ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Todd Vlasak ‘84 Wachovia Corporation Mr. Patrick Walbridge ‘04 Mr. William S. Walters ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Wark ‘72 Mr. Mark E. Watson, III ‘82 Mr. John Weems ‘05 Mr. & Mrs. R. Jeffery West ‘66 Mr. Michael K. White ‘69 Mr. Quentin T. Williams ‘93 Mr. Robert M. Wren ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Zagst ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Billy Zaleski ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Zimmerman ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio P. Zubizarreta ‘91 X

Joanie Alvarez Memorial Scholarship Mr. Julien G. DuPont ‘86 Dr. Daniel B. Merritt ‘86 & Dr. Christine Moulds-Merritt Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Merritt, Sr.

Barco Resources Endowed Scholarship Mr. Jack G. Bonner, III ‘98 X

Christopher Billac, SJ Endowed Scholarship

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 X Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Ms. Elizabeth Arnold Ms. Yvonne M. Barkate Mr. & Mrs. Mark Berggren ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Bevans, Jr. ‘80 X Rev. Christopher A. Billac, SJ Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bilnoski, Jr. ‘71 Mr. Stephen Brody ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Callaghan ‘82 Charity Guild of Catholic Women Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Clinton ‘91 X The Honorable Mark D. Davidson ‘71 & Ms. Sarah Duckers X Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Duff ‘74 Dr. Claude S. Frey ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey ‘74 X Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Frey ‘77 Ms. Norma C. Frey Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Gidley ‘79 X Mr. & Mrs. Ramon K. Gomez ‘71 Mr. Christopher R. Hagale ‘02 Ms. Catherine S. Hajovsky Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamlin ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75 Mr. Vastine J. Hilsher ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hohlt X Ms. Suzette H. Horst Mr. Daniel M. Kesterson Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Lee ‘93 Ms. Susanne J. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Ernesto L. Maldonado ‘73 Mrs. Deborah K. Marre Mr. & Mrs. John Martin ‘83 Mr. Troy McNabb ‘82 Ms. Anna T. Mod Ms. Barbara Montalbano MWG Corporation Ms. Marsha D. Outlaw Ms. Pamela E. Peavy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Polichino, Jr. ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Monty G. Redick ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Reilly Mr. Mark Sacaris ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. John K. Spiller ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables X

Legend: Bold Increased gift from previous year / X Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor / ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving


Fall 2009

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick R. Ward Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Windlinger, Jr. ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Dow J. Zabolio

Black Student Union Endowed Scholarship Fund

Mrs. Hilda Bergeron Mr. Lonnie Sadberry ‘78 Mr. Ralph Westbrook ‘79

Brian Brasseaux ‘81 Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. Patrick Buckley ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Crowley ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Duff ‘81 Mr. Jack Farah ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Gunter Ms. Shirley Reynolds Mr. David J. Sanguesa ‘81

Brother’s Keepers

Anonymous X Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Albrecht ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Bailey ‘75 X Mr. & Mrs. Chris Burke ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Castillo Dr. & Mrs. James D. Clifton X Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Romeo D’Souza Mrs. Farida Ebrahim Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Ehrenkranz X Mr. & Mrs. Martin E. Elizondo Fat Dads Basketball Bro. Casey Ferlita, SJ Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Fletcher Follett Educational Services Mr. & Mrs. Evan D. Ford Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin T. Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Goode Dr. Lesha Roberts Grabowski Dr. & Mrs. Charles S. Henry Mr. Gilbert A. Herrera X Ms. Kari Herrera X Mr. & Mrs. John A. Huston Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert J. Janik Mr. & Mrs. Bahadin K. Khatami Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Lanier Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. LeGros Jr. Mr. Blair H. Margot & Mrs. Margo R. Vafakos-Margot X Mr. & Mrs. Roy A. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Y. Martinez Ms. Katherine D. Masquelette Mr. & Mrs. Rolando P. Mauricio Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Mealey ‘80 X Mr. & Mrs. James F. Meara X Mr. & Mrs. Gregorio R. Mercado Sr. Camilla Micheletti, O.P. Mr. Bart Morey & Dr. Andrea Spiering Mr. & Mrs. James W. Murray Mr. & Dr. Ricki R. Oberoi Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pellerin Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Pepper Ms. Diann D. Romero Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery R. Sanders X Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Scheller Mr. & Mrs. John A. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sepulveda Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sheehy Mr. & Mrs. William F. Sommer, III X Strake Jesuit Dad’s Club Mrs. Violet M. Tarpey Mr. & Mrs. Pete W. Ten Eyck X Mr. & Mrs. Roberto L. Tulio, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Wilfredo C. Velasquez Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey X Dr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Wall X Mr. & Mrs. Ben F. Warner, III Mr. & Mrs. John E. Weaver Mr. Kevin Wilson-Smith X

Brother’s Keepers Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Autry X Mr. & Mrs. Murvin R. Auzenne Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Bailey ‘75 X Ms. Alisa Broussard X Mr. & Mrs. Tony Catanese X Mr. & Mrs. Reynold D’Souza X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Duhon X Mr. & Mrs. Raul Garcia-Rameau X Ms. Amanda G. Hudson X Mr. & Mrs. Mark McNeil X

Ms. Sherifa Meguid Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Melancon X Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, III ‘95 Ms. Eva Riojas X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Sulentic Ms. Kathleen Tomeny Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Tomlinson X Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey X

Lorain S. Butcher Endowed Scholarship The Butcher Fund

Christmas Eve Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock X Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. O’Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Roberts

Class of ‘95 Scholarship

Mr. Patrick C. Dickson ‘95 X Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Drone ‘95 Mr. Rajiv R. Mashruwala ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. McCarty ‘95 Mr. Michael J. Pawlikowski ‘95 Mr. Frank A. Simcik ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Zientek ‘95

Class of ‘96 Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Joel H. Berry ‘96 Mr. Chris J. Calato ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Juan R. Correa ‘96 Mr. Mukul C. Kanabar ‘96 Mr. Keagan H. Lee ‘96

Fr. Edward T. Coles, SJ Scholarship

Michael Charles Gallagher, Father of Michael ‘96 & Matthew ‘00 Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

Mr. Tom Causey ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez ‘87 X Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Gomez ‘88 Merrill Lynch & Co. Mr. & Mrs. Reagan Nash ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sullivan ‘87 X

Chevron X Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Cupples Mr. & Mrs. Russell J. Dalfrey Mr. G. I. Edmonds Mr. Thomas Ehrig ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Troy P. Finney Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey C. Foster Mr. Michael Gawronski ‘82 GE Foundation X Mr. & Mrs. Darell K. Goddard Ms. Catherine S. Hajovsky Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Harville Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Heyburn ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. James F. Hyland Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Kegg ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Jim G. Koch ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Koch ‘73 X Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch ‘75 X Mrs. Nancy Koch Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Koch ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Tim Koch ‘82 Mr. Thomas Lea ‘76 Mr. Stephen F. LePore ‘75 Ms. Shen G. Liang Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. Light ‘75 Dr. & Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Mateker ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. McAuliffe Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. McAuliffe ‘82 McCloskey & Associates Mr. & Mrs. Don McGinn Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McGrath Mr. Joe Moreno & Mrs. Vonda Wootan-Moreno Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Piazza, D.D.S. ‘72 X Mr. & Mrs. Karl R. Poirot Mr. & Mrs. Jesse J. Radvansky Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Raineri, Jr. Mr. Harry W. Spain Ms. Bette J. Specker Mr. Michael Steelman Mr. Warren K. Stringer Mrs. Gordon G. Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Joe D. Weaver Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Webre ‘77 Ms. Billie M. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Tom Wygant, Jr.

Captain Andrew R. Houghton Endowed Scholarship

Lahart Chapel of St. Ignatius Endowment

Mrs. Mel Gallagher

General Scholarship Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 X Mr. & Mrs. David Chaney Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Chapa X Dr. & Mrs. Zeki Demirbilek Ms. Janelle Festa Mrs. Joe Green Ms. Amanda G. Hudson X Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel X Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Ivey Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell Kellogg Brown & Root Mr. & Mrs. Tim Koch ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Gregg E. McBride X Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon X Mrs. Carolyn Novelli Mrs. Violet Oaks Mr. Michael J. Pawlikowski ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Jerome E. Pelton Ms. Martha Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Kirk D. Schwartzenburg ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Simon Ms. Nancy N. Spence Mr. & Mrs. Greg Stuart

Hilary Grivich Scholarship

Mr. Alexander B. Grivich ‘00 Ms. Helen M. Grivich The Felvis Foundation

Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Briggs, Ph.D. ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Carl R. Hennagir Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Mann, Ph.D. ‘66

Thomas & Lucille Hensley Scholarship

Terrence J. Crane ‘90 Endowed Scholarship

Chris Horton ‘87 Memorial Scholarship

Access Energy Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Crane Mr. & Mrs. Brian Merchant ‘89 Mrs. Jean M. Merchant Mr. Steven T. Mitchell ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Moeller, Jr. Mr. Edward F. Moeller ‘89 X The Terry Crane Foundation X

Mark & Tom ‘80 Dante Scholarship

Mrs. Beatrice T. Dante Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey W. Hutson Williams Community Relations X

The Darouiche Family Endowed Scholarship

Dr. & Mrs. Rabih O. Darouiche X

Daniel Cardinal DiNardo Endowed Scholarship Strake Jesuit Community X

Brother Casey Ferlita, SJ Scholarship

Mr. Andrew W. Bagot & Ms. Lori L. Cunningham X Mr. & Mrs. Hal Bean ‘78 Bro. Casey Ferlita, SJ Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats X Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Chad Knipe ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCabe ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Montalbano ‘91 Mr. S. Ross Moore ‘03 Mr. Christopher J. Napoli ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel X Mr. Jeffrey E. Thomas ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Erik Wollam ‘86

Scott Fleming Faculty Endowment Anonymous X

John Folzenlogen, S. J. Endowed Scholarship Rev. John Folzenlogen, SJ Mr. Alec Luong ‘03

Mr. Andrew B. Frew ‘96

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Carpenter ‘82 Mr. M. B. Dorr ‘97 Mr. Bryce E. Gama ‘97 X Mr. & Mrs. Hunter R. Jaggard ‘96 Mr. Ernest C. Jones ‘97 Mr. Zachary S. Langenkamp ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius C. Llorens X Mr. Jeffrey L. Petersen ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. John Pham ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Twardowski ‘95

Robert Iglesias ‘84 Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. David W. Dini ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Iglesias X Mr. & Mrs. William O. Iglesias ‘91

Monsignor James A. Jamail Scholarship Fund Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ganucheau

David C. Kegg Scholarship

Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 X

Andrew M. Kell ‘98 Scholarship Mr. Andrew J. Aguirre ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Tommy G. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell Mr. Philip W. Steuernagel ‘98

Jack Koch Endowed Scholarship Mr. Tom Adolph ‘75 X Mr. Raphael Altmann Mr. & Mrs. David Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Askew Mr. & Mrs. David G. Baarlaer Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Berno ‘75 Mr. Gorden Boswell Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 X Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick ‘75

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

Anonymous X Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock X Mr. & Mrs. Richard Agee X Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Bergeron ‘77 X Mr. & Mrs. Murray E. Brasseux X Mr. & Mrs. Charley Casserly X Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Franshaw ‘82 X Mr. & Mrs. John Garibaldi X Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Girotto X Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez ‘87 X Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hagale X Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Konopka X Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ X Mr. & Mrs. F. Vern Lahart X Mr. James A. & Dr. Sandi Lemming X Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Lorenz ‘88 X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Nelson X Mr. & Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr. X Mr. & Mrs. David A. Novelli ‘83 X Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 X The Brown Foundation, Inc. X Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Wyrsch X

Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Endowed Scholarship

Assn. of Fundraising Professionals Greater Houston Chapter Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Bambace X ^ The Honorable & Mrs. Robert Mosbacher, Sr. X Mr. Archie Nahigian X

Eileen R. & F. Vern Lahart Retreat Endowment

Ms. Susan Bolling Mr. & Mrs. William E. Brewer ‘97 Mr. George R. Caldwell ‘02 1st Lt. Christopher F. Coffman ‘01 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Cordella, Jr. X Dr. & Mrs. Frank Corredor ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Dunn ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. David Dybell ‘79

The Chronicle 43

Dr. & Mrs. Augusto E. Gutierrez Mr. & Mrs. Pedro J. Gutierrez Mr. Jonathan R. Hanus ‘04 Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. ‘77 Mr. Robert Huebel ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Interiano ‘99 Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ X Mr. & Mrs. Myles J. Lambert X Mr. & Mrs. Brett Marko ‘88 Ms. Maria R. Menendez Mr. & Mrs. Jared M. Montegut ‘90 Ens. Matthew Puckett ‘94 Dr. Miguel A. Quinones X Mr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Quirch X Fr. Jonathan D. Raia ‘98 Mr. Mark E. Reed ‘92 Mr. Carlo E. Romero ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Schroeter Mr. & Mrs. Jose M. Sentmanat X Mr. & Mrs. Teodoro A. Simon X Dr. & Mrs. Barry W. Solcher ‘80 Mr. Scott R. Spencer & Mrs. Mary H. Cook X Strake Jesuit Community X Mr. Marshall W. Summa X Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Trainer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Travis Twardowski ‘92 Dr. & Mrs. Luis Valdes X Mr. & Mrs. Ramon J. Vallejo Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Zimmerman, Jr. ‘68 X

J.B. Leininger, SJ Endowed Scholarship Anonymous X Mr. Brian Albrecht ‘03 Mr. Andrew W. Bagot & Ms. Lori L. Cunningham X 1st Lt. Patrick N. Coffman ‘03 Mr. Christopher J. Glaser ‘02 Dr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Gomez, III ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Johnston ‘76 Ms. Yuen-Yee Ma Mr. Daniel Nevares ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. James S. Peery ‘80 Mr. Anthony A. Pham ‘01 Dr. & Dr. George M. Porter ‘97 Prudential Dr. James M. Rinando ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Steve Schwarzbach ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Colin T. Smith ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Solcher ‘79 Sun Microsystems Texas Instruments Foundation Mr. Robert Whitlow ‘03

J.B. Leininger, SJ Faculty Endowed Chair

Mr. & Mrs. Jose O. Fuentes X Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gilbert X Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Haynes Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Horn X Mr. Tatum O. Lynn X Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Marlatt X Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, III ‘95 Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey X

George E. Light Endowed Scholarship Mr. Brian T. Light ‘97 Mr. Joseph P. Light ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Light ‘77 SKF USA, Inc.

Chris Mathews Endowed Scholarship Anonymous Mrs. Lois A. Mathews

Steve McConnell ‘78 Memorial Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Tom Petrizzo ‘78

Kenneth McGregor ‘04 Scholarship

Mr. Stephen Akwari ‘04 Mr. William Goodyear ‘05 Mr. James Hull & Mrs. Deborah Schindler X Mr. Benjamin Idstein ‘04 Mr. & Mrs. L. Wayne Jones Mr. Zane Keller ‘04

Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius C. Llorens X Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Rice ‘04 Mr. Bryan Solar ‘04 Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sullivan ‘87 X

Geoffrey Miller Scholarship

Allbritton Attorney Search Alumni Class of 1967 Mr. & Mrs. James C. Baker Mr. & Mrs. John P. Bales Ms. Janis H. Barnard Mr. & Mrs. Terry K. Bertin Mr. & Mrs. Glen M. Boudreaux ‘67 X Mr. W. J. Bowen Mr. G. S. Buchanan & Ms. Nell A. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Jon M. Burkhart Channel 2 Crew Mr. Tom R. Crow Mr. Alfred Davis, IV Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Gunther Mr. & Mrs. Royal M. Hagerty Mr. Paul Hoffman Mr. Ray Hutchison & Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison Ms. Nancy K. Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Keating Mr. & Mrs. Layne E. Kruse Ms. Sara L. Mackie Mr. & Mrs. Joel McDowell The Honorable & Mrs. Gray H. Miller ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Newhouse Mrs. Roylyn Parke Precinct 3 Employees Mr. & Mrs. John D. Rainey Ms. Anne M. Rodgers Mr. & Mrs. Neal L. Sarahan Mr. & Mrs. G. N. Schoellkopf Ms. Gretchen Seidl Mr. & Mrs. D. S. Smith Mr. & Mrs. John G. Stanfield Mr. Robert L. Sult Texas Association of Broadcasters US District Judges Southern District of Texas Mr. & Mrs. Larry F. Weidman Mr. & Mrs. Ewing Werlein, Jr.

Victor M. Miranda Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

Active Imagination Ms. Ursula Akselrod Mr. & Mrs. Mel Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Ken Aspromonte Mr. & Mrs. George D. Banos X Dr. Michael F. Bardwil ‘73 X Mr. & Mrs. C. L. Beckner Ms. Marleen Bergman Bhpbilliton Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. X Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Boyd Mrs. Anna Campo Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Coffield Ms. Dana Comer Condon & Company, P.C. Conoco Phillips, Inc. X Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Cutchall Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dearborn, Jr. X Mr. & Mrs. Allan B. Diamond Emergency Medicine Specialists, Inc Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gruen Gwinnett Emergency Specialist, P.C. Ms. Linda A. Hatler X Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Holstien Mr. & Mrs. Bradley B. Jones X Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ X Ms. Bobbye Lott Mr. & Mrs. Curtis W. Martin Mr. & Mrs. William E. Mercer Mr. & Mrs. H. Tim Moore Mr. Ronald E. & Dr. Mary Neal X Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Osborn X Piney Point Elementary Ms. Kay Raley Mr. & Mrs. Bill Rice Risk Transfer Holdings Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rosales Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Schick Mr. & Mrs. William S. Schrom X Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel X Secor Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables X

Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey X Mr. & Mrs. Bill Waddell Dr. H. D. Watkins, D.D.S. Mr. John E. Williams, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James L. Young

Merlin Mulvihill, SJ Scholarship Anonymous X

C. Al Novelli Scholarship Mrs. Carolyn Novelli Mr. & Mrs. David A. Novelli ‘83 X

Charles Overbeck Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Overbeck ‘76

Frank Padon Memorial Scholarship Mr. Mark A. Padon ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Padon ‘68

Robert Parke, Sr. Scholarship

Fluor Mr. Neal P. Jungeblut ‘00 Mr. Keith B. Letsos ‘01 Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Letsos ‘73 X Mrs. Roylyn Parke

Chase Rasch Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Nugent ‘93

Mark Reuter ‘73 Endowed Scholarship Dr. Robert H. Reuter ‘85

Wallace Schneidau Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Calista Schneidau Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schneidau ‘79 Mr. Philip M. Schneidau ‘69 X Mr. William J. Schneidau ‘80 X Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Smith ‘82

Mr. Sean P. Steininger ‘08 Mr. Mark B. Strickland ‘08 Mr. Travis L. Taunton ‘08 Mr. Jose Luis Torras ‘08 Mr. Garrett R. Velarde ‘08 Mr. Timothy C. Whitford ‘08

Seven Men, One Mission Endowed Scholarship

Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75

Steve Smith Scholarship Mr. Don Chase ‘85

Janet & John Springer Endowment Fund

Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Springer Mr. Thomas J. Springer ‘93

D. Richard Toye, SJ Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Crayden Didsbury ‘80 Mr. Belton Flournoy, III ‘99

Eva WilIiams & Annie Rimes Memorial Scholarship Shell Oil Company X Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sisler

Pat Yankow Endowed Scholarship Ms. Pat Yankow X

Brian F. Zinnamon, SJ Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. M. S. Kerr ‘93 Mr. David J. O’Connell ‘01 Mr. Justin M. Teltschik ‘92

Carlos Senosiain ‘08 Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Mr. Curtis B. Antolik ‘08 Mr. Andrew P. Armour ‘08 Mr. Arman G. A. Ayeras ‘08 Mr. John R. Ayers ‘08 Mr. Nicholas S. Bayer ‘08 Mr. Matthew J. Brill ‘08 Mr. William D. Burck ‘08 Mr. Kyle W. Byrnes ‘08 Mr. Rodrigo A. Chapa ‘08 Mr. Jonathan S. Cheung ‘08 Mr. Prescott H. Coats ‘08 Mr. Roberto Contreras, IV ‘08 Mr. Joseph W. D’Antoni ‘08 Mr. Christian S. Davidson ‘08 Mr. Kevin P. Erice ‘08 Mr. Ryan E. Fogarty ‘08 Mr. Matthew S. Frazier ‘08 Mr. Samuel L. Garcia ‘08 Mr. Ian M. Giles ‘08 Mr. Riley J. Griffin ‘08 Mr. Tanner S. Hahn ‘08 Mr. David T. Heckler ‘08 Mr. Eduardo E. Hernandez ‘08 Mr. Jordan I. Hmaidan ‘08 Mr. Matthew W. Holladay ‘08 Mr. Aurash A. Javidinejad ‘08 Mr. Michael A. Johnston ‘08 Mr. Mark A. Kermath ‘08 Mr. Thomas M. La ‘08 Mr. Myles J. Lambert ‘08 Mr. Miles D. Landry ‘08 Mr. Kevin B. Layne ‘08 Mr. Austin J. Marietta ‘08 Mr. Trevor A. Martin ‘08 Mr. Brendan J. Meara ‘08 Mr. Grant A. L. Miller ‘08 Mr. Thomas Murickan ‘08 Mr. Christopher J. O’Shea ‘08 Mr. Thomas M. Owens ‘08 Mr. Travis L. Perkins ‘08 Mr. Michael C. Price ‘08 Mr. Roy D. Pruden ‘08 Mr. Mark A. Reed ‘08 Mr. Oscar E. Rivera ‘08 Mr. Matthew J. Schwing ‘08 Mr. Michael D. Skelton ‘08

Legend: Bold Increased gift from previous year / X Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor / ^ Deceased / + 5-9 Years Consecutive Giving / ++ 10 or more Years of Consecutive Giving


Fall 2009

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Gifts made in the honor or memory of a friend or relative directly supports the Financial Aid Program or project designated by the contributor

Mrs. Joe Green

In Memory Of Mr. John Aiuvalasit

Mr. Miles H. Woodward Mr. & Mrs. Dow J. Zabolio

In Memory Of Charles Alford ‘11

In Honor Of Ms. Margo Geddie

Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Layne X Mr. & Mrs. Petros Skoumpourdis

Ms. Susan Bolling

In Memory Of Mr. Jim Blain

Ms. Yvonne M. Barkate Ms. Catherine S. Hajovsky

Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell

In Honor Of Mr. Andre Boudreaux ‘09

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Simon

In Memory Of Mr. Brian Brasseaux ‘81

Ms. Shirley Reynolds

In Honor Of Mr. Murray Brasseux Pam Brasseux X Will Brasseux The Brown Foundation, Inc. X Mr. & Mrs. John T. Cater Emily & Will Perry

In Memory Of Mrs. Mary Briggs Mr. & Mrs. David Chaney Dr. & Mrs. Zeki Demirbilek

In Memory Of Mr. Walter Briggs

Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Briggs, Ph.D. ‘66

In Memory Of Mr. Everitt Brill Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy

In Memory Of Ms. Julia Clarady

In Memory Of Mr. John L. Gidley

In Memory Of Sgt. Edgar Heredia

Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell

In Honor Of Hugh & Peggy Idstein

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brody X Dr. & Mrs. Gerardo Bueso X

In Honor Of Ms. Jean Janssen

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Bailey ‘75 X

In Memory Of Mr. Daniel Kanaby

Mr. Daniel C. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh ‘68 Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly X Mr. Charles F. Duffield & Dr. Rosemary Buckle Ms. Erika Holland Ms. Martha Richardson Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey X

In Memory Of Mr. Allan C. King Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell

In Memory Of Mr. William Laflin

Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III ‘78 X

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 X Mr. & Mrs. Emil Nasser

In Memory Of Fr. Edward T. Coles, SJ

In Honor Of Daniel K. Lahart, SJ

Mr. & Mrs. Carl R. Hennagir

In Memory Of Mr. Richard Cullen

Assn. of Fundraising Professionals Greater Houston Chapter The Honorable & Mrs. Robert Mosbacher, Sr. X

Lifehouse of Houston Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel X

In Memory Of Mrs. Ursel Lange

In Honor Of The Honorable Mark D. Davidson ‘71

In Memory Of Mrs. Ann Ledet

In Memory Of Rev. Joe Doyle, SJ

In Memory Of Ms. Elizabeth Markham

Mrs. Deborah K. Marre

Access Energy Mrs. Jean M. Merchant

In Memory Of Ms. Peggy Fee

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Sims X

In Honor Of Br. Casey Ferlita

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats X

In Memory Of Mrs. Rose Ferlita Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel X

In Memory Of Roger Frey ‘81

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht ‘72 X Ms. Elizabeth Arnold Dr. Claude S. Frey ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey ‘74 X Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Frey ‘77 Ms. Norma C. Frey Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hohlt X Ms. Suzette H. Horst Mr. Daniel M. Kesterson Ms. Susanne J. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Ernesto L. Maldonado ‘73 Ms. Anna T. Mod Ms. Barbara Montalbano MWG Corporation New Hope Housing, Inc Ms. Marsha D. Outlaw Ms. Pamela E. Peavy Mr. Richard Stout Mr. & Mrs. Patrick R. Ward

Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt

Mrs. Roylyn Parke

Mr. & Mrs. Greg Stuart

In Memory Of Mr. Ray Miller

Allbritton Attorney Search Mr. & Mrs. James C. Baker Mr. & Mrs. John P. Bales Ms. Janis H. Barnard Mr. & Mrs. Terry K. Bertin Mr. & Mrs. Glen M. Boudreaux ‘67 X Mr. W. J. Bowen Mr. G. S. Buchanan & Ms. Nell A. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Jon M. Burkhart Channel 2 Crew Mr. Alfred Davis, IV Mr. Ray Hutchison & Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison Ms. Nancy K. Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Keating Mr. & Mrs. Layne E. Kruse Ms. Sara L. Mackie Mr. & Mrs. Joel McDowell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Newhouse Mrs. Roylyn Parke Precinct 3 Employees Mr. & Mrs. John D. Rainey Ms. Anne M. Rodgers Mr. & Mrs. Neal L. Sarahan Mr. & Mrs. G. N. Schoellkopf Ms. Gretchen Seidl Mr. & Mrs. D. S. Smith Mr. & Mrs. John G. Stanfield Texas Association of Broadcasters US District Judges Southern District of Texas Mr. & Mrs. Ewing Werlein, Jr.

In Memory Of Mrs. Veronica Miller

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Bales Ms. Janis H. Barnard Mr. & Mrs. Terry K. Bertin Mr. Tom R. Crow Mr. Alfred Davis, IV Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Gunther Mr. & Mrs. Royal M. Hagerty Mr. Paul Hoffman Ms. Sara L. Mackie Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Newhouse Mrs. Roylyn Parke Ms. Gretchen Seidl Mr. & Mrs. D. S. Smith Mr. & Mrs. John G. Stanfield Mr. Robert L. Sult US District Judges Southern District of Texas Mr. & Mrs. Larry F. Weidman Mr. & Mrs. Ewing Werlein, Jr.

In Memory Of Mr. Victor M. Miranda

Active Imagination Ms. Ursula Akselrod Mr. & Mrs. Mel Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Ken Aspromonte Mr. & Mrs. George D. Banos X Dr. Michael F. Bardwil ‘73 X Mr. & Mrs. C. L. Beckner Ms. Marleen Bergman Ms. Marleen Bergman Bhpbilliton Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. X Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Boyd Mrs. Anna Campo Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Coffield Ms. Dana Comer Condon & Company, P.C. Conoco Phillips, Inc. X Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Cutchall Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dearborn, Jr. X Mr. & Mrs. Allan B. Diamond Emergency Medicine Specialists, Inc Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gruen Gwinnett Emergency Specialist, P.C. Ms. Linda A. Hatler X Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Holstien Mr. & Mrs. Bradley B. Jones X Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ X Ms. Bobbye Lott Mr. & Mrs. Curtis W. Martin Mr. & Mrs. William E. Mercer Mr. & Mrs. H. Tim Moore Mr. Ronald E. & Dr. Mary Neal X Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Osborn X Piney Point Elementary Ms. Kay Raley Mr. & Mrs. Bill Rice Risk Transfer Holdings Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rosales Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Schick Mr. & Mrs. William S. Schrom X Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel X Secor Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables X Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey X Mr. & Mrs. Bill Waddell Dr. H. D. Watkins, D.D.S. Mr. John E. Williams, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James L. Young

In Memory Of Mrs. Margaret Peggy Robichaud Mrs. Roylyn Parke

In Memory Of Mrs. Dottie Sansom Mrs. Carolyn Novelli

In Honor Of Mr. Thomas K. Schroeter ‘99 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Schroeter

In Memory Of Dr. Paul Shorts

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Bailey ‘75 X

In Memory Of Mr. Lyle Spiering Mr. & Mrs. Tim Koch ‘82

In Memory Of Mr. Harry Taylor

Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey W. Hutson Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey W. Hutson Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. McConnell Williams Community Relations X

In Memory Of Mr. Timothy Twardowski

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Benson Ms. Deborah Bolduc Braeburn Women’s Club Mr. & Mrs. Elmick J. Brasseaux Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh ‘68 Ms. Cynthia E. Cooke ExxonMobil X Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Fontenot Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Fontenot Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats X Mr. & Mrs. Jon Gorosh Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Green Mr. Mike Greenwood Mr. Robert J. Greenwood Mr. Kevin Gregoire Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Ivey Mr. & Mrs. Darren James Mr. Samuel J. Knapp & Mrs. Lisa D. Dilabio-Knapp Mr. & Mrs. Floyd J. Kowalski Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Kukla Mr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Lessmann Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Mascsak, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. P. S. Mayeux Ms. Claire Mello Ms. Kathleen P. Mohr Mr. Gregory S. Norton Mr. & Mrs. Ray Pavlat Mr. & Mrs. Ray Pavlat Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Staley The Bozeman Foundation Mrs. Christine Twardowski Mr. John Vincik Mrs. Pauline Vincik Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Wager Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Yates Ms. Mary Jo Youngblood

In Memory Of Mrs. Adele Ulsh Mr. & Mrs. James J. Perry Ms. Kathleen Tomeny

In Memory Of Mr. Alex Wolff, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell

In Memory Of Ms. Janet Moore

Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell

In Memory Of Mr. Kevin Norberg Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell

In Memory Of Mr. Joseph S. Permetti Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming ‘69 X

In Memory Of Mr. Jerry Peterson Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

The Chronicle 45

The Loyola Society includes those individuals who have made Strake Jesuit College Preparatory a beneficiary through a will, a charitable trust agreement, a gift annuity agreement, a retirement fund, or a life insurance policy. Legend: ^ deceased


Mrs. Juliana Lindsay ^

Anonymous ^

Mrs. Louise J. Moran ^


Mr. & Mrs. N.J. Santarcangelo ‘67

Charlie & Sue Adcock

Mr. Charles A. Schwalbe ‘89

Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman

Ms. Lorraine Stenger ^

Mr. James A. Crehan ^

Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Walker ‘76

Mr. James T. Doyle ^

Mr. Robert J. Young

Ms. Helen M. Grivich

Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Walker ‘76

STRAKE JESUIT SCRAMBLE The gifts of the contributors listed below helped to defray the cost of the 2009 Strake Jesuit Scramble. Shirt Sponsor Men’s Wearhouse Awards Reception/Dinner Sponsor San Antonio Federal Credit Union Pre-Tournament Reception Sponsor James E. Bashaw & Co. Beverage Cart Sponsor Northstar Offshore Energy Partners, LLC Lunch Sponsor The Plaza Group Tiger Drive Hole Sponsor Dobrowski, L.L.P.


Fall 2009

Silver Sponsors Bernstein Global Wealth Management Champion Industrial Sales D.E. Harvey DistribAire, Inc. FMC Technologies Hudgins Law Firm, P. C. Mosbacher Operating, Ltd Felicia and Ricky Raven Putting Contest Sponsor David Hildreth M.D. and Richmond Bone & Joint Clinic, P.A. Bronze Sponsors Brian & Veronica Felix Marygrove Texas, LLC - “The Awning Store & More”

Hole Sponsors Anonymous 5B Holdings, Ltd. Tom Adolph and the IP Group at Jackson Walker LLP Susan Yarbrough Ashy DDS, PA Baker & Patterson, LLP Alan Bergeron & Family Charles River Associates Encore Bank Flodder Financial Group Graves Mechanical Inc Griffin & Griffin Attorneys at Law Houston Wine Merchant Inman Texas Company Joe Lucia/ John Daugherty Realtors McArdle Grading Co. Moran Exploration L.P. Nag’s Head Inn Othon, Inc., Consulting Engineers Brian S. Parsley, MD Richmond Bone & Joint Steve A. Kamel, PC Today’s Vision Sugar Land UPS Valve Source Inc - The Feldman’s Class of 2012

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g



Gifts to the General Scholarship Fund go directly to assist students through the Financial Aid Program.

Anonymous X Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Mr. & Mrs. Murvin R. Auzenne Mr. & Mrs. Murray E. Brasseux X Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bullington Ms. Mary M. Caro Mrs. Catherine A. Casey Mr. Andrew W. Clifton ‘04 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Counter X Mr. Roberto V. & Dr. Deborah S. De Guzman X Mr. & Mrs. Henri M. de Ybarrondo ‘91 X Mr. Rod & Dr. Michele Desroches Dr. Robert H. and Joanne M. Williams Foundation Mr. L. Patrick Flynn ‘75 George & Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Gillogly Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Grenier Mrs. Sophie C. Grenier Mr. & Mrs. Christian Haich X Ms. Barbara M. Heckmann Mr. & Mrs. L. Wayne Jones Mr. Paul D. Kanaby ‘02 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. William H. Kirvan, Jr. X William & Linda Kirvan Family Foundation X Knights of Columbus Council 11343 Mr. & Mrs. Kyle W. Kornegay ‘92 X Mrs. Virginia C. Lassus Mr. Tatum O. Lynn X M. D. Anderson Foundation X Mr. Mark S. C. Monroe ‘04



Morgan Stanley Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mullins ‘80 X Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras X Mr. & Mrs. R. Mark Nugent X Mrs. Violet Oaks Mr. Michael J. Pawlikowski ‘95 Mr. Albert Ramos ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Phillip B. Ribbeck X Ms. Liza Rodriguez X Mr. & Mrs. Mike Rome Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Roth ‘71 The Roth Family Foundation Mrs. Sandra Schwarzbach X Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shofner Mr. John W. Stevenson & Ms. Robyn S. Rothman X Mr. Marshall W. Summa X


Mr. & Mrs. Jeff P. Tesone The Captain Andrew R. Houghton ‘97 Foundation The John G. & Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation The William A. & Madeline Welder Smith Foundation Mrs. Patricia Vanderslice Mrs. Gladys C. Viltz Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Walker ‘76 X


Under the leadership of Michael Kerley, the Faculty & Staff reached historic donation and participation levels in gifts and pledges made to Financial Aid Endowments, Scholarships, and the Annual Drive.

Anonymous X

Mr. & Mrs. Reynold D’Souza X

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Klumpp X

Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Rice ‘04

Anonymous + X

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Duhon + X

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Knotts X

Ms. Eva Riojas + X

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Arguello, Jr. + X

Mr. Alan K. Duncan

Mr. & Mrs. Kyle W. Kornegay ‘92 + X

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rivers + X

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Autry + X

Bro. Casey Ferlita, SJ X

Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ + X

Ms. Liza Rodriguez X

Mr. & Mrs. Murvin R. Auzenne

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Finke + X

Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius C. Llorens ++ X

Mr. Carlos E. Roman + X

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Bailey ‘75 X

Mr. & Mrs. William S. Fletcher X

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lojo ‘91 + X

Mr. Thomas G. Romano + X

Mr. John W. Bates, V ‘99 X

Rev. John Folzenlogen, SJ X

Mr. Tatum O. Lynn + X

Ms. Sujey A. Romero X

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bick + X

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Foster ‘88 X

Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Marlatt + X

Mr. & Mrs. William L. Rung, Jr.

Rev. Christopher A. Billac, SJ + X

Mr. & Mrs. Jose O. Fuentes + X

Mr. & Mrs. E. Ray Marshall + X

Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo ‘67 + X

Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Block X

Mr. & Mrs. Raul Garcia-Rameau + X

Mr. & Mrs. William J. McDonald + X

Mr. & Mrs. Ken Savanah + X

Mr. Jack G. Bonner, III ‘98 + X

Mr. & Mrs. Adalberto M. Garza X

Mr. & Mrs. Mark McNeil + X

Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti ‘90 &

Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun + X

Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gilbert + X

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Meara + X

Rev. Flavio I. Bravo, SJ X

Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Grenier

Ms. Sherifa Meguid

Mrs. Sandra Schwarzbach + X

Ms. Alisa Broussard + X

Mr. & Mrs. Christian Haich + X

Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Melancon + X

Mr. Charles L. Sharman ‘03 X

Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Buley X

Ms. Linda A. Hatler X

Mr. Mark S. C. Monroe ‘04

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shofner

Dr. & Mrs. Tracy A. Byerly, II X

Mr. Guillermo Hernandez-Ching &

Mr. Bart Morey & Dr. Andrea Spiering

Strake Jesuit Community ++ X

Mr. Anthony Muniz ‘87 + X

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Sulentic

Ms. Mary M. Caro

Mrs. Laura N. Esquivel + X

Ms. Lynn Wilgenbusch + X

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Cashiola ‘72 X

Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Horn + X

Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras + X

Mr. & Mrs. Garry J. Sullivan + X

Mr. & Mrs. Tony Catanese + X

Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hosty + X

Mr. Raul A. Navarro, SJ X

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sullivan ‘87 + X

Mr. & Mrs. Jamy Champenoy + X

Mr. & Mrs. James M. Howard + X

Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Nevle ++ X

Mr. Marshall W. Summa X

Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Clemons + X

Ms. Amanda G. Hudson X

Mr. Bao Nguyen, SJ X

Mr. & Mrs. Jeff P. Tesone

Mr. Andrew W. Clifton ‘04

Mr. James Hull & Mrs. Deborah Schindler + X

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, III ‘95 +

Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Tomlinson + X

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Clogan + X

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel + X

Mr. Thomas H. Padgett ‘82 X

Ms. Lynn C. Veazey X

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Cordella, Jr. X

Ms. Maria A. Jaguanda Minano

Mr. & Mrs. Karl Penny + X

Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables ++ X

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Counter + X

Mr. & Mrs. John Jamerlan + X

Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Peri + X

Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey + X

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Crist X

Mr. & Mrs. L. Wayne Jones +

Mr. Andrew C. Pruett ‘98

Mr. Thomas J. Walker X

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Crowley + X

Mr. Paul D. Kanaby ‘02

Ms. Linda Ream + X

Mr. & Mrs. Willie E. Webster + X

Mr. & Mrs. David Daily

Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Kenny + X

Mr. Brian Reedy, SJ X

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitlow + X

Mr. & Mrs. Henri M. de Ybarrondo ‘91 X

Mr. Mike Kerley + X

Ms. Pepe Reyes

Mr. Kevin Wilson-Smith + X Ms. Pat Yankow X

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

The Chronicle 47


A Decade of Giving

The individuals and organizations listed below have generously contributed to Strake Jesuit and its mission for at least ten consecutive years. Anonymous X Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Adamcik ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock X Mr. Robert A. Adolph ‘73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson X Mr. Tom Adolph ‘75 X Mr. Andrew J. Aguirre ‘98 Mrs. Amanda Aiuvalasit Mr. & Mrs. David R. Almaguer ‘77 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Dr. & Mrs. Hugo E. Artaza ‘74 Mr. Thomas E. Baker, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Bambace X ^ Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Batsche ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Hal Bean ‘78 Beathard Family ‘77 X Mr. & Mrs. Emil J. Bednar Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Berggren ‘84 Dr. & Mrs. John E. Bertini, Jr. ‘74 X Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bilnoski, Jr. ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Clifton C. Blanchard ‘66 X Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. X Mr. & Mrs. James M. Booth ‘67 X Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bothe, Jr. ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Glen M. Boudreaux ‘67 X BP X Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Braden ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Branda ‘71 X Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Briggs, Ph.D. ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. ‘73 X Dr. & Mrs. Louis J. Bujnoch, M.D. ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Chris Burke ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. William P. Burpeau, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Callaghan ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Luis J. Cardenas Mr. & Mrs. Chris Carmouche ‘87 X Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Cassidy ‘82 Mr. Tom Causey ‘87 Chevron X Dr. & Mrs. Lamy Chopin, III ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Clinton The Coca-Cola Company X Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman X Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Cohn ‘86 Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. ‘76 X Dr. & Mrs. Allan Conde ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Connell ‘85 X Dr. Michael ‘69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly X Conoco Phillips, Inc. X Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Costello ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Cronin ‘72 X Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Crowley ‘81 Mrs. Dorothy Daly X Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Dampf X Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Dampf ‘90 X Mrs. Beatrice T. Dante The Honorable Mark D. Davidson ‘71 & Ms. Sarah Duckers X Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Day ‘69 X Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Denton Mr. & Mrs. David J. Devine ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Dewhurst

Mr. & Mrs. George R. Diaz-Arrastia ‘76 X Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Doherty X Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dosher Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83 X Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Duffy Mrs. Rose M. Durden Mr. Ryan J. Eberle ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Norman K. Ebner ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. David Ecklund Dr. & Mrs. John J. Eick ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. James E. Erbs ‘75 Dr. & Mrs. Garret J. Etgen Mr. & Mrs. William L. Everhart ‘70 ExxonMobil X Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Falgout ‘66 Mr. Jack Farah ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Feehan ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Fix Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming ‘69 X Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey ‘74 X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman ‘69 Mr. Bryce E. Gama ‘97 X Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats X Mr. & Mrs. John Garibaldi X Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Gochnour Dr. & Mrs. Helmuth Goepfert X Mr. & Mrs. Ramon K. Gomez ‘71 Dr. & Mrs. David Y. Graham X Mr. & Mrs. William M. Greenwell ‘73 Mr. Paul J. Gregor & Mrs. Barbara Divine X Mr. & Mrs. Neal Gruber ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino ‘72 X Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hagale X Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Halbleib ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamlin ‘70 Dr. & Mrs. William F. Hanson X Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Hasenpflug, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug ‘75 Dr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Hearon ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Henken Mr. David A. Herrin ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Herrin, Jr. ‘76 Mr. James V. Hewitt ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. James A. Highberger X Mr. Virgil R. Hinojosa ‘69 Mr. Randy Hodnett ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hogan X Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Hornberger X Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Houck ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Howe ‘76 Dr. & Mrs. Peter R. Hoyt ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Hubbell Mr. & Mrs. David A. Huete Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Hughes ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Iglesias X Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Inman ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Mark M. Isensee ‘75 Mr. Douglas B. Johnson ‘75 Mr. Christopher Jordan ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Jordan ‘86 Mrs. Laura Jungeblut X Mr. Jonathan F. Kalian ‘97

Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Kamel ‘74 X Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Keeney ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg ‘75 X Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell Mrs. Antoinette M. Letsos X Mr. Joseph P. Light ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Light ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Jose E. Llana Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius C. Llorens X Mr. & Mrs. Olle L. Lorehn, Jr. ‘67 X Mr. & Mrs. Melvin H. Lorenz Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Lorenz ‘88 X Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Luna ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Lutz Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lynch X Mrs. Virginia Mahoney Mr. Shawnie Malone ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. R. Stan Marek, Jr. X Mr. R. J. Marshall, Jr. ‘65 Dr. & Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Mateker ‘75 Mrs. Lois A. Mathews Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. S. W. McDonald, Sr. ‘67 X Mrs. Thomas McErlean Mr. John W. McKirahan, Jr. ‘67 X Mr. James E. ‘74 & Dr. Theresa K. McLean X Mr. Troy McNabb ‘82 Col. & Mrs. Brian L. Mealey, D.D.S. ‘77 X Mr. & Mrs. David Merkel ‘94 Merrill Lynch & Co. Dr. Daniel B. Merritt ‘86 & Dr. Christine Moulds-Merritt Mr. & Mrs. Cecil R. Middleton Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Miller ‘76 Mr. Thomas W. Mitchell ‘66 Dr. & Mrs. Edwin J. Morrow Dr. & Mrs. Clifford K. Moy ‘77 Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 & Dr. Kathleen P. Murphy X Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Mustachia ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Emil A. Nakfoor X Mr. Christopher J. Napoli ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Reagan Nash ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Nelson X Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Nettles ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Nevle X Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Nick X Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Jr. X Mr. & Mrs. Earl A. Norra Northwestern Mutual Life Mr. & Mrs. R. Mark Nugent X Mr. & Mrs. Sean O’Neill ‘85 X Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Osborn ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. F. W. Othon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Overbeck ‘76 Mr. Mark A. Padon ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Padon ‘68 Mr. Brian D. Pape ‘80 Dr. Brian S. Parsley ‘74 X Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 X Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters ‘71 X Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Phalen, Jr. ‘72 Mr. Pascal P. Piazza ‘75

Mr. & Mrs. Rodney T. Pinina ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Price X Ms. Danielle Pung Mr. & Mrs. Monty G. Redick ‘70 Dr. David W. Reininger ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Reuter ‘66 Dr. Robert H. Reuter ‘85 Mr. William C. Reuter ‘79 Dr. Mike L. ‘72 & Dr. Peggy G. Rice Dr. & Mrs. Harry F. Richards Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Roth ‘71 The Roth Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Marco J. Rubin ‘79 Mr. Mark Sacaris ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sacra ‘74 X Dr. Lonnie Sadberry X Mr. Philip M. Schneidau ‘69 X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schneidau ‘82 X Mr. William J. Schneidau ‘80 X Dr. & Mrs. Randall V. Sellers ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Senac ‘66 X Mr. & Mrs. Darby Seré X Mr. Jeffrey C. Shaddix ‘99 Shell Oil Company X Capt. Samuel M. Shelton, USN Mr. & Mrs. George V. Sherman, Jr. Mr. J. E. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sisler Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Smith ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Smith ‘82 Dr. & Mrs. Patrick V. Solcher ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Spear Mr. & Mrs. John K. Spiller ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Springer Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stallings ‘86 Mrs. Elizabeth Standish Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Steffler ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Bart Stevens ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. David R. Stewart ‘69 X Strake Foundation X Strake Jesuit Community X Strake Jesuit Mothers’ Club X Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Suhor Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Tanner, Sr. X Mr. Thomas F. Taylor ‘66 X Mr. Richard F. Teichgraeber X Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Tower, II ‘73 X Mr. & Mrs. Travis Twardowski ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables X Mrs. Alice N. Vick Mr. & Mrs. Todd Vlasak ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Walker ‘76 X Mr. & Mrs. John W. Washburn ‘69 Mr. Daniel Weber ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Weingartner Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner X Williams Community Relations X Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Williamson ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Willis X Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Windlinger, Jr. ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Erik Wollam ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Zimmerman ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo P. Zubizarreta


The gits of the contributors listed below were designated for the Strake Jesuit Art Museum and its mission to educate by gathering, preserving, and presenting a collection of artworks on the Strake Jesuit campus. Mr. Paul A. Antolik & Ms. Barbara L. Bone Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. Arbogast Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Ayers Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum Mr. & Mrs. William G. Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Duffy ExxonMobil Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Fee, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Henken Mr. Neal P. Jungeblut ‘00


Fall 2009

Mr. Michael Lacey ‘92 & Mrs. Alechia Crown Mr. Blair H. Margot & Mrs. Margo R. Vafakos-Margot Mr. & Mrs. Guy E. Michael Mr. & Mrs. Ray Pavlat Mr. Frank Ribelin Mr. Richard J. Schmitt Mr. & Mrs. William J. Sisak Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sturgis

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g




The Greater Glory Capital Campaign achieved great success. The momentum generated by pledges and gifts from the contributors listed here has allowed all projects included in the campaign to be completed. These projects will lead to a bright future for Strake Jesuit for many, many years to come.

Diamond Society

Richard & Judy Agee The Brown Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Clay ‘85 Pat Moran ‘66/P. J. Moran Foundation Strake Jesuit Community Strake Foundation/Parsley Family

Platinum Society

Harry S. & Isabel C. Cameron Foundation Estate of John Brooks Williams George & Janis Fleming Vincent D. & Margaret L. Foster Pat Moran ‘66 The W.T. and Louise J. Moran Foundation Scanlan Foundation Strake Foundation

Gold Society

Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Leland Ackerley Sue & Charles Adcock, Ryan ‘03 & Christopher ‘06 The Gordon & Mary Cain Foundation The Medallion Foundation P.J. Moran Foundation The Roberts Family - Sean ‘07 & Ryan ‘11 John ‘72 & Marian Seger Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner In Memory of James P. Grizzard

Silver Society

Anonymous (2) The Bandy Family Jack & Barbara Bonner Cathy & Giorgio Borlenghi John & Holly Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Brock Gerardo & Loretta Bueso Michael & Lucia Cordúa The Cullen Foundation The Darouiche Family Endowed Scholarship Stephen M. & Michelle M. Fraga John & Betsy Garibaldi The Hagale Family In Honor of Mike, Donna, & Jacob Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Quinn Joseph Hebert Janet J. & William B. Houston Don & Ellie Knauss Robert & Jane Kochman Sandi & Jim Lemming The Family of James J. Loughlin, Jr. ‘74 John & Sharon Lynch The Lyons Foundation M.D. Matthews Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Angelo Mattalino ‘69 The Kevin & Janine McArdle Family Bob & Alyce McLamb The Honorable & Mrs. Robert Mosbacher, Sr. Mr. Ronald E. & Dr. Mary Neal Hunter & Betsy Nelson NFL Grass Roots Program Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Jr. John & Charlene O’Shea Family Foundation Robert S. ‘72 & Louise B. Parsley Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Pepi The Ray Family, Jordan Class of 2011 In memory of Courtland B. Smith ‘07 from his brother Walker R. Smith ‘09 Strake Jesuit Athletic Booster Club The Albert & Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation The Terry Crane Foundation Michael L. & Elaine D. Thiele

Bronze Society

Anonymous (9) Tom Adolph ‘75 In Honor of Bob & Beanie Adolph Brock & Colleen Akers Apache Corporation Stephen V. & Deborah Arbogast James & Lee Ann Badum Bob ^ and Bunny Bambace Bank of America In Honor of Eileen M. Bardwil, Mother’s Club President ‘73 In Appreciation for the Lives and Service of Fr. Peter Morfin & Fr. Daniel Barfield

David ‘77 & Catherine Beathard Paul & Carol Beck Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Bergeron ‘77 Dr. & Mrs. John Bertini, Jr. ‘74 Jeb & Cynthia Blackwell Tom & Toni Blizzard James M. & Emilie D. Booth Charlie & Lou Braun Allen D. & Patti M. Brown George ‘73 & Jo Ann Brueggeman Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Burks Charley, Bev, & Shannon Casserly In Memory of Kelly Patricia Casserly The Thomas P. Chambers Family Gerardo & Gelines Chapa In honor of Cole Medrano, Benjamin Medrano, Howard D. Chapman & Reese Chapman Chevron Jim & Amy Claunch The Coca-Cola Company Richard & Karen Coffman John & Jeannie Cogan David W. & Paula B. Cole David & Bobbie Colley Chip & Vivian Colvill Conoco Phillips, Inc. James A. Crehan Estate D. E. Harvey Builders The Dacus Family Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dalton Corey B. Davis Class of 1990 John & Michele Dearborn Marcus & Mary Daire Delouche In Honor of Dr. Stanley & Marie Dobrowski Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Doherty Dolan Foundations Mitch & Jamie Eichelberger The Family of Alexandre Feghali Greg & Melanie Frank in honor of Alex ‘07 and Seth ‘10 Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Frey ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Gangelhoff Lex Gillan & Cathy Nunnally Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Girotto ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Girotto ‘93 Ron & Judy Girotto Bob & Elena Goldman James L. & Mary K. Goodyear George, Cathy, Wyatt and Ward Goolsby In Honor of Jackie & Willie Graves Joe & Claire Greenberg Mark & Aileen Hansen The Family of Marianne Hanus John & Sarah Hastings John & Renee Hawkins Frank & Sharon Henning Gilbert Herrera The Mother of Baine ‘08, Travis ‘09, & Grant ‘12 Herrera David & Lori Hessel The Hildreth Family Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hmaidan Glen & Eve Hou - G.E.T. Enterprises, Inc. Mark, Yvonne and Matthew Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Jannasch Jesse & Gloria Jefferies The Jenner Family, Chuck ‘11 & Trey ‘13 Steve ‘74 & Jackie Kamel The Family of Ryan A. Keel ‘06 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg The Kenney Family Mr. Duane King Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Knapp, Jr Michael & Julie Koch Doug & April Konopka Christopher J. & Irene Y. Lahart Joseph & Betty Lahart Eileen & Vern Lahart Paul & Penny Layne Family The Lynett & Haggerty Family Lyondell Chemical Company M. D. Anderson Foundation Antonio & Carla Maarraoui Enrico A. & Lucille A. Mango

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

The Marek Family Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus Mr. Larry A. Mason ‘66 Todd & Janie Mason Bill & Mary McDonald Lisa & Peter McStravick In Honor of our Mother Jeanne Mealey Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Medrano ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Joe Messina Dee & Stacy Methvin Chris Miller Family Victor & Lisa Miranda Jim Moriarty Mike & Lynne Morris Ron ‘75 & Susan Mucci Hon. James R. Murphy ‘76 & Dr. Kathleen Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Emil A. Nakfoor The Neyland Family In Memory of Herb & Barbara Neyland The Family of Paul & JoAnne Nick David & Corinne Niemann The Niemann Family Amy & David Novelli ‘83 Mike & Brook Novelli ‘75 Brian S. Parsley, M.D. ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Gary O. Quenan Dr. Lindy & Mrs. Karen Rachal Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Reckling, III Edward & Julie Rhyne The Roach Family The Family of Bill Rose Mr. & Mrs. Carl J. Schiro David, Donna, & Grant ‘04 Schmidt Stephen ‘82 & Mary Schneidau Mr. & Mrs. William S. Schrom Randy & Kaye Schuler Boone & Rose Schwartzel Judy & Darby Seré Shell Oil Company Monte & Dana Sneed Joyce & Tom Standish Stedman West Foundation Andy, Marie, Kathryn & Mark ‘09 Steinhubl Dr. & Mrs. Randall A. Stenoien Guy ’78, Ginny, & Marshall ’05 Sullaway Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Sweeney ‘81 Larry & Kay Tanner Ron & Marilyn Taylor Marybeth & Steve Trevino Chip & Jan Troxclair The Family of James & Sandy Walker Rick ‘76 & Shana Walker Kerry & Linda Walsh Shane ‘91 & Elena Walsh The Mother of John Rex Potts IV The West Endowment Williams Community Relations Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Winters Gerry & Martha Wyrsch

Founders Society

Anonymous (2) Ray & Mary Albrecht Mr. & Mrs. Laurance H. Armour, III Charles T. & Susan Y. Ashy Don & Andrea Aubin Randy & Barbara Ayers Mr. & Mrs. Arnold D. Azios ‘76 Andrew Bagot & Lori Cunningham Dr. & Mrs. H. S. Bedi British Petroleum Cindy & Scott Brann John & Vicki Brentin The Calderwood Family The Callegari Family - Butch ‘79, Denise, Will ‘06, Michael ‘10, John ‘13, & Elizabeth Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Carmouche David & Cindy Chambers Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Chapman Stephen Chen ‘03 & The Joseph Chen Family Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Chiste Guy & Karen Clifton Tracey & Anne Coats The Michael Connelly ‘69 Family

The Chronicle 49

Daniel & Wendy Daboval Tom & Way Denkler Patrick Dickson ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Donnelly James T. Doyle Estate Yes Eddy Knight Family Foundation in honor of Britt Sobiesk ‘09 Doug & Sharon Ehrenkranz Paul & Liz Espenan Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Faulk The Fenelon Family Joni & Mark Fichter in honor of Evan Fichter William & Maureen Fisher The Franshaw Family Friend of Strake Jesuit Carl & Mariann Funch Mike & Mary Jane Gallagher Humberto & Luz Galvan Juan & Peggy Garcia Robert & Alina Garcia GE Foundation Jerome & Jane Glass Mr. Matthew Hansen ‘93 Russell Heinen & Shawn McKean Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Hennessy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hensley, Jr. Ruthie & Mark Herfort Mr. & Mrs. K. Daniel Hinkle David & Janet Hinners Steven Hogan ‘03 & Family The Family of Stephen & Karen Hornberger Bo & Pam Howard Hugh & Peggy Idstein In Honor of Benjamin ‘04 & Timothy ‘07 David R. Juist & Annie O. Fabio Greg & Laura Jungeblut Richard & Monica Keogh Eric & Shazia Khan Mr. & Mrs. Perry LaForge ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Lauinger III Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Lee M. Jerome Lewis, D.C. Victor T. & Karen S. Linck Mark Livesay, In Memory of Karen Livesay Dale Marietta Kathryn Marietta David Marks & Mary Grimord The Family of Hunter Martin Ron & Susan Martin Gregg & Jackie McBride Richard G. McCann & Bonnie M. McCann W. David & Anne E. McChesney Andrew P. & Aileen M. McCormick B.J. & Catherine Mehrinfar Bob & Kathy Meyer Bill & Cathy Miller Peter E. & Martha Ramos Mims Joseph & Anne Miraglia Rev. David E. & Kay J. Moore Clyde & Brenda Munoz Mr. James M. Nakfoor ‘82 The Nawrocki Family New York Life Insurance Company The Nijoka Family Kathy and Philip C. Noble Laura & Kerry Notestine Daniel S. & Allison Parsley ‘81 John & Jill Parsley Jean Janssen & Stephen Pate, parents of Ted Crane ‘09 Joe Bob & Jeanne Perkins Angela & David Peterman Pat & David Peters Richard T. & Dana M. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Alan Petrov ‘79 The Family of John J. Phillips IV Dan & Patricia Pipitone Gregory S. & Suzanne D. Price Dr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Quinn, Jr. Joseph Quoyeser & Marianne Chelovich Quoyeser David & Shelley Reeves G. Michael & Phyllis Reinhardt William & Costanza Restrepo Phillip & Jill Ribbeck Mr. & Mrs. René Richard & Sons William V. & Gail B. Rogers Mark ‘74 & Melissa Sacra N. J. ‘67 & Patricia Santarcangelo Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Seckel The Family of Stephen & April Siegfried Chris & Mary Margaret Sims Scott & Katie Smith Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Snider Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Sobiesk Tom & Bridget Staudt in honor of Garrett ‘09 Sterling-Turner Foundation


Fall 2009

David R. Stewart Paul & Amy Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stoia Strake Jesuit Mother’s Club Mr. & Mrs. Austin Tenette The Andrews Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Paul Till ‘82 In Honor of German, Gabriel & Gonzalo Amador The Matthew Wall Family Mr. & Mrs. James A. Webb Sheila Condon / Clark Condon Associates Robert W. & Cynthia Y. Wilson Kathryn & Tom Wilson Dan & Lori Wolterman Marvin A. & Lynn N. Wurzer

General Contributors

Anonymous (21) In Honor of Trevor W. Adair ‘10 Adebayo J. Adesomo, MD In Honor of Jim Gilbert Analog Devices AIG In Memory of Anthony G. Aiuvalasit, Sr & John Aiuvalasit ‘74 Dr. & Mrs. Robert Allen Dr. & Mrs. Pedro Alvarez Gonzalo & Ellyn Amador Aaron C. Amador American Express Analog Devices Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Anderson Cristiana & Mark Anderson Anderson Oil Ltd, In memory of Virginia Bashaw Mr. Paul A. Antolik & Ms. Barbara Bone Nick & Michelle Arguello Herb & Robin Ashe In Memory of Frank Padon Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Autry Dr. Behnam Azhang & Mrs. Elizabeth Hall Timothy ‘75 & Carol Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Bambace ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. George Banos, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw Paul B. Barron Mr. & Mrs. Todd Barth, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw Karl & Suzanne Bartholomew Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bashaw ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates IV Mr. John W. Bates, V ‘99 Dom & Karen Bausano Frank & Nicole Bay Mr. Cletus Bayer & Mrs. Cynthia Conrad-Bayer Ken & Beverly Belanger Angelo & Carolyn Bellis Mr. & Mrs. Trevor Bello Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Benigno Liz & Greg Bernica John & Denice Best Thomas M. & Lisa K. Bevans Class of 1980 Harry & Marilyn Bick Mr. Alan Black & Ms. Laura Celis de Black Mr. & Mrs. Clifton C. Blanchard ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Mike Block Mr. & Mrs. Barron Bogatto ‘78 Jack G. Bonner III John & Sheryl Boone Mr. & Mrs. Glen Boudreaux ‘67 Peter Boudreaux & Susan Fernbach BP Fabric of America Fund Mr. & Mrs. Duke Bradford, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Branda ‘71 James F. ‘69 & Michelle M. Branda Ms. Adrienne Brantly, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw Mr. & Mrs. Murray Brasseux - In Honor of Bob & Louise Parsley’s 25th Wedding Anniversary In Honor of George Pepi ‘10 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Breen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Brewer, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw Steve & Julie Brewer Ms. Chrisit Brewster Mr. Cullen Brock ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brody Mr. & Mrs. Victor Brook Brookfield Properties Alisa Broussard Doug & Peggy Brown In Memory of Virginia Bashaw Mrs. Marian Brown, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dale Buley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Burke, Jr., In memory of Virginia Bashaw Tim & Mikki Burns Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Burton J. Phillip & Elizabeth P. Butler L. Chris ‘68 & Elaine Butler

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

Tracy & Lindsay Byerly Mr. & Mrs. Robert Byrnes F. R. & M.L. Cabello Fr. Brendan Cahill Tom & Kris Caine In Memory of Christie Callender Daniel & Joan Calva Mr. & Mrs. Orion H. Campbell III Ms. Andrea Camps Chris & Amy Myers-Carmouche Mr. & Mrs. Juan A. Carrillo, Ian & Adam Stephen & DeLess Carroll Paul J. & Anne Storey Carty Jim & Leslie Casey Sam & Alejandra Cashiola Jane Cassidy Tony & Michele Catanese Mr. & Mrs. Chris Catlett Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh Mr. Gerald Cawley & Dr. Regina Okhuysen-Cawley Grady & Marilyn Cayce Mr. & Mrs. Bennie J. Cernoch Mr. & Mrs. Jamy Champenoy Charles W. & Elizabeth D. Goodyear Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Chen Y. Chiang Tracy & Vance Christopher Mr. & Mrs. Adam Clark, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw Dr. & Mrs. Gary Clark The Family of Gregory W. Clay Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Clemons Dr. & Mrs. James Clifton Matthew ‘91 & Leslie Clinton Richard & Ann Clogan James Clooney Mr. & Mrs. Sal Congetti, Jr Mr. & Mrs. George Cole ‘76 Jim & Diana Collins Harold A. Condara, Jr., M.D. & Sally P. Condara Mr. & Mrs. Mike Connell Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Connell, Jr. John & Stacy Connolly Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Contreras, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Conway Mr. & Mrs. Steven Cooksey Joe Cordella John & Nan Cornett - In Honor of our son James Mr. & Mrs. Ron Counter Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cousino Angela Birch Cox Mrs. Irene Cox Cram Crew The Craven Family Jerry & Heidi Crist Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cronin ‘72 Mike & Donna Crowley Mr. & Mrs. David Cummins Mr. & Mrs. Louis Cushman, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw Mrs. Dorothy Daly Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dampf Eric & Tracey Dampf James ‘75 & Andrea Davidson The Honorable Mark Davidson ‘71 & Ms. Sarah Duckers Mark & Patti Day Mr. & Mrs. Emilio De Cardenas John & Agnes De Franco Mr. Roberto & Dr. Deborah De Guzman Mr. & Mrs. Henri de Ybarrondo ‘91 Dr. & Mrs. Henry Delclos ‘78 The Delgado Family Mr. & Mrs. Michael Delouche E.J.Devine ‘72 Mr. Andrew D. Dewhurst ‘01 Mr. Christopher Dewhurst ‘97 Mr. Richard Deyoung, Jr., In memory of Virginia Bashaw George & Maria Diaz-Arrastia John R. & Gina M. Dickerson James R. Dilger, Jr. ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. William Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Dini Rudy & Susanne Dismuke Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle ‘83 The Family of William R. Drews Mr. & Mrs. Reynold D’Souza Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Keith Duhon Duin Family Duke Energy Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dulworth ‘73 Lorenzo & Maria T. Dumantay Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Dunbar Joe & Mary Eberle Brant & Annette Edwards El Paso Energy Allen & Pamela Eleiott

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Elias Dan & Debbie Elmer Energy XXI The Family of Eric N. Johnson ExxonMobil In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. D.A. Falcone Jane M. Falk Beau Faulk ‘07 Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Fernandez Larry & Linda Finke Brent & Sandra Flechsig Mr. & Mrs. Scott Fleming ‘69 Swift & Penny Fletcher Carey Ford ‘93 The Fordes Family Mr. & Mrs. Burt Forgason, In memory of Virginia Bashaw John & Michele Foster Bill & Molly Fraser Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Fredette Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fried Omar & Lucy Fuentes Mr. Andrew O. Gaal ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Galati Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Gallagher In Memory of Andy Houghton ‘97 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats Mr. & Mrs. Raul Garcia-Rameau Dr. Francisco & Dr. Magda Garcia-Torres Matthew & Ruey Garvis & Family Albert & Evangelina Garza General Mills Mr. & Mrs. Michael Germain Jimmy Gibson ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gidley ‘79 Mr. Neil Gidley ‘87, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw The Family of Paul Gidley Mr. David R. Gilmartin ‘75 Joey & Anthe Gimenez The Giralt-Rondon Family Jay & Karen Glynn Mr. Joseph Gocke & Mrs. Diane Malley Dr. & Mrs. Helmuth Goepfert Alex ‘87 & Carmen Gomez Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Goodrich In Honor of John L. & Mary L. Gorman Dr. & Mrs. David Y. Graham Daniel & Gabriela Granados Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Gray ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Grealish Greater Houston Community Foundation Mr. Edward Green & Dr. Concepcion Diaz-Arrastia Green Mr. Paul Gregor & Mrs. Barbara Divine Greg & Joanne Guarino Michael J. Guarino ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. John Gurasich ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. James T. Hackett Mr. & Mrs. Christian Haich Mr. & Mrs. Mel F. Hainey Mr. & Mrs. Gus Halas Dan & Laura Hannon Linda & Jim Hanratty Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanratty ‘81 The Hansen Family Dr. & Mrs. William Hanson Mr. & Mrs. Joe Harris Linda Hatler Jeffrey P. & Patricia C. Heinrichs Jim & Tara Heiser Gale & Robert Heisler Tim & Monica Heller Ms. Nancy Hennessey In Memory of Lillian Braun Derden Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hennessey, Jr. In Memory of Lillian Braun Derden The James Henrikson Family Family of Jonathan Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Hernandez Guillermo Hernandez-Ching Mr & Mrs. Harold Hidalgo, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw Hidalgo, Banfill, Zlotnik & Kermali, P.C. Greg Highberger ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. James Highberger Mr. & Mrs. Robert Higley, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw Hitech Polymers, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Steven Hochstein Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan Mr. & Mrs. John Hohlt Mr. & Mrs. Harry Holmes, In memory of Virginia Bashaw Bob & Shirley Horn Jeff & Laura Horner Tom & Edith Horrell Tom & Rosanne Hoskins John & Leticia Hosty

Mr. & Mrs. David Houston, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw William B. and Janet J. Houston, In memory of Virginia Bashaw Mr. & Mrs. Hamlet Hovsepian Mr. Armando Huaringa ‘02 Ms. Ammie Hudson Shane W. Hudson ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Huebel Mr. James Hull & Mrs. Deborah Schindler Mr. & Mrs. Todd Huskinson Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Iglesias International Paint, LLC In Honor of Don & Ellie Knauss Mr. & Mrs. John F. Irwin, In memory of Virginia Bashaw Mary C. Jackson Sharon & Stewart Jacobson The Family of Elizabeth Jamerlan Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Janda Mr. & Mrs. Dale Janik Mr. Elbert Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Bradley B. Jones Juan & Jeanie Jones Kevin L. & Monica L. Jones Mr. & Mrs. David J. Jordan, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Keller Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Kelley Dirk & Sharon Kemnitz Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kenny Mr. Mike Kerley Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Kerr James & Marjorie Killian Ms. Sarah King Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kingerski The Kisch Family Mick & Jeanne Klein ‘79 Jennifer & Gary Klumpp Bobby & Micaela Knotts Mr. & Mrs. Mark Koch ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Kornegay ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kruckemeyer Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kubiak Kenneth & Cynthia Kwik George & Pamela Laflin Dr Javier A. & Dr. Priscilla Lafuente In Memory of Mark Bambace Myles J. & Debra L. Lambert Michael Lange ‘81 In Memory of Fr. H. James Yamauchi, SJ Dr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Laucirica Ms. Elizabeth Lawhorn, In memory of Virginia Bashaw Kelly Layne ‘01 David & Susan Lazzeri Ms. Mary Ann LeBlanc Robert Ledesma Mr. Richard Leonardon ‘79 The Lestin Family, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw Mrs. Antoinette M. Letsos Mr. & Mrs. Mark Letsos ‘73 Debbie Lewis & Austin ‘07 Yi Li & Hua Han Mr. & Mrs. Christian Liipfert Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Llorens Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Loeffler ‘65 Ken ‘91 & Wendi Lojo Mr. & Mrs. Adolph Lopez Olle L. & Justine S. Lorehn Julie & Todd Lorenz Richard & Joan Lovell The Family of Anthony Lucci In Honor of Ursula G. Lusk Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Luster ‘92 Julie & Mark Luyster The Lykos Family Tatum Lynn Mr. & Mrs. George Lyons, III John & Lydia Madsen Ed & Janet Malek Charles Mansour Family Walsh Jesuit High School Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Marcum Blair & Margo Margot Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Marlatt Marsh, Inc. E. Ray & Toni L. Marshall Stephen & Linda Masera Maurice Pincoffs Company, Inc. In Honor of John F. Webre ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Bill McArdle Mr. & Mrs. Gary McBee Harvey & Mitzi McBee Mr. & Mrs. Luke McConn Mr. & Mrs. Joe McCourt Wayne & Julie McDonald Bill & Tracy McDonald Joe & Norma McFadden

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth McKay John McKirahan, Jr. James & Theresa McLean James E. McLean, Jr. Josef E. McLean The Family of John C. McMahon The McMahon Family Mr. & Mrs. Mark McNeil Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. McPartland Jim & Terry Meara Mr. & Mrs. Mike Melancon Ms. Maria Mendez Mr. & Mrs. David Meyer Dr. & Mrs. Luka Milas Jim & Pat Milazzo Gerald W. & Thomasine B. Miller Michael & Kathleen Miller The Family of Chaz Mitchell Trey Moeller ‘89, In Honor of Coach Bob Horn Helen Marie and Bill Monroe in Memory of Helen Graham Garvey Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Montegut Mr. & Mrs. Alex Montoya ‘91 Michael P. & Nancy Y. Moore Mr. & Mrs. James D. Moran, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Morrison Mr. & Mrs. James Moses, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw Motiva Enterprises LLC Anne Mrok-Smith Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mullins ‘80 Tony Muniz ‘87 Dave & Kathy Muras In Memory of Betty Naert Mr. Archie Nahigian Kenneth & Heather Naumann Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Navarro Ricardo & Joan Nazario Mr. Graham Neuhaus, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw Richard & Nancy Nevle Dr. Son Nguyen & Dr. Anh Dang Eric & Sandra Nielsen Daniel L. Novelli NRG Energry, Inc Mr. & Mrs. Mark Nugent Occidental Petroleum Corp. J. Patrick & Kristi O’Connell Mr. Patrick T. O’Donnell & Dr. Elizabeth O’Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Oliver Dr. & Mrs. Juan Olivero Mr. & Mrs. Burke O’Malley ‘84 Mr. John A. O’Neal Sean O’Neill ‘85 Scott & Juli Osborn Thomas H. Padgett, Jr. ‘82 Liz Padon Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. Park Beverly Park David N. & Gerusa C. Parks Mr. & Mrs. James Penland Penn Virginia Corporation Karl & Susan Penny Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Pepin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Peri Dr. Emerson Perin Mrs. Joella Perkins Ron & Patty Petersen Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Peterson Kirk & Katie Pfeffer Dr. & Mrs. Joe M. Piazza, Jr. ‘72 The Anthony Pigneri Family Richard A. Plumb & Nancy G. Porter Mr. & Mrs. John P. Posway Ms. Alice Pratt, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw Mrs. Anne W. Pratt Mr. & Mrs. Scott Pratt, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw William L. Pribyl & Norma L. McLellan Piero & Mary Puccini Dr. Miguel A. Quinones Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Quirch Mr. & Mrs. Michael Radabaugh Drs. Rekha & G.S. Ramesh Carlos Rafael Ramirez Ms. Linda Ream In Memory of Gary I. Gordon, Medal of Honor Mr. & Mrs. James Redman Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Reed, Jr. ‘76 Mr. Jose Renteria & Mrs. Maria Hernandez Dr. & Mrs. Hubert L. Ried Clarence & Joan Rife Jim & Pat Rigamonti Keith & Theresa Riggs Eva Riojas Rick & Lisa Rivers

The Chronicle 51

Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. William R. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Rodriguez The Family of Nicholas Rodriguez Ms. Liza Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Tomas W. Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Rogers Drew & Kathy Rohde The Family of Randy Rojas Mr. Carlos Roman Thomas Romano Sujey Romero Mr. Thomas Romine Mr. & Mrs. James Rooney In Memory of William F. Gray ‘98 Mr. Matthew Rotan, In Memory of Jeannie Bashaw Roxas Family Ms. Frankie Ruffino and friends, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Ruiz Phil & Pam Rundle In Honor of George & Jo Brueggeman Thomas & Samantha Rushing The Honorable Frank Rynd ‘70 Patrick Saccomanno ‘80 Dr. Lonnie Sadberry Mr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Sampson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Ken Savanah Tim Scalzitti ‘90 & Lynn Wilgenbusch In Honor of The Scalzitti & Napolitano Families Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Schiller Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schiro ‘82 Phillip Schneidau ‘69 Mr. Bill Schneidau ‘80 Walter & Pilar Schneider Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Schulz Mr. & Mrs. Bernard L. Schwarzbach Ms. Walee Schwing James E. & Donna Y. Scott Ms. Saint C. Seifert, In memory of Virginia Bashaw Mr. & Mrs. John Sellingsloh, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw Karen, Morgan, & Cory Selzer, In Memory of Jeanie Bashaw A R Rusty Senac & Jenny Morrow Senac Mr. & Mrs. Jose M. Sentmanat Angelo Sermas & Marsha Soechting Ms. Mariana Servitje Charles Sharman ‘03 Sharpstown Civic Association Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sheets

Valiente & Lolita Sibal Mr. & Mrs. Teodoro Simon Mike & Katie Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Skelly Gary & Pam Smith Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Smith Mr. Zachary Snider ‘06 Stephen S. Sobhi Mr. & Mrs. William F. Sommer, III The Souls Spectra Energy Scott Spencer & Mary Cook In Honor of Ellen & Roland Squyres Anthony Long Startz Michael & Carole Stell The Lorraine Stenger Estate Yes Mr. John Stevenson & Ms. Robyn Rothman Mrs. Gretchen B. Stewart William B. & Becky L. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. George W. Strake, Jr, In memory of Virginia Bashaw Strake Jesuit Faculty & Staff Guidance Office Karl R. & Melanie L. Strickland Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sturgis Gerry & Paulette Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sullivan ‘87 Mr. Wade Summa Mr. & Mrs. Arturo Susarrey Lawrence E. Tanner, Jr. ‘74 The Family of Robbe Tarver Mr. & Mrs. Keith Taunton Mr. & Mrs. Terrell Taylor ‘81 Tom Taylor ‘66 In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Plummer Mr. Richard Teichgraber Richard F. Teichgraeber - In Memory of Michael G. Teichgraeber Alicia & Pete Ten Eyck Joesph & Sarita Tennant Michael & Kathleen Terracina The Houston Exploration Company The O’Neill Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Thesing Russell & Elma Thiem Hugh & Judy Thompson In Memory of John Paul II Mr. Alan M. Timme Ms. Margaret Timoney In Memory of Robert Byrnes Terry & Margaret Tomlinson

Croquet matches return to campus


Fall 2009

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

Paula & Paschall Tosch Total Gas & Power North America, Inc Maher & Sherry Touma In Memory of Mr. Stephen A. Tower, Sr. Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Triplett Mr. Vernon Tyger Dr. & Mrs. Luis Valdes In Memory of Frank Vatalaro Lynn Veazey Vicki & Randy Velarde Clarence & Sharon Venables Mr. & Mrs. Nunzio E. Venza Constance M. Vickery Mr. Will Volding & Mrs. Mary Tarpey Mr. & Mrs. Tuan Vu Mr. Robert Wagnor & Repulic State Mortgage, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw Richard & Maureen Wakeland Mr. Thomas Walker Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Wallis ‘84 Jacqueline & Thomas Walters Mr. & Mrs. Michael Waters John & Debbie Webre Mr. & Mrs. Willie Webster Wells Fargo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitlow Dr. Simon Whitney & Dr. Judy Levison Mr. & Mrs. Lee W. Wiley, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw Stacy & John Wilkirson Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Williams, In Memory of Virginia Bashaw Mr. Charles Williams Mr. & Mrs. Warren Williams Stan & Maria Williams Mr. & Mrs. John D. Willis Kevin Wilson-Smith Dr. & Mrs. William L. Winters, Jr Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Wippold Erich W. & Karen S. Wolz Canice P. & Anita Wu Ms. Patricia Yankow Clifford E. & Margaret B. York William & Debbie York James W. Young & Denise D. Doctor Janet & Clarence Zaozirny Patricia M. Zarembo Tony & April Zubizarreta

MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES The companies listed here contributed to Strake Jesuit or the Strake Jesuit Art Museum through their Matching Gift programs. Their decision to include Jesuit among the organizations that qualify for their programs allows their employees who are listed on these pages to increase the impact of their gift. Albemarle Corporation Amerada Hess Corp. American Express Ameriprise Financial Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Apache Corporation Bhpbilliton The Boeing Company BP Brookfield Properties The Brown Foundation, Inc. Chevron The Coca-Cola Company Conoco Phillips, Inc. Covidien Dell Computers Deutsche Bank El Paso Energy Energy XXI ExxonMobil

Fluor FMC Foundation GE Foundation Halliburton, Inc. Home Depot JP Morgan Chase Kellogg Brown & Root LyondellBasell Marathon Oil Company Merrill Lynch & Co. Microsoft Morgan Stanley Motiva Enterprises LLC New York Life Insurance Company Northwestern Mutual Life Novartis Pharmaceuticals Occidental Petroleum Corp. Penn Virginia Corporation PepsiCo Foundation

Prudential Robert Half International Shell Oil Company SKF USA, Inc. Spectra Energy The Stanley Works Sun Microsystems Texas Instruments Foundation Texas Petrochemicals Textron, Inc. The Northrop Grumman Foundation Total Gas & Power North America, Inc. Transocean Wachovia Corporation Wells Fargo Williams Community Relations

VOLUNTEERS The success of the Strake Jesuit Annual Alumni and Parent Drives and The Greater Glory Capital Campaign would not be possible without help of the following volunteers who devoted hours of their personal time to make that success possible. PARENT DRIVE David Beathard ‘77 - Chair Yaritza Barboza Elizabeth Dillon Steve & Alice Fernelius Sue Flavin Natalie Fleming Clay Gordon Michele Holbrooke Rich Keogh Lewis Luckenbach Sue Murphy Anna Nguyen Clarence Rife Pam Robinson Susan Silvestre Kathleen Sutton Paula Tosch Jan Troxclair Vicki Velarde

THE GREAT GLORY CAPITAL CAMPAIGN (these individuals have served on one or more of the various campaign committees)

Bob & Louise Parsley - Co-Chairs Don & Ellie Knauss - Co-Chairs Ray Albrecht ‘72 Arnie Azios ‘76 Jim & Lee Ann Badum Tom & Linda Bandy Jeb Bashaw ‘80 Frank & Nicole Bay Tom & Toni Blizzard Giorgio & Cathy Borlenghi

Allen & Patti Brown George ‘73 & Jo Brueggeman Gerry & Loretta Bueso Mark & Peggy Burck Dave & Cindy Chambers Tom & Sue Chambers Gerardo & Gelines Chapa Howard Chapman ‘94 Robert Clay ‘85 Richard & Karen Coffman Chip & Vivian Colvill Gary & Jean Marie Craven William & Lisa Dalton John & Michele Dearborn Mike Doyle ‘83 Vince & Louise Foster Stephen Fraga ‘93 Greg & Melanie Frank Marcel Frey ‘74 Alex Gomez ‘87 Chris & Ellen Goodrich George & Cathy Goolsby Gilbert & Kari Herrera David & Lori Hessel Steve Kamel ‘74 Michael Koch ‘75 Doug & April Konopka Paul & Penny Layne Jim & Sandy Lemming Ron Luster ‘92 Ron & Susan Martin Larry Mason ‘66 Bill & Mary McDonald Glenn & Linda Mealey Michael Medrano ‘88 Chris Miller ‘83 Victor ^ & Lisa Miranda

David & Kay Moore Pat Moran Mike & Lynn Morris John & Ginger Niemann John & Betty Norkus Trip Norkus ‘95 David Novelli ‘83 Al & Carrie Pepi David & Pat Peters Joe Piazza ‘72 Greg & Suzie Price Phil & Jill Ribbeck Frank Rynd ‘70 Mark ‘74 & Melissa Sacra Bill Schneidau ‘80 Stephen Schneidau ‘82 Boone & Rose Schwartzel Pharr & Susan Smith David Stewart ‘69 Guy ‘78 & Ginny Sullaway Rick Walker ‘76 Shane Walsh ‘91 John Webre ‘67 Bob & Suzanne Werner Tom & Kathryn Wilson Chris & Marilyn Winters Robert Zimmerman ‘68

ALUMNI DRIVE Bill Schneidau ‘80 - Chair Scott Fleming ‘69 Joseph Permetti ‘69 Steve Kamel ‘74 Joe Biondi ‘79 John Hasenpflug ‘79 Rick Morales ‘79

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

Cliff McAdams ‘79 Michael Riccetti ‘84 Michael Wells ‘84 Richard Fletcher ‘89 Howard Chapman ‘94 Cas Atchison ‘99 Greg Barra ‘99 Gerardo Interiano ‘99 Joe Mims ‘04 Ben Lemming ‘04 Bayo Adesomo ‘09 Philip Bartholomew ‘09 Will Biba ‘09 Patrick Blizzard ‘09 James Branda ‘09 Joey Brooks ‘09 Ryan Dunbar ‘09 Matthew Hanratty ‘09 Patrick Henning ‘09 John Hohlt ‘09 Patrick Hoskins ‘09 Klein Kubiak ‘09 Kevin Mehrinfar ‘09 Miko Mira ‘09 Alejandro Nazario ‘09 Brett Provenzano ‘09 Jay Scott ‘09 Topper Sheehy ‘09 Garrett Staudt ‘09 Hugh Stewart ‘09 John Terracina ‘09 Paul Tyger ‘09 Jack Vargas ‘09 Ricky Watson ‘09 James Webb ‘09

The Chronicle 53

Unaudited Financial Statement for Fiscal Year July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009 Expenses

Income Financial Assistance - 7%

Annual Drive - 11%

Other - 10% Supplies - 7% Maintenance & Repairs - 6% Utilities & Telephone - 5%

Other Income - 3% Student Activities & Athletics - 1%

Tuition - 78%

Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Financial Report

Salaries & Benefits - 68%

Strake Jesuit Foundation* Financial Report

Earned Income Tuition, Fees and Other Income................................. $10,826,958

Beginning Fund Balance.................... $10,119,840

Operating Expenses............................

Investment Income............................... $ 282,427


Contributions & Gifts........................... $ 484,031

Total Income (Loss) from Operations ($2,195,787)

Realized/Unrealized Gains (Loss)....... ($ 2,344,877)

Fundraising Appeals Annual Giving, Auction, Spring Fling, Bequests, Strake Jesuit Foundation and Others............................................

Total Foundation Income..................... ($ 1,578,419) $2,303,098

Endowment Payout from Strake Jesuit Foundation.................

$ 396,986

Financial Aid Contribution to SJCP... ($ 362,872)

Total Net Income*.................................

$ 504,297

Ending Fund Balance........................... $ 8,085,924

*Excess used towards Capital Expenses. Depreciation and Contributions to Endowments

Operating Expenses............................. ($ 92,625) Net Foundation Income (Loss)............ ($ 1,671,044)

*The Strake Jesuit Foundation is the financial aid endowment fund for the school.

Although names on the preceeding donor lists have been reviewed carefully for accuracy, errors may occur in a document of this length. If your name was listed incorrectly, misspelled, or omitted, please accept our apologies and bring the error to our attention.


Student Activities & Athletics - 4%

Fall 2009

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

Summary of Gifts Annual Giving and Events General Scholarships General Endowment Endowed Scholarships*

$1,675,473 $ 288,361 $ 67,342 $ 271,922



*Gifts to Endowed Scholarships fund the Strake Jesuit Foundation. Does not include Greater Glory contributions.

Summary of Gifts General Endowment - 1%

Contributions by Giving Level

General Scholarship - 13%

General - 7%

Magis - 13%

Ignatius - 30%

Endowed Scholarship - 12%

Stanislaus - 13%

Crusaders - 19% President’s - 18%

Annual Giving - 74%

The Greater Glory Capital Campaign Cash and Pedges as of June 30, 2009.

Endowments - 20%

Unrestricted Endowments Other Restricted

$23,021,812 $ 5,975,096 $ 325,000



Other Restricted - 1% General - 4%

Founders Society - 7%

Diamond Society - 19%

Bronze Society - 22% Platinum Society - 18%

Unrestricted - 79%

Silver Society - 20%

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

Gold Society - 11%

The Chronicle 55

Casa Verde

he meets. Somehow, we seem to always get great folks at SJCP. We are fortunate to have a top notch crew to maintain these The hands on guys are the heart of the operation and their skills premises with the greatest of skill and competence. I will tell you all are myriad. There are 15 men on the team. Until recently there were about them but first let us talk a little about the building that houses only 13 but with the addition of so many new buildings Carlos Santhem. I like to call it Casa Verde. It’s that great big green metal builddoval and Roberto Bonilla were hired to boost that number. They are ing located at the back of the ampus and it’s the home to our Jesuit the new guys on staff but maintenance crew. Offiothers like Miguel Bonilla, cially designated the “1000 Omar Fuentes, Alberto building,” it was erected Jimenez and Juan De in 2005 and preceded the Leon have all been with us new sports complex so that for over 20 years. Favian it could temporarily house Ovando, Alfredo De Leon, the athletic department durMarco Jimenez, Luis Lazo ing a brief transition period and Miguel Benitz round as offices were moved from out the team. the demolished old Johnny As I have said, their Keane field house, to the skills are myriad. So also, new athletic complex. Othare their duties. Besides erwise, during construction the monumental task of the entire coaching staff upkeep of all campus would have been without a Strake Jesuit Maintenance Crew (left to right) Carlos Sandoval, Alfredo DeLeon, Miguel Bonilla, Miguel buildings (and everything home. Benitez, Luis Lazo, Roberto Bonilla, Alberto Jimenez, Favian Ovando, Marco Jimenez, Juan DeLeon, within them), these guys Sometimes it seems to Omar Fuentes, and Rich Marlatt are also responsible for me that everything on this landscaping, transportacampus is in constant trantion and vehicle maintenance, parking lot maintenance, traffic consition. Olde-timers like me still remember the wooden shacks. That trol and janitorial duties. It’s a big job but it doesn’t end there. was a long time ago. But who remembers the sheds? I do! Our The Maintenance and Operation Group also assist the Athletic maintenance crew used to work out of a shed but the new Casa Department at all athletic events. They set up for school dances, Verde now affords them all the creature comforts and modern amenidinners and banquets. They are responsible for sound and lighting ties. It’s a great new facility with lots of space for storage and tools. at Parsley Center concerts. Spring Fling is another of their major The men have a nice lunch room, a convenient locker room with responsibilities as are the Baccalaureate and Graduation ceremoshowers and lots of roomy office space. Indeed, Casa Verde is the nies. For our SJCP Christmas celebration, they plan to decorate and modern home for what has necessarily become large scale modern display twelve Christmas trees. day operation. Dave Muras reminds us that there is always some member of his As this campus grows, so does the task of maintaining it all. With team, on the job, with a campus presence - 365 days a year. That’s the construction of each new building, comes increased responsibilan incredible statistic but as busy as they are, it’s not all work and no ity. It all has to be looked after and for that, you need good reliable play for the SJCP Crew. The guys are huge Futbol (soccer) fans and people with a solid work ethic. Strake Jesuit is blessed with a great some how despite the heavy workload, they have organized teams staff. The Maintenance and Operation Group is no exception. Mr. and love to spend their free time playing in the Competition Gym. Dave Muras heads the team. He has been at Jesuit for 25 years. You will also see many of them at the boy’s games – especially the The ubiquitous Mr. Muras is a man with a lot on his plate. You have soccer games. They are indeed an integral part of this community. probably seen him busily criss crossing the campus on his green Like everyone else here, they love this school and that is why I have golf cart. After school he is most often recognized for the entertainchosen to share a little of their story. ing way that he calls the baseball and basketball games. Richard With my respects for a difficult job done well, I pledge my shield Marlatt is Dave’s right hand man. Rich has a green golf cart too. For and my sword. 27 years Strake Jesuit has kept him and his scooter in overdrive. No project, large or small, is beyond his abilities. Bobby Knotts was a former basketball coach who came out of retirement to help with George Maintenance Operations at Jesuit. He is also a very busy man but he always has time for a friendly greeting and a warm handshake for all


Fall 2009

www. s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g

Mark your calendar for a wonderful evening of Moonlit magic in the Garden!

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Strake Jesuit College Preparatory 8900 Bellaire Boulevard Houston, Texas 77036

Contact the Alumni Office at tscalzitti@strakejesuit.org or at 713.490.8153


October 3

Ignatian Award and Athletics Hall of Honor Dinner




The Remaining 1% Guidance Prensentation


Grandparents Day


Ignatian Foundation Series Presentation


Homecoming Game vs Alief Taylor


Homecoming Dance


Alumni Mothers Mass & Brunch


Father-Son Funday


Remembrance Liturgy




Father-Son Golf Tournament


Capt. Andrew Houghton Award Dinner


Kostka Mass


Ignatian Foundation Series Presentation


Open House


Band & Orchestra Concert


Immaculate Conception Liturgy




Christmas Eve Liturgy


Young Alumni Holiday Party


Alumni Games

November December

For up to date event information, go to www.strakejesuit.org

Untitled, 1995, by Carlos Setien (Puerto Rican, 1948 - ), is painted steel measuring 43 1/2 x 41 1/2 x 36 inches on loan from Frank Ribelin. It is on display outside the north side of Cameron Hall.

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